Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Oct 22, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Yeah I'm skipping over the whole family news about Chris being pregnant but there will be flash backs about it.

So its now been three years and I thought I'd give you guys a list of powers and ages.

Chris Evans Halliwell-22

-Astro Projection




-Empath- ability to sense human emotions and is able to place whatever emotion in someone

-Energy Balls

-Conjuring athames- remember he does have Phoenix blood

-Synchronization- the ability to steal another's power(another power of a Phoenix)

-Orbing telekinesis- the ability to call for something and have it orbed to you


-Force wave- that thing he did in the future when he blew up the whole attic

-weather manipulation- the ability to control the weather. He stole that power from another demon sometime in the past 3 years.

-Cryokinesis(freezing breath)

Wyatt Matthew Halliwell-22



-Energy balls


-temporal status- ability to freeze time

-molecular combustion- ability to speed time up. (blow up things)

-Cloaking- the ability to hide someone supernaturally

-Super strength

-telepathy- the ability to tap into another ones powers(thats why sometimes you'll see him using telekinesis, because he's using Chris E's power). Also allows to speak to someone through their mind

-Materialization or Conjuring

-force field generation


-Transmogrification/ Shape shifting

Christopher Perry Halliwell-20


-Telepathy(same thing as Wyatt)

-Levitate 40ft

-Energy balls



-Electricity Generation- the ability to channel and control electricity

-Optical Thermodynamics- ability to shoot a beam of destructive energy out of eyes.


-Astral Echo

-Force field generation

-X-ray vision

-Hydrokinesis- the ability to control water

Patience Primrose Melinda Bregar Halliwell (Nickname:Patsy)-4(part demon)



Ryan Henry Halliwell (Nickname: Ry)-4

-Orbing telekinesis


-Astro Projection

-Ice status-ability to turn things into ice

-force field generation

Prudence Paige Halliwell (nickname: Prue)-3

-Astro Projection



-ice status

-force field generation

Robert Coop Halliwell (nickname: Robby, Bob, Bobby, Cooper)-3

-molecular combustion


-flame throwing

-supernatural speed

-force field generation

Pyra Jean Halliwell & Pandora Peregrine Halliwell[twins], FYI, these are Chris and Peter's daughters (Nickname:Py & Panda) -2

-force field generation


Okay that took a while to write all of that down but yeah I know they each have more powers but they have to grow into them. Even the kids do. If you have a question about them feel free to ask. Look I know kids can't speak proper English but I hate when I can't read what the kids are saying

"Alright team lets move into position!" 4 year old Patience demanded. "Now pull," Patience ordered like a drill sergeant. Ryan and Robert were pulling a rope that was around a hanger hanging from the ceiling. On the other end of the rope was a bucket full of water. Ryan and Robert were pulling it up as fast as they could. As usual they were up to no good.

Wyatt, Chris and I were out demon hunting for demons that were after the kids. We didn't think it'd be wise to take the kids with us so we left them with Paige who, right now is suppose to be babysitting them.

"Now once she hits the X then let go," Patience reminded them. Patience, Ryan, and Robert were always trying to find tricks to play on their babysitters trying to chase them away. Patience was the ring leader of it all.

"Guys we going to get in trouble," Prue said holding her little teddy bear. She would always take that bear everywhere she went. It was like her and the bear were inseparable. I gave it to her for her third birthday and she's held onto it ever since. Poor Prue was the innocent one always trying to talk her brothers and sister out of trouble, but they didn't listen to her, and she'd always be the one to snitch on them.

"Not unless someone over here tattles like she always does," Patience said pointing at Prue.

"Yeah!" Ryan and Robert said in unison agreeing with Patience.

"Ready?" Patience asked and the boys nodded. Patience then went to the doorway and began to call for Paige. "Aunt Paige can you please come here for a minute!" she shouted. After saying that she walked right back over to where Ryan and Robert was trying to hide what they had in their hands. "She's coming," Patience whispered snickering.

Paige walked right through the doorway that connected the dinning room to the living room. She put her hands on her hips saying, "didn't I tell you four to go to bed like an hour ago," she said frustrated. Every time she would put them in their beds they would always come out. She looked at her watch, "its nine o'clock!" She started walking up more saying, "come on its time to go back to bed," she said as she hit the X, that was duck tapped to the floor.

"Now!" Patience yelled, causing Robert and Ryan to let go of the rope. Paige didn't know what was going on so she looked up only to have her face met by a bucket full of water. The kids all immediately began laughing.

Paige really didn't think this was funny at all. She was drenched from head to toe and she angrily pulled the bucket off her head and threw it on the ground. "You kids think this is funny?!" She yelled. The kids continued laughing as Paige yelled at them. Paige stormed off to the kitchen.

