New Mutants: Beginnings

By Brad Carrey

Published on May 5, 2011



Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the following Marvel characters. It is all purely Fan fiction. If this type of work is illegal where you live, or if you are underage, please leave. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.

If you have any comments, concerns, and/or suggestions email me at: Sorry to all the die-hard x-men fans this is not a team they actually had in the comics. I wanted to do something new with characters i like that arent really used that much on this site (and some in the comics) so I gathered my own team that consists of:

Iceman (Robert "Bobby" Louis Drake) X-23 (Laura Kinney) Pixie (Megan Gwynn) Wither (Kevin Ford) DJ (Mark Sheppard) Joshua Cross (Name is Undecided so far but will be soon.)

Chapter 1: Killer smile Knock! Knock!

"Mmmmm", I responded trying desperately to return to dream land, and succeeding rather quickly. Until the decidedly annoying knocking continued, along with my mothers voice saying,

"Joshua, honey, its time for you to wake up, or I won't have time to take you to school!"

"I'm up!" I replied at the same time pulling the covers over me head to continue resting happily.

My mother, already knowing my morning routine, replied "If you're not downstairs in twenty minutes, I have a nice cup of cold water with your name on it!"

Knowing that she was serious, I don't think I could have jumped out of the bed and into my bathroom any quicker. Although I did it reluctantly, you know, it being the first day of school and all. I was starting my junior year and greatly depressed about it. Not because I didn't have friends or anything but because I still had a full two years to endure the torture and nefarious plans of the education board. Ok so maybe I was exaggerating a little, but in the mornings I'm never in my right mind.

Shutting the door, I made my way to the shower and turned the water on to let it heat up. Walking up the full length mirror on my door I started to undress while staring at my reflection.

"It's time for a haircut." I muttered noticing how unruly and long my black curls were this morning. Under the untamed beast, lay a young face that was slowly maturing. Complete with full pink lips in the shape of a perfect bow, a pert nose, and a strong jaw line. I believed that my best feature to be my lips, but most people commented on my steel gray eyes. I knew I was handsome, but today I really didn't look it. Not because of acne or anything but my eyes were droopy. Under those bags had started to form.

I hadn't been sleeping well lately. Or really not at all is more like it. Every time I would sleep I dreamt of water which is not necessarily a bad thing, but the scenery's usually the same though it varied sometimes, stormy with huge tidal waves. And I was always in the water looking around for help, not that I could ever see anybody out there. It never lasts long because I wake up panting and sweating profusely.

Wandering lower on the mirror I noticed the slight definition of my Pecs and the pink nipples that were stiff due to the cold air in my bedroom. Although I don't have a 6-pack my chest & abdomen are both firm and solid. My build is more of a Swimmer's than a football jock. Roaming lower revealed an innie belly button and a dark thin line of hair heading into the boxer briefs I was wearing. I chuckled at the red & blue superman shorts my mother had gotten him for Christmas, still thinking of me as a child.

Poking out above them was the top of the rose tattoo I had secretly gotten a few months ago, though it mostly has blue petals it had various colors in the center. It was my own little rainbow flag. My own little way to symbolizing my sexuality. I had known I was gay since I was about 14 when I saw two guys kissing on TV and my dick grew hard. It wasn't really a traumatic experience, but I was...and still am...vastly terrified of telling my parents. But, my fear was not at all misguided my parents weren't really what you would call open minded. I had heard my father plenty of times raving about how unlawful and disgusting it would be if "fags" were to be able to marry. I've physically cringed on account of that word so many times my family probably thinks I have Tourette syndrome. My mother never really says anything degrading per say but you get the gist of how she feels on the subject when she speaks. Which is why I am very much content on never coming out to them...or at least until I've moved away from home.

Dropping my boxers I regarded the thin bush of fine hairs above my flaccid 5" cock. When hard I knew, through many nights of measuring, it would grow pretty thick and lengthen to about 7 ½".

Noticing the steam fog up the mirror on the door I entered the shower and quickly washed up.

Knock! Knock!

"Josh hurry up and get out of the damn bathroom, or you'll be late on your first day!" This time it was my asshole father talking. Don't get me wrong he never abused me or anything, just that sometimes his standards for me were way too high. So sometimes...well most of the time I was a big disappointment to him. From not getting better grades, though I never received anything less than a B, to not making his truck shine enough after I've washed it, I've failed at it all. And the whole hating gay's thing obviously didn't make our relationship any better.

"Ok I'm getting out now." I said as I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. After brushing my teeth and getting dressed I bounded down the stairs into the kitchen. I was met with the face of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, at least in my opinion. Standing at 5 ft. 4 in. she was shorter than my tall 5' 11" frame, though that never stopped her from knocking me down a few pegs when I became cocky or disobedient. She really was beautiful and I was glad I inherited her most of her facial features. Except the eyes hers were a dark shade of brown.

"Morning mom! How are you feeling today?" I said while I grabbed two pop tarts and put them into the toaster.

"Morning honey, I'm doing well but you'll have to eat that on the way to school so you won't be late to your first period. You do have your schedule right?" She asked as I sat down at the table across from my father.

"Yes, its in my back pack, good morning dad." I used the term loosely as he grumbled something under his breath never once breaking away from his paper. `I guess to some sports are more important than other things in life' I thought bitterly. My father was a tall man at around 6' 3". He had dark brown hair and deep green eyes. Even though he was my father...and an asshole... I could admit he was definitely handsome in a rugged Lumberjack way.

