Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jul 18, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Hey guys this is a warning that this chapter is just as long as the last one and this is probably going to be my longest chapter so enjoy.

It was now Wednesday and the prom was gonna be on Friday and I still haven't gotten my suit for the prom yet. Right now Wyatt, Chris, Peter, and I were out shopping for our prom outfits. I was still trying to get use to all the effects that come with being pregnant. I mean I was eating a lot and I knew it was because I was eating for two and my chest was sore all the time and I kept waking up with the morning sickness and even worse I was having emotional break downs. Piper said it was the hormones and she was helping me out through a lot of it since she's been there before with Wyatt. I was now in a changing room trying on a black suit but I was having trouble buttoning up the the tux shirt underneath then Wyatt all of a sudden came in. Though he was my fiancé I wasn't to happy about it.

"Okay Wyatt you know you could have knocked and could you please not come in on me while I'm getting dressed," I said still trying to button up the tux but wasn't having much luck with it.

"Oh come on angel," he said as he kissed me on the forehead. I still wasn't smiling and he knew there was something wrong and he was really worried about me. "What's wrong, you don't seem yourself?"

"I just don't want you seeing me this way," I said.

"Okay, whats the big deal," he asked. "I mean every morning we get up and we change right in front of each other and we sometimes take showers together and we've done other things that I don't want to say out loud. So what's the problem now."

"I don't want you seeing me like this," I said still struggling to button up the tux. I was having a real hard time and arguing with Wyatt wasn't making things any easier.

"Like what?," he asked. "Are you mad at me again for some reason if so what is it because I don't get it," Wyatt said. He was mad but he had a right to be. "Please just tell me what's wrong I only want to help. Now what do you not want me to see you like."

"Like this!" I said referring to myself. I knew he didn't understand me so I had to explain things a little bit further. "Look at me I'm fat," I said, "I look like I've swallowed a bowling ball and my shirt sizes have gone up along with my pants sizes and everything else."

"So what's the problem," he asked. "You're carrying my child," he said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. "You're fine I think its just the hormones kicking in."

"No its not," I said. "I mean look at me I'm pathetic," I said with tears starting to come down my face, "There is no way anyone could love me in the shape that I'm in. I look like a whale with this suit on."

Wyatt then turned me around to where I was facing him. "Don't ever let me hear you say that again," he said with a very serious and angry. "I didn't fall in love with your body I fell in love with you. I don't care if you gain a thousand pounds. I'll still love you. Don't forget you're my other half and I'm not complete without you," he said and kissed me and then he hugged me real close. "Now lets go, you look good in that, we've got to catch up with Chris and Peter." Wyatt and I then paid for our stuff and left the store and found Peter and Chris outside waiting for us. "So what you guys get?" Wyatt asked them.

"Peter over here took so long he couldn't decide what he wanted but yeah I got a pink suit and Peter got a red one," Chris answered. "Yeah so we're gonna go into prom looking like we just had Valentines Day. What about you guys were y'all able to figure out what you wanted."

"Yeah Chris is just wearing a black suit but I decided we should match so I'm wearing a white suit," Wyatt answered. "Yeah I can't wait till prom I mean I was nominated for prom king."

"That's awesome," Chris said and then started looking at me and seeing I had my face down. "Chris why the long face I mean you've been like this ever since you found out you were pregnant."

"No reason I'm fine," I answered.

"No you're not," Chris said. "Remember I'm your brother so I can tell when something is wrong with you so what's wrong," he asked but I didn't say anything. "Okay if you won't talk then, Wyatt do you know whats wrong with him. I mean could you please tell me since Chris won't say anything."

"I think its the hormones," Wyatt answered. "Or maybe he's just having one of his bad days but he'll be okay I mean if he wasn't I'd take him home but he hasn't been showing any signs of anything major so he's fine."

"I'm gonna take your word for it then," Chris said. "So guys lets see what else we can find around here I mean we might as well have fun while we're out since this is probably gonna be one of our last times to have fun before we go to college," Chris said as we started walking around.

"Come on angel," Wyatt said as he wrapped his arm around me and we started walking behind Chris and Peter who were having a conversation about who knows what. I was leaning on Wyatt the whole time we were walking and we didn't get many stares from people which I'm surprised. Wyatt then finally started speak, "Chris what's wrong?"

"Nothing I mean can't I just be quiet without anyone thinking there is something wrong with me," I asked. "I just don't feel like talking that much," I said. I know Wyatt knew that I was hiding things. I know I could tell Wyatt anything but I just don't want any stress on him.

"Thats how I know something is wrong because I can sense it because if you have forgotten we're connected and then you're usually the ring leader of talking so whats wrong," Wyatt asked again. "Is this about the argument in the dressing room?" I shook my head, "then what is it, I need to know so I can help you."

"Its nothing," I answered as my temper started rising. "Why does everyone think there's something wrong with me can't I just be fine without smiling and talking," I asked.

"Whoa Chris you might want to calm down back there," Chris said interfering. "You keep that up its gonna cause a lot of stress on the baby and we all want Prudence to come up nice and healthy don't we?"

"How about you try getting pregnant and having everyone keep asking you whats wrong with you when you're perfectly fine," I said. "Then you can talk about me calming down."

"First of all I wouldn't keep lying to everyone and second I will be pregnant in the future," Chris said back to my statement. "Look Chris I'm not trying to fuss at you I'm just worried about you bro that's all and so is Wyatt and Peter and everyone else. You're pain is our pain so come on can you please just tell us whats wrong."

"Its nothing I promise I just wish you guys would believe me on that," I said. I knew it was pointless even saying that because they're gonna know that I'm lying just by the way I'm talking.

"If you say so but when you're ready to talk just let us know," Chris said as we just kept walking along and Wyatt still had his arm around me and I was still leaning on him. "Hey guys look at this store," Chris said pointing to a men's shoe store, "lets check it out," he said as him and Peter started to walk in but stopped to wait for me and Wyatt.

"No you guys go on ahead I catch up with y'all later," I said. "I think I'm just gonna go check out another store," I said causing everyone to give me a weird look like I was a demon.

"Alright I'll come with you," Wyatt said.

"No Wyatt I'll be fine you just go with Chris and Peter," I said trying to urge him to go and have fun because I know he wanted to so I didn't want to stop him from doing anything.

"Chris come on why won't you just let me come with you?" Wyatt asked.

"Because I want you to have fun," I answered.

"I'm always having fun when I'm with you so whats the problem," he asked. I saw he was getting a little bit upset and I've never seen him like this so I started feeling bad.

"Are you guys coming or what?" Chris asked.

"No you guys go on ahead I just need some time to talk to Chris," Chris then nodded and he and Peter just walked off and went into the store leaving just me and Wyatt standing outside of it. Wyatt just came over to me and put his arms around me saying, "look Chris I know you're probably going to say you're eighteen and you can do whatever you want but you're also my soon to be husband and a soon to be mother of my child and I don't think you're doing to well so I just don't want to let you out of my sight right now."

"Wyatt I know you're worried but you have nothing to worry about," I said. "I'm sorry for today and yelling at you and everyone but can I please just have some time to clear my mind," I asked. "If I come back acting the same way I promise to tell you what you want to know."

"Alright just be back here in ten minutes so we can go take you to the doctors," Wyatt said kissing me. "You know we've got to check on Prudence to make sure she's healthy," Wyatt said rubbing my stomach.

"Come on Wyatt I'm sure she's okay I mean if she wasn't something would happen to her adult form," I said. "So far I've seen her walking around perfectly like a normal girl so I think she's okay."

"I know but you haven't even seen a doctor about the baby yet and mom made me promise to get you to the doctor today to check on the baby," Wyatt said kissing me again. "Alright so as I said meet back here in ten," he said and then went inside the store with Chris and Peter.

I just started walking around trying to clear my head of the stress of everything I was thinking about. It was the same stuff before. I was thinking about having a child outside of marriage, how was I gonna take care of a child in college, and even worse this child is gonna hate me until she's almost eighteen. Now I feel like I'm pushing Wyatt away because I can't tell him whats wrong with me. "Aw that was so sweet," I heard a voice say. I knew that voice. "You and Wyatt are very touching," it kept talking. I then looked over and saw John standing over on the wall.

I just walked over to him just as angry as can be. "You know I try so many times to get rid of you and nothing ever seems to work. So now what do you want you got your powers so why won't you just leave me alone."

"Oh you see I might have my powers but there's something else I want," John said. "You know what I want," he said as he started smiling. "Me and you having a child of our own and me becoming the father of you're unborn baby, and oh yeah you dump Wyatt and we get back together and get married. What do you say?"

"I say got back to hell where you came from," I answered him. "As I told you a thousand times we're over and I don't know what I have to do or say to get that through you head," I said in a very mad tone. "I don't want to marry you and neither do I want you around my child or have your child. The thought of you just sickens me," I said and started walking off.

"I think you might want to reconsider since this could be the death of your child," he said stopping me and then I just walked back over to where he was. "I knew I'd get your attention.

"What are you talking about the death of my child," I asked.

