New Life Series

By moc.evil@9lvlylrmi

Published on Aug 8, 2009


Disclaimer: This story will eventually contain sexual acts between two consensual males. If you are under eighteen/twenty-one, are repulsed by this, or it is illegal in your area, do not read on. You should not be on this site.

Please Note: This is my first time, ever. I welcome constructive comments, but please do not be rude. I also know that the speed begins slow then is extremely fast, and I apologize for that. I may make a revised version once I get feedback. I remind you: flames belong in Hell. Also, this story is COMPLETELY fiction.

Day One

There was an extremely ornate sign right on the large, tall brick wall announcing that we had arrive at `Franklin Preparatory School.' Of course I was being driven by a chauffeur; I barely saw my foster parents aside from the first day. We passed through the wrought iron gates, onto a large cobblestone drive that wound its way first through dense forest, then a maze of soccer fields, baseball fields, football fields, regular old fields, pool facilities, green houses, and many other amenities that I assumed were found at prominent rich peoples' school. The place was huge, the whole entire school encompassing over 10 square miles of land, about 20 acres of which was developed into various dormitories, academic buildings, libraries, and the other places we had already passed. I had discovered this from my quick online research at my brief stay at the McKenzie's manor, which seemed as big as this school. As we drove towards the center of campus, where the administrative complex was, I saw that the place also had at least two chapels and a large stable filled with horses. Wasn't this a guy's school?

We final pulled into a large circle, dominated in the center by a large fountain sporting a dolphin posed in mid-air. Again, all male? Right. The building that was off to one side was all brick and had a sign over the door that announced it was the main administrative building. The limo came to a stop, and a portly man whom I hadn't noticed before walked up to the door of the car, opened it, and ushered me out. He introduced himself as Mr. Cohen, the dean of Franklin Prep. I felt like I had been treated like royalty -- meeting the Dean in person, on my first day? Ridiculous. The McKenzie family was one of the richest in the country, they made the top one thousand, but were extremely private, only known and respected by the places they either owned or visited. Franklin Prep was one of the places they owned. Well, they financed most of the school's athletic buildings. Figures. Of course the Dean gushed over the McKenzie family finally adopting and sending their child to this place, one of the most prominent schools in the world. Of course, it was only prominent to the few that knew it existed. I guess the rich really do like their privacy. I was adopted by Mr. McKenzie a little less than a week ago. God, it's only been a week? I've been treated like a king for that time period, and I was already getting used to it. Wow I'm a total prick.

The Dean, or rather John' as he was insisting I call him, was describing the advantages of Franklin Prep, "It's one of the most private schools imaginable. And, even for it's large size and many amenities, we only have a little over one thousand children currently attending, ranging from age thirteen to age eighteen, the seniors. The class sizes rarely go over 15, averaging 13 per one teaching staff member." Wow, that compared to a class size of twenty five at my previous public school. "We have world renowned facilities that include..." Yawn, time to day dream, again. As I closeted gay, coming to this place was absolute hell. I would be sharing everything with other guys, even my room, which was formally my sanctuary at my other foster homes. Also, they would be the sons of the richest people in the world. How was I supposed to compete with that? Not only this, but there were no girls I could confide in and tell about my fantasies and crushes. They were the only ones I could truly trust with my secret, at least in my mind. My best friend, Jasmine, promised me that we could stay in touch and talk about the hot rich guys' all I wanted. She was absolutely awesome.

I've only known her for about a year, since I first was moved to New York about a year ago, but we hit it off right away. We were inseparable, and I admitted I was gay the first month I had known her. She just hugged me and asked who I was crushing on. She's so awesome, I just hope we do keep in touch, as I was now standing in the fanciest school I had ever been to, in the wilderness of northern Michigan, talking to the friggin' Dean as if we were best friends. Apparently to him, we were on a first name basis anyways. One of the many perks of now belonging to the mysterious McKenzie clan, I suppose. "You'll be staying in Anderson Hall in common housing," He gave me an apologetic look and continued, "with a senior named Grant Johnson." I decided now was the time to finally talk.

"Uh... a senior?"

