New Big Stepbrother

By Ben McColough

Published on Apr 13, 2006


Thanks for all the emails. I appreciate any advice, but dudes, don't be so demanding! (Unless you're a muscled jock like Brock, then demand all you want) Email me or instant message me at or

"Listen, fag, you're gonna let me finish my workout, then you're gonna tell me what you want me to do to you, okay! Now take your clothes off!"

I was more than a little embarrassed undressing in front of Brock. I lifted my shirt over my head and Brock began laughing hysterically. "That's not a chest at all, kid. Take a look at this!"

He peeled off his tight tank top revealing the hottest chest I'd ever seen. His pecs were so huge and meaty, and his nipples so large, firm, and masculine. I was indeed a little boy standing in front of a man, a real man. My jaw dropped and I gasped, drooling while Brock bounced his pecs, laughing at my obvious lust for them. "Now take your shorts off, Doogie." I felt somewhat comforted by the fact that I'd been assigned a nickname by such an amazing guy. Did this mean that Brock didn't utterly hate me after all?

My cock sprang out of my shorts its full five inches causing Brock to nearly double over in laughter. After about a minute of his express amusement, he stood up tall, gave me a look that seemed to stare right through me, and pulled down his shorts. "Oh my GOD!" I gasped without realizing that I was saying it out loud. "It's freakin' huge! My GOD, how big is it?" It was soft and hanging down far larger than my erect boy penis.

He didn't answer. He got down in his sit up position and I kneeled down before him again, a position I felt most comfortable in. Holding his feet and watching him workout was unbearable. My cock was so painfully hard and I wanted so badly to jack off, but I knew if I moved from my position of holding Brock's feet he would pummel me. He crunched out 150 sit ups in no time, sweat dripping down his pecs and perfect abs. As soon as he finished I was hurled from my kneeling position onto my back with one swift push from one foot, and I lay down looking up at an absolute muscle god. "Now, what do you want me to do to you, fag?"

My mind raced and my cock jumped. Was this a trick question? If I told him what I wanted was he going to hurt me? Not knowing what to do I began to stutter, "I... uh... um.... Sir."

"Come on, boy, spit it out!"

"Will you flex for me?"

"Wrong answer! What do you want me to do to you?"

"Um, I don't know Sir." Fear engulfed my being. What could the right answer be? "Just do to me whatever you want. I want what you want Sir." Brock smiled, then reached down and pulled me back to my knees by my hair. I was now an inch away from his massive cock, which by now almost on his demand began to grow and harden. "Lick my balls!" Brock commanded guiding my head to them with his large powerful hand. I licked, slurping, and breathing heavily taking in the scent of Brock. He was so powerful, so masculine, everything I had ever fantasized about had come to life and was now living in our house, taking over my bedroom. My mouth was then guided northward to his massive shaft, where I licked voraciously further and further up the shaft to the end. "Open up wide, kid, this is the biggest cock that'll ever enter your little faggot mouth."

Brock entered me forcefully, the way a man should enter a boy. I felt so helpless and I loved the feeling. There was nothing I could do to deter this man from screwing the hell out of my face, nor did I want to stop him. I can't really say I was sucking him off. I really just amused him, gagging, eyes watering while he pounded my face like it was some frat girl's vagina. Despite the pain I longed to feel his cum shooting down my throat. His thrusts got harder and harder and farther back into my throat. Soon he was ramming his entire huge cock into me pounding his pube covered mid section into my nose with an intensity that made me bleed. Looking down at my blood Brock became all the more excited, "Oh yeah, fagboy, can't handle a real man?"

Brock pulled his huge manhood out of my mouth, and then grabbed a sock off of the bed. Wow, there is a side of him that really likes me. After all, he's going to wipe my nose with his sock. I was flooded with so many emotions -- all of which were immediately turned up-side-down as Brock shoved his sock in my mouth, grabbed my ankles, and shoved me down onto my back, knees pressed against my chest, and my hole exposed to him. "Can't have you whimpering, while I fuck you. Bite down, kid, this is gonna hurt."

My teeth clamped down onto the dirty sock that filled my mouth as tears overflowed from my eyes. The pain wasn't contained to my expanding anus by any means. The force exerted by Brock's powerful body sent jolts through my whole frame. Apparently bringing pain to me was part of the turn on for my step brother. Occasionally he would wrap his fingers around my wrists and squeeze them, laughing and smiling cynically at me. At one point he pinched my ass cheeks so hard I writhed in pain.

Through it all, though, I didn't want it to stop. There was within all the pain a pleasure. This was my place -- Brock had sensed it, and was just doing what was completely natural. He had everything it took to dominate me, so why shouldn't he? I had limited means to fulfill his desires and sexual needs right now, so why shouldn't I?

As quickly as he pushed his cock in, he pulled it out and proceeded to squirt loads of cum all over my face while he jacked with one hand and squeezed my penis painfully with the other. "Good job, Doogie. Let me go clean up and we'll talk."

I watched his magnificent man as he stood towering over me and walked to the bathroom, then waited patiently while he finished showering. After about 15 minutes he walked out in a light blue bath towel. I still hadn't cum, and my cock was standing straight up. I hadn't moved. I was still sitting in the same position, naked with the sock in my mouth -- afraid to do anything without his command. God, he looked so amazing standing there. His demeanor seemed to have changed somewhat. He walked over to me, placed his huge powerful foot on my cock and began to rub it sending me into the most powerful orgasm I had ever experienced. Brock looked down at some of my cum that had squirted onto his gorgeous calf. Without a command I knew that I was to lick it off and I did so gladly.

