New Neighbor

By Tracy

Published on Mar 8, 2023


Slave Tim quickly started spending a lot of time serving Master Joe who seemed a little more comfortable using a slave closer to his own age. He was rougher with Tim than he typically was with me. I was a little jealous of Tim but knew it would be improper to display my emotions to my Master. The truth was, with each passing day I became more and more devoted to him. He had certainly matured since I met him the previous summer and had become completely comfortable as an alpha male ruling over lesser men. He was also continuing to mature physically. He had grown a little taller, developed some more body hair in all the places where it makes a man look really sexy and I think that mammoth cock had even grown some more. Hard as it was to imagine, he was even better looking now than when his magnificence had first taken my breath taken away.

One night he called his slaves to him. Tim and I knelt before him each kissing a foot. "I've decided to appoint an alpha slave. The alpha slave will be in charge of my household. That includes my home and all my possessions including any other slaves. He'll speak for me when I'm away and enforce my word," he said. I had already been doing most of those tasks and thought he just wanted formalize it so Tim would know I was in charge when Master wasn't around. "Tim's dick is bigger so he's alpha," Master decreed.

"Thank you Master," Tim said, kissing his Master's feet.

Before I could control myself, my mouth dropped open in shock and anger. I quickly got myself under control and returned to a more neutral posture. Master smacked me pretty hard in the face. "Tough luck cocksucker," Master Joe said glaring down at me. "I can't have someone with a tiny little dick giving orders to someone with a larger one. And don't you ever make faces at me again."

"I apologize Master. It won't happen again," I sheepishly responded rubbing my burning face.

"It better not asshole. Not much will change. Tim will still be servicing me sexually most of the time. Your job will be all the home maintenance and cooking. Tim will inspect your work and give you instructions as to anything special that needs to be done. You will still handle all the financial matters."

"I am honored to do anything in service to you Master," I responded honestly. It hurt to have a high school boy placed above me but a slave never questions his Master. Fact is, I would suffer any indignity to be near him.

"Good," he said. "And I want you to acknowledge your inferior status to Tim each day by licking his asshole. That way you won't forget who the boss is."

"Yes Sir," I said sadly.

"Do it now boy," he ordered.

This humiliation was worse than anything I had ever experienced. I'd licked more than a few assholes since I had become a slave. I didn't mind that. They were superior men. It was an honor to lick their holes. But this, this was another slave. I didn't want to lick the asshole of this boy slave. I had no choice though. My Master had spoken. Tim bent over and spread his cheeks with his hands. I stuck my face in his crack, stuck out my tongue and dragged it across his young asshole.

"Good boy, now get back to work," Master ordered. I returned to my chores in the kitchen. Life had pretty much become all work. From the moment I got up in the morning to late at night I toiled non-stop to make my Master's life comfortable. I cooked and cleaned in the morning followed by a full day at the office to earn the cash to support him financially then returned home to cook and clean more. In addition, there was laundry, shopping, paying bills, yard work and a myriad of other tasks that had to be done to perfection. I hadn't watched television since I had become a slave. The work didn't bother me now though. It was a joy. I woke up every day excited about toiling another day for my Master.

The new social structure of the house didn't turn out to be as bad as I had feared. Tim wasn't interested in bossing me around; he was interested in serving his Master and didn't bother me much. Master Joe sometimes passed orders to me through Tim. I didn't think I would ever get comfortable with that but there was nothing I could do about it. Since Tim had a mother and father there were many times he couldn't be there so I still got to occasionally serve my Master sexually.

One night a couple weeks later, Tim brought another boy into the house with him. He looked like he was younger than Tim. He was very small, about 5' 5" tall, had blue eyes and blond hair and was really cute. I was surprised to see him but Master Joe acted like he knew he was coming. "My new slave boy is here," he said in a friendly voice. "I'm happy to see you Michael." From the moment Michael walked in the door I could tell he was in love with Master. He couldn't take his eyes off him and there was no hiding the fact that he worshiped him. Tim instructed Michael to take off his clothes.

Michael was in something of an awe induced trance. Without taking his eyes off Master, he started slipping out of his clothes. He was even more adorable naked. I was relieved that his cock was even smaller than mine so he wouldn't outrank me. He really was a beautiful boy. He looked to be about fourteen, Tim later told me he was almost sixteen. Tim instructed him to kneel before his Master. Tiny Michael, with his little cock standing straight up, was trembling as he knelt at the feet of this colossus of masculinity. Tim apparently tutored him on the protocol but he still had to remind Michael to kiss Master's feet.

