New Coed on Campus

By TJ Ryder

Published on Jan 20, 2009



New Coed on Campus

TV Teen Story!

TJ Ryder

Todd pulled his old car into the guest parking lot of the giant Valley High School in LA and felt like a big shot since this was his first invitational job meeting and it sounded pretty good. The first year student at UCLA needed the money, and tutoring around the campus didn't get much.

Walking up the steps to the office, past the security detail that was no surprise to a kid who went to a magnet inner city school himself, he told the receptionist his name, and was asked to take a seat in the lobby. There he edged away from some black gang members no doubt sent to the office for discipline, a big black cop in protective vest hovering around them. He figured the population of the school was maybe half black. Then he decided to make a last appearance check so he went into the mens room.

His old blazer wasn't showing any threads thanks to a blue magic marker; his beardless face shone; his blonde hair was maybe a bit long but haircuts cost money! A tutoring gig at this special program might give him some real money and he needed this to work. The only thing is he couldn't look too forceful because he just didn't have the appearance for it. At only 5'5" and 135 lb of slim build, with a oval face and no beardline at all, the blonde, blue-haired youth was still only 18 years old, and he knew that some of the hs students were older than he was even though he had started college early on a partial academic scholarship.

Back in the lobby he noticed for the first time other guys dressed for an interview. And as he sat there, he noticed they looked, well, kind of like him. Not the big, brawny, Valley High athletic powerhouse stud type you see in the papers all the time. One was called in, and he waited half an hour before it was his turn.

A smiling middle aged woman shook his hand as he sat in a conference room, noticing the video camera set up.

"Hello Mr. Lindstrom, I'm Abigail Sweeney! Lindstrom, is that a Swedish name?"

"Um, my family was originally from Holland!"

"So very blonde, unusual for Valley High!"

He tried to joke, "I noticed!"

"Anyway, do you mind if we film this, because we want the prospective students to be able to see who they want for a tutor!"

"Um, no problem!" He arranged his tie in his collar as she smiled.

"But, before I begin recording, can you give me some off the record information, if you don't mind?"

"Um, sure!"

'Do you have any restrictions, difficulty with dealing with any particular group of people? Like, for instance, race, sex, or sexual orientation?"

He smiled and shook his head and she smiled.

"I didn't think so from your record. You came with your family from South Africa 4 years ago. That caught our eye!"

'Ah ha,' he thought, 'he was preselected on that!'

"What was it like in a majority black school?" He wondered how to answer that and just gave a shrug.

"Well, like any school I guess. I studied, did some sports!"

'Did you get along with the mostly bigger Zulu boys?"

"Well," he smiled, "I did, of course, there was no option about it!"

"Did you want to come to America?"

"Well, a job in Oakland brought my dad over first, but that doesn't answer your question. I think at the time I didn't want to leave my friends but now Iv'e adjusted, going to UCLA!"

"And you went to Martin Luther King High upstate, also mostly black, which is another factor in our pre selection process!"

"Yes! I, um, get along with all kinds of people!" Where was she going with this?

'And you have enough time to meet with a student regularly?"

'Yes,' he smiled, "I have an easy course load the next 6 months!"

'Well, excellent, Well, here is our needs in a nutshell. We are looking for boys who can impart academic as well as social skills to some of our at-risk black athletes particularly!"

"Yes, I gathered that in the brocure!"

'We have some of the most promising athletes in the country as you probably know. Football, basketball, track! And the sad fact is that maybe half the boys are heading in the wrong direction!" He nodded, having seen that before!

"But, even the ones who want to change, well, peer pressure can be difficult, even deadly!" He nodded again. "But we have resources to fund a pretty lucrative program for the right people, and I think you might be one of them. In return for working with one or perhaps more of these boys, depending on your available time! This is what the contract pays, and it is a contract!"

She paused before opening a manila envelope on the table and sliding it over. His heart skipped at the pay rate hoping a flush didn't hit his cheeks and eliminate all his negotiating ability.

"Um, interesting!"

'But first, I have to know more, for security!"

'Well, anything I can answer I'll be very happy to!"

"Would you be comfortable going to a big black athlete's home for tutoring sessions?"

