New Neighbor

By Tracy

Published on Jun 3, 2005


And he was gone. I just sat there and reflected on how my life had changed in such a brief period of time. Two hours ago my life had no purpose or direction. I was a phony, pretending to be something I wasn't. I was a worthless human being.

Now I was doing what I was placed on this Earth to do. I was serving a dominant man. From now on everything I do will be for him. My life now had value and I was happy.

I thought for a moment about how lucky I was. I'd done enough research to know that for every valuable dominant man the world was blessed with there are many worthless submissives like me. I was very lucky to have been in the right place at the right time and that he chose to take possession of me. I thought that perhaps I should go out and buy a lottery ticket.

But now was not the time for daydreaming. I had tasks to complete and I wasn't about to fail my Master. I went into the kitchen and retrieved my glass of urine. I took a big drink, held it in my mouth for a while then swallowed. That went so well I took another big drink. I've read that some people get an upset stomach when they first start drinking urine. I swallowed and my stomach seemed to be taking it OK so I took a third drink. That was good for now. Yes, I was lucky. I was drinking my god's urine. How could life be better? Next I headed to the computer to start recording all which Master had told me. I spent about forty-five minutes entering Master's instructions. I think I had them all but I would continue to think about what he said so I could be sure I didn't forget anything.

Next I went to Google and did a search for articles on how to suck cock. I got over 1.8 million hits. Clearly there wasn't a shortage of information on the subject. One would think with this much written on the subject everyone would be an expert. Well I intended to be one such expert in short order. The best article I found was "HOW TO SUCK COCK - A 14 LESSON TUTORIAL WITH TECHNIQUES FROM SOME OF THE EXPERTS." It seemed very complete. If I mastered all the techniques in this article, and I intended to, I would certainly be an expert. Which finished my tasks for today except for drinking the rest of Master's urine. My stomach was taking it fine so I figured I would be able to finish it before I went to bed. Then I remembered I had to shave my crotch. I had never done that before but between scissors, a razor and an electric I did it. With all my tasks done for the day I sat down, and after contemplating how much better my life had become, I started to study the my lessons.

The next day at the office I had a difficult time focusing on my work. Suddenly what I was doing there didn't seem so important. I took some time to make a list of the tasks I needed to complete before I went home. There, that killed three minutes. It was going to be a very long day.

At lunch I went to Master's gym as instructed. They gave me the usual tour of their facilities. This gym was much more spartan than what I was used to -- no pools, no juice bar, no tennis courts, etc. Also, the people here, mostly men, seemed much more serious about their training. I signed a contract for a one year membership. I asked to schedule personal training sessions and found out that I was already scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays -- 7:00 to 9:00 AM. Master must have signed me up. I wonder why he did that. Wow, first thing in the morning. I guess that's the best time. That leaves me available in the evening when Master is home. There was no problem starting work at 9:30. I could just work later, or better yet, work through lunch which would get me home earlier so I would be available to serve my Master. I paid for the membership and six weeks of the personal training with my credit card and returned to the drudgery of my office.

When I got off work, I headed directly to the barber for my transformation. I asked the barber to cut all my hair to one-eighth of an inch. He tried to talk me out of it saying it was too drastic and I wouldn't like it that short. I told him to cut it and let me worry about how it looked. When he finished, it was it was really shocking. It would take some getting used to. Sure would be easy to take care of though.

Now I had to go to the sex store to buy a dildo. This would be a new experience. There was one on Morse road which I had passed for years on the way to the airport. I can remember going by it as a child and asking my father what an adult book store was. I had been fascinated by this mysterious place and I was finally going in. Inside it wasn't so mysterious -- kind of a disappointment. I found the dildos and settled on one, "The Dave Angelo's cock." I thought I should practice on a dildo which was as authentic as possible and it looked about the right length and thickness. Remembering why I was buying it helped lessen the embarrassment as I paid.

I got home just before 6:30. I stripped as soon as I got inside the door. Spending so much time naked was just another thing I had to grow accustomed to in my new life. I was just finishing washing the day's dirty dishes when Master let himself in a little after 7:30. It's very disconcerting having someone walk in your house when you're stark naked.

