Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jun 27, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Guys I'm going to have to tell y'all that this is one of my emotional chapters. I mean this is going to be another journey for Chris Evans and I just thought I would like to add something emotional to the story. There won't be any sex in it for 2 more chapters so if you want you can skip to 13 though its not posted yet.

My life was going okay but this story I'm about to share was one thing that changed me for good. This one day Uncle Henry came in and was asking for our help. He said that he was about to make a drug bust on this guy that was dangerous and he was hoping that one of us could accompany him to make sure he was gonna be okay. We all told him that we weren't suppose to expose our magic to other people. He then said he didn't want us to expose our magic he just wanted us to be there so we could protect him from the guy because he was dangerous. So Chris said he was busy because him and Peter were going out on a date and Wyatt said he had to take a PSAT test so that left me and I really didn't mind going with him it was just that I was putting myself in danger too and I had to be real careful because of all the Charmed stuff that had to happen. The FBI agents surrounded this house and kept saying be careful to each other and then they all busted in with guns. Henry and I wasted no time looking for the boss of the operation. We saw him running outside so Henry and I followed him. Turned out his name was Joseph Smith and he was old and heavy set. When we finally caught up to him we saw he had a lady for a hostage. The guy yelled at us to back up or else she would die as he pointed his gun on top of her head and proceeded to the car and threw her in and he drove off and a couple of police went after him I would have orbed the gun to me but I didn't want to expose magic. Uncle Henry and I went back into the house and we saw many cops uncovering all the drugs that were in there, but he asked me to come up with him to the stairs. We both proceeded up the stairs searching each room to make sure everything was okay. Me and Uncle Henry separated and went different ways of the house and I could feel something was wrong. I came to this closet that had a bad smell. It was locked but I knew something bad was in there. So I decided to blow the lock off with an energy ball and I made sure no one was looking to see that I was using magic. I then opened the door and it was filled with old food and rats and roaches and as I started looking around I saw a little boy lying there scared. He was dirty and he had a picture in his hand and he was no more than 7 years old.

"Uncle Henry!," I yelled calling for him. He came quickly and saw the boy and he said he was going to get an ambulance. I couldn't let the kid just lay there until the paramedics came so I went in the closet and told him it was okay. I could see that he was scared but I told him he could trust me and that I was only here to help him. He grabbed my hand and I lifted him up and carried him out of there. I had to let him go and let the hospital handle it from there. I felt like I couldn't leave that boy so I just had to go visit him in the hospital. When I got there I explained everything to the nurse and who I was looking for.

"Yes sir I must tell you something about him, he has AIDS and well he won't talk to anyone, all he does is hold onto that picture" The nurse said.

"Is there anything you guys can do for him," I asked

"No his condition is too advanced so there's nothing we can do," she said. "I'm assuming he contracted it from one of his parents and we can't find them," she explained.

I just went into his room he was all cleaned up now and was just laying there with that same picture still in his hands. "Hey sport," I said , "Whats up," I asked. He just laid there and didn't say anything. "Can I see that picture you're holding," I asked and he handed me the picture. He was in it and so was that lady I saw the man take hostage. "Is this your mother," I said pointing to the lady in the picture, he nodded. "She's beautiful,you have her eyes and nose" I said handing him back the picture. "So whats your name," I asked. He didn't answer. "I tell you what I'm good at guessing names so let me guess your name is it Justin," I asked. He shook his head.

"Its Trevor," he answered. I was surprised to hear him say that I mean those were his first words since he was in the hospital.

"Well Trevor nice to meet you I'm Chris Evans," I said holding out my hand and he shook it. "So let me try to guess you mom's name is it Kaitlynn," I asked.

"No its Teresa," he answered.

"Wow I guess I'm really not good at this game, but hey I've got to go now and well I'll be back tomorrow okay," I said leaving the room and out of the hospital and going back home.

"Where have you been," Aunt Piper yelled at me once I got in the door.

"I was just visiting the little boy I rescued today," I answered walking up the stairs.

"Chris I don't mind you going anywhere its just you need to tell me okay," she said.