Master slipped out of his gym shorts which was the only thing he was wearing at the time. He bent over, picked up Michael like he was a feather and took him in his massive arms. I was touched by how gentle and loving he was being.

So Master was getting another slave. I was really proud of him. I always thought a man like him should have many slaves. Now he had three. Tim withdrew and came over to talk with me. My expression had turned to a giant question mark. "Master told me to keep my eyes open for potential slaves. Little Michael here is a sophomore at school. I spotted him stalking Master. I could tell he was enthralled with him so I started talking to him about Master. Every day I worked him a little more, telling him how wonderful it is to be a slave. I showed him photos of Master's body. I even borrowed one of Master's used jocks. After sleeping with it for a few nights he was hooked. I've had him reading about slavery and he decided it's for him. We've got some special plans for him."

I didn't know what Tim meant by "special plans" but right now I was too interested in what Master was doing to dig for details. Master was on the couch with Michael in his arms. Michael was in heaven as he was kissing and licking Master's massive hairy chest. Michael was experiencing more pleasure than he ever had before. Master took the boy's head in one of his massive hands and gently pushed his face into his hairy armpit. "Inhale my scent baby," he softly said to Michael. "It's the scent of your Master. Learn it well. Soon you'll be craving that smell all the time."

There were powerful pheromones in Master's sweat. He had become aware that once people smelled him they became subtly more submissive towards him. He never used deodorant or cologne to mask the smell that people were drawn to. Now Michael was inhaling those pheromones. I had no doubt that he would become addicted to Master just as I had. It was an addiction for which there was no cure.

He picked Michael up and gently laid him down on the couch. He straddled his new slave, putting his massive equipment in Michael's face. Michael immediately reached for it with his hands and mouth. Master pulled back. "Control baby. You never touch without permission," he said. Michael put his hands down. Master lowered his powerful cock back down to Michael's smooth face. He placed the tip of his perfect cock on Michael's beautiful lips and said, "Kiss it baby. Show me how much you love me." Michael parted his lips and reverently kissed the cock that he had dreamed of from the moment he first laid eyes on this man he thought of as a god. It was the most wonderful moment of his life. He never wanted it to end. He continued kissing like he was possessed.

Master Joe started rubbing his crotch all over Michael's baby soft face as he softly spoke to him. "I want you to be mine Michael. I want you to be my possession. Do you love me Michael? Do you want to give yourself to me, be a part of me?"

Michael loved the feeling of Master's pubic hair and equipment on his face. He couldn't get enough of the strong masculine smells. He had never received such loving attention from anyone. "Oh yes Joe," Michael breathlessly responded. "More than anything in the world. I love you too. I'll do anything for you Joe. I want to be your slave."

Master Joe leaned down and kissed his new little slave on the forehead. Michael was delighted with the affection he was receiving. "You can be my slave baby. You will experience happiness like you've never known before. All you have to do is contribute to the well being of our little family. Are you willing to do anything you're told to be a part of me?" Master asked.

"Yes, anything, I just want to be with you." Michael said.

"You're a good boy," Master said rubbing his cock in Michael's face again. "You're going to have sex with men and they will give you money. That is how you can contribute Michael." Michael got a perplexed look on his face. "Don't worry baby. Slave Tim is going to help you with everything you need. Will you do that for your Master?"

Without thinking Michael nodded his head. Master put his cock head back on Michael's lips and he gently kissed it again and again. Master then took Michael into his powerful arms and laid down on the couch with little Michael's face resting on his massive left pec. The soft hair of Master's chest felt wonderful to Michael. As he laid there in his Master's arms, he never felt happier or safer. He closed his eyes and held his Master. It was a touching sight.

Michael dozed off in his Master's arms but Tim woke him and told him it was time to go home. He rubbed his face in Master's chest hair then moved up to his armpit so he could breathe in more of his Master's smell. He was content. He didn't want to leave but knew his mother would be looking for him before long. He looked lovingly into Master Joe's handsome face and said, "I wish I didn't have to leave. Thank you Joe. I love you."

"I know you do boy. I'm glad you're my slave now," Master said kissing him again on the forehead. "Tim's going to help you get ready for the work you're going to do for me. You do everything he says now."

