
By JT Ogden

Published on Jan 19, 2006



New- Chapter 1

I have never had to be "the new kid" ever in my life. I grew up in the same town that I have lives my entire life. Heck, we still live in the exact same house that I did when I grew up. I have known the same people I always did, as living in a small town means, that you know everything about everyone, and that all their personal stuff was really public information and a lot of stuff that actually happened.

However, it is completely different now. Here I am starting mid-semester at a new university. My first semester was disastrous and caused me to transfer to a school 1000 km from it, and start a new at a different school. It was weird, because I knew being a frosh starting half way through here, that clicks had already formed, routines were set down, and it would be rough to enter in their mix, even if they would let me.

I really didn't know what to expect when I arrived at Trudeau hall. It was empty, as the new students were required to arrive a day before everyone else, and get their schedules set. I walked into my assigned room, and noticed that I had a roommate. Man, did I ever! I mean, you could definitely tell where his side started because you could not even see the floor on his side. Art supplies, clothes, and weird other things littered his side. At least for sure, I knew he was a Fine Arts student, which intrigued me and worried me, as I wasn't sure if I could handle an artsy roommate.

Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is JT Ogden. I am 18 years old, and am studying to become a Lawyer. I am enrolled in the Commerce program at University in Accounting as I am a whiz with numbers and have the best chance of getting a great GPA with accounting. I was really neutral about Accounting, but whatever it takes to get me to the final goal of becoming a lawyer.

I am 6 foot 3, 195 lbs. I have short brown hair with frosted tips, with dark brown eyes. I have a nice slender build. Not much of a weight type of guy, but very active which shows really well in my body. I wear glasses, as I hate sticking fingers in my eyes, but I have been told by my friends in school that I look hotter in the frames that I have that I would with contacts, so I stick with them.

I am a Leo, am into sports big time and enjoy curling, racquet sports of all kinds and baseball. I enjoy watching hockey as does many Canadians males, but never learned to skate, due to many surgeries as a kid correcting a deformity at birth on my feet called club feet. The surgeries and the years of breaking and putting back in place have fixed the feet as close as it ever could get. Unless you saw the different size feet I have, you would never know I had the issue as a kid.

And by the way, I am in to guys. I am so into guys. I have been into guys since about 13 years old, but always have kept it hidden. I couldn't be gay in a small town, and so I always had to do what it takes to make sure that no one would ever find out my secret. It meant I had to sleep with several girls throughout high school to keep up my image. Man, I am so impressed I could get a boner. All it took was one serious concentration and the mental image of Colin Farrell as I was fucking the slut of choice and strategically timed intervals.

The only time I had let my secret out was last semester. I was at a bar, totally drunk out of my mind, with my roommate. We were drinking up a storm about 3 weeks into the semester, when we went back to the room. I misinterpreted the signals and made a move at him. Worst thing I have ever done in my life. He did not feel the same way and made my life a living hell. Besides the many interesting names he had for me at the time, he told everyone he could think of, it got out, he moved out, my room was vandalized, my car was vandalized, I got beat up twice, with one of them causing me to go to the emergency room, and everyday someone would bump into me or make my life hell. The only days I would get any respite was the days I would lock myself in my room and took my phone off the hook. Knowing all so well, that as soon as I opened my door the word "FAGGOT" would be written on my door.

People that were my friends before suddenly avoided me for either (1) I was a sick "FAGGOT" or be (2) didn't want to deal with the whiplash of being associated with me. There was this one girl Lucy from Australia that stayed by my side and gave me the companionship that I need to keep my sanity. She was my rock and was awesome through everything; however she was an exchange student and would be going back to Australia in December.

So, it really was an easy decision to transfer schools after the constant abuse that I endured. The university said they tried to do something, but would not go against their precious football team, and thus did nothing about. I called this school in October and with my grades, which were surprisingly well, they opened me with open arms to start the winter semester. They didn't know what problems I had, and no one would. I just knew that a fresh start is what I needed, and that as long as I kept my guard up, that I would be ok.

