New Earth

By Jeremy Reimuller

Published on Dec 14, 2024


Chapter 1, Part 10 "Javier" Saturday, May 28, 2033

Maxime is looking at his house like he wants to leave, but I don't want him to go. I feel confused about Sam's kiss. I need more information. I know Maxime has a secret, but I'm sure he doesn't know that I know. I've been watching him for more than a decade. I watch people a lot, and I learn about them by being a patient observer. With Sam's help, imitating their actions and verbal banter has become a little easier for me.

In a desperate attempt to keep my best friend from leaving, I reach out and take his hand in mine while he's looking at his house. At my touch, he turns and looks up into my eyes, and although I still have tremendous difficulty reading facial expressions and understanding conversational nuances, I've known Maxime since kindergarten. What I see in his eyes now as he looks up into mine is surprise. And there's something else. His pupils have dilated slightly, and his nostrils are flaring more noticeably in rhythm with his quicker breathing. That something else is desire. I know enough about physiology to see that.

In my peripheral vision, I can tell that Sam is shocked or surprised or something. I imagine she's curious to see how this is going to play out. I am too. I need more information.

As I remember Sam's interaction with me outside the school the other day and in the kitchen just now, I slowly move my hand up Maxime's arm to his shoulder and around to the back of his neck. I can feel his heart rate increasing as my hand wraps around his neck and my fingers press into his carotid artery. Still looking up into my eyes, Maxime's lips part slightly to assist with his more rapid breathing. I can see his chest rising and falling faster than before. I'm curious. I need ... No! I want more information. I pull him close and touch my lips to his.

As my lips press onto Maxime's, I find myself looking for a feeling that I'm supposed to have like people do on TV when they kiss. They seem to enjoy it. I didn't feel it in the kitchen with Sam. I do now. In fact, I'm enjoying this kiss with Maxime a lot. Finally, I come up for air, and I see that Maxime's face has gone all goofy, like he's high or something. Yeah, I've seen that look on TV, too.

Maxime finally opens his eyes and whispers, "I love you."

Some far away voice says, "If I'd known you were going to copy my kiss onto your friend here, I might have waited." Sam giggles. I like her laugh.

Looking over at Sam, a wry grin still on her face, I say, "Sorry."

"Don't be. I'm a sucker for true love, and you guys definitely have it. It's not hard to see at all," Sam says as her smile grows big. Then looking at Maxime, Sam says with a big smile, "He's all yours."

I'm not sure if Sam's disappointed or relieved, but she's still smiling, so I guess she's happy. Maxime's reaction to my kiss would be consistent with what I've seen on TV and read in books. Words such as infatuation, puppy love, falling in love, and falling head over heels come to my mind. Do I feel these things now? If I do, it doesn't appear to be with the same intensity that Maxime feels them. I'm sure my brain is getting in the way of my heart as usual. I put this on the back burner for now and decide to think about it later. I guess Maxime and I share a common secret, which isn't really a secret anymore. Honestly, with my wonderfully anti-social Aspie personality, I never really thought I'd ever have the chance to find out.

"You guys are too cute," Sam remarks and giggles again. Maxime looks totally embarrassed as his pale face turns several shades of red.

This situation feels awkward to me, and we need a little levity. I look at Maxime and say, "Sam kissed me, I kissed you, now you kiss Sam." I think it's a funny comment, and I'm surprised when they don't burst out laughing right away.

Both of them look at me with an expression so intense that no doubt is left in my mind about its meaning. They reach out, and four arms in unison push me in the pool. Then Maxime and Sam jump in after me.

Next: Chapter 10: New Earth 2a

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