New TG: Transitions


Published on May 20, 1996



From Fri May 24 01:25:00 1996 Path:!!!!!uknet!!pipex!!pipex!!pipex!!pipex!!pipex!!pipex!usenet ~~Newsgroups: ~~Organization: UnipalmPIPEX server (post doesn't reflect views of UnipalmPIPEX) ~Lines: 670 Message-ID: 4nqjgq$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82

This is my second story. It is UK-based and as such uses British terms.

There is no sex in this story, so those looking for that will be disappointed.

P.S. The story is NOT clich‚-free. I'm human.

Transitions By Annie

Part One

Somewhere in the UK - 1982

Debbie gasped as she opened her envelope and read the exam results. Straight "A"s on 5 A Levels, and a "B" on French. She handed her certificates to her Mum and Dad and beamed from ear to ear. She had just had her 17th birthday and had worked hard for this moment for years. Mark, her boyfriend, sat beside her and squeezed her hand proudly. He had finished his finals the previous year and had entered University. He was reading Law. Debbie wanted to go into medicine. Her parents were clearly delighted and her Dad went into the kitchen and came back with four glasses of champagne! They happily toasted Debbie's health and looked to the future. As they did so, Debbie's mind flashed back to something she hardly thought about now; the turning point in her life.

August 1977:-

David Taylor lay back in his bed and turned the TV on. His bedroom was the smallest in the flat, which consisted of a bathroom, kitchen, lounge, boxroom and double bedroom. His was the boxroom. It was barely 6' by 10'; just enough for a bed, wardrobe and chest of drawers. It was sandwiched between the lounge and big bedroom and so had no outside window of its own. But it was HIS. The first time he had some space to himself. After spending ten years in the big bedroom with his parents, his sister, Nicola, 18, had finally left home for her own flat, and the boxroom was given to David at the start of the summer holidays.

It was a Saturday night and almost 10pm. He flicked through the channels and settled on an old US teen comedy movie. He idly watched and let his mind wander.

David, if you had not already guessed, was not at all happy about who, or rather what, he was. His whole mindset seemed to indicate he should have been born a girl. His feminine interests and behaviour had resulted in few friends although he was a very bright student. He was 12 years old and was due to start Secondary school on Monday. He was kind of pleased with that. Primary school had been a bit of a nightmare. His parents has chosen to send him to a different school, a bit further away than the one that his primary school served. It was bigger and better, and Nicola had gone there too. His brand new school uniform hung on the back of his bedroom door, but David would rather have worn a different one, one with a skirt. The feelings he had went back to his earliest memories, and he felt depressed again, perhaps worse than ever.

The movie was showing your typical US high school crowd having at good time at the mall. David spotted a shy blonde girl and identified with her immediately. He imagined himself going out with the girls and getting chatted up by the guys; growing up to be a woman and getting married; having children. It was just too much.

He was already tired that night because he'd spent the afternoon playing badminton with his cousin, Amanda. They had grown up together, being the same age, and were closer than he was with his sister, bearing in mind the age difference. Amanda was a pretty, if rather boisterous girl, who knew all about David's little problems. She sympathised and often joked with him about swapping bodies.

For the umpteenth time, he again wished he were female with all his heart. It wasn't long before he fell asleep, dreaming his usual dreams in which he was a normal happy girl.

----------------- Somewhere, something heard David Taylor wish to be female for the 100,000th time. That's it, kid, it thought. You just got the big one. It concentrated for a second and, remembering that little planet's fondness for documentation and paperwork, finished off a few details. It turned its attention to something else..

During the night David felt tremendously hot. It was coming to the end of summer so he just took it as being a very hot night. His bedcovers ended up on the floor as he tried to get cool.

He awoke at 6am and noticed his Mum had switched off his TV and bedroom light. He felt a bit cooler so he grabbed his bedcovers, turned over and went back to sleep. He brushed something out of his eyes as he turned over and settled down.

His Mum called to him at 11am and woke him up. David opened his eyes and switched on his light. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and froze as he noticed long golden blonde hair coming over his shoulders. He picked it up and stared. It was real. He jumped out of bed and opened his wardrobe to reveal his mirror. A younger version of his sister looked back. She was quite cute, with a little nose, round face, freckles over her nose and blue eyes. It was still definitely David in there, but the alternative, female version. He was about to look inside his pyjamas when he heard his mother's footsteps approaching from the lounge. Quickly, David rushed back into bed and pulled the bedcovers up, trying to hide his hair. His mother opened the bedroom door and stood in the doorway. She was about 46 and worked as a nurse for a doctors' surgery.

"Are you getting up?", she asked

"Mmmm", was all David could say.

"Well breakfast'll be ready soon. You know how much you like bacon sandwiches on Sunday. You'd better get moving". She closed the door as she went to her bedroom.

David rose again and took off his pyjama top. Two little teenage breasts stared back. He removed his pyjama bottoms. Female genitalia. He lay back in his bed, naked, wondering what to do. He had prayed for this a million times. Hoped that it could be possible for miracles to happen. And here he was. Or rather she. David's reverie was disturbed by his Mum coming back through from her bedroom. She opened the door just as David managed to hide under the covers.

"Come on. last call", she said.

David thought for minute. His Dad must have already left for the morning rolls, so it was just him and Mum at home right now. Dad was a manager for a construction company and a very traditional kind of father. Sunday lunch, happy families. His Mum was a very-open minded woman, and had all kinds of interests in science-fiction, miracles, magic and suchlike. Maybe it wouldn't be a total disaster for her. He steeled himself.

"Mum?", said David, in a voice slightly higher than his own.


"I think you'd better see something. I don't know what to do."

"Are you ill?" said his Mum, concerned.

"Not exactly", said David as he opened the bedcovers.

David's Mum's mouth opened in shock and horror. She stepped back and held onto the door frame for support. Saying nothing, she went to the lounge.

