New Fuckboy for Lane

Published on Oct 27, 2023


New Fuckboy for Lane Chapter 2

New Fuckboy for Lane

Chapter 2


I climbed to my feet as Lane moved around in front of me until he was standing next to the couch where Kevin sat. I watched as Lane reached down and grabbed Kevin's upper left arm, pulling up on it and hauling him to his feet.

"Stand up next to me, bro." Kevin glanced up at Lane, gave a kind of half shrug as he let Lane pull him to his feet, so that they were standing side by side. I literally felt my mouth begin to water, and the small taste of his lube I'd gotten from the black-haired stud standing next to the the sexy young god who'd brought me home the other night seemed magnified as my eyes drank in the sight of the two studs. They stood at ease, each with their shoulders back showing off their muscled torsos, weight evenly spread between both feet, which they had at about shoulder width.

The guys kind of lounged in front of me, towering over me despite the coffee table being between Kevin and me, blocking my view of his right foot. They stood at ease except for their hard cocks which were visible through their shorts. My eyes drank in their taut stomachs, rippled with muscle and I watched as Lane released his grip on Kevin's upper arm. He let his hand drop, so they were both standing with their arms at their sides, palms inward, both pictures of muscled masculine sexiness.

If my cock hadn't already been hard, taking in the sight of the two muscular, bare-chested, college men facing me, Lane wearing only his running shorts and Kevin in only his longer basketball shorts and ball cap would have gotten me erect instantly. As it was, my cock throbbed in my shorts as I stood there and drank in the sight of the two prime US Grade A college jocks in their nearly naked glory.

On the right, Lane flashed me another grin as my eyes first met his, traveled along his strong chin then followed the cords in his neck down to his collar bones and over to the mounds of his delts and traps forming his broad shoulders. The contours of his smooth, tanned skin led my eyes to his bulging biceps and triceps. As I took in his strong arms and developed chest, I marveled that someone so fucking hot would be interested in me. Memories of him on me – inside me – the other night had my own hard cock leaking.

Lane was just watching me, with an amused expression on his face as I took in the sight of the two studs on display in front of me.  Even fully relaxed, Lane's definition was incredible. My eyes took in matching veins that ran down the front of his upper arms over both of his biceps, standing out just under the skin, running down from each of his shoulders to the inside of his arms at his elbows.

My gaze flicked over to Kevin to compare. He had a more serious look on his face, which I registered briefly, before letting my eyes roam his upper body. He, too, stood with his shoulders back, showing off the defined muscles he'd built either in the gym, playing sports or both. His shoulders and arms were as sexy as Lane's. My eyes moved a bit more and I could see an area of sparse, dark hair in the valley between his pecs that fanned out lightly to frame his dark nipples which capped the large pectoral muscles just under his skin. They seemed to stand out more than Lane's, though I saw they were about the same size on both guys. I realized that Kevin's lighter complexion caused a greater contrast, and also allowed the hair on his chest to be more visible. It all just made his toned, muscular torso that much sexier.

I also realized that I desperately wanted to rub my hands on both of their chests and arms. I wanted to feel those hard muscles, the tendons and bones, beneath their silky, warm, smooth skin, or better yet, let my tongue wander across them, tasting Lane's salty sweat and Kevin's spicy maleness. Kevin turned toward Lane, starting to ask a question, but Lane silenced him with just a shake of his head.

"Let him check us out, bro, and let's see where this goes..." Lane said. Kevin looked back at me with a small frown on his face, but then gave kind of a half shrug and turned back towards me again.

Before he turned back, I caught a good view of Kevin's profile. His chest was deeper than Lane's, well defined, and I could see the muscles rippling and his ribs beneath his taut skin as he turned. I got a quick view of a shoulder blade and the way his back formed a stretched out "S" shape, flaring out from the nape of his neck with his built shoulders, tapering back in at his tight waist at the small of his back, then flaring out again with his impressive glutes. God he had a sexy body! I loved the way the small of his back at the base of his spine seemed to be only an inch or so behind the muscles of his tight abs.

As he turned back to face me, I admired the way his chest and torso narrowed down from about forty-four inches to his thirty-two inch waist before it flared out wider with his hip bones. There was no excess weight to spare on this sexy stud. Everywhere his taut skin tightly covered and showed off his musculature. Below the mounds of his pecs I could see the clear top of his core muscles and counted the two more indentations above his navel, contours marking the ridges of abdominal muscles only interrupted by his sexy bellybutton. His treasure trail descended from it along his soft skin which drew my eyes to his package.

The blue shorts he wore were caught on the bones of his hips, just below the lines formed by his obliques and hung low enough in front that I could see four or five inches of skin below his navel, and the trail of black hair as it spread out above his cock. On either side, the long, deep "V" of Kevin's Apollo's belt, where his abs met his pelvis, drew my eyes toward his still hard cock, hidden by the blue material.

My eyes flicked back to Lane's body, on display just inches away from his friend's and I took in his equally impressive Apollo's belt and ridges of his abs. My eyes worked up to his hard nipples before dropping back so I could count the ridges of his abs, which matched Kevin's but were a bit more defined, as my eyes again moved down his torso. Each of the guys had a well defined six pack, but instead of a black treasure trail, Lane's was the familiar brown I'd seen, touched, sniffed and licked the other night.

My eyes took in both guys' well muscled thighs and the hairy shins and calves that Kevin sported. God, Kevin had sexy legs! My eyes finally reached their feet. Kevin's were bigger than Lane's – longer and narrower, with small tufts of hair on each of his big toes. Lane's toes had felt nearly hairless under my tongue when he'd made me suck them the other night and a quick glance confirmed that.

Having completed a totally unprecedented - but long wished-for - slow, in person visual inspection of two gorgeous college guys' bodies, one straight and one gay, I returned my gaze to their faces, first Kevin's then Lane's. So many times in various locker rooms or on beaches, surrounded by sexy, hard bodied young men, I'd wanted to take my time to get a long good look at them, but had to make do with surreptitious glances. My cock had reacted to the sight of the two hot guys on display and was leaking like crazy. Kevin's face now looked thoughtful as he watched me. Lane's grin had just grown larger.

"So, Vic," Lane said. "You like what you see?"

"Yes," I admitted. "You guys are fucking incredible!" Lane chuckled and I saw him knock his elbow against Kevin's. When Kevin looked at his buddy, Lane signaled with his head and turned around.

"Really?" Kevin said, with disbelief in his voice. I guess he'd never planned to pose to turn on another dude. After a half second, Kevin let out a sigh and followed Lane's lead. Lane took a half step to the right and lifted his arms up, lacing his fingers together at the back of his neck. Kevin again followed suit but taking a half step to the left.

I was now presented with the strong arms and powerful backs of the two college jocks, as well, of course, as the cloth covered muscular asses of both guys. Their biceps and triceps actually were even more prominent with their hands behind their heads and I had to keep myself from moaning as I took in the center lines of their spines, and their shoulder blades before they got their hands in place.

I saw them both flex once their arms were up and I once again drank in the sight of their powerful bodies and the ridges and contours of muscle on display. My hand moved seemingly on its own to my cock. Kevin must have been a bit uncomfortable facing away from me, as after about ten seconds he quickly turned back around. Lane slowly did the same about five seconds later. Both were still clearly hard.

"Fuck, dude, you're right," Kevin said as his eyes scanned down my body. "Big jock boy is a slut. He's fucking playing with himself and has got a giant wet spot on his shorts, just from getting a chance to look at us! Hell, I think if we'd stood there any longer, he'd have blown his wad in his undies!" Kevin laughed as he said this.

"A slut is exactly what he is and what he wants to be. He's been dreaming of being a slut for two guys like us, giving head to two men like us at once, probably since about a week after he started sucking dick. Right?" Lane looked at me. I could only nod, not trusting my voice.

"See?" Lane continued, still staring at me. "Plus, the fagboy's been dreaming about getting a dick in both of his holes at the same time since...oh...about the third time he got fucked." Lane looked at me again and I obediently nodded. "Now he's got two men who are gonna give him that, and one is straight? He's in fag heaven!" Lane said.

"Two dicks at once," Kevin said, thoughtfully. "Shit. It still seems kinda weird to me buddy, but like I said, I've always wanted to bang a bitch with you, and head is head. You're saying we're gonna be in him at the same time, right?"

"Yeah, we're gonna spit roast the bitch!" Lane told Kevin. Kevin laughed when Lane said it.

"Fuck," Kevin said. "He's looking at me like he needs my cock, bro! Never thought I'd say it but I'll definitely shove my dick in his mouth. You said he can take it in his throat?"

"Sure can, and this slut is primed for it!" Lane moved around me and told Kevin to sit on the edge of the couch. I watched as Kevin dropped his shorts and underwear, kicking them away. His cock slapped up against his six pack as the material released it, then stood up at a ninety degree angle – an eight inch, uncut rod that would make any man proud. As Kevin moved to sit, Lane maneuvered me to the other side of the coffee table and grabbed me by the back of the neck.

"Down you go, boy. On your knees." Lane said. Using a tight grip, he pushed me to my knees and then bent me over the low table and pushed me forward, moving my face closer and closer to Kevin's throbbing meat.

I managed to get my hands on the couch on either side of Kevin's hips and held myself in place, basically on all fours with my knees on the floor on the other side of the table.

I saw Kevin reach out and he grabbed both sides of my head. "Suck me, fag," he ordered. I could smell Kevin's crotch and his unique scent. It seemed to be a sexy musk of testosterone combined with the lube his cock was already leaking. It drove me crazy. I opened my mouth and began to close the last inch or so between my lips and the partially hidden head of his meat, when a hand grabbed a fistful of my hair and stopped me.

"You lubed up, Vic?" Lane asked.

"No," I said. "I wasn't sure... ouch!" Lane had smacked my ass, hard then the back of my head.

"You come here all squeaky clean, praying I'm gonna fuck you, but you don't lube up? I should just spit on your hole once and take you that way." I felt a shiver of fear run through me for the first time since I'd met Lane. I could stop him, though maybe not both him and Kevin, but my fear was groundless. "Despite being pussy for a jock for years in high school, you didn't learn much, didja? Well, your training begins now. I'm gonna turn you into a good, obedient bitchboy. You know you need it and it'll be good for all three of us, though in much, much different ways for me and Kevin. I'd just use your spit, but your mouth has other duties, and spit's not great for long fucks."

I felt Lane's grip on my hair go from holding me back to pushing me forward. I felt him rise to his feet behind me as I opened my mouth and let Kevin's dripping cockhead slide between my lips. Precum smeared on my lips and coated the center of my tongue as he pushed into my mouth. For a split second, I realized I was now up to five different guys whose dicks had been in my mouth, but then I was forced to focus on the cock pushing into me.

Lane released my hair and I felt him move away as my mouth, nose and sinuses filled with Kevin's salty musk from the slick head of his cock as it slid inside my mouth. I listened to the guy let out a moaning sigh as I worked my tongue over the head, lapping up the leaking precum, then tightening my lips on the shaft to pull the skin down.

"There ya go," Kevin said, as I worked my tongue around and then slid the tip into his piss slit. I felt his whole body twitch and his hands on the sides of my head clamped more tightly.

"Holy shit dude! Do that again!" I lapped at the head with the whole center of my tongue, the next large drop of his precum coating it, truly letting me taste his essence straight from his meat, before using the tip of my tongue again to go for more. "Jesus! No girl's ever done that to me before. Fuck that feels good! Keep it up slut! Lap up all my dick drizzle and swallow it you nasty cocksucker! Eat my juice! Ohhhhhhhh, fuck yeah."

I heard a chuckle from Lane who dropped to his knees between my legs behind me. Kevin looked down at me. "Fuck! I never realized what a rush it would be to see a hard, muscled guy with my dick in his mouth. I can't wait to watch him eat my fucking jizz! Fuck, yeah, there ya go, boy! Lick the head and get that lube outta me and down your throat! There ya go!"

