Nerd Master

By Drake On

Published on Jul 6, 2021


Have you ever seen a nerd or a geek completely own a jock? I have and the dynamics are super weird. Normally it's the jocks that bully the nerds but this time, the nerd quite literally owned the jock and the rest of us nerds and geeks rejoiced. Finally, people started to respect us and not treat us like shit. This happened in my freshman year of University. I thought that my life there was going to be just as miserable as high school, and it would have been, if it weren't for one badass geek named Caleb.

It all started in the second semester. I had already made friends with the nerds and geeks of campus. A number of them had actually rented out an entire gaming house for the year. It was almost like a fraternity but not, they just became really good friends. I was not able to live in the house, my scholarship required that I stay on campus. Caleb also lived in the dorm with me. He was a scrawny little freshman, just like me. He wore huge glasses and his clothes looked like, with just one gust of wind they would fall off his tiny little shoulders. He measured 6-foot almost exactly, which really didn't help with his physique. He was also gay but not out of the closet, well not to anyone except his close friends, like me.

He wasn't shy per se, but he didn't talk much either. He did love to laugh though. The one thing that everyone knew about him, however, was that he was sharp as a whip. He was probably the smartest guy I have ever met. He just knew so much about everything it was almost annoying. But he wasn't annoying. Even though he knew so much, he was so incredibly humble, almost like the more knowledge he gained, the humbler he became because he realized how much he didn't know. However, there was one thing about him that you had to watch out for, that was his anger. He didn't get angry often, and he let a lot of things slide, but when he got angry, everything that came out of his mouth was like a two-edged knife aimed straight at your heart. Even the most sarcastic person couldn't rebuttal Caleb. In our time in University, I had only seen him angry like five times. Once he even shut down a teacher in front of the whole class, because the teacher was seriously being a dick. And when the professor tried to kick him out of class, Caleb quoted not only the school's by laws to him but also, state law and Federal law, indicating everything the professor had done wrong which, in turn, caused the professor to just shut up. The whole class applauded Caleb who was furious and had fire in his eyes.

The first time, however, that I saw Caleb angry was during the second semester of our Freshman year. The whole first semester, somehow, our small group of nerdy friends caught the attention of the Basketball team. And since then they just started harassing us, pretty much non-stop, whenever they saw us. It was annoying to say the least, but nothing we hadn't endured during high school. But apparently Caleb's patience had run out. Second semester started in mid January, and one particular jock, Elden started the harrassing in their science class. After that class I met up with Caleb and the others in our group, found out what happened and told him to forget about it. But Caleb abruptly excused himself from our clique and headed back into the classroom.

I thought that perhaps Caleb went to tell on Elden or even ask why the teacher said nothing while Elden had mocked him openly, but he didn't. Instead, apparently, he had gone to every one of his teachers and consulted with them concerning Elden's poor grades and somehow convinced them and his coach to require that Elden study or partner with Caleb. That was a very confusing path to take since everyone in our group hated Elden, but Caleb had done what he wanted to do, he just didn't tell us why. But he didn't need to. Shit hit the fan so quickly everyone, who was anyone, saw the fallout.

So, from what Caleb told me, this was what happened:

Elden was very reticent about working with Caleb but, as Caleb does so well, he showed Elden all the benefits of Elden getting good grades, even if just for University and Elden conceded, not that he really had a choice. Over the course of the next few weeks I saw Elden start saying smart things in class and it was amazing! Caleb told us that he used many different techniques to get through to Elden and, though not everything worked, the whole process proved to be successful. Elden, however, was still a dick to us and Caleb but that didn't bother Caleb anymore. At first I thought it was because perhaps Caleb had the hots for Elden, but no, it wasn't that. In fact, I just outright asked Caleb if he was attracted to the jock and Caleb's cold answer was simply, no.

Then the huge shift, as we geeks called it, happened. One day, in class, Elden, like normal, started teasing Caleb, his group project partner, and Caleb just stood up and smacked the shit out of the jock, who stood there shocked. The professor was out of the classroom, luckily, but I found out afterwards that Caleb had planned the whole thing. Elden looked around at everyone who was staring at what happened and you could see that he was furious but he didn't do anything. Caleb stood there stoically and Elden didn't even open his mouth to say anything smartass. "Now sit down and shut the fuck up and do your work," Caleb said and Caleb complied reticently. The whole class was absolutely shocked and quiet and then erupted into uncontrolled laughter, calling Elden Caleb's bitch and everything. The professor walked in on the commotion and calmed everyone down but no one told him what had transpired.