David was very upset. He'd never seen his mother so shocked. He knew he had to go to her and try to find out what was going on. He picked up his dressing gown and put it on. As an afterthought, he picked up an elastic band and tied his hair back, hoping that that this might lessen the shock. He opened his bedroom door and went to the lounge. His mother was sitting down and trying to calm down.

"Mum?" said David.

His mother stared into his face. A mother can always recognise her own child.

"It really is you isn't it David?", said his Mum, "What the hell's going on?"

"I don't know Mum, I just woke up and this had happened."

His Mum was calming down now and trying to figure things out herself. She had heard him tossing and turning during the night.

"Open your dressing gown", she said.

David did so, exposing his female body.

"Oh shit", said his Mum, "It's real all right. You look just like Nicola, only six years ago. Take that band out of your hair."

David's long golden hair fell about his shoulders.

"Well, well. You make one cute little girl, David", said his Mum, beginning to see the funny side.

David was relieved. His mother seemed to be over the worst of the shock.

"I've always wanted to be like this Mum", confessed David, "Do you think it's some kind of miracle?"

"Possibly. I can't think of anything medical that can cause this.", said his Mum. She had heard David wish he was a girl many times before, but ignored them, hoping that he would grow out of it.

"It's certainly something magical. You don't just change sex overnight by accident!". She started to laugh.

"What is it Mum?"

"Sorry, David, but I've just remembered. It was a girl I wanted when you were born. I even had a name picked too."

"What, Mum?", asked David, eagerly, "What were you going to call me?"

"Deborah Anne"

"Deborah? Debbie?", said David, "Wow."

"Yes. And I guess it suits you now, eh? Your voice is even a little higher.", she laughed again. "We're going to have to do something about his", she said, "I'm calling Doctor Gray. We'll see what he has to say. Go back to bed and I'll call him."

David went back to his bedroom and looked in the mirror again. He was a very pretty little 12-year-old girl. Exactly how he'd wished so many times. He looked up to the roof and made a silent prayer of thanks to whoever or whatever had changed him. When he got into bed, his mother came into his bedroom and sat down on his bed. She smiled nervously.

"Well, he's on his way", she said.

"What did you tell the doctor?", asked David

"Not much. Just that it was an emergency."

"It's not an emergency, Mum"

"Maybe it is, maybe not, but he'll tell us what to do."

David wondered if the doctor's heart was strong.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang and in came the doctor. David heard his mother talking to the doctor in a low voice and then heard the doctor.

"Katherine", he laughed, "Boys cannot change into girls overnight, it's completely impossible. Let's see what's going on here."

He opened the door and went into David's bedroom.

David sat in bed with the bedcovers up to his neck.

"Come on now David", said Dr Gray, "The hair's very pretty, but I don't think you should be doing this to your mother. Let's see the rest of you." He pulled the covers down and gasped.

"Er, well, let's see what's going on here!"

He examined David thoroughly and solemnly, inside and out, and stood up.

"You can put something on now", he said.

David pulled his dressing gown on and followed his mother and the doctor to the lounge.

The doctor sat down and rubbed his eyes.

"Katherine", he sighed," You have a healthy young daughter, and there is nothing wrong with her. Unfortunately, I remember her being your son up until today, and that is something I am in no position to explain."

David beamed.

"Is it permanent?", asked his mother.

"It could be. But then she may change back tomorrow; who knows. This is magic or miracles or something. I'm in no position to judge", said the doctor, "I'm going to get some rest; this has been a bit of an odd morning. See you tomorrow Katherine"

The doctor left, a little shaken.

"Well, I guess it's official", said David's Mum, "You're my daughter Debbie, for now. How we're going to deal with this I've no idea, but I guess you get the best deal, eh?"

Debbie smiled and hugged her mother.

At that moment they heard the front door open and their Dad come in with the morning rolls and papers.

Debbie looked at her mother.

"Dad!", she said, "What are we going to tell him?"

Debbie's Mum put a finger to her lips.

"Get your dressing gown on and tidy your hair. Come through when I call, OK?"

She took a breath and left the room.

Debbie got a brush and brushed out her long blonde hair, then sat nervously waiting on the edge of her bed. She then heard her Mum call her through to the lounge.

As Debbie approached the lounge door, she heard her Dad talking.

"April Fool's day was four months ago, Kathy, and this is getting a bit tiresome. Where is David?"

Debbie decided to show him. She knocked on the door and her Mum said "Come in"

As she walked through the door, her Dad's jaw made a slow but inexorable movement south. Standing in front of him was a 12-year-old girl with long golden blonde hair wearing a white towelling robe which was a little too big for her. A little smile came to Debbie's face as she sat down opposite her parents. Her Dad's eyes looked her up and down and then deep into her eyes, verifying that this was indeed his child. Her Mum held her Dad's hand supportively whilst he slowly realised the obvious.

"D-David? What the hell..?"

"I just woke up this morning and this was me, Dad"

Debbie's Dad looked at her Mum.

"It's all true, then?"

"Yes, dear", she said, smiling.

"Look, I need a minute two, David. Go to your room and wait there, OK?"

"OK Dad", said Debbie, a bit worried.

She slipped out and went to her bedroom. Turning on her TV, she heard her parents talking in the next room. She lay back on her bed and waited to see what would happen.

She didn't have to wait long. Five minutes later there was a knock at the door. Debbie rose and opened it. Her Dad stood in the doorway with eyes glistening.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course, Dad"

He entered the room and sat on the bed with Debbie.

"David.. This will take a bit of time, you understand.", he said nervously.

"No problem, Dad", said Debbie, smiling.

"So I'll try if you try. Just don't go too fast. I guess I've got another daughter then."

Debbie hugged her Dad with happiness and her Dad hugged her back.

"It's new to me too Dad, but I can't think of anything I'd rather be", she said happily.

"Your Mum said you've got the name we chose for you originally, is that right?"

"Yeah, Deborah Anne. Do you think it suits me?"

"Oh yes. You're a very pretty little girl, Deborah"

They both laughed.