"Okay I will," I said as I went up to my room and laid down on the bed and Wyatt wasn't there yet but I still fell asleep. When I woke up he was lying there right next to me but my mind wasn't set on him it was set on the little boy who I promised to visit in the hospital. I quickly got dressed without taking a shower and ran downstairs and told Aunt Piper where I was going and I quickly ran to the hospital to see him. I was first stopped by the nurse , "so hows he doing," I asked.

"Not good," she said. "He hasn't been eating and well his condition is getting worse," she said.

I then left to go into his room and saw some food in front of him and I thought I would get him to eat somehow , "hello Trevor buddy you okay," I asked but he didn't answer. "Why don't you want to eat," I asked him. He still didn't answer. "Well I'll try some," I said picking up a spoon full of food and shoving it in my mouth. "This is good you should try some," I said. He still won't eat anything. "Okay I've got somewhere I want to take you but you can't go anywhere until you eat something okay so how about a couple of bites," I said. He then started eating his food off of the tray and I was helping him out with it. "That was great Trevor," I said.

"Now where are you wanting to take me," he asked.

"Somewhere special," I said , "but hold on I've got to go over and check you out of the hospital." I checked him out and took him to my favorite place in the woods. It was one of our old cabins that my adopted mother and I use to go to for vacation sometimes. I took him out to the forest and everything to see the sights as we were walking around we started having a talk also.

"So Trevor do you mind if I ask you how'd you ended up in that closet," I said as we walked along the shore of the lake.

"Well theres this man named Mr. Smith who would always hit my mom and he would also hit me, so one day I tried to stop him from hitting my mom and he just locked me in there ever since and wouldn't let me out and told my mom he would kill me if she didn't cooperate," he explained, "he said I was weird,"

"What? Why did he say you were weird," I asked.

"Because I can do this," he said as he conjured up a small energy ball and threw it at the lake. "I know I'm a weirdo," He said, "and Mr. Smith said if I ever tried using any of that on him he would kill my mom."

"Trevor," I said bending down onto my knees in front of him , "you're not weird, look I can do the same thing," I said as I conjured up an energy ball that was larger and tossed it in the lake.

"Wow cool I didn't think anyone but me could do things like that," he said.

"Don't worry you're not alone," I said as we started walking again.

"Yeah I guess but do you think I'll ever be able to see my mommy again," he asked.

"I promise you will," I said.

"I'm scared I want it to be just me and her like it was before Mr. Smith came around I'm scared he's going to hurt me again," Trevor said.

"Don't worry Trevor Mr. Smith will never hurt you again, I promise you that and also don't you worry about your mom we're gonna find you're mother okay," I said.

"Okay," he answered.

"Now we've got to get you back to the hospital okay," I said.

"But I don't wanna go back I want to stay with you," he said.

"I know you do but you're not fully well yet and they have to treat you some more okay so can you be a big boy for me," I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"That's the spirit," I said as I took him and put him back in the truck. Aunt Piper let me burrow the car since she wasn't going to use it today and she thought if she needed to go get anything she could just ask Aunt Paige to orb her where she needed to go. So by the time I pulled into the hospital parking lot I saw that Trevor was sleep so I had to carry him back up there on my shoulder and signed him in. I put him in the bed and there he laid so peacefully. Once I got there they had to give him his daily shot. I kissed him on the forehead before I left. I was again stopped by the nurse for a talk.

"Excuse me Mr. Evans, we will be letting Trevor out of the hospital tomorrow and well he's going to have to go to a foster home until we can find his next of kin," she said.

"You guys haven't heard anything from his mother yet," I asked.

"No we can't find her and we've called around to see if he had any aunts, uncles, or cousins but so far no such luck," she said , "We thought since he only talks to you, you should be the one to break this news to him," the nurse said.

"I'll try to but goodnight," I said leaving the hospital and driving home and once I got through the door there was Aunt Piper and Wyatt there greeting me.

"Hey Chris did you have a good time with the little boy," Aunt Piper asked.

"Yes I did," I answered.

"I'm glad you're doing this for him," she said as she left and went into the kitchen and I just went upstairs and to my room but I was followed by Wyatt.

"Hey Chris what are trying to do," Wyatt asked.

"Nothing I'm just trying to be there for him thats all," I responded.