Anyway, the first day I arrived was kind of a bore. I registered for my classes, in which I realized the courses I took the first semester left me ahead of the game for frosh, met the RA in the dorm, and went over the rules and signed out the room and then starting the long, horrible tasking of unpacking my stuff. Man, I have so much gear it isn't funny. I unpacked the computer, the fridge, my clothes, my decorations and my TV. Being the somewhat of a perfectionist that I am, each and every thing had to go into its specific place. After I got really bored with that, I decided I should try to go to bed early tonight to face the onslaught tomorrow would bring. I didn't have to go to bed so early, as the RA's asked me to go out to the campus bar with them that evening, but I have become a person that doesn't like the bars. It got me into so much trouble at the last place, that it was my goal to avoid them all together. This was going to be a fresh start, and I wasn't going to blow it because I don't think I could handle transferring again, I can't even decipher what actually happened there, but I know that I won't let it happen again.

I may have gone to bed early that night, but I certainly did not go to sleep early. Being in a strange bed, with strange people didn't help the matter. Tomorrow was a huge day of the unknown, and constant reminders of last semester flustered through my mind until eventually I fell asleep out of pure exhaustion. It was a restful sleep but hey it was sleep.

I was awoken the next morning to this really gorgeous guy mashing around in the room. I wasn't quite aware of really where I was, as I was still in that state between being asleep and fully awake and thus...

"Who the fuck are you, and why are you in my fucking room?"

He just starts to chuckle "Who the fuck am I? I am your fucking roommate that's who I am. This is my room as well. Let me introduce myself. My name is Will."

I was so embarrassed. Wow, am I the master of first impressions or what. "Sorry Man, I was half asleep. What time is it?"

"8:00 am. I am from this town, so I got up early and got in here to rearrange some of my shit in the room. I hope it didn't cause much of a bother?"

"No (I lied) worries man."

Let me describe Will for you. He is about 5 foot 8, really skinny, but I can tell he has the outline of a six-pack from his somewhat tight shirt he was wearing. Dark Blond hair, piercing blue eyes but really didn't care about his appearance to much. His hair was not combed, but it wasn't that messy either. His clothes had some paint splatter on them, not much but a couple small spots. Will has this interesting accent. It is really difficult to describe to you. It really wasn't local to the area, but it kind of was. I had flecks of a British accent in a local Canadian manner. It was weird, intriguing and drove me wild. Wait, I can't be thinking this. Think something else JT, think something else quick.

"Hey I don't think I caught your name?"

"Oh I am sorry, I am JT and I guess we will be roommates for the rest of the semester."

I got up out of bed, with my morning wood showing quite pronounced, which was causing extremely embarrassed but I needed to get clothes on. I tried to hide it, but my 7' tool was difficult to hide.

"I see you have a problem with morning wood. Hey don't be embarrassed JT, it happens to us all. I can either leave so you can relieve yourself or you can go take a shower and take care of it there?"

Wow, that was a little personal, now wasn't it. What does one say to that?

"You don't need to leave the room; it's your room too. I think I could use a shower right about now."

"Ok, enjoy. The shower head is portable so you can really enjoy yourself. It really is great."

"Thanks." What was he talking about? Man, whatever, I frankly didn't care. All I was worried about was getting my soldier to stop saluting, so I could wear my pants comfortably today.

I took my shower and I started to work my hands all over the shaft of my hard 7"cut cock. I hadn't cummed for about a week, since that was when my "girl" that I was using for appearances down home went back to school. Thank god she goes to school in BC, all the way across the country.

I had my dick nice and soaped up and I slowly and gently massaged the head of my dick until I couldn't stand it any more. At the same time with the other hand, I was kneading my balls and my sac and got a great feeling going. I then was slowing going up and down my nice long shaft until I was would reach the head of my cock, where I would slowly massage my head again. UP and down, nice and slow, until I was driving myself crazy. The soap wasn't as good as a lubricant as I am used to, be it was doing the trick.

As I was jacking off, all I could picture was that gorgeous guy I had just met in my room. I knew it was trouble, but it the heat of the moment, I couldn't help it. I was imagining that he was sucking off my cock, and all of the things that I would assume that we would be doing to me. Every so often he would focus on my balls, and thus I focused my attention on my balls, then I would go back to my cock until all the pressure in my cock just released and spewed strands and strands of cum. Man, I had never cum so much from beating the meat than I did right there. I dried off, started getting dressed and tried to figure out how I was going to make it through the semester without making a mess of this university by trying to resist my new roommate, who I am honestly very attracted to.

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Next: Chapter 2

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