New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Aug 11, 2008


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Note: I would like to thank Colin, John and Matthew for their continued support and patience while I try to write this story. Their support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors keep me focused. It is the emails and comments I receive from you, the readers, that encourage me to continue.

Chapter Eighty-Eight: New Horizons

About the same time that William was being reunited with his parents, Bernie and Greg arrived at the Sinclairs. Both men would join Colin for his meeting with the Marshalls. Both knew that Jeremy had been made aware of the meeting and didn't object; however, it was important to them that Jeremy understand why they wanted to talk to the boy's natural parents. What they had not told Jeremy was that they wanted to better understand why Jeremy had made the choice he did.

Jeremy had not directly told anyone what his choice was prior to, or after, the meeting with his natural parents. Since Jeremy had not expressed a desire to go with the Marshalls, but returned with the Sinclairs, an assumption was made that he chose to stay with the Sinclairs. The problem was that he had not expressed a desire to stay with the Sinclairs either. Concerns rose over Jeremy's lack of an affirmative choice. The question became whether Jeremy had decided to make a 'safe choice' by choosing to stay primarily at New Horizons.

As Bernie and Greg approached the house, they could hear the sound of children laughing. They knew that Nigel and Colin were at the Sinclairs and expected to hear both Jeremy and Nigel's voices. However, the sounds suggested that there were more than just the two boys nearby. Arthur greeted them at the door and invited them in. Upon entering, Bernie and Greg could see Jeremy and Derek in the pool; they could hear Nigel. Soon another boy appeared, a boy they didn't recognize.

"Arthur, looks as though you have a houseful of boys at the moment," Bernie commented in greeting.

"A houseful of lively boys," Arthur answered with a smile. "Could I offer either of a drink? There's a fresh pot of coffee, soft drink, there's beer in the fridge."

"Too early for alcohol, at least for me," Bernie responded, and then added, "coffee sounds good though. Colin here?"

"Yeah, he's in the study. You know how it is with journalists, always typing away on something." Arthur then directed his attention towards Greg. "What can I get for you?"

"If you have it, I'd enjoy a small glass of oj." Arthur nodded and poured a glass of orange juice as Linda joined them.

"Good morning," Linda greeted her new guests. "I see Arthur is being the host without my coaching. Maybe I can get him to pour me a cup of that coffee." Linda then turned her attention back to Bernie and Greg.

"You must have left early this morning to get here now. We weren't too sure when to expect you."

"We were told the appointment with the Marshalls was for lunch, so we thought it'd be better to get here early," Bernie responded. "Besides, Greg slept most of the way. This younger generation's just getting' too soft."

"Not soft," Greg offered jokingly, "it's just easier to ignore how wild the older generation likes to drive if you sleep." Everyone laughed, recognizing the friendly jab.

Bernie looked out the window. "I see we have a new face in the mix."

"That's Ted," Arthur answered. "It's interesting to watch the three of them when they're together. Has anyone ever told you the story about how Derek and Ted met Jeremy?" Bernie shook his head.

"Well, it's kind of interesting. I'm not sure Colin knows, so I'll tell you in the study. What's really interesting though is to watch the actions between Derek and Ted. Both of them seem to have this thing towards Jeremy and they're more than just a little jealous of each other."

"You mean kind of like a suitor's squabble going on here?"

Arthur smiled and nodded his head as he led them towards the study.

The boys had seen Bernie and Greg come in. Everyone except Ted knew who they were. Ted was at a loss of why there was so much activity going on.

"Jer," Ted called out, "what's goin' on? There's a bunch a people here."

The boys stopped playing. Nigel and Jeremy knew what would be happening that afternoon, Derek and Ted did not.

"They're goin' with Nige's dad to see my real parents," Jeremy stated without any emotion.

"Your real parents?" Ted was surprised. "You know where they are?"

"Yeah," Jeremy answered almost in a whisper. "I seen 'em the other day."