Right after Paige walked off Wyatt and I came through the front door. The kids swallowed knowing they were in trouble. "We're home!" I said taking off my jacket and hanging it in the closet. I then caught sight of the kids. "Hey kids what are you guys still doing up," I asked as Wyatt and I started to walk over to them. They all began looking at each other trying to figure out an excuse. I looked around and noticed a big duck taped X on the floor and a puddle of water around it with a bucket next to it. "What did you just do," I asked knowing whatever they did just happened recently since the water was still on the floor.

"Nothing," they said giving me an innocent smile

I know that smile. They've done something big this time. "Hey Prue," I said sweetly and as I crouched down to Prue's height and looked in her eyes. "What did your brothers and sister do?" I asked. I know if anyone is going to tell the truth its Prue.

"Bucket go on Aunt Paige's head," Prue said pointing back at the rope that was still hanging on the hanger. I looked back and I clearly saw exactly what happened.

I gasped for breath shouting, "What?!"

"Tattle tell," Patience said taunting Prue.

"No, no, no, please tell me you guys didn't just drop a bucket of water on your Aunt Paige's head," I asked scared knowing without a doubt they did it.

"She made soggy pancakes," Patience defended.

"That's no reason to drop a bucket of water on her head," I yelled being real frustrated. This isn't the first time they've pulled a prank on one of the babysitters. Now a days no magic babysitters want to baby sit these kids because of all the tricks they play. So mine and Wyatt's only hope was Paige. She thought she could handle it since she deals with magic kids at magic school. I looked around noticing that Paige wasn't in the room. "Where's your Aunt Paige," I asked.

"Kitchen," Prue answered.

"You guys are in serious trouble," I said pointing to them. All of them just shrugged like it was no big deal, except Prue. Poor Prue didn't like getting in trouble. She only did it because she felt like she was forced to by her siblings. Prue felt like an outcast since thats the way her siblings would treat her. "Wyatt, watch them and make sure they don't move a muscle until I come back," I said and Wyatt nodded.

I felt safe leaving them with Wyatt because I knew that they wouldn't pull these tricks on him. They would pull tricks on anyone except for me and Wyatt, because we were their parents. Not just that but because they knew I would take their powers away and wouldn't give them back for a week, and Wyatt, well I don't know why but they're afraid to make him angry.

I walked into the kitchen to see Paige packing up her stuff. I walked over to her to try to stop her. "Aunt Paige wait please don't go," I pleaded. She was still drenched in water.

"I'm leaving and I'm never coming back!" Paige responded. "Those kids are nightmares," she said as she picked up her bag and headed for the back door. I quickly followed her. "I swear out of all the years I've been teaching at magic school I have never seen kids that bad!"

"Come on Aunt Paige," I begged trying to get her not to leave. "It was just a harmless prank and I promise it will never happen again."

"Oh yeah," she snapped. "Last time you said that was last week, only last week those kids locked my poor Primrose in the dryer, turned Melinda into a chicken and tried to chop off her head, and worst of all they tied me to a chair and forced me to watch Barney!" Paige shook her head and begin struggling to open the door until she realized it was locked.

"I'll pay you double," I said. I'd do anything to get Paige back.

"I wouldn't watch those kids for a million bucks an hour," Paige said as she finally twisted the lock. She opened the door and quickly disappeared into the night before I could say anything else to her.

I shook my frustrated. I had to admit those kids were trouble. I walked back into the living room and those kids were standing in front of Wyatt right where I left them. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Piper's number. Thank goodness she was still awake and answered the phone.

"Hello, yes Aunt Piper, I was hoping you could watch the kids this weekend while Wyatt and I go demon hunting again," I asked. I waited for a moment for Piper's answer. "Yeah Aunt Paige said she couldn't do it so is it alright with you?" She said yes and I was relieved. "thanks bye,"I said as I hung up the phone. The kids were all looking at me with a look of shame. "What?"

"You just lied to grandma," Patience said.

"What do you want me to tell her," I asked sarcastically. "That she quit because you guys dropped a bucket on her head for making soggy pancakes?" I reminded them causing them to not say anything. They knew they hit the big one this time. "Now who's idea was this?"

"Hers," they all said pointing at Prue.

"Oh really, well lets see where my magic finger goes," I said. I waved my arm from side to side slowing it down second by second until my finger was finally pointed at Patience. "Well, well, well, look at who just got caught again," I said causing her to make a face of guilt. "You have a gift Patience and you better be happy you didn't pull this one off with magic or else I'd be taking your powers, but you're still grounded, now up to your rooms all of you." I pointed them up the stairs and the stomped up there upset about it.