He shrugged, that was easy. "Sure, I guess!"

"Perhaps socializing as well with them, because social skills are also important for them to learn!" He wondered what that meant but it sounded easy. What's that, he thought, how to use a salad fork? He knew all that!


"Well, I want you to think about it for a second, from the boy's point of view! And perhaps to help you, this is the candidate we are thinking of assigning you to, that is if he likes the video wer'e going to make of the interview!" She slid over an academic record and a picture, along with several newspaper clippings.

He looked at the huge black youth's photo.

"Actually, he is part of a group, a few other black athletes are also interested, but they look up to him as their leader! Wer'e hoping to get them all in a dorm on campus to make it convenient for them to share one tutor!"

"He does look familiar!" A very big black muscular teenager in a track suit, glistening gleaming muscles contrasting with silver sleeveless nylon.

"You don't follow sports it seems!" she smiled. "This is Jumbo Washington, actually Jonah but for obvious reasons they all call him Jumbo!"

'Obviously,' he smiled, seeing his stats of 6'6 and 230 lbs of solid 19 year old muscle.

"He does have a juvenile record, nothing major, and he really wants to change. But he lives in a foster home in East LA. He could get an athletic scholarship this year and be on his way out of the ghetto to a great future, or he could be dead or in jail in a few years. And he's the star of our nationally ranked basketball and track team!"

He nodded because that was unsurprising to him. But it did raise a question that he hesitated to ask, but fortunately she covered that next.

"Frankly, it would be difficult, impossible, for Jumbo to be seen associating with a white boy, especially a non-athletic, British-sounding blonde boy like you! It would alienate him from his friends and teammates! You wouldn't even be safe and our underwriters are concerned about that for the insurance costs!"

"I quite understand!"

"A white girl of course would be a trophy for a black man, in his culture, and he would be respected for it by his peers!"

"Very true! Sad but true!"

"But we can't expose a white girl to this situation either, so there is this dilemma!"

He nodded, wondering how they were going to get around this.

"But a solution did present. A little deception! You know black kids who really want to get ahead have to have two sets of books? One for home and one for school because their peers would ridicule them if they were seen carrying homework!"

"Yes" he smiled, "I saw that in Oakland!"

"Well, the same thing applies. If you went back and forth, I see you have your own transportation which is good, as a girl, there wouldn't be a problem!"

He smiled, about to make a joke and then swallowed! He got it! That's why all those boys in the hallway looked like he did!

"Uh, oh!" He said out loud!

"Concerned?" She asked.

"Well, yes, I mean, I...!"

"We have an expert on hand to show you, we pay for any additional clothing you might need, even a drivers license and other identification. I am assured by the expert who selected your photo you could slip in and out of the disguise in a minute or so. And you already have longish hair so you wouldn't need a wig!"

"Oh, but, I mean that...!"

"You have no local family or friends, nobody would recognize you anyway; it might be fun actually. Some have volunteered just for this!"

"But I never did this before! I just, well, I'm just doing this cuz I need the money!"

"Then do it for the money; plus you might be instrumental in saving a promising young man from a sad ending! Maybe more than one even. Isn't that worth something?"

"Well, yess, when you put it...!" He was still thinking of the lost money he had already spent on wreck of a car.

"So, the next question is sexual orientation. I assume you are bi from your background in South Africa and the Obeah membership!"

"W-what..." He blushed at that.

"Which of course is advantageous, because this particular set of black boys with Jumbo as the leader is bi or at least we think so. But of course they are part of the macho black culture and can't reveal that, coming out of the closet so to speak!"

Todd sat there stunned now, and she continued.

"I mean they have said they have no problem working with white boys dressed as girls as long as they have the 'right attitude' so that tells us something right there, doesn't it?"

"Y-yes I guess but...!"

"When we do the video I'd like you to discuss that aspect a little if you don't mind. Especially that Obeah culture of being submissive to the dominant Black male, because of course all these competitive athletes are definitely Alpha males, (she chuckled at that as he blushed)! All of the tutors selected must be necessarily Beta, very Beta indeed!"