"I will Joe. Thank you for allowing me to be your slave," Michael said getting up from the couch.

"You're welcome boy. Tim is also going to teach you about how you address your Master. You be sure to learn all your lessons so you don't have to be punished," Master said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. He told me but I forgot," Michael said, embarrassed.

Tim took Michael to a bedroom where took some photos of him then took him home. The next day Tim placed some ads on male escort web sites offering the services of a young soft submissive boy. He got some hits within a day and soon had his first appointment for Michael a week away. Tim now had a week to get Michael trained mentally and physically to be a male escort.

The following Saturday as Master was finishing up the breakfast that I served him, he said, "Get dressed. We're going shopping and you're buying me a new car."

"Very good Sir," I obediently responded. I got dressed and drove. Master Joe told me where to take him. I keep no secrets from my Master and he was aware I had almost a hundred thousand in my savings and nearly a million in mutual funds. He made it clear that he was going to spend as much as he wanted. I knew when I became a slave that my Master was welcome to anything I owned. I was glad that my education and years of hard work would allow my Master to have anything he wanted. Most of my monthly disposable income was already being used to support Master's lifestyle and he made it clear I wasn't allowed to spend any money on myself. I had provided him with two credit cards that he used freely. All told I spent about three thousand dollars a month supporting Master Joe. He spent freely on clothing, dating and entertainment. He ate at fine restaurants and sat in the best seats at sporting events. Added to that was auto insurance, a personal trainer, food and a variety of other expenses. I had never really enjoyed spending money until I started spending it on him.

We arrived at the dealership. Joe was excited and quickly got out of the car and headed inside. Since I was just there to pay, I followed behind and admired the athletic grace of his movement. Joe was greeted by the stereotypical car salesman. He looked to be about five feet nine inches tall, thirty years old, trim but not athletic. He introduced himself and shook Master Joe's hand. He looked up at Master Joe and complimented him on what a "fine looking muscular young man" he was. It wasn't a bit uncommon for people to make approving remarks about Master's exceptional looks and he no longer even acknowledged such comments. Master Joe told the salesman he was interested in a new Porsche. The salesman immediately began questioning whether Master Joe could afford such an expensive car. I heard him and immediately interjected, "he can afford it."

I don't think salesman was completely convinced but he took Master to see the Porsches. As Master inspected the Porsches salesman jabbered on so much he got to be annoying. Standing in front of the salesman, Master Joe raised his muscular arm and scratched the back of his neck placing his bare hairy armpit almost directly in the salesman's face. The salesman looked surprised momentarily but by the time Master Joe put his arm down the salesman's demeanor had changed. He talked less, responding only to Master Joe's direct questions and was much more courteous and respectful. I realized that salesman was responding to the pheromones he breathed in when Master put his armpit in his face. I knew they had a strong effect on me and had observed what they did to Michael but until that moment, I didn't realize how powerful they were. Joe had drugged the salesman with the scent in his armpits and it had a profound effect on him. The man continually scanned Master's body up and down with a look of admiration on his face. I didn't think he was gay since he was wearing a wedding band but he tented his pants. When Master Joe raised his arm again the man leaned in, put his face in Master's pit and visibly inhaled deeply. Master got an amused look on his face as this happened. He knew the effect he was having on the salesman.

Master Joe made his decision as to what car he wanted and the two of them went to the salesman's cubicle to pick out the options. When they were finished Master Joe summoned me and said, "Pay for it." He walked back out to the show floor to admire the Porsches again.

I went into the cubicle to negotiate the price. "Are you Joe's dad?" he asked.

"No," I stated. "I'm his financial manager. Let's get down to business."

Master Joe had decided on a black Porsche 911 Carrera 4S Convertible. The price of the car with all the options he had picked out was just over one-hundred twenty-one thousand dollars, plus tax. After ten minutes of negotiation, I was only able to get the price down to one-hundred sixteen. I was at a disadvantage since I didn't have the option of walking out. Salesman wouldn't come down any further and we were at an impasse when Master returned. He walked over next to the salesman, took his hand and placed it on the bulge in his jeans and rubbed. Master removed his own hand but the salesman continued to massage the giant cock he was feeling beneath the fabric. "Lower the price boy. You're wasting my time," Master said forcefully. Without any additional discussion he lowered the price another ten-thousand dollars. We were able to quickly finish the paperwork. I marveled at the power Master Joe had over lesser men.