"Okay but what about us I mean you're spending so much time with the little boy I mean you don't even talk to me that much anymore," Wyatt said.

"Look Wyatt I'm sorry I don't mean to leave you high and dry I just feel like this is something I have to do," I said, "Once I find his mother everything will be okay I promise but until then I feel like its my duty to look after him even though he's not my innocent neither is he my child."

"Chris but why are you so attached to this boy out of all of the boys who are in the hospital and are without their parents," Wyatt asked.

"Two reasons, One he has aids," I said. Wyatt's jaw just dropped. He was speechless then.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know I mean I don't care if you spend time with him, I mean take as long as you need," Wyatt said.

"No don't worry about it I mean you didn't know so yeah thats one reason why I'm spending so much time with him," I said.

"And whats the other reason," Wyatt asked

"He's also a witch," I said.

"What?! That can't be how do you know he's a witch," Wyatt asked.

"Well today he showed me he could throw energy balls and well he was not ever allowed to use his powers because that Mr. Smith guy kept telling him that if he used his powers he was going to kill his mom and I know how that feels to have your mom as a hostage," I explained.

"Well that must have been hard on him and hard on you to hear, I mean I'm taking all of this into emotional consideration," Wyatt said, "but I want to meet this little kid whens the next time you are gonna see him," Wyatt asked.

"I have to take him to an orphanage tomorrow because they said since I'm the only one he'll talk to they thought it would be easier for me to do it so maybe you could drive us up there," I said.

"Sure thing but lets get some sleep so we'll be up to it," Wyatt said as he got undressed and laid on the bed. I also did the same.

The next morning I knew it was gonna be hard for me because I didn't want to have to break this news to Trevor but Wyatt decided to stay in the car while I went up to get him. I went up to the nurse to talk to her to see if he was ready and she said he was so she gave me some directions and I walked in there he was just now getting up. "Hey buddy," I said.

"Hey Chris," he said with a smile. I was happy to see that because that's the first time I have seen him smile ever.

"So yeah I have to take you somewhere until your mom picks you up from there," I said.

"Is it to live with you," he asked.

"No but its a place where you're gonna meet lots of new kids okay so come on," I said picking him up in one hand and getting his bag in the other. I went to the parking lot where Wyatt was parked and I put his stuff in the trunk and then I went and set him in the back and buckled him in. I then got into the passenger side and introduced him to Wyatt, "hey Trevor this is Uncle Wyatt say hello to Uncle Wyatt," I said.

"Hello Uncle Wyatt," Trevor said.

"Hey Trevor its finally good to meet you," Wyatt said with a smile holding out his hand and shaking Trevor's. He then started driving off and heading toward the orphanage , " so Trevor I hear that you have special powers, don't worry I do also so don't be afraid," Wyatt said.

"Thats cool can I see you do something Uncle Wyatt," Trevor asked.

"No see my powers are too dangerous to play with so I can't do that okay but maybe when you're older you can see my powers," Wyatt answered. We pulled up to the orphanage and I really didn't want to do this, "I'll wait here okay," Wyatt said.

I then went into the trunk and got out his bag. After I did that I went into the back of the car unbuckled him out and he got out and so I held his hand as we walked through the crowd of kids who were staring at us. We still continued walking though. "Chris I don't like it here I don't want to stay please can I come with you," Trevor pleaded all the way up to the door.

"Hey don't worry buddy its all gonna be okay I mean, you're a brave little soldier and I need you to be even braver now okay," I said as we entered the door. Those words just kept tearing me up inside. I didn't want to leave him and neither did he want to leave me. I can't believe I have become connected to this child. I mean I never thought I'd be close to any kids besides my own. I just hope I can find his mother so he doesn't have to stay here and it pains me to even keep him here. I went up to the head lady of the orphanage and gave her Trevor's bag and introduced them to each other.

"Don't worry Trevor you're gonna have fun here," I said.

"I don't want to have fun here, I want to have fun with you again," he said.

"Look I have to find your mother okay and thats what I'm about to go do alright," I answered him.

"Alright," he said.

"Now give me a hug," I said hugging him.

"Will you come back and see me," he asked.