I went to him immediately and kissed his feet then got on my knees. "I see you got your hair cut," he said feeling my fuzzy head. "Did you complete your other tasks?"

"Yes Sir. I certainly did," I eagerly responded. "I finished drinking your superb urine yesterday. I printed out some articles on sucking cock and I joined your gym this afternoon. I was surprised that I was already on Clayton's schedule."

"I talked to him last night and we decided on the best time for you to train. You're first session is Wednesday isn't it?"

"Yes Sir. At 7:00 AM," I answered.

"Remember you're not going there to have fun you're going there to work. You do everything Clayton tells you to do no matter how difficult it is. You follow his orders just as you would mine. And I want you to give him a $50 tip at each session. He's a friend of mine and they don't pay him enough," Master said.

"I understand Master," I responded.

"I've got a present for you boy," Master said reaching into his pocket. "Stand up." He pulled out a heavy (for a necklace) silver chain. I think it's called a belcher chain. He put it around my neck and attached the two ends with a lock and put the key back in his pocket. It wasn't tight but it was close. There would be no removing it or hiding what I was wearing.

"Thank you Sir," I said, feeling the chain.

"It's your symbol of ownership. How do you like it?" He asked.

My first inclination was to say I liked it but I was honor bound to be truthful. "Well Sir," I started. "It's very nice but I'm afraid it's going to be obvious that I'm a slave."

"To most people it will just be a piece of jewelry," he said. "People in the know will see your chain and haircut and know that you have chosen to acknowledge your position at the bottom of the male pecking order. Some dominant men may see it and choose to degrade you. If they do, you will willingly accept it because your purpose in life is to submit to them."

"You're right Sir. I'll try to keep that in mind at all times. I will be proud to wear my slave chain. Thank you Sir," I said more enthusiastically.

"I think I should give you some more piss. I wouldn't want you to get thirsty," Master said with a chuckle.

"Oh yes please Sir." I went to the kitchen and brought back another glass. I got on my knees and held it to my lips just like the day before. Master pissed in the glass and filled it up. "May I?" I asked holding the glass to my lips.

"By all means," he said.

"Thank you Sir."

Looking in his eyes I tipped the glass back and hungrily drank down two thirds of his golden juice without stopping. "Good job. You're learning quickly," Master exclaimed. Hearing this I drank down the rest. "Very good. I think you're ready to be my urinal." It pleased him to see the power he had over me.

"I do too Sir. It will be an honor."

"Blow me boy," Master ordered. I pulled down his pants and took him in my mouth. As he pumped my hungry mouth I rubbed my hands along his incredibly powerful legs. Feeling his body made me feel so small and weak. Before long I felt his cock throbbing in my mouth as he shot his seed. I happily swallowed it down and he pulled out. He took his softening cock in his hand and squeezed out an additional drop. I leaned forward and licked it off.

"Thank you Sir. That was wonderful. I can never get enough of your semen," I told him.

"OK clean me up now." I licked his cock clean of any residual cum and used my face to dry it off. Master got dressed and said, "Linda's off work this evening so we're going out to dinner and a show. I've got Joe working on straightening up the basement the way we did the garage when you first started sniffing around me. Go over and give him a hand after we leave. He'll tell you what to do."

"Yes Sir. I'll be there," I replied.

In a little while I saw Master and his wife drive away so I went over to help Joe with the basement. I knocked on the door leading from the garage to the house but Joe didn't answer so I let myself in. I went to the top of the basement stairs and called out "Joe, are you down there?"

"Yeah," He said. "What do you want?"

"Your dad wanted me to give you a hand with the basement," I responded.

"Well get your ass down here then," he ordered.

Joe was actually sitting on a recliner with his feet up watching a baseball game in the TV room they had set up on one side of the basement. He got up when I got to the bottom of the stairs and took me over to the other side. "All those boxes piled up over there," he pointed, "have to be neatly placed in the shelves we just installed over there." He said, pointing again. "And dad wants it all done tonight so you'd better get to work." He then turned around and went back to his game.