"You seen 'em and you didn't . . . .ow!" Before Ted could finish his question, Derek poked Ted in the ribs and motioned for him to shut-up.

All of the boys became quiet, and very solemn. When Jeremy started towards the steps to leave the pool, the boys followed. No one was sure what to say to Jeremy.

"Jer, I'm sorry, man," Ted tried to apologize for making everyone feel bad, "I didn't mean ta be nosey like that. I mean . . ."

"It's okay, really," Jeremy interrupted his friend. "Somebody was gonna ask sooner or later. Let's go in the pool house and get somethin' ta drink."

The boys entered the pool house. After finding soft drinks in the fridge, the boys sat on the floor, with their legs crossed Indian style, forming a circle; the classic position for boys who wanted to talk between themselves. The boys didn't say anything at first. Three of the boys were nervous. All three wanted to say something to Jeremy, but it needed to be the right thing; none knew what the right thing was. Jeremy, staring at the floor, broke the silence.

"I talked ta Mr. Dan'l; I knew that he knew where they were. I told him I wanted ta see my parents." Jeremy paused a moment and snickered to himself. "Funny thing. Somehow it sounds funny for me ta call 'em my parents, but it feels even funnier for me ta call 'em my mom and dad even if that's what they are." Jeremy looked up at his friends, then back to the floor.

"I told Mr. Dan'l that I wanted 'em to know that I wasn't mad at 'em and I didn't hate 'em for what happened. Somehow, I kinda wanted them to tell me the same thing, but not exactly. It was more like I wanted 'em to tell me they didn't forget me and were sorry for what happened. And, I wanted ta know if I saw 'em, if what I was feelin' would change." Jeremy stopped talking, but continued to stare at the floor thinking, lost in his own thoughts.

"Jer," Derek interrupted the silence tentatively, "what happened? I mean, I know it's really none of our business, but . . . ." Derek stopped talking when Nigel looked at him and smiled. Before anyone said anything else, they heard car doors closing and a car drove away. The intercom came to life.

"Jeremy?" Linda called out. "Are you boys alright?"

"Yes, ma'am. We're just talkin'."

"Okay, just checkin' to make sure everything's alright. I'll be fixing lunch soon. Do you boys want a sandwich or we have some frozen pizzas I can cook for you." The boys smiled when they heard pizza.

"Everybody wants pizza if that's okay."

"Alright. I'll call when it's ready. Go ahead and go back to doin' whatever you were doin'."

"Jer, maybe we should be doin' somethin' else." Derek suggested.

"That's okay. Maybe I needed ta tell somebody that might understand. I had'n even said anything to Mr. Dan'l or Mr. Arthur.

"I used ta have dreams at night, when I was at that bordello. I used ta dream that one day my mom and dad would come get me ta take me back home. When they did, they'd open the door and call me and I'd go runnin to 'em. They'd yell and scream just like me and scoop me up in their arms and hug me so tight I couldn't breathe. All they'd do is hug me and kiss me and tell me how much they loved me and how everything was gonna be good. I thought I'd be huggin' them and kissin' em and cryin' and who knows what else.

"I had another dream too. In that dream they'd see me and know what I'd been doin' and turn their back on me like I was some kinda trash. All 'cause I'd been workin' as a pleasure boy. They'd see me, point at me, laugh, and then turn around and never look at me again." Again, Jeremy grew quiet.

"Which dream was right?" Ted asked. Jeremy looked at his friend and smirked as he answered.

"Neither one. It wasn't bad like the second dream but it wasn't as good as the first neither."

"They didn't hug you and say they loved you?"

"It wasn't that. They hugged me and held me tight and kissed me on the cheek and forehead, 'specially my mom. It was me. I didn't run to them and jump in their arms and hug them and kiss them and cry and all that. I mean, I knew who they were and I liked seein' 'em and all, but it wasn't anything like I thought it'd be. We talked for a while and I kept tryin' ta figure it out and then, listenin' to my mom, I knew what was wrong. I wasn't their son no more.

