New story submittal - CZECHMATES

By Gay Contrarian

Published on May 31, 2018




A short story by Gay Contrarian - February 2018

This is a work of fiction, based on the experiences and imaginings of the author. Any similarity between the characters and real individuals living or dead is purely coincidental. Individuals not comfortable reading explicit gay sexual encounters by consensual adults should leave now. This work should only be read by those of legal age to do so according to the laws where you live. Please consider a contribution to Nifty to ensure the availability of stories like this are preserved for future readers. Any comments or feedback are welcome – address them to Thanks for reading!

I can't remember the precise date I first knew I liked men, only that

  1. it was still illegal to have gay sex, and

  2. the above point wasn't going to deter me

Guys, we all know what horndogs we can be, and with the onset of puberty that hormonal drive is strong to do it with just about anything or anyone. If you're under the age of thirty, here's a newsflash – there might be a diminishing of that drive somewhat as you age, but for a lot of guys it goes with you to the grave. That's how it's been with me as my life has progressed. And, as I am not blatantly out at work, it means being careful with colleagues and business associates, so as not to arouse suspicions.

More about how I made it to this point another time. Right now I want to share possibly the most overwhelmingly erotic sexual experience of my business career. It seemed so unlikely to even happen, given that I was rarely able to have time on my own while traveling for business. My job entailed technical assistance to our company's customers in Central and Eastern Europe. With the recent trade barriers between east and west being reduced, the opportunities for growth are increasing. My company relocated me from the American Midwest to Northern France, where our European headquarters and production facilities are located. I was to be based there for 5 years, and travel to 10-11 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia.

We were fortunate enough to have local representatives in each of these countries to cover a variety of product lines for us. They act as our business partners, translators, drivers, travel assistants, and advisors when business decisions needed to be made. Therefore, it was a rare opportunity to have an evening alone on such trips, as there was always the need to recap a day's events and strategize about the upcoming day. I was fortunate enough to have such an opportunity while on a week long visit to the Czech Republic. Most of our business was in the immediate environs of the capital city of Prague, where this story takes place.

This was my third year of the European assignment, and although I had a few experiences up to then, I am starting my story with this particular one, as I hope you will soon understand. This was easily my 9th or 10th trip to Czech Republic, and I had grown accustomed to both the clients and the things that made my trips interesting – food, booze, and surreptitiously ogling the hot guys. So, it happened that on the Thursday of my four day trip, at lunch, our Czech Rep, Adam (straight, married with kids, 10 years my junior) mentioned he had a personal family issue to deal with this evening, and would it be terribly inconvenient if he were to drop me off at the hotel at 5 PM, and leave me to myself for the evening.

Immediately, my mind began to whirl; did I dare attempt a long-held secret plan to visit my first gay steam bath in Europe? I'd been to the spas in all the countries, either in the hotels I was put up at by our representatives or at family swim centers in the major cities. Most European towns had some kind of sauna or steam room facilities for the general population, which was divided by sex. So, I at least got to see naked men, which was enough to store visually for the return to the hotel to reproduce those images whilst playing with my pull toy.

I think most North American men, gay or straight, who have spent any time in Europe will tell you the guys there are a lot more fluid about their sexuality than those of us on this side of the Atlantic. And, they are a lot less judgmental about sexual attraction or orientation. All of that made it a bit easier for me, if I could overcome my own fears; not about being discovered, but being outed. I was not prepared to endure that again. Once was enough, even if it had occurred two decades earlier.

So, back to the plan I devised. The hotel was one of the nicest in the city center, and the corporate rate made it affordable, too. The main part of the hotel and its entry was at ground level, just across the way from both a trolley stop and metro stop in the city center. Because of the terrain, the hotel also had a cog-wheel train (known as a funicular) which took about 90 seconds to travel up to the hotel restaurant and business accommodations for frequent travelers. I don't remember whether I was deserving of it or not, but I remember that this trip I was fortunate enough to be staying in the nicer section up above.

Adam dropped me off, and I went to my room, took care of any business calls or emails that needed attention in the hotel business lounge, and had perused the restaurant's specials menu on my way back to my room. So, I could eat there early and hit the town for some adventure. It being November, it was dark already, and the weather was such that a misty fog was expected overnight. In one of the secret compartments of my wallet, I had kept a one-page piece of paper folded up, listing the various gay-oriented bath houses in whichever country I might be visiting, with names, addresses, and opening hours. In those days, accessing such information online, especially via company computer, was too risky for me to consider. The Gay Guide Book was my bible, so to speak.