"Damn, Kev. He's getting that kinda reaction from you and only has the head of your dick in his mouth? I can't wait to see how much you like it when your balls are resting on his chin. This boy knows how to suck cock to the root. You ever get your dick down a throat before?"


"Bro, it's gonna rock your world. When they're trying not to gag and choke, their throat milks your cock unlike anything else. You're gonna love it! Since he's just a cocksucking bitch, you don't have to be all gentle like you would with a girl."

"He can really do that? Take all of me?" I looked up at Kevin, meeting his eyes and carefully nodded. "Fucking fag slut, I can't wait to feel that!" I saw his biceps flex as he prepared to pull my head down his length, but Lane spoke up before Kevin got going.

"Hold up, bro, Lane said. "He can take it all, and maybe even the way you're planning to slam it into his throat, but trust me, let him work his way down your shaft first. It's still dry and he can't really suck a dry dick very well. Let him have a minute to get his nose in your pubes and your dick lubed up his way, then you can facefuck him as hard as you want." Kevin stopped looking at me and looked up over me.


"Trust me, Kev. Nothing's harder than trying to take a dry cock anywhere, especially before you're ready, and double especially one as big and long as you are. You might end up with puke everywhere. Might not, but you'll definitely be doing him a favor if you let him work it in first. I'll bet the bitch will be so grateful he gives you the best head you've ever had, but after he's adjusted, you can take control. I know once you're in he can handle it, because we're about the same size and I sure as hell gave him a couple good, rough skull fucks the other night."

"Okay...okay," Kevin said, taking a deep breath and relaxing his arms and hands. He looked back down at me. "But keep looking at me, bitch. Keep your eyes on mine. Seeing you looking up at me while you've got my dick in your head is such a fucking rush." I heard Lane chuckle over top of me.

"You sure you don't mind me fucking him while he sucks you, bro? I remember you telling me once you never needed to see me um, `boning another dude' is the way I think you put it." Both guys laughed again.

"I think we're way past that, bro. I just watched you put this bitch to sleep, then bend him over the coffee table and shove his mouth on my cock. I listened to you both as you fucked his brains out the other night. So seeing you fuck him ain't gonna bother me. Besides, his mouth feels so damn good, I'll be too busy to care what you're doing."

I had reached just past the halfway point on Kevin's dick when he said this, the point where it started to get difficult because the only way to take any more of him was to get him into my throat. I was thankful that Lane had slowed down the process. Had Kevin rammed his cock into my gullet in one thrust, I'd have had no choice but to take it, but Lane had been right, it'd have been fifty-fifty that it would've made me puke. Ok...seventy-thirty. I'd skipped breakfast knowing I was coming here, but I still didn't want that.

Now I was able to let the sleek, helmet shaped head stretch my throat open more slowly and several years of practice let me take the head of Kevin's rod into my throat. I was just able to scoot across with my chest pressed to the coffee table and Kevin leaned his muscled torso backwards against the sofa, giving me a clearer angle to allow me to obey his command to keep looking up at him while his dick sank deeper into in my mouth. When he felt his meat stretching my throat, I saw his eyelids flutter, then watched his eyes roll back into his head as he let out a loud moan of satisfaction and pleasure.

I was trying to stifle my gagging but was only partly successful. I'd heard from other dudes, and now from Lane, how they loved it when I choked and gagged. I'd always thought it was just the rush of power they were enjoying. Now I knew they could feel my throat muscles gripping and massaging their invading poles when that happened, and knew that's what Kevin was now feeling.

"Holy fucking shit! I'm in his throat, bro,". He looked down at me, his eyes meeting mine. "I'm in your fucking throat, ya fucking cocksucker! How's my dick taste, bitch? You fucking love having my meat in your mouth, don't ya, boy? Fuuuuuucck! I can feel his fucking tonsils and his throat is fucking milking my dick just like you said! Listen to the bitch choke. Ahhhhhh, fuck yeah! I love that sound!" Kevin said huskily.

"Told you he's a natural born cocksucker, Kev. In fact, for a dude who's only sucked off four other dudes in his life, he's better than almost all of the cocksuckers who've gotten on their knees for me. Most can't take cock down their throats, so I've gotta give some credit to whichever high school jock put this bitch on his knees and battered the slut's face until he learned to open his throat and take dick the way a cocksucker should. Now, bro, get ready for more...but first, up high!" I saw Kevin's arm move as he gave Lane a high five. "Eiffel Tower, bro!!" As I heard their hands slap and both guys laughing, a wave of submission ran through me. I was sucking a straight college jock, while his gay roomie was preparing to mount me.

Suddenly, I felt the head of Lane's thick, long prick push against my hole. He'd lubed up and now spit on my hole a couple more times. A second later I felt him as he lodged in place stretching me open just a bit. Lane had fucked me before, just the other night, but I couldn't help but tense up a bit. I was still a little sore from the multiple times and different positions in which he'd fucked me. Lane grabbed my hips for leverage and before I had any time to prepare, he drove his cock firmly and fully into me. The effect was to push my entire body forward and force a muffled yell of pain out of me. A first penetration was always painful.

As Lane's pelvis slammed against my asscheeks, his dick filling me completely, Kevin kept his hips and cock immobile. This had the effect of the rest of his shaft sinking into my mouth and driving his length deeper into my throat until his manhood was buried balls deep. I couldn't look up at his eyes anymore so I closed mine and just tried to adjust to having two college studs stuffing me at both ends. I couldn't believe it! Lane was using my ass while Kevin used my mouth. It was exhilarating and a bit humiliating, knowing Kevin was watching me get plowed like pussy, but I'd fantasized about something like this happening. It was probably a month after Connor started fucking me, not quite as soon as Lane guessed, and had jerked off plenty of times imagining him fucking me while one of the other guys I was sucking regularly had his dick in my mouth, but I'd never worked up the nerve to tell any of them that I was taking dick from other dudes.

I felt Kevin wrap his hands around the back of my head, and he held me in place, with my lips and nose at the base of his cock being scratched by his wiry black pubes and about eight inches of his manhood stretching into my throat. My back arched with Lane's penetration of my body. I was a dude, just like these guys, but instead of fucking, I was letting them fill me with their dicks...taking cock however they wanted to use me...and I didn't just want it, I liked it. I felt Lane plant his right hand between my shoulder blades as his meat filled me. My nipples and own cock were rubbing against the coffee table as my body was filled with cock at both ends.

Lane's initial penetration had been steady and firm, but not all that rough, but still it was both humiliating giving my ass to another guy and made me so fucking hot knowing he was going to use me as pussy however he wanted. Lane held himself buried balls deep in me, his weight pressing down on my back. It still hurt, taking all of Lane's cock in one hard shove, especially as he was opening me up for the first time since the other night. However, since I'd taken his cock multiple times just the other night, I felt my body begin to adjust quickly.

I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I had two jocks in me at the same time...two college dudes, one supposedly straight, had together shoved over a foot of dick into me! I moaned as I felt the guys cocks throbbing inside me. Lane ground his cock into me at every angle, moving his hips around, forcing me to moan and whimper around the big cock in my throat.

After about thirty seconds, Lane began to pull back, preparing to fuck me, but stopped. Kevin's hands still tightly held my head in place, his cock rammed down my throat. My air was running out as I'd not known Lane was going to do what he did and his hand still pinned me in place but I tried to stay calm. Still, Kevin let his cock soak deep in my throat. Just as I was about to panic, Lane spoke up.

"Hey, Kev, you want to kill him or face fuck him?" Lane's question must have snapped Kevin out of his state of bliss and his body twitched before he relaxed his grip and let me raise my head up from where it was impaled on his hard meat.   My whole body tensed involuntarily as the head of Kevin's dick pulled back out of my throat making me chokes bit. I felt a smack on the back of my head, then on my ass as I sucked in a deep breath.

"Don't try to push me out bitch!" Lane ordered. He forced his cock more deeply into me, making me yelp.

I hadn't body's reactions had been beyond my control.   I gratefully sucked in more air through my nose as tears ran down my cheeks and spit dripped off my chin. I aimed my eyes back up at Kevin, meeting his gray ones again. His sexy smirk was back and I saw the muscles in his abs tense. A spurt of his precum coated my tongue where I was licking at the head of his cock again. I savored the taste of this hot young man's body as I tried to relax and accept their violation of me at both ends at the same time. It was much more difficult than I had imagined.

"I think that was my doing, bro!" Kevin laughed. "I was in his throat!" He looked back down a me and slid his left hand down under my chin and lifted my head up so I could more easily meet his gaze. He seemed to stare into my soul as he moved his cock forward, getting ready to claim my throat a second time. He pushed the head in until it rested on the back of my tongue at the entrance to my throat. I felt his cock twitch and both felt and tasted the large drop of his precum that pulsed from his hard dick. His scent and taste intensified in my mouth, my nose, my sinuses. He pulled back a bit.

"There ya go, queer boy," Kevin said. "Take it! Lick the head clean, bitch! Lick it all up! How's my ball juice taste, boy? Swallow it now...swallow!" I kept my eyes on his and deliberately swallowed. I could see the look of superiority and satisfaction, still tinged with a bit of disgust, on his face. "There ya go, slut boy. You are fucking eating another man's fucking precum! Jesus! No offense, Lane, but I just don't see how any man could do something so gross, but it's a fucking rush making him do it." Lane just laughed.

"None taken, bro," Lane said, laughing. "You might not understand it, but you're not gay. Besides you sure appear to be enjoying his mouth." I saw Kevin give his roomie a big grin.

"Yeah," he said. "I find I get off on watching another guy eat my fucking dick lube and I wanna see him swallow my cum. Just knowing he's gonna walk around for the rest of his life with me inside him...Fuck! That's such a rush!" Kevin looked back down at me. "But still totally disgusting to me...probably why making him eat my fucking sperm is such a power trip."

        "Sounds about right, but I don't ever expect to see you sucking a dick, bro. You're sure you're okay with this? Not freaking out?"

        "Nah. I've fucked girls in the ass before, so that's no big deal, and like I said Kenny and I double teamed a girl once or twice. So seeing you fucking doesn't bother me. It's weird seeing guy with every muscle in his body tense and straining, trying to take our cocks. But this bitchboy gives way better head than any chick who's sucked me and he seems to get off on it more. None of the shit you hear from girls who don't wanna do it."

"Keep those eyes on me and swallow more, bitch!" Kevin commanded. I obeyed again. "Fuck yeah! Jesus Christ that's fucking power, bro! Making this big jock lap up and swallow my fucking precum and stare into my eyes while he does it! I've been sucked off by some of the other fags you brought home before, Lane, but none of them ever looked like this dude. Hell, if I saw him on the street, I'd have figured this isn't a guy to fuck with because he could break most guys in half. I'd never have suspected he was really a guy you not only can fuck with, you can literally fuck! Damn, man, you should see how he looks with his lips stretched around my hard rod!" I heard Lane laugh.

"I know what he looks like with a mouthful of dick and a mouthful of cum," Lane said. "If you really enjoy the power trip, though, you gotta fuck the dude. If you think shooting your wad in his head is a rush, try using him as pussy."

"Never thought I'd fuck a guy," Kevin murmured almost to himself. He spoke louder, "Maybe you're right, bro, and I should fuck this big jock. Teach him if he comes to our place for dick, he takes it from us both, however and wherever we wanna put it." Kevin had pushed into my throat, but pulled back again.

I ran my tongue over the exposed head of his cock again. It was clearly very sensitive and I could tell Kevin not only got off on the power trip of having another guy eating the lube pouring out of his dick as fast as it flowed out of him as he'd said, he was enjoying the pure physical pleasure of my tongue teasing his his head and sliding into his slit, seeking every drop of his essence.