"Mom kept talkin' 'bout how much they missed me and how my room was all set up for me. She talked just like we'd go back home and pick up like nothin' ever happened. She saw me as her little baby and that was it. Problem was that I'm not her little baby no more. She wanted Keith Marshall, the innocent dumb kid I was more than two years ago. I'm not him no more. I can't be him no more. Too much has happened and I didn't think they'd understand.

"We talked some and my dad made mom slow down enough so him and me could talk some. I got the feelin' he had an idea that it wasn't the same. He didn't push me. He just asked what he could do to help me. He also told me how much he loved me and understood that I had to do what made me most comfortable. He told me he'd support whatever choice I wanted ta make even if it was to not come back home. He just said he hoped that if I made that choice that we'd at least be able to stay in touch sometimes."

"Since you're here, I guess you told 'em you weren't goin' home with 'em?" Ted asked.

"I told 'em that I didn't think I was ready ta choose, but that was a lie. I didn't want to hurt 'em, 'specially my mom. She looked kinda lost and kept cryin' and all. I know that I'm not her little boy no more; I'm not Keith Marshall. What I kept thinkin' 'bout was when Grandpa and me talked up in Orlando. He told me that I had ta choose for me and not worry 'bout tryin' ta please everybody else. He said I had ta think of me.

"I know I can go back ta New Horizons and nobody'd bother me. The guys there been through some of the same shit as me and we understand each other. We gotta do our school work and some other stuff, but a lot of us like ta play around too and nobody tries ta stop us. Once you know what it's like ta fool around it's not easy ta stop; who'd want to? I'm not sure how Mr. Arthur and Ms. Linda would like that. 'Course they're my real guardians and could make me stay, I s'pose, but if I did, I mean, you know . . . ."

"Have you talked to Mr. Arthur?" Derek asked. "He was a boy, he oughtta understand. Boys need to get some relief sometimes. I mean, my dad knows and we talk sometimes."

"You talk to your dad about havin' sex?" Nigel was amazed.

"Yeah, who else am I supposed ta talk to? It ain't gonna be my mom!"

"Boys," Linda's voice blared over the intercom, "pizzas ready!"

Four boys quickly refocused their priorities on food and headed outside.

Daniel and Paul walked back towards their offices as William and his parents left to put their lives back together.

"Daniel, the boys are asking why the Captain hasn't shown up this weekend. They thought, naturally, that they'd have a chance to whip some police butt at baseball." Daniel laughed at the typical teenage bravado.

"Yeah, well, when they learn what he's doing right now, I don't think they'll particularly care about the baseball. Do we have the lists made up yet?"

"Almost," Paul answered, "we have it set so the younger boys will be going with their big brothers. We're trying to make sure we have enough adults going with them. There's some rules about needing one chaperone for every eight boys or something along those lines. That's one of the things that the Captain is checking on now. He's also trying to verify the accommodations. He said the park officials called and, since this is the slow time for them, they think they can clear the camping area and it'll be just us. The park will put on the same shows and cookouts for the boys, but it'll be geared to the boys."

"The boys deserve it, Paul. God knows, society's thrown enough crap at these kids. It's time for them to have some fun."

"What about Jeremy? I don't have him scheduled yet."

"I need to call Arthur. He's going as a chaperone and I need to see when he's free. That will tell us when to schedule Jeremy. I thought I might ask Arthur if he thought we should take Derek along also." Daniel turned to the more immediate matters.

"Don't we have more families coming this afternoon?"

"We have another family due here in about forty-five minutes and then another in a couple of hours. We have two more coming tomorrow. We weren't sure how long it would take to talk with each family so we scheduled them two hours apart. If each one goes like William's we could probably have set them no more than an hour apart."