"You obviously haven't heard yet," he started explaining. "You see its for told that your child will be one of the most powerful beings on Earth. Its made from two Charmed Ones instead of one so this baby that you have inside of you could be a threat to demon society. So there will be plenty of demons coming after your child to either kill it or take it and raise it as their own and I don't think you would want that now do you. So what's it gonna be, you can either give me a child or I will bring the whole Underworld on your daughter's head."

I then got up closer to him and grabbed him by the neck, choking him, the shoving him against the wall, "now you look here if any demon comes down after me or my baby I will personally make sure that you are personally vanquished just as slowly and as painfully as any demon I've vanquished in the past. If you don't believe me you should know since you've known me for two years that I don't make idle threats. I follow through with them," I said releasing him from the choke hold I had him in then walking off. I then went to a candy store. I knew I needed some sugar after having to deal with John. So I just picked up a snickers and found out it was fifty cents but I didn't like that price but I still paid for it and headed back towards Wyatt, Chris, and Peter. When I saw them they were just sitting on a bench talking. "Hello guys what are y'all doing sitting here," I asked.

"We were waiting on you its been twenty minutes," Wyatt said fussing at me. "I told you to be back here in ten I mean we've got to hurry we're gonna be late," he said as they all got up and we started walking towards the car. "What is that you're eating," he asked.

"Its just a snickers," I answered. "I need it after all that I've been through so give me a break."

"Give me that," Wyatt said grabbing it from me. "I hate to do this to you but you know you can't go into the doctors office eating something thats unhealthy for the baby."

"Give me that back," I said trying to take it back but Wyatt kept it from me. I was getting real aggravated. "Come on Wyatt I need it," I said and Wyatt still wouldn't give if to me. "That's it SNICKERS," I said and then the candy bar orbed into my hand.

"Chris are you crazy," Wyatt asked. I could tell that he was very mad about what I just did. "You're not suppose to use your magic in public I mean what if we get caught?"

"Hey its your fault I mean you took my candy bar away," I said as I started eating it again. "When sugar calls nothing can stand in my way and that includes magic or anything to do with it. You should know never mess with a pregnant guy and his sugar" We got into Wyatt's car and we all headed to the hospital. The whole way there Wyatt kept trying to grab the snickers from me but I wouldn't let him have it. It was pretty funny since Peter and Chris were in the back laughing their butts off. I finally finished it by the time we got to the doctors office. We waited for awhile but we had to sign in first. When the doctor finally came out he only asked for parents so only me and Wyatt could go in.

He took out my records of being at the doctor's office and had me lay down on the bed in the room. "So Mr. Evans have you seen a doctor about this baby and you being pregnant."

"No I haven't," I answered. "I mean I thought everything would be okay for now because I haven't been feeling anything that wasn't normal for a pregnancy," I explained.

"You should have seen a doctor before today I mean you said you were three months almost four," the doctor said and I nodded. "Our records here show that you've been pregnant before what happened to that baby?"

"I well uh had a miscarriage," I answered.

"Oh I'm sorry about that," he said. I told him it was ok and I was fine about it, "so is this guy the father of this child you're carrying," the doctor asked pointing to Wyatt.

"Yes sir I am," Wyatt said.

"I've read these test results these are some unusual effects you've been having," the doctor said reading the list off. "You say you have migraines and coughing and sneezing."

"Yes I have," I said. "Do you think there's something wrong with my baby," I asked. "I mean I thought those side effects were normal when you're pregnant so what's going on."

"Yeah they are but not this early in your pregnancy," the doctor said. "Lets check on your baby," he said as he pulled out some equipment. "Now we're gonna do an ultra sound." He pulled up my shirt so that my stomach was now showing, "alright I know this is gonna be cold but its for the ultra sound," he said as he took out a liquid and rubbed it all over my stomach and then put some machinery on it. "Your baby seems normal," he said looking at a screen, "I can't see whether its a boy or a girl yet but I'll have to reschedule you for next month to check on it but I'll be right back," he said walking towards the door.

"Hey wait," I said stopping the doctor. He then turned around and looked at me, "can my brothers come in now, I mean since you're done checking on the baby and all I thought it would be okay if they could come and check the screen to see."

"Sure," the doctor said walking out the door. "Just make sure they don't mess with any equipment around here." Knowing Chris and Peter I'm sure they won't be a problem with that.

"I'll go get them," Wyatt said leaving me in the room by myself. While he was gone I just stared at the screen watching little Prudence and hearing her heart beat. I wish I could see the whole thing instead of it being in black and white but thats how ultra sounds work. Then Wyatt came in along with Peter and Chris. "Wow angel looks like you have a few stretch marks on your stomach." Chris then punched him in the arm.

"Why thank you Wyatt I already know I'm fat," I said. "Now I know that I'm so fat that I've earned stretch marks this is just lovely that my soon to be husband just said that."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you," he said as he came over and kissed me. "Tell you what I'll go get some coco butter for that on our way home okay," he kissed me again. "I love you."

"Wow Chris look at Prudence move in you," Chris said. "She looks like she's gonna be okay what did the doctor say," Chris asked.

"The doctor thinks the baby is okay but he doesn't think Chris is," Wyatt explained for me. "Sorry I just thought I'd save you the trouble of explaining things so you wouldn't waist your energy."

"Thanks Wyatt dearest," I said sarcastically.

"You're welcome cupcake," he said with a smile. He then felt jingling in his ears, "crap the elders are calling," Wyatt said. "Hey Chris, Peter look after Evans for me while I go take care of this charge," he asked. "I'll be right back angel," he said as he came over and kissed me and then orbed out.

"What?! Alright can someone explain to me who are the elders and what are they doing calling Wyatt and making him leave me in the doctor's office," I said in an angry voice.

"Chris calm down, we don't want you putting to much stress on the baby," Chris said coming and sitting in a chair next to the bed that I was lying on. "The elders are sore of these people in heaven and its hard to explain but yeah they call on Wyatt since he's a white lighter but Wyatt has a charges and its his duty to protect them," Chris explained.

"Okay me and you are white lighters also and we don't have that problem," I asked.

"Don't worry our time will come soon. They haven't called you yet because they thought with the stress of losing your mom, your brother, having to vanquish a boyfriend, and now being pregnant they thought that would be to much stress on you and well they're gonna need you and the baby to be in the best condition possible if they want the Charmed line to continue," Chris explained. "You'll learn a lot more about it as time goes by."

"Just when you think you know everything about the magic world more things just keep coming up," I said. "How long is Wyatt gonna be gone because I'm ready to go and I think I'm about to have another emotional break down." I then started having a few tears coming from my eyes.

"He'll be back in a few minutes just hang on," Chris said coming up and hugging me. "I hope I don't get these hormones when I'm pregnant for Peter's sake," Chris said laughing a little.

Meanwhile back in the Underworld the demons were all plotting against the Charmed Ones. They all found about about the new baby about to be born and they were coming to a decision. Some didn't know what to do but the majority wanted to take the baby and make it the new source.

"I say we go and kill the baby and put an end to this crisis," One demon from the crowd said.

"No if we do the Charmed Ones will just come down here and vanquish every last one of us and they won't rest until they do," Another demon said. "I say we capture the baby and raise it as our own."

"And how do you suppose we do that," the first demon said. "If its a Charmed baby they'll just keep coming after us until they get it and I don't know about you but I'm not willing to lose my life over one child."

"I have an idea," John said as he appeared out of nowhere. "Lets say we just take out two of them and there will be no way that they'll exist. Or maybe just one it'll do."

"Its you," the first demon said. "I've heard of you. You use to be the source until the Charmed Ones played you for a fool and then vanquished you. I'm surprised to see you here I mean last I heard was you tried to make a deal with the pregnant Charmed One and he turned you down."

John was so mad he shot and energy ball at that demon blowing him up. "Any more demons want a piece of me," John asked and all the demons were silent. "Thats what I thought I'll be taking over now unless there are any objections," John asked and looked around and saw that there were no demons saying anything. "Alright then lets began. Here's how we're gonna take out the Charmed Ones. Since the power comes from the power of three we're gonna kill the two and then the pregnant one we're gonna keep alive for his baby."

"How do you plan to do that," the second demon asked. "Many demons have tried to destroy the Charmed Ones and many have failed and haven't even come close so what's the plan."

"Not many demons have the brain power that I do," John answered. "You see here's the plan we're gonna wait for one to leave the other two and then we kill one and capture the pregnant one."

"Yes master but that's hard though there might just be two of them they're still powerful," the first demon said.

"They'll be vulnerable since one is pregnant do you think they'll be willing to fight while they have a baby on the way," John asked and the demon shook his head. "That's what I thought now I need the four best demons to go up there and take care of them."

We all finally left the doctors office. I was rescheduled to come back the next month for a check up on my condition and on my baby. Wyatt did come back to the doctors office and was able to take all of us home. On the way home I started burping out orbs. "What was that," Wyatt asked. He was shocked because he had never seen something like that before.

"Oh its nothing its just some white lighter pregnancy symptoms," I answered. "I'll be fine its not bothering me."

"Chris we need to talk," Wyatt said.

"About what," I asked.