Prue stayed though and waited till all the kids were out. "I'm sorry mommy and daddy," she said innocently.

I picked her up and kissed her on the cheek saying, "its okay sweetie I know you didn't have anything to do with it." I put her back down on the ground and said, "now go on its past your bed time." Prue nodded and went upstairs. After she finally left the room I gave out a big, "AHHHHH."

"Whoa," was all Wyatt could say as he grabbed my waist from behind. "Baby you need to calm down, why are you so mad?"

"Calm down?! Calm down?! How can I calm down," I said louder and louder. "I just keep wondering if Prue's right about Patty being evil and not Patience," I questioned. "I mean every time I turn around she's up to something that she shouldn't be!"

Wyatt chuckled as he placed soft kisses on my neck. "Don't worry, we've seen the future and she didn't look that evil," Wyatt joked. I growled. "Okay, Okay she wasn't evil at all, but come on you can't get yourself all worked up, you should have expected this from them." I rolled my eyes and shrugged him off and headed up the stairs. "Chris, Chris, where are you going," he asked as he chased after me.

I went into each of the kids rooms to make sure that they were in bed. When I was assured that they were sleep I went back to me room to see Wyatt sitting on the bed waiting for me. I guess he must have followed me back upstairs. He always wants to make sure that I'm okay. For some reason if I'm out of Wyatt's sight for more than twenty four hours he gets really worried. So I haven't really been able to spend the night at a friends house because I don't want to get him all worried.

I could sense how worried Wyatt was about me, so I had to talk to him. "Wyatt," I said getting his attention. "What makes our kids act like this, I mean Prue isn't bad at all."

Wyatt shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, maybe they're just calling out for attention," he said as he laid back on the bed with his clothes still on.

"What would cause them to drop a bucket of water on Paige's head," I said as I paced around the room. "I just don't get it"

"Well you know what they say," Wyatt replied. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree," Wyatt said as he laughed to himself.

I crossed my arms over my chest in anger. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm just saying that maybe they got it from you, because I know I never acted that way," Wyatt said still laughing at the matter. "You on the other hand, well I can imagine you being that way."

"Oh really?" I asked and Wyatt smiled and nodded. I got frustrated so I got of top of Wyatt and sat on his crotch area, and grabbed the pillow that he was laying on. "I'll show you what I did while I was a kid!" I yelled as I started hitting him with the pillow. Who says just because we're parents, doesn't mean we can't have fun.

Wyatt started bracing himself. "I was just kidding," he said as he begged me to stop as he kept getting hit. He was stuck where he was because I was sitting on him so he grabbed my wrist. "Stop it now," he demanded.

"Oh and what happens if I don't?" I asked with a smirk. Wyatt smirked back, before he pulled me down on top of him and kissed me gravely. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and searched for his treasure that he owned. He slowly slid his hands under my shirt and moved his hands and around my skin, loving the feeling that he got from it, that was giving him a hard on.

With my hands free I started running them through Wyatt's long curls, making Wyatt moan more as we started to kiss even rougher and harder. Wyatt's hands under my shirt felt so good that I couldn't help to let out a few moans here and there. Wyatt then moved over to my neck and started to suck and bite at it. My member then started to grown and cause friction between mine and his. I put my hand underneath his shirt and felt his tight abs.

Wyatt got tired of this. He wanted to feel his skin against mine so bad. He orbed both of our shirts off(he's a telepath remember)so now we were skin on skin. Part of me could help but wonder why he didn't orb all our clothes off. He quickly aggressively flipped us over so now that he was on top and in control. That's the way he liked it. Wyatt began kissing up and down my chest and abs and everywhere. I started playing with his long curls which was turning him on even more. Wyatt was getting so hard that he couldn't take it in his jeans so he quickly pulled them off and continued kissing where he left off. Finally he kissed back down to my naval where he licked around it for awhile before moving down even further. My jeans were in his way of getting to my skin, so Wyatt forcefully pulled them off along with my boxers. He then went back to kissing at the exact same spot where he left off. He didn't pay any attention to my growing member. He just kissed every spot around it and didn't even go near it.

Wyatt finally came back up to me and started kissing and nibbling on my ears, turning both of us on even more. I could even see that he was long through his boxers. Wyatt just couldn't wait until he took them off, but he wanted to hold that for a minute since he wants to get as hard as he can before he does. I started putting my hand on his boxers trying to pull them off myself but Wyatt grabbed it and started taunting me with his finger, by waving it from side to side. All that teasing was making me want to cum.