"Right. Let's try to get back to a normal routine then. We'll just adapt things a little"

Typical Dad, thought Debbie, a routine can solve everything!

He left the room and Debbie collected her thoughts, but before she could, she heard another knock at the door.

God, she thought, it was like Piccadilly Circus in here this morning!

"Come in", she said.

Her mum opened the door and entered the room.

"There's a few things we need to talk about, Debbie", she said, looking nervous.

"OK. What?", said Debbie

"Firstly, your school. You're due to start tomorrow morning, but I don't know what we can do. I think the administration staff are in this weekend getting things ready for tomorrow. I'm going down to see what we can do about your name."

"Well, I'm not going as David looking like THIS, Mum", protested Debbie

"No, no, no. You can't now. That's obvious. I'll just have to convince them it's some kind of mistake. When I get back, I'm taking you to the shopping centre to get you some clothes, OK?"

"Great!", said Debbie.

"OK. Come through and get your breakfast and we'll tackle the day. Tie back your hair. We've got a lot to do. You don't half make life complicated, Davi.., er, Debbie!"

Debbie smiled and followed her mother through to the kitchen, where her father was dishing out the bacon. He looked up and smiled at Debbie, who smiled back. He seemed to be trying very hard. They all sat down and began an unusually quiet breakfast.

After they'd eaten, Dad started to clear the table and Mum got ready to go to the school.

Debbie just went back to her bedroom and turned the TV on.

Mum and Dad both left together and looked in to say goodbye. The same, silly look came across their face when they saw their new daughter lying tummy-down on her bed watching TV, smiling up at them.

"We're off now dear. Just don't go anywhere until we get back, OK?"

There wasn't a lot she COULD do until Mum got back, she thought.

They both left and Debbie ended up nodding off. She was woken by someone opening the front door.

"Hi gang! Here's your darling daughter!". It was Nicola, her sister!!

Debbie dove under the covers again, as Nicola opened her bedroom door.

"Hi creep. How's things?", she joked.

Debbie cowered under the bedcovers in terror. Her big sister was six years older and now working for an oil company, sharing a flat with a girl friend. Debbie had no idea how to tell her about this.

"OK", squeaked Debbie

"Come out, you twit, I haven't seen you for a week or two. I want to see you in your high school uniform!"

No you don't, thought Debbie.

"I'm not well, Nikki. Please just leave me alone.", said Debbie

"Where's Mum and Dad then? They wouldn't leave you alone if you were ill". Nicola spotted a bit of Debbie's hair sticking out.

"You sound funny. What are you hiding?", she said suspiciously, moving towards the bed.

"Nikki, please, leave me alone", pleaded Debbie

But it was too late. Nicola pulled the bedclothes off, and stood transfixed as she gazed upon a 12-year old girl wearing David's white bath robe.

"What the fu..?", she breathed, "Who the hell are you?? Where's David??"

"It's me, Nikki. I'M David.", said Debbie, nervously.

"EH?", said Nicola, "What are you talking about...". She froze as she stared at the cute face and saw that it really was David in there.

"David? DAVID?", she screamed, "You're a fu**ing GIRL! What's happening in this damn house??"

"I don't know Nikki. I woke up this way this morning. Mum and Dad have gone to try and sort something out"

"Let me look at you", said Nicola, still shocked.

Debbie got out of bed and let her hair fall on her shoulders. She hung her head with embarrassment.

"No.", said Nicola, "Don't do that. Lift your head, let me see you."

Debbie slowly looked up, terrified.

"my god", whispered Nicola, " you're gorgeous.". Then she remembered all the prayers and wishes David had made to be just like this. She smiled nervously.

"I guess you had your prayers answered then", she said.

"I can't think of a better explanation, can you", said Debbie and broke into a smile.

"You've got a cute smile too", laughed Nicola. She turned round dragging her hand through her long brown hair.

"Jesus, what am I saying!", she said, sitting down on Debbie's bed.

Debbie then told Nicola about the doctor and what her Mum and Dad had said. During this time, Nicola sat nervously biting her fingernail.

"Right, OK, so let me get this straight. You were my little brother David, but something turned you into a girl during the night. It's permanent as far as we can see, and you've taken the name Mum, Dad and me picked for you if you'd been born a girl, right?", she said.

"That's about the size of it, Nikki", said Debbie.

"OK. I guess I have a little sister called Debbie!", she said smiling. She held her arms out and hugged her little sister and Debbie's eyes filled with tears.

"Oh, Nikki, thanks. I thought you'd kill me or something", said Debbie

"What? I've got a sister I can hang out with now! And boy, when you get older, you're going to be a real fox!"

Debbie blushed a bit and giggled.

"I'm only 12, Nikki!"

"Yeah, but you're going to high school tomorrow! Jesus, they'll be expecting a boy!", said Nicola

"Mum's going to try and sort that out right now", said Debbie.

"Ha! That'll be right! Officials don't get that sort of thing "sorted out", said Nicola.

Just then the front door opened and in walked their mother. She looked up to see the two girls sitting on the Debbie's bed. A smile came to her lips, as she saw her daughters talking together.

"Hi Mum, look who dropped by", said Debbie

"Yeah, Mum, why didn't you tell me I had a little sister hiding somewhere!", joked Nicola.

"Oh Ha Ha!", said Mum, "Come through to the lounge, you two, I've got something to tell you."

"Sounds ominous!", whispered Nicola to her sister.

They went through and sat down while their mother took her coat off.

"OK, girls, It's like this. I went to the school to change your records, Deborah, and they have no record of a boy called David Taylor, and my daughter, Deborah is scheduled to start school tomorrow."

"Great Mum, was it easy?"

"That's the point darling", she continued, "I didn't have to change anything! It was all there in black in white!!". Their Mum left the room and got the cardboard box containing all the personal papers for the family. Birth certificates, marriage license, Premium Bonds, that sort of thing.

"What's going on Mum", asked Nicola, puzzled.