"You're always keeping things from me and I can't help you," Wyatt said. "And thats something I want to do since I'm the father of your child, your best friend, and hopefully someday your husband. Please just tell me whats wrong with you and why are you always so sad now a days." We then just pulled up to the house and Chris and Peter got out of the car.

"Look Wyatt its not you its just..its just I'm sorry," I said as I got out of the car and went into the house. I then saw Piper cooking in the kitchen. "Goodness gracious my nausea is killing me," I said as I entered the house.

"Here have some crackers," Piper said as she handed me a box of saltines. "I ate those a lot when I was pregnant with Chris and Wyatt so they might be able to help you," she said. "Chris whats with the long face I mean you seem sad all the time," she asked.

"Nothing is wrong I mean I don't know why everyone just keeps thinking there is something wrong with me," I said as I walked into the living room and sat on the couch trying to make my sickness go away with the crackers Piper gave me.

Not to much longer after I walked into the kitchen Wyatt came into the house and was greeted by Piper, "hey Wyatt how are you sweetie, did you have a good time with everyone looking for your prom stuff," she asked.

"Yeah I guess," Wyatt said very emotionally.

"Okay is this sad day or what because you and Chris have both come in here looking like you guys have lost your best friends I mean did you guys break up or what because thats the way y'all are acting," Piper asked.

"No but he's acting like he wants to," Wyatt answered. "Mom he's hiding something from me I mean today he just snapped at me in the dressing room and then he didn't want me coming with him," Wyatt explained.

"Maybe its just his hormones you know being pregnant and what not," Piper said.

"Yeah thats what we all said but Chris says its not the hormones and its something else and won't tell me," Wyatt said. "Doesn't he know I only want to help him and not hurt him."

"Come here Wyatt," Piper said as he came to her and she hugged him. "Look I know Chris isn't trying to do anything to hurt you okay I promise," Piper said. "Now I'll go talk to him and we're gonna figure this whole thing out because Prudence is not going to be born into a troubled relationship."

"Thanks mom," Wyatt said. He then heard jingling in his ear again. "Hey I've got to go check on a charge but I'll be right back. Call me if you need me," Wyatt said orbing out. Piper then walked into the other room where I was. She came and sat down next to me.

"Hello Chris," she said. "Is there something you want to tell me," Piper asked.

"No why are you and Wyatt always thinking there is something wrong when I specifically say that I'm fine," I asked. "I just wish you guys would believe me when I say I'm okay."

"Chris look I know what you're going through," Piper started, "I mean partly because I don't know what's wrong with you but I mean I just know when there's something wrong." Piper then put her hand on my shoulder, "you forget I've been pregnant before so I know when there's something wrong and when its not the hormones so can we please talk I mean Wyatt feels like you're pushing him away."

"How could he feel that way he knows I love him and I'd do anything for him," I said back to Piper's statement. "I mean we're suppose to get married in the future aren't we and I saw us fourteen years in the future and we were still married."

"I know but I'm just trying to help you out right now," Piper said. "I don't want you going through the same stuff Leo and I had to go through so can you please tell me what the problem is that you don't want to talk to your brothers about. I mean lets just have a mother to mother talk."

"Okay you're right its not the hormones, its just I have a lot on my mind now," I started explaining, "I mean it takes more than just giving birth to be a mom. I mean there's college thats gonna get in my way, and then there's being a Charmed One and having my baby put in harms way just about every second, and even if I make it through all of that my child hates me until she's eighteen and almost grown."

"Chris how long have you had all this on your mind," Piper asked.

"Ever since I found out that I was pregnant and that Prudence was my first born daughter," I said. "Its even worse that Wyatt and I aren't even married and we're having a child."

"Chris look don't feel that way," Piper started. "Look I know you're about to take on a big responsibility and I know if anyone in this family can handle it, its you. I mean some people see Wyatt as the bravest of you all but do you know who I see," she stopped for a moment. "You, do you know why? Because you resemble your mother a lot and she was the bravest of us all I mean once she died I knew I had to be strong and take over but thats not the point. I'm just telling you that I know you can handle it and I think you should talk to Wyatt about it and don't keep this from him I'm pretty sure he wants to know what's bothering you."

"Okay, I will and thanks Aunt Piper," I said as I got up. "But where is Wyatt?"

"He had to go check on a charge but he'll be right back and you're welcome," she said as we both hugged. All of a sudden four demons shimmered in behind Piper and one shot an energy ball.

"Aunt Piper look out!" I shouted pushing he to the ground, "ENERGY BALL" I yelled and sent it right back at the demons but it missed all four of them. "Chris, Peter, Wyatt get down here now!" I shouted calling for them. They all showed up except for Wyatt. Chris and Peter just orbed in from upstairs right when I called them.

"Chris be careful you're pregnant remember," Piper warned.

"Okay Chris what's going on here," Chris asked.

"Them thats what's going on," I said as I pointed to the demons. Chris then looked shocked. One demon then drew a sword. "Oh things just keep getting better and better," I said. "Two can play at that game SWORD," I said orbing the sword from the basement and into my hands. "Okay Chris you get the one on the right Peter you get the one on the left and I'll get the one in the middle and whoever gets done first gets the fourth one since Wyatt can't get his ass here. Wyatt!" I shouted again. "Guess he's not coming," I said. "Okay any questions guys before we get this show on the road," I asked and then the demons came charging at us like bulls. We each took our demon. My demon kept spinning his sword around for awhile before he finally came and attacked me. I was able counter it. Once our swords first clashed lightening shout out of them both. I was shocked I didn't know how or why that happened. The demon still kept attacking me but I kept countering with my sword. Luckily I remembered everything about using a sword. Then all of a sudden he slashed me in the arm. I was so mad then that I started fighting even harder eventually the demon knocked the sword out of my hand. I was able to kick his sword out of his hand the jump kick him so hard that he flew across the room. He was so quick to get up and he came charging at me again and I just use telekinesis to throw the sword on the ground at him and it went right into his chest and he blew up.

Peter wasn't doing to well either. The demon kept shimmering in and out all around him. Peter couldn't get a lock on him. Peter then decided to put fire all around him and it worked the demon caught on fire and stop shimmering letting Peter throw a fire ball at him and blowing him up.

Chris was having better luck than I was. The demon just charged at him and Chris levitated in the air causing the demon to run into the wall. The demon was even more angry then so he just came charging at Chris again and Chris back kicked him back into the wall again and shot an energy ball at him causing him to blow up. All of a sudden the fourth demon started coming up behind Chris with an athame. "Chris look out!" I yelled and held out my hand but then a blue laser came from out of it and hit the demon freezing him into a block of ice. Everyone just stared at me in shock. I was in shock myself.

Then we saw the demon blow up. We looked over and saw Piper standing there with her hands up. "Hey if someone didn't blow that thing up he would have thawed out and we couldn't let that happen," she said as she finally put her hands down and walked over to me. "Chris I never knew you could turn things into ice."

"I can't I just freaked out when Chris was in trouble," I answered. "I don't know how this happened I mean I've never done this before." I then looked at my arm and saw I was still bleeding then all of a sudden orbs appeared around it and the cut was gone. "Okay this is just getting weirder and weirder."

"Its not you doing it," Piper said. I looked at her in a weird way. "Its your baby who's doing that. I believe she's the one who's also responsible for you being able to turn these guys into ice. Let me see you blow a breath of air at that candle on the table," she asked and I took a deep breath and aimed for the candle and blew air at it and it went into a block of ice. "Okay now let me see you shoot it from you hand at the other candle like you did to the demon." I then held up my hand and shot the same blue laser from my hand and it froze. "Wow this is some unique power from your baby."

"Oh my goodness Wyatt!" I kept shouting and he still won't come. "That two timing son of a..." I was then stopped by Piper.

"Whoa hold on a second there," she said. "You're talking about me if I think you're about to say what I think."

"Oh sorry Aunt Piper you know how anger sometimes gets the best of you and you say things that you don't mean," I said. "Wyatt! Get your ass down here!" I kept yelling but he still didn't come. I then saw Prudence running downstairs to where we were.

"Hey mom I heard fighting and you yelling about something I got down here as fast as I could," Prudence said as she looked around and saw the room was a mess. "What happened down here," she asked.

"Oh nothing besides a few demons attacking," I answered in a sarcastic manor. "Oh and by the way when were you going to tell me that you can freeze things by blowing air and shooting a blue laser from you hand. Can you please explain this to me," I asked.

Prudence gave me a look, "um I don't know what you're talking about," she said and I could tell she was lying.

"Prudence don't you lie to me young lady," I said. "Now look what you're doing, you're making me sound like a mother. I guess a mom always knows when her kids are lying, but thats besides the point, how is it possible for you to freeze things."

"Okay I might know but I can't tell you," Prudence said. "Dad has to tell you because if I do it could change the future too much and I really don't want that," she said and looked at her watch. "Oh look at the time I've got to meet up with this other witch for that thing bye mom," she said as she orbed out.

"Prudence Paige Halliwell you get your butt back down here young lady," I said and she didn't come back. "I know she gets that part from her father, but I'm gonna kill them both if I don't get some answers so , WYATT MATTHEW HALLIWELL GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!" I said for the final time and he finally orbed in.

