New Start

Published on Aug 27, 2001


Sorry this has taken so long to get out. Life has I am now a graduate, BA in BS LOL...actually, BA in Business Administration, with a 3.883 cumulative GPA. No honors, tho, as I only had 54 hours at this school. Never mind I run a multimillion dollar sales company, was taking 3 classes a semester, and helping my semi-disabled soon-to-be-ex-wife care for our 2 year old...LOL All that matters is, I'M DONE!!! Maybe now I can get a real job! LOL

Anyway, here's chapter 6. Please note that I'm using a new e-mail address now, and am re-starting the notification list. If you want to be notified of new chapters and new stories (like Evan and Mark in High School Section, yes, that's a shameless plug! LOL) then send me a note, and I'll start a new list.

As always, constructive comments are always appreciated, flames and bullshit...I ain't got time for...

So, without further to-do... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I kind of skipped over our first Christmas together telling you about Lane," I continued, "but let me just say that it was one of the best Christmases I've ever had, because it was the first Christmas I spent with someone that I was in love with."

"Yeah, I remember our first Christmas together," said Allen, "and how special it was."

"I remember that the gift that Travis gave me that year was that painting of Lake Norman in the fall that we have in the guest room, the room that was mine when I first moved in with him," I said.

"Yeah, you told me that before," Allan said.

I laughed, "I gave Travis a gift he wasn't expecting, either."

"And that was?" Allan asked.

"I got him off."

"WHAT? I thought you said you guys were planning on waiting for your wedding night for sex."

"Well, sometimes, things just happen," I said.

We both laughed a little.

I looked at Allen, willing him to see my love for him in my eyes. "Have I told you today how much I love you, how much I need you, how lucky I am to have you in my life?" I asked.

"You say it in thousands of ways every day, love," he replied.

He leaned over and kissed me gently, then leaned back and asked, "So you went back to school that spring?"

"Yep, January came around a lot faster than I had wanted. Travis and I spent a lot of time with Michael the ten days that Travis was in town. They had a very, very rough Christmas, not happy at all. It was so sad, but Travis, mom, dad and I did everything we could to help, and to just being there seemed to help some.

"Well, like I was saying, my stuff was already at home, in the guest bedroom," I started when Allan interrupted me.

"No way. You're not skipping the getting Travis off part. Fess up, now!" he said with a laugh.

I laughed and said, "OK, it was like this. It was Christmas Eve, we had been to church already, over to Uncle Jacks', and had gotten home. Mom and dad were both worn out, to the point that mom asked if we could just wait and open our presents on Christmas Day."

"Sure, Mom," Travis said. "We always opened our stuff on Christmas morning."

"Well, dear," mom said to him, "we usually open our presents on Christmas Eve, and then Santa comes on Christmas Morning. But I'm afraid Santa probably doesn't come here anymore," she said wistfully.

"MOM!" I said. "What do you mean that Santa doesn't come here anymore? You mean he doesn't love me any more?" I said, a bit over the top.

She just threw up her hands and said, "I'm going to bed. Travis, put this child to bed soon, please," she said, emphasizing the word child.

"Yes, mom," he said dutifully.

She sighed heavily, and headed down the hall.

"Good night, boys," dad said, as he kissed each of us on the head.

"We're probably going to sit up a while, dad," I said. "A bit too much excitement for me to be quite ready for bed yet."

"Well, just don't make a lot of racket, ok?" he asked.

"I promise to keep him quiet," Travis said.

I punched him in the arm and gave him a look. He just laughed at me, as did my dad.

"Tell you what, I'll close both the hall door, and our door, and maybe we'll be able to get to sleep," dad said.

"Goodnight, dad," Travis said.

"Goodnight, son," Dad said to Travis, "And goodnight to you, too, Jeremy," he said with a chuckle, and turned and closed the door.

"Keep me quiet, huh?" I said with an evil gleam in my eye as I pounced on Travis and started tickling him.

He grabbed at my hands and we started wrestling a bit, but, he was stronger than me at that point, and pretty soon had me pinned, with both hands behind my back at my butt, our chests pressed together, him laying on top of me, and our faces inches apart.

"What are you going to do now, babe?" he asked.

I leaned up and licked his lips, getting them very wet.

"Blech," he said, and wiped his lips on my shirt. "I'll get you for that," and he started licking my face like a puppy, making me laugh and squirm.

"OK, OK, I give up," I said. "Now let me up, you brute!"

He just laughed, and let go of my hands.

Without warning, I took my right hand, and shoved it into his pants, grabbing his dick and balls, and squeezing lightly.

"No who's got who?" I asked.

"Who's got whom," Travis corrected me, "And, if you don't move your hand, you're gonna get more than you bargained for."

"Maybe I'm getting exactly what I want," I said, looking him right in the eye.

"Thought you wanted to wait," he said.

"We're not having sex," I said, "and if I play with your dick, that's still not having sex, technically."

"Don't go somewhere you don't want to go," he said. "I can wait."

I leaned up and kissed him, as my hand massaged his dick, and it started growing.

We continued to kiss as he continued to get hard.

"Jeremy, babe, we're gonna have to stop. This is getting me way to hot."

"What if I told you I wanted to jerk you off," I said.

He just looked at me for a minute.

"Only if you let me do you back," he said.