Elden tried to leave when the class started laughing but I saw Caleb grab him to stop his exit. Elden's face was red with embarrassment but when Caleb let his arm go he slowly sat back down. I don't think many people saw this small gesture but I did, and wondered what the hell I had missed. After class Elden stood slightly behind Caleb, head down, as Caleb talked to us, kind of like a puppy or a slave. Since Elden was there we weren't able to ask him what happened but Caleb was as cool as a cucumber.

After that incident though, Elden never said anything contrary to either of us again. What's more, Elden stopped hanging out with his posse because they kept making fun of him for being Caleb's bitch. But even with all that, Caleb was still tutoring Elden and Elden was consistently improving in his grades. He had stopped answering questions in class but the teacher often made remarks about his and other students' improvements while also praising those who maintained high marks. The jock had become humble, even lowly and my friends and I couldn't have been happier. As a side-effect of Elden's humiliation, the other jocks left us alone as well. Instead they turned their attention on Elden, who we would see getting angry but would never respond.

We later found out that, due to all the harassment Elden was getting, he wanted to quit sports but Caleb told us that he refused to allow Elden to give up sports. I don't know how he forced Elden to stay in sports but he did and Elden was actually, now, excelling in Basketball and Lacrosse. Caleb would often ask us to go to Elden's games, and sometimes we did. There was something really weird going down because Elden no longer had any friends cheering him on but he had, somehow, become super confident and coordinated. After the games he would often pass by Caleb who would tell him, almost like an owner says to his dog, "you did well." I swear I would see Elden kind of skip off to the locker room afterwards. I can't really explain to you all the changes, suffice it to say that there were many, many changes.

Towards the end of the semester Elden had pretty much started hanging out with us but never saying anything. In fact we acted like he wasn't even there. It was awkward at first but we took our cues from Caleb who acted like Elden was just a fly on the wall. He ate with us at lunch, he went with us to the mall, in his car and he even came to our game nights at the manor. He never played games, he would just sit there and watch or would read. We also noticed that Elden had started paying for things. I felt uncomfortable with that at first but Caleb insisted that it was ok. Elden never even asked if we wanted him to buy it, he just assumed that he would. Like, one time we went to play laser tag and while we were discussing the teams and stuff Elden just walked up to the counter and paid for the tickets and then headed to the snack bar and purchased us water. I was flabbergasted, we all were. But Caleb, not saying anything to us but thanked Elden like the action was normal, and took the bottle and his ticket. We all followed suit and said nothing of the matter.

When I asked Caleb what was happening he told me that Elden was experiencing a... something something something something. Then he said basically that it was a mental reconditioning. I didn't exactly know what he meant but he said it just meant that Elden was deciding to be someone else and that we shouldn't hinder his progress. When I told Caleb that I wasn't comfortable taking Elden's money his response shocked me, "Elden has taken an on campus job for the sole purpose of buying stuff for us, so don't be uncomfortable." Clearly that didn't make me more comfortable but Caleb said it with such confidence that I was forced to ask myself if Elden was trying to make amends for having treated us like shit the whole first semester. Then, I told myself that I didn't mind all of that as long as we weren't spending his parent's money. I told the group so and they seemed to not even care, wanting to exact their revenge on the bastard jock as much as possible.

I was starting to feel sorry for Elden because he seemed to lack friends and company. But Caleb, though severe with him, was very attentive to his needs. The times when Elden would talk was only to Caleb and he would literally ask for permission to do stuff. Like, at the mall he asked Caleb for permission to go to the bathroom. Caleb said yes and then gave him a 5-minute time limit. When we went to eat Elden would ask for permission to get something for himself and sometimes Caleb obliged and other times he would say no. It was just so weird for me to see, like Elden had become Caleb's real life bitch. But all of that was confirmed on the last day of class.

The gaming house was putting on a night-long gaming event for the end of the year. Everybody who's anybody was going to be there. It was a paid event but the fee was so nominal, everyone came. They rented out two other houses on the block, to accommodate the masses. For that evening Caleb had decided to game at a friend's apartment who had already left for the summer. I made plans to go to the gaming house but then decided to just see if I could game with Caleb and connect to the server from the apartment.

So, I went over to the apartment which was in the city, up to the 18th floor and knocked on the door. To my utter astonishment Elden opened the door, completely nude in all his physically fit glory. He had not a hair on his body, below his neck, even his armpits. Though I am not gay, I never realized how good he actually looked. From head to foot he was gorgeous. Short blond hair, baby blue eyes, no mustache, beard or goatee, chiseled pecs, insane 6-pack washboard, obliques completely indrawn giving him that perfect v-cut to his groin. His thighs were not massive but muscled, like he could crack a walnut between them, his feet were perfect, toes perfect length, and manicured and shiny a bit. His arms were also well defined. One thing that was weird was that he had some sort of cage or whatever over his cock. His ball sack had a heavy looking, thick metal cylinder around them, apparently pulling them down and his balls were pulled apart from each other and tightly tied off. It looked super uncomfortable. He also had a leather dog collar around his neck with a combination lock on it.