"That'll be five boys back with their families this weekend. I wish it could be five each day," Daniel lamented. "I guess we should be happy with what we can do for now. Paul, if you'll pull the lists, I'll call Arthur and see what plans we can make for Jeremy."

Four naked, but very comfortable, boys sat at the table on the Sinclair patio. The boys were joined by Linda and Arthur for lunch. The table had been set with soft drinks, French bread pizzas, and a raw veggie tray consisting of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and celery with a ranch dressing dip. The boys enjoyed pizza and soft drinks while the adults consumed veggies.

Arthur and Linda sat together quietly, while they enjoyed watching the boys act silly and not understanding most of what they said. It didn't matter, the boys laughed and smiled; they had a good time. The boys were so loud that when the phone rang, Arthur had to use the remote unit and step away from the table.

"Arthur, what's going on there? Sounds like a party."

"Well, I guess it is in a way, Daniel. Derek and Ted are here with Jeremy and Nigel. Right now they are silly kids being silly kids while they swallow pizza. What's up?"

"I'll assume that Bernie and Greg got there okay this morning?"

"Oh, yeah. They've gone with Colin to meet the Marshalls. All we know is that they'll be back later this afternoon."

"Has Jeremy said anything more about the Marshals and his visit with them?"

"Not to Linda or myself. We think he's still undecided, or at least unsure, about some things and is trying to work them out. One of the things we're hoping is that, with the other boys here, he might open up to them and they'll help him sort things out. So far, though, we don't have any indication that anything's happening on that front."

"From the way you're talking, and the sounds I can hear, I'm guessing the boys are close by."

"That's true. I'm not sure if they can hear me well enough to know what I'm saying, but I know better than to under estimate them."

"Well, let's try a new subject. Do you remember the trip to the theme parks that was promised the boys? It's that time. We're going to split the boys into either two or three groups, depending on how many the park can accommodate at one time. You mentioned going along as a chaperone and we were wondering about scheduling Jeremy. The visits are set to run from anytime on Tuesday until the following Sunday morning."

"Wow. If you're talking this week, that's short notice. I need to look at the office calendar. Let me walk into the study and bring my calendar up. If I don't have any court dates for this week, we'll be okay."

"While you're walking, what about Derek? Do you think we should schedule him with Jeremy?"

"Not right now. We've never found out from Jeremy what he would like to do and I'm hoping to get some alone time with him. With Nigel here, we didn't mind Jeremy having Derek and Ted here for a sleepover, but I think it's getting to be time for Jeremy and I to have a serious talk. The boy seems to be caught in a limbo and I think he needs to face the fact that he can't go through life riding the fence all the time. Linda and I don't want to force him into anything and then have him resent it later, but I think he needs a gentle nudge to move off center."

"I understand. I had hoped that after he saw the Marshalls, he'd let us know what he wants. Do you think we need to schedule extra counseling for him?"

"I'm going to ask him that when we talk. It's time to get a little more direct with the boy. Ah, here we are. No court dates for the next two weeks. We have some filings but I can get those prepared and my secretary can send them to the clerk's office. Is Elizabeth going to the park also? If she is, then I'll tell Linda that would be the best time for her so they can keep one another occupied. The boys will want to be boys and not be mothered too much, but you never know."

While Arthur continued to talk with Daniel, the boys had finished their lunch and were talking about getting back in the pool.

"Boys," Linda interrupted their planning, "you've all just had a big meal. I don't want to put a damper on your plans, but I would prefer that you not go back in the pool for at least a half hour and preferable an hour. Give your food some time to digest a little so you don't get sick." The boys' only response was a chorus of moans.

"Why don't you find a game to play in the pool house or go for a walk?"

The boys couldn't believe that Linda suggested they go for a walk. For one thing, that would mean, to be courteous, having to put on some clothes. Also, walking after a meal was for old folks. They were okay, they weren't going to get sick if they went in the pool, they were sure of it. No amount of pleading would budge Linda's directive so the boys resigned themselves to a game in the pool house. Then the boys thought of an interesting game.