"Of course I will sport now don't worry you're gonna be fine," I said as I started walking away. It was so hard for me to this. I mean as I've said before I've grown so attached to the boy I didn't want to leave him. I just waved goodbye and I didn't even look back because I was crying and I didn't want him to see me cry about it and I told him to be brave. I finally got back and entered Wyatt's car. He started rubbing my back. I had my face buried in my hands crying.

"Are you okay," he asked.

"Yes I'm fine," I said still crying with my face buried in my hands not even looking up at Wyatt. He kissed me on the cheek.

"Everything is gonna be okay," he said as he had his arm around me the whole time we went home. I was to weak to even get up so he carried me back up to the room where I cried myself to sleep.

For the next couple of days I had been as miserable as ever. I mean I felt more emotion leaving that boy at the orphanage than I felt when I had to vanquish John, lost my mother, and had to kill my brother all put together. I mean that just had me crying just about every minute of the day. I just can't believe I left him there. Everyday I went home and tried to scry for his mother but I could never find her. It seemed hopeless and unless I found that boys mother he was gonna be in a foster home for awhile and I couldn't let that happen. Aunt Piper kept telling me that I was probably gonna get punished for using it on personal gain but I didn't care what happened as long as I found Trevor's mother and got him out of that orphanage. After the couple of days I got a call from the head lady at the orphanage and she told me she wanted me to come over as soon as possible. I was scared to death I mean I didn't know what could have happened that they would want me to come there soon. Just about every thought rushed to my head. I guess this is what it feels like when you're a parent and you get a call about your child but I knew Trevor wasn't mine but I loved him as if he were. I told Wyatt about what was going on and he and I just skipped football practice and went straight there after school. I was in a hurry and this time Wyatt decided to get out of the car with me and go with me to talk to the lady in charge. "Hey I got here as fast as I could what's the problem," I asked.

"Well its Trevor, see all the other kids heard about him having a disease and now no one wants to play with him because they're all afraid that they will catch it and we don't know what to do," she explained.

"I do," I said walking towards Trevor. I saw him sitting alone on the playground just looking at that picture of him and his mother. "Hey Trevor what you doing," I asked.

"The other kids won't play with me they say I'll make them sick," He answered.

"Come here buddy," I said picking him up and walking back over to where the lady and Wyatt were standing. "Okay Ma'am where is it that I need to sign to check him out and where do I have to go to get his stuff and his medication," I asked.

"Wait what are you doing," Wyatt asked.

"I'm getting him out of here," I answered. "So where do I have to sign at," I asked again.

"Excuse me sir are you sure about this I mean you're only eighteen," the lady said.

"Well I'm still legal so I'm eligible to be his guardian," I said.

"Right this way," she said leading me to the doors.

"Wyatt get on your phone and tell Aunt Piper what's going on so she won't be so mad when we get home," I said following the lady. I went to his room and packed up all his things and then went and checked him out and carried him back to the car. He had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I buckled him in the back and put his stuff in the trunk. "So Wyatt what did Aunt Piper say about this," I said.

"She was not happy at all about this Chris," Wyatt said.

"I'll talk to her when I get home, but I just couldn't let him stay here Wyatt and I hope you out of all people understand this decision I've made," I said.

"I understand don't worry its only mom you have to worry about," Wyatt said as we started driving home, "Chris I am very proud of you," Wyatt said.

"For what?" I asked.

"You're taking responsibility for a child thats not yours and willing to sacrifice a lot for a little boy you've only known for a week," he explained. The drive seemed to go by very fast but I know it was a thirty minute drive home. Once we got there Wyatt went in the trunk and grabbed Trevor's stuff while I went in the back and grabbed Trevor and we both went into the house. I went in first and Wyatt came in behind me. Once we shut the door Chris and Peter came running down the stair.

"Hey Evans and Wyatt we heard about what happened and mom is pissed," Chris said.

"I know Wyatt told me but I couldn't leave him there and he depends on me a lot," I answered. He then woke up.

"Chris, Uncle Wyatt," he said waking up.

"Yeah we're here Trevor," I said. "I want to introduce you to some other people," I said. "This is Uncle Chris," I said pointing to Chris , "and this is Uncle Peter," I said pointing to Peter. "Can you say hello,"

"Hello Uncle Chris, and Uncle Peter," he said.