Pop! I heard, telling me that my quick breakfast was ready. I grabbed it and then we were on out way to my Hell...uh...High school.

I walked into my 1st period class earlier than most kids, found a seat in the back and put my head down until all the students filed in and class started.

"Hi class I'm Mr. Andrews your English III teacher for the year and I'd like to go over the rules with..." I tuned him out as he rambled on about the rules for the class that we had heard in, no doubt, all of our classes. Staring out of the window I noticed for the first time that it was raining outside. It must have been pretty hard because the parking lot outside had at least 5 or 6 inches of water covered the ground. The wind must have also been blowing with a lot of force because trees were all blowing in the same direction.

Returning my attention back to the class no one seemed to be paying attention to the weather. The teacher was still droning on about when homework was due. Some students writing it down, some were talking with friends, others in what seemed to be the best sleep of their lives. `Are they not seeing this' I thought to myself.

Looking out the windows again debris was floating atop of the rushing water, and trash flying through the air. The water seemed to be a lot taller than what it was just a few seconds ago. Like, almost to the low windows taller.

"Are you guys seeing this?" I asked the classroom this time aloud. And as if they didn't hear me they just kept on with what they were doing.

"Guys," I said getting up and walking towards the window, "It's like there's a hurricane out there or something." Realizing no one said anything I turned around finding them all still doing their work, sleeping, or talking. "Guys", I said louder to get their attention, to no avail. I started walking closer to the teacher to get his attention, "Mr. Andrews I think-" that's as far as I got before I heard a loud crack and the windows broke allowing the water and debris in. Trying my best to get through the trash filled water to the door I shouted to be heard over the wind, "Come on everybody this way!" Turning around, to get their attention I noticed a SUV floating straight towards me.

"Aaaarrh!" I yelled jumping up, noticing very embarrassingly everybody in the room staring at me, some obviously amused some concerned. I really had to talk to someone about these dreams; they were slowly wearing me down and now were giving me the title of freak.

"Mr. Cross glad my talking skills have impressed you enough to shout about it." Several students snickered while my cheeks turned red just as the bell rang signaling the end of class.

Realizing I was going to be late no matter what I took my time getting to my second period gym class. I was walking through the blue and white halls slowly while watching all the rushing teens around me, or more specifically the hot male ones. Finally making it to the gym I didn't see any students just the teacher so I made my way to him.

" I'm late my lockers-"

But I was cut off as he replied "Don't care just change clothes and meet us on the track. Brent will be you're assigned workout partner for the remainder of the year. Also everyday a set of partners will clean the weight room after work out, since you're the only one around Brent and you have it today.

"Sure" I replied thinking which Brent he was speaking of and that my gym teacher was an asshole.

After changing into my gym clothes I quickly walked outside onto the track.

"Cross I want two miles out of you."

"Yes sir." I replied thinking how the hell he knew my name without doing roll call. As I approached the track I saw him and instantly knew which Brent he was speaking of. Brent Taylor. He was the epitome of a high school sex god. Guys either wanted to be him or be in his circle. Girls wanted to fuck him...well a few guys too. I was surely the president of the "I want to be Brent's bitch" fan club. Though since I wasn't out I obviously kept it from him... well that and we have never actually met.

Getting even closer I saw Brent's beautiful long blond hair shining in the sun. His deep blue eyes were studying me as I walked drew near him. He was a little taller than me at 6', `the perfect height for kissing' I thought to myself. He had it all the six pack, the firm looking ass, even the deep dimples. And oh I'm sure he could kiss with those full lips he had... and others things judging by the way he wet his lips with his tongue.

"Hey I'm Brent I'm supposed to be your gym partner." He said while sticking his hand out.

"Yeah, coach told me, I'm Joshua by the way." I said, shaking his hand noticing how firm it was for a high school student.

"Well we have about eight laps to do, clean the weight room, shower and try to make it to 3rd period before the bell. So we should head out to the track." He said smiling revealing a big bright killer smile and dimples that almost made me have to change my boxers.

"Alright." I replied following him to the track.

After running the eight laps with pretty much no conversation, unless you count me complaining about having a heart attack the whole time, we made our way to the weight room. While cleaning the equipment we got to know each other a little. We talked about a lot from how old we were to embarrassing stories that I couldn't believe I told him willingly. While working I couldn't help but obviously look at him, I mean, he really was sexy. Especially when he would bend over to clean a bench and his shirt would ride up revealing plaid white and blue boxers. Or the way his biceps would tense up and stretch his little black tee. Or the way...well it truthfully was everything he did was sexy.

I think he started to notice me looking though because he would look at me smile bend over to wipe at something then turn his and smile while saying something enjoying scenery that nature gave us. He would always cover it up with talking about a waterfall or mountain or something. But, it always kept coming with that knowing smile. That smile was beautiful...but dangerous. Because even if he just happened to be gay, I think if were found out the chances of us being accepted were like slim to none. So, I only looked at him when necessary the rest of the time cleaning.

The whole not looking at his body thing faded rather quickly once we started to shower. He was really a sight to behold hair hanging down his forehead, dimples slightly out as he joked with his friends. And to top it all off he was lathering up soap to his crotch. When he turned around I started to get hard; he had the most supple bubble butt I had ever seen in my life. I moved to turn around to avoid anything unwanted popping up.