I stood there shocked, not knowing what to do or say. Elden seemed to be embarrassed too as I saw his body almost immediately turn red. But he didn't try to cover himself up, he just yelled to Caleb that I was at the door. Caleb approached the door nonchalantly and told Elden that he could go and finish his workout. Elden, who I hadn't realized at first was actually profusely sweating and out of breath when he answered the door, couldn't get away fast enough. I cocked my head at Caleb who stood there looking at me through his glasses as if everything was normal. "I came by to surprise you and ask if maybe we could game together tonight. But I mean you seem to be busy." At that Caleb furrowed his brow, "busy? No, I'm just connecting to the WAN. Did you bring a laptop?" Suddenly we were back in geekville. "Yeah, but do you have an extra screen?" "Yeah, Jace does in his room. I'm using the tv. Come in."

Almost forgetting the crazy greeting I had just a minute ago I walked in and once again was shocked back into reality. This apartment had beautiful bay windows overlooking the city. It was in one of the tallest buildings in the city. One could see the horizon dotted with lights, shining in the night sky. And there, in front of the bay windows was the naked jock doing lunges with some rather heavy looking weights. He paid no attention to me but kept doing what he was doing. When he'd get to one wall he would turn around and that's when I saw the many lashes on his back and bubble ass. Something freaky was happening here and I needed to find out what.

Caleb broke my trance by asking if I was thirsty and gently took my laptop bag from my shoulder. "Yeah, please, um water." Caleb snapped and said water, to no one in particular, as far as I could see but immediately Elden dropped his weights and sort of ran skipped his way to the kitchen. I mean, I knew where the kitchen was, it wasn't my first time in this apartment but Elden moved like it was his apartment, or job. I just looked back to Caleb who was busy setting up my laptop next to his. He was not at all concerned about what the fuck was happening. Caleb, mind you, is fully dressed, just like I was. I mean he was in his socks like me, cause Jace had wall to wall carpeting and didn't allow anyone in his apartment with their shoes on, but apart from that, still fully clothed.

Elden returned with my tall glass of water and handed it to me. When I took it he went back to the window, grabbed his weights and continued his exercise. I was mesmerized by how much his body was so well defined. The shine from the sweat made him look that much more attractive. The only thing was that his balls looked in pain as I watched them lower straight down between his legs, stretched to the max, with every lunge. He didn't seem to be in discomfort at all though.

Caleb told me to go get Jace's screen, so I went to the bedroom and got it. Upon returning, my curiosity had gotten the better of me and I just had to ask outright. I was like, "Caleb, sorry bro but, like, what the fuck is going on here? Why is Elden naked and doing exercises while his balls look like they're going to be stretched into castration? Why is he acting like a slave? Why does he always hang around us now? Not that I mind, but seriously, what the fuck is up?" Caleb, not even looking up or missing a beat simply replied, "he is my slave. He does as I tell him to or he gets punished, severely. He hangs around us now because, well, he's got no other friends anymore and he likes being with me. Well that's not exactly true," he said looking up finally and pushing his glasses back up on his nose as he motions for me to approach with the monitor. He has already connected an ethernet cable to my laptop and to the router.

"He has recently made some friends who are also slaves, with whom he will get to play this summer, but other than that, he has no other friends. And I'm glad that it doesn't bother you that he does hang around us because, even though he was a dick to us, everyone needs friends."

"But what happened to his other friends?" As soon as I asked that question I knew the response. "You saw them abandon him. That just means they weren't real friends anyway." It was true. After Caleb slapped the shit out of Elden, Elden was no longer an alpha among his peers and everyone rejected him.

"But like," my tone lowered, "was this your plan all along?" Caleb finished all the connections to my laptop. "Of course it was!" Caleb said matter-of-factly. "Did you, like, brainwash him," I almost whispered. "What?" he said, as if that was the most shocking thing ever. "No! At first I blackmailed him. While tutoring him I used different methods which put him in compromising positions and took pictures and videos. Being a dumb jock he couldn't think beyond his own ego. But then I learned that his dad was being abusive to him for not doing well in class and that was yet more blackmail content but I would never use it. However, regardless of how many times I told Elden that I would never use it against him, he was too scared and he became very malleable. When I slapped him, it was after one night where, apparently, his dad had beat his mom, his brothers and him. I didn't know he was already broken but he was still being a dick. I found out later and I apologized but he didn't care. He didn't have any courage anymore. So, in order to instill more courage in him I made him endure the harassment at school, take on more sports and improve more and more in his classes. I kept using the compromising techniques to teach him to learn. Well, in fact, he requested them, but I stopped recording, realizing that he had changed. It worked! He found his courage in doing well in classes, hearing praise from his professors and me, us attending his games and him becoming the MVP a couple times.