Once he got there he looked around and he also saw the place was a mess, "whoa what happened here," he asked.

"You know I swear Prudence takes after you a lot more than she takes after me," I said. "But if you must know we were just attacked by four demons and I kept calling you and you didn't answer and to top it off I'm freezing things from the baby so can you tell me what's going on before I lose control."

"Sorry Chris I had to protect my charge I mean the elders said he was really important," Wyatt said.

"Oh and your child and I are not," I said back to him.

"No you guys are but I just couldn't come but I'm sorry okay," Wyatt said.

"You know what forget it. I guess me and the baby are always going to be last on your list, but anyways I want to know how is Prudence able to freeze things into blocks of ice," I asked.

"Oh yeah I've been meaning to tell you about that," Wyatt started. "You see since you know its another generation of Charmed Ones, and you know each generation has more power than the last, well the elders thought that our kids could you know handle controlling different types of elements and their powers," Wyatt explained.

"Come again?" I asked. "Or no let me rephrase that can you please tell me this in english not in elder language because I don't speak elder."

"Alright then basically Prudence obviously has the power of ice, Patricia will have the power of fire, and Penelope will have the power of wind," Wyatt said. "So basically since you'll be carrying them you'll sore of have to learn to handle those powers for awhile."

"And how long have you known this," I asked.

"Well I've sore of known this for week," he answered and my temper just flared up.

"A week?" I asked and he nodded. "I can't believe you knew about this and you didn't tell me about this last week," I then started storming up the stairs saying, "this is great just great my boyfriend is not there when I'm being attacked, he's keeping secrets from me, and now I find out that I'm having some babies with elements. Today has just been great!" I said as I walked into the room slamming the door behind me.

"Whats eating him mom I mean when I left he was sad now he's pissed off whats up with that?" Wyatt asked Piper.

"That is what you call hormones kicking in but yeah I have to talk to you privately so Chris and Peter could you please excuse us for a moment," Piper said and Peter and Chris left the room and went upstairs. "Sit down sweetie," she said as her and Wyatt sat down on the couch. "So I talked to Chris about him being depressed and well its a lot. He told me about how much he loves you and you're not the problem its just that he's had a lot to think about with you know going to college and being pregnant, having the baby while he's in college, Prudence hating him until shes eighteen, being a great mom, having the baby in danger twenty four seven, and worst of all he's worried about having a baby before you two are even married."

Wyatt was taking this in, "but mom if he had all of this on his mind why couldn't he tell me so we could work this all out," Wyatt asked.

"You know Chris he gets that part from his mother," Piper said. "They'd rather be miserable and upset then let everyone know about it and have them all stressed out about it."

"Does he even know that it makes me even more miserable seeing him depressed and not telling me about what's going on," Wyatt said. "I just can't believe he kept all that from me and didn't even tell me."

"You're not so innocent either mister," Piper said. "You kept that whole thing about the kids having element powers from him so just think about how he feels finding that out the hard way."

"I guess," Wyatt said. "I'll go talk to him," Wyatt said as he got up. "And mom thanks I don't know what I'd do without you," he said as she got up and hugged him. Wyatt then began walking upstairs. He finally reached the room and he didn't even knock. He saw me on the bed just sitting there. He came over and sat right beside me. "Hey angel whats up?" he asked but I didn't say anything. He then put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "Mom told me about everything including why you've been sad. So can you please talk to me."

"Sure," I said. "Its just with all this stuff that I don't know how I'm suppose to be a mother and everything else I mean what do you think. Its just everything is wrong right now."

"Chris let me tell you that you even told yourself that everything happens for a reason," Wyatt started. "And don't worry about everything thats coming up right now we'll cross those bridges when we get to them. You know Prudence maybe hated you until she was eighteen but I'm willing to bet it brought you two closer. Don't worry about everything else okay lets get through high school right now can you promise me that," Wyatt asked.

"Sure and thanks oh and sorry for keeping this from you," I said.

"And I'm sorry for not letting you know about our kids," he said. "Remember I love you. You're my angel," he said smiling.

"I love you too, ouch!" I said as I felt a slight pain on my stomach.

"What's wrong," Wyatt asked.

"Prudence just kicked," I answered.

"That's great," he said getting excited.

"As I was saying, I love you too." I said and then we kissed.

Meanwhile back in the Underworld John was there scolding the demons about how everything that was suppose to happen failed and he was so busy blaming them all for what happened. "We failed this time I can't believe it," he said to all the demons.

"Thats impossible," one demon from the crowd said. "We sent our four best demons against them."

"And they still found a way to over come all four of them," John said just as frustrated. "I can't believe you guys are good for nothing. Must I do everything myself," John said.

"No master we'll do anything," One demon said.

"Shut up!" John said blasting him with a fire ball and blowing him up. "Leave me all of you," he said. "I have to think," he said and all of the demons shimmered out. "I guess if you want to destroy them you have to negotiate and I know just the warlock to do it with," John said giving an evil laugh.

"Okay guys smile," Paige said as she was taking pictures of all of us in our prom suits. It was now prom night and its suppose to be a fun night for all of us seniors since we're about to go to college and all. "Alright now I want to get all four of you guys together," Paige said. We all got into a group and took the photo. "Thats great now be good and have fun," Paige said. When we arrived at the prom Peter and Chris went there separate ways while Wyatt and I just went and sat somewhere. Wyatt then had to go to the bathroom where he met some of his football and basketball buddies. He told them about how he got me pregnant. I was surprised they all gave him a high five. I just sat there looking at everyone else dance until Wyatt finally came back from the restroom smiling at me.

"Hey you wanna go for a walk outside," he asked.

"No its okay," I said.

"Yes you do come on," He said as he held his hand out but I didn't take it. "Do I have to carry you out of here kicking and screaming," He asked. I knew I didn't want that to happen so I took his hand and he lead me outside holding my hand the entire time. We then just started walking around the parking lot talking about college but then he just broke out with a random question. "So Chris you know my birthday is coming up right," he asked and I nodded. "There's something I want to ask you," he said as he stopped and got on his knees, "I want to marry you on my birthday," I was about to say something but he stopped me, "look don't say anything just yet I know what you're thinking. We're about to go to college and its not the best thing yet but you know I don't care about what happens in college I just want to be with you and I know that you're the one I'm destined to be with. So please tell me you'll say yes."

I had a few tears coming down but I was able to talk a little, "Wyatt are you sure this is something you want to do I mean its your birthday and I don't want our anniversary to interfere with your day," I said.

"You know Chris you're the best birthday present I could ever want and thats why I want to get married on my birthday so come on tell me you'll marry me on that day please. Don't worry about the planning I've already talked to mom and everyone else and well we've been already setting up for it so we'll be prepared. So what do you say," he asked.

"Yes I'll marry you on your birthday," I said. Wyatt was so excited that he picked me up and spun me around a couple of times until he finally put me back down and we kissed.

A few more weeks passed and it was now a couple of days before the whole wedding and things had been stressful with looking for everything for the wedding and all. Thank goodness I had Peter and Chris help me pick out what I was getting married in. Turns out that my maid of honor was gonna be Chris and my bride's maid was gonna be Daughtry. That took a lot of planning out while Wyatt wanted his best man to be Peter and his groomsman to be one of his football friends. I couldn't believe planning a wedding was so much work but there wasn't much help from Wyatt since he always had to go answer to one of his charges which was driving me crazy. I was now in the attic with Piper going through some things.

"Alright looks like we've got just about everything checked off so I think we're set," Piper said looking through a list of stuff that she wrote down on the paper.

"Don't you think we're missing something," I said. "Who's gonna perform the ceremony," I asked. "Don't we need a priest or someone?"

Piper just started laughing, "this is gonna be a Wicca wedding so I've already taken care of that," Piper said but I was still confused and she could tell. "Okay you know we've had these kind of weddings before and they're always performed by Grams."

"Okay who's Grams," I asked.

"I forgot you don't know who Grams is," Piper said. "You'll meet her soon enough but I guess you should know that she's your great grandmother. She's the one who raised us all even your mother. I've also got a surprise for you. Your mother is going to be able to attend and she'll be the one who will walk you down the Aile on your wedding."

"Thats great," I said. "Now I've got something new, I've got something borrowed, and something blue but what I need is something old," I said and started looking around and then caught sight of a locket. "Hey what about this," I said picking it up and opening it.

"Chris don't open that!" Piper shouted but it was too late. I had already opened it and a man came out of it stretching.

"Yes I'm free again," he said and he looked around and caught sight of me and Piper and he stared intensely at us for a minute and then he pointed at Piper. "You again," he said. "My, my you have changed a lot."

"Hello Matthew Tate," Piper said lifting her hands and was about to blow him up but then all of a sudden stopped. "Not this time I won't let you have them," Piper said.

"So you remember," he said as he blinked and appeared right in front of her and picked her up by the neck. "Good now give them too me now or you'll die," he said holding Piper in the air.

"Let her go," I yelled. I was about to fling my hand but was stopped.

"Chris don't," Piper said, "if you use you witch powers against him he can steal them and they'll have no effect on him."