"Yes, that's correct. I apologize dearly, but they're very few accommodations we have at the moment, and your father knows the Johnson family, so he thought it best that you stay with a child of theirs. He will be on his best behavior, of course."

"Oh, right, okay."

"Now, if you'll please follow me Jesse, I will bring you to your room -- your furniture and clothes have already been set up." So that's why I didn't have any suitcases. He walked up to a golf cart parked off to the side of the circle -- sweet -- and proceeded to put the key in the ignition and asked me to get into the driver's seat. What?

"This will be your golf cart for you to use at your free will to transport yourself around campus."

"I get a golf cart?"

"Well, since you're only fifteen and don't have your license, this is the best we could provide you. For a family who has provided... so much... for our school, we will only treat you the best possible way." He got a clouded look on his face. "I am truly sorry about the dormitories."

"It's alright, I'm sure I'll love it." Good, he got some relief from that.

As he directed me, we did slowly make our way to Anderson Hall. Besides the face that I never went in excess of five miles per hour, I almost crashed into a lamp post and a janitor. Poor guy. The Dean, sorry, John, had a horrified look on his face at my driving skills. I looked at him and started in hysterics, not helping the situation at all. Despite this, we did finally make it to Anderson. It was a large building, I guessed at least eight stories, made out of brick and stone. The entryway was large and surrounded by carvings, and it lead into a marble entry hall. John lead me up the central staircase to elevators on the second floor (why couldn't they just be on the first?) and pushed the button for seven. And, they did have eight floors total. Why couldn't I just get the penthouse? Oh yeah, `crowded' accommodations. We got there, and immediately in front of the elevator was a surprisingly modern lounge. It had a flat screen T.V., stereo system, Wii, a refrigerator, microwave, coffee machine, all that we needed to cram. Awesome.

"The seventh hall is a predominately upperclassmen, so you'll be sharing the bathroom with seniors and some juniors." I just beginning sophomore year, this was extremely troublesome. "Welcome to your room, room 712. Here's your key for the room as well as a meal card, which will allow you to eat for free at any of the campus dining halls as well as any restaurants located on premises. The meal card has unlimited uses for the rest of this year. You will also use it to get into restricted areas such as this dorm, academic buildings, and athletic facilities. At the library, you will use it to check out books, which should be necessary to complete your class assignments. I'll leave you to arrange your room to your liking, and remember, the golf cart is all yours. The spot we parked in is reserved for you. Your roommate will help you with finding classes and will take you on a tour. Come to the administrative building for your schedule, which will be ready by tomorrow evening. Dinner is served at every hall between the hours of five and eight, breakfast is from seven to nine, and lunch is from eleven thirty to one. Depending on your schedule, you can go at any time during these periods. We prepare you for college, so you're now living in a college setting. Have a good stay at Franklin Prep, Jesse."

The room was like a dream come true for a dorm. It wasn't extremely large, it was about average, it had two twin beds, one with the covers strewn about the place and one with uniform white striped covers neatly tucked in. There were two desks, both of which had laptops and pencils and pens and notebooks scattered about. The two closets covered one whole side of the room, and I could see that my side was filled with neatly pressed coats, jackets, button-down shirts, ties, khakis, dress pants, undershirts, athletic clothes, robes, underwear, and everything else I could possibly need. Most of the ties and undershirts were some form of red and gold, which were the school's colors. I didn't mind the fancy clothing, I loved to dress up -- it seemed like I would be doing a lot of that this year. My side of the room was also decorated with various posters and pictures, mostly of school pride. I wonder what my roomy thought of me -- the peppiest kid alive? My roommate wasn't entirely clean ever. He had a picture of a hockey team, presumably the schools, as well as a few banners of the school's crest and colors. His bed, although messed up, looked like it had high quality sheets and was very spick and span, and his clothes weren't that bad either.