Even though Joe was only seventeen and still in high school he was clearly a man, not a boy. He was a lot like his father. Tall, about six-two, beefy and very muscular, broad shoulders and an amazing chest. He also had quite a lot of body hair for someone who was still in high school. He was a star athlete on the baseball team and would soon be the star of the football and wrestling teams. He also had the good looks which would relax the thigh muscles of many a high school cheerleader. He had already developed a dominate personality and treated me with the disrespect I deserved. I, on the other hand, had the highest respect and admiration for him.

I went to work on the pile of boxes and after about an hour needed to take a break. "I'm going up to get a drink," I said. "Do you need anything?"

"Bottle of water," he responded dismissively.

I brought him his water and handed it to him. He took it without a word like I was his servant.

After working a while, I came across two boxes I couldn't pick up. They must have been full of steel plates. I couldn't even push them across the floor. "There's a couple boxes too heavy to move. Could you give me a hand?" I hollered across the basement.

He came over and said, "Where are they?"

I pointed to the immovable boxes. He went over and picked up the first one without effort, put it on the shelves then did the same with the second. "You're as weak as a forth grade girl," he said in disgust. I was in awe of his superiority. At seventeen he was already a powerful man.

About an hour later I had all the boxes moved to their new home. I swept the floor and told Joe goodbye. He stopped me and said, "My feet are kind of sore. Sit down and give them a massage." I couldn't say no and sat down at his feet and removed his shoes and socks. I took a foot in my hand and started rubbing it. Joe lifted his other foot and put it under my nose making me smell his masculine scent. Then he rubbed it across my lips. "Kiss it." He said. I submissively kissed the sole of his foot. Then he lifted the other one and made me kiss it too. He then returned his attention to the baseball game. I loved being debased by this powerful young man. After about a half hour he dismissed me.

Back home, I started practicing sucking cock on the dildo I bought. I was determined to be a great cocksucker so I could give my Master all the pleasure he deserves.

I woke up Tuesday morning dreading the day ahead. This was my first day at work with my new look. I trudged into the office as usual. The day was every bit as bad as I had feared. Everyone had to comment on my hair at length and the chain made quite a stir too. They all wanted to know what was up. I just explained that I was trying something new. A couple of the gay men in the office recognized that my new look wasn't a fashion statement and mentioned it but didn't press the questions when I declined to talk about it.

The rest of the day was a blur of snide remarks and jokes. When I had some time to myself, I remembered why my appearance had changed so drastically. When I thought about that- and my about my Master, who was superior to all these people, all the abuse seemed worthwhile.

I didn't see Master Tuesday evening. Linda had Tuesdays off too so he must have been doing something with her. He didn't need me when she was there to service his demanding cock. I was disappointed but I understood that he operated on his terms not mine. He only kept me around to use when he needed me.

I had to get up early Wednesday for my first session at the gym with Clayton. I noticed the gym wasn't very busy at this time of the day as I got changed and made my way to the fitness office to meet him. When I got down there he was waiting for me. Clayton looked to be about twenty-eight (though I later learned he was thirty-three), not quite six feet tall. I guess I would describe his build as similar to that of a swimmer but more muscular. His tight shirt showed off the exceptional muscle definition on his torso. He was the typical physical trainer, good looking, athletic and confident. I introduced myself. He checked his watch. "It's 7:05. Your sessions start at 7:00. Don't keep me waiting again," he sternly admonished me.

"I apologize," I responded timidly. "It won't happen again."

He took me back to one of the small fitness conference rooms. "Normally we'd start by discussing your fitness goals but since you're Paul's property, he and I decided what you need," Clayton said. I was stunned. I had no idea that Master would tell Clayton I was his property. Clayton gave no hint that he thought there was anything peculiar about my status. "Since this your first day, we'll take it kind of easy," he said. This was something of a relief. "The first thing we need to do is test how long you can hold your breath." He pulled a stopwatch out of a desk drawer. This was new. I held my breath as long as I could. "Sixty-three seconds, not too good." He said. "When you've got Paul's cock down your throat you won't be able to breathe. We can't have you fighting for air after only a minute. That would diminish some of your master's pleasure. That's unacceptable. People have been known to hold their breath for as long as eight minutes. We need to get you close to four." Four minutes? I couldn't imagine holding my breath that long. Paul got in a file cabinet and pulled out some papers. "Here is a good article we give swimmers on training yourself to hold your breath longer. Read it and practice everyday."