I'm guessing I wasn't as inconspicuous with my glances as I though because I heard "Hey what the fuck Josh, why are you staring at Brent over there, are you a fag?"

Turning around I saw the one talking to me, Jesse, and his three best friends, the Brandon twins, and Jason. These were the assholes of our school. They were the ones who tortured freshmen, the ones who smoked in the bathrooms, and the ones who always picked fights. `Fuck!' I thought but replied,

"I was just listening in on what you were saying I'm not a fag". And I had to control the urge to vomit from using that word.

"Don't lie Josh we all saw you, and what about that Queer flower on your stomach?"

Shit! I really hadn't thought the whole gay pride tattoo in the shower thing over. And I couldn't even think of a reply for that so I kind of just stood there under the spray. I guess that was the wrong answer.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" He said as he shoved me back and his friends crowded around him. All wet from the showers standing close together. This picture at any other time it would have been a wet dream but right about now it was more like a nightmare.

"Look, I'm not gay and I don't want any problems with you." I said backing up a little towards where the lockers were.

"Don't walk away from me Faggot!" he said as he again shoved me, harder this time, backwards.

"Look, I've got to go and I'm not doing this with you right now Jesse." I said moving away to put on a towel and grabbing my clothes. I walked out of the room and was near the deep end of the school pool when I heard,

"Don't you just walk away from me Cross!" he said.

"Fuck You!" I spat, giving him the finger, not bothering to turn around. That was another brilliant idea by the great Joshua Cross. A moment later I felt a sharp blow to my head.

"Aaargh" I shouted falling to the ground. Reaching to cradle my head where the object hit, I felt something realizing it was blood. Looking up through blurry eyes I could just make out Jesse reaching down to lift me up by neck. Standing only to have him punch me again in the nose, hard, making me fall to my knees.

"Get down!" he shouted, knocking me down with a punch to the stomach. "You see this fucker," he said turning to his friends "Can't even hold his own in a fight, fucking faggot!" I used his ranting to my advantage pushing him into his friends. I jumped up as quickly as I could, trying to get away. I must have not been fast enough because next I felt a hard shove to my back making me fall and slide across the wet pavement beside the pool. With them not letting me off the hook I immediately felt punches to the back and side. And just to have diversity they threw a few kicks here and there to the legs or side. Tilting my head up a little I could see my reflection in the water clearly. Staring back at me was disheveled hair, a bloody nose, and the most terrified gray eyes I'd ever seen. It wasn't a pretty sight.

"Yeah, teach the fag a lesson! Throw him in the pool!" I heard Brent say. And that's exactly what they did. They picked me, not without a struggle, and tossed me into the deep end of the swimming pool. After getting my bearings I resurfaced and quickly climbed the ladder out. I would have tried to run but his friends were blocking the exits on both sides of me. Plus I think the soreness and loss of energy would have not let me get very far.

"You just don't know when to stay down do you Faggot!" he said at the same time I noticed waves in the pool, as if some wind had picked up in the room.

"Stop calling me that!" I shouted really tired of hearing that word coming out of his stupid bigot mouth.

"That's what you are right Josh, just a big Queer!" he said as I noticed the rumbling in the pool getting worse by the second.

"Just shut the fuck up!" I shouted backing away from the pool a little.

"Haven't learned your lesson huh fag!"

This of course was followed by another punch to the face, forcing me on my hands and knees. And that's when I felt it. It was subtle but I definitely felt it, a tug in my gut. "I told you to stop calling me that!!" I yelled as water from the pool shot up high towards the rooms ceiling like a geyser.

"What the fuck freak!" I heard Jesse say. Then his friends, "He's a mutie!" and "Kick his mutant ass!" followed by footsteps towards me. `A mutant!' I thought. What the hell are they talking about, there's nothing wrong with me.

I lifted my held my hand up and yelled "Stay the fuck away from me!", at that same time one of the geysers in the pool started to change shape. It looked like a...arm with a hand. I'm going crazy' I thought, Yep mentally insane'.

I heard Brent say "What the fuck are you doing freak!" as the water hand grabbed Jesse tossing him across the pool into the bleachers. I heard a sickening thump when he landed.

"I'm getting the fuck out of here!" I heard next, then several quick steps, and a door opening and closing.

Finally' I thought, while trying to stand on shaky legs, only to fail and fall right back down on my face. I rolled over and tried to yell "Help!" but it didn't come out sound loud. Gees, I'm going to die next to a pool, naked, and looking like shit, my dad will be so proud!' was my last coherent thought before the land of darkness took hold of me.

Chapter 1 Part 2: Fun Times

When I woke up I could hear a faint beeping, people whispering, and a weatherman speaking about the sunshine we were to have. My limbs felt sore, though not as sore as they did after the...The fight! I shot up in the bed and opened only to realize that was a bad idea, because dizziness and a blinding pain shot through my head. I closed my eyes, grabbed at my head, and lay down quickly.

"Relax", I heard startling me and causing me to look to my right. I saw attached to the voice right away. Not because he was sexy or anything but because he was And he was furry; and wearing a lab coat, and wearing glasses. I closed my eyes and shook my head thinking `I'm definitely going insane, or maybe Jesse drugged me after they beat me up, yeah that's it.'