"We may just find out right here", said Mum, as she rifled through the box. She pulled out a few pieces of paper and her face drained when she read them.

"Mum, MUM! What's wrong?", said Debbie, getting worried.

"Look for yourself", she said, passing Debbie the papers.

Debbie held her birth certificate, her Bonds and her old school reports. They were all in the name of Deborah Anne Taylor.

"I'll say one thing, kids", said their mother," Whoever or whatever did this is VERY thorough!". She smiled, realising that her daughter was now for real. officially! She was going to miss her son, although she hadn't seen him so happy for ages. If this was how things were meant to turn out, then she would learn to adjust. She thought with a wry smile that this wish-granter could at least have given her some decent clothes!! This thought spurred her into action. She stood up and spoke to her girls, who were still amazed at the names on the papers.

"Nicola, Debbie, we can see what's happened here now. I think we've got to get on top of this. Debbie's got school tomorrow and she's got nothing to wear. I think it's time we went uptown and sorted that out, yeah?"

"Count me out, Mum", said Nicola, "I'm on my way to Chrissie's house. But I'll drop by later."

"OK, darling", said Mum.

"Bye Mum. Bye Debbie", said Nicola with a teasing smile.

"Bye Nikki", said Debbie, smiling.

As Nicola left, Mum took Debbie by the hand and took her to her bedroom.

"Right, get out a pair of jeans, trainers and a plain white T- shirt. At least you'll be OK in those.", she said. Debbie quickly washed and changed into her clothes, noticing that they didn't fit quite as well as before. She was just brushing her hair again when her Mum appeared at the door.

"Come on David.", she paused, "Debbie, Debbie, Debbie", she whispered to herself. "Sorry Debbie, it'll take time. Ready?"

"That's OK, Mum", said Debbie, "I'm not expecting miracles"

"Yes you bloody are!", she laughed," But one per day quite enough!"

They both left the house laughing, and headed into town to wear out Mrs Taylor's credit cards.

Part Two

It was already 3pm on a Sunday afternoon and so they only had a couple of hours to get Debbie her new stuff. Her Mum took her to Debenhams, one of the better department stores for her school stuff. The only thing that she would be able to keep was the tie! She would need a girl's blazer, a couple of navy skirts, a few blouses, socks, tights, and a mound of underwear. Her sports kit had to be replaced too. White tops and shorts, hockey and tennis skirts, swimming costume in the school colours, not forgetting shoes and a coat or two. The till just kept ringing.

"Last minute, eh?" said the shop assistant, taking Mrs Taylor's store card.

"Kind of", said Debbie's Mum," My daughter has just changed schools and I forgot to replace her uniform!"

Debbie just smiled.

4pm. Next stop Etam and Dorothy Perkins. A variety of stuff was bought. Jumpers, leggings, skirts, and even a dress or two. Debbie's Mum would suggest something and Debbie would just say yes or no. Debbie thought her Mum probably knew better. The shop girls thought this was very funny. Must be her birthday or something! If only they knew!

5pm.Closing time. Debbie was struggling with carrier bags, as was her mother. They made it to the car and sat inside, shattered.

"Well, let's hope we didn't forget anything!", said her Mum.

"Really, Mum, I don't think so!"

"Let's get home for tea. We can sort this lot out later", said her Mum, starting the car.

When they got home, Debbie's Dad was in, and helped them in with their baggage. Debbie noticed that her father was trying not to stare her directly in the face. He was still finding it hard to come to terms with. Inwardly, she sympathised with both her parents. She had been so wrapped up in the wonder of it all and how happy she was that she hadn't really thought about their feelings that much. She was adapting quite well, but her parents were having to very quickly accept another daughter in place of a son. Dad must be feeling it the most, she thought. He didn't have a little boy anymore. Her Mum was coping by taking everything at face value and doing what she did best, shopping! Debbie was determined to show them that she loved them both just as much, if not more than before.

Dad went back into the lounge and Debbie and her Mum went into her bedroom to start sorting things out.

"Right, don't touch those bags yet! I'm going to get some boxes from the shed", she said, "Start pulling your boys clothes out, but you can keep your T-shirts and things like that."

Debbie cleared her bed and pulled what little clothes she had out of her wardrobe and onto the bed. She then opened her chest of drawers and pulled out her jumpers, shirts and underwear. Her Mum appeared at the door carrying four or five boxes.

"Right, pack them neatly", she said, "Shirts, this box, trousers this one"

Yep, thought Debbie, Mum's way of dealing with it was to accept everything unquestionably. She now had a young daughter to look after, and these boys things were just in the way.

After almost an hour, all her old clothes had been neatly packed , leaving big gaps ready for her new things.

"OK, Debbie", said her mother, "We're going to put these boxes out in the shed. If this is all temporary and things go back to normal, you'll still have them"

Debbie frowned. What did her mother know about normal?

They piled the five boxes up in the shed and closed the door.

"Right", said her Mum, "Time for fun!"

They went back into the house and started opening the bags. First was her school stuff. Debbie and her Mum started taking off labels and Debbie tried everything on to make sure it fitted. After trying them on, she hung them up carefully. As she went along, her Mum kept her right about what went with what, and what underwear she would need for a particular outfit. The casual clothes came next, and they were more fun. Little mini-skirts, court shoes, and even a cute dress; it was all bit much for Debbie. This was dress-ups plus! But it wasn't really like that, because it was just making sure they fitted.

It was almost 7pm and everything had been checked, tried on and hung up or folded away. Debbie was standing naked, wearing just her white bath robe. Her last boys clothes lay at her feet.

"OK, darling," said her Mum, "Now put your uniform on properly and let me see you." She left for the lounge and left Debbie to get on with it.

Debbie scratched her head and remembering what her Mum had told her, looked out what she needed. She picked a pair of white cotton panties and training bra and put them on, enjoying the new feelings they produced. Next came her white cotton blouse. She picked out a pair of white socks and put them on. Then it was the biggie. The school skirt she'd dreamed of wearing so many times. She picked up the lined navy knee-length skirt and slipped it on. So what? , she thought, it's only what I should be wearing! After tying her school tie she put her blazer and shoes on and tied her hair back with a hair band into a ponytail. She opened her wardrobe door and braced herself.

