
By JT Ogden

Published on Feb 4, 2006



After we finished kiss, Will realized he was in public and kinda pushed me away. I could see Will look around to see if anyone saw him.

"What's wrong Will; you like me, but don't want to be seen with me? I forgot, I am a fag, can't be seen kissing me."

"Shut the Fuck up JT. God damn it!" Will was pissed.

"What! I open myself to you, in front of people in the dorm and you come after me, you initiate the kiss, and then you fucking go and push ME away, and look like you are ashamed to be with you."

"Can we go back to the room and talk about this?"


"Please JT, please?" I could hear the urgency in his voice. We turned around, and started the trek back to the dorm in complete silence. Will didn't look at me once. He just kept looking at the ground for the entire walk. I was starting to get a little freaked myself. This was not going to turn out well.

We made it back to the dorms, as it was after midnight, it was real quiet. Instead of keeping up our neighbors, we went down to the floor common room, as people would be asleep on a Monday night. We were right, no one was there, so we walked in and Will locked the door behind us.

I turned around to look at Will, and saw he was crying. This was the first time that I have ever seen him cry. It was weird. I started to walk over to him and as I was about to try to console him, Will said

"Stop! Please stay over there. I need to get this out."

"OK" I am sure he saw the weird, concerned look on my face, as he continued on.

"JT, I have never been so scared in my life. I have never been attracted to another guy in my life before ever. However, when I saw you, it was like this other side of me just opened up. A side I never knew even existed. At first, I was doing a good job to hide it, but the night I read your journal, I couldn't hide it anymore. However, I still didn't want to admit it. When I left your room, I had all intentions in finding a girl and fuck to tell myself I still liked women and I wasn't a I didn't have to go far as I ran into Michelle crying after her and her boyfriend had a huge fight. One thing led to another and we fucked. The whole time though, I couldn't get you out of my head. I then started to get rough with her, as I was getting angry. By the way Michelle likes it real rough. She looks small but kinda kinky." We both chuckled before Will let out a big sign.

"We don't have to continue Will, we can talk later."

"No we have to do it now JT. Anyway, then when you left without saying where, I spent half the time trying to track you down and the other time trying to screw any females. I wasn't just with Jane, I was with three others, and no matter what I did, and it was you I thought of."

"Should I be flattered by this Will?"

"No, Damn it JT! Let me finish. You never let anyone finish before you think the worst. Anyway, then when you left tonight, I knew that I couldn't ever be with anyone after knowing how you felt. I feel the same way, but it scares me. My parents are not the most open of people and I don't know if I can be that strong about what others think. I just need some patience."

"Will, I will be gentle. I am so happy, you have feelings with me. I will not push you to do anything that you do not want to, however I will be devastated if this turns out to be some mistake."

"JT, I wasn't lying to you in the park. This is the most intense that I have ever felt about anyone in my life. I felt this before you professed you feelings to me. I do not know where this will lead us, but I think this is the beginning of something special."

I went over to Will, gave him a peck on the cheek, a giant hug and took him back to our room. When we got there, the beds were still on the floor. Will tried to say something but I said "This is perfect, lets just snuggle and go to bed." We stripped down to our sleepwear (which is our boxers) and lied in the bed. Will moved over to me, put his head on his chest and we went to bed.

We started off slowly, and only progressed slowly on the sexual side We were each other almost 24/7 and when we were alone, we discovered each other emotionally, intellectually and physically. When we were in public, we acted like best friends. Will was too scared to come out yet, and I was willing to wait. Once we got the physical exploration, I discovered Will's love for blow jobs, giving and receiving. We then often exchanged oral sex, be it a long passionate 69 so we could drowse off to sleep or it a quick suck in the shower, the feelings I was getting from Will was amazing. However, it had not got to the point in which either one of us had given ourselves to each other. There was something holding us back, and I couldn't put my finger on it. I wanted, it, but the thought of it scared me. I didn't want to push him, as he was still timid. I don't think he was too sure of us, after the incident that just occurred the day after the night in the park. That didn't mean that we weren't going through the motions of a new relationship.

On Valentine's Day, for example, after about a week of being together, Will did the nicest thing. I came back from the Gym and noticed something beautiful. He had little flashlights going all around the room. You could not have candles in the dorms, so I guess this was the best he could do. On my computer screen was a picture of a fire, like a fireplace as well.