"Ahhh! Ahh!   Oh fuck. The bitch is really going after my juices, Lane. How's my precum taste, bitch? How's my fucking dick taste? You like my rod on your tongue pumping your mouth full of my dick slick? Fuck that's hot to watch! Never seen a guy like him fag out on dick before. Dude's a total slut for it!" I felt him grip my head again tightly with both his hands. "Now take it all again, Victim," he laughed as he said it. "Looks like you got two men conquering you today, pussyboy." As he pulled on the back of my head, he leaned back against the couch, stretching his toned and muscled torso backwards and out in front of me again, laying flat enough that I could look up past his abs and through the valley between his pecs to meet his eyes as my lips sank back down the length of his cock.

"Stick your tongue out, fag!" Kevin demanded and as I obeyed he used the opening and forced his dick into my throat again, making my eyes water and my entire body convulse again. He pulled my head down, so that my nose was back in his pubes and my forehead was pressed against his treasure trail. I felt another smack to the back of my head.

"I told you to stop trying to push me out, Vic, so fucking give me your pussy and take my cock up inside you, boy!" Lane ordered. I felt Lane grip my shoulders to get more leverage and his hips drove forward, until his spear was fully embedded in me.

Kevin laughed. "Me again bro. His whole body reacts when I get in his throat the right way!"

"Yeah, I know, but the bitch needs to learn to obey his man, or his men, in this case. Frankly, it's the only reason he exists right take our dicks. But this bitch is still a novice slut." Lane laughed as Kevin soaked his cock completely inside me.

I couldn't keep looking up and see his eyes from this position, but when Kevin released the pressure of his hands on the back of my head, I made sure to meet his gaze as soon as I could as I pushed my hands against the couch and pulled my lips back up his rod to the head. I began teasing his slit again with the tip of my tongue when I reached it. Kevin gasped as I did that and I saw his eyes roll up into the back of his head again as my tongue scooped up more precum out of the raven haired stud's body.

Kevin tasted good, but somehow the fact that I knew he thought what I was doing was disgusting made it even more of a turn on for me. Hell, I think he tasted even better because he was a guy who I knew would almost certainly never suck another dude's cock. I knew there was no way he would ever understand it, but to me his thick dick and salty, slick precum not only tasted good, they had my dick nearly ready to explode, in large part due to his voicing his view of how my sucking his cock was so gross to him.

Lane had pulled back and been holding still again, keeping just the head of his cock inside me, but not moving at all, as I began sucking Kevin's big rod. By stretching my neck and head forward, I'd taken Kevin's entire length about a half dozen times or so, always looking up to meet his eyes for as long as I could, before I felt Lane release my shoulders and grab my hips.

"Ok, boy. It's time for you to get what every slutboy like you secretly wants, whether they've admitted it or not...dicks fucking you in both holes at once. We're already both inside you," he moved his right hand under me and grabbed my hard meat, "and it's pretty clear you're loving it." He squeezed my cock and pushed his dick back into me, causing me to whimper around Kevin's meat.

I was so close to cumming, from the stimulation caused by Lane's hand on my prick, Kevin's dirty talk, the way the guys discussed me like I was their pleasure toy, and the feel of two cocks filling me at the same time. I thought I was going to lose my load on the coffee table. Lane must've realized because he released my cock and instead grabbed my balls and squeezed, hard. I let out a groan of pain around the thick rod in my throat.

"Slow down there, pussyboy. We don't want you nutting yet. You bitchboys are always way more slutty when you're close to cumming but not allowed. That's how we want you, at least to start. I'm figuring you'll probably shoot your little boy jizz no matter what at some point while you've got two men fucking you, but we'll see. For now though, you don't do anything except take dick like the good muscle fuckboy you are." Lane moved his hands to my hips and spoke to Kevin. "You ready?"

"Fuck yeah I'm ready! Let's plug this bitch."

"I'm with you bro, but like I said, let's start slow and get in synch. This pussyboy hasn't ever been with two men before, much less spitroasted and even though he's probably been dreaming about it for half his life and has both our dicks in him, he's about to discover the reality of getting fucked by two men at once is a bit more brutal than his fantasies. But this bitch came here sniffing for our dicks and cum and if you want take another guy's cum, you take it the way the man wants to give it." Lane said.

"Getting banged at both ends at once is gonna blow this pussyboy's mind, especially with us doing the fucking! If we work together we can ease him into it and he'll adjust a little before he gets overwhelmed. In any event he'll be having a rough time when we finally empty our balls and are both banging him as hard as a two dollar whore, which is gonna happen. But I like the dude, so I'm willing to ease him into his new life as our slut. That starts with being fucked at both ends at once, but we go easy at first. Besides, you're the one with the most at risk. These boys can get overwhelmed and lose their concentration. You don't want him letting his teeth bump your cock."

Kevin pulled his hips back a little and grabbed a fistful of my hair with his left hand. He pulled my head up and completely off his cock. Drool was running down my chin. I'd kept my eyes locked on his so didn't see the slap coming and only registered the first on my right cheek as I took the second one on my left. Garrett, the second guy to get his dick in my mouth had loved to slap my head and face. He did it more and more over time and always when he got close to shooting his load, so I was used to this. The slaps were hard enough to sting and move my head from side to side, but corrective, it seemed, more than due to out of control aggression, like Garrett's were as he got close to cumming. That was borne out when Kevin said, "No teeth, fag, or you'll lose them. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," I replied in a raspy voice. My throat was still recovering from the stretching by his cock. I heard Lane laughing behind me as Kevin lowered my head so I could take him back into my mouth.

"Damn, bro! Didn't know you had that in you!" Lane said.

"What? What's wrong?" Kevin asked him, still holding me with a tight grip on my hair and sounding surprised.

"Nothing dude! That's they way to treat and train a new fuckboy...doesn't matter whether he's a little beta fuckboy or a big jock like Vicky here...whad'ya call him...Victim?" Lane laughed. "Good name for the bitch...I like it. These boy sluts crave it so you just gotta show him who's boss and in control. But I never knew you'd wanna treat this slut the ways he's craving to be treated." Lane was slowly fucking his cock in and out with short little jabs.

"Hell," he continued, "if you wanna help me, we can start this jock boy's slut training right now. In fact, with your help we can just keep him here for the weekend and by Sunday he'll be an obedient little fuckboy - okay an obedient big, jock fuckboy - but still he'll be ready to take dick when told. Fuck, he's already been opened up! That fucking happened back in high school! You're just helping me turn me him out. It's already going much faster with you involved and the bitch was clearly begging for me to do it, by showing up here. Hardest part most times with a slut's training is making him understand that if he wants cock he takes it how we decide. He can leave...but he doesn't want to go. He wants dick. This bitch won't complain about my straight roomie using his holes."

"What? I thought we're just...I don't know, we're doing a one time thing. Finally fucking a bitch together. Are you saying he'd take dick all weekend? From both of us? What guy would wanna get dicked all weekend by us? No way he'll hang around for that." Kevin didn't know the power of lust like Lane did, apparently.

"Pull your dick out of his mouth," Lane told Kevin. Lane pulled his cock out of me at the same time and for the first time in what was probably only a couple minutes but seemed like an hour, I had no cocks or fingers in me. I felt empty and still so horny. My cock was trapped against the table, still sliding in the pool of my own lube and I wanted to hump the table until I came. "Now, the choice is his. He can get up, get dressed and walk out, and if he does he'll never so much as see our dicks, never mind feel or taste them ever again, or he can stay where he is and accept what he is and that he wants us to us teach him to be our cumdump and slut for the rest of the weekend."

Lane directed his next words to me. "So? What's it gonna be, Vic? You gonna leave, or are you gonna submit to the whims of a kinky, dominant top and his straight roommate for the next two or so days? You gonna take our dicks whenever we want? You seem to get off on this but now's your chance, if you're just a scared little bitch, to get out, but remember, if you leave now or at any time before we've decided we're finished with you, you'll never get our dicks again. If you stay, we're gonna use your mouth and pussy whenever and however we want until whenever we're satisfied on Sunday. What's it gonna be?"

"Fuck," I thought. I knew I'd already had both of them in me, and I'd swallowed enough of Kevin's precum that it filled my nostrils with his scent and my mouth and throat with his taste. But offering myself up as a fuck toy for these guys all weekend? Lane already gotten me naked and sucking off his roomie while he fucked me up the ass, so there were no secrets. Kevin knew I'd come for cock...hell I was already taking it from both of them. I'd already been spit roasted...hadn't I? Then Kevin stood, kicked the sofa back and dropped to his knees on the rug in front of me.

"Yeah, what's it gonna be?" He rubbed his cock across my face and I just let him do it. I was still hard and leaking and the feel of his cock on my face caused my own rod to throb even more. He began to smack my face with his cock, rubbing it on my cheeks, lips, forehead and eyes, marking every spot with his fuck lube. The sound of his dick smacking my skin and our breathing was the only noise. He ran the slick head of his cock across my upper lip and I breathed in the scent of the muscled jock. In the end that was the answer.

I tilted my head back and met Kevin's gaze. He was looking at me with amusement mixed with something else – the arrogance of a straight boy with all the power. He watch as I opened my mouth and I saw Kevin's eyebrows go up before a sneer appeared and he slid his dick back into my mouth. "Fine, you're our fag until we kick ya out on Sunday. Suck my dick!" He pushed his cock back between my lips and I could tell was about to start pounding when Lane stopped him.

"Remember let's work together at the start. You'll have all weekend to put it to him and make him your bitch any way you want. For now, let's just start slow...remember teeth. He's a slut, but he's a noob, too and is about to get his next lesson in being a cunt."  Kevin scowled at me, then looked at Lane.

"Okay," Kevin told him, then directed his attention back to me. "Eyes, bitch. Keep your eyes on mine every second you can. Understood?" I could only give a small nod, but they both saw it.

"Time to fill the bitch and show him what spitroasting really is!" Lane announced.

Both guys began pushing into me again, not moving fast, but moving with determination. I could tell they were watching each other and matching their speed as Lane's cock filled me from behind taking me doggie style and Kevin sank his prick into my throat. I moaned as they filled me with their cocks again.   They both bottomed out at the same time, their pubes scratching my lips and my ass. I couldn't breathe and fought the urge to choke as long as I could, but it finally won out. I heard both guys laughing as they heard.

I couldn't believe this was happening. If Lane hadn't literally just had me painfully by the balls, I think I'd have already cum. But he'd not only pulled me back from the edge, he'd nearly completely dissipated my urge to cum, though I'd stayed hard. Now as both these college boys began to draw back, my cock was responding, throbbing from the feel of the two men slowly fucking me together.

It was unlike anything I'd ever imagined, despite my trying to picture it dozens, if not hundreds of times when I'd been jerking off and close to cumming. My mind had often pulled up the image of Connor up my ass with Garrett or just one of the many hot jocks in my school down my throat, both using me at the same time, or I'd fantasized about two of the jocks I lusted after on my team but had never been able to touch, or I imagined other hot guys I'd seen around town double teaming me. I'd even imagined getting it on my hands and knees like was happening.

But reality was completely different. I wasn't sure if I'd already been spit roasted and technically I had when they'd both been in me, but that was really just the calm before the storm. I quickly discovered it wasn't easy to take two cocks, each over eight inches, in my mouth and ass at the same time. I couldn't concentrate on giving Kevin great head, nor keeping my ass tightened each time Lane pushed into me, the way he'd told me he liked it the other night. Kevin's hands gripped my head tightly as he forced his meat into my throat again and again.

Despite the lube, I was still sore from Lane's rougher fucking the night before last, but there was nothing I could do to protest. All I could do was try to limit the gagging and choking, though I heard Kevin laugh each time his dick made me choke. Thick spit and Kevin's precum were dribbling down my chin to drip on the rug in front of Kevin's knees. Despite all that, I suddenly realized the moaning I was hearing was coming from my own chest and seemed to be amping up the guys.

As their speed increased, I wrapped my lips over my teeth, to avoid scraping Kevin's cock as best I could. I was no longer sucking...I was getting throat fucked. I lost focus once and received another stinging slap on my cheek and a sharp rebuke - "I told you no teeth, bitch!!" - from the stud using my mouth. I still tried to keep my eyes on Kevin's, but his new position and the sheer force of Lane's fucking, which moved me back and forth over the coffee table made that nearly impossible. That was also causing my rock hard meat to rub against the wood of the coffee table which was quickly covered with the precum I was leaking.