Then one time he asked me how he could get my forgiveness for being a jerk so I just came up with the most humiliating thing I could think of at the moment and told him to take off his shoes, place them in front of him and kneel while I pissed on him and his shoes. He didn't want to at first but when I started to walk away he stopped me and he did. So, I soaked him and his shoes in piss, right there on the pathway to the Bio department. I told him to go dry off in the sun and then come back to study and he did. He stunk of piss the entire time I tutored him but he didn't complain once. His shoes sloshed of piss but he still wore them. I was impressed. So, little by little I made him my slave and he complied. Now he belongs to me and you all get to share in that."

That... was a lot! I couldn't believe my ears as I heard how the great and mighty Elden had been brought, literally to his knees, in front of the person whom he tormented. Pride does indeed go before the fall. I asked Caleb if he thought that he was taking advantage of Elden's situation and Caleb told me that Elden was going to stay with him during the summer just so he didn't have to go home. His parents were still funding his schooling and pocket money, especially now that his grades were much better but Elden just didn't want to go back home to that and begged Caleb if he could stay with him. So, Caleb agreed, knowing that he would have Jace's place for the whole summer. During the summer Caleb would teach Elden more and more about how to serve him. The rules were that Elden only wore clothes outside, and as few and skimpy as possible. He remained completely shaven. He wore the cage and butt plug (which I also hadn't immediately noticed) at all times. And that basically he obeyed. Apparently Elden was ok with this since, well the proof was in the pudding, he was completely naked and doing some serious workouts.

So, during the course of the evening, Elden would come to give us drinks and stuff, and, well something else that was also a shocker but after all of that I had heard, I just shrugged. Caleb and I were on the same team and we were playing with a few people in the gaming manor and against randos online. It was an intense raid. I didn't want to get up to take a piss and I told Caleb so laughinginly. Now this is not an abnormal occurrence. We would often complain about bodily function needs when gaming but now, if I left I could very well die and then my death may cause my team to wipe as well. Caleb, however, had a response for that. He called Elden over and told him to, "pull his cock out and drink his piss."

Now, I certainly didn't want my cock in this jock's mouth but I also didn't want to get up. I briefly looked over to Caleb who, once again, was acting like this was all normal. I looked at my screen and then back up briefly to Elden who was quickly approaching and then shuffling under the table. All Caleb said was, "don't worry, he's done this before," and then proceeded to tell me where to go for the rendezvous point in the game. Before I knew it my jeans had been unbuckled, my boxers pulled down slightly and my flacid cock was enveloped by a soft, warm mouth. I withheld for a bit until finally letting the flood go and sure enough Elden was drinking it all in like soda through a straw. It felt even better than when you are holding your piss for so long and finally release it in the urinal; you just kind of want to collapse. The piss just kept coming and coming and Elden didn't miss a single drop. Finally the flow ended and as Elden gently tucked me back in and closed my pants, I heard Caleb snap his fingers under the table. I didn't know what that meant at first but realized that he was summoning Elden so he could release his piss as well. I heard Caleb moan, "fuckkkkkk!" as he emptied his bladder into the slave jock's mouth.

Once finished Elden crawled from beneath the table and went into the kitchen to prepare some more snacks for us. He served us cut fruit, nachos, chips and dip, fruit juices, just pretty much everything you could ask for during a gaming night. I think we fell asleep at around 5 in the morning on the sofa bed, Elden curled up on the floor at Caleb's feet. I remember the last thing I thought as I looked at the scene of Caleb completely KO his socked foot sticking out from the cover, dangling over the edge and Elden in the fetal position on the floor, also conked out was that Elden just seemed to be nicer and happier. I awoke at 1 p.m. to the noise of Elden cleaning the apartment. Caleb had left and so it was just me and Elden. Elden, upon seeing me sit up, approached me and asked if he could get me something to eat. I shook my head no but then thinking about it, I reached up and grabbed the back of the head of the jock who had tormented us not more than 6 months before, and pulled him down to his knees. With my other hand I unbuckled my pants, whipped my cock out and guided his head to it. I didn't say a word and Elden didn't resist. My cock in his warm mouth and I let out another long stream of piss. This time I watched as the once bully's throat muscles worked to gulp down my geek piss. He was in such a position of inferiority and I loved it. I finished my morning piss and kind of pushed him away. He stood up and went immediately back to cleaning up, not even missing a beat. It was a shame that I was going home for the summer but I would be back in the fall and then I could have some real fun. (For serious BDSM related Gay Erotica)

Next: Chapter 2

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