New Kid in School

By Comicality (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Dec 28, 1998


Here it is! After the big cliffhanger last week, I'm sure you guys just want to get into the story! Enjoy! Any feedback would be appreciated at and stop by my website at - "New Kid In School:" Thirteenth Chapter - My eyes were still trying to adjust to the light as my confusion began to clear itself. There was Tyler, my blond 'ex'- boyfriend, sitting at the foot of my bed and looking at me with a grin. I can't believe that he had just crept into my bedroom and basically tricked me into a few minutes of pleasure! I didn't know what scared me more, the fact that that he had done it, or the fact that I enjoyed it so much! "Tyler?!?! What the hell are you doing here?!?!" I shouted. Then I remembered how late it was and lowered my voice to a loud whisper. No need to get my mom involved in this! Tyler stood up and walked over to me. "Randy, you can't fight this. Come on, let's just turn out the light and enjoy ourselves. I've been waiting so long to taste you again!" I pushed him away in disgust. But he pointed down to my five and half inch boner and said, "You can hide your feelings, but you can't hide that." I covered myself with a pillow and told him to leave. But he tried time and time again to get closer to me. This was just plain weird! It was like he couldn't control himself! If Ryan found out about this he would never ever speak to me again! For real this time! "Knock it off Tyler! God, what's wrong with you?!?! It's over, don't you get it?!?!" The second I said it, Tyler's eyes sunk and his whole presence changed. A look of utter defeat covered his face and his short breaths acted as dry heaves to hold back an uncontrollable sob. He fought the tears with every bit of strength he had, knowing that once the first one crawled down his cheek, he'd never be able to stop. Tyler fell back and sat again at the foot of my bed, staring off into space. I hated him for doing ths to me, but dammit to compassionate side couldn't bare to see this gorgeous boy hurting like this. I felt bad for him and sat next to him, trying to comfort him while still keeping some distance between us. "I don't get it, Randy. What did I do? What went wrong? I tried everything to keep you happy. Whatever it was that I screwed up, I'm sorry. I'll be better...I promise. I'll be perfect for you if you just give me the chance. Why can't you just...." Tyler had to stop to regain his composure before starting again. "Is love supposed to hurt this much?" "Tyler...look, I wish I could be with you, I really do. But I'm in love with Ryan. Why can't you understand that?" "I don't want to understand that! What I understand is that I can't sleep without dreaming about you. I feel so alone without having you in my life. I can't think of anyone else, and that's never going to change! NEVER! Do you know what it's like trying to talk to you without being able to kiss and hold you? What it's like seeing you and Ryan together and wondering what power he has over you? What's he got that I haven't got? Nobody can ever love you as much as I do...not even Ryan." Tyler was really hurting over this! I mean, what was I supposed to do? The choice was easy, I loved Ryan more than life itself, and that was that. But how can I turn my back on Tyler like this? He just wanted to give me so much of himself, and I couldn't accept it. Seeing him on the verge of breaking down into tears made my eyes well up too. I wish there was something I could say, something I could do. But the only thing that came to mind was putting my arm around him and letting him cry it out for a while. After a few minutes of just holding him, rocking back and forth, he leaned his head up and kissed me tenderly on the lips, his hand reaching down to fondle and stroke my growing erection! It felt sooo good, but I came to my senses right away this time and jumped up from the bed! "Tyler...this isn't going to happen again! I love Ryan and you're just going to have to live with that. I'm sorry." "Oh? And you think he's just going to take you back after what we did? You think he's just going to put his trust in you again like last time? It's not going to be the same, Randy. He'll eventually get tired of wondering whether or not you're being faithful and you guys are just going to break up again. But you don't have to worry about that with me. I'll never abandon matter what." "Tyler, stop it.'s late and I just want to get some sleep. Just...go home." "Randy, I love you." I was starting to get angry now and raised my voice. "Well, why don't you just love somebody else?!?!" "Because I don't know HOW to love somebody else!!!" He shot back. He was crying hard and he had a lump in his throat that strained his voice into something foreign. Then, without another word, he just got up and walked over to the window. He looked back at me again and the climbed out the same way he came in. I stood there in my room, still shocked at what had just taken place. Then a gentle tapping came at my bedroom door and my mom sleepily opened it. "Are you alright in here honey? I thought I heard shouting." "Yeah was just a bad dream. I'm sorry, I'm going back to sleep now." She nodded and went back to her room. I tried to get back to sleep, but my mind wouldn't