When the boys entered the pool house, they closed and locked the door.

"Is everybody thinkin' of the same kinda game I'm thinkin' of? The kind only boys can really have fun at?" Derek asked, grinning from ear to ear and making his eyebrows jump up and down. All four boys grinned.

Jeremy approached Derek and placed both of his hands on Derek's hip bones. With a light push, Derek fell back against the sofa and was sitting. With the other two boys watching, Jeremy quickly bent down and attacked Derek's chest, nibbling at his left nipple and pinching the other.

"OH, SHIT!" Derek exclaimed loudly.

"That the kinda fun you were talkin' 'bout?" Jeremy asked.

Derek pulled Jeremy back onto him while Ted pushed Nigel to the sofa and attacked Nigel's neck. Nigel inhaled sharply and then whimpered as he reached down to grip Ted's now raging boyhood. This was an old fashioned game of give and take wrestling with the boys wrapping and intertwining arms and legs. Each boy was a winner as they both gave and received pleasure. This was a no holds barred, nothing off limits game of nibbling, squeezing, licking and pulling at sensitive boy parts.

The boys quickly found themselves rolling off the sofa and spreading out on the floor. Beginning as two sets of arms and legs playing grab-ass, and anything else you could grab, they quickly became a single pile of teen boys, hormone driven, satisfying themselves and their buddies.

Derek found himself on his back with Jeremy over him. Jeremy was turned so that he could both tease and pleasure Derek's boyhood. Derek reached up and pulled Jeremy's hips down, forcing Jeremy's boyhood into his mouth, choking himself as Jeremy's rod hit the back of Derek's throat. Derek suckled like a babe starved for rich milk. While Derek worked over Jeremy's rod, he reached out and found a butt sticking up. Derek ran a finger up and down the crack, eliciting whimpering sounds from its owner.

The rules of 'anything goes' and 'anyone on anyone' applied. The boys traded off partners. Each boy worked to make the other shoot his load. Each boy also worked to not shoot his load. The only rules in this game said no one got hurt and if you shot your load then you were out and had to sit on the side and watch the other boys have fun. When the last boy to empty his balls had finished, then all the boys who had to sit out and watch could rejoin the game. The game continued until the boys were exhausted and couldn't play any longer. This was a favorite game at New Horizons. The boys always thought it would be great entertainment for television; the boy-vision channel, of course.

Derek felt his body pushed towards the front of the sofa. He was pinned with what he knew was Nigel's rod trying to work it's way down his throat. Derek was pissed with himself for not learning how to deep throat and vowed to learn soon. He knew his buddy Jeremy would teach him in private. Derek then felt someone grab his hips and hold him. The next sensation he felt was moist warmth wrapping his rod. Then he could feel someone breathing hard against his pubic region. Derek realized that he had been swallowed and only Jeremy knew how. Derek was being deep-throated. He couldn't help it, as he felt the throat muscles contracting and massaging his dick, he squirmed and began to moan. The pressure increased and, soon, Derek was screaming with his mouth still stuffed by another boy pole. Breaking into a sweat, and with his body jerking uncontrollably, Derek lost control. When he began to shoot, Jeremy released the rod so that his friend's juices shot into the air and landed on all of them. Derek clenched his teeth and rode out the orgasm while his friends cheered their triumph.

The boys lost track of how long they wrestled. They were told they had to wait at least a half-hour and preferably an hour before they could go swimming again. The only way they could relate to time was that all the boys had already lost two loads and were debating whether they could have a third round. All four boys were hot and sweaty. All four boys were also covered in boy juices and needed a shower.