The guys kept working together, but also kept steadily moving faster. Kevin had scooted into a more upright position bending over me so that my face and head were buried in his crotch, as Lane's fucking drove me forward and back. I let myself get facefucked by the black haired young stud, and concentrated on keeping my throat open for him. His cock was pounding into my throat, still in time with Lane's fucking of my ass, but much more roughly than the way Lane had used my mouth when I'd sucked him the other night.

"Stick your tongue out, bitch!" Kevin demanded repeatedly. I tried to obey, but I couldn't concentrate on any one guy or one thing. I was bombarded by sensations from everywhere and Kevin repeatedly pushing into my throat caused me instinctively to move my hands to his hips to try to slow him down, as my throat was sore from his repeated rough penetration.

Neither of the dominant young men was putting up with that and I felt Kevin grab my wrists and pass them back behind me into Lane's hands. My chest settled more firmly onto the coffee table and that forced Kevin's cock even deeper into my gullet.   Lane grabbed my wrists tightly and crossed them behind me at the small of my back and then pushed my wrists up to my shoulder blades, not quite to the point where it was painful, but only because I was in good shape and flexible. I knew that if he pushed them up another half inch, there'd be immediate pain. Instead, he leaned over me, using his weight to pin my wrists to my upper back and my chest to the table, holding me immobile with his whole body. His legs were wrapped around mine his weight was on my ass cheeks and back, and of course I was impaled in his thick eight inches.

Both guys fucked me, working in time together, building harder and faster for a solid five or so minutes, though it seemed like it was an hour. Kevin moved his right hand from the back of my head to my face and grabbed me by the nose, pinching shut my nostrils. Lane laughed in my ear, apparently watching as his buddy used my mouth. He was still pressed down on top of me, my arms held between our bodies, plowing my ass faster and faster, in time with Kevin's increasing pace. I could barely get enough air, only able to get small gasps when Kevin withdrew enough from my throat that I could briefly breathe before plunging his cock back into me. Lane kept his head near mine and I knew he was watching Kevin fuck my face.

More saliva and the thick spit from my throat were dripping onto the rug as I choked and gagged on Kevin's thick meat, but it seemed to turn him on. I didn't really register Kevin moving his hand, as I was busy choking on the jock's meat, until I saw that he'd used it to grab my shirt and put it on top of the rug floor so it was soaking up the spit that was dripping there and in place to catch any more.

"Yeah, you nasty cocksucker, gimme a sloppy, wet BJ!" Kevin insisted. "There ya go...there ya go..". Kevin was nearly chanting in time with his thrusts. Lane was fucking me equally hard and fast and I felt drops of his sweat splashing on my back and shoulder blades. Kevin fucked into my throat in time with Lane's penetration of my ass for a few dozen strokes more as I tried to remain calm and accept their increasingly rough fucks into my mouth and ass at the same time. My body kept tensing and twisting in response to Kevin pushing into my throat. Every muscle in me would tighten involuntarily, and I'd hear Lane moan with pleasure as he overpowered my reaction, driving his cock into me.

"You keep trying to push me out, fag, but you know that's not gonna happen if I want my dick in you," Lane said. He proved his point by pulling back until just the tip of his cock was still inside me and waiting. I was able to take the next two times Kevin's prick forced its way into my throat, but on the third time, he told me to stick out my tongue again and when I did, the head of his cock hit the spot in my throat that caused me to choke and my body to tense. Feeling and seeing my reaction, Lane drove his dick into me, clearly demonstrating that he could take me at will.

"Now you know what it means to be spitroasted, bitch! We fucking own you, jock boy!" Lane said and I heard the slightest bit of sneering condescension at me. "You got my buddy's dick reaming out your throat and mine getting ready to seed your pussy...again!" I heard both guys chuckle. Suddenly, Kevin pulled his cock all the way out of my mouth. He held his cock at the base with his left hand and smacked it against my lips and cheeks.

"Stick out your tongue!" He demanded. When I obeyed, Kevin set the head of his cock on it, so that I could taste the lube he was producing, then he leaned forward, getting his head above mine. I tried to keep my head back and my eyes aimed up, but I couldn't see his face any longer due to the angle. Suddenly I heard him spit and his saliva hit the head of his cock and the center of my tongue. He pulled back so I could meet his gaze and pushed his dick in again, using his own saliva as added lube. This was a new method of humiliation, but I felt a shiver of pleasure run along my spine and my dick throbbed in response, leaking out more of my own precum onto the table. I moaned around his meat.

Apparently that reaction caused me to clench down on Lane's hard cock, as I heard him let out a surprised moan of pleasure.

"Seems the slut really got off when you did that, bro." I felt Lane's right hand pull my head back with a tight grip on my hair and he pushed down on the small of my back as he pulled my head and shoulders. He ran his other hand up and grabbed me by the throat just up and under my chin. I put my newly freed hands on the coffee table to hold myself up as Lane forced me to arch my back even more and found myself looking up at the ceiling, before Kevin's face moved into view over mine.

"Stick out your tongue!" he ordered. As I obeyed, panting a bit from the exertion of taking two men's dicks at the same time, not to mention Kevin cutting off my air each time he slid into my throat, I saw him work his lips and mouth as he moved his face closer to mine. For a brief second, as he closed the gap, I thought he'd kiss me, despite the fact that I was on all fours, ass up, back arched, with his buddy's cock up inside me, staring upward at his handsome face because Lane had yanked my head back by my hair. My mouth was open and tongue out and waiting. Reality crashed back into my head as I saw his lips part and a gob of spit fall from his mouth onto my tongue. Lane still gripped my head firmly and I heard him chuckling as he watched Kevin. My body apparently reacted again as Lane's chuckle turned into a soft curse of pleasure when Kevin ordered, "Swallow!"

"Fuck," Lane said softly. "Do that again, Kev. The bitch clamps his pussy on my cock when you spit in his mouth." Kevin complied, spitting onto my tongue and commanding me to swallow. At first I was shocked at the idea, but then remembered if he'd kissed me, I'd have willingly swapped and swallowed his spit. Hell, I was already swallowing the precum straight out of his balls that his cock had been spreading on my tongue. What was a little spit compared to another dude's semen?

Lane was moaning now as he took me with long, slow strokes, making me feel every inch of his manhood as he penetrated me and withdrew. Kevin kept spitting into my mouth, as Lane began to increase the speed and force of his fucking.

I heard myself moaning and the pitch went up in time with Lane's cock ramming into me, almost making me squeal. I felt him wrap his arms around me and he pressed against my back. I could feel his hard nipples, at the ridge of his pecs, scraping against my shoulder blades. I knew from the other night that once his whole body was involved, Lane was getting close to cumming. He'd pulled me so that I was kneeling upright and pounded his dick harder into me, forcing yelps and whimpers from my lips, instead of just moans. He held me tightly in place, running his right hand along my chest, first to squeeze my left nipple before he slid his hand up to the back of my bracket and head. Lane pushed my head and body forward and down and smacked my ass as I settled on the coffee table against and he lay fully on my back.

"Yeah, bitch," Lane said softly in my ear. "Take my dick, pussyboy! This is what you came here for, so take it." Lane pulled his hips back and paused. I felt the blunt head of his cock slide out of me and my ass try to close. Lane kept his dick pushed right against it, so that as it tried to close, the head of his rod was lodged in position to prevent it. As soon as I'd settled down, the coffee table supporting my torso and Lane's on top of me, he spoke again. "There ya go boy...settle down and give up that tight hole to me." His breath was warm in my ear as he spoke and I felt his grip on my hair relax. I felt him push forward a little, but stop, teasing my hole.

"Who owns this hole, Vic? Whose hole is it?" Lane demanded.

"Oh, fuck! It's yours," I said. Lane pushed the head of his meat into me and held it there. I tried to raise my hips, but his body on mine prevented that.

"It's yours, what!" He demanded.

"It's yours, Sir," I said, letting my body relax under the dominant stud.

I'd been staring at Kevin's feet but saw him drop to his knees again in front of me, his large cock rubbing against my face. He was stroking it as he did so, and I saw him grin when Lane turned my head to the right scraping his stubbled cheek against my smooth one. With his right hand, Lane continued to hold my chin and his left hand slid down from my hair until I felt his fingers against my lips. I'd let my mouth close when Lane had released his grip on my hair, but now I felt two of his fingers slide into my mouth, pushing between my lips and parting my teeth, to rub roughly across my tongue. I could taste his salty skin again as I heard Kevin now chuckling.

"Damn, Lane, you weren't kidding when you called this boy your bitch." I could see him out of the corner of my eye, still jerking his cock. Lane didn't reply. Instead, he turned my head even more, moving his right hand down to my throat and giving it a squeeze. It wasn't enough to choke me, but added to everything else he was doing and reinforced that he was totally in control of my body.

"Look at me, Vic. Look at me!" Lane commanded. I twisted my head further until our eyes met.

"That's right, fuckboy...take my dick. My bro just used your mouth as pussy. Now I'm gonna finish turning your ass to pussy just like the other night! You came back for my dick, so take it, bitch. By Sunday you'll be just another muscle bottom boy, craving dick." As I looked into his eyes, his fingers in my mouth, Lane snapped his hips forward, taking me again with the full length of his cock in one fast stroke and forcing a whimpering moan out of me, around his fingers on my tongue. I felt his big dick breaching my bodily integrity again, as Lane possessed me at both ends, opening me up again as he drove inch after inch into me.

Kevin grabbed my head and turned it forward making Lane's fingers slide out of my mouth. When he got it in line with his cock, he gripped both sides firmly and smoothly slid his dick back between my lips. The stud fucked my mouth and throat for a bunch of strokes that were timed with Lane's, but this time Kevin entered my throat as Lane was withdrawing and pulled out as Lane fucked his meat back deep inside of me. Kevin began to speed up, breaking the rhythm and just using my mouth and throat. I felt Lane's hand on the back of my head, holding it down to help his buddy fuck my face more easily while he himself fucked me up the ass.

Kevin pulled his cock out of my mouth and started rubbing and slapping my face with it again. I'd been so lost and overwhelmed by the feelings and sensations bashing into my brain from the dicks penetrating me and trying to take them both that I only now saw he was shining with sweat and breathing faster. I accepted his hard prick back in my mouth again when he pushed it back between my lips.

Kevin forced the length of his dick into my mouth, then on into my throat. I saw him arch his back and his muscles tense into rock hard bands as he tightly gripped my head between his hands. Kevin held my head perfectly still and his hips moved in very short, quick thrusts.

"Ahhhh, fuck! Fuck yeah! I'm cumming bitch!" He said quietly and breathily, but with force. " Look up! Goddammit, look up at me, cocksucker!" I obeyed as he leaned back, tilting my head back as much as I could, and saw that Kevin was staring down at my face. "Here it comes, right down your throat, cocksucker! Eat it, muscle boy bitch! Swallow my babymakers! Ah! Uhhh! Uhhhh!" I kept my eyes locked on Kevin's and deliberately swallowed. His body reacted as he came and twitched. He was suddenly bent over my head, still holding it between his hands. The movement gave him room to pull his dick back out of my throat much to my relief. Kevin let the head rest on my tongue.

"Hold the rest in your mouth, boy!" Four more large spurts of cum erupted onto my tongue, his sperm filling my mouth. I held them there, savoring the taste of the sweaty jock bent over me as he panted and recovered. When he did, he knelt back upright, looking down at me and met my eyes. "Show me," he said quietly, still recovering.

I let the head of his cock lip from my tightened lips and saw a shudder run through his body as the sensitive skin was sucked clean. I tilted my head up and opened my mouth showing him his pearl jam covering my tongue. He watched as I closed and swallowed.