let me rest much that night. I was too confused to sleep. The next day, Ryan greeted me with a hearty smile as usual and we went about things as normal. Well...almost normal. After the car accident, he became somewhat of a celebrity at school and everyone was asking what it was like and if he was okay. Especially the girls! Geeze! They were around us every five seconds, not once giving us a moment's peace. I even heard them saying things like, "Omigod! I love him so much! If something bad had happened to Ryan, I would just die!" It felt good to know that the school's biggest heartthrob just so happened to be my boyfriend. Sometimes I really loved the idea of the whole thing! The only way to avoid the girls that day was by hiding in the boys bathroom! Ryan pulled me through the door and we both knew that they'd still be waiting for him when he came out. So we decided to hang out in there for a while. We talked for a few minutes about what was going on during the day and all, when we suddenly realized that we were alone. Ryan checked all of the stalls and then got a wicked look in his eyes. "No way dude!" I protested, but that only made a smile appear on his gorgeous face! "C'mon Ryan...we're in SCHOOL for crying out loud! We could get caught!" That's when he went over to lock the door! "No we won't." Ryan pushed me against the wall and then lifted me up onto the sink! I was nervous as hell, but Ryan's love for me was stronger than paranoia could ever be! He leaned into me, his tender stomach pushing its way between my legs, and he kissed me sensuously on the lips! How could this kiss stand out from all the others we've shared before? Why is it that every time my love for this kid reached its peak, it only went further and further beyond it! I was beginning to think we would never stop falling deeper in love! It was a bottomless pit that we were helpless to escape from, but that was okay, as long as we fell together. Ryan was kissing me passionately, his tongue worming its way past my teeth and gums, filling me with pleasure and love! All the while, he was pushing his soft belly into my hard cock and I humped him hard, feeling the stomach muscles tense and tighten with evey thrust of his hips. I was coming close already and when Ryan worked his way down to my neck and mashed his face up against it, chewing the skin erotically, I knew I had to stop him before I had an accident! "Ryan...oh God...Ryan...wait, dude...I'm gonna cum all over myself! I've...I've still got gym class dude. The other kids...they'll see the stains." Ryan stopped eventually, but the way he continued to lick and kiss my lips, I could tell that he didn't want to. I climbed down from the sink, my cock tingling and spasming from being taken to the brink and having to back off. We calmed down a little and heard somebody trying to get into the bathroom! Ryan and I checked ourselves quickly and he ran over to unlock the door. Two other guys walked in and gave us a strange look. "What the hell are you two doing in here with the door locked?" one of the guys asked. Ryan and I smiled at each other and Ryan said, "Smoking. Don't want to get caught by the Principal or anything. I just needed a quick fix." "I've ever seen you guys smoke before." "Yeah...well...that's because we've never been caught!" I said and we shuffled towards the door, trying to use our book bags to shield our hard ons as best as we could. One of the guys went over to the urinals and said to Ryan, "Yeah, whatever. Well you've got your fan club out there waiting for you, superstar. Try keeping them away from our bathroom, will ya?" We walked back into the hallway and I watched as the small group of girls dragged Ryan away. I went back to business as usual. The two of us sat down to lunch later and Ryan was telling me that he was going to be tutoring some froshman in English for the next couple of weeks. A cute kid named Wil that we had seen milling around the cafeteria every now and then. That meant less time for us to fool around for a while, but I'm sure that after what Ryan had pulled in the bathroom earlier, he would find time to 'put a smile on my face'! We sat and talked for quite a while when all of the sudden Tyler sat down at the table and said hello! I froze, my legs went numb and my stomach twisted into a tight knot! For some reason, I just never expected Tyler to join us for lunch after last night. Ryan, of course, treated him with the same friendly conversation that he always did, but I didn't say much of anything. I was too terrified. Tyler seemed to have forgotten about the night before, and was acting just as normal and cheerful as he always had before. That made me even more nervous! He stayed with us for about ten minutes before his friends Sam and Matt called him over to another table. He left with a hearty smile and that was it. No big fight, no tears, no nothing. It was very weird indeed. After school, Ryan and I ran over to his house, stopping only to drop off my book bag at home. Ryan called out to make sure his dad wasn't home, and then he grabbed me and hugged me tight, his tongue finding its way into my ear! The two of us had been waiting for this all day! We spun around the bedroom, dropping articles of clothing along the way. Ryan gently pushed me back onto the bed and leaned