"Maybe this will teach you not to hit me," Wyatt teased as he started to suck on my neck leaving a big hickey as always. He gave me a big smirk as he kissed me one last time, before stripping himself of his boxers. He then orbed some lube to himself. After lubing his fingers, he pushed one inside me and waited for my muscles to relax. He then pushed in another, and another until he finally had all three in. He used his spare hand to lube his member up. He wanted to be prepared for when he pulled his fingers out. When he felt my muscles relax he pulled his fingers out and replaced it with his manhood. I knew this was going to be big so I prepared myself by wrapping my legs around Wyatt's waist. Wyatt could see that I wasn't in any pain so he proceeded to push in and out of me.

As all of this pleasure was coming through me I let out slight moans trying to keep them quiet enough so the kids couldn't hear. Wyatt however didn't care. He was grunting loudly as he was pushing in and out of me. The bed was started to squeak a little but Wyatt didn't pay it any attention as he started to go even harder and faster.

I couldn't take it anymore. I wrapped my arms around Wyatt neck as I felt he was pushing more and more harder and faster. It wasn't too much longer before I blasted a huge load and it got all over Wyatt chest and my stomach.

My muscles then tightened around Wyatt's cock causing him to just blast and even huger load inside me, while the pleasure got so good he bit down on my neck so hard that I screamed. Wyatt collapsed on top of me panting from it all. It took a lot of out of him. After he was able to catch his breath he pulled out of me and pulled me closer.

"Wow," I said. "After four years, and four kids, we still have it," I laughed.

"I know right," Wyatt replied. "But, who would have guessed we'd be here. Married, four kids, and the charmed ones."


I was sleeping next to Wyatt peacefully. I looked over to see the clock saying 8:00 am and I'm pretty sure the kids will be up at any moment but I thought I could get some more sleep right now. Especially with all these nights I've been staying up demon hunting after the demons who were after not just Mine and Wyatt's kids, but Peter and Chris's kids also.

Suddenly I heard loud screaming coming from Prue. Immediately I thought the worst. That's usually all I think when I hear screaming. Quickly I got out of bed and orbed some clothes on and ran out of the bedroom and to where I heard her screaming. As I made my way over I conjured an energy ball, ready for whatever is trying to attack my kids.

"Prue," I called out. All I could hear was screaming. I quickly went into Patience's room and then Ryan and Robert's room and none of them were there. That wasn't good. I finally made my way around the corner of the upstairs hallway. Ready to attack whatever was near the kid I stood there even more furious at what I found.

Prue was tied up and hanging upside down on the ceiling. Patience, Robert, and Ryan were dancing around her singing their little "Ring around the Rosie" song.

"Lemme down" Prue said crying.

"This is what you get for tattling," Patience said back and she and her brothers were dancing circles around poor little Prudence.

"Yeah maybe this'll teach ya not to tell," Ryan added.

I had, had enough of what they were doing and why they said they were doing. I had watched as much as I could take, which was only thirty seconds. "What is going here?" I asked snarled causing all the kids to turn around.

They all back up a little, knowing they were in trouble again. "Um, uh," Patience said trying to think of a good lie for this. Prue hanging from the ceiling. There isn't many good lies you can make up for that.

"Well?" I pressed on getting very irritated from the wait. "Why is Prue tied up to the ceiling?"

Patience looked back her brothers who just shrugged. They couldn't think of any excuse either. "Playing house," she lied with a smile on her face trying to look innocent.

"House?" I questioned. I knew she was lying but I just wanted to see how far she would go on with it. "What kind of house are you playing?"

"Umm da kind where Prue hangs from the ceiling," she answered.

"Oh really?" I said frowning even more. "Well I don't think Prue likes that kind of house now put her down," I demanded. I was really getting tired of them picking on Prue. This isn't the first time they've done something like this to her for tattling.

"We'll put her down in a second," Patience said back as her and the boys continued dancing around Prue.

"No, you will put her down now and don't talk back to me," I snapped. This was the first time they've ever done that. I don't know what's gotten into them but I have to make sure to set them straight or else they'd be doing this when they get older.

Patience rolled her eyes and sighed saying, "fine." She then conjured a fire ball and hurled it up to Prudence, burning the rope.

Prue fell head first onto the floor and broke out crying.

"Baby," Patience teased causing Prue to cry even louder.

I had about as much as I could take. "Go to your rooms now!" I demanded pointing at the doors. "And don't come out until you're ready to apologize!" I added on.

The kids all growled as the stormed off to their rooms. They knew better than to talk back to me right now. Especially after this little stunt that they just pulled. They're lucky they still have their powers right now.

I quickly ran over and picked Prue up and started comforting her. I checked all over her face to make sure she didn't have any marks on her from that fall, because if she did, those kids are gonna be grounded until the end of time. I kissed her on her forehead. "Its okay, its okay," I whispered, bouncing her a little. After five minutes of comforting she stopped crying. "Are you alright?" I asked worried.