"Not tonight, but tomorrow," I said. "This is actually something I wanted to give you as a present. My gift to you," I said.

"What if your folks come in," he said.

"My mom is listening for the sound of my bedroom door to shut. Then, thirty minutes later, she'll wake dad up, and they'll come in here and set out Santa Clause. We don't have to worry about them coming in here. She's done this every year for as long as I can remember," I said as I continued to manipulate his hardening dick.

"I don't know," he said, trying to get my hand from out of his pants.

"Travis, babe, just sit back, close your eyes, and don't worry about getting walked in on. I think dad had an idea, because the living room door and their bedroom door are closed."

The shocked look on Travis's face was priceless.

"Of course, they could think that we're just in here making out," I said.

Travis relaxed just a bit, and when he did, I reached up and popped open the button of his jeans.

He grabbed both my hands and said, "I don't mind waiting, Jeremy."

"Are you saying you don't want me to do this?" I asked.

"No, I've been wanting it since the day we met. But I can wait until our ceremony."

"I want this, Travis. I want to do this for you, and to you."

He let go of my hands, and I unzipped his pants. He lifted his butt as I pulled his pants down and off, and then I reached for his underwear. I slipped my fingers under the band, and then pulled the material out, and over his hard dick. Again, he lifted his butt to help me get his underwear off.

His dick was rock hard, and leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. It was about 7" long, and a bit thicker than mine, but I noticed in the showers at college that I seem to be 'normally' thick. His hairy balls were pretty large too, hanging down between his legs and laying on the cushion.

I pushed his legs apart, and crawled in between them, as I reached up and touched the first hard dick other than my own that I had ever touched. My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute, but I was SO turned on. Apparently, so was Travis. His dick was real hot, and the minute I touched him, he sucked in air noisily, hissing. I gently blew on his pubic area, eliciting a slight moan from him. I leaned in, and inhaled his scent. It is a memory that is ingrained in my memory. Anywhere I happen to be, I can still close my eyes, and remember that first breath of him.

I took his dick firmly in my hand and slowly started jerking him. I moved so that I was sitting beside him, my head on his chest, looking at his dick as I jerked him with my right hand.

I started out slowly, watching the pre-cum dribble out of his dick every time I pulled forward. He liked that, moaning lightly, and moving his hips slightly.

I started jerking faster, but not fast enough to make him cum. He was beginning to breath hard, and so I slowed down, letting him come down a bit.

A plan suddenly hit me, and I grinned to myself, knowing he'd like the surprise I had in store for him.

I kept jerking him at a moderate pace and would blow on his crotch every so often. He would moan, and buck his hips, and when he started that, I'd also notice his balls starting to draw up, so I'd slow down, and a couple of times, I stopped. I was building his fire so that when he blew, he wouldn't be able to stop.

"Jer, baby, you've got to let me cum," he said raggedly, after the third or fourth time I backed him down. "Please, baby. This is torture!" he said.

I started slowly jerking him again, changing not only my speed, but also the pressure I was putting on his dick. I took about three minutes to build him up to the near bursting point, and then just slowed down enough to keep him right at the edge, but not crossing over.

"Jeremy, please..." he begged me.

I turned, and looked up at him, smiled and said, "OK, baby...let 'er rip!"

I started jerking fast, and watched as his balls started to tighten up. Without warning, I leaned down, and swallowed the head of his dick. His whole body went rigid, and the first shot out of his dick made me gag. I didn't care. I kept his erupting cock in my mouth, swallowing his essence as fast as I could. He shot five or six time real hard, and then it started slowing down. I was getting inundated with his spunk, and I was loving every minute of it.

When his orgasm finally subsided, and he had quit shooting, I was gently sucking on his deflating dick, getting all of his cum cleaned off of him.

He pulled my head off him and gasped, "Too sensitive..."

I laid my head on his chest, and listened as his heartbeat steadily slowed down.

After several minutes he finally said, "Wow."

I couldn't look at him. I was scared, because I had told him I wanted us to wait, and I was afraid that he might be mad at me because I had REALLY crossed the line. I think jerking him off would have been OK, but I wasn't sure about me sucking him at orgasm.

"Are you mad at me?" I quietly asked.

He grabbed my shoulders and turned me to look at him. I couldn't face him, but he put his hand under my chin, and as he forced me to look at him, he was smiling.

"Mad? No way, baby. I wasn't expecting that last part, but, damn! Thank you, my love! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I just smiled.

"My turn," he said.

"Maybe tomorrow, hon. It's getting late, and we DO want Santa to get here, don't we?"

"I'll get you back, my love," he said.

"Pull your pants up, baby. Let's go to bed. Oh, by the way...Merry Christmas."

He pulled me to him, and kissed me deeply.

"I love you Jeremy. I can't wait to be married to you."

"I love you too, baby. I love you too." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well...Jeremy finally got his first taste of cum. Comment? Suggestions? Let me know.

Again, sorry about the long delay folks. Hopefully, I'll be able to write more as soon as the dust settles. And, keep me in your thoughts. I'm planning on quitting work and going back to school full time come January, so, hopefully, there will be more writing time available as well. Evan and Mark are begging for attention, as is a story about lost opportunities and reconciliation. Working title is "Unexpected Friends".

Hope you all have a happy Labor Day. Until later... TJ

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