"Fuck yeah, eat me, bitch!" He said as he watched. He leaned back a bit.

Lane wasted no time. He slid his cock firmly and steadily into me, then pulled it back and all the way out of me. I had no time to adjust to the empty feeling as Lane plowed back into me only a split second after my hole closed, forcing my body to yield and stretch open to him again. This forced a yelp out of me as I stared into the eyes of the dominant stud still kneeling over me. Lane pulled out completely again, then punched his rod back in, eliciting another whimpering yelp from me. He did this about a dozen times while my eyes were locked onto Kevin's.

"Shit," Kevin sneered down at me. "Look at this guy! Came to our place and ended up naked and bent over our coffee table, taking dick at both ends from two guys. He just ate my fucking cum and doesn't even know my last name!" He shook his head a few times. "What kind of man would come to an apartment to let other dudes use him like this? You fucked him the other night, bro. He know your last name?"

I realized that I didn't as I heard Lane laugh behind me. He gave a yank on my hair, bending me back even more and I kept my eyes on Kevin's and saw his smirk grow as he looked at me. Kevin glanced up, then back at me and seemed to pause. He looked behind me again and suddenly he stopped dick slapping my face. Kevin glanced down at me, then back up at his roomie who was now fucking me in slow strokes.

"You're gay, Lane," Kevin said unexpectedly. "I've known that for nearly a decade and you know it's never bothered me. know I've never wanted to watch gay porn, but I've seen other mainstream stuff and like I said, getting sucked, well a mouth is a mouth. But, I've never thought about what I'm seeing this fag doing. Is..." He trailed off. Lane pulled his cock out of me and stopped, holding the head against my hole, but not moving. I could see Kevin was still looking back at him, his cock softening after cumming and from whatever he was thinking and trying to say.

"Is...?" Lane prompted. "Is what? You know you can ask me anything, bro." I saw Kevin frown as he thought for a few seconds, then he drew in a deep breath, expanding his muscled chest that was now shiny with the sweat he'd built up fucking my face. I could actually see him screw up his courage as he did so.

" this something that you've done..something that you've let happen to you?" Kevin asked.

"Fuck no!" Lane answered with clear determination in his voice. "I've had threesomes with guys before, but I'm no bitch going begging for dick. In the proper lingo, I'm a top, exclusively. I don't get fucked, don't wanna get fucked - much less by two guys at once! I may give a guy I like who's worthy a good beej, Kev. As you noted, I'm gay and sometimes I wanna make a dude happy. But take it up the ass, or let a guy facefuck me while it's happening? Not for me! I like doing this though," he said as he drove his hips forward, taking me fully with his cock and held still once inside me completely. "You freaked out now that you've shot your load by us banging this bitch together because he's a guy? Or seeing me fuck him up the ass?"

"No. Yes. I don't know. I guess a little. I was fine at first, while he was sucking me off. He gives good head and liked looking into his eyes while he did it...especially when I made him eat my cum. I told you I've fucked bitches with my bro before, even let a couple of your boys blow me...but..." Kevin looked down at me. "But yeah, not fuck a guy. It's really...different."

Kevin brought his face closer to mine, his mouth and lips moving closer and closer to the point where I wondered if he would kiss me. Instead, I felt his right hand on my shoulder, then he slid it under me to pinch and squeeze my nipples and he spit on my face. I felt my body shudder and twitch as Kevin worked over my chest and heard Lane give an appreciative moan as my ass muscles clenched and clamped down on his invading rod.

"Look at me and tell me what you are!" Kevin said. He grabbed me by the chin, squeezing the corners of my lips until I opened my mouth. I looked up again into Kevin's eyes and saw him laughing as spit ran down my chin. This time he spat directly into my mouth and Lane again let out a moan from my reaction. "Go on boy! Say it!"

"I'm..I'm your cocksucker, Sir!" I managed to say in between the moans that Lane's fucking was forcing out of me. Lane suddenly drove in deep and held still.

"I think you're more than just a cocksucker," Lane said and moved his hips around in a circle, causing his cock to rearrange my insides again. He hit my prostate causing a shudder to run through me. "C'mon. Let's hear it!"

"I'm a pussyboy cocksucker," I told them.

"We wanna hear it all, bitch. You take it from two men at once, in both your mouth and pussy. You came here for dick, the dicks of two men you don't even really know. I think there are some names for you that you're forgetting."

I knew what they wanted but had been conditioned my whole life not to use those words, and certainly not to use them to describe myself, but how do you deny the man buried more than eight inches deep inside you? Much less deny both that man and his buddy who's been facefucking you and whose cum is filling your stomach? How do you deny them when you want their dicks so badly, when even if it's humiliating, it's accurate?

"I'm your pussyboy, cocksucking, slut fag," I said, and both guys laughed.

"Now you're starting to understand your place in the world, queerboy!" Lane said, chuckling. "One more time, and address us properly."

"I'm a slut for your guys' hard cocks, Sirs. I'm a cocksucking fag who lets real men use me as their bitch and takes their dicks and cum up my..." I stumbled over the word until I felt Lane move inside me again, reminding me I was filled with his dick and making me acknowledge what I was to him, "... my pussy, and down the throat from you guys, Sirs!" I said, admitting the truth to myself as I said the words.

"You *let* us?" Lane asked. "I don't remember asking you if you wanted to get fucked by me, either today or the other night." Kevin had begun smacking and rubbing his dick all over my face again, smearing it with my spit and his precum.

"Yeah,"Kevin added. "I don't remember you asking me to plug your throat, cum in your mouth or dick slap your face but I'm doing it. So why is it happening?" Lane pumped back and forth a few times slowly, forcing my cock to rub against the table. Oh fuck!! I wanted to cum with his cock in me like I'd done the other night. It'd be even better with Kevin in me too. I was getting so close I'd have said anything, but I babbled the truth in my lust.

"Because...because I can't resist it, Sirs. I want your dicks, your cum! I don't care how, if you'll give me your hard cocks! Please, Sirs!" Both guys burst out laughing again.

"Mouth open and tongue out!" Kevin ordered. I eagerly obeyed, glancing down from his eyes for a brief second to his cock which throbbed, fully erect again, only an inch or two from my lips, the helmet shaped head glistening with my saliva and a large bead of precum. "Eyes on mine, queerboy. I've already told you that, so fucking obey!" He gave my cheek three slaps. They stung but weren't hard enough really to hurt and showed all three of us who was in control of my mouth and eyes. I shifted my gaze, meeting his eyes, ready to suck him.

"You want me back in your head, bitch boy?" He asked.

"Yes, please, Sir!" Of course I expected to get his dick again, but instead Kevin pushed his middle finger in between my lips. I felt the pad of his fingertip slide roughly across my tongue and tasted his salty skin. A couple seconds later, it was joined by his index and ring fingers, pushing into my mouth and pressing on my tongue, holding it down on the bottom of my mouth. I kept looking up at his eyes with half his hand in my mouth and Lane still slowly plugging me as I assumed he closely watched his roomie abuse my mouth.

"There ya go, boy," Kevin said. "You wanted me in your mouth and we already know you not only like it, but you get off on it! So suck on my hand and fingers. Suck them good and maybe I'll let you suck my cock again, bitch. I don't need to let you, ya know. Plenty of girls want my dick, so convince me I should give it to you again." I heard Lane laughing as he bent back over me, his pace getting more aggressive.

I kept looking up at Kevin, licking and sucking on his fingers. I did want his dick again even as I tried to accept what Lane was doing up inside me. Kevin just watched me with an amused smirk on his face as I struggled, but I saw his cock beginning to stiffen. As Lane's thrusts came faster and faster, Kevin pulled his fingers from my mouth, wrapped that hand around the back of my head and slowly but firmly sank his cock back into my throat.

For a second time, I was lost in an unknown amount of time where I was choking and gagging as Kevin fucked my face while I was being pounded from behind by Lane at the same time. I was able to handle it a bit better this time, though I was still overwhelmed by the aggressive studs and their relentless fucking. My body was twisted, pulled, moved, turned, pushed and penetrated by the two jocks as they worked themselves toward orgasm. I felt sweat break out on my skin, the muscles in my legs, back, arms and abs all burning with exertion, while drops of Lane's sweat fell onto my back and head. I saw a sheen of it on Kevin's sexy form, too.

Lane was calling me his bitch and slut, while Kevin kept insisting I look up, so he could see my eyes with his dick in my mouth. Doing as he asked also meant I got to see his muscled form above me, and Kevin looked so fucking hot in nothing but the ball cap! I continued trying to take their rough fucking until Lane finally pushed my chest back down onto the coffee table.

"Grab his head and hold it where you want it." Lane told Kevin. After Kevin had lifted my head a bit, he gripped it tightly and started face fucking me again. Lane spoke again, to me this time. "I'm gonna fuck you hard now, boy" Lane said. I only had a second to wonder what he'd been doing all this time up til now before he let loose with his body and I understood. Lane was ready to cum and I realized he had been holding back. Now he was fucking me hard and fast.

"You like that, bitch? You like the way I fuck you with my big dick when I'm getting ready to cum?" Lane asked. "You are such a pussyboy, Vic. You were born for this! Your hole is hot and tight, despite you being your teammate's buttboy all those years. That kid started opening you up, but I'm gonna finish the job. My man, Kevin, and I are gonna cum up your ass and down your throat all weekend and you'll be begging us for more. Gonna use you like the cumdump you are, big boy, and show you that despite all those muscles, you're really just a bitch and you know it! We know it. And you know we know it."   I could only grunt an answer around Kevin's invading meat. He apparently loved the feeling of getting a hummer from the guy he was facefucking.

"Damn, dude! Keep making him do that! Feels great on my dick feeling his throat vibrating!"

"You heard the man, bitch! Give my boy the best hummer he's ever had!" Lane smacked the back of my head between Kevin's hands, reinforcing his command. I began to hum, trying to please the two young men who'd filled me with their cocks.

"Ohhhh, fuck! There ya go, bitch. Keep doing that!" Kevin said, letting out his breath in a sharp hiss as I did. I took him into my throat and hummed as best I could. I'd heard of hummers plenty of times in the past, but I'd never actually gotten one, much less given one. It was hard to do, hard to keep concentrating on Kevin's meat in my mouth while Lane was fucking me as hard as he'd done the other night. I knew he was getting close to cumming and I felt my own cock throb at the thought.

"There ya go, suck boy!" Kevin said. "Yeahhh, there ya go! Feels damn good! Oh yeah...take it all, boy. Go deep!" Kevin's hands pulled my head forward as he pushed his hips toward my face at the same time, then pulled back. I only had time to suck in a partial breath before he pushed back in, starting to fuck my mouth faster and faster.   He wasn't trying to coordinate with Lane anymore. As Lane had predicted, both guys were now fucking me however felt best to them, intent on cumming and nothing else mattered. All I could do was keep my mouth open wide to be sure my teeth didn't interfere with his pleasure.

I felt Kevin's cock forcing its way into my throat again and again. Drool was running down my chin and from the corners of my mouth. Gagging and choking and a deep glug, glug, glug sound coming from my throat filled the room as Kevin's dick entered and filled my mouth and throat triggered repeatedly. Getting facefucked caused involuntary reactions in my entire body, from my eyes watering to my throat gripping Kevin's cock, to my abs and back muscles all clenching up as my throat was invaded, to my ass clenching and apparently milking Lane's thick meat, causing him to moan with pleasure.

I felt my thighs trembling as they tightened and relaxed with each of Lane's thrusts into my ass as well as each of Kevin's pushes past my tonsils. Lane had been right – this was difficult! Trying to take the unrestrained full strength fucking of two men at once, both of whom were close to cumming had me moving back and forth against the coffee table as they rammed into me and moved my body however suited them. I felt Lane release his grip on my hips and reach down to grab my ankles. He lifted them up, so that only my knees were on the floor and my chest was on the coffee table. He kept hold of them, stretching my quads as he let his chest drop down onto my back again.