"Yes," she slurred sniffing a little after all the crying she had been doing.

"Good," I said kissing her on the forehead and setting her back down on the ground and started heading for the kitchen. As I was heading for the stairs I felt a small pair of arms wrap around my leg. I looked down to see little Prue attached. I chuckled saying, "Prue, sweetie if you don't let me go I can't go call your Uncle Chris."

"Why," Prue asked softly.

"Because your Uncle Chris and Uncle Peter are getting married next week and I have to talk to them about some stuff," I explained. Prue still wouldn't get off, so I had to pick her up and set her down. I began walking down the stairs and Prue followed. She was attached to me for some reason, but future Prudence said that's how it always was.

"Mom," Prue said halfway down the stairs.

"Yeah what's up," I answered turning to her as we continued down the stairs.

"Why do Patience and Ryan, and Robert hate me," she asked hurt.

I shook my head. "They don't sweetie, they're just being your typical brothers and sister. Don't pay them any attention."

"They said that I was dropped off at the door step by aliens," Prue told.

We had finally reached the living room and I decided that there are somethings that I had to get straight with Prue. I didn't want her growing up thinking that what her brothers and sister said were true. I picked her up and sat her on my lap as I sat on the couch myself. "Listen, you were not dropped off by any aliens alright, they just tell you things like that to get to you, but don't let them okay."

"But they said that there's nothing special about me and I was useless," she went on almost crying.

"Pooh Bear," I whispered in her ear. That was my little nickname for her since she liked Winnie the Pooh and it sounded like her name. "There's lots of things special about you?"

"There is?" she asked. She was really starting to cheer up when she heard that and I knew I had to keep it going.

"Yeah there is, I mean you're smart, I can always count on you to tell me the truth," I went on and with each comment Prue started to smile more. "Lets see what else, oh but you know what makes you even more special," I smirked.

"No," she asked.

"You're my little tickle bear," I shouted and started tickling her as she squealed. She started laughing and tried to get away, but I got her and placed her on the couch and continued torturing her with getting tickled.

Soon Wyatt orbed in hearing all the screaming. "What's going on in here," he asked watching as Prue kept squealing and trying to get away.

"Oh nothing," I replied. "Except Prue here doesn't think that she's special enough so I thought I'd show her, what do you think Wyatt?"

Wyatt tilted his head to the side. "Why didn't I ever think of that," Wyatt questioned himself. He then joined in and started tickling her on one side while I was on the other.

"Stop it," she got out as tears were coming down her face because she was laughing so hard.

"You think we should?" Wyatt asked.

"No, I don't think she's learned her lesson yet," I replied. Wyatt I both continued our tickling assault on her. She kept moving so much that I held her still while Wyatt tickled her.

"Oh and what lesson is that," Wyatt asked in a low voice.

"That she's special and we love her," I answered and Wyatt laughed tickling her even harder.

After five minutes of tickling Prue finally managed to say the words. "Okay I get it," she squealed.

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically. "Are you special enough to stop being tickled?"

"Yes," she instantly answered wanting to stop the torture.

I nodded to Wyatt and stopped tickling her as I let her go. "Come on its time to go to grandma's," I said as I got up and made my way back upstairs. Wyatt and Prue followed.


Piper and Leo had gone out shopping while Chris went to go take care of some business at the library leaving Peter home alone with the girls who were almost, but not quiet, as bad as Patience and the boys.

Peter was walking down the hall in search of his two daughters since they decided to orb out on him when he tried to put them down for a nap. He ran up and down the stairs a thousand times frustrated. Even checking under the beds to make sure he's searched every spot. These girls were really trying his patience and he knew he was going to end up with grays by the time the boys come along.

"Pyra, Pandora, can you please come out," he shouted loud enough causing an echo to go through the whole manor. He then heard some little creeks in the attic so he figured he better go up there and check it out, but make sure to be careful since that's mostly where the demons attack. Once he finally made his way up there he caught his two little girls playing around with the magic book. "Hey put that down!" He yelled.

The two girls looked up at him and giggled before they orbed out, leaving the magic book behind. Peter growled loudly. The kids are two and he's 29 and they're outsmarting him by a long shot. He went down to their bedrooms and searched there and made sure he checked everywhere upstairs before he headed back downstairs. He didn't want to have to do that little up and down thing.

Finally making his way downstairs he found only one of his daughters, Pandora, sitting down in front of the TV. Peter didn't even pay attention to what she was looking at. He was just happy to have found her. "You know," he started as he walked up to where she was sitting. "Its time for you nap, so how about you get in the bed?"

"No," she nipped. "I wanna watch TV."

"Pandora, please," he begged.

"No," she repeated.