The room also had a sink close to the door, along with a full length mirror alongside it. I walked up to the mirror, examining myself, all 5'11", 150 something pounds of me. Some girls had expressed interest in me at my various other schools, but naturally I shied away from them. I've gotten a lot of compliments of my face being "handsome." I suppose that's because it's angular. My nose was nearly completely straight, my mouth was normally tight together, my double chin (ew) stood out at about the right place, my cheek bones were somewhat shallow. I was happy with my face, along with my medium length brown hair, which was normally spiked in the front. I truthfully thought I looked extremely average, which I was grateful for. I didn't want to stand out, for good looks or for bad. I thought it would be too embarrassing for me either way. Anyways, my body I thought was extremely average too. I hit the gym maybe a few times a month, but only because I run every day on a five to ten mile loop, except for when I'm moving, of course. I would have to find a good route here... anyways, my legs are toned, my arms have some muscle, but not enough to stand out. Again, that's a good thing. I had some hair on my body, but not too much.

"Hello?" What the hell? OH, RIGHT! I have a roommate. I turned around to face him, and as I did, I gasped audibly and stared.

"Hey man, you OK?"

"Wha-a, huh?" He was perfect in every sense of the word. He had close cropped blonde hair, spiked up, with the most emerald eyes I had ever seen. You could almost get lost in them...

"Dude, seriously, do you need help or anything?"

"No.. I-I'm fine..." He had the most handsome face... forget mine being `angular,' his looked as if it was sculpted by the gods.

"Alright. Well, I'm Grant." He held out his hand to shake mine. Shit!

"Jesse." A one word answer was all I could afford so I didn't give myself away. I was seriously crushing on him. I "discreetly" wiped my sweaty hands against my pants and shook his hand. He had a strong grip, one that exudes confidence. I also didn't realize his voice before. It was so deep and masculine, absolute perfection. I couldn't stop staring at his face. Thank God he had no hair there -- facial hair on a guy under twenty-one is a complete turn off for me. I realized like I had been staring, and quickly moved my eyes away from his face, naturally turning to his body. He was wearing a sleeveless black under armor shirt, with Nike basketball shorts, and I realized he was sweating profusely. Obviously he had just been doing some sort of physical activity.

He proceeded to grab a towel off of a rack next to the sink and wipe his face and neck off, making sure sweat wasn't dripping down. He looked pretty damned sexy.

"So, you're a sophomore?"

"Um, yeah. I-I'm really sorry I got roomed with you."

"Hey man, it's cool. I was getting pretty lonely anyways, I'm glad you came." He flashed me a smile, revealing perfectly straight, white teeth. He seemed so perfect it made me ache knowing I was so ordinary.

"So, were you like, um, running, or...?" Hey, it's totally a perfect way to start a conversation. I guess I have to have an "um" at least once in every sentence.

"Yeah, I do a twelve mile loop around in the woods out here. This campus is really nice for the nature lover." Damn, the only time I've run twelve miles is during an extremely hard cross country practice where my old coach was pissed at the team. I didn't last in that town even four months. I suppose it's not too far over my ten mile limit, but still, I doubt he'd want to run with me.

"Cool." Again with the one word answers! Wait, back up. Did he say he was a nature lover? Did he really just admit that to me? Wow. He's so honest! I shied away from him, looking for a distraction, and finally choosing to see what channels I had on the T.V. my new parents had given me for the room. I was avoiding him -- I didn't want to be too obvious -- but he noticed that I was.

"Are you all right?"

"What? Yeah. I'm just a bit... shy." Especially to extreme hotties like yourself.

"Alright, well, you don't have to be shy around me."

I thanked him, then asked where I might find the bathrooms. He gave me directions, and I quickly left the room. This truly is hell for me! How will I keep my secret with someone as hot as him around 24/7? At least he's a senior. I won't have to hide myself during class or anything. He probably won't want to be friends with me either, I'm not only average but at least two years younger than him. The bathroom was average, the showers had a curtain with a changing area separate from the actual shower. It was obvious clean and well maintained. Not much to see here.

I decided to head back to the room, and wondered how I could possibly avoid my roommate as much as possible. He seems so nice...

"No way dude, I really don't know about that." I heard Grant's voice from our room.

"Come on, you said we could! You're such a fucking loser sometimes." A new voice, another male.

"You can't fucking tell me what to d-" Grant was obviously cut off, so I slowly opened the door to take a peek.

He was kissing another guy.

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