"How are you feeling this tonight?" said the same voice as before. I opened my eyes and looked again; yep he was still there. This time though I noticed he wasn't alone, there was a woman with him. She was pretty, like, it almost made me rethink being gay pretty...well maybe not; she was lacking a penis after all. She was beautiful though. She looked to be about average height, long curly red hair, and bright green eyes.

The woman spoke this time "How are you feeling honey?" Honey...that immediately made me think of my mother.

"Where are my parents?" I asked ignoring her question.

"We didn't have any way to contact or know who your parents are but its ok your safe here, now how are you feeling?" she asked again.

I had to think about it for a second. My head still hurt, limbs ached, and my chest felt sore. But, overall I felt a hell of a lot better than I last remembered so I replied,

"I'm...uh...fine thanks," then hesitated before asking "uh...where...where am I? Which hospital is this?"

Something with what I said must have confused them because they looked at each other briefly. The woman replied,

"This is the medical wing at our school. " found you and brought you here to receive medical attention because-" she stopped talking and kind of looked spacey for a second, but then continued, "because you were hurt pretty badly. Now our professor is on his way here, he will explain everything and answer any questions you have."

"O.k." I replied, though she may not have heard me because she was almost out of the room already. I looked at the blue guy just as he turned to leave also.

Before he could leave I asked "Where are my clothes?"

He replied "Well when we found you, you had no attire so we brought you some that should fit you, its over on table there. There is also a tooth brush and taste paste for you." He said pointing to the other side of me while walking away.

I dressed quickly in the t-shirt, gym shirt, and sneakers they provided me. Then waited patiently on the bed for whoever this...professor was.

I can't believe I was found out by the school asshole, I though idly running my fingers through my unruly hair. I'm sure he's told plenty of people by now. I'm not the most popular guy by any means, but I did have a number of friends and associates. Well I guess the first two years of building a high school reputation went down the drain. And for what, a couple of quick looks at a guy...a hot one, but still just a guy nonetheless. My self control sucks ass!

Shit, I thought, if someone tells my parents... fuck I think I'll be dead. O.k. maybe that wouldn't happen but I'll probably be exiled to my house until I graduate. And me being will probably be added to top of the `Joshua's Great Disappointments' list I'm sure my father has laying around somewhere. He would probably hate me. His own son. But, its really not that surprising, what with all the gay comments he makes. I've known he'd hate me ever since I found out a few years ago. My mother was really the person I worried about. Even though she disliked gays we'd never had a bad relationship. She was kind of strict, yeah, but we still could around with each other and have actual conversation. I'm sure that's all gone out of the window now.

"Damn", I muttered wiping the tears that slipped out. I've got to stop thinking of that and deal with it later.

Those fucktards sure did a number on me I thought as more events during the fight were recalled in my mind. That's when I remembered the water. What was up with the water anyway? Why did it only...attack...yeah, attack, Jesse and his friends. I mean, I'm not complaining, it just doesn't make sense. And that...that hand, where the Hell did that come from Countless questions flooded my mind. But they were interrupted by,

"It's good to see you awake, son." I turned to see an older bald man wearing a blue suit in a wheelchair. `Must be the professor' I thought to myself.

"Uh...thanks" was my knowledgeable reply.

"Where are my manners...I'm Professor Charles Xavier. This building we are in is my school." He said.

"School?" I asked followed by, "Shouldn't I be in a hospital or something?" I paused then added "Oh and I'm Joshua by the way...Joshua Cross."

"Well as you can see," he said while gesturing around us in the room, "we are very capable of taking care of your needs. And as far as your first question that's what I came to talk to you about. How much do you know about mutants?" he asked while studying me.

I thought about it and replied "Not much, just that they can sometimes do things that aren't really...well...that they can do special things."

"Your right son, now can you tell me what happened yesterday?" he asked.

"" I stammered trying to think of a way to keep the whole gay thing out of it...enough people know by now I'm sure. " jumped by some bullies at school." I replied.

"Yes, but can you tell me what you did during this fight yesterday?" He asked diving deeper.

"Well I just laid there and took it." I said blushing thinking of how that would have sounded in another context.

"You didn't do anything the whole time?" he asked studying me closely.

" never mind you'll just think I'm crazy." I replied thinking of the water and how it reacted to Jesse and his friends attacking me.

"I assure you I won't." Seeing my hesitation he said "Also anything said in this room will be between you and me if that is your wish." "Alright well...during the um...during the fight the water in the pool started like...bubbling up." I said.

He replied "Well maybe there were Jets in the pool."

"No our pool doesn't have any and besides that's not the weird thing. Water started to uh...shoot up towards the ceiling... and remember I warned you it might be crazy." I put my head down thinking, but I continued with "And when Jes...uh...the guy was calling me names it was like the water was effected by his words. That's still not even the craziest part; it a hand coming out of the water. But, not like a person it was the water itself forming. So what's the diagnosis professor, am I psychotic? Did I suffer from brain damage or something?" I asked looking up.

"Young man I don't think you crazy I think your Special, we-" but I cut him off with,

"What, Special? You think these...these...weird things my mind's conjuring up are...special? Are you-" but he cut me off before I could say crazy too!

"If you would have let me finish I would explain it to you. Now can I continue?" he asked I nodded so he continued. "You really are a special young man" he said seeing me about to protest again he stated quickly and very bluntly "You're a mutant."