Right now he was at his peek and he couldn't deal with her, so he figured he might as well go for the other one. "Where's your sister," he asked.

"I don't know," she shrugged.

It was very clear that she was lying. Pandora would never leave her sister alone without knowing where she was at. They were twins and they always were together, and it was a little bit unusual that Pandora was in the room by herself without her sister.

"Come Pandora where is your sister, I need to know," he asked again. Still the little girl said nothing at all. Peter looked at his watch and knew Chris was going to be home soon and it wouldn't look good if he told Chris that he lost one of the kids. "I'll give you chocolate," he pleaded. Chris is going to kill him if he finds out about this, but Peter was at his peek.

Pandora hearing the word chocolate, pointed towards the other room. She'd do anything for chocolate. Even telling on her own sister.

"Thanks," Peter said tossing her a Hershey bar, which he knows is going to make her bounce off the walls. He made his way to the other room and his eyes widened when he caught Pyra in the fire place playing around in the soot. Her cheeks were all black and so were her clothes and hands. "Pyra Jean Halliwell!" Peter cried out.

Pyra looked up and saw the angry eyes of her father. "Uh oh," she mumbled knowing she was in deep trouble. She quickly got out of the fire place and took off fast as she could. Peter groaned and ran after her. Pyra might have been only two years old but she was smart. She would always run circles around the couches knowing that her daddy wasn't going to chase after her too fast, because there was some expensive stuff in there.

Chris came in through the kitchen door and had just set down his book bag when his daughter orbed into his arms. Pyra immediately buried her face into Chris's chest knowing she was already in for it.

"Hey baby girl whats wrong," Chris asked. Soon Peter came in running. He was panting hard like he'd been running for something important. "What's going on here," Chris asked Peter. Peter was silent as he looked towards Pyra in Chris's arms. Chris, having caught sight of where Peter was looking, took a look at Pyra and saw she was covered with soot. "Bath. Now," Chris said firmly. Once Pyra had orbed up to the bathroom, Chris crossed his arms and frowned angrily at Peter.

Peter just stared back in confusion. "What did I do?" he asked.

"I don't know why don't you tell me," Chris replied.

"Look they don't listen to me, so what am I suppose to do," Peter asked.

"Get serious," Chris answered angrily. "Quit fucking around and start to mean what you say and get them in line."

"I would love to, but thanks for giving them the ability to orb away when I would try to do anything," Peter pointed out. Just about every time he would try to do anything they would orb away knowing that Peter couldn't orb after them.

Chris saw red then. "Oh don't you even put that on me," he growled. "You never once heard me complaining about not being able to open my mouth to wide for nine fucking months because I'd breath out fire, thanks to your side," Chris stated.

Peter was just about to say something to that, when they heard Pandora screaming from the other room. Peter and Chris looked at the room and then back at each other. Quickly they ran into the room where Pandora was. She was sitting in front of the TV with her hands covering her eyes.

Chris picked her up and started bouncing her up and down. "Hey baby girl what's the matter," he asked holding her close to his chest.

Pandora looked up only making her eyes viewable to Chris. "Da sharky ate her," she said pointing at the TV.

Chris picked up the remote control and turned to the TV guide to see what she was watching. Turned out the movie was Jaws. He was steaming with fury now. Not only was the movie not a Disney movie, but it was rated PG-13. He turned to Peter and was just about ready to blow him up if he could. "What were you doing letting her watch that, you know she's not aloud to watch horror films?!"

"I didn't see it," Peter responded.

"Yeah so she came in here and put the TV on it herself," Chris stated sarcastically.

"As a matter of fact she did," Peter replied back.

Chris shook his head and looked back down at his daughter and saw she had a brown beard. Then he looked back where she was sitting and saw an empty candy bar wrapper. He picked it up and examined it for awhile before speaking. "What is this?"

"Um...well..uh...its," Peter said trying to find the right excuse. He was really tired of getting scolded and that's just one thing Chris was good at doing.

"How many times do I have to tell you that she is not suppose to have any sugar in the day time," Chris cried out. He looked back down at Pandora who was a little bit frightened. "You, bath too. Now," he demanded his second daughter. Pandora didn't even think about protesting. She orbed straight up to the bathroom to where her sister was. "Its ashame that I can't leave for two hours without coming back and finding the house gone up in chaos."

"I think you're being a little bit too over dramatic don't you," Peter said.

"No I don't," Chris answered coldly as he started making his way up the stairs. Peter followed behind. "Answer me this, how do you think you'll be able to handle three other boys if you can't handle two little girls."

"I don't know, but I bet you I could," Peter said as him and Chris finally made it to the bathroom. The two twin girls were in the bath tub. Peter turned on the water and started letting it fill up the tub.