There's always some kind of Visitor Guide in hotels like this, to help tourists orient themselves and generate business for the local economy. I was able to use the one in my room to plan logistically how to get to Sauna Labyrint, the one with the most stars, meaning the best reviews. It appeared that I could catch the metro outside the hotel, and ride it to the far northwestern end of the line. Those golden arches (ubiquitous McDonalds symbol globally) were shown on the city map right next to the terminal stop. Good! It would be a busy place, and I would not look too out of place, and could likely seek help if I needed directions.

The map made it seem clear how to find the street the sauna was on. So, off I went for an earlier than normal meal which would have been delicious but is not memorable to me today. I specifically remember toning down my alcohol consumption to one large glass of wine with the meal, so as to be more alert and conscious of my surroundings as I ventured off into the unknown in a foreign country.

Having ridden the metro before with Adam, I purchased a roundtrip ticket, and noted the service ending time was midnight. So, whatever fun I could have, I needed to be back to the metro stop at McDonalds by 11:30 to be sure to have a public transit ride home. If, however, things were wild, I could always take a cab from McDonalds. I wasn't about to use a taxi to go directly to or from the sauna, as I still had issues about being judged by others.

It was a short 15 minute metro ride to the end of the line, and as I came up from underground, there were those golden arches, and a whole lot of people having a late meal. I looked at my watch, so I could time the walking distance between the metro and the sauna. It was 7:30. I walked around the back side of the restaurant's outdoor covered seating area, and saw the street sign I needed. I doubled checked the paper, to be sure. No point in heading off carelessly, and lose a chance to have close-up encounters of the Czech kind!

You know how the spooky mystery novels seem to start out "It was a dark and stormy night"? Well, this felt a bit like that. Within a few hundred steps of starting down the correct street, it became a deserted ghost town, with few shops - all closed - and residences on the floors above buttoned up tight for the evening. The streetlights were few and far between and somewhat ineffective as the foggy mist rolled in. I even distinctly remember one of them flickering dimly, as if ready to burn completely out. Spooky! I walked a good 20 minutes, wondering whether or not I'd been given bad information, or worse, they had closed, and was considering going back and calling it quits. Then, as my will to continue was almost broken, a small sign, perpendicular to the building and sufficiently illuminated to give me a rush of hope.

Yes! I'd found it! And, as I turned the door handle, it opened. Welcome to the possibilities Steven, I said to myself. There was a middle-aged gentleman at the ticket window, but signs posted in Czech, German and English explained the rates and services (locker, drinks, coffee, and towels). I think I paid the equivalent of about $15 USD, got my locker key, and stepped right into the changing area, which was quite small. Two guys would have trouble not bumping into one another trying to disrobe. Was that the intent? Who knew! I emptied my coat pockets of any valuables, and put it on a hook amongst the others. Lockers were small enough that everyone's shoes seemed to be left underneath the benches, rather than in with clothes. Probably to keep the street grime contained to the soles of the shoes.

I wrapped my towel around my naked body, and stepped through another portal into the main reception area. It seemed much more like a social club for men, with the options to drink either at the bar or the adjacent bistro tables, have a coffee, or even watch a small television screen. A small radio at the bar played appropriate background music so as to avoid total silence when things were quiet. Remember, its Central Europe in the 90s: no MTV, no wifi, no text or SMS messaging. Think landlines, Fax machines, teletype, handys, and pay phones.

In less than two minutes I had scoped the entire place out; I had mixed feelings about the place. There were half a dozen people there a little after 8 PM, so that was encouraging. Most were seated in either the bar area, or the lounge. Two guys were sitting in the dry sauna, towels laid somewhat haphazardly across their groins. I thought there was a guy in the steam room as well, but it was hard to tell without actually going in and hoping visibility was better in there. The shower room was fairly small too, but it had four shower heads, two on each side, and it was open (no partitions), so that meant it was a little more fun rinsing off!

As I learned in subsequent visits to other gay saunas, each place can have its own vibe. There will be ebb and flow, guys will move together or in sequence into or out of the sauna rooms, as their desires and attractiveness to others dictate. It can be sensual; it can also be downright depressing. I wasn't sure what this was, at least not at the beginning of my night. I decided I'd wait a bit then start the heat treatment.