"Shut up witch," Matthew said. "Do it or she dies," he said still holding her in the air by her neck.

"You said witch powers right," I said and thought of and idea. So I conjured up an energy ball and threw it at Tate causing him to drop Piper and sent him against the wall. I then ran to the Book of Shadows trying to find a way to get rid of him.

Tate then got up and tried to do the same but he couldn't, "what is this trick I'm suppose to be able to take your powers if you use them against me," he said.

"That's when I use a good witch's active power it didn't say anything about stealing my powers when I use a white lighter power," I said. I knew he was furious so I hurried and found a spell, "we call upon the spirits to help us undo and send him off to Timbucktoo." Matthew Tate then disappeared. I ran over to help Piper up. "Aunt Piper you okay," I asked.

"I'm fine," she said and then hit me upside the head. "What were you thinking sending him to Timbucktoo. I swear you and Phoebe have the same mind sometimes. Do you even know how many people he's gonna hurt over there?"

"He has no powers," I said.

"Yeah but he's still a Warlock," Piper said. "Oh my goodness grab the book and meet me downstairs," Piper said rushing out of the attic. I then started flipping through the book looking for Matthew Tate but couldn't find anything when all of a sudden I heard an explosion from the kitchen. I thought I'd go check it out seeing that there was a warlock on the loose. I grabbed the book and quickly ran downstairs where I saw Peter and Chris mixing potions.

"Guys what are you two doing the smell of these potions make me want to throw up," I said burping white lighter orbs, "and look at this place its a mess I mean how do you expect people to come over if the house looks like this."

"Please you're pregnant and just about anything would make you sick to the stomach," Chris said. "Don't worry no one is coming over till tomorrow so you're okay."

"Never mind that right now look I just opened a locket and let a warlock loose and then sent him to Timbucktoo," I started explaining. "So now the problem is I have to find him in this book and see how to vanquish him."

Chris and Peter just started laughing, "what makes this warlock any different from any other warlocks we have vanquished in the past I mean all you need is the warlock vanquishing spell."

"How about not this one is different," I said. I was about to say more but then we all heard the TV on and we knew no one was there besides us and Piper but she was upstairs taking a shower. We then ran into the living room and saw Wyatt standing up watching TV, "Good you're here I need to talk you," I said. "Okay so Wyatt I sore of let this warlock..," and was interrupted.

"Hey guys check this out," he said pointing to the TV and it showed on the news about many people getting attacked by this man. "Looks like we have a warlock on our hands and he's targeting the people with the last name Halliwell."

"Thanks Wyatt thats just what I wanted to talk to you about before I was interrupted," I said. "Now look I let this warlock out of a locket and well Aunt Piper said not to use our witch powers against him."

"Okay so how are we suppose to defend ourselves," Chris asked.

"She told me we have to use our white lighter powers but Peter you're fine," I said. "Now Wyatt I was also hoping to talk to you about how our baby has been causing me to burp white lighter orbs and..."

"Hey look sorry Chris I have to go check on another charge again but we can talk about this later if you want to," he said.

"You know everything is always later with you," I said. "Why can't we talk about this now."

"I have to go check on a few charges and you have to see about the warlock okay," he said as he walked over to me. I then started tearing up. "Please don't start the crying thing." He then tried to kiss me on the lips but I pulled away so he just kissed me on the forehead and orbed out.

"Do you want me to bring him back down here," Chris asked.

"No just let him do what he wants and not care for me or the baby," I said. Piper then entered drying off her hair.

"Alright guys we've got ourselves a warlock to find and put back in the locket," Piper said. "Now where is Wyatt I swear I just heard you guys talking to him just a minute ago."

"Oh he left," I answered. "His charges are more important to him and I'm at the bottom of his list," I said.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Chris but I'm gonna go see if I can find some ingredients to put this warlock back in the locket and I need you guys to look him up in the Book of Shadows alright," she said as she left.

I then started flipping through the book of shadows when a demon then shimmered in and came behind Chris. "Chris look out!" I shouted as the demon hurled and energy ball at him but he was able to get out of the way quick enough. The demon then stared at me and shot another energy ball and it missed me but it got my arm and left a scrap. I was then really mad so then when the demon sent the next energy ball I sent it right back at him with my telekinesis power and it shocked him for a few minutes until he blew up. "Geeze these demons just never learn. Do they know what house this is?" I then looked at my arm and it healed again.

"Evans I don't think its safe for you to be doing all of this right now I mean with all the demons attacking and then you stressing out about Wyatt," Chris said. "You need to go upstairs and rest."

"I'm fine what makes you think I can't handle this," I said.

"You can but I don't think all of this is good for the baby so lets go," he said as he walked over to me and grabbed my arm and led me upstairs to my room. "Now you stay in there while Peter and I look for this demon and when we need the power of three we'll call you," Chris said walking back downstairs leaving me at the door of my room.

I then decided I didn't have the strength to argue so I just decided to go in my room and then I saw John in there sitting on the bed, "long time no see I've been expecting you," he said.

"Why you little," I said going over to and choking him on the bed, "you remember what I said would happen to you if I had any demons attacking huh?" I said while I continued choking him.

He finally managed to get one of my hands of his neck long enough to speak, "look I didn't come here for this," he said. I then put my hand back around his neck choking him even harder this time.

"Well then you shouldn't have come at all," I said. I then heard and explosion from the attic and I thought Chris and Peter were in trouble. "You don't know how lucky you just got," I said releasing him from the choke hold and leaving my room and rushing up to the attic. I then saw Chris have a dark lighter trapped in a crystal cage. "Chris what the hell are you doing?"

"What? Isn't this the warlock you guys have been looking for," he said.

"No first of all thats not a warlock its a dark lighter and second of all what are you doing summoning him to the house, Wyatt!," I shouted trying to call Wyatt but he wouldn't come.

Then Chris looked back in the Book of Shadows, "oh my bad I accidentally used the dark lighter summoning spell instead of the warlock," he said.

"Thats just swell since this is pretty dangerous I mean you're a white lighter and so am I and don't forget so is my unborn baby," I said. "Wyatt!" I shouted again and he didn't come.

"Okay sorry I didn't know what do you want me to do about it now," he said but then all of a sudden the dark lighter was able to move one of the crystals out of place and break free. He then conjured his cross bow and fired and arrow at me and Chris but we were both able to move out of the way in time.

He then shot another one at me but I was quick this time, "ARROW!" I shouted turning it into orbs and sending it right back at him causing him to blow up, "you see that's why we don't bring dark lighters in the house. For goodness sake Wyatt!" Then I heard my cell phone ringing and I picked it up without even looking at the name.

"Hey whats up," the voice said. I could tell it was Wyatt on the other side.

"Whats up?" I replied sarcastically, "what's up is that I was just attacked by a demon and a dark lighter and now you're calling me instead of orbing your ass over here."

"Look I'm sorry I've got to watch this charge I'll talk to you later alright," he said.

"Wyatt don't you hang up on me," I said and then I found myself talking to a dial tone. "Ugh just wait till I get my hands on him I'm gonna kill him," I said and then I heard my phone ringing again and I looked at the caller ID this time and saw it was Piper, "hello," I answered.

"Chris get down here now," she said in a panic. "Matthew Tate is attacking people in the mall."

"We'll be there," I said hanging up the phone with Piper and telling Chris what was going on and we orbed over to the mall and decided we should go into the bathroom so no one could see us. We then sneaked out of them and found a large group of people running to the door away from Matthew Tate. We ran up to him.

"Wow so you guys are the new charmed ones," he said. "I'm impressed but the line ends here," he said.

"Thats what you think," I said as I conjured an energy ball and hurled it at him but it turned into fire works before it could hit him. "What the hell," I said.

"Chris are you okay," Chris asked.

"I'm fine," I said. "Let me try again," I said conjuring up another energy ball at him and then sending it his way only this time it turned into flowers. "Oh thats a bad baby," I said and Matthew Tate was over there laughing.

"Let me try," Peter said as he hurled a fire ball a Matthew that sent him flying and caused him to shimmer out. We went home right after that and I was angry to my point.

"Wait till I get my hands on that Wyatt," I said. "Wyatt Halliwell get you butt down here right now!" I yelled and he finally orbed in.

"Hey whats going on that you had to call me from my white lighter duties," Wyatt asked.

"What's going on is that your baby just turned my power into flowers and fire works," I said very angry.

"I'll just go get the book," Chris said running into the kitchen.

"And I'll just go you know just go," Peter said running upstairs.

"Are you okay," he asked. "I mean did you get hurt if you did then the baby should have been able to heal you," he said.

"Oh so you think since the baby can heal me now that I don't need to see you around anymore and that I don't need your help," I said very angry tone.

"No thats not what I'm saying but we need to see what we can do to fix your powers because there is no telling when Matthew Tate will attack again," Wyatt said.

"You know what screw my powers and screw Matthew Tate, not really, but screw it all okay we need to talk about our relationship and us for a change," I said. "Now we're suppose to get married in a couple of days and this is really starting to push my buttons that you can't even take a second of your time to spend with me and the baby without it being about the whole witch craft stuff or getting your dick sucked," I said.

