New Adventures at College

By Joey Morales

Published on Oct 3, 2012


"Are you sure you want to do this?" My mom asked me. "Yes mom! I've been ready and you know it. I want to get my degree."

"I don't mean getting your degree son, but going an hour away to college?" she responded. "Well I have no choice, it's either that or wait a year and by then I'll probably will forget something." It is hard enough that i have to go to a new setting and a new place, but its a whole new experience that i really want to take. One of the good things is that I will be rooming with my friend from High School and two new friends I made this past year. While my dad pick up the stuff from my room that ill be taking to the apartment that my new roomies and I found its hard not to think back when i was a kid, who would've know that time will go by so fast. One second i was running around naked in the yard the next I'm moving away for college. My major i still don't know what i was going to do. I'm in between Spanish, English, and Business Administration. All I know is that my parents are behind me one hundred percent.

While I was thinking I totally did not realized I moved to help my dad and now the three of us were on our way to my apartment.

My name is Omar, I just turn 18 about two months ago, I am dark, so when I go tanning (sun tanning not the fake shit that just makes people look like a carrot) it looks very hot on me. I am of average built, but short, which in my case I wish i was at lease 2 inches taller. I am 5'6", puertorican, born and raise in the island so i do speak the language. I am not skinny, but more of husky built, though no gut on me. For the past year I've been involved in dancing. The new friends I was thinking about were some girls that, one of them I went to school with, the other girl is a friends of Marie, the girl i went to school with, the other girls name is Michelle. I don't know how this is going to work out, with two guys and two girls, but hopefully it will. One thing i know for sure is that I am scared and I will be alone most of the time. You see Anthony is my friend that I grew up with and I will be rooming with, him and I were not friend at all throughout school. I've known him since the 1st grade, and we were always fighting, him being bi-polar and all no one knew in what mood he will be in.

He is very handsome, about 5'6" as well, a light pigmentation on his skin, brown eyes, almost black, dirty blond curly hair that he always kept short, and he tried to do the little rat tail in the back but it always turns out to be more of a fuss. He is kind of like me husky but no gut, though he has an ass to die for. Him and I played basketball and volleyball together, and on his gym shorts its like looking at heaven on earth.

You see my school was extremely small. On my senior class we were only 27 seniors, all in all the school enrollment is only 300 students, that also is the fact that the school is from pre-k to 12th grade. I went to school there from kindergarten until I 'graduated" from 8th grade. After that my mom made us move to Florida, which i spent my entire high school career at except my senior year, I finished that over here because my mom found a job and she was also thinking on getting divorced with my dad. Don't get me wrong i love my dad, but he loves to drink. He sneaks behind my mom just to drink, and it finally got to her.

"Omar, we are here!" my dad said snapping me from thinking. "This doesn't look so good, why did you choose this one instead of the other ones?" my mom asked seeing the apartment for the first time. The apartment at first glance looks like a two story house, with a huge balcony in the second floor, that starts with some stairs. On the front of this "apartment housing" there are five "apartments, two of them are two bedrooms and one bath and the rest are one bedroom apartments. there are also three more apartments in the back of the house.

"Mom, because it is affordable specially with four of us living in here, and it is the closest to the school without us having to walk that far, though we are probably going to get tired of that hill, I am already dreading it." I said to her, which she gave me a look like a mother saying, "I preferred you staying at home"

We started unpacking my stuff and when we came down I saw Anthony's mom's car drive into the parking lot. He was driving of course. He got out and gave a kiss on the cheek to my mom and a hand shake to my dad, after that he gave me a friendly hug.

"We are finally here" Anthony whispered to me. As he released me I said " I know" with a smile on my face. It was bout one in the afternoon when we finished moving everything from the cars to our apartment which was located on the second floor in the corner, with a semi private entrance with a gate on it, which is one of the request from Marie's mom. After that we all went to a bakery next to the college we will be attending to. After we returned back to the apartment we all said goodbye and Anthony and I went to our room to make it more comfortable for us.

Around four in the afternoon Marie and Michelle came knocking on the door, Anthony opened the door and yelled at me to come so we can help them unpack. I said hi and gave a hug and a kiss to both of them and them to Marie's mom. Around five thirty Marie's mom said bye to all of us and left.

"Oh my god! I can't believe we are starting our first semester in college ever." Marie said. She is african-american, puertorican as well and very proud of it, short about 5'3" and most of the time she has a weave on. Marie is more of a natural, though I always thought of her as lesbian she never said anything about liking boys or girls, so it was hard to know for sure. She is about 5'4" my skin tone, and thick curly hair, both of them are dancer so they do have nice legs and are very outgoing, specially Marie.

"I know, I think this is going to be good, but we have to get down to business. We have to do something about the cleaning of the common areas, the bathroom, kitchen and living room." I said to her, before she was leaving my room. She looked at me a little pissed, but she understand that it has to be made.

After we finished discussing that she went on and about around the apartment house. Around 10 both Marie and Michelle came back to our room to say that they were taking a shower to go to bed.

After about an hour or so Anthony was coming in our room and shutting the door before he asked me. "So is Michelle gay?, Cuz i really think she is" I looked at him "I really have no idea, I've never seen her say that she liked either or so I really have no idea"

After about an hour, we heard a knock in our door. I went to open to see Marie and Michelle standing there, "Hey, what's up?" I said to her. "Hey, we were wondering if we could sleep with you guys tonight, the guys from next door have some sort of party and I saw a guy looking through the window or trying to at lease, we got a little freaked out."

I looked at Anthony and he nodded so I told them to come in. Anthony and I went to get their bunk beds mattresses to put them on the floor of our room.

That night was sort of a sleepless night, with the music really going around one in the morning and the excitement of going to college for our first classes the next day.

to be continued...

I hope you like it. This is my first story and I hope you guys enjoy it. :D

Next: Chapter 2

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