It would be weeks before the car arrived but Master Joe was really excited. I was almost as excited. This was a car that fit Master Joe, or more accurately, Master Joe fit the car. When you see a Porsche, you expect to find a sexy young man behind the wheel. All too often though, you find an old man trying to recapture his youth. But in this case there would be a muscular handsome young man behind the wheel. "I'm going to let you suck my dick when we get back," he declared.

"Believe me," I said. "I'm as excited to suck your dick as you are to get that car Sir." We were both feeling great.

When we got home Master took me to his room to give me my reward. "That was amazing how you changed the salesman's behavior by making him smell your armpit Sir. May I," I asked. I wanted to experience that euphoric feeling.

He just smiled and lifted his powerful arm. I put my face in the hairy cavern and began deeply breathing in the smell I was addicted to. "It's a drug, slave. I use it to control weak men," he said. "You can never get enough of it. You'll never be able live without it." He was right. He knew that his scent changed many who breathed it in. But it wasn't just his scent I was addicted to. I was addicted to everything about him. I would never be able to live without him. I was as much his prisoner as if I was locked behind bars. I could have stayed there in his armpit for days but he said, "Time to get to work on my big dick slave."

He got naked, laid down and spread his hairy muscular legs. Usually he would fuck my face or tell me how he wanted to be serviced but today he put his hands behind his head and let me make love to his crotch. I first just rubbed my face in all the dense pubic hair and breathed in the wonderful masculine smell that is unique to a man's crotch. I took the cock that I loved into my hands and gently kissed and licked it all over. I worked my way down to the sack holding those egg sized balls that produce the volumes of cum that Master spews into his girlfriends and slaves everyday. One at a time I took them in my mouth and lovingly bathed them. Finally it was time to milk the liquid reward from those balls I was washing. I took the lengthy object of my desire into my mouth and swallowed it, burying my nose in his thick wiry bush. Up and down I went massaging it deep within my throat, not coming up for air for several minutes to provide him maximum pleasure. I was able to bring him to a spectacular orgasm while just the head was in my mouth. He powerfully shot seven times filling my mouth with the best tasting cum there could be. I kept that cum in my mouth several minutes with his softening cock savoring the flavor of my Master before I swallowed his wonderful essence. He just held my face in his crotch for another half hour as he dreamed about the new Porsche he'd be driving soon while I dreamed of a long life with my Master.

Unfortunately Master had to get on with his day. He was a very busy man. Between school and studying, the sports teams he was on, working out with Clay, hanging with his friends, his girlfriends, spending my money and other demands on his time he was on the go a lot. It was my job to take care of as many mundane tasks for him as possible. I thanked Master for allowing me to suck his cock. He got dressed and headed out.

Four days later Michael's first appointment as an escort was for 6:00 PM. Tim had been preparing him for a week and tonight we'd find out if he was going to be a money maker for his Master. Tim brought him over at 5:00 to meet with Master. The plan was that Master would motivate him in advance. Michael remembered his training and properly addressed his Master. Master gave him a big hug then began rubbing his rock hard cock in his face. "This is the big night baby. Are you going to make your Master proud?"

"I'm a little scared Master," he said in his soft voice. "But I'll do anything to please you so I'll do my best."

"That's good to hear Michael. You do everything your customer tells you to do just like you'd do for me. I don't want to get a report that you were bad. I'd have to hurt you if that happened. You do a good job and I'll give you a big reward when you come back. I'll let you suck my dick. Do you want to suck my dick?"

Michael's eyes got big. "More than anything in the world," he breathlessly responded. Master hadn't let Michael blow him yet. He was withholding that pleasure to use as a motivation for good behavior. My guess was that it would work. "I'll make you proud Master," he said with determination.

"You do that and I'll let you suck on my big cock and give you a mouthful of cum," Master told him. "Just think how good it will taste."

Michael closed and said, "Mmm." Tim took Michael to his appointment and I served Master his dinner. I was edgy about how it was going to go. A man like my Master should receive a lot of income from the labors of his slaves and I wanted Michael to be successful. As usual, Master Joe seemed totally unconcerned as he ate his meal and started his studying. He was always confident that everything would go his way.