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I said loudly. Word vomit, I get it periodically, sometimes words just come out. "Uh...sorry... I mean...I'm not a mutant. I've never done any thing that normal people-" I stopped before I could say can't do. I thought of the water again. I thought of how I was the only one it didn't try to reach, or how I was the only not wet by the geyser shooting to the ceilings. Then I thought of the feeling I had when it happened it was like a rush of energy leaving me each time. I thought of how the angrier I got by being called the "F" word the more the water in the pool rushed and the higher the geysers shot. Shit' I thought, I am a mutant'.

" did you know that?" I asked slowly trying to wrap my mind around the concept of me being a mutant.

"Well...we can go over that later. Right now I want to discuss with you why I brought here to this school. You, see this is the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters. We help students like you to learn to control their gifts in a safe and accepting environment. The school also has your regular necessary class as mathematics and social studies." He said.

"So, what you want me to...enroll or something?" I asked.

"Well, I would like you to stay here and study with our teachers about your powers." He said.

Thinking of something I replies "Where is here exactly?"

"New York Ci-"

"New York...What the hell am I doing on the other side of the country?" I said standing up to start pacing. "My parents are going to kill me, you know that right." I said starting to really freak out.

"I assure all will be fine once we contact your parents, I will speak to them personally if it will help your cause. Just calm down." He said and waited till I was seated to resume speaking. "Now it is kind of late so why don't we put you in a room and let you sleep on the matter. You can think it over and in the morning let me know your decision. After that we can speak to your parents about why you didn't come home or may not be coming home."

"Ok sure... oh and I really am thankful that you guys came and picked me up I don't know where I would be right now. about my clothes and things?"

"Anyone would have done it, and since your father won't allow you to come back we'll have to provide you some things, now let's get you in that room."

I had thought about it all night and still hadn't really made a decision. Sleep didn't come so well either. When it did it was plagued with dreams of rushing waters and violent storms. I think it aggravated the other student in the room, whom I hadn't met yet, because he left kind of early and in a huff. Presently I was staring at the phone in the conference room with the Professor across from me. He was sitting there patiently waiting meanwhile I was trying to weigh my options.

On one hand I could go back home to the life that I had always known. With the family I had always known and...admittedly...loved. Yep, even my asshole father; just not as much as my mother. He would surely let me know how much of a failure I was to him by becoming one of `those people' and being a mutant to top it off. I would have to go back to school and face the other students he would most likely know everything. Though, I really hoped they didn't. I'm sure the students could come up with a billion names for a gay mutant, hell I just thought at least two. I'm not sure if I could face the ridicule, though I know my father would tell me to "Step up and take it like a man!" That's obviously if they would allow me to stay.

On the other hand I would be the new kid' at the school. I would have to find new friends. I would have to adjust to the living quarters, because I had obviously never lived in a dorm before. Sharing a room with someone else would take some getting used to, being an only child and whatnot. The curriculum may be different so I may have to adjust to the class work. Not to mention my classmates themselves. I would be going to a school with only mutants. Where we...and I'm still shocked by being included in that we'... could use our powers freely. Being away from my family would probably take a toll on me also. I mean, we may have our ups and downs but like I said I love them. They did raise me after all.

Thinking over each of the pros and cons in both of the decisions I finally looked to the Professor and said "I want to enroll in your school."

He smiled and put the phone on speaker while saying "Excellent choice, Joshua."

I dialed the number I had dialed so many times before and waited to I heard,

"Hello, Davenport Residence" In a gruff voice. `Shit' I thought to myself it would have to be my father to answer the phone.

"Hi dad, I-`

"Where the hell have you been you little shit, we've been looking for you all day" he said cutting me off.

"Dad I'm sorry I-"

Once again cutting me off he told me "You're always sorry about something. If you would do what you...never mind" he said stopping that train of thought and changing the subject "They've been talking about what you did the other day, is that true!" he said loudly.

"What did they say I-"

"Don't play dumb with me Josh...They said you were perving on that boy Brent...and that you're a mutie, is that true!" he yelled. "Dad just let me explain what-"

"No I don't want any of your damn excuses. I don't want to even see your face if I see you near my property I'm calling the cops and I'll have you arrested." I knew he was lying I'm underage and his child they would make him take me. Or at least give me to social services. But, his reply on reinforced my choice to stay.

"Fine." I replied hanging up before I could hear anymore of his asshole rants. I looked up to see the professor with concern on his face and asked "Does that count as permission?"

I don't think he like my joke, but he replied,

"Let's just get back to your room, you can stay there today while I make you a schedule of classes and you can start tomorrow." He said while standing up

I had pretty much just lounged around on my bed all day, thinking of the way my father had just basically disowned me. I wondered what my mother said, if she said anything. Did she just sit back and be obedient to my father? Did she agree with him? I knew she would disapprove of me being gay but I didn't really know about the whole mutant thing. I had never heard either one of their views on the subject. Truthfully I hadn't heard much on the subject at all.

That led me to thinking about my...powers? Yeah that's what the professor said, powers. I wondered what it that I could do was. Control the pools across the world? I chuckled to myself. Maybe it was more of just the water itself that I could... what manipulate... I had so many questions. I decided to try something. I walked down the hall and filled a glass with water and returned to my room. After setting the cup down on the nightstand I sat down across from it on my bed. `Now what?' I thought.

"Uh...bubble." I said aloud, but nothing happened. "Swirl!" still nothing. "Whirlpool...Geyser... Vibrate!" I said loudly getting frustrated that my so-called gifts weren't working.