There was a small covered pitcher of mineral water, and a short stack of plastic cups by the bar. The barkeep smiled at me and nodded, saying something in German to the effect of "help yourself to a glass of water, sir." I thanked him in German (why, I don't know) and did just that. I expected to be losing bodily fluids soon enough as it was. Then, again in German, he asked my locker number. I understood his question, and held up my wrist with the tag and number on the flexible wristband, not wishing to misstate the number, and deciding to let them think I was Germanic rather than American. He smiled, and said that he would keep track of any drinks and I could pay just the once, when leaving, and please pick up my ticket on the way out. I was emboldened by the fact I caught on to things fairly easily. I finished my water and tossed the disposable cup in the recycling bin. It was time to scout out the opportunities.

I decided to go back to the dry sauna, as that had a more clear view of things, albeit the dim lighting made in a touch too romantic for my liking. There was one other guy already in the room, on the top bench with a towel just covering his good bits. Maybe that would change, now that there was an observer in the room, I thought. So, I sat down on the lower bench, and leaned against the back wall with my legs up on the bench, so that we were both facing the same direction; him lying down, me sitting upright, and with my position below and behind him such that I could observe everything he did while he couldn't see me at all, just hear me. I arranged my towel in a way that allowed my groin to be seen, but could easily be covered should I feel the need to do so.

After about 5 minutes, when I had worked up a decent sweat, but no action on either or our parts had occurred, I heard the sound of what I believed to be the steam room door open and close. I decided to give it a couple of minutes pause, then got up and left the dry sauna, and showered in lukewarm then cool water to try to reduce my body temperature. The dry sauna heat had caused my balls to drop away from my torso, as they would normally do in warmer surroundings. And I definitely had something close to a chub. I'm more of a grower than a shower, it seems. It's a cut penis about 3 ½ inches soft in summertime temperatures, and slightly less than 6 inches hard. My girth is such that it just fits into a toilet paper cardboard tube (don't ask how I know that, please). Being over 6 feet tall, and 170 lbs, I have the build of a former swimmer, meaning a slight beer belly from lack of proper regular exercise, but otherwise reasonably proportioned.

I didn't dry off once I'd cooled off a bit under the shower. What was the point when I was going into the steam room, I thought. This time I hung my towel on a hook on the wall outside the steam room using it to cover my locker key. There were two other towels already hanging up beside where I had placed mine. Prospects? We'll see! I stepped inside and allowed the door to close behind me, which gave me the few seconds I needed to see how the tile bench was arranged and where the bodies were already positioned. While I might wish to sit on someone's lap, I thought it better to not simply do so without checking first. It's just common courtesy, right?

The steam was not so thick at this point, so I could see the shape of the room to be rectangular, with the single one-level tile bench running two sides of the room, in the shape of an "L". The longer run could hold 4-5 guys of my build sitting normally, and the shorter side 3. At that moment the two guys already sitting were positioned on the longer side such that there was plenty of room for one other person in between them, which would effectively keep anyone else from sitting on that side without asking for people to make room. My perverse logic told me to take that position between them, so as to possibly have the opportunity to see or do something with one or the other of them, rather than go to the empty bench on the other wall and have my vision totally obscured by the increasing steam build-up. So, down I sat between them.

I could make out enough through the hot vapor to determine the guys were of similar build; tall, muscular, smooth skinned, no facial hair, and close shaven heads. Not body builder types, but sportsmen of some kind; I took turns trying to steal glances between the two of them. In less than two minutes, the steam vapor in the room was such that it was almost impossible to see more than a several inches in front of oneself in any direction. I could not detect any movement, but felt as if things were closing in on me somewhat. Was it my imagination, or was the steamy heat affecting me?

Then, almost imperceptibly, I felt the slightest brush of the back of a hand across a couple of inches of my upper right thigh. I did not move, but my cock reacted almost immediately, lengthening from a position of rest. A pause. No recoil from the first touch, so another one. This time, the touch was longer and more thorough. I pushed back slightly with my thigh, attempting to indicate I was receptive. That seemed to send the correct message, as he did not withdraw his hand when he reached my knee, but started back towards my hip, and higher on top on the leg than the first two touches. This was getting nice. I decided to let him make the moves, before I did anything myself. Then, on the other side, a similar touch, tentative, ever so light, to see what the reaction might be. Really? Could this be happening? I pushed the left thigh out enough so he knew it was okay, and his touch became somewhat firmer as well. Now I was fucking rock hard, imagining what I had gotten myself into.