"OK, I'll give it a try," I said, taking the papers.

"I'm going to test you every time you're here. You need to add fifteen seconds a week," he said. Two seconds a day, sounds easy but I didn't think it would be for long. "Let's get your training started." We went out on the floor. Clayton put me through a torturous workout like I'd never experienced before, literally running from one station to the next. It was more strenuous than any workout I'd ever experienced by a factor of at least three. I thought the two hours would never end. Thankfully they finally did. I dragged my tired ass back to the locker room. How was I going to get through the rest of the day, I wondered as I sat on the bench with my head in my hands.

"Get the fuck out of my way cocksucker!" That got me out of my weary stupor. A huge bodybuilder type man was advancing on me. I jumped up and retreated. I had been sitting in front of his locker and he apparently took offense that someone so pathetic would encroach upon his space. I think he recognized what the chain symbolized. I pulled my things a few feet away from him so I wouldn't get in his way again and started getting undressed for my shower. Unfortunately he was doing the same. It was uncomfortable being naked next to him. The contrasts were striking and there was no doubt that in this place I would regularly be on the losing end of such comparisons. I was small and weak with a little boy cock. He was massive with rock hard muscle and a huge slab of meat hanging beneath his legs. He looked me over with obvious contempt and laughed as he looked at what I was packing. We both headed to the showers at the same time.

The shower room is an open room with seven shower heads around the perimeter. I was about to turn on my shower when something hit my leg. I realized that this same man was pissing on me. I was about to yell in protest when I remembered what my Master told me about it being my purpose in life to submit to dominant men. Instead, I meekly knelt before him and bowed my head. He proceeded to piss all over my head. Then he lifted his foot, stuck it in my face. "Lick it," he ordered. I meekly licked the urine from his foot as he chuckled. He then gave my face a push with his foot knocking me back and turned around to take his shower leaving me lying in a pool of his urine. I picked myself up and took my shower.

I was originally upset that I had to wear a chain locked around my neck and get all my hair cut off. But now I was reveling in the humiliation which it was inviting. Master knew what was right for me better than I knew myself.

Wednesday at the office wasn't nearly as bad as Tuesday with the exception that I was exhausted from the Clayton death march which started the day. I hadn't jacked off in days and it was difficult to hide my continuous erection without underwear. I worked through lunch so I wouldn't have to stay so late.

I was delighted to get home that evening. I stripped off my clothes and collapsed on the couch. I hadn't seen Master in two days and was hoping he would use me tonight.

I was elated when Master walked in after dinner. "Suck my dick slave." He ordered after I kissed his feet and assumed my proper place. I couldn't wait. Having his beautiful cock in my mouth was the greatest feeling anyone could ever experience. I wanted to try some of the cock sucking techniques which I had been studying. I quickly helped him with his pants and jock and went to work. I took his cock in my mouth and loosely closed my lips around his shaft. I started moving my head in a circular motion with his cock moving around in my mouth. I slowly alternated between clockwise and counterclockwise. Based on the noises he was making, I gathered he was enjoying himself tremendously. Before long I got my reward. My mouth started filling with his amazing semen which I promptly swallowed.

"That was fantastic boy!" He said enthusiastically. I was in heaven that I made him feel that good. "You're really learning to be a great cocksucker. I think you deserve a reward," he said, picking up his old jock and draping it over my head. "Sniff that tonight as you jack off."

"Thank you Master." I was thrilled. I had been getting more than a little backed up.

"How'd it go with Clay this morning?" He asked.

"He worked me like a dog Sir," I started. "He was kind of angry at first that I was late. I don't know what the big deal was. It was only five minutes. He put me through the hardest workout I've ever experienced. I'm going to be sore tomorrow."