"Dude, what are you doing?" I heard followed by laughter that startled me.

"Uh...nothing just drinking some water." I said taking a sip, while cursing myself for being stupid.

"Right," He said, sarcastically, coming fully into the room and shutting the door. "I'm Kevin Ford; I guess we're roommates now." He was hot! Like, in the dark and mysterious way. He was a few inches shorter than me maybe, 5' 9" with straight black hair about medium length. He also had beautiful green eyes.

"Joshua Cross" I said putting my hand out for him to shake. He looked at it then reached in his pocket pulled a glove out put it on and shook my hand. Seeing my confused face he said,

"My... uh...powers", he said putting up air quotations with his hands "decays what I touch. So like the great MC Hammer said `You can't touch this'." He said chuckling, probably at corniness of his own joke. Looking towards the door when we heard a bell ring he said "Hey I was just on my way to lunch do you want to sit with me and my friends."

Seeing this as great an opportunity to make friends as any I replied "Yeah, lets go."

Kevin wasn't very talkative on the way there. Or he may have been quiet because we didn't really know each other. Either way I was relieved from the awkward situation once we reached a table with three people already sitting there. One caught my eyes right away. She was fascinating. She had pink hair and was kind of short, but that wasn't what was fascinating. Her eyes were all black, as in no whites at all, and she had wings. Not wings as an, like, an angel but like a fairy. They were beautiful though, but shades of sky blue mixed in with the same color pink as her hair.

"Don't Stare." Kevin stage whispered sitting down while I blushed and said,

"Sorry!" I said feeling really rude.

"No problem", the girl said "I get it all the time. By the way I'm Megan Gwynn."

"Joshua Cross." I said sitting down across from a cute boy with short brown hair, blue eyes, and the cutest smile I had ever. His face and the way he dressed made him seem innocent. Like, he hadn't experienced any problems from the world yet. "Hey." I said giving a small nod.

He nodded back saying "Hey, I'm Robert Drake, but everybody calls me Bobby."

Next to him would definitely be his polar opposite; she didn't look so innocent. She had long flowing black hair with black eyeliner on. Black leather jacket, black shirt under, black pants...pretty much everything black. The smile on her face told me that she was friendly enough despite her appearance.

"Laura Kinney" she said, nodding and going back to the food she was eating before we came in.

"So what can you do Josh?" I heard the girl...Megan ask. I replied,

"Well I don't really know." They all look confused so I continued. "I think I can like...control water or something. Oh and it might react to my moods but I'm not really sure. But, when I tried to use them this morning nothing really happened. The professor said he'd have someone to help me learn about it. What about you guys?" I asked looking at each of them.

Kevin started first saying "Well like I said when I touch living things, people, animals, even plants they decay. If I hold on to them long enough they'll start to...uh...disintegrate."

Bobby went next with "I can lower the temperature of things or usually just freeze them." He said while doing just that to the cup he had in front of him; the juice inside froze solid.

"Wow, that's pretty cool!" I said. "What about you guys?" I asked facing the two girls of the group.

Laura started first with "I have these." She said, and then claws came out of her hand and promptly scared the shit out of me.

"Shit! That's not possible!" I said. I told you, sometimes I get word vomit. Realizing I might have offended her by the look on her face I continued, sheepishly "Sorry, I'm trying to get used to the whole mutants thing."

She nodded and kept on where she left off "I can heal quickly if I'm injured, though, I still feel the pain. Oh and I'm really strong, like, superhuman strong." She said while lifting the table and its contents with one hand.

"Wow!" I said again and didn't have any other words left, so I turned to Megan.

She began with "I can fly, obviously. I can make...uh...pixie dust extract from my wings that'll cause people to, like, hallucinate. I can do like spells and stuff." `Of course magic would be real too; Gees, what else don't I know' I thought to myself. "And I can teleport myself or a group of people to different locations."

After that we pretty much just talked about normal teenage stuff until the bell rang, telling students they had to get back to class. However since I didn't have any yet I just went back to my room and slept until Kevin came back.

We just played his Xbox 360 and talked mostly. He was actually a lot easier talking to than I had thought previously. And we had a lot in common. He was really funny too, in a dark way. A lot of jokes were kind of pessimistic but funny nonetheless. We retired to bed around 11 and I had my first dreamless sleep in long time.

I'm sure a lot of teens will hate me when I say this but, school was actually pretty cool that day. It was really different and interesting seeing all the different mutations people could have. In one of my classes there was an African American kid with spikes coming out of his body. Another boy had wings that folded up when he sat down. I wondered briefly how he got his aero t-shirt to fit around them.

The classes themselves were pretty cool too. I had four regular classes that were required by all schools. They were Algebra 2, Physical Education, Biology, and English 3. I also had some not so regular ones. They were Mutant History and Elemental control. Mutant history was interesting; it was cool to learn about some of the known past of our kind.

I also learned about a team called the X-men in that class. It was actually funny really because in the middle of the discussion when I asked who they were everybody stopped talking and looked at my like I was an idiot. A few of them laughed hard at my expense, the teacher being one of them. Then he explained that they were a group of mutants, who were actually teachers at our school, which defended both mutants and humans from danger. They also, along with Professor X, are trying to push for equality between humans and mutants. And also to show them that not all mutants, just like humans, are all bad. I thought that was definitely a great cause.