"Look I'm sorry that I'm trying to save so many innocents that I can't spend time with you but what do you want me to do," he said back.

"I just want you to be there for me and baby like you were before you started having all these white lighter charges," I said to him.

Chris then entered holding the book of shadows, "hey guys is this a bad time," he said. We both then gave him a mean look, "I guess it is so I'll be right back."

"No Chris go ahead since someone over here never has time for us anymore," I said.

"Okay well his name is Matthew Tate he's a 17th century warlock who has the ability to copy a good witch's power if and when its used on him. After he has copied a power, it cannot be used against him. He betrayed the Halliwells ancestor Melinda Warren by announcing to everyone that she was a witch and because the warlock had stolen her love she cursed him into a locket where he would spend eternity knowing the hurt and pain of betrayal," Chris explained.

"Does it say anything in there about how to stop him," I asked.

"It says we have to get certain ingredients and it has a spell down here to put him back into the locket," Chris said.

"Okay well we've got to find a way to stop him before he hurts another innocent," Wyatt said.

"Wow I'm surprised you just said before he hurts another innocent and not before he hurts me or your baby," I said.

"Well what do you want me to do abandon my work and have the elders mad at me," he said.

"No I just want you to be there," I said.

"Do you know what its like to walk in my shoes and make time for everything," he said.

"No I don't and don't you tell me about walking in anyones shoes because you couldn't go one day in my shoes," I said back to him. All of a sudden orbs started coming out from us. Red orbs were coming out of me while blue orbs were coming out of Wyatt. We didn't notice because we were to busy arguing.

"Hey guys," Chris said trying warn us.

"Chris could you shut up for a minute!" Wyatt said.

"There you go again don't you talk to our brother that way," I said.

"You just don't understand do you," he said then.

"No its you who doesn't understand," I said and then the orbs came from right behind us and hit us so hard causing us to fall to the ground. "Well that's something you don't see everyday," I said getting off the ground. "I think I'll need a snickers after all of this," I said pulling a snickers out of my pocket.

"How many times have I told you not to eat that junk for our baby," Wyatt said. "Give me that SNICKERS," he said and then all of a sudden the snickers orbed into his hand.

"Hey thats no fair give me that back," I said as I lifted my hands about to call for it but then the snickers just blew up in Wyatt's hand. I was just as shocked as ever. "Oh my goodness."

"That's my power!" Wyatt yelled.

"I tried to warn you guys," Chris said.

Piper then came in, "hey guys whats with all the noise," Piper asked.

"Nothing except Wyatt has my powers and I have his," I explained. "Which is not good at all and where is Prudence so she can fix this. Prudence Paige Halliwell get down here now," I demanded.

Prudence then orbed in, "hey mom whats going on," she asked.

"You switched our powers thats whats going on and I need you to switch them back," I said.

"Wait I don't remember doing that," she said.

"Because it was your fetus that did it now can you please undo what you did or what your baby self did," I said.

"Actually I really don't know how I did it," Prudence said. "Sorry but I can't fix it I mean I haven't done a spell like that without saying something so I really don't know how to reverse it."

"Wow Prudence you do take after your father," Piper said and Prudence gave a confused look. "You see when I was pregnant with Wyatt he did the same thing to me and Leo but it was for a good reason and I'm sure its for a good reason that you did it also now don't you guys try to gang up on my granddaughter. You two weren't communicating the right way so thats what you get. Prudence you maybe excused," Piper said and Prudence then orbed out.

"Mom why did you do that I'm sure we could have worked it out without switching powers," Wyatt said.

"Because you two need to learn your lessons and this is the best way for you guys to do it," Piper said. "By walking a mile in each other's shoes and thats the only way its gonna be reversed now you two enjoy," Piper said smiling as she walked upstairs.

"Guys I know you probably want to kill each other right now but we've got to go see about this warlock," Chris said walking into the kitchen and Wyatt and I followed him and sat at the table. Wyatt then picked up a cup of ice and started chewing on it which caused me to get frustrated.

"Could you quit with ice chewing," I asked. "Its giving me a headache along with this other stuff thats jingling in my head."

"Well sorry I heard it was the best thing to do when you're sexually frustrated," Wyatt said as he continued chewing ice.

"What? I'm not sexually frustrated," I said.

"No but I am," Wyatt answered. "I swear just about everything left me except for that feeling."

"Now why would you be sexually frustrated," I asked.

"Oh because someone over here hasn't given me any sex or any sexual favors for four almost five months," Wyatt said.

"What do you want me to do I'm pregnant," I said.

"Guys could you please just stop fighting," Chris said. "I mean the only way you're gonna get your powers back is if you walk a mile in each others shoes and start communicating the right way and so far you guys are not so looks like you're gonna be stuck like this for awhile. Peter could you get down here please! Now we're gonna have to find a way to send this warlock back in his locket."

"This is just great," Wyatt said burping a few orbs.

"What the hell did you just do," I asked.

"I don't know but right now I'm feeling very sick to the stomach," Wyatt said. "Oh I feel nauseous right now."

"Thats funny because I don't," I said. "Though I can hear all this loud jingling in my ear but besides that I feel fine. That's weird I thought I was the pregnant one now I think Wyatt is."

"What? Hell no, there's no way," Wyatt said.

"Don't worry Chris you're still pregnant since we can still see your stomach poking out, no offense," Chris said. "Wyatt only got the pregnancy symptoms so I hope you guys are finding this as funny as I am."

"How's that possible," I asked.

"I don't even know myself," Chris answered. "Its just how magic works I guess or it just has a funny since of humor."

"Gosh I hear all this freaking jingling in my head," I said. "Wyatt do you hear this all the time," I asked.

"Yeah pretty much," he answered and then burped more orbs. "Chris is your chest always this sore," he asked.

"Sorry but yes it is," I said. "Okay I hear panicking and its driving me crazy," I said.

"You've got to go save them," Wyatt said. "They're innocents crying out for help so you've got to go."

"What about the spell," Chris asked. "I mean we're gonna need the power of three to get rid of Matthew Tate."

"Look I'll be right back because right now these guys are giving me a migraine, "I said orbing out. I then orbed to an alley where I heard fighting and then a woman came up to me panicking.

"¡ayúdeme! ¡están intentando matarme!(help me they're trying to kill me)," the woman said in a very crazy voice. Some how I knew what she was saying though I didn't speak Spanish.

"Calma abajo estoy aquí ayudarle (calm down I am here to help you)," I responded. "Whoa how am I able to speak Spanish," I asked myself. "Screw it," I said and then just grabbed the woman and orbed her to a safe place.

Meanwhile Matthew Tate was walking down the streets in search for the manor and he had trouble remembering where it was. He just kept walking down the streets looking to see if he remembers the house. If the house seemed familiar he would blow the door down and look for the Charmed Ones and when he couldn't find them he'd kill whoever was inside. He then would keep walking down the street until he found a voice calling out to him. "So you're looking for the Charmed Ones maybe I could help you out," the voice said.

He looked at the guy and went towards him, "Who are you and what do you want with me," Matthew Tate asked.

"Hello my name is John Bregar," John said holding out his hands and Matthew Tate took it. "Look I know you want to kill the Charmed Ones and I want one of them for myself. I think we can help each other out."

"What did you have in mind," Matthew asked.

"I can show you better than I can tell you and I think we should do this in a more private place," John said holding out his hand. "Come on I know somewhere we can discuss this."

Wyatt was still trying to get control of my power while I was still out saving innocents. Wyatt was focusing on a plant on the wall. He concentrated and flung his arm but the plant didn't move an inch. Then he tried calling for it but it still didn't move. "Grr I can't believe this how am I suppose to defend myself when there's a warlock on the loose and I don't know how to control this power."

"You just need to relax bro," Chris said while he was still mixing things for the potion.

"How am I suppose to relax when I can't even control this power and I've got nausea and I'm sore all over. Even the smell of that potion is making me want to vomit," Wyatt complained. "How does Chris do this?"

"Well as you can see he too sometimes gets depressed and cranky so you're just gonna have to learn to deal with it," Chris said.

"Deal with it?! How am I suppose to deal with this when I can't even learn how to deal with these pregnancy issues. I can't believe they call this morning sickness and it last all day. Geeze this is driving me insane," Wyatt said. "Chris! Chris could you please get down here and help me!" Wyatt shouted.

I then orbed in. "Okay Wyatt when were you going to tell me that you speak Spanish, German, Italian, and all these other languages."

"You didn't know," Chris said. "Well I know from what dad and Paige has told me but a white lighter can speak whatever language its charge speaks."

"Okay when was someone gonna tell me this," I said. "Was I gonna have to wait till I get charges to learn this stuff," I asked.

"Hey well its better to learn on your own terms than anyone telling you like I just did," Chris said. "This potion is almost ready all we need is a feather from a spotted eagle so Peter I'm gonna need you to go get that," Chris asked and Peter nodded and left the house.

I started hearing voices screaming bloody murder in my head, "Oh no I've got to go someone else is in trouble," I said.

"Wait I need your help with your power and the sickness," Wyatt said.