There she was. Debbie Taylor, schoolgirl. She sat down on the bed, momentarily overjoyed, but a realisation came over her that this was HERSELF, not a dream, or dressing up or anything. This was how she would be from now on. She calmed down and stood again. This time all she did was check her appearance and nodded to her reflection. She had achieved her dream, now it was time to get back to a normal life.

She walked through to her parents in the lounge and stood in front of them.

"Well, what do you think?", she said, doing a little twirl.

Her Dad sat forward, jaw agape again, whilst her Mum covered her mouth with her hand and drew a little breath.

"Well say something!", said Debbie

They simultaneously rose and went to their new daughter and the three hugged. Debbie and her Mum had tears streaming down their faces, but her Dad, she noticed, just looked very, very proud! After a minute or two they pulled themselves together and sat down.

"Davi.. I mean Debbie", corrected her Dad, "I think I understand now. All I can say is. I love you very much and we'll do our best to get used to this, OK?"

"Sure Dad!", beamed Debbie

"Sweetheart, you look amazing. I hope you'll cope at school tomorrow", said her Mum

"I think I will. After all, it's new to ALL of us!" "I suppose so", smiled her Mum, "Go get changed now and hang your uniform up, it's nearly bathtime."


Debbie went towards her bedroom and almost got bowled over by Nicola, who came in the front door.

"Debbie!!! My God, look at you!!", she yelled

"OK, Nikki", said Debbie, embarrassed, "Don't yell the place down!"

"Shit! You look better than I did. Not fair!!"

"I'm taking it off now, so get your last look", said Debbie, doing another little twirl.

"Get out of here!", laughed Nicola, "I'll talk to you in a minute!". She went through to the lounge.

Debbie took off her clothes and hung them up carefully. She put her bath robe on and brushed her hair again. She went through to her Mum and Dad's bedroom to get clean towels and when she got back, Nicola was sitting on her bed, looking at the sales receipts.

"Jesus! Mum spent THIS much on you?", she said.

"I think it was half necessity and half exuberance!", said Debbie

"Well, anyway, I got you this", said Nicola, taking a small jewel case out of her bag.

Debbie took the box and opened it. It was a long gold chain with a gold letter "D" on the end.

"Wow, Nikki, thanks", said Debbie

Nicola leaned over and squeezed Debbie's hand.

"I wanted to get you something. It's not everyday you get a little sister to spoil!"

"This means a lot, Nikki, thanks", said Debbie. She meant it.

"Just you take it easy at school tomorrow. Don't break any hearts! Let me know how you got on, OK?", said Nicola, smiling.

"OK Nikki. Bye"

"Bye. sis!"

They giggled as Nicola left.

It was weird. Nicola was always distant to her little brother, but since this morning she'd been acting like they were really close!

She grabbed her towels and went through to the bathroom, passing her mum and dad, who gave her a little smile as she passed, but didn't fuss. Debbie was glad. Too much attention today, definitely. She ran the bath and stripped off, locking the bathroom door.

Before she got into the bath, she stopped. She then realised that she hadn't really looked "down there" very closely yet! She sat on the thick bathroom carpet and bent over. She couldn't see much and so she got a hand mirror. Wow, she thought, so that's what it looks like! She'd grown a little hair, but not enough to cover her view. She wondered what was inside, but decided against doing that until she'd spoken to someone about it. She got into the bath and felt the warm water soothe her skin. She let out a long, relaxing breath as she finally settled into her new body.

After her bath, she returned to her bedroom and dried off. Her hair took forever to blow dry, she thought! Just then her Mum came to her bedroom door and knocked. Debbie picked up her robe, covered herself quickly and said "Come in"

Her Mum smiled as she came in.

"Hi darling. How are you getting on?"

"Oh, fine I think." said Debbie, "I'll get used to it."

"We've never had to talk about girl's things before, Debbie, but if you have anything you want to ask, don't be afraid. I am a nurse you know!"

"I will, Mum.", said Debbie, "But I think I know some of it"

"OK. I've got a little surprise"

Debbie didn't know if she could take much more surprises!

From behind her back, Debbie's Mum brought round a bag she'd bought that afternoon, but had kept to herself, until now. Debbie took it nervously, and opened it, and took her present out. It was three, count them, THREE, white satin nighties, which had little shoulder straps and came down to just above the knee.

"Oh Mum", said Debbie, "They're just gorgeous!"

"Well, you couldn't really wear those old blue pyjamas, now could you!"

"Yes I could", said Debbie, "But these will be much better", she smiled.

Debbie dropped her robe and pulled one on.

"Perfect!", said her Mum, "Right, into bed, it's 10pm, you've got big day tomorrow. In more ways than one!"

Debbie hung up her robe and slipped into bed. Slipped was right! The silky material made her slide almost out the other side, but gosh, did it feel good! Her mum sat on the bed.

"Thanks for this, Mum! Do you think we'll adjust to all this?"

"I think we came a long way today, don't you think?", she said.

"But you know I've always wished for this, don't you?"

"Yes, even though I tried not to hear. Maybe you wished one time too many!"

"Or enough times to make it stick, eh?"

"Yeah!", she laughed, "and now I've got another daughter!!". Debbie's Mum stroked her daughter's cheek. "You're still my baby, no matter what you look like. I guess we just have to try and forget David"

"No, Mum, don't.", said Debbie, "David is still a big part of me. I have his memories. The good times, the bad times. You can't take that away. We just have to think to the future, that's all"

Her mother looked down at her daughter. She looked so young and vulnerable, but there was a strong mind and a strong intelligence burning within. She had to agree. The future for this girl looked rosy indeed. David had always been bright, but his isolation and moods had worried her and her husband for years. She had even wondered if he would turn out to be gay, because she would hear him talking to himself sometimes at night, wishing he were a girl. She felt powerless then. But now look at her! Since this morning she practically glowed with health.