"Nice to meet you Trevor," Chris said as he shook his hand and so did Peter. "How old are you,"

"I'm seven," Trevor answered.

"Chris Evans get in here now!" I heard Aunt Piper say from the kitchen.

"Hey Wyatt could you please watch him for me until I get back," I said giving him to Wyatt so now that Wyatt was carrying him. "Hey buddy I'll be right back just get acquainted with you're new Uncles okay," I said heading for the kitchen but I kissed him on the cheek before I did.

"Okay," he said. I slowly walked into the kitchen I knew I was in for it. In there was Aunt Piper, Aunt Paige, Dad, and Aunt Phoebe all in the kitchen waiting for me.

"Evans might I ask what were you thinking how are we gonna take care of this child," Piper said, "I mean where is he gonna go when you're at school did you think about that, oh and where will he sleep."

"Look Aunt Piper calm down I just couldn't leave him there. He doesn't deserve that after all he's been through and don't worry I'll do without a lot if I have to I mean I'll go days without eating and I'll sell all my stuff and I know I can convince Peter to let him have his room since him and Chris are now engaged and I mean I could home school him and keep him at daycare while I'm at school," I explained.

"Okay don't worry I'll do the home schooling but what about everything that goes on around here its dangerous with all the demon attacks and everything," Piper said.

"Well how did Wyatt and Chris survive the demon attacks when they were little," I asked.

"They had powers just in case," Piper said.

"So does he," they all then gasped, "yeah he's a witch also," I said.

"Well thats just great," Piper said.

"Look I just need to keep him here till I can find his mother please don't make me take him back to the orphanage," I asked.

"Chris is right he shouldn't go back to the orphanage," Paige said.

"What?! Paige what has gone through your head," Piper asked.

"Piper remember I was an orphan too. I remember all the terrible times I had until I was adopted. Thats what led me to being an out of control teen and I wish I could do it over again and don't worry if you guys need anything or any help including babysitting, money, or whatever don't hesitate to call me because I would have wanted the same help," Paige said.

"Thanks for understanding Aunt Paige," I said hugging her.

"I guess he can stay," Piper said.

"Thank you very much," I said hugging Aunt Piper even harder.

"But you remember he's your responsibility," Piper said.

"Okay," I said as we all walked back into the living room where Wyatt was still holding Trevor and talking to Chris and Peter at the same time. "Hey buddy," I said walking to him and taking him off of Wyatt's shoulders and started carrying him around. "So this is your Aunt Paige, Aunt Phoebe, Aunt Piper, and Papa Leo," I said point to each of them and introducing them to him. "Hey Peter is it okay if he takes your room and you share a room with Chris," I asked.

"Sure go ahead," Peter said. I then took Trevor's bag from Wyatt and started carrying him up to the room. I placed him in the bed and told him to go to sleep and he had a big day tomorrow. I saw him close his eyes and I went and planted a kiss on his forehead. It was a nice scene to watch him just sleeping there.

That night some things started going wrong and Trevor started having a bad dream. He saw his mom and he was running towards her and he just kept running to her and then he saw Mr. Smith chasing after him. He was scared and he didn't know what to do. He was still running towards his mom and she was calling for him but then all of a sudden his mom turned into Mr. Smith. He then woke up screaming, "Mommy!!" I heard him then I immediately ran out of the room with Wyatt still lying in bed and went to his and I saw him about to run out the door but I got to him and carried him back to him bed.

"Everything is going to be okay Trevor," I said.

"I'm scared," Trevor said.

"Don't worry I'm here and I'm not going anywhere okay," I said putting him back into his back and laying in it with him to make sure he was okay for the rest of the night. When I woke up I could still see Trevor sleep so I got out of the bed and went and took a shower and got dressed and went back to his room and started rubbing him on the back to wake him up. "Hey Trevor did you have a good sleep," I asked.

"Yes," he said as he was starting to wake up

"Thats good but hey I've got to go somewhere today and Aunt Piper is gonna take care of you while I'm gone alright," I said.

"Are you leaving me again," he asked.