"You have yet to prove it to me," Chris said harshly.

Peter sighed as he turned off there water and took out some shampoo and started to wash Pyra while Chris was washing Pandora. "You know when are we gonna have a day where we come home and not argue?"

"I don't know," Chris said calmly. "Look I'm sorry Peter, I know you're doing your best with the kids and I know its not easy to deal with these kids especially since they can orb," Chris went on as he started to look Peter in his eyes. "Its just...with all this stress of getting married next week....I don't know."

Peter nodded in agreement. He was under stress too. Its not that they didn't want to get married its just that now they won't just be boyfriends anymore. They'll be committed to each other. "Everything is going to be alright, I promise," Peter said. He then cupped Chris's face in his hands and pulled him into a hard kiss.

"Yuck!" The twins said together.


"Alright now you guys better be good, and no playing in the attic you hear me," I said to all of the kids. We had just pulled up to the manor and I made sure to go over all the rules just in case they played like they forgot. Though what was the point of that, I know they're just going to do something stupid as always and get in more trouble than the last time.

"Yes," the all replied back.

Wyatt got out of the driver's side while I got out on the passenger. He opened the back door behind him while I did the same on my side. A lot of the times the kids would just play tricks like seeing who could jump out of the car while its moving so Wyatt and I had to start locking it from the outside and only being able to open the door from the outside to be safe.

I grabbed Prue and Patience's hands while Wyatt grabbed Robert and Ryan's hands and we made our way up the steps of the manor. It felt like forever since the kids walk slow and barely know how to climb steps. Not even knocking, I opened the door and proceeded through with Wyatt right behind me. The manor was quiet. A bit too quiet, especially for a pair of twins to be living there.

"Hello," I shouted. "Is there anyone here," I shouted also. Next thing I saw was Chris running in from the other room. "Hey Chris what's up?"

"Nothing much bro, just wondering when you were gonna get here thats all," Chris replied.

I looked around and saw that the twins weren't with him and neither was Peter, which is odd. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I heard Peter scream from upstairs.

"What's going on here?" Wyatt asked. Its not everyday you hear your soon to be brother in law shouting.

"Oh nothing," Chris shrugged. "Just the twins got a hold of Peter's engagement ring while we were bathing them, and flushed it down the toilet."

I sighed saying, "you've got to be kidding."

"Nope I'm serious," Chris replied. "I don't know what causes them do things like that."

I rolled my eyes. "That's nothing compared to what these kids did last night. They dropped a bucket of water on Aunt Paige's head."

Chris chuckled at that. "Ouch, but I mean wow that was a good one guys," he said toward the kids. "I never would have thought of doing something like that," he continued chuckling until I punched him in the arm. "Ow! What?!"

"Don't encourage them," I snapped.

"Geeze, sorry didn't think a few words would make them want to go do something like that," Chris said.

"Got it!" Peter shouted as he ran in holding the ring with the twins behind him.

"Good now lets go talk in the kitchen without the kids," I suggested. The kids whined knowing what that meant. "Yep kids now go upstairs with grandma and Papa and behave," I ordered. Knowing how bad they are apart will only prove worse when they're together.


"Okay so who's wearing the black suit and who's wearing the white one," I asked as I was writing more stuff down. That's what we were here for was to plan out their wedding. It didn't seem to matter to me since I was suppose to be Chris's best man and Wyatt was suppose to be Peter's like they were in ours.

"You know I was thinking," Chris started but wasn't able to finish. All six kids orbed into the kitchen, except for Patience who shimmered in. Immediately the each ran and tried to hide behind me.

I turned around and frowned at them knowing that they were up to no good. "What did you all do?"

Before they could answer about 40 demons shimmered in the kitchen. Peter, Chris, and Wyatt all dropped what they were doing and went straight after them. Meanwhile I went up to the kids.

It was obvious by how they were acting they did something. "Alright what happened," I asked angrily while the rest of the guys were handling the demons. Loud explosions were going everywhere but I did my best to talk over them.

"It was her fault," Pyra said pointing to Patience.

"Was not," Patience said back.

"Was too,"

"Was not,"

"Was too,"

"Was not,"

I let out a big growl scaring the kids to stop arguing. "I don't care who's fault it is, just tell me what happened?!"

"Well we were playing in the magic book and-," Patience started but wasn't able to finish her whole story and my whole face started to go red.

"What?! How many times have I told you kids not to play with the Book of Shadows!! Now where's grandma?" I yelled. I was about to add something else, when suddenly a demon was tossed in between me and the kids. I looked down to see the demon smiling on the ground. I looked back up at the kids saying, "go upstairs to your room and stay there until I get there," I demanded. The kids didn't have to be told twice. They'd do anything to get away from angry me right now. They all orbed straight up to Pyra and Pandora's room. Still remembering I had a demon on the ground in front of me I conjured up an athame and stuck it in his chest causing him to be consumed by flames and blown up.

