New X Men

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Oct 8, 2016


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Chapter 4 Surge

In the four months the children have been with me I feel they have grown tremendously mentally as well as physically. I've been doing my best home schooling them, teaching them what my mother taught to me growing up. They all are quite smart They just absorbed everything like little sponges. When it comes to their abilities that's a different story, I've been doing the best I can helping them gain more control over each of their powers but it's hard when my powers are so different. Jax really didn't need any help with his ability he pretty much had the hang of it, so I've just been helping him get quicker and stronger by teaching him a little bit of the free running I had picked up in the streets. Jess is a natural she's awlays discovering new tricks with light almost everyday. Once she made all of this light come flashing though the whole apartment it was like we were in a strobe light. Ericka had the hardest time controling her ability, she could start the fires but after that she didn't know what to do. Now Ericka is almost able to completely extinguish the fires she creates. Emma is the one that we have seen the most change in, her ability is advancing rather quickly with out much work. We all know it has to be something to do with the J1 that they injected her with when they experimented on her. It enhanced her powers but had a side effect, it gave her this very beautiful soft crystal pink colored vertical eye on her forehead in between her normal green hazel eyes. That eye only seems to open when she's using her ability, it's like it gives her an extra boost of power. The down side is ever since Emma developed her third eye every night that she has had a nightmare she accidentally projects it in to all of our minds, most of the time it's only just flashes or fragments of her dreams but they are still horrifying. Tonight was different it wasn't just flashes or fragments ' I was strapped to a table I couldn't move, I saw a doctor with his face cover walk over to me and looked me in my eyes with this sick twisted look on his face "don't worry sweet pea this will only hurt a lot." he said sadisticly he laughed as he injected me with this big syringe full of this pink bubbling liquid. Instantly I felt like my body was on fire sharp pains shot though out my entire body. It started to get worse and worse untill all I wanted to do was scream and cry in pain, a tear escaped my eye as I tried not to scream. I wanted beg for it to stop but I knew it wouldn't, I felt the pain in my body start to move up as it all built up in my head. I screamed loud as I felt like my head was going to explode, I swear it felt as if my forehead crack open then there was nothing just black and screaming'. I shot out of bed groaning feeling as if my head was going to explode, I can still hearing Emma screaming in terror loudly in my head. It was so loud it was almost crippling, it made me very disoriented throwing every thing off. I clumsily made it out of my room and down the hall to Emma's room holding my head trying to concentrate on getting to her. When I make it inside it was like I was in the dream again I could see the doctor in the room laughing as he wrote some notes on his clip board as Emma is convulsing on the table with her eyes closed. I ran to Emma and I noticed her third eye was open, so shook her tring to wake her up but she wouldn't open her eyes "Emma wake up!!" I screamed and shook her harder still with no reposnse. Her screaming in my head started to become unbareable, "Em" I yelled again as I feel to the floor holding my head "aaagh". Em, please wake up your hurting me. I need you to calm down I sent to emma. The screaming started to soften and then finally stopped. I felt the pressure in my head slowly start to leave as Emma sat up in bed, she rubbed her eyes and yawned as she turned her head towards me. Mace? What are you doing on the floor in my room? Did I wake you up again? she sent me as she looked so sad. She never seems to remember any of her nightmares. I got up off the floor and looked her in her sweet innocent greenish hazel eyes. "Well wh-" I was interrupted by Jax Jess and Erika rushing into the room, she mush have woken them up as well. "Dang my head hurts. What the heck was that?" Jax yelled as they entered the room "Me too that and that was really scary, I don't want to ever do that again." Ericka said as she started to cry. I picked Ericka up into a big hug and looked around the room to the kids. "Relax every one it's ok, Em just had another nightmare." I calmly said as I put Ericka back down and wiped her tears away. "Mason that wasn't like any nightmare she's had before, it was like I was in it." Jess said as she rubbed her head and looked at Emma. "I know it was the same for me. it's just her powers getting stronger, we will have to figure some way of helping you control this is that ok Em?" I said looking at Emma and she shook her head in agreement. After marking sure every one was ok I told every one to go lay back down and finish getting some rest, that ended with all four kids cuddled up in my bed. The next morning I was the first to wake up so I decided to go out and see if I could find us something good for breakfast. I was on my way down my usual route though the allys, I just made it out of the abandoned neighborhood When I over heard a conversation of two women in a near by apartment window as I walked by it caught my attention. "Can you believe it, they are saying that it was a mutan attack last night." said an elderly woman I slowly crept over to the window to hear them better. "grandmom I wouldn't call a couple people waking up with a head ache, and the same dream a mutan attack." a younger women repiled. I sat there for a minute and then it set in 'they are talking about what happened with Em last night.' this time her nightmare was projected almost two blocks, I turned and ran back to the apartment building this could be bad.

( professor X pov)

He woke up from this terrible dream of being strapped to a table and being injected with simwthing. All he could feel was pain his head hurt so bad. He had to take a minute to calm him self down, He just knew it was a mutant. Jean, logan, and Scott please report to cerebro. he sent and with that the professor got into his chair and headed to cerebro, once he was inside he activated the machine and started to look for a specific mutan signature. Just as The Professor came out of cerebro everyone was just getting there. "What's going on professor?" Jean asked a little panicked. "I was awoken by a terrible dream from a powerful teleapath. We need to find her she may be in trouble." he explained calmly. "Suit up your going to Los Angeles."

Next: Chapter 6

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