This caused my dick, which was still caught between my abs and the table to rub against the top of it. It was slick with all the lube I'd been leaking and the feel of my dick sliding back and forth coupled with being fucked by both guys was incredible.   I knew I was getting closer to cumming. I felt Lane drop my ankles, lift himself off my back and I heard his arm sweep everything off the coffee table to my left.

"Pull out for a second, Kev!"

"Are you serious?" I could tell Kevin had his teeth clenched, nearly ready to cum.

"It'll only be a second. I wanna flip him over onto his back."

"Fuck! Ok, yeah, fine! Whatever!" Kevin sounded exasperated, but pulled out of my mouth and together they manhandled me, flipping me onto my back on the coffee table. I found my head hanging off the edge and myself staring at Kevin's toned, sweaty torso looming over me. I was once again mesmerized by how each contour stood out, from the rippled muscles of his abs to the ridges of his rib cage and collar bones, to the striations in the muscles of his pecs and biceps. I looked down my body as I felt Lane grab my ankles and lift my feet into the air.

He moved a bit closer and without making a sound, simply rammed his cock back into me. I made all the sound needed as I let out a yell of pain as he roughly stretched my ass. He propped my calves on his broad shoulders. Then Lane grabbed the hair on the top of my head with his left hand and pulled on it so that my head tilted forward, chin to my chest, and I was looking down my own ridged abs and past my hard cock to where he was fucking me.

"You wanna see? You wanna get a look at where my dick is fucking up inside you?" He demanded. His right hand smacked my cheeks, right, then left then right again. My cock throbbed in response, a thick drop of precum smearing across Mt lower abs.

"Ye-yeah," I said. Lane glared at me. "Yes, Sir!" I said more forcefully. He grinned and pulled my head forward, holding it in position so I could see his cock pushing forward and felt it filling me. I heard myself moaning as Lane fucked in and out of me.

"Look, bitch. Look where my big, thick cock is fucking your tight little pussy. Watch it going up inside of you! You like that, don't you? You like seeing and feeling my big dick in you."   He drove into me, holding his cock buried as deeply as he could get it and ground his hips around again, making his steely cock poke around at all angles inside me - making me feel it, as he showed me he owned my ass. Kevin had been watching this, but after about ten seconds, he'd had enough.

"Give me his mouth, bro," he said huskily but firmly.

"Sure thing, Kev. Sorry. I got carried away. Fill his throat, buddy. Right now this bitch is craving our dicks in him, and wants them from both of us at the same time, but believe me, if ya wanna help me train the bitch then by the time he leaves here on Sunday, he's gonna *need* cock in him just to get off!"

Kevin wasted no time grabbing the sides of my head and tilting it backwards until it was hanging upside down. I saw him lean in and when I felt the head of his cock against my lips, I let his manhood part them. I used my tongue on the head, tasting the slick lube coming from his balls and using the tip to scoop out the precum from the slit. I was rewarded with a moan and seeing his sexy body twitch above me as pleasure coursed through him from my tongue working over the sensitive head. He gave me a few seconds to lap up the lube he was producing, letting out short grunts and moans as I did so, before pushing in deeper, my tongue running along the top of his shaft.

"Yeah's my dick taste now? How's my fucking precum taste? Lap it up, fag! There ya go! Savor it! Come on, I wanna see how much you love my big fucking dick in your fag mouth, boy. So take it, bitch! Feel it and taste it as I skull fuck you!"

Kevin pushed back into my throat, fucking my face again. He immediately set a fast pace, fucking my mouth and throat almost as hard as Lane was punishing my ass. I'd thought I had no control before, but when I moved my hands to Kevin's hips to try to slow his fucking, I felt Lane grab my wrists and pin them to the table next to me.

I was totally at their mercy again and the two jocks were showing me very little. All I could really do was lay there, my feet shaking and bouncing around in the air like some slut as the guys nailed me at both ends. It was tough, but I was slowly learning how to take two aggressive jocks using their hard, muscled bodies to fuck me at the same time, enough so that I could actually pay enough attention to understand what they were saying.

"Fuck, Kev, I told you this dude was total pussy. He's got a submissive streak a mile wide in his head. You asked what kind of guy would ever allow himself to be used and fucked by us at the same time. Now you know." Lane was panting a bit as he fucked me harder. "This bitch was born to be bred. He'll be giving it up to us as long as we want. Think about it...the fucking bitch came here knocking on our door today hoping at least for more of my cock. Now, we are both chipping away at his manhood, making him take our cocks like the slut he is. When we both shoot our loads in him, filling him at both ends," he paused to pant for a few seconds, "it'll be something he never forgets. We'll never forget it either, bro! Our first time banging a bitch together!"

They were both fucking into me fast and hard and Kevin's balls, which had been slapping my eyes and nose had pulled up to the base of his cock. I knew he was close to cumming, which was good because a mix of spit, precum and the thick saliva from deep in my throat was dripping down my face and threatening to block my ability to breathe through my nose during the brief seconds that Kevin pulled out far enough for me to get some air. Lane was also pounding into me. He'd let my calves slide down from his shoulders, so I had wrapped my legs around his waist and he was bent over me.

"Here, Kev, hold down his wrists." I felt Kevin's hands take the place of Lane's pinning my wrists to the table. Then, to my surprise, I felt Lane's hand wrap around my shaft and squeeze. I gave Kevin an involuntary hummer at that point, as a mix of pain and pleasure coursed through my body.

Fuck! That felt so good, adding to the penetrations of my body and the sensations of Lane in my ass and Kevin in my throat. My body was reaching the point of exhaustion, due to the reactions caused by Kevin in my throat and being roughly manhandled and fucked by two fit college jocks. As Kevin repeatedly penetrated my throat, the muscles in my entire body tensed when he reached a certain depth, then relaxed when he pulled back. He'd forced this reaction in me dozens and dozens of times and sweat was dripping off me. I'd been so tired that I'd not been able even to protest or struggle as they'd rolled me onto my back.

Now, though, the feeling of Lane stroking my dick gave me renewed energy. I found myself trying to fuck up into Lane's hand, though he moved it at first with my hips and cock not letting me get any friction. Then he held his hand steady several inches above me, keeping just the head between his fingers. I was still dealing with Kevin fucking into my throat as I began to use the limited leverage of my legs around Lane's waist to try to fuck up into Lane's hand. I heard him chuckling as I did so.

"See, Kev? Total slut. Fuucck, that feels good! The bitch is fucking himself on my cock now. You like doing that, boy? You like working your boypussy on a real man's cock, milking my dick and fucking yourself on my rod? Trying to get more of my cum, huh?" I realized I was doing exactly what he said. The position and difficulty made it hard to keep going but I kept at it for another minute or so.

"Shit, bro, you really do have the fag fucking himself on your goddamn dick! Holy shit! Never thought I'd see a guy riding my roomie's cock, much less a big muscle boy like this! He's fucking himself on your meat while he gets ready to eat another load right outta my balls." They pounded into me for another couple minutes. I'd run out of energy again, but Lane was stroking my cock as the two of them fucked me and I was close to cumming. Lane tightened his hand on my meat and jerked me off faster. "Dude," Kevin continued, "you've got the bitch curling his toes! Jesus, what a total slut!"

"Fuck, Kev, I'm getting close, bro. How about you?"

"Yeah, man," Kevin replied panting. "I'm nearly there. How much longer you got to go?"

"Maybe ten, twenty seconds, but I can stretch it out a little longer. I wanna make the bitch cum first. You gotta feel what it's like to be in a guy's mouth when he gets his nut. In his pussy is even better, but I'm filling that! We'll both really get to feel his ass and throat working our cocks when the slut cums with us inside him. Plus, he needs to learn that as a bitch, his best way to cum is when he's got cock inside him," Lane said, his breath rasping as his orgasm neared.

"I'm about the same. Let's flip him again though. I like watching his face and I wanna see the look in his eyes again when I fill his mouth with my cum again. I wanna watch him swallow!"

"Sure dude." Lane pulled out of me, rolled me onto my side into the slick of precum, and kept his hand still wrapped around my cock. Kevin moved a bit to where he could fuck into my mouth but look down into my eyes. God, this guy, in his backwards ball cap, hair sticking out from the underneath the band in curls, now wet with his sweat, was so fucking sexy! He wanted to see me swallow more of him and all three of us knew I was going to do it.  

I kept my head angled, with the help of his hands so that I could look up into Kevin's eyes again, even as Lane's cock now penetrated me at an angle I'd not experienced before this, filling me basically sideways and pounding that spot inside me that made me lose control. My eyes met Kevin's and I could see his lust and pleasure clearly in them, as well as his natural aggression as he continued to thrust his cock in and out, plugging my throat.

It was all too much for me and my back arched, my hips moving as I tried to fuck my dick into Lane's hand while the boys fucked me at both ends. With a shuddering cry of pleasure around Kevin's meat I came, shooting my seed onto the table, my ass clamping onto Lane's prick and milking it, much to his delight. My throat must've also clamped onto Kevin's cock as he held me in place, my face twisted back and up toward the ceiling to give him better access while still being able to see my eyes.

"Fuck yeah, faggot. Eat my cum you dirty slut! Look at me! Look up!" I trained my eyes on his despite the weird angle and as soon as I did, I felt the first spurt of his hot cum hit the roof of my mouth. "Ahhhh, yeahhhh," he hissed, his breathy words filling my ears as his cum filled my mouth. "Go ahead, boy, swallow. I wanna watch you eat the cum straight from my balls and my prick while I look into your eyes. Do it!"

I had a five or so shots of his semen in my mouth, and it was a good amount considering he'd just cum a few minutes ago. As he watched my face and I looked into his sexy eyes, he flashed me a grin of amused superiority and still a bit of disgust. I very clearly and deliberately swallowed him a second time.

"Enjoy the taste of me, bitch?" Kevin asked. "Thanks two of my loads you've eaten. Two loads of my swimmers going down your throat and filling your stomach. By tomorrow, you'll have digested my DNA and part of your body will be made out of my cum, bitch."

I could now see the triumph in his eyes as he watched me submit to his will and take millions upon millions of his swimmers down my throat.   I'd seen that look on the face of each of the guys I'd sucked at one time or another when I'd swallowed their cum, even Lane.

I knew that all men have a biological imperative - a need to spread their seed, to implant it in others. It's tied in to male aggression and their desire to dominate. For most males, that drive is focused on women, and procreation. However I'd yet to find a guy who didn't feel that need being met in some way when he made another guy submit, when he bent another male to his will and made him take his dick and swallow his seed. I could see Kevin's calculating grin as he looked down at me.

Kevin released his grip on my head and hair. Exhausted, I began I let my head drop as his cock slid free of my mouth, but my body was still being moved forward and back by Lane, who was fucking me with slow out strokes followed by quick, rough penetrations. I felt Lane's powerful arms wrap around my chest.

He turned me and pulled me backwards off the coffee table in a single move, letting my legs swing down so my knees hit the floor. Somehow he kept his cock inside me as he did so. I had no choice but to move with him as he until we'd scooted back a couple feet. Then he put his hand on the back of my head and neck and forced me to bend forward. Lane pushed my face back down onto the coffee table and held me there with his hand planted between my shoulder blades again. He'd landed on the floor behind me with his knees between my legs.

Lane increased his speed, fucking me hard and fast. He grabbed the hair on top of my head, yanking it back. This gave me a view of Kevin, who'd pulled the couch back into place and had settled back onto it. I looked up at the sexy stud as his roomie pounded me like a cheap slut. The ball cap still hid most of his sexy dark hair, but he'd not pulled any of his clothes back on. Instead he sat slowly jerking his cock as he watched his buddy fuck me up the ass. He listened as I whimpered, yelped and moaned under Lane's powerful fucking as the young man worked toward his own orgasm.