"Well I'm sorry but someone needs me," I said.

"But I need you I don't know how to do this," Wyatt said.

"Try having a snickers and some crackers," I said as I orbed out.

Chris then walked over to Wyatt with a pack of crackers and a snickers, "okay so here is your snickers," he said as he threw it on the table, "and here are your crackers so lets see what we can do about this warlock problem."

"Warlock problem?! How about we see what we can do to fix this problem that I'm having," Wyatt said standing up and pacing around. "I've got pregnancy symptoms, my wedding is in two days, Chris and I have switched powers and I don't know how to control his, and worst of all I need Chris and he's too busy out saving my charges." Wyatt then stopped and froze for a moment and then went and sat down burring his face in the table. "What just happened here."

Chris came and sat right next to him and started rubbing him on the back. "Looks like the hormones are kicking in and you're finally knowing what its like to be Chris. Hey look I'm gonna help you okay now stand up," Chris said and Wyatt did. "Now I remember being told that Chris's power was sore of generated by anger so think about something that makes you angry and focus on moving that plant."

"I can't think of anything that would make me angry right now," Wyatt said.

"Do I have to do everything for you," Chris said and he started thinking. "Wait I've got it. You remember that time when you found out that Chris was dating John," Chris said.

Wyatt then gave out a loud yell and flung his hand and the plant went flying through the window, "hey its working," Wyatt said.

"Good job bro now keep that same feeling and try orbing an object somewhere," Chris said.

"Okay lets see here," Wyatt said looking around and caught sight of that snickers on the table and thought about how mad he got when he saw me eating those. "SNICKERS!" he yelled and then it orbed right to him. "Yes I'm getting the hang of this."

"Thats great Wyatt," Chris said as he went and hugged him, "now we've got to practice a little more so you'll be prepared for anything."

John shimmered Matthew Tate back to his apartment and they had a talk about the whole plan about how they were going to deal with the Charmed Ones. "Thats the best thing I've heard all my 17th century life. I'm glad I met you, you're brilliant and not unlike those people in the 17th century where I'm from," Matthew Tate said.

"I know and thanks but you know I thought we could have some fun before we carried out the plan," John said.

"What did you have in mind," Matthew Tate said.

"This," John said kissing Tate. John then picked up Tate while they were still in the lip lock and carried him to his bed and got on top of him and then started making out with him. John pulled up and took his shirt off and went right back to making out with Tate. He got lower on Tate and took the bottom of his shirt in his mouth and started lifting it off. John like what he was seeing on Tate. He then pushed Tate back down onto the bed and started licking him all over. He loved Tate's chest so he started licking on that for awhile while Tate was just moaning and moving around. John then decided to take one of his nipples in his mouth while pinching the other. John then moved his tongue down lower and sat up and unbuckled Tate's belt and pulled Tate's pants down and started sucking his hard on through his boxers. Tate was loving what he was getting but he wanted more so he pushed John off and pulled down his underwear and then laid back down and John started jacking him off before he took his manhood in his mouth and started sucking the life out of it. Tate just kept running his hands through John's hair like crazy. Tate was moaning like no other. John didn't pay Tate's moaning no attention he just kept doing it until Tate just pulled him up and flipped him over till John was on top and just pulled his pants down and was impressed by John's large shaft. Without even jacking it off he started taking it in his mouth. John liked the pleasure and put his hand on top of his head and made him keep going up and down. Tate then got off of Johns shaft and pushed him down onto the bed and got on top of him in a 69 position. John saw this position many times but he never tried it. He was really enjoying it. He loved feeling another man on top of him. They were both just sucking each other off at the same time. John did get bored so then he started going for Tate's ass. He then started spreading his cheeks apart and started fingering his hole. Tate stopped sucking John's dick and just moaned. John then started putting his tongue in the hole and eating Tate out. Tate went back to sucking John's dick but once the pleasure became too much for him he just sat up to where he was now sitting on John's face and bouncing up and down on John's tongue. John just loved the sweat and the taste of Tate's ass. Tate then got off of John and John went to his drawers and pulled out a condom and Tate took it from him and put it on himself and then Tate got on top of it and sat on it. He then started going up and down and coming down to kiss John a few times. John was just smiling at the sight of seeing that guy bouncing off his cock. He then flipped Tate over and put his legs on top of his shoulders and started screwing him again. John quickly got tired of that position so he told Tate to get on all fours so he could screw him doggy style. Tate did what he was asked and got on all four and John got behind him and put his dick back in his hole and started fucking him fast and hard. Tate was moaning at the pleasure while John was rubbing his back while he was screwing his ass. John felt like he was about to cum so he the pulled out of Tate and took the condom off and started jerking off while Tate came right over and started sucking on John's balls. John then came all over Tate's face and Tate just loved it. John cleaned up part of it while Tate cleaned up the rest. Tate then started jerking of and shot 5 loads while John cleaned it up by himself. They then kissed. "Wow you were good," John said.

"Thanks, now that we've had our fun lets get to the Charmed Ones," Matthew said as he got up and started putting his clothes back on.

Wyatt had been practicing my power for awhile. He had been orbing things and using telekinesis to move thing everywhere around the house. "Wow Chris I really thing I've managed this bro," Wyatt said burping more orbs. "Now if I could only get this pregnancy thing down I'd be fine."

"Well thats great I'm glad you finally know what its like to be Chris," Chris said.

"Yeah and I know its not easy, I guess I owe him an apology when he gets back," Wyatt said.

"Yes you do and he needs to get here soon because there's no telling when Matthew Tate will be back and speaking of where is Peter I mean I sent him for that feather two hours ago and he still isn't back," Chris said. Right then Peter walked through the door.

"Alright it might have been a hard job but I got it," Peter said kissing Chris and handing him the feather.

"Okay now all we need is Evans wherever he's at which could be anywhere," Chris said.

"I'm right here," I said orbing in. "You guys wouldn't believe the crazy day I've had I mean orbing these people from one place to another and speaking all these different languages. Its just crazy and Wyatt how do you do all this because I sure can't handle it."

"I'll tell you about it in a moment but right now I've got something I want to say to you," Wyatt said walking toward me.

"Yeah there's something I want to tell you too," I said.

"Oh there's something we want to tell the both of you," John said as he shimmered in with Matthew Tate. "It seems its time for you guys to give up your powers and for Evans to come back to me where he belongs."

"Not a chance," I said. "And since when do you two work together," I asked.

"Oh since we made a deal that he gets your powers and I get you and he can do whatever he wants with the rest of you guys so come on Chris lets go," John said.

"You just make me sick," I said and then held up my hand shooting the blue laser and turning John into ice.

"Thats what a mistake, seems like the Warren line isn't getting any smarter," Matthew Tate said. He then held his hand and tried doing the same thing but he couldn't. "What trick is this. You used the power so I should be able to do it too."

I then smiled. "Seems like being trapped in that locket has crushed your brain. It says you can only take a power that belongs to the witch when its used against you. It didn't say anything about it being used against someone else oh and another thing this isn't my power neither is it a witch power," I said.

"Okay Chris this ones on you again," Wyatt said.

"Me? What am I suppose to do," I said.

"Blow him back to the living room using my powers," Wyatt said. I then lifted my hands and I didn't quiet get Matthew I just blew up the plant next to him. "Come on try again that was close," Wyatt said. I then did it again this time I blew up the ice sculpture of John. "Were you really aiming for John, never mind don't answer that just blow him back to the living room," Wyatt said. I then lifted my hands on last time and blasted Matthew into the living room. We all then ran in there after him. "Great job Chris," Wyatt said.

"Yeah great job now Wyatt its your turn," Chris said. "You know what to do."

"Thats right I do," Wyatt said. "CRYSTALS" he yelled and orbed a circle of crystals around Matthew Tate containing him. "Alright Chris you guys ready," Wyatt asked and we both nodded as Chris put the herbs and the feather in the pouch and I took out the locket from my pocket.

We all then recited, "Outside of time, outside of gain know only sorrow know only pain." Matthew then gave out a big yell and then he went into the locket and I closed it behind him. We then heard clapping behind us so we turned around.

"Well done Charmed Ones I'm impressed," John said as he stopped clapping. "I thought you guys weren't gonna find your ways out of this one but you know I won't give up."

"You know I thought I blew you up," I said.

"Come on you know I'm invincible and you can't kill me," John said. "So until we meet again I bid you farewell," he then shimmered out.

"We've got to find a way to vanquish him and fast," I said in a mad tone.

"My thoughts exactly," Wyatt said as he turned towards me so that we were now face to face. "Hey look Chris before we were interrupted there's something that I wanted to tell you."

"Yeah there's something I wanted to tell you too," I said back to him. "I'll go first look I'm sorry I was a nag and so hard on you. I should have known what you do is important and its hard and well I know its hard for you to always spend time with me and you manage to do it the best you can and that's all I can ask for."

"No you shouldn't be sorry I'm the one who's been an insensitive boyfriend," Wyatt said. "I mean I see what you're going through carrying my child and I know its hard for you to deal with all of this and I'm always on the run and never spending any time with you. I just hope you can forgive me and I hope you still want to marry me in two days," Wyatt said and he kiss my hand.