"Yes,...," he blushed, swallowed, shifting his feet, as he realized this was not going to work! He couldn't do this, but at the same time he felt his cock pushing out his pants, caught in a fold and tried to arrange it discreetly by shifting his hips. She took his silence as his willingness to accept the job.

She smiled as she handed him a check! "This is a postdated check, which you can cash after your makeover and training which we have selected for next Friday. Cashing this is the same as accepting a contract of course. I'm very happy you decided to do this, Todd. Jumbo has no real other possiblity of help, much like yourself when you think about it. Wev'e done our homework also. Do you really think your financial situation will allow you to complete your first year at the rate your'e going at LA prices?"

He groaned, looking at the check laying on the table with a month's fat salary on it. She was right! She knew so much about his situation! But the hard fact is he had no other options. He should have worked a year before starting, maybe joined the military for educational benefits. But he didn't even have rent money for the second half of the year!

He hesitated, and then reached across and took the check!

'Okay,' Todd said to himself as he numbly drove back to his small studio near the UCLA campus. The questions that the lady asked him during the video had pulled back memories he had thought had buried, and now were surfacing. Looking at the folder on the passenger seat, with Jumbo's 12x 12 glossy peeking out, he realized he only had a few days until this 'workshop' appointment, and the first thing he needed to do is get a ring job on his old beater of a car or he would be riding a bike.

As a stop light he pulled back a prepared 'To Do' List and groaned. It had a list of conversion sizes from male to female, from dresses, hats, shoes, to gloves. It had a list of TV friendly dress shops with expert advice, one he noticed in his area. He had to admit it was very organized, and he had to stop reading for the green light. For the first mile back from the school he had thought about declining, but the engine noise was a stark reality he couldn't ignore. Maybe just for the first semester?

Later that night, crashing through a history assignment, he frowned and looked back at the packet. A fellow geek had invited him to a coffee shop near campus and said some geekettes from anthropology might be there. He groaned at that idea. Horn rimmed glasses, armpit hair and mustaches, and he was thinking about the women! All the academic scholarship geeks seemed to hang out there.

Problem was he was more comfortable around the jock hangouts, another leftover from Africa? Once again he wondered about his sexual orientation as he took out Jumbo's picture. He looked like a powerful brute! Maybe some ignorant thug! Was this assignment more social than academic? What was he expected to do? Will I ever have a normal life, he wondered?

Finally, he opened the packet and read through it, cover to cover. And he couldn't deny the erection, wondering if he was misreading this whole scene. No, it was just a job!

"Um, excuse me, Miss!"

The next day he finally got the nerve up to actually enter this preposterous shop called Fifi's on Venice Beach, and asked for a 'Tichi', and the girl smiled and called this aging drag queen over. He groaned as he saw him approach, but this is the person mentioned on his 'advisor' list to get him into character for this stupid charade.

The slim old man in a long silver lame skirt and bangles and beads on his wrinkled old arms smiled through ruby lipstick, making him even more hideous, as he seemed to prance over. Todd shuddered!

"Yes, dahling, can I help you?"

"Um, well, I have a little problem, you see!" The old man's smile grew wider and he made a fluttery dismissive motion with his red fingernailed hands.

"There are no problems, dahling, that Tichi cannot fix! Come with me to the back!"

He hesitated but followed the swaying silver butt back to a room with mirrors and coat racks. At least it was more private.

"You see, that...!"

"Why don't you give Tichi what you are desperately clutching in your hand and then I will see?"

He was carrying the list of items and Tichi took it and smiled.

"Ah yes, Valley High's latest attempt at rehabilitation. Amazing what the combination of teen hormones, black culture and athletic department reputations can produce for a solution isn't it, dahling?"

"Well, actually I...!"

"Say no more! We don't need this silly list! Come under the lights, dear boy. You are not my first, but, hmmmm," as his long bony fingers with bright red polish tilted his head back to the lights in the mirror.

"No, not my first, but definitely my best!"

"Ah what would I would have given for this bone structure! And no beardline at all! Depilation is so tiresome you know for this ridiculous project. I doubt you will ever have to shave! Oval face and your vocal

range is all right. You will walk out of here and turn male heads, dahling, and make women jealous! Now please strip while I consider your basic outfits!"