"Mum?", said Debbie

"Sorry, darling, just thinking!". She leaned over and kissed Debbie's head, brushing her hair back. At that moment, her Dad came through.

"Are you going to get some sleep, Debbie?", he smiled.

Debbie! she thought. He's coming round!

"Just about to Dad", she said smiling.

"OK, well, see you in the morning.". There was a pause. "I do love you, Debbie.", he said, and smiled. He left for the lounge.

"See", said her Mum, "It's happening!"

"Night Mum", said Debbie

"Night, dear. See you in the morning"

Her Mum turned the light off and closed the door.

As Debbie settled down into her bed, she thought about her day, and how the next would be. She realised she was terrified.

"7'o'clock, sweetheart", said her Mum.

Debbie's eyes opened slowly. She could smell hot toast. Oh God, school!, she thought. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in", said Debbie

Her bedroom door opened and her Mum came in and turned the light on.

"Come on, sleepy, first day of term!"

Debbie was afraid to move in case the previous day had been a dream.

"Are you going to move, or what, Debbie?", said her mother.

Debbie sat up and smiled. It was no dream!

She got up, washed, and dressed quickly and joined her parents for breakfast. The cereal and juice woke her up fully and she planned out her day in her head. Although she pretended not to notice, her Mum and Dad had been sneaking little glances at her. It must be odd to share breakfast with a little blonde schoolgirl!

"Are you going to be OK, Debbie?", asked her Dad, "Do you want a lift to school?"

"Yes, I'll be OK, Dad, and no, I want to walk"

"Are you sure, dear?", asked her Mum


Debbie finished breakfast and looked at the time; 8.00am. She put her blazer on, grabbed her schoolbag and went to her parents. She gave them both a little kiss on the cheek and left for school.

It was about a mile to school and Debbie decided she needed it all to get her head together. Her skirt made the walk feel very different, and her ponytail tugged on her head as she walked. She was glad that she wouldn't have to see the people from her old school. This would be too much for any of them, if they even recognised her. But she'd never been a girl before yesterday. She had no idea if they did anything different in gym, or swimming or other stuff. She shook her head. Of course there would be differences, but she was as new to this school as the other girls... it would all pan out.

The school lay ahead, and the closer she got, the greater the number of pupils heading for it. Her heart started to beat faster. Some of the pupils seemed much older! She was used to being in primary 7, where they were the oldest kids in school. Now she was the baby again! She entered the large iron gates and walked up the driveway to the school. There large green areas to left and right and a large statue of someone famous stood in front of the school. There seemed to be about five doors! Thankfully, most people seemed to be heading for the larger of the five, and so she followed. At last, she entered the school. What a noise! What seemed like hundreds of kids were going in all directions. She saw a big sign on the wall; "1st Year New Pupils to Assembly Hall", and a big arrow pointing the way. As she made her way down the corridor, she became aware of some of the 1st year boys looking at her with admiration. She couldn't help blushing. Debbie entered the assembly hall which looked like a small theatre and saw some signs on the wall. The boys were to sit at one side, the girls on the other. Debbie did as she was told and sat down about four rows back. The hall filled up very quickly and soon there was little space left. A couple of girls sat down beside her and said "Hi". Debbie went kind of shy and said "Hi" back. Before the headmaster came in, they had introduced themselves as Karen Stewart and Sandra Turner. They seemed very nice, and had come from Union Road Primary, one of the better schools. Soon they were chatting away about this and that. It was obvious that they were all glad to have found friendly people so quick.

It was 9am. The school bell rang, and the headmaster entered the hall and went onto the stage. He launched into a typical speech about "tradition" and "standards" before announcing that our classes would be made up by calling our names and then going to a classroom with our class teacher. He started calling names and Debbie waited. For one horrible minute she wondered what she would do if the headmaster called out David's name! He started with class 1, obviously, announcing names alphabetically. Debbie and her new friends waited. He had reached class 3 and then he announced Karen Stewart's name. He then called out "Deborah Anne Taylor". Debbie's heart leaped to hear her new name again and she went to the front to join the others. The last girl's name was Sandra Turner. Debbie was pleased that the three of them were going to the same class.

The class was led down a corridor by their class teacher to one of the French classrooms, where they were told to choose their own seats. Quickly, Debbie, Karen and Sandra grabbed three seats together at the back. Debbie noticed the attention she received from both the boys and the girls. Well, she thought, she was one of the prettiest, no doubt. If she played this right, she would be a very popular girl!

Once they had all sat down, they were given their homework notebooks and timetables, and given little tasks, such as writing up their timetables by colour and filling out little forms. Debbie only once almost wrote David, but caught herself after the first letter, luckily! After that they were taken for a tour round the school. It was soon breaktime and the girls made their way to the school cloakrooms, where they could sit with the other girls and talk about their morning. She was really enjoying it, and almost forgot all about her drama of the last two days. She was just a normal, happy little girl. Some of the other girls came over and said "Hi". Debbie wasn't daft. They were trying to get in good with the pretty girls! Some were shallow and irritating, but she made a few more friends along the way. Before long it was time to go back and the three friends went to their next class, English. Debbie loved English. It never seemed like work. The teacher, Mrs Watson, had been at the school for a while and was one of the more popular teachers. She was about the same age as her Mum. She took a note of everyone's name and address and where they were sitting. At Debbie's name, she looked up.

"Deborah Taylor? Where are you?", she asked.

"Here", said Debbie, raising her hand.

"Hmmm, not related to a Nicola Taylor are you?"

"Yes, she's my sister", said Debbie, slightly worried.

"Oh, of course, I should have seen it!", she said, smiling, "You look very similar, apart from the hair colour, that is. I taught her A Level year. Very good student. I hope you'll be as good, Miss Taylor?"

"I'll try", said Debbie, smiling.