Then nearly simultaneously, I felt the touch of thighs on both sides of me. They had both sidled over in an attempt to claim their prize, whatever they thought that might be. From the right, a hand came up my arm, which was resting at my side. He then moved across to my pecs, such as they were, to feel my upper body. Then, from the left, lips ever so gently pressed against my skin, touching my shoulder, while a hand reached for the lower abdomen, and what was below. Well it wasn't lying anywhere near horizontal at this point. Contact made. The guy on the right came in to nuzzle my neck and then, ran his hot, wet tongue in and around my ear, making little cooing noises. The effect made my legs feel weak. Good thing I didn't need to stand up.

The guy on the left, meanwhile, had opted to trace his tongue around my left nipple, while cupping my balls and feeling their shaved smoothness with a hand that was equally as smooth. My hands were still somewhat pinned to my sides, as the guys leaned against me such that I felt immobile. Maybe I just wanted to be immobile. Did they know yet there was someone else on the other side? They weren't touching the same areas. Jesus, what if one became territorial? It was all feeling just so fucking good, I took a devil-may-care attitude. I think someone else came in at some point as this started, but they did not engage us, and must have gone to the empty section to listen and wait.

Then as Lefty continued to lash and suck my left nipple while cupping my balls, Righty maintained the groan/lick/moan treatment of my ear, and caressed my other pectoral. As he reached across to touch the left side, I felt his hand encounter the face of Lefty. It seemed he gave it what could only have been a friendly pat, because nobody stopped doing anything. My hands now were free enough that I could offer some reciprocation, by basically feeling up both guys from mid torso downwards. Smooth hot bodies, both of them! How far was this going to go? They could take me wherever they wanted at that moment!

As luxurious as it was to have them service me, I felt the need to offer something in return, but as they were on either side of me the only real option I had was to fondle as much of each of them as I could reach. I didn't want to distract myself from their efforts, so I basically used my hands to perform the same touch, feel, stroke on each of them in the same way. I was ecstatic to find they were both uncut; it was a big fantasy of mine, and the first time I'd laid hands on one, much less two uncut cocks!

They were both larger than me, probably over 8 inches, and the ease with which their precum-covered dicks slid in my hands was turning me on tremendously. The foreskins sliding back and forth made the rapidity of movement even easier for me, and they both began to rock their hips in time with my strokes. Not ever having produced precum myself, this combination of foreskin and love juice heightened my exhilaration unbelievably.

Suddenly, there was an altering of their positions, as I felt heads moving and the spreading apart of my legs as they climbed up onto the bench in a way that allowed them to put their heads in my lap. The steam had dissipated somewhat in the room, allowing them to observe one another and mimic each others actions. The goal became clear, they intended to feed off of my cock and balls and anything else their mouths could reach, separately or together. The erotic nature of these actions was not lost on me. I felt like I was being consumed by lusty warriors, intent on keeping me prisoner and not letting me surrender my bounty without a great deal of wonderful torture.

This new arrangement had me splayed wide open on the bench, and pulled forward from the wall so that my ass was very near the front edge of the bench. This gave maximum access for these two orally talented guys to lick, suck, and nibble as they pleased. My taint and the underside of my balls were the focus of Righty, while Lefty took the enlarged and increasingly more sensitive head of my cock into his mouth, using his tongue to circumnavigate the corona and frenulum, occasionally breaking to take me in his mouth completely to the root. He even slipped his tongue onto my piss slit, opening it and pushing gently with his tongue – what a sensation!

I was still able to tug somewhat frenetically on both of their joysticks, and they were getting more slippery as we continued to jostle for stable positions. The slick wet tiles, our sweaty bodies, and the gyrations our actions induced were keeping things on the edge of bringing us all crashing onto the floor if we weren't careful.

Righty continued his efforts on the underside of my balls, and tentatively moved further, until he was able to reach the very edge of my rosebud. In an instant, he dove onto it with tongue out and lips surrounding. I lifted physically up off of the tile, forcing my rod deeper into Lefty's mouth on my own; the sensation was electrifying, and I knew I could no longer sustain any resistance to this glorious onslaught to my body.

I uttered the traditional phrase known to men time immemorial, "I'm gonna cum", and as if by prior arrangement, they both moved their mouths to my cock, and began sliding open mouths up and down the sides on my dick, so that their lips touched each other and encompassed my rod.

"Uuuuuggghhhh" ----- I said and thrust my hips forward and used their shoulders to support my weakening knees on the edge of the bench as the first waves of orgasm began to overtake me. My cock remained upright as they continued to jerk me off with their mouths, and several spurts of cum shot straight up into the air, each time landing on one or the other of their cheeks and some onto my upper thighs.