me up against his headboard! I never tired of sex with Ryan, his loving touch and soft, mellow whimpers always turned me on beyond belief! He laid down on his stomach in front of me, lowering his head in between my legs, and quickly took my rock hard member into his mouth! His mouth was so slippery, so wet! And his lips sucked harshly at my head, only to soften as they traveled down my shaft. I couldn't help but stare at Ryan's beautiful face as he motioned rhythmically up and down on my sensitive dick, his hips grinding into the bed! I wished that I could reach down and play with his privates, squeeze his butter-soft cheeks, kiss his smooth skin...something to return the feeling of pure sexual bliss that he was giving me! But he was just perfectly happy taking care of me. Things like that are what make me feel even more strongly for him each and every day that we are together. His humping of the mattress increased, and he was bringing himself to a pretty strong climax without my help! The closer he came, the more forcefully he attacked my fresh meat! The sensation was incredible! I watched as his ass bobbed and wiggled, pushing and grinding himself into the bed with erotic fury! I saw a look of overwhelming joy on his face and I clenched my teeth as my orgasm began to travel towards the surface! My hot cum squirted deeply into his throat, and he sucked every drop of it down. The force of my climax brought Ryan over the edge and he moaned loudly, pushing his hips into the bed as hard as he could while soiling the sheets with his fluids! It was one of the best blow jobs he had ever given me, but I couldn't wait to try for a better one! Ryan crawled up and cuddled beside me, and we took a few moments to enjoy the feeling of our warm naked bodies wrapped in a loving embrace. Ryan's body was so tight and young and smooth. I never wanted to leave this bed. I turned my back to him, and we relaxed with his semi hard penis resting comfortably in the warm crevase of my ass. He had given me the ultimate in sexual release, and I knew that in five minutes or so...I'd get the chance to return the favor! Ahhh...sometimes, it's great to be alive. I went through school the next day with my head in the clouds, even more so than usual. Even the worst of days in school could vanish with the beauty of Ryan's sexy smile! It was awesome! Tyler ate with us again, never once showing any attitude or feelings of loss. I was beginning to think the whole thing was a dream! I guess things had worked out for the better. I went to gym class the next period and low and behold it was 'Mile day'! For some odd reason, every school in America sees a need to run its children to the point of absloute exhaustion and then some for the sake of fitness. Why they do this, I'll never know. Twenty laps around the entire gym, it just seemed like so many. Two classes were joined together for it. Mine...and the one that Ryan and Tyler were in. It was good to see Ryan in those skimpy gym shorts, and somehow I got the feeling that Tyler was thinking the same thing about me. The race started almost immediately, and the three of us ran side by side for a few laps, chatting away and getting some fun out of this excruciating exercise! Suddenly, Ryan got a cramp in his leg and he basically dropped to his knees in the middle of the gym! His calf clenched up tight and he winced in pain. "Keep running! Ryan, what's wrong with you?" The teacher yelled out. Our gym teacher was also the track coach, so his sympathy factor was extremely low for leg cramps. Ryan told him what was wrong and I volunteered to help him massage it out. "No way, Randy. If anybody needs the exercise, it's you! You're getting soft! Tyler! Give him a hand will ya!" I continued running around the gym, not really thinking anything of it, but when I came back to where Ryan had fallen, I saw something that disturbed me. There was Tyler, with his hands all over my boyfriend's leg, massaging and rubbing it in a way that was a little more than theraputic! Tyler was smiling and Ryan was laughing with him, playfully swatting at his hands after feeling a pinch of pain. As I ran around that track, I kept my eyes fixed on the two of them the whole time. I even saw Tyler's massage move a little above the knee to his supple thighs, and at one point...his fingertips went under the bottom of his shorts, lifting it slightly!!! What the hell did he think he was doing?!?! What did he have going on in that pretty little head of his now? I saw Ryan's face get a little more serious, and he even started blushing! And it might have been my imagination, but I could have sworn that I saw him getting hard! Just then I remembered telling Tyler how Ryan felt about him a long time ago, and a fearful shiver ran throughout my fragile teenaged frame. Is Tyler going after my boyfriend? If so, he's got one hell of a fight coming! This was far from over!!! --------------------------------------------------------------- That's it for this chapter! I hope you guys are still enjoying it as much as you did the first one! Happy Holidays to you all, and I hope to see you back in two weeks! Again, feedback would be appreciated at! Or stop by the website (Don't forget to sign the guestbook!) at

Next: Chapter 13

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