Tim brought Michael back at about 7:30. He had talked to Michael's customer and received an excellent report along with a promise for a positive review in the site. Michael made two-hundred fifty dollars plus a fifty dollar tip for his Master. Tim gave me the money for deposit into Master Joe's mutual fund account.

We were all delighted that Michael performed so well. He finally got to experience the joy of sucking his Master's cock and did indeed get a mouthful of cum along with a face full. Master scooped up some of the cum he had deposited on Michael's face and Michael hungrily sucked it off his fingers. "Did you like sucking your Master's cock?" he asked Michael.

"It was wonderful Master," he said licking his lips.

"You did a good for your Master Michael. You keep doing that and you can suck my dick all the time," he promised him. Tim said he would drive Michael home and suggested he wash up first but Michael declined saying he wanted to sleep with it on him.

This was something Master Joe had first seen when he was in eighth grade. After a classmate gave him a blow job he wiped his cock off in the boy's hair. The boy intentionally left the dried cum in his hair for the rest of the day. In the ensuing years, he had seen it again and again. Subs wanted his body fluids dried on their bodies for as long as possible. It didn't matter whether it was cum, piss or sweat. It was a way for them to feel close to him as well as an added demonstration of their submission. It had happened so often that Master was neither surprised nor moved by the act.

The next week Michael had three appointments. He had grown up with just his mother and loved the attention he was getting from his customers. He was enjoying his work and was thrilled he could earn so much money for his Master. Most of all, he loved the rewards he received from Master Joe. After the review hit the M4M site Michael had all the business he could handle and was soon generating two to three thousand dollars per week. All that income went into Master's investment account.

Master's brand new Porsche arrived several weeks later. He was like a kid at Christmas. He loved that car and I loved to see him so happy. He looked great in it. It was appropriate for a man of his stature. Tim was given the task of keeping it spotlessly clean inside and out along with keeping a mirror-like shine on it.

The next night, Master was out on the town with his new Porsche. I was home alone when the doorbell rang. It was my friend Mark. I hadn't seen or talked to him since the night I had to invite him and Dave to the leather bar so my status as a slave could be exposed. "What do you want Mark?" I asked.

"Let me in Tracy. I have to talk to you," he replied.

"I shouldn't Mark. My Master is going to be back soon and I don't want to get in trouble."

"It's really important Tracy. I have to talk to you"

I opened the door and let him in. I didn't bother getting dressed. Mark knew what I was and had seen me naked. "We need to make this really quick Mark, what do you need?" I said.

"I think I want to be a slave too," he said. "Ever since that night at the bar I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. And I can't stop thinking about Joe. I sat next to him and ever since I've felt drawn to him, like I need to be a part of him."

"But Mark, you're not gay. You've had girlfriends. You were married for god's sake. I was in the wedding," I said.

"I think I might be gay. When I was married I was never comfortable with the sex. It was just a series of robotic motions I went through. That's why it ended. I couldn't satisfy Linda in bed. And I never felt comfortable having to be the man of the house. It just wasn't me. I was pretending. All those years that the three of us hung together and Dave was always the boss always felt right. I need a Master, just as you do," Mark explained in a pained voice.

I didn't know how to react. "I don't think you realize what you are asking for. You saw what I went through at the bar. That humiliation was mild. Do you really want to put yourself in a position where you have to live your life according to the whims of another man?"

"I'm not sure I have any choice," Mark responded nearly in tears. "I am what I am. I'm not happy with the life I've lived up until now. I think being a slave is what I was destined to be."

"For me it's perfect. I just don't know that it's for you. What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Will you ask Joe if he is receptive to taking another slave?" Mark timidly asked. "Tell him I'll be totally obedient."

"I guess so. But you'd better stop referring to him as Joe. From now on he is Master or Master Joe," I said figuring he should start learning now. "In the mean time, you'd better get on the net and learn all you can about being a slave. This is a huge commitment."

"OK, thanks Tracy. I appreciate it." There was relief in his voice. "Please talk to him as soon as you can." Mark let himself out. I sat down and wondered if I should mention it to Joe. I decided that I had to tell him. He's my Master and how to proceed was his decision, not mine.

I didn't get to talk to him that night. He brought a girl home and I fell asleep before he finished fucking her. Mark called me first thing in the morning. "Did you ask him?" Mark asked.

"I didn't get a chance to Mark, but I will."

