New Life Portion

By Veronica Katselnik

Published on Oct 27, 2020


New Life Potion Part 2 ------------------------

Alexa and I woke up a bit early, while our man was still snoring.

Over a cup of coffe in the kitchen, we started talking.

Alexa was staring at me with a funny look while sipping her coffee.

I looked at Alexa and said "what?" with an innocent look

"I knew it would be a bad idea to invite my boyfriend Gary to be here when you woke up. I forgot to tell you, you are extra impregnatable the first 48 hours to make up for all the time you were not a girl"

"You mean that man, whose name I don't know, is not only your boyfriend, but he also got me pregnant, and you couldn't warn me about this?", I tried to pretend to be upset, although I really wanted to wake him up and ride his cock again in front of her.

"Did you at least like feeling him in you? Cause I always do" She winked at me

"I really liked feeling him in me and orgasming with him in me. Definitely better as a girl, even if we risk getting pregnant."

All of a sudden Alexa pinned me against the counter, and started rubbing my pussy while fondling my breast through my shirt. "Really? You like feeling things in you?"

"mmm, fuck yessss" was all I could say as her finger entered my body with my long tee rolled up over my waiste.

She was fingering me very fast, each time pushing in deeper, first 1 finger, then 2, as I was beginning to moan. "Mmmm Alexaaaaaaaa, fuckkkk "

She started biting one of my nipples while fingering me, at this point I was shaking from orgasm all over her fingers.

She pulled her fingers out of me, kissed me, and said "this is just the beginning you little slut"

We both fell asleep on the couch.

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