"You never said your sister came here too, Deb!", whispered Karen

"Yeah, but you don't shout about it!", said Debbie, "There may be some teachers here that didn't like Nikki so much!"

"Nikki and Debbie!", groaned Sandra, "Sounds like a pair of game show hostesses!"

The girls giggled.

English went by quick. The lessons weren't due to start properly until the next day. This was more like a get-to- know-you day. Maths came next. Debbie hated Maths. It was a long 40 minutes.

Lunchtime came at last, and because her parents worked, Debbie took school meals. The other girls went home for lunch and so they agreed to meet up in the playground at 1.30pm. She took her place in the queue and waited. Suddenly her heart froze as a familiar figure approached. It was Chris Smith! A guy from her old school. He was an OK guy, but she was terrified he'd recognise her! He stood beside her in the queue and waited. Debbie felt her legs going.

"Are you OK?", said Chris.

"Er. I'm just a bit tired, that's all", blurted out Debbie.

"Oh, OK. My name's Christopher Smith, Chris for short. What's yours?"

Oh God!, thought Debbie, now he's trying to chat me up! Suddenly a calm came over her. Why not?, she thought, let's see what happens.

"I'm Deborah Taylor. Debbie for short!"

"OK Debbie, nice to meet you.", he paused, "You're not related to a David Taylor are you? He was a guy at my primary school. You look a bit like him"

Debbie's heart did a leapfrog. She swallowed, and said the first thing that came into her head.

"He's my cousin actually, but he moved to Wales in the summer."

"Yeah? That's cool"

He seemed to have taken that explanation OK. He was being quite nice actually.

"How did you know David?", she asked, getting a bit more confident.

"Oh, not much. Just to see in the corridor. Kept himself to himself mostly. Bit of a swot."

Debbie grinned.

"Sounds like David.", she said.

"I'm in I/1, what class are you in?"


"I saw you with your friends earlier. Are they around?"

"No, they go home for lunch"

"Oh, right. Do you want to sit together then? I could use a little company!"

Debbie paused. Chris fancied her! No question. It was a weird feeling, but she was in control. He was friendly enough. "OK!"


She looked Chris over using her girl's eyes this time. He was a little taller, with medium brown hair and brown eyes. He had a nice smile.

Meanwhile, Chris was looking Debbie over again. He'd seen her enter the assembly hall that morning and she'd taken his eyes instantly. She seemed shy but excited. She was very pretty, with her little blonde ponytail and blue eyes. Her smile blew him away.

Suddenly it was their turn in the meal queue. Debbie went first. Well, she thought, what did you expect? Cordon Bleu? She grabbed something with plenty of chips and sat down in the hall. Chris joined her a couple of minutes later.

"I think hospitals have better food!", he said.

"I guess so", giggled Debbie.

They talked through lunch and Debbie found herself liking Chris. He was funny and warm, and obviously fancied her rotten. When they finished they walked out into the warm summer air.

"Well, Chris, thanks for the company!", said Debbie

"Where are you going?"

"I'm meeting my friends in five minutes"

"OK, see you tomorrow?"

"We'll see", she said as she ran towards the back gates.

Chris smiled to himself. She liked him.

Debbie went to the phone box behind the school and called the doctor's surgery where her Mum worked.

"Nurse's Office?", said the voice

"Mum, it's me"

"Nicola? Oh, sorry Deborah!!", said her Mum forgetting for a moment.

"Just calling to say everything's going OK!"

"Good! I'm a bit busy right now, dear, but I'll get all your stories when I get home OK?"

"OK Mum, Bye."

Someone knocked at the phone box window. It was Karen and Sandra.

"Hi girls" said Debbie, leaving the box

"How was lunch Deb?", said Karen

"Er.. Interesting!", said Debbie, shyly.

Part Three

As Debbie and her two new friends walked back to the school buildings, she told them about Chris.

"I saw him earlier!", said Sandra, excitedly, "He looks cool."

"It was just lunch", said Debbie, brushing it off.

"First lunch, then dinner, then...!", laughed Karen.

As they walked, Debbie noticed how people looked at her. She felt as if she was being stared at by a hundred eyes. The other girls seemed to smile and say hello, but the boys either grinned inanely, or just went red and looked downwards. A couple of other first year girls came towards the three others.

"Hi. You must be Debbie!", said one of the girls, "I'm Laura, and this is Angela."

Laura and Angela were a couple of the girls who had spoken to her at breaktime. They seemed friendly enough if a little keen, and Debbie soon realised she was collecting a proper little entourage around her. It was always Debbie they spoke to first.

"Yeah, hi!", said Debbie, "this is Sandra and Karen. What primary did you come from?"


Wow, thought Debbie, the posh one!

"Cool! Karen and Sandra are from Union Road and I'm from Castle Hill."

"Oh, great!", said Angela, "Well, we society girls must stick together!", she joked

Just then the 2pm bell rang and the girls said their goodbyes. And made their way to their next class; double Science! They walked quickly to the lab, which smelled of various odd things; gas, chemicals. Debbie wrinkled her nose as she took her seat on the high stools at the benches. Sandra and Karen sat either side of her.

The science teacher, Mr Gordon, was quite young. He explained what the subject would entail and what the various strange items scattered around the lab were. Time seemed to drag. These double periods would not be much fun. She couldn't wait to get to her last class of the day, Home Economics!. She had never done this before, obviously, and was keen to find out what happened. She noticed that the boys had gone to the Technical classes down the block and now there was only the girls in the class. How old-fashioned, she thought. Her teacher did the usual thing, by taking names and seat places and then skimmed through her records. She seemed to have a problem finding something on her desk.

"Deborah Taylor?", she called

Debbie put her hand up.

"I can't find your Home Ec. Records", said the teacher. Debbie's heart leaped.

"I take it you've done cooking and needlework at primary school?"

"Y-yes, Mrs Davies"

"Hmm. odd.. Oh well, we'll just muddle on. I prefer to see what level the girls have reached, but I'll assess you as we go along, OK?"