"No of course not, I'll be back later on but I need you to be good okay," I said kissing him on the forehead. "Give me a hug," I said. He sat up and gave me a hug and I kissed him on the cheek this time. "Okay remember Chris loves ya bye," I said leaving the room. I then walked out to see Aunt Piper cooking and no one else in sight. "Good morning Aunt Piper," I said hugging her.

"Good morning Chris, everyone is outside in Wyatt's car waiting for you," Piper said. "Is Trevor okay," Piper asked.

"Yeah he's fine he just had a bad dream last night so please make sure he's okay because I don't want to leave him," I said.

"I will but you better get going," Piper said.

"Okay," I said kissing her and leaving and going out to Wyatt's car and we all headed for school. Once I started going to class all I could think about was Trevor and was he okay. I think this is just my parent instincts kicking in. I mean I have never worried about anyone as much as I worried about him. I couldn't help it I was his guardian until we found his mother. Even when we found his mother I knew I was still going to worry about him. When school let out I was so excited I just skipped football practice again and ran straight home to where Trevor was. I saw him sitting at the kitchen table with Aunt Piper doing homework. I was happy to see this. "So hows everything been going," I asked as I entered the room.

"Chris!" Trevor shouted running up to me and hugging my legs but I just picked him up and kissed him on the cheek.

"How you doing sport I told you I would be back," I said putting him back down. "So Aunt Piper hows everything," I asked again.

"Everything is going great do you know Trevor over there is really smart," she said smiling.

"Thats good to hear," I said , "hey Trevor come on lets go play some basketball in the drive way, you wanna do that," I asked.

"Yes," he responded.

"Okay lets go," I said grabbing his hand and leading him out the door. Leo then came in from the other room and started rubbing Piper's shoulders.

"You know Wyatt couldn't have chosen a better father for our two little granddaughters," Leo said smiling, "I see him out there taking care of a child that isn't his and I mean he's doing great and I think he's becoming an adult."

"I couldn't agree with you more, I'm glad he adopted Trevor and is still searching for his mom he's doing the right thing as a Charmed One and a human being and I couldn't ask for more," Piper said.

I was out in the drive way having fun with Trevor and we just kept playing basketball all day. Wyatt had even pulled in with Peter and Chris but I didn't pay them any attention. They just went into the house. I sometimes even put Trevor on my shoulders so he could slam dunk. After awhile I just decided to let him shoot on his own and he was pretty good too. He shot and made it. "I did it Chris I did it," he said as he came up and hugged me.

"Yes you did, its getting late so we're gonna need to go inside," I said.

"Please can we play a little bit longer," Trevor asked.

"No but hey we can play tomorrow first thing because its the weekend," I said.

"Yay!," He shouted as he started running inside the house. While I sat and did my homework in the living room I turned cartoons on for him to watch so he wouldn't be bored. After I finally finished my homework I knew it was time for the both of us to go to bed.

"Okay sport its time to go to bed," I said.

"Can I please stay up," he asked.

"Right Now I need you to get your rest like a big boy so come on," I said getting up and he followed me up the stairs to his room and I got him dressed and ready for bed. Before I left the room I kissed him on his forehead again and then turned out the light. I then crawled in the bed with Wyatt, "so Wyatt how do you feel about me spending so much time with Trevor," I asked.

"Its fine do what you want I guess," Wyatt said.

"I just want to make sure it doesn't hurt you and its not effecting our relationship," I said.

"No I actually want you to spend a lot of time with Trevor especially since he looks up to you a lot," Wyatt said.

"Thanks I'm glad you understand all of this," I said kissing him on the lips.

The next morning I wasted no time getting showered and getting dressed. After I got ready I quickly got Trevor up and got him in the bath and then got him dressed and I took him to the park. I told him when we got back we could play basketball but I just wanted him to come to the park for now. When we got there no one was there so we were very happy to have the whole park to ourselves. Trevor told me he wanted to swing so I got him and put him in a swing and started pushing him up. After doing it for five minutes I saw a lady appear out of nowhere I mean at first she scared me but then I knew it was okay because she didn't shoot any fire balls. "Hey excuse me are you Chris Evans," she asked.

"Who wants to know," I answered still pushing Trevor in the swing.

"My name is Lydia and I am a reporter and I was hoping to do a report on you becoming young Trevor's guardian while you're still in high school," she said.