"Of course I do," I said and then the orbs started coming behind us and we didn't notice them again. "There's nothing in the world that couldn't make me want you the way I do," I said.

"You guys," Chris said.

"Hold on Chris," I said. "Now lets just both agree to forget what happened in the past and put it all behind us," I said and then we kissed and then the orbs came and broke us apart by hitting us from the front and knocking us both to the ground. "Well its something you don't see everyday but it comes when you least expect it."

"I tried to warn you again," Chris said.

"Sorry Chris we'll try to pay more attention to you," Wyatt said. "You know something I don't feel nauseous or sore anymore," Wyatt said and you could tell he was very happy.

"You know that's funny because I do," I said burping white lighter orbs out. "Do you think we got our powers back," I asked. "Guess there's only one way to really find out," I said. "SNICKERS!" I yelled and a snickers orbed into my hand. "Looks like I have mine what about you Wyatt?"

"Lets just see," He then lifted his hands and blew up the snickers that I had just orbed to me.

"Hey," I yelled.

Wyatt just stood there laughing and then he wrapped his arm around me. "Looks like everything is back to normal. I love you angel," he said and kissed me and got on his knee. "And I love our baby too," Wyatt said kissing my stomach and coming back up and wrapping his arm around me again. ** ** * * * * * ** *** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was now the morning of the wedding and Wyatt and I slept in separate beds since they say its bad luck to see each other before the wedding. I woke up and went straight downstairs to see what was going on. Piper was still preparing everything and taking stuff outside because the wedding was gonna be in the back yard. "Hey Aunt Piper," I greeted her.

"Hello Chris you're up late you know the wedding is in less than three hours," she said.

"It is? crap," I said. "Where's Wyatt," I asked.

"He and Peter went to Phoebe's house early this morning to get prepared and other Chris is upstairs getting prepared for this too so you should probably start," Piper said still working on things.

"Thanks," I said running upstairs and taking out my white tux for the whole wedding. I then ran into the shower and I was in there for quiet sometime. I then came and put on my boxers and a wife beater and then just as I was about to put on my suit and then I looked in the mirror and just stared there for awhile holding my stomach. I was thinking about how this means its time for me to be an adult since I was going to be a mother in a few months and a wife in less than a couple of hours.

As I was thinking Chris and Daughtry came in the room. They were all dressed and ready , "hey Chris whats up so you ready to walk down the ail and become a wife and a mother of three kids," Chris asked.

"Sure I guess," I said.

"Chris whats up man you don't seem to happy about it," Daughtry asked.

"Nothing its just that this means I have to grow up and become an adult since I'm gonna be a mom and everything and I feel like I'm being forced into this faster than I'm suppose to," I said.

"Look you're fine trust me," Chris said. "You just got last minute wedding scares but they'll all go away once this is over I mean I'm sure Wyatt is having them too I mean every bride and groom go through this before their wedding."

"I guess you're right but guys I just want to thank you guys for everything," I started. "I mean if it weren't for the help of the both of you, Wyatt and I wouldn't still be together to make this happen and I can't express how glad I am to have you both play a roll in my wedding." I started smiling and tearing up at the same time.

"Hey what are friends and brothers for," Chris said as him Daughtry came up and hugged me at the same time. "You know I was just thinking you remember that time at your engagement party when you got on top of Wyatt's shoulders and he came so close to dropping you because he was so drunk," Chris said laughing.

"Yeah I remember I was so mad at him for that," I said laughing along with him. "Did I ever tell you about that time Wyatt and I did it in the weight room and the coach came in and slipped and fell on his pile of cum."

Chris and Daughtry then just went hysterical with laughter, "oh and what about that time when you and I caught Wyatt and Peter spying on us and we gave them a show. Those are some of the good times and I'm gonna miss them."

"Me too," I said and we all hugged one last time.

"You better get ready," Chris said as him and Daughtry got up. "We'll be downstairs if you need us and can't wait to see you down there," he said and then went out of the room and I started getting dressed.

Piper was in the attic looking through the Book of Shadows. When she found the spell she was looking for she went and got some candles and put them in a circle and walked back over to the magic book. "Hear these words, hear my cry spirit from the other side come to me I summon the, cross now the great divide," she chanted and then three woman appeared in the circle. "Hello mom, Prue, Grams I hope you guys are ready because its time."

All three women then walked out of the circle and they were whole. "Piper its good to see you. You look wonderful," Prue said as she came up and hugged her.

"Its good to see you too," Piper responded. "Its good to see all of you guys and I'm glad that you came to this special occasion of our sons getting married and grams thanks for performing this ceremony."

"Its the least I could do," Grams said.

I then entered not knowing what was going on, "Hey Aunt Piper I've got everything I mean something new, something borrowed, and something blue but I need something old," I then stopped and caught sight of my mother along with two other women standing with her. "Mom!" I shouted as I went up to hug her. "Its good to see you. I'm glad you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she said as she kissed me on the cheek. "Look at you, you're all grown up and pregnant might I add. You look nice sweetie," she said smiling.

"Thanks mom I'm just so happy that you're gonna be here to walk me down the ile," I said.

"Sorry I don't think we've met," One of the ladies who was standing next to me said. "I'm Patty your grandmother and its a pleasure to finally meet you," she said smiling as she hugged me.

"Wow I've heard so much about you and thanks for being here on one of the most important days of my life," I said.

"Hi," the other lady said to me. "I don't think you've met me either. I'm Penny your great grandmother but you can just call me Grams because thats what I go by and I'll be the one performing the ceremony."

"Hello Grams," I said hugging her. "Thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me that you're doing this for me. So you two must be the people I named my other two daughters after."

"Other daughters what do you mean other daughters," Grams said.

Things got even better because Prudence then came up in the attic. "Hey mom , Aunt Piper I've got everything set up and the guest are starting to arrive and Paige, Phoebe , and I think we've got things under control," she said and then froze once she caught sight of Prue who looked just like her.

"Wait Prue there's two of you," Grams said.

"Oh no," I said. "Hey Prudence come here," I said as she came to my side and I put my arm around her. "Mom this is Prudence my oldest daughter. The one I'm pregnant with right now. Prudence this is mom, grandma, and grams," I said introducing them.

"Nice to meet you guys," Prudence said.

"Wow you look just like me," Prue said.

"Thanks," Prudence said. "Its a pleasure to see you in person after all the stories I've heard about you guys."

"Yeah Prudence did you know that these are the people you and your sisters are named after," I said.

"Hey guys you know I hate to break up the family reunion but we've got a wedding thats about to start in thirty minutes and I think its time we start taking our places," Piper said. "So lets go," Piper said rushing us all out of the attic and downstairs.

I then saw many people who I knew and didn't know walking through the house and into the backyard and there were some people who used the gate but most just went through the house. I then caught sight of a couple of friends who I never thought to see there. "Walker, Alex," I said running up to them and hugging them both, "wow I didn't expect to see you guys here."

"Well we thought we'd take off and come up here to see you and I see you've been busy I mean look at that stomach of yours," Walker said smiling. "Well Alex and I are gonna go take our seats and we'll see you there," he said walking out of the back door.

"Mom, Dad is coming now get upstairs until I tell you its time," Prudence said urging me up the stairs and I did go. I waited for a long time thinking this was it and once Prudence came and got me I was getting married. I started sweating while I was up there. I was up there for almost an hour but it seemed to go by so fast until Prudence came and got me. "Alright mom its time," she said. I then walked down the stairs and was greeted by my mom. We didn't say anything to each other. We just smiled and linked arms and started heading towards the back door. Once we got outside there was band playing and it wasn't the wedding march. It was Switchfoot and they were playing and singing that song only hope from A Walk To Remember. I remember Piper saying that she got them to play at her club so she asked them to play for my wedding. I looked around and saw many people from school and all over standing as I walked down. I could see Chris and Daughtry on one side and Wyatt and Peter and one of his friends on the other while Grams was in the middle. The walk was the best thing ever. When I finally got to the altar I was now face to face with Wyatt. He was was smiling at me and he was the best thing to ever happen. I just smiled back. We then joined hands as the ceremony began.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these two in matrimony," Grams started. "I would like the bride and groom to recite their vows for themselves as requested."

"I, Chris Evans, take Wyatt Matthew Halliwell to be my husband. To love, honor, cherish in sickness and in health all the days of my life till death do I part," I said and then I whispered an I love you to him.

"I, Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, take Christopher Evans to be my lawfully wedded husband. To love him, to honor him, to cherish him in sickness and in health all the days of my life till death do I part," Wyatt said and smiled at me.

"If there is anyone who has any reason why these two should not be wed speak now or forever hold your peace," Grams continued. I expected John to show up to stop it but luckily he didn't. "By the power vested in me and the whole Halliwell line I now pronounce you two husband and wife you may kiss," she said. I got a bit teary but we did kiss for a long time.

I know this chapter was longer than the last so I'm sorry, but if you read it all the way through thanks and be sure to send feedback on whether you liked it or not and whether I should continue it or end it with this wedding by emailing me at and if you have gmail at

Next: Chapter 17

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