"Now, kid, let's talk. I'm not such an asshole after I cum, so I figure you've got a few hours of a nice guy here and then I'll be ready to beat the shit out of you. So let's do our little brother to big brother bonding ritual here. Bet you never thought you'd have a brother this big, huh, Doogie?"

I managed to get out an answer, "No", through my still heavy breathing.

"No what?" Brock flexed his pecs showing his power. "I'm being nice, but I'm still in charge, fag."

"No, Sir."

"That's better. So, tell me. You got a girlfriend, Doogie?" Brock crossed his ankles rubbing his huge feet together, making my heart skip a beat again.

"No, not right now."

"Not ever you mean. So do any girls get you excited or do you just like guys? I know I called you fag, but I'm not necessarily saying you're gay. Every guy's a fag for me. What girl gets your little penis stiff?"

"Well...." I wondered if I should tell him. "There is one girl, but she's way out of my league. Joanne Wilson. She's the best looking girl in school by far. She's so awesome, but she's dating Chad Erikson, and he'd kill me for looking at her."

"Huh, I wanna see her. Tomorrow I'll meet you after school and you can show her to me. Maybe if she meets your new stud brother, she'll take a look at you."

With that Chad lay back on my (his) bed and dozed right off. I couldn't sleep. Not only had I had the greatest sexual encounter of my life, but Brock was being so nice to me. I really had a big brother. This was so amazing. I slept all night with his cum on my face.

The next morning I awoke and quietly showered and exited without waking Brock. I did, of course, stand gazing at him while slept, and took that image to the shower with me where I had another mind blowing orgasm. I was then off to school for exams. The day went by slowly. Exams were rough, but I was prepared. It seemed as if three o'clock would never roll around, and when it did there was my new big brother waiting outside the school for me.

"Hey Doogie, show me this Jeannie girl."

"It's Joanne."

"Whatever. Girls don't care what I call them." He was right. They didn't. As I walked through the halls with Brock to Joanne's locker every eye was on him. Male, female, student, and teacher -- everyone was turned on by Brock. When we got to Joanne's locker, she was there as usual talking to Chad. Chad was hot too. He was about 5'10 and I'd guess 175 lbs, very muscular for a high school student. I was scared to death of him -- until now when I was with Brock.

"What are you going to do, Brock? You're not going to talk to her are you? You just wanted to see her, right?" I was a little nervous about what he might do. I mean, I didn't really know Brock at all.

"Just stand right here. I'll be right back." Brock walked confidently over to where the two were standing gazing into one another's eyes and broke their gaze. "Hey. I'm Brock, Doug's step brother. I know this is your boyfriend, but Doug really likes you, and he wants you to come over tonight. I'll be there too." He winked.

Joanne smiled, "Okay, why not?"

Chad flew into a rage, "The hell you will. You're not going out with another...." Before the words left his mouth Chad found himself three feet higher in the air suspended at the neck by one of Brock's muscular arms.

"What were you saying? I think the young lady has already made a decision, and I don't like guys who try to boss around pretty young girls, so if she doesn't come I'll know you persuaded her. Then I'll be persuaded to kick your wimpy little high school as, okay?" With a thud, Chad dropped and the argument ended. "See you at Six-thirty, Jeannie." Brock was right. It didn't matter what he called her.

At six thirty I was still getting ready. Brock had asked me on the way home what I wanted to do, and I told him I'd like to take Jeannie (Joanne, whatever) out to El Catalonia's Restaurant, and then downtown to the pier for a walk. He didn't object, so I assumed that he was okay with everything. I hated to keep Joanne waiting, but no matter what I couldn't seem to make myself look right. Why did I have to be such a little scrub? I knew she was only coming because no one could say no to Brock, but this could be my chance to score some real popularity points. At a quarter till seven I finally pranced out of the bathroom -- looking sharper than I suppose I ever had looked.

How I looked really didn't matter to Joanne, though. Her eyes were fixed on Brock lying naked on the bed, huge cock erect, and Joanne inches away from being impaled thereby. Brock noticed my entrance, and hesitated for a second to begin giving Joanne the ride of her life. "Hey fag, you didn't really think I was getting her for you, did you? I would never subject a hot piece of tail like this to a whole night with a loser. Don't look at me so fuckin' disappointed! Take your clothes off and you can jack off while you watch me screw Jennifer." Jennifer (Joanne, Jeannie) screamed the moment he entered her and never ceased to do so. It was a good thing Dad and Linda were out, but even the neighbors had to hear this. Maybe they would think it was Linda, but God knows Dad never did for Linda was Brock was doing right now for Joanne. It was as if she was a toy. She didn't have to do any work; Brock's powerful hands lifted her and thrust her down onto him with ease. After a while in that position, he flipped her to her stomache, then onto her back. At one point he dick walked her across the room screwing her against the walls, on the floor, on the bathroom counter. I lost count of how many orgasms Joanne experienced, but I felt like Brock's was coming soon.

"Hey, come lick my hole while I finish her out, fag."

"Yes, Sir." I immediately dove to obey him.

"What?" Linda questioned, still in a fog of pleasure. "He just obeys you like that?"

"Yep, and so will you and your wimp boyfriend. Everyone obeys Brock."

Holding Linda with one hand and holding my head on his ass with the other I could tell Brock was going to soon explode with cum by the intensity with which he thrust himself into her. "Oh yeah. Here it comes."

SLAM!!!! The door opened and there stood Dad.


Brock threw Joanne to the floor. "Go home, bitch. I got things to take care of."

To be continued....

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