I couldn't understand why Master was looking down at me with a frown on his face. "Clay is a friend of mine. He knows you're my property and when you're discourteous by being late it reflects poorly on me. I think you'd better put off jacking until tomorrow night." I was devastated. "Go get me a belt," he ordered. Oh my god. He was going to beat me. With much trepidation I brought him the belt I wore to work. I got back on my knees and offered it to him. Unfortunately he accepted it. "Get on your hands and toes with your ass high in the air," he commanded. "When I finish you're going to thank me for teaching you this lesson." I assumed my position and prepared myself for what was about to come. I heard the belt cutting through the air just before it hit me. Then I felt the most intense pain I had ever experienced in my life. I felt like I had been set on fire. Master's powerful arms were inflicting excruciating pain on me. Then another blow landed. My arms almost buckled. Then another followed by two more. "That should do it," he said. "One stroke for each minute you were late."

I collapsed to the floor. I wasn't crying but there was plenty of water coming out of my eyes. Before long I was able to move. I crawled over to my Master and was just able to say, "thank you for punishing me Master. I have learned my lesson." Then I licked his feet as an expression of my submission. Groveling and slobbering on my Master's feet made me feel better because I felt like I was acting in concert with nature.

"Back up on your knees boy I have to piss," Master said.

It felt like I had been hit again when my ass touched my legs as I was kneeling. I opened my mouth and performed my function as a urinal which made me feel worthwhile.

"A belt's not a very handy device. Why don't you get on the internet and we'll see if we can find anything more appropriate," Master said. We found some sites which sold a variety of frightening bondage gear. Master finally settled on a ten inch rubber whip which had multiple strands of corded rubber and a fourteen inch wooden paddle. It was unsettling to pay for the devices which were going to be used to inflict pain upon me. Master took off after that.

My ass was still in terrible pain. I looked in the mirror. It was bright red and had raised welts. I applied some cream to it which helped a little. I sure was glad I hadn't been fifteen minutes late this morning.

Thursday passed without incident but it still hurt to sit down. In addition, every muscle in my body was sore from the hell Clayton had put me through the day before. Master didn't come over that evening but I went over to his place while he worked on the Mustang. I didn't see much of him though because he sent me inside to clean the kitchen.

Friday morning was my second session with Clayton. For some reason I felt compelled to arrive early. I discovered to my chagrin that Clayton was being honest Wednesday morning when he said we would take it kind of easy to start. This time the workout was even more intense and he was a very demanding coach. I had no choice but obey all his orders.

Later in the morning I was in a department meeting back at the office. We were having a discussion on the best procedure for updating some new financial reporting. As usual, the discussion was spirited. I was advocating one method while Richard Morales, a contemporary of mine, a different one. The debate went around the table for about a half hour. I think I was more convincing. The meeting was concluded without a resolution to the issue. It wasn't unusual for my indecisive boss to defer a decision.

Later in the morning, Richard came into my office, closed the door and sat down. Richard's a fairly good looking man, he's trim and in shape and about my age. He has a personality which attracts a crowd. He's typically the center of attention and the leader of just about any group he's in. He's the kind of man which I've come to recognize as dominant. "Don't think I don't know why you've got a chain locked around your neck and your hair buzzed off," he started. "You're some big man's cockslave aren't you?"

"Get out of here Richard. I've got work to do." I responded with feigned disgust.

He grabbed my arm roughly pulling me out of my chair, twisting and forcing me to my knees. "Answer me." He demanded.

"Yes I am." I admitted in a pained voice.

"I knew it the minute I saw you Tuesday you pathetic little cumdump. Don't you ever contradict me in a meeting again."

"Alright Richard, I won't," I responded through my pain. Richard grabbed my head, forced my face into his crotch then turned around, opened the door and walked out. I quickly got up and sat back down. I suddenly had more respect and admiration for Richard then I ever had before.

When I got home in that evening I was dog-tired. It had been an exhausting week. I took some time to reflect on what I had been through. The humiliation I'd been subjected to at the hands of a number of dominant men was becoming the joy of my life. It reinforced my position and added to my contentment as a slave.

I didn't know what was coming in the next days and weeks but the anticipation was better than any I had experienced before.

Part 4 is in progress.

Thanks to those who have sent emails and suggestions. Your emails fuel the desire to write.

Email: Yahoo instant messenger: cmhsub

Special thanks to a magnificent Stud god at whose feet I am unworthy to grovel. He has generously provided insight into the higher mind of a Dom. He is a superior man who understands how subs desire to be treated. His wisdom and intellect have been an inspiration and I am grateful for His guidance.

Next: Chapter 4

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