"Almost, faggot! Almost there. Tighten up that pussy, bitch! Ahhh, yeah...Fuck...FUCK! That's right..just like that! Fuck, yeah, slut! Take my dick, pussyboy! Gonna cum up inside you, slut! Ohhhhh, fuuuck...I'm cumming! Ah! Uh! Uhh! Uhhhhn! Uhhhhhnnn! Ohhhhhhh, fuuuucck yeeeeaaahhhh!!" Each exclamation from Lane accompanied a shot of his hot cum into my ass. "Take my load, bitch! Gonna impregnate you, faggot. Take it! Take it all!"

I felt Lane ram his hips forward, burying his rod as deeply inside me as he could get it and he held it there. Kevin's eyes moved from mine to above me as he watched his buddy get his nut. I could feel it twitching and throbbing inside me as he deposited his cum in me. As he finished shooting, I felt him collapse onto me, his sweaty chest against my sweaty back. His head was next to mine and I heard and felt him panting in my ear.

As Lane caught his breath, I looked at Kevin, who sat watching us with a smug look on his face.   My mouth, throat and nose were still filled with the taste, feel and scent of his slick seed and I swallowed again to try to clear it, with no effect. It wasn't anywhere near the first cum I'd swallowed, but it was Kevin's and I could see the look of disgust being replaced by satisfaction as he watched me swallowing the last of what had just literally been a part of his body, but now would forever be part of mine.

        After a few seconds, Lane stirred. He twisted my head to the right and scraped our cheeks together. The grip on my hair wasn't enough, so he released it and used his left hand to grab my left cheek and chin, turning my head more until I could look into his eyes.

"You made a mess on our table, boy." Lane said. "Put your mouth to use and clean it up!"

Oh fuck, really? Hearing this had the effect of switching on something in my mind that responded to the sexy stud's command. He was only now finally pulling his cock out of me as it softened. I looked at the coffee table and saw where several shots of my cum had landed, plus the area where my dick had been rubbing and the precum spread around there.

Lane knew from the other night that I got off on him giving me orders and he was playing to my submissive streak. While his big, hard dick was no longer inside me, I knew he had filled me with a load of his cum and despite having just shot my own load, that thought had me rock hard. I could also still taste Kevin's load and found myself doing what he'd said – savoring the taste of him. I didn't really want to dilute the potent flavor of Kevin's cum by licking up my own, but knew I'd obey.

First, however, I took a few seconds just to breathe, trying to catch my breath. I'd only gotten sporadic oxygen during the rough throat fucking that Kevin had given me. I reached up and massaged my throat a bit, prompting a chuckle from Kevin who was sitting on the couch across the table in front of me. I looked up again at him as he leaned back, lounging against the cushions behind him with his feet on the floor. He'd just pulled on his shorts, but the nylon material did little to hide the fact that he was still hard.

I took in the sight of him sitting there shirtless, and watched his chest expand and contract quickly as he caught his breath, emphasizing his developed pecs and tight abs. I could see the sheen of sweat on his skin and I found my cock responding to the sight of the sexy jock in front of me. He and Lane had started slowly but had gone at me hard for what had seemed to me like hours, working themselves up until they each blew their loads in me, which meant they'd expended some energy.

A curled lock of Kevin's black hair hung down across his forehead above his right eye having escaped the backwards facing cap he still wore. It was wet with sweat and clung to his skin. I could only imagine how much of a mess I must be. I could feel sweat and spit dripping off of me and knew it was a mix of my own and Lane's. I reached up with my right hand to wipe my forehead and face.

Getting a rough face fuck was hard to take. Your eyes watered as you gagged at times on the hard dick stretching your throat. Thick spit came from deep in your gullet as you choked, making it sloppy, but all of the guys I'd blown had not just liked it that way, they'd clearly gotten off on making me gag and choke. They'd all wanted to hear and see me slobbering on their hard dicks and working to try to take them all the way.

Kevin had gone a step further, demanding eye contact whenever I was able to make it. That had actually made me incredibly horny, knowing this dude was closely watching me as I let him fuck my mouth and throat however he wanted. I could only imagine the sight I must've made, my eyes aimed up at him as best I could manage with his meat stretching my lips and disappearing into my head. These thoughts had my cock fully erect again, despite the fact that I'd cum less than a minute ago.

"You heard the man, cocksucker. Lick up your jizz. Don't leave your fucking mess on our table!" Kevin demanded and I felt my whole body shiver as a tingle of lust ran from my brain, down my spine and straight to my crotch.   I looked down at the spurts of my own cum on the coffee table and bent over until my face was just above them. The sharp scent of semen filled my nose. Obediently, I lapped up what I'd just shot, knowing Kevin and Lane were both watching this. I'd just finished when Kevin shoved his right leg between my head and the table, until his hairy shin was inches from my eyes.

"Lick that disgusting crap off me, bitch!" I saw a shot of cum had hit his leg. Without a word, I lapped at his shin and licked it off, moving beyond the exact spot to experience the salty taste of this gorgeous young man's skin. I tried to move my head upwards, but Kevin had other ideas.

I felt his left foot on the top of my head, pushing me back, my tongue leaving a wet trail across the black hairs, the soft and salty skin and the hard bone of his shin. I couldn't look anywhere else with his foot guiding my head, so I focused on Kevin's leg. I tasted the inside of his ankle before my mouth arrived at his right foot.

Kevin had already showered this morning, but I'm still not sure to this day if I would've cared if he hadn't. He'd been resting his leg on the coffee table, his right foot aimed off to his right, but as he moved his left foot to my cheek to push my head sideways, he turned it so his toes were pointing upwards. Before meeting Lane, I probably would've punched anyone who even suggested I'd lick another man's feet or suck on his toes. Lane had shown me I'd do that and so much more, but still I paused.

"You're worried about licking my feet when you've already swallowed the fucking sperm straight out of my balls?" Kevin asked incredulously. He directed his gaze past me. "I thought you said you'd taught him his place in the order of things, Lane."

"Nobody gives up every bit of their manhood from just one spit roasting, or even in just one night, bro, not even submissive boys like this bitch. That's why I said if we work together this weekend, we can train him right. He's just learning his place in the world, or at least his place in a room occupied by us." Lane said. "It'll take him some time to adjust, but Vic's a quick learner. Hell! I just watched you use one foot on his head and face to move his mouth to suck the toes on your other foot. Now you've put his face and mouth right where they should be – worshiping your feet. He's ready for us to train him to be the bitch he was born to be, if you wanna help."

"He gives one helluva blow job. I've never had any girl take all my cock the way like this boy did. But you want me to help with `training him' this weekend? Dude, you know I'm not gay."

"Yeah, I know that, and I'm sure Vic does too. But like you just said, he gives awesome head and trust me, bro, you were enjoying it!" Lane laughed. "But I get it. It's probably kinda weird when you're a straight guy. If you don't wanna do anything else, that's no problem, bro. Like I said before - you're a man and you decide when you use your dick, who touches you and whom you fuck."

Kevin didn't answer. He just looked down at me for a minute, then used his left foot against my cheek to push my face further until my lips were pressed against the toes of his right foot. I heard Lane chuckle as I closed my lips around Kevin's toes and an illicit thrill tingled in my brain, down my spine and to my cock. I tasted the salty sweat as I ran my tongue across the pad of his big toe and moaned around it.

"Eyes, boy." Kevin said in a soft voice, but in a tone of command. I directed my gaze up drinking in his long, lean body, admiring his toned legs, the bulge in the crotch of his shorts and the muscles of his abs and his amazing chest, before I reached his gray eyes once again. They were filled with a look of equal parts dominance, contempt, and lust. He stared at me for a long couple of minutes, watching as I servilely licked and sucked his toes. For my part, while I kept my eyes on his, I was also able to take in the tight abs, broad shoulders, muscled arms and sexy, stubbled face of the black haired jock, all topped off with his sexy ball cap. The sight was enough so that my lust ruled my thoughts and actions.

"Jesus, dude. Look at you! Just fucking look at you! On your knees with my toes in your goddamn mouth!   I can't believe you'd suck another dude's toes and lick his fucking feet!" he said. "I mean shit! I know you fags need cock and I just pumped another load of jizz in your mouth! But this...this is...I've never seen a jacked dude – hell never seen any dude – lower himself to being a foot licking bitch! You must really crave my body, bitchboy! Lane told me he'd had his toes in your mouth and I thought he was joking. Then I saw the way you sucked on his fingers and knew he wasn't." He directed his gaze behind me.

"Feels kinda weird...his tongue working my toes," he said to Lane, then focused his gaze back on me "But seeing this big, built jock on his knees staring up at me with my fucking foot in his mouth is almost as good as seeing my cock between his lips. Hell, it's as big a rush of power as seeing him on his knees blowing me."

"Yeah, I agree. It's not the physical pleasure like ya get when you shove your cock down his throat and feeling it massage your dick as he tries not to choke to death," Lane said. "This is all about the power trip, which I think you'll agree can feel just as good in its own way."

"Think about it, Kev," Lane continued. "You're gonna see Vic here out on campus, on his way to class or better yet with a group of his buddies playing in a pickup game at Melton Hall. He's gonna see you and you'll both know he's remembering being bent over our coffee table on his knees fucking eating your cum while you watched me fuck his brains out, then licking his cum off your leg and worshiping your feet, literally licking and sucking your damn toes! He's gonna remember wrapping his lips around them and using his tongue on them while we trash talked the bitch. Trust'll see him blush when he catches sight of you and when you do you'll feel the rush again through your brain and your whole body. Plus, no matter what he's doing or who he's hanging with, you'll both know he's doing it with loads of your cum inside him." He laughed.

"How do you deal with that?" Kevin asked.

"Deal with what?" Lane asked.

"Ya know...seeing a guy you've sucked around on campus?"

"You can suck, but not swallow," Lane said enigmatically. "But dudes like Vic? They're a different story. Hell, they're almost a different species. One that's a step below real men like us, one who is here for us to use because they want – no, they need - our cum in them. You saw it for yourself. He already shoots his little boy jizz while he's getting dicked by real men, not when using his own dick. These true pussyboys always do. They live for our dicks and our baby batter, bro. It's like those church people who go to eat their god to be more like it, more holy, I guess...except this kid isn't doing some religious symbolism thing, he's actually eating our bodies for real."

"Just look at him," Lane continued. "He knows there's something different about him that makes him crave us. He wants to be like us. Even with that hot body and those muscles...inside he knows they're just for us to use. He wants to please us. He want it so badly he'll swallow our jizz and take it up the ass. I bet he thinks, deep down, that every time he swallows our cum it makes him a bit more like us. If you use that communion comparison, you actually are a god to this kid, bro. He's something put on earth for us to use. If you had any doubt remaining, just look at him. He's been sucking and licking your foot and toes this whole time that we've been discussing him without any protest. After two days with us, he won't be able to shoot his load *without* a dick in him." Lane said, then announced he wanted a shower.

"I know you're straight, Kev," Lane tossed over his shoulder as he crossed the room. "We established that years ago...but if I were you I'd make sure I had Vic's tongue up my ass before he leaves the apartment. If you think he's a good cocksucker, wait til he gives you a good rim job. You'll definitely shoot another load down his throat if you let him do that. It's what he exists for, so you should use what's in front of you. Good plan for while I shower...but you straight dudes are a bit prickly when it comes to anything near your butts."

Lane looked back over his shoulder as he neared his bedroom. "Still, I can see how much you get off on the power and you'll never experience a bigger rush than you'll get from making the bitch put his tongue up inside..." Lane's voice faded as he moved into his bedroom and swung the door shut behind him.

I looked back at Kevin to see him staring at me, rubbing his crotch again. He pulled his foot away from my mouth. "You do that? Not just cocks and fingers, feet and toes, you'll lick another guy's ass?" I hung my head, unable to look at him.

"Rimming." I said. "It's called rimming and I'd never done that until I met Lane. He's the only one..." I trailed off.  

"Huh. Okay. Well did you like doing it?"

"I guess so." I said.

