Never Alone

By moc.loa@91MoznE

Published on Feb 7, 2001


'Never Alone Again'

by Robert Jay

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story, that means nothing mention here in is true. Any lyrics and/or products mention are copyrighted or patented to that respected company, artist, or record label. Any questions,comments,

suggestions, or if you want me to send you my pic, e-mail me at: If I'm on-line at the time, feel free to IM me.

Enjoy my story. Words in parenthisis (, ) are what people are thinking.

Part 2


the guy:'Oh by the way my name is Josh but everyone calls me JC.' me:'I'm Rob nice to meet you.' JC:'Ditto, well you wanna take a train or something to that Sony Style place?' me:'Yeah, let's go.'

I was in arms reach of pissin' my pants. I mean I was talking to JC from, dare i say it, *NSYNC. This has got to be the best day of my life. But I didn't want him to think I was a crazed fan so I didn't let him know that I knew who he was, but I was ecstatic. I mean even though I didn't want to seem like a fan, I couldn't deny the posters in my room, along with the NSYNC bubble gum, NSYNC teddy bear, the NSYNC chain. But what NSYNC fan doesn't have those things?

me:'We can take the 1&9 train down there.' JC: 'alright do you know where it is?' me:'Of coarse.'

We walked to the train talkin' about things like how fast some of the trains are in NY to just plain out bull shittin'. At one ponit he asked me if I knew of any cool places in NY to have some fun...

me:'Are you kiddin' everywhere in NY is fun.' I said, informativly. JC:'Cool cause for the next three days I'm off and I need to know all the cool spots to hang out.' me:'Oh really where do you work?'

As if I didn't alredy know!

JC:('he doesn't know who I am? Maybe he doesn't. If he does he probly would have screamed his head of by now, but then again he's a guy so maybe he won't. I'll take my chances.') JC:'I work in the music bussiness, I'm here promoting a new group called, uh O-Town, yeah.'

JC:('Damn I could have done better than that.') me:('That was the lamest lie I've ever encountered. It's like me telling my mom I didn't get my report card because mine was the only one the teacher wasn't finished with. Whatever.') me:'Phat I've seen that show Making the band, it was really cool. So what are you, like thier publisist or something?' JC:'Yeah. They are some cool guys to work with.' me:'I can tell. No wonder you can afford to buy me a new CD player.' me:('What's that smell? You smell that? Smells like BullShit!') LoL JC:'What's funny?' me:'Just something I thought about.'

After bullshittin' me bout O-Town, and talkin' bout mostly nothin' we finally arived at the subway station. We paid our fair, got on and with an electronic 'ding dong' we were off.

me:'So where were you off to when you knocked me over and smashed my Sony into a million micro bits.' JC:'It's not in a million pieces.' me:'Your right it's in micro bits.' JC:'Your never gonna let me live it down are you?' me:'Not as long as I know you' (Which I hope is a long time) JC:'I was running from some fa----n, fat people.' me:'You were running from large folks?' JC:'Yeah.' (I'm a bad lier) me:(He's a F***cked up lier)

As you can see I don't put things so sweet.

JC:'They over heard me say something about O-Town and got a little excited.' me:'Sounds like you had a workout.' JC:'It's wasn't that bad. I got really strong legs.' me: (Really nice legs too) JC:'So tell me about yourself. How old are you first of all? You look like your about 16.' me:'Ha ha, god bless you. I'm 19.' JC:'Damn did you have a face lift or somethin' you look mad young.' me:'Yeah I do. It's from drinking loads of water workin' out and eating the right things.' JC:'Maybe I should take a tip from you, and get a little healthier with my diet.'

We spent the rest of the trip talking about me and my life. And where I'm from and so on, til some how we got on the subject of friends and I said:

me:'I don't have many friends, and I live alone so it get's pretty lonely in my house, but I've come to deal with it.' JC:'You can add me to your buddy list.' me:'Really? But won't you be busy with O-Town an' everything?' (Bull) JC:'It's ok I'll make time. I always make time for my friends.' (JC your falling for this guy. No I'm not!! I'm not gay, That's Lances department. I like girls right?)

JC was beginning to get a little uneasy at the thought of him liking another guy so he started to get a little nervous, like he stop looking me in the eyes when ever he would talk to me. I noticed this and said:

me:'Is something wrong? Did I say something wrong?' JC:'No I'm alright. I just...... It's nothin' really.' me:'OK' (Weird)

We got to Madison and 45th street where Sony Style was standing. We got off and headed to the big pinkish colored building.

JC:'This is a really pretty building.' me:'Yeah, I like to think so.' JC:'So where do we go to get a CDplayer?' me:'In this way, follow me.'

Once inside JC lost it:

JC:'Oh my god this place is awesome!!!!'

Needless to say buy the time we left we bought more than just a cdplayer. Which was better than the one he smashed :-) JC got in this place and started buying things left and right. He bought A brand new cordless phone, a DirecTV system better than mine. Wireless headphones, a portable tv and portable computer small enough to fit in his pocket, and on top of that he was gonna have a Home Theatre' delivered to his house. He spent over $7,000 in there in 2hrs.

me:'Ya finished?' JC:'I think so.' me:'Your gonna be broke soon.' JC:'I'm a publicist, remember?' me: (Bullshit)'Oh yeah. How we gonna get this stuff outta here?' JC:'I'll just have it all delivered to my Florida.' me:'Florida!!?? What are you rich?' ;-) JC:'Well, yeah!' me:'Well excuse the hell out of me!'

He told the sales associate all of his info to have it delivered to his house. She was looking at him pretty funny, like she wanted to just scream her head off. JC noticed this and said:

JC:'Look if you promise not to scream I'll give you an autograph and a kiss. OK?' SalesAs:'Ok.' She said excitedly.

JC did as he promised but she didn't keep her promise. As soon as he gave her the kiss she put her head back and let out the highest shreek ever heard in history. Everybody turned around and saw who they were looking at. Then all hell broke loose!

-Thats the end of the second part, (I love cliff hangers) Tell me what you think. Questions, comments, suggestions, complaints send em to See ya' soon!

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