The end of the second round had been a little different than earlier because the boys soon realized that Jeremy knew more tricks to make them cum than they knew to use on him. Playfully, the three boys ganged up on Jeremy and pinned him to the floor. One boy teased and pulled Jeremy's nipples or tongued his ears while another flicked his tongue over the tip of Jeremy's boyhood and massaged his scrotum. The third boy concentrated on lightly dragging his fingernails up and down Jeremy's side and then up and down the inside of his thighs. The assault ended when Jeremy began gasping for air and whimpered as his body convulsed and shot his youthful juices over all four bodies. The boys all collapsed in a pile, laughing hysterically.

"Jeremy." The boys heard Arthur's voice over the intercom. Suddenly, they wondered if the intercom had been on or off while they played. The boys laughed at the thought.

"Sir?" Jeremy answered, trying to hide his laughter.

"Are you boys alright?" the boys looked at one another, wide-eyed. Had they heard them?

"Yes, sir. We're just playin' around,waitin' so we can go swimmin'." The boys cringed and fought to suppress their laughter.

"That time was up a long time ago. Why don't you boys come on out?" The boys rolled their eyes. They didn't know if they were caught or in trouble. They knew they had to go out.

"We're comin' right now."

The boys stood up and looked at one another; another round of giggles ensued. Tip- toeing to the door, Jeremy opened it just enough to look outside. He could see Linda sitting on the far end of the patio. He knew Arthur must be inside to talk to him over the intercom. He turned to his friends.

"If we run for the shallow end and jump, be sure you go underwater. Crouch down so only your neck and head are above water so ya can clean some of this stuff off. We kinda smell. I hope this pool house don't smell like I think it might."

The boys nodded to one another and then, holding their fingers up, counted to three. On three the door was flung open and all four boys bolted for the pool. All four boys were also shocked when they spotted Arthur standing right outside the door waiting on them. All four boys kept running and jumped into the pool. Arthur walked into the pool house and then strolled up to the pool, behind the boys. He waited until all four boys had their heads above water and could hear him.

"That must have been an interesting game you boys were playing," he stated, while giving the boys a knowing smile.

Arthur's comment caused the boys to first be startled and then, break into another round of teenage giggles.

Daniel and Paul watched as the third family of the day left with their family, once again, complete. Both men relished the feelings of satisfaction at undoing a wrong that never should have occurred.

"Daniel, are you going to tell the boys about the trips or wait on Captain Jackson."

"Right now, I'm going to go over to the pool, get stark naked, jump in and enjoy being with the boys. When the captain gets here, I think he should help make the announcement. He said he would be here for supper, didn't he?"

"That he did, and it won't be long. Think I'll join you in the pool. Think I'll frighten the boys with this pale white body?"

"I think the boys will probably tell you how to avoid having a pale white body." Daniel responded while both men laughed.

The men spent the rest of the afternoon, until the dinner bell rang, playing beach boy ball using Danny, Ryan and Ian. The three boys had a hard time staying in a tucked position because they laughed so hard. Some of the older boys had to step in and give Paul and Daniel a breather occasionally, but both men stayed in the pool. When Danny wasn't being tossed around, he made sure that he sat on Daniel's shoulders or that Daniel let him hang in a piggy-back position.

Captain Jackson joined the group with three of his men. All four men stripped and joined the crowded pool area. Soon, two of the men were talked into joining a pick-up basketball game. Daniel looked over and laughed when he saw the boys, who were always nude, had talked the men into remaining nude.

When the dinner bell rang, the men playing basketball quickly jumped into the pool to rinse off the sweat. As they all exited the pool and reached for their clothes, Daniel suggested that they all remain nude, just like the boys, for no other reason than to do something a little different and shock everyone. The men smiled and walked into the mess hall as nude as the boys. The boys, at first surprised, quickly began throwing out their cheers, jeers, wolf-whistles and catcalls.

A few minutes later, as Captain Jackson addressed the boys, the decibel level for cheering at New Horizons reached a new record high.

End Chapter Eighty-Eight To Be Continued

Comments welcome: contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 89

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