Elemental control was pretty cool too. My teacher was Ms. Munroe, and I found out during class that she was part of the x-men. We talked about the different elemental powers people could have. Then we went around and showed out own powers to each other. I was totally embarrassed that once again nothing happened. I wanted to go find a hole and die in it, I was so embarrassed Ms. Munroe assured that it was normal for your powers to sometimes not work in the beginning and that's why I was in that class.

During lunch that day it was decided, that since it was a Friday and I had never been, we would go to the mall and then they would take me to central park after school. It had actually sounded like fun and plus since I still needed to replace my clothes and decorate my room the mall would be an ideal place to go. And I used my great and wonderful powers of word vomit asking how Megan would go out with her wings. Though I was actually just concerned with what people would say, but she obviously had that covered. She just folded them and put a jacket on.

And shop we did Megan and Laura dragged into every single store, and they pretty much made me buy all the clothes I did. They chose them made me try them on, most of which we didn't take, and then made me pay for them. The only thing they asked my opinion on was how I wanted my room; it was pretty much just blue and red plaid with a few posters and things. But, overall it was fun just joking around and goofing off with my friends. Friends; I had actually thought it would take a lot longer than two days to find people I would get along with, but I found them quickly and like them each for their own reasons.

Kevin I like because we could have intellectual conversations about the world in general at one second, but then joke about it the next. I liked Bobby because he was sweet, he seemed to always be thinking of others when he spoke or acted. Megan was pretty much the group's mother I found out making sure the boys didn't go too far with their play fighting or dirty jokes. But she also wasn't afraid to get into them us. Laura was really smart, like she knew everything there was to know smart. But she didn't act snobbish she actually was quite the opposite. And I also liked her because she was also really blunt, if her question about Kevin's dick disintegrating when he jacked off was any indication. Oh and I found out she hits hard because when she said that to him I spit out my shake on her top.

Central park was really beautiful. It was especially beautiful during this time. The trees were just starting to change colors. The variations of yellow, red, and orange, made my breath catch a couple of times. We set out on the grass and ate food since it would take us while to get home. After eating we walked around the park some more foliage and different people out. Some were eating as we had, some playing Frisbee, others were just packing up to leave the park. We took a lot of pictures. Some of us in trees, some just us goofing around, and one of all of us by the Angel of Waters Sculpture. We went on the last boat ride and rode the last carousel ride. Knowing it was almost time to go back to the mansion we started to walk back through the park where we came from. That's when things got really interesting.

We had been walking for a few minutes when we started hearing voices through the trees near where a small clearing next to the lake was. Thinking nothing of it we kept going until we were a little closer we heard,

"Leave me alone Freak! Help!" followed by a loud thump and the trees shaking. Bobby instantly ran to see what had happened. We all quickly followed. In the trees there was a little light it wasn't much but I could the person who yelled clearly. Along with three others people, but I only really paid attention to the injured one. He was slumped against a tree unconscious, if he was even alive; he was bleeding really badly. He had several cuts on his body that I could see, and one of his ankles was in a position I'm sure it was not made to be in.

"Who the hell happened?" I heard Laura ask so I looked up at the other figures awaiting an answer; not what expecting what I did see. I saw the biggest guy I had ever seen. I mean, like he was huge. He was tall with the roundest belly I had ever seen. If I was to ball up I probably could have been one of his biceps, the guy was so huge. Next to him was I guy with greenish colored skin and an unbelievably long tongue hanging out, crouched low to the ground. I was almost shocked by the next guy's `normal' appearance. He just seemed to be your average teenager...except the whole silver hair thing. But, even with that he was...really hot!

"If it isn't my old friends." A fourth guy said coming out of the shadows, he too was pretty hot. I noticed though he was wearing these weird glove things with what look like lighters attached to them.

"Pyro" Bobby said. When he didn't continue I whispered confusedly to Megan who was standing next to me "Pyro?"

Megan whispered back "He used to go to our school and was Bobby's best friend until he started doing some stupid things. Setting bathrooms on fire, cussing out the professor; he got expelled and still back acting out last I heard." `Wow, I thought idly, the lighters and the bathroom guess that's why they call him Pyro' I didn't know just how wrong I was.

Megan spoke up to everyone this time "What did you losers do to that man?"

The green one smiled and said "We were just having some fun with him, beautiful." To which Laura looked totally disgusted but replied,

"He doesn't look like he's having much fun to me."

"Yeah, you guys should leave him along before we call the cops." I said speaking up for the first time. To which they all promptly laughed at leaving me blushing.

"Ooh I'm so scared, Blob let's get out here." The green one said sarcastically to the huge one apparently name blob.

Blob replied said, "Yeah, let's go before I start shaking in my boots." continuing the joke. Laura shocked me when she said,

"Please don't, it might start an earthquake". That must have pissed off the big guy because next thing I knew he was running full speed towards her. She rolled out of the way just in time, turning around to kick him in the back of the knee, which un-surprisingly did nothing. That's when all hell broke loose. Pyro threw a fire ball at Laura that Bobby melted in mid air and then he returned his own ice projectiles at the attacker. Laura went back to fighting with the big guy dodging his surprisingly quick attacks and dishing her own out. This was soon followed by Toad attacking Kevin by grabbing his bare wrist with his tongue. That was the wrong choice of attack. Toads tongue instantly started to decay, though it started to heal quickly after he let go and jumped on the trunk of a tree moaning in pain. Megan and Kevin quickly started to attack toad together, one on the ground reaching up to attack from below, the other in the air fighting hand to hand with him. Feeling a tapping on my shoulder I turned around to see...nothing. Feeling it again I turned around just in time to be knocked to the ground by...uh...Silver hair's fists. Standing up, checking my nose for blood, I said,

"Look I don't want to fight you."