"You guess so?!? We aren't talking about some movie you watched. We're talking about you putting your fucking tongue up my roomie's ass! Doesn't seem to me there's any middle ground.   So, did you like doing it?"

"Yes. I liked doing it." I told him.

"Why?" Kevin asked. "What could you possibly like about doing something like that?" I didn't even have to think about that answer.

"Because it made Lane feel so good. He absolutely loves it."

"So you get off on making Lane feel good?" I nodded. "And sucking me off. You like that for the same reason?" I nodded again. "Would you rim me, if I wanted you to?"

"Yeah, I would."

"Hmmm. I know gay guys like you are into other dudes, of course, but I guess I never thought about it. Never had any interest in another guy's body. Lane has never made a pass at me, but he's always known I was straight, just like I've always known he was gay. He's more like my brother than my friend. I couldn't ever hook up with would be way too weird. Never thought we'd get to fuck a bitch together, either. Lane dated some girls in high school and fucked a couple. They were always throwing themselves at him, even after he came out to everyone, but he lost all interest in women after his announcement, so we never had the chance." Kevin paused and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He looked over at Lane's bedroom door where I could hear the shower running. My eyes drank in the sight of the muscles at play under the smooth skin of his torso.

"I always thought seeing him fuck a guy would gross me out, or just be too weird for me to watch, so I figured any chance we had to fuck a bitch together was long gone." Kevin looked back at me. "But then he found you. Maybe it's because you suck cock better than anyone I know, and were blowing me, but I didn't mind seeing Lane fucking you. You seemed to be enjoying it." He looked me in the eye. "Did you actually like it, or was it just because it makes Lane feels good?"

"It's both," I told him honestly. "I never really enjoyed getting fucked by the guy back home, but Lane...he knows what he's doing. I loved the fact that it was making him feel good, but he made it feel good for me, too."

"You heard Lane. He wants me to help him `train' you this weekend."

"Yeah, I heard."

"I never figured I'd fuck a dude up the ass, but..." Kevin looked at me speculatively. "I've fucked a few chicks in the ass and for the most part, they weren't all that turned on by it, but one girl loved it." He flashed me a sexy grin. "She was pretty freaky though. Is that what you want? Do you wanna spend the weekend here in our apartment getting fucked by Lane and me, getting trained by us? Honestly, I don't know what all he has planned or have any idea what `training you' means, but it's obvious it'll include fucking you."

"Getting fucked by you would definitely be something I want," I told him. "I don't know what all he is thinking either. Lane is a very dominant man. But you're straight. Do you even want to fuck me? Lotsa straight guys will let a guy blow them, but fucking another guy is too gay for them, no matter how dominant they are."

"And we just established that you get your rocks off by making dominant dudes feel good. I get it." Kevin propped his feet up on the coffee table again, and looked between his knees to where I knelt across the table from him. While his shorts hid his bulge and covered his thighs, from this angle, I had a perfect view of his feet, shins, torso and face. Fuck, this guy was hot!!

"So what about the rest of what Lane said? Oh, not about you being a different species, or that I'm some kind of a god." He said. "Lane takes all those philosophy courses and comes up with some crazy ideas. But I think he's right that there's a difference. Most anybody looking at us would say we're the same thing...they'd say we're both men. We're both jocks, play sports and have built our muscles and bodies. Bottom line is that we're both males."

"In these crazy days of fifty different bullshit genders that people have made up, some people might say we are something else, but I know I'm a male and you are too. That being said, you and I both know there's more to it than that." He looked at me for a couple seconds, then reached down and grabbed my shirt off the floor. He tossed it to me and told me to wipe my face. I found a dry area and did as I was told.

"Yeah, and there's the difference," he said. "If some dude tossed me my own shirt that was soaked with my spit and slobber mixed with the dude's precum and told me to wipe my face with it, I'd've told him where he could shove it. You, though, you obey. Not only that, you get off on being treated this way. Look at your dick, dude. You started getting hard the second I started telling you what to do." He grinned at me again. "So having the dude who just skullfucked you giving you orders, gets you horny." Kevin chuckled. "Does the fact that I'm straight get you hot and bothered too?"

"Yes," I answered honestly. "You're fucking sexy as hell, with an absolutely killer body, and the fact that you're mostly straight is a huge turn on for me."

"Mostly?" Kevin scowled at me. "What the fuck do you mean by `mostly' dude!? I told you I'm straight. You not believe that? What the fuck does `mostly' mean?" I saw his right hand clench into a fist.

"It doesn't mean anything," I said quickly, "other than that you obviously got off from me giving you head. I just figured if a straight guy lets another dude suck his dick and cums in the guy's mouth, then he's `mostly' straight. I think that a guy who's one hundred percent, absolutely and totally straight, wouldn't ever even allow another dude to go down on him. He wouldn't get hard or cum from being sucked off by another guy. Frankly, I don't think very many guys like that exist, if any do at all." I was relieved when the scowl disappeared and Kevin actually chuckled. "I think `mostly straight' just means you're practical. Every man likes having his dick sucked and I think ninety-nine point nine percent of guys will let another guy do it if he doesn't have to do anything in return. A mouth is a mouth. Like I said, practical."

"Lane wants me to help train you over the next couple days. Let's be honest here...he wants me to fuck you. I'm not gay and don't wanna be. Lane is and that's cool. It's obvious you are too, but there's a big difference between you and him." Kevin sighed. "Problem is when I look at either of you, I don't see titties and the stuff that gets me hard. I just see another dude, and frankly that's not much of a turn on."

"So," he asked, "when you look at me or Lane, what do you see? What makes you wanna do all this stuff? I mean, I'd expect a girl to want my dick or Lane's, or even our two dicks at once, but you're a guy. You're clearly an athlete. You're tall, and Lane says good looking. I'd even go that far. You're a handsome dude. But you were definitely enjoying getting dicked at both ends at the same time. So, you're Lane, but not the same. You said you want me to fuck you. I'm not gay, though." We heard the shower shut off.

"So tell me what's going on in your head. Tell me why I should help Lane, since that's clearly what you want." He nodded to my dick which was now hard again. "Do you really think I'm better and superior like Lane says, despite how you've built your body? You've got three or four inches of height on me and enough muscle maybe to take me in a fight, but you've been on your knees at my feet kissing and licking them, or sucking my dick. I wanna know why you do it and why you want it, if you expect me to give you what you want."

I thought about it for a dozen seconds or so. I'd never really considered the philosophical or religious stuff that Lane mentioned so I just ignored that... "I don't know. Maybe he's right, maybe subconsciously the reason I wanna suck you off and let you fuck me is because getting your cum makes me more like you in some way because some of you is in me. But I think Lane is way over thinking it. it's a lot simpler than that." He raised his eyebrows.

"I looked around and liked the guys I saw. My eyes just went to what I found attractive. Same's true for everyone." I looked up and saw he was actually listening, so I pushed ahead.

"I didn't decide `instead of these sexy girls, I'm gonna decide guys look hot and make my dick hard so I'll jerk off thinking about them.' My eyes just went to what I found attractive, but for me it was the hot dudes who were athletes like me and other hot, well built guys around me. That's just what happened to each of us. A hot, hard, muscled male body turns me on, just like a soft, feminine female body with big tits turns you on." I saw him nod.   "I look at you, or Lane, and to me, you are just incredibly sexy. You've got an amazing body, with wicked muscles, you're handsome as hell and seeing you turns me on, especially seeing you nearly naked like you are now. When you see a hot girl, don't you get turned on? Doesn't the sight of a nearly naked sexy woman get your dick hard?"

"Well...sure, but that's natural." Kevin said slowly. "Men are supposed to get hard looking at hot women."

"And you see a hot girl and seeing her turns you on, gets your dick hard and you want her. You want to make her feel good because that makes you feel good. So what would you do to get the chance to fuck her? I bet you'd eat a chick's pussy, either to get her hot and ready to fuck or just to make her feel good, right?" I asked him.

"Again...sure," he said.

"Well, this is basically the same thing. I see you or Lane or lotsa hot guys and you're all something that I want, that I crave - hard male bodies and hard cocks - I want to please you and I get off making you feel good. I don't know, I just know I wanna do it. I wanna do it because...fuck, I don't know. I just do! Besides, what does it matter now, with you? You know all the things I've tried to keep secret for the past six or seven years. Fuck, you just came in my mouth!"

"What do you mean all the secrets you've tried to keep? That you're a fag? I knew that the second I saw you come out of Lane's bedroom the other morning. I kind of suspected you did a lot more than just suck his dick and take it up the ass. I heard you the other night while Lane had you in his bed, remember?"

"Yeah, but I didn't expect to wake up, walk out of his bedroom and find a guy I'd never seen before who now knows I like men." Kevin just stared at me for a minute then burst out laughing. I watched him for a second, unable to understand his amusement. "You think it's a secret you like guys?" He asked.

"Well, not anymore with you," I replied.

"Shit dude. Think about it. You met Lane at that sports bar on Oak Street right?" I nodded in agreement. "And did you walk out with Lane?" I nodded again. "Well dude, it's a jock bar for ALL the jocks." He must have seen the confusion on my face. "Guys like me go there to find one of the hot girls who swarm the place. Lotsa guys, though, like you and Lane, are there for other guys. Most every guy in there knows Lane is gay. The ones who know that also know he's a dominant dude. So when they saw you leave with him, they all knew you were gonna spend the rest of the night getting fucked by the man! You don't need to worry about trying to keep it secret anymore that you like dick." I guess he saw the stricken look on my face, because his voice had softened and the laughter ended as me told me this.

"Don't worry about it dude. First of all, I can't imagine any guy in his right mind deciding to pick a fight with a guy who looks like you. You'd mop the floor with most any guy, with your height and muscles...well, assuming you know how to fight, but even if you don't, your size and physique would intimidate most guys."

"I know how to fight. I took boxing and some martial arts. Even with my size advantage, I think I'd lose in a wrestling match with Lane, though," I said.

"Yeah, well, Lane is an incredible wrestler. All State in high school and probably the best on the team here. He could take down most any guy." Suddenly that sexy smirk reappeared on Kevin"s face. "In more ways than one, as you've learned."

I felt myself blushing again as Kevin softly chuckled. He was looking at me and gauging my improved mood. I'd realized he was right. Though I hadn't known it at the time, by leaving the bar with Lane I'd broadcast my secret to every person in the place who knew Lane's preferences, and from what Kevin was telling me, most everyone knew he was an aggressive, dominant top! Fuck! There was no unringing that bell! Of course, I hadn't been trying to hide my sexuality, at least not actively, or I'd never have reacted the way I did when Lane made a pass at me. I'd wanted to spend the night with the sexy wrestler. I just hadn't thought beyond my immediate lust for him.

Kevin had been sitting quietly, watching me, but I noticed his hand rubbing his crotch again. I looked back up at him and met his eyes when I'd processed that much of my situation.

"So," he said, "the questions are, do you wanna spend the weekend getting `trained' by Lane and me, and do I want to help Lane `train' you? He'll be out here in a minute or two. My guess is he's gonna want an answer immediately. I'll say this much...I've never heard Lane say that he liked a guy before like he said about you. He's been talking for two days about the night he had you in his bed. He's never done that before about any guy, and I've known him almost our entire lives. I'm not sure what that means. I guess there's only one way to find out." Kevin now gave me an appraising look. "If you're okay with it, I'll help Lane...he's my buddy, my roomie and since it's what he obviously wants. I guess it now up to you." Kevin sat back his hands at his sides on the couch. I heard the door to Lane's bedroom open.

To all my long time readers, I apologize for the (very) long delay between stories. I hope this one, which spans more than 60 pages makes up for a bit of that. I dislike stories that end unresolved, most especially with the words "To be continued" but then which never are. I understand the amount of work that goes into one of these stories, so I sympathize with authors who've written those words with good intentions, but then found they didn't have the time, or worse, the thread of the story unraveled on them.

Therefore, I want to make it clear that this story ends here and I hope you liked it.

If you see errors, they are, as always, my own and I apologize.

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