Debbie let out a breath. Her wish-giver had forgotten a couple of things! She was thankful that she was a fairly good cook, and that her Mum had indulged her interest in trying sewing. Hopefully she would not be too out of place. As it happened, things were very much step-by-step and so little could go wrong, although Debbie noticed with some amusement that a couple of girls seemed totally inept at even frying an egg!

At last the 4pm school bell rang. Freedom! It had been a VERY interesting day. The school seemed much more fun that her old one, and she had forged quite a number of friendships in her first day. She would have to get used to being one of the popular girls, and a leader at that!

Karen and Sandra lived in the opposite direction to Debbie, and so said goodbye to her friends and walked home with Laura and Angela. They only lived a few streets away. As they left the school, Debbie saw Chris across the playground and he waved at her and smiled. Debbie blushed and gave a little wave back.

Laura and Angela giggled.

"God, Debbie", laughed Laura, "It's only the first day, and you've already got a boyfriend! Not that we're surprised."

"He's not a boyfriend; we just talked at lunchtime, that's all!"

"Oh come on", said Angela, "You must've seen the way the older guys were looking at you..."

"N-no. What do you mean?"

"Debbie, look in a mirror. You're the first year fox!"

Debbie really went red this time. She thought she looked nice, but hadn't thought she was THAT attractive. She'd only had 2 days to get used to herself, as she looked now! Maybe it explained the attention she was getting. She actually thought Laura looked nicer, and said so.

"Well, thanks, but I'm not", said Laura.

"You'll have to use what you've got carefully, Debbie", said Angela, "This isn't primary school anymore. The guys here are older. Some are even 18! You come across as really na‹ve! You've got to get a bit more control"

"Yeah, I guess so.", said Debbie, "Tell you what! You girls keep me right, eh? If I'm going to make a fool of myself, stop me!"

"Deal!", they both said.

"And in return I'll give you both my cast-offs!", laughed Debbie

The three girls laughed as they walked the mile or so home.

Laura and Angela split off as they approached Debbie's road and Debbie walked towards her house with a spring in her step. She unlocked her front door and went to her bedroom. She was home first, as usual and took off the bag and blazer and lay down on her bed. On impulse, she got up, opened her wardrobe door and looked in the mirror. She had to admit it, she was beautiful. Maybe the shocked look that was on her face for most of the preceding day had muddied her view previously, but as she stood now, in her uniform, with her ponytail, and a serene expression on her face, she realised that her friends were right. No wonder she was getting so much attention. The girls wanted to be her friend and the boys. well the boys wanted what the boys always wanted! This would probably be the hardest thing to cope with. Popularity was not something she'd had to cope with before! She was glad she'd met the four other girls. They were all good fun, and seemed to like her too. They'd look after her, and she'd do likewise. She lay down on the bed again and turned TV on. It wasn't long before she dropped off.

She was woken up an hour later by her Mum coming home from work. She poked her head into Debbie's room to see her lying on the bed. "Hi, darling", she said, "Come on then, I'm sure you've got loads to tell me!", and she went to the lounge.

Debbie followed and told about all her classes and the friends she'd made. She paused at the end and then told her mother about how popular she seemed to be, how she met Chris and the attention she was getting.

"Well, Debbie," said her Mum, "You're right to be concerned. Nicola was a popular girl too, but you've got the kind of looks that the guys aren't going to be able to resist."

"Well I'm going to resist, Mum!", said Debbie indignantly

"Good girl, Deb, but you might not get the choice."

"How do you mean"

"It's all very well being popular, and I'm happy for you, but remember that these guys are stronger than you, and teenagers can get very... passionate!"

"I know, Mum. Today was a shock, but I think I can handle it from now on. I'll just be careful, that's all"

"You do that. Now get ready for your tea!"

Debbie went back to her bedroom and changed out of her uniform and into a baggy T-shirt and jeans.

The evening passed uneventfully but as Debbie was getting into bed that night, she giggled to herself as she thought about her day. Her? Popular? Fanciable? She closed her eyes and made a silent "Thank you" to her unknown benefactor and fell fast asleep.

During the subsequent years , she excelled at her classes, made lots of friends and had the odd fling with a boyfriend or two. At school, she was the one every guy wanted to date. She was the centre of a group of well-to-do friends who the other girls looked up to.

July 1982

Debbie shook her head. Her Mum looked concerned.

"Are you OK, Debbie?" she asked

"Yeah, Mum. I just need a minute or two, OK. It's a bit of a shock."

She got up and went back to her bedroom. The memories had flooded back very vividly. She had forgotten so much! She gazed around her little boxroom, remembering how it had looked before. The soft pinks and floral patterns; so different to how it had been. She opened her wardrobe and looked in her full length mirror. Yep, she was still cute, but she now had the body of a woman. She wore a short white summer dress and sandals, her long blonde hair was styled with tongs now, and she had grown to a healthy 5' 6", the same as her older sister, Nicola, who although pretty, couldn't hold a candle to her little sister. With some difficulty, she tried to remember how she had looked before the change. She couldn't. Debbie turned to her photo album. Right at the front was the photo of a little boy on holiday. He was about 12, and although he looked fairly happy, the eyes betrayed something deep inside. Debbie's eyes filled with tears. She felt close to the boy, but yet so very far away. She turned to the last page of the album. A photo of herself and her boyfriend Mark, sitting outside on the grass last summer, holding hands, and very much in love. Debbie smiled. Five years separated these photos, and yet they were a lifetime apart. She closed the album and put it away again. She wiped her eyes carefully, checked herself in the mirror and walked back to the lounge.

"OK now, dear?" asked her Mum

"Yeah, don't worry Mum."

"OK, well I'm sure you want to talk to your friends, so off you go"

"Bye Mum. I love you", said Debbie giving her Mum and then her Dad a hug.

As she closed the front door, her boyfriend Mark turned to her.

"What about me?", he said, smiling

Debbie smiled, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He responded.

They walked down the road hand in hand and talked about the future; their future.


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