Todd hesitated, and Tichi giggled. "Oh, don't worry about me, dahling. We know what we both really want, don't we?"

He slipped off his jeans and sneakers, and then his top, Tichi was glancing back at him as he estimated sizes, pulling dresses from racks. Remaining in just his boxer shorts, Tichi frowned.

"Please take those ridiculous things off, dahling, if you want this to work. Tichi can only work from the skin out! In fact Tichi must work from the soul out! First, tell me why you are doing this!"

Self conscious about stripping naked, but since it was secure and he could hardly be embarassed to be nude around Tichi, sort of a male,

he finally dropped his shorts. His genitals were at least he thought, more than average, at least that's what his friends in Africa had said, and it might have to do with taking maca and yojimbe root from an early age that was the trend for young men there. Tichi looked at his genitals and smiled.

"Well, I mean I need the money, freshman at UCLA!"

"Yes, Tichi sees the Goodwill wardrobe. But you have seen the man, yes! He appeals to you?"

"Well, I have a picture, he's my tutoring subject, and I just have to pass enough not to get any trouble out of it!"

'Of course, but passing is not as simple as you think. Yes, for a boy like you, you can look just fine, but can you really pass?"

'Well, its just a disguise right? I just need to be seen in public as a girl. He already knows who I am!"

"Tichi is aware, dahling! But a disguise comes from within first. Otherwise it is like watching a bad actor, a painful spectacle to observe. When you slip on the outer garments and makeup, it must be the trigger to let your true inner self come out, not to hide it!" Todd let that sink in for a moment as Tichi looked him up and down and came to a decision.

"Yes," he pranced over and held up a slinky low cut number to his front, and shook his head.

"Oh of course, no breasts yet! Silly me!" He tossed it over a rack. Peering at Todd from the side, he touched his cheekbones, and ran his hand down, tsking at his hands, and then stood back, walking around him.

"Fortunately dear boy, you are mostly hairless and it is very blonde and fine, otherwise you need a peeloff. Your hands are too rough, use a skin softener twice a day. Do you wear glasses?"

"No, actually!"

"Then wear them, and always wear sunglasses. Your'e already getting squint lines!"

"Yes, well, I see the point of sunglasses but I don't need glasses to see!"

"Not to see! You have that academic look but with a full lower lip, could be fuller, Yes, that's it, collagen injection! Of course, wait till I see the profile. Hmmm!"

Todd realized he had switched on a tape recorder and was speaking into it! It was amusing how he was being studied this close and had a certain fascination watching this creature analyze him this way.

"Yes, you cannot wear fingernail or toenail polish because it takes too long to take on and off. A ponytail and pink ribbon is all we can do for the hair. Sensible hornrimmed square glasses to go with your oval face, and of course the eyes are green!"

"My eyes are blue!"

"Tichi says they are green! Sit right here while I choose!"

Sitting in front of an oval mirror, he watched him/her choose from a rack of eyeglasses, non prescription, and also, from a drawer of non prescription contact lenses.

"Do you have any problems with contact lenses?"

'Actually I did wear them once, but my vision corrected itself!"

"Excellent, this is your shade, use this moisturizer and slip them in!" It took a little while to remember the technique but he did, and looking at himself in the mirror, it did make a big difference, deep green eyes.

"Yes, the eyelashes, more. Try this, see the little contact area! Let me do one side. Yes... Do the other one yourself! No, no, easy, run it along with one finger. Very good! Now the glasses! Just for public really, with your hair tied back, oh yes, bangs, you must have bangs, dahling, you simply must! All you have to do is take a comb and make a line, right here, you see, now straight down. Hmmmm, let me get a scissors!"

A pink ribbon on his new ponytail, looking at his face, long lashed green eyes and glasses, blonde bangs. He looked different.

"Hmmmm, oh yes, the eyebrows, we can shape them a little and nobody would know when you go back to being a plain boy. Oh yes, the lips, must do the lips!" Todd gasped as he saw the hypodermic being prepared!

"Wait, shouldn't this be like with a doctor or somebody!"

