New Earth

By Jeremy Reimuller

Published on Dec 14, 2024


Chapter 1, Part 9 "Maxime" Saturday, May 28, 2033

Looking up from my computer, I see the twilight sky outside my front second-floor bedroom window and realize how late it is. Tearing myself away from my computer, I change into my swimsuit and grab my towel, flip flops, goggles, and my two cell phones. A swim would feel good right now. I kneel down and give Aslan, my Irish terrier, a hug. "Be back in a while, boy."

With guilt-provoking puppy dog eyes, he assumes his guard stance as I turn and head out the back door towards the fence between my house and Javier's.

Hopping up on a rain barrel, straddling a six-foot-high wooden fence, and stepping down onto a four-foot-high shed filled with pool toys, I see the pool just begging to be jumped into, especially in this weather. When I'm in the middle of a computer hacking marathon that can go on for several days, I don't bathe. I have priorities. Javier's pool is always freezing because Ms. Bautista never heats it. During the winter, we don't use it at all; however, we do walk barefoot through the snow and bask in the jacuzzi while gently lobbing snowballs at each other's heads.

Stepping off the shed, laying my towel on a patio chair, and slipping off my flip flops, I raise my goggles to my face. That's when I see Javier through the kitchen window ... kissing a girl.

I just stand there, not really knowing what to think. Suddenly I feel awkward, like I'm imposing on a private moment. As I move to pick up my towel, Javier notices me, breaks off his kiss, and waves. I wave back, because he's my best friend, but I don't feel friendly. The girl looks at me and I can feel my tension rising. I've always felt protective of Javier. I've never wanted to take advantage of him. I don't even think he knows I'm attracted to guys more than girls, but he would be the first person I'd come out to if I ever told anyone. It's not that I'm hiding it. Nobody really cares anymore anyway, not like they used to. The topic of my sexual orientation simply hasn't ever come up. I guess everyone thinks I'm too geeky to have such feelings.

I watch pensively as they come outside. Stuck in this awkward situation, I can't leave now. Three's a crowd. I stand frozen, unable to move, by the side of the pool, towel in my hand and flip flops on my feet, as they approach.

"Let's swim," Javier says, looking at me all innocent as if nothing's happened. I look away and say nothing and immediately feel guilty for doing so. He may in fact not even understand what just happened to him in the kitchen.

"I'm Sam," the girl says.

"Hey," I say curtly as I glance in her direction. Finally, I look at Javier and say, "I think I'll just go. Three's a crowd."

"Stay. Don't go," the girl says. "We're not on a date or anything like that. I'm Javier's friend from Thai school. You must be Maxime."

I look at her and say, "Yeah, I'm Maxime," less curtly this time. I sense Javier doesn't want me to leave. He doesn't have to say a word. That's how well I know him. Even though he's a year older, I've always thought of him as my younger brother. The look in his eyes reminds me of Aslan's look when I left a few minutes ago. I decide to stay, but the girl ... What's her name again? ... has already sensed the awkwardness of the situation, kind of the way I felt when I saw Javier and her through the window. Three's a crowd. She looks at me, then at Javier, then at me again. She smiles a knowing smile in our sudden awkward silence -- the kind of smile someone smiles when they learn a secret. Does she really know? Nothing's happened between Javier and me. Ever! Not like that. Could it be possible that Javier might feel the same way? I've always cared too much about him -- like family -- to even entertain such a thought.

I sense Javier's confusion about what's happening and feel bad for him. Now I wish I hadn't come over the fence to begin with. Javier deserves more friends. More than just me. I really do care for him, and his happiness is more important than mine. I realize now that my feelings for Javier might actually run deeper than I've ever been willing to admit to myself.

"Did you see us?" Javier whispers, his voice noticeably filled with uncharacteristic emotion.

I want to leave, but I don't want to leave. As I'm looking over the fence towards my house, wondering if I should make a run for it, I feel Javier's hand take mine. I turn and look up into his eyes -- eyes that I've known forever it seems. I look at Sam who looks as surprised as I feel. Javier's hand moves up my arm, across my shoulder, and around to the back of my neck, and he pulls me closer. He lowers his head and our lips meet. For a fraction of a second, I wonder where he learned to do this, until finally, everything in the world disappears except his kiss.

Next: Chapter 9: New Earth 1i

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