"Come on Tracy, this is important. You've got to do this for me," Mark pleaded.

"I promise I will tonight Mark. I'll call you tonight and give you his answer," I told him.

"OK. I'll be home waiting for your call. Call me as soon as you can."

"I will," I promised. We hung up.

That evening when Master took a break from his studies to get a blow job from Tim, I told him about my conversation with Mark and asked if he would consider taking another slave.

"What does he have to offer?" Master asked.

"Well Sir, he's an electrical engineer for a telecom company. He's well educated and funny and makes good money. Oh, and he's trained as a gourmet chef," I told him. "He said he hasn't been able to get you off his mind ever since that night he met you at the leather bar and he will be totally obedient."

"Now I could use a personal chef. Your food tastes like shit. Make sure he understands that all his disposable income will be mine. Unlike Tim here, all my new slaves are going to make me money," Master said. He looked down at slave Tim. "We've got to figure out a way for you to make me some money, don't we slave." Tim got a surprised look on his face but didn't know what to say. "Find me some more slaves like little Michael and maybe I won't throw your ass out. That boy's a gold mine."

"I'll make sure Mark understands Master," I promised.

I called Mark later that evening and gave him the good news. I tried to talk him out of it again but he was adamant that he wanted to be a slave to Master. We talked about the requirement that he turn over all his spare money and not spend any on himself. Mark said the money he made had never brought him any happiness and maybe making money for his Master would. He said he had a large savings account and wanted to immediately turn it over to Master to show his commitment. He wanted to bring it over immediately but I talked him out of it. I immediately felt guilty about doing that. My first responsibility was to my Master and I hadn't put him first.

I gave Mark a number of tasks he needed to complete by Saturday. They were mostly the same tasks I had to complete when I became a slave. I told him I would contact Clay to make arrangements for personal training. I didn't tell him how he'd be trained to hold his breath but I did tell him that Clay would know he was a slave and treat him as such. We made plans for him to come over Saturday morning to fix Master's breakfast and submit to him for the first time.

Mark arrived at eight o'clock Saturday morning. He brought a bag of groceries for Master's breakfast. He said he had completed all the reading material and still wanted to be a slave. He was a little uncomfortable being naked but everyone is at first. I looked down at his erect cock and realized that he would outrank me too. He gave me a check payable to Master for over fifty-eight thousand dollars. He said it was all his savings and he had never enjoyed spending more than he had at that moment. Now I was feeling ashamed that I hadn't transferred all my money to Master. This money would go into Master's investment account. Along with the hundred-thousand I gave him to open the account, and the money Michael was generating, Master was on his way to being a wealthy man. All provided by his slaves.

Mark got to work fixing a gourmet breakfast for his new Master. About an hour later Master walked out of his room naked as usual. I went to him, knelt and kissed his feet. Mark followed my lead and did the same. "Ah, my new slave has arrived. Breakfast smells great. It'll be nice not having to eat the shit that you make," he said to me. "Open your mouth," he said to Mark. He opened his mouth and Master took his morning piss. He sat down at the table for his breakfast. Mark started to serve him but Master stopped him and said, "Get down and get to work on my dick cocksucker." He ordered me to serve him breakfast as Mark got his first taste of Master's god-like cock. Master enjoyed his gourmet breakfast and Mark enjoyed his.

"That was a great breakfast. I think you're going to work out fine," Master exclaimed, grabbing his new slaves head and fucking his face. He loudly deposited eight hours worth of cum production into Marks stomach and headed out for his Saturday workout.

After Master left for the gym, I told Mark, "Not to late to back out. You can leave anytime but once you leave there's no coming back."

"No," he said. "This is what I was meant to do. I'll never give up serving him. I've never felt more comfortable with a decision."

Master Joe now had four slaves - four slaves who would dedicate all their time and effort to seeing that he lived a comfortable and prosperous life. Master Joe recognized that by selfishly using subs for his own benefit he was doing them a favor. All subs crave any acknowledgement from dominant men. They live for it but few attain it. We were the lucky ones, Master knew it and so did we.

Thanks to those who have sent emails and suggestions. Your emails fuel the desire to write.

I especially want to thank the Doms who have been so kind to contact me. It is for your pleasure that I labor. I am at your service. tracy

Email: Yahoo instant messenger: cmhsub

Next: Chapter 11

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