"Not a chance," I responded.

"Look this is only to help the boy find his mother and I'm not going to expose that he has AIDS okay I promise, I just want to help," she said. "Can I start off by getting a picture of you pushing him on the swing," she asked.

"Sure," I said pushing him on the swing while she took the photo. A few days past before I could see the article that she took the picture for. It was a nice article and it had as a headline "High School Senior Takes Guardianship For A Seven Year Old". I was happy to see it and maybe someday it would find his mother but until then I was still taking care of little Trevor and going to school. I eventually quit being a manager so I could spend more time with Trevor. I took him everywhere I went. When Wyatt and I would go to the movies I would bring him along too. Even when Chris, Peter, Wyatt, and I went on a double date to go out to eat I would still bring him. He was now apart of my life. I was glad Wyatt was taking well to this and he sometimes would watch little Trevor when I had to do homework. He was also getting attached to him just as much as I was. When he was scared I would let him come sleep in the bed with me and Wyatt now that Wyatt has gotten use to him and loves him also. Aunt Piper kept training him with academics and witch craft and he got better and better at it. I was happy to see him becoming a part of the family. I still came home and scryed for his mom two hours each day and I even had Darryl and Uncle Henry searching for her. His mom was one hard cookie to find.

One day I was going through some old papers of his mothers and I was trying to find something that would lead me to her but no such luck. Chris was still scrying hoping he could find her while Wyatt and Trevor were upstairs having a pillow fight. I'm sure they were having fun doing that also. Peter was at the club working with Piper. "So bro you got anything," Chris asked.

"Nope sorry no such luck," I said, "Why is finding a demon so much easier than finding one innocent," I said. Then out of nowhere my cell phone rang. I looked at it and recognized that the area code was the same as ours so the person couldn't be calling from to far away so then I picked it up and answered it, "Hello," I said.

"Hello is this Chris Evans," the voice said. I knew it was a lady.

"Yes this is may I ask who's calling," I said.

"This is Trevor's mother and I want him back," she said, "so you need to drop him off somewhere I can pick him up,"

"I wish it was that simple ma'am but I have to make sure he's not going to get hurt again and my Uncle Henry has to ask you some questions before that happens," I said. I then covered the mouth of the phone and told Chris she was in the area and to scry for her.

"Look I know all you guys want to do is to arrest me to get to Joseph and then you guys will keep him," she said.

"Thats not true," I said, "I know he needs his mother he's been asking about you all the time, but there's something you need to know. He has AIDS and its in serious condition and I think you do too so what you need to do is go to a near by hospital and get it checked on," I pleaded with her.

"I'm fine so don't worry about me you need to give me back my son," she said and started coughing hard.

"Are you okay," I asked.

"Yes now you need to give me back my son," she said again. I then covered the mouth of the phone and asked Chris if he's found her. He told me she's at the pay phone just down the street. I then just dropped my cell phone and ran over there as fast as I could. I knew this was probably gonna be one of the only times I'd be able to find her. Once I got there I didn't see anyone I just saw a pay phone off the hook. I couldn't believe I lost her the one time I thought I'd found her. Now I'm gonna have to go back and scry for her again. I walked all the way back home and I felt ashamed.

"So where you able to catch her," Chris asked as I came in.

"No it looks like I've lost her again but I'm not giving up Chris don't just scry for his mom try scrying for Joseph Smith also okay," I said.

"I will get right on it," Chris said. I just walked upstairs to where I knew Trevor was. I went into his room and saw him and Wyatt wrestling on the floor and I saw Trevor on Wyatt's back.

"Alright you win," Wyatt said. "Oh hey Chris," Wyatt said.

"Hey Wyatt can you give me and Trevor a minute I have to tell him something," I said.

"Sure," Wyatt said getting off the floor, "hey Trev I'll be back I'm just gonna go to the bathroom okay," he said to Trevor as he left and went out the door.

"Hey sport how have you been," I said walking towards him and kneeling down on my knees so that we were face to face.

"I'm okay I guess," Trevor said.

"Well I have some news for you, I just got off the phone with your mom," I said.

"Really is she here," he asked with excitement.

"No she's not I lost her but I promise you that we will find her okay," I told him.