"Tichi is doctor, graduated med school in 64! No allergies do you have? Tell me now! Besides this is just collagen, hardly any, won't even feel a prick, just to add a tiny bit of shape, yes? hold still. Hmmm, the other side? yes. Of course it will wear out in a few months and you will need a new shot! I would recommend a more permanent fix then, then you need an appointment!

"Now I am only going to use lip gloss and it is easily removed with this solvent and a tissue. Chapstick would work but it dries too quickly! But see, it brings the lips alive, dahling! I can suggest a subtle maroon shade but it takes practice applying lipstick. Purse your lips, yes, much better!"

Todd didn't even recognize himself.

"Yes, good enough," Tichi said, "as good as it can get without knowing anything about anything, and because you have a young complexion anyway, it works!"

"Amazing! I don't recognize myself!"

"It's the eyes, dahling, that's how people remember! Windows to the soul! Now, back up, time for the rest of you!" Todd stood up, still looking at himself in the mirror.

"Hmmm, nipples, ugly hair, even blonde hair on nipples. Must go!"


"Must be a little bigger!"

"More collagen?" Tichi nodded, already preparing a hypodermic! "I mean I don't want big nipples all the time!"

"Now don't tell Tichi that nobody has squeezed your nipples before, dahling!" Todd blushed at that.

"There now, just a little fuller and longer. I would prefer a shade darker but what can Tichi do?"

"It looks fine, kind of big!"

Tichi had already moved on as he moved his eyes down his body and Todd blushed as he used a pencil and lifted his flaccid penis up to reveal his testicles.

"Now, you need special diet, dahling! My special animo acid cocktail recipe, I will attach it. Balls must be heavier, but no masturbation. No, a lady does not pleasure herself and deny her man, does she?"

"Really Tichi, I told you...!"

'Tichi knows, dahling, do you want to pull this off or just make a spectacle of yourself!"

"Well, I do need this job!"

"Now, for your prostate exam!"

Todd gasped as he saw Tichi slip a latex glove over his right hand!

"Tichi, I can't,... this is...!"

"Bend over dahling, I told you Tichi is doctor!" Todd blushed furiously, having had his last physical in his freshman year of high school when he ran track.

"Open wide for Tichi! Such a statement, reality is opposite, hahahaha! Ah yes, as I thought!" Todd moaned with shame. Tichi finally withdrew his hand and tossed the glove in a wastebasket.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, prostate is normal, no hernia. But you must adapt to reality, dahling, big, black, thick reality, ho ho ho! I prescribe certain yoga exercises and of course a butt plug, medium size!"

"Tichi," Todd smiled, "lets not be ridiculous because I..." he stopped when he saw Tichi come over with a big black rubber butt plug!

"Always use one with a flared bottom, dahling. I will not tire you with emergency room stories!"

'Tichi, I don't plan on getting fucked! It's just a job!"

"Of course, dahling, whatever you say! But this is the best way to enter your act, from within as I have said! To be a woman you must feel like a woman, and a woman is filled by her man! To be violated and to accept it! If you deny it your whole act will be a ridiculous charade, and where is Tichi's reputation then?"

Feeling stupid but somehow not wanting to disappoint this crazy person, he allowed the butt plug to slide in.

As he straightened out, he bit his new lower lip a little.

"Ooooohhhh! It's really too big, Tichi!"

"This is a training one, dahling. I have a smaller one you will wear. You just wear this one when you are alone. You wear the smaller one when you do dress up and do a practice cruise, you know, trolling for titans!"

"I'm not... never mind, it would pop out!"

"No, it has straps to hold it in. Now, there we go!"

"Oooh, sorry!" Todd blushed, because he didn't realize he had a full erection!

"Tichi is not sorry!"

"I'm not letting you inject needles with collagen there!""

"You don't need to, dahling! But definitely you were exposed during puberty to yohimbe root, am I not correct?"

Todd sighed, nodding. "I was raised in South Africa!"

"Ah, I thought it was odd British, but definitely old English with a twinge of Afrikaans. Oh yes, dear boy, those heavenly giant Zulus, were they just as lovely as they sound?"

