New Earth

By Jeremy Reimuller

Published on Dec 10, 2024


Chapter 1, Part 4 "Mateo" Monday, May 23, 2033

Even though I don't really want to watch TV, I say, "tee-vee on," into the living room and a real-time picture of a California sunset changes to the TV menu. In menu mode, the TV tracks my eye movements, and words are highlighted wherever I look. "That," I say, and the wall screen changes to a live soccer game in Argentina. "Volume down," I say as I remember Mom is on the phone upstairs, and the volume goes down. "More," I say, and the volume goes down more. Today, one of my teachers was talking about the first TV invented in 1927. 106 years ago. TV has come a long way since then. They're not even furniture anymore. They're just built into the wall like recessed lighting.

The front door opens, and I turn and see my older brother sauntering into the foyer. "Where have you been?" I ask as Javier takes his shoes off. "We were supposed to be at the courts an hour ago. Now they're probably all taken."

"Around. I guess I took my time coming home. I don't really feel like playing racquetball right now anyway," Javier says.

Turning to face the TV, I say "Tee-vee off," and the real time sunset picture returns. Javier stares transfixed at the picture of the sunset. "What's the matter?" I ask, clearly seeing confusion on his face, which isn't easy with Javier since his Asperger's masks his emotions most of the time. But growing up with him, I've learned to read him better than most people.

"I like sunsets," Javier whispers as he looks at the TV. "I really like them a lot, you know, the colors, and they change from minute to minute. I also like Sam, but you don't know her."

"Who's Sam?"

"I think I might have a new friend."

"Oh, my! That is cause for concern. I'll alert the media." I say over-dramatically.

"Shut up, asshole."

"From your Thai class?" I ask.

"Sam, short for Samantha. She said she likes me."

"Do you like her?" I ask.

"Yes," Javier responds, looking off into space, his usual poker face now settling in. "Maybe I'll invite her over for a visit."

"I'd like to meet her."

"I'll bet you would."

"Oh! Is that jealousy?" Javier grins slightly and looks at the floor. "Don't worry. I'm happy for you. I promise to behave. But I definitely would like to meet her."

"Saturday?" Javier asks.

"I've got some things going on then, but I can be home later."

"Saturday then."

"Mom might be working late through the weekend to finish up her project," I say.

"We can sneak a couple beers. Cool."

"Mom's not stupid, Javier. She knows. She counts the bottles."

"She doesn't get mad?" Javier asks.

"She was a teenager once. She understands. She told me once that if we drink alcohol, she'd rather we do it here at home than out at parties. Oh, Javier, I wouldn't tell her about the vodka."

Javier's eyes go wide -- the most expression I've seen in his face in a long time. I'm so loving this.

"Your secret is safe with me, bro," I say. "I wouldn't worry. A couple shots of vodka from a liter bottle is a lot easier to hide than a couple bottles of beer." Looking at Javier, I know what he's thinking and what he wants to ask. To answer his unspoken question, I say, "I'm your younger brother, and we've been living together all my life. Someday we should just hang out and talk about all the secrets we know about each other."

Javier looks at me, and without saying a word, I can tell he'd like that too.

I hear a splash in the backyard. "Wanna go for a swim? Maxime's in the pool." My thoughts drift to Maxime and what it might be like to have both parents as captains in the army. No wonder he spends all day on his computers. Yes, computers. Plural. If not for our pool, I doubt if Maxime would bathe at all. He can get pretty rank sometimes. Well, so can I, but for different reasons. However, I imagine Maxime's computer hacking skills far exceed my athletic ability.

Next: Chapter 5: New Earth 1e

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