On my bed was found one single red rose lying on my bed. I walked over to the bed and read the card. The card said "To the guy I love. Happy Valentine's Day. - W" A tear then fell from my eye when the magnitude of this piece of card no bigger than a business card said. Will loves me! This is the first time he ever said this to me. Whoa!

I stood there in awe, a felt a pair of arms come around my waist. It was Will dressed in his finest. He looked stunning; even more than usual. He was wearing a blue dress shirt that only magnified the intense blue eyes that he has.

"Are you ok JT?" as Will noticed that I was crying.

"I am perfect. I just saw the room and read the card and got a little choked up."

"Awe Shucks!"

"Did you mean it? I mean the card..." as I started to wipe the fears from my face. Just then, he grabbed my hand away from my face and very softly said

"I love you JT, More than anything. I know sometimes it's hard for me to show how much you mean to be, but I can not imagine spending another day without you." He then went and kissed. We kissed the most passionate kiss that I probably could have imagined. It was like; we could not have enough of each other.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Aww, supper has arrived. Let me go get it."

Then the door opened and it was a delivery boy with a pizza. Will paid for the pizza, shut the door and set on the bed.

"I know I like romance as much as the next guy, but if that pizza is in a shape of a heart I think I will be ill."

"No worries, JT. I just thought we could spend a quiet night together. I have the movie "Center Stage" thought we would watch it and enjoy it together.

We ate the pizza and then started to watch Center Stage. It is probably one of the only two dance movies I have ever liked. I was sitting on the couch, with my arm around Will watching the movie. It felt great. I felt comfortable, safe and in love with this man. Man I love this guy. After about 20 minutes of the movie, I was no longer watching the movie anymore. I was watching Will. Several minutes, Will looked up at me and just kept looking back at me. We must have sat there more several minutes, not saying anything, just watching each other. The only noise being made was the background of Center Stage. I leaned down and kissed him again, knowing that I wanted him more than ever.

I took him to the bed, he laid me down and we starting kissing. Kissing, fondling, our hands explored every single inch as we were playing an extreme match of tonsil hockey. I knew he was waiting for me to make the first move, as he was still a little unsure of himself. . One button after another, until his chest was exposed open. It was beautiful, traces of a six-pack were showing and it sent me off. I could have enough of his skin. He smelled like nothing I had smelled before but I could not get enough. Will always smells great to me. It is hard to describe, and all I can call it is the Will smell, but still. I kissed his face, down his neck until I hit his chest. I then went down to his nipples, first the left than the right, massaging them, licking them with my tongue. These glorious objects on his body were there and I could not get enough. However, Will decided he wanted to explore as well as he was getting extremely impatient. I guess the slow treatment was teasing him too much.

He unbuttoned my shirt over my head, and just stood back and stared. He must have stared for seconds but it seemed like hours. I asked, "Are you ok? Are we going too fast" as I was scared that I was pushing him.

He said, "The only thing wrong is that you are so damn beautiful it hurts to be away from you."Then he went to my chest, fondling, and licking down the traces of my ever-present treasure trail all until it hit the waistband of my khakis. Needless to say, those pants did not stay on much after that. A quick manoeuvre by Will and they were off. It just left me with my bulge in my boxer shorts

As I pulled him up to continue the kissing, I noticed that he was rubbing quite hard through the material of my boxers. I also noticed, he was quite strained in his jeans. Now there is only one way to fix that problem and I went down, unzipped his zipper with my teeth slowly and tried to pull off his jeans with my teeth. However, seeing that it was too difficult, I just yanked them down, and released him of the strain. However, Matt must have been expecting this, as for when I unzipped out came his 7" hard cock. The commando feeling must go for him, but I wasn't complaining.

His cock was beautiful. I don't think there is a better way to describe it. A nice cut, long, hard, thick cock with the smallest amount of pre-cum resting on the top of the cock. I was mesmerized with this, until I couldn't stand looking at it much more and I attacked it. I started sucking slowly first just around the head, then licking down the shaft, while playing with his hung balls. After a little, I noticed the most beautiful feeling around my cock and I let out a little moan. I looked down and saw Matt sucking my cock too. It was awesome, too awesome for words. We went on like that for what seems like houses until we both exploded somewhat simultaneously in each other's mouth. Then before I could swallow his delectable gift, he came up and kissed me and we exchanged the fluids before digesting. We then fell asleep arm in arm, exhausted but completely content.

Next: Chapter 6

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