"Really, Tichi!"

"It all comes clear now, dahling! Now, mmmm, looking further, oh yes, knees, so rough, more skin softener. You'll be spending lots of time there boy, ho ho!"

"Can I take this out?"

"Hmmm, oh, yes, now for lingerie!" Todd was relieved he took the butt plug out and put it aside on some sanitary cloth. He also removed his glasses and absently wiped the hair off his brow.

"Please dahling, get used to either one look or the other, not a mishmash of the two. That is an immediate giveaway and could be quite dangerous in the wrong setting. Tichi knows!"

Todd nodded, thinking how some crazy rednecks might react.

"Always use either ladies room or an alley, dahling, in your act. You cannot go into a mens room until you are ready, because you may not ever come out!"

"I hear that!"

"And you are doing this for black men? Avoid ladies rooms in black clubs. The sistahs might kill you just for stealing their men, let alone being a white boy inside! And they are sometimes huge and carry razors. You should carry a chem spray on a key chain for protection!"

"I hadn't thought of that!"

"You must! And let's see, here are your bottoms, try this one on!"

"Theyr'e bikini panties!"

"Yes of course!"

"But nobody's going to see my panties!"

"Oh of course dahling, but remember, from the skin out to be successful!"

The light green silk panties did feel good, and the erection that had gone was stirring again. He groaned at trying to suppress it!

"Now if your'e smart in wanting this to succeed, you should toss out all your male underwear. Always wear panties! It is a reminder of your other side all the time, plus it saves time when you need to switch!"

'I see what you mean!"

"What is your new name? Have you decided?"

Todd was stunned that hadn't even occurred to him yet!"

"I can tell you haven't. Make it close sounding and familiar to you, same syllables and initials if possible!"


"And I will give you this tape recording to help you, along with a printout of all the sizes, makeup and other points to consider!"

"Thank you!"

'Now this next ridiculous item, so unnecessary for a boy like you. I would have a 34 cup of perfect breasts, surgery of course, but for now this is our patented boob job!"

'It looks like a heavy bra!"

'yes, your size though. But inside, you see these little clamps! They fit around your own nipples, especially now that they fit better!"

Todd watched him put it on, adjusting it.

"Of course this ghastly object removes any top that is too sheer or shows the slightest cleavage, but it has this advantage, squeeze your nipples now!"

Todd did so, and felt a squeeze on his own nipples!

"I see what you mean!"

"That triples the cost right there, but everyone says its more than worth it! Now let's cover the dreadful thing up. I like for you tight sweaters, your arms are not too thick, shoulders are very smooth, could go sleeveless, very lucky there!"

"Speaking of cost, how much is all this, Tichi? I mean I'm on a scholarship at college!"

"Oh" Tichi said breezily as he tossed some skirts and tops over a rack, 'several hundred so far!"

Todd gasped, "b-but that's more than my whole first check, that I haven't even cashed yet!"

"I know dahling, but I know you will be a success, and frugality at this stage could be positively disastrous!"

"Doesn't this look good, with your eyes and shading?"

Todd had to admit the light green sleeveless sweater did look good with matching short skirt!

"Your legs would be too muscular for my generation but with today's athletic women they are fine. Must shave your pits though! Absolutely must! You are so fortunate you have no protruding adams apple!" Todd smiled, thinking how disgusting he thought the anthro majors were with hairy pits and legs!

'It seems its missing something though," he said thinking of other women who wore similar outfits on the campus!

"Accessories, dahling. Some feminine touches. Go back to Goodwill or wherever and choose some bracelets and necklaces and earrings. Make them go with either green or purple. Keep them separate, you need a little box to keep them in order. Now don't go overboard, just a couple of things per outfit! I have two outfits here. You will need more, and of course a formal dress for parties, always get them second hand for your size!"

"Thanks Tichi, but I can't afford this already!"

'We do the installment plan for our steady customers, dahling!"

"But, like I said, this is just...!"

"A job, of course dahling! Now don't cruise anywhere you normally go, especially at first. Because when you make the slightest mistake you must leave there immediately and never ever go back!"

End of Chapter 1! Look for upcoming story coming out in

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