"Too late." He replied stalking towards me. I did what any guy with no fighting experience who, had also just got beaten up a few days ago would do in my situation; I tried to run. But, when I turned around he was already in front of me. I stepped back in shock and started to ask,

"How did you-" But didn't get to finish because next thing I knew he was right behind me lifting me up and tossing me over his shoulder, painfully to the ground. I got up quickly, looking around to see if any of my friends could help me. Megan had gotten toad off the tree somehow and he was now on the ground still fighting both her and Kevin. He had to have been skilled because he didn't even look tired or really even wounded. He was also keeping up with the both of them dodging their attacks at the same time then releasing his own flurry of punches and kicks. Pyro had Bobby encased in a circle of fire which he was trying, and failing at getting out of. He didn't seem to be in too much danger because he wasn't really close to the fire. Laura wasn't doing so well though because Blob was unleashing a shit load of punches and kicks on her that just had her trying to dodge. She didn't see to be getting many hits, or cuts with her claws, in. And when she did hit him it didn't do much damage if any. I guess I focused on the others a little too long forgetting about the fight I was in, because the next thing I knew I was pushed with force of a line backer face first into the edge of the lake.

I got up and saw the silver haired boy walking towards me, prayed for my powers to work and yelled "Back up!" while holding my hands out toward him. And thankfully my powers didn't fail me. Water shot forth from my hands and pushed him into a tree across the clearing and knocking him unconscious. Turning around seeing the state that my team was in, we were losing, I ran to Bobby to help him out with Pyro.

Dousing the fire with water, and thanking god my powers were still working, I said "Bobby we need to get him out of the way and help Laura out with the big one!" seeing she was still not making any head way fighting Blob. He nodded turned to Pyro and said,

"Enough games!", while his whole body...transformed...into ice. Too shocked to do anything I kind of stood there when Pyro threw a large fire ball at Bobby. I quickly closed my mouth and joined in the fight. While Bobby engaged him in hand to hand combat I mostly just dodged his attacks and lent my share of water attacks. I was trying to keep his flames away so he wouldn't burn Bobby since they were so close.

Thinking of the first time I used my power I imagined a giant arm coming out of the water...and that's exactly what happened. I then thought of the arm grabbing Pyro and pulling him into the air, which it did, while I yelled,

"Bobby, Ice", obviously understanding what I meant Bobby covered the arm and Pyro's whole body in ice then I said, "We have to help the others fast that may not last long, because of hot his flames are." Looking around for Megan I saw her now not even really trying to attack, she was only dodging. She seemed to be really tired too. But, obviously since she could heal herself she didn't have any bruises or anything.

We quickly sprinted over to assist her. Bobby took to fighting the Blob hand to hand and must have been dishing out some pretty hard hits in his ice form because Blob started to grunt and back up a little. Laura stopped for a breather then joined Bobby in fighting Blob. I continued to dish out the water projectiles and sprays that shot out like miniature geysers. I think Blob was annoyed by me because he reached to grab at my shirt. I ducked under his hand jumped into the air and sprayed him in the face with as much force as I could muster. It must have been powerful because he dropped to the ground and slid across the clearing out cold.

Bobby and Laura gave each other high-five's saying how cool that was. I agreed but seeing Toad was still fighting both Megan and Kevin evenly I said "Guys no time for breaks we have to help them." I said already running towards my other friends. Megan was trying to fight Toad alone since he knocked down Kevin. I ran up quickly and joined her mainly dodging his attacks returning my own small punches and throwing water projectiles. Bobby joined in too but you could tell he was tired because his hits weren't as hard and was moving a little slower. Laura didn't fight since three was probably enough to handle Toad, so she instead went to check on Kevin. I yelled while dodging a flurry of kicks from Toad "Laura , Call the Professor!"

While trying to subdue Toad I could hear her on the phone telling someone what happened. Growing tired of fighting him and getting no where I yelled "Megan Pixie Dust", she quickly started flapping her wings expelling a beautiful array of colors that all floated towards Toad. He started to freak out over, I'm guessing by what he was yelling, rabbits eating his skin. No time to laugh though, I shot a spray of water that pushed him quickly towards my friends and yelled "Bobby!" Bobby formed a glove of ice over his hand and when Toad slid towards him punched him with all his might. I said "Wow Bobby that was some punch you knocked him out cold. pun intended." I laughed while everybody else just stared.

Laura broke their silence though saying "We have to get to the center of the park, their bringing the jet." So we started the trek back to the center of the park. Along the way I started to feel the affects of the fight. I ached all over, especially my nose from where that silver haired guy punched me. Gees, that guy could move fast I thought idly. I had several bruises and cuts on my body that I could see, and I'm sure I had plenty that weren't in plain sight. I felt lightheaded, I was sweating hard, and my throat felt really dry.

Kevin noticed and said "Josh...are you ok?" I mumbled my reply,

"I don't feel so well." And for the second time in three days I passed out.

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