"Hey you guys come downstairs we've got guest," Wyatt said as he entered the room. I grabbed little Trevor's hand and I led him downstairs. Turns out our guest were Uncle Henry and Aunt Paige.

"Hey Trevor," Aunt Paige said running and picking him up. "I've got something for you," she said. "Here ya go," she said handing him a box that had a necklace in it.

"Thanks Aunt Paige," he said.

"So have you found his mother," Henry asked me as we both left and went into the kitchen where Chris was scrying for her.

"Yeah we had her but then she got away," I said.

"You guys need to be careful because wherever she's at that guy Joseph Smith might be there also," Henry said.

"I know but we have to find her soon I think she's sick," I said.

"What makes you say that," Henry asked.

"She was coughing pretty hard on the phone," I answered.

"Found Mr. Smith," Chris said as he interrupted the conversation, "he's at a hotel about 5 miles from here," Chris said.

"Thanks I'm gonna go bust him," Henry said as he started walking out the door.

"Hey I'm coming too," I said , "his mom might be there, Chris you take care of Trevor okay," I said walking out with Henry and getting into his car. The drive was only ten minutes but it seemed like forever. I was so anxious to see his mom and bring her back to Trevor. Henry remembered what room Chris told him so he went straight for his room and he kicked open the door and there was Joseph Smith armed and ready. Once Henry kicked open the door Joseph shot at him a couple of times. Henry yelled at me to stay back. He was having a bad shoot out with the guy. I thought a couple of shots were gonna hit me but thank goodness that didn't happen. After awhile of the shoot out Joseph just jumped out a window and Henry ran around the back and went after him. I went into the hotel and looked around to see anything suspicious. I then looked on the bed and a I saw a woman. I remember where I've seen her before. She's Trevor's mother. I quickly ran to her aid. She was breathing really hard and sweating a lot, "Uncle Henry!" I yelled out. He came in quickly, "did you catch him," I asked.

"No he got away again," Henry answered.

"Call an ambulance now," I urged Uncle Henry to do so. He quickly got on the phone and called for the fastest people to get there, "Uncle Henry I need you to take care of her okay," I said getting up and walking away.

"Where are you going," He asked.

"I've got to go get Trevor I want him to see his mother," I said as I ran out of the hotel and decided that five miles was to far for me to run in such a short amount of time so I got into a quiet dark alley and orbed my way back home. I quickly ran into the house where Paige, Chris, Piper, Leo, and Wyatt were sitting. "Hey Wyatt where's Trevor," I asked.

"He's upstairs playing in his room what happened," Wyatt asked.

"We've got to go to the hospital I'm gonna go get Trevor you start up the car," I said running up the stairs to his room. I saw Trevor peacefully playing with his toys and it hurt me to have to do this but I knew it would hurt him even more if he didn't get to see his mom. "Hey Trevor come here," I said as he walked to me and I picked him up and started carrying him down the stairs.

"Chris where are we going," he asked.

"To see your mom," I answered him. I hurried and buckled him in Wyatt's car and Wyatt started driving before I could even put my seat belt on. We got to the hospital pretty fast. We then ran up to the emergency level and I saw Uncle Henry sitting in the wait room and Wyatt said he was going to wait there too. I took Trevor and asked the nurse if she knew which room was his mothers and she pointed me to the right one. So we went in and I knew things weren't looking good.

"Mom!" Trevor said as he ran over to her lying on the bed.

"Hey my little boy how are you," she said weakly.

"I'm good thanks to Chris you're gonna be alright, right?," he asked.

"Yes I am thank you Chris for watching over my little boy," she said.

"Now we can be together forever again mom without Mr. Smith," Trevor said.

"Yes we can," his mom said weaker and putting on a smile, "Chris come here," she said I walked towards her and she asked me to get lower so I did, "take care of my little boy, promise me"I nodded, "Trevor I love you," those were the last words she said and then her heart stopped beating.

"Mom!," Trevor started yelling, "Mom no come back," he said as he started crying and burring his face in the bed she was laying in.

"Nurse!" I yelled for them to come in. I then got Trevor who was still crying and lifted him onto my shoulders and comforted him and started patting his back.

Next: Chapter 12

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