The most intense orgasm I could ever recall was winding down and they moved toward the dick tip to get any liquid remaining there, kissing each other at the same time, spreading the jizz further across their faces. Lefty came up to my face, and leaned in for a tender kiss, offering my spent cum from his mouth and cheeks for me to enjoy with him. I had all but abandoned their erections, but resumed the joyful stroking of these new playthings and found Righty reaching across me with his mouth to take Lefty's dickhead into his mouth.

This sudden sensation must have done something to him, as within seconds he was moaning in my mouth as our tongues continued to search each other out. I'm guessing he came shortly after that, since his body and head became quite still, and Righty began to make the noises one does when attempting to swallow the load from a cock when caught off guard that it was shooting. Righty sped up his hip gyrations against my hand strokes and came with some force, shooting bursts of spooge across my thighs and most probably onto Lefty's as well. Shortly thereafter, both men went slightly limp in the body and climbed back up into sitting positions on either side of me. We took a little time to rub the residual cum all over each others bodies, attempting to reabsorb it through the skin, I guess. Gentle but probing kisses were traded amongst the three sets of lips, and I luxuriated in the feelings and sensations of post orgasmic bliss.

The heat, humidity, and exertions of the past 20 minutes were taking their toll on me though, and so with thanks to them both in Czech and a peck on each cheek, I excused myself to lean against the wall underneath the shower and attempt to recover some strength to stand upright. After a couple of minutes, the guys also emerged from the steam room to shower off, taking the two spots opposite my showerhead. It was the first time I'd been able to see them clearly, and My God – they were twins! In almost every respect! They looked to be in their late twenties, and were ruggedly handsome. Same facial features, same bodies, same cocks! Except one of them (I had no idea which was Lefty) had a crooked nose, as if he'd had it broken and not very well reset.

Everyone was smiles, and one of them asked "American?"

"Ano" I replied (yes) in Czech.

More smiles. "Welcome to Prague", he said.

I pointed to each of them and asked "Brothers"?

The other replied "Yes".

I nodded my head to each of them in turn, and spoke slowly in English "Thank you. I will never forget tonight. It was wonderful!"

Big smiles this time, as I guessed they got the gist of what I meant. Then a reply: "We happy, too. America number 1" using his index finger to put emphasis on the point. How could I not smile then?! I was appreciated for where I was from, and more probably what it represented to them.

I pointed to my chest and said "Steven", to which each said in turn "Pavel" and "Petr". So crooked nose was Petr, otherwise I'd forget!

Pavel was first to come over and give me a hug, and Petr followed behind him with one as well. He, however squeezed my butt cheek afterwards, and said "nice ass, baby!" like he'd heard it in some straight porn video no doubt! I just grinned and pretended to slap away his hand. I took longer to pull myself together enough to head back out into the lounge area, and when I did, there was no sign of the twins. I would have attempted to engage them in further conversation, but no luck.

I asked the barkeep for a coffee and a glass of apple juice in German, and he replied in English "sure thing, baby" with a big shit-eating grin on his face. Those bloody twins! I had to smile back, but thought 'Lord knows what other English lessons they'll practice on me if I'm not careful'. I stayed at the bar to have my liquids, as the space was not occupied by anyone else. The barkeep chose not to engage me in further conversation, and keep busy with what appeared to be a stock inventory underneath the counter. The other guests kept to their own thoughts.

I saw no point in pretending to myself that I could go another round in either sauna, nor mess around with anyone inside, should I even be able to be aroused after that marathon! Besides, anything that could occur after that would somehow lessen the effect on my psyche that the tussle with the twins had created.

I asked the barkeep for my receipt in English, and as he passed it to me, again with a shit-eating grin – "No charge for the good times, baby!"

I thanked him again and smiled as I went to the change room. I redressed, and settled up with the front desk, collecting my valuables which had been held in a lockbox for safekeeping.

As I started for the door, I noted a bulletin board at eye level, with the typical "gay notifications" about cabarets, or bars, but one flyer stood out – a half page sized photocopy of a newspaper sports article with a photograph of the two men who had just ravaged me, and although I didn't really get it, they clearly had received some kind of recognition for a contribution to something, which I was unable to determine.

"Well, whoever they are, and whatever they've done, they'll be my 'Czech Mates' for life", I said to myself as I headed down the darkened street back towards the metro station and a luxurious bed that would provide me with a fitful sleep after an unforgettable night out on the town.

The End

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