Ten demons started hurling energy balls at Wyatt. Wyatt waved his arm and sent all of them flying into the wall.

Another horde of them sent fire balls Chris's way. Chris levitated in the air and dodged them all, and sent out an electric wave shocking them to ashes.

A demon shot another energy ball Peter's way but he ducked and it hit me in the arm leaving a big gash as always. If not being mad at the kids wasn't enough that just hit the spot. My eyes went red and all the demons just stared at me knowing they made the biggest mistake. I flicked my arm sending out a huge force wave blowing up every last demon in there. Wyatt, Peter, and Chris stood there frozen like a statue for a few minutes. They knew that I send out force waves when I'm angry, but it never ceased to surprise them when I did.

"What?" I said looking around at them as they all stared at me.

"Remind me to never make you angry," Wyatt said.

"Yeah me too," Chris added.

"Guys I'd love to continue this but right now I've got to see what little spell those kids used," I said as I made my way upstairs and they followed. Once up in the attic I caught sight of Piper and Leo trapped inside of a crystal cage. "Oh hey dad, Aunt Piper, how'd you guys end up in there."

"Do we really need to answer that question," Piper said annoyed. I still stood there confused. "The kids trapped us here while they went on their little exploration of the Book of Shadows," she answered.

"Oh sorry," I said laughing a little. Though they probably have outsmarted Wyatt and I before, but it wasn't like this. I don't know how they managed to trap both Leo and Piper in a crystal cage. "CRYSTAL" I shouted orbing one of the crystals to me releasing Piper and Leo out of the cage.

Piper and Leo started stretching out. "Thanks," she said very gratefully. "Its been a pain being trapped in a space that small."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said mocking what Piper was saying. I then picked up the Book of Shadows and saw that it was opened to a demon summoning spell. I was really pissed off now. The kids should know not to summon demons. "Hey Piper did you see which kid it was that read this little spell?" Which ever one it was, no matter if it was my kid or Chris's, they were going to be stripped of there powers for a good long while.

She smiled innocently saying, "sorry Chris, Leo and I were to busy arguing about being trapped in here we didn't see who made the spell."

"Well thanks anyway," I said sarcastically. "Just wait till I get my hands on those kids," I muttered as I left the attic and headed back down to the room where all the kids where.

"Nice job stupid," Patience said taunting her cousin Pyra.

"Me, you're the one who read the spell," Pyra pointed out.

"Yeah well you showed it to me and said it was good," Patience said back.

"Its still your fault," Pyra said. "No its not," Patience argued.

"Is too,"

"Is not,"

"Is to, is to, is to,"

"Is not, is not, is not,"

"Hello kids," A demon said appearing over them with an energy ball in his hand. He had five other demons behind him. "Its time for you all to go bye bye so say goodbye."

The kids quickly put up their shields before the demons could start shooting energy balls at them. The demons tried to penetrate through the shields but it wasn't working.

I walked in seeing all the demons shooting energy balls at the kids. My thoughts were immediately to kill them, but I couldn't. I needed some information out of them as to why is he and so many other demons are attacking my kids, besides the fact that they're Charmed Ones.

"CRYSTALS" I shouted trapping all of them into one cage. I went straight over to the kids to make sure they were okay. Once they saw me come in they felt it was safe to let down their shields. "Are you guys okay," I asked worried.

"Yes," the all said.

"Good," I replied. I then turned back to the demons. "Okay what are you guys doing coming after my kids," I asked.

"Hey mom, watch this," Patience said causing me to look back at her. She conjured up a fire ball and hurled it at a demon in the cage causing it to cry out in pain before turning to ashes.

"That's great sweetie but-," I started but got stopped.

"That was nothing, look at what I can do," Ryan said drawing all the attention to him. He blinked his eyes and turned two of the demons into ice. Once they were ice Ryan squinting his eyes and orbed the two ice statues into the wall shattering them into pieces.

"Ryan! That was uncalled for! Now can you guys stop-," I started but was stopped again.

"Watch this," Robert said now causing everyone to look at him. "Kaboom!" he shouted flicking his wrist causing one of the demons to blow up.

"Oh yeah well look at this," Prue said blowing a breath of cold air freezing the last demon.

Just before she could do anything I got in front of her blocking her view of the demon. "Kids, I can see you guys know how to use your powers, but stop killing the demons alright, I need to get some stuff out of them and then you can blow him up okay?" They nodded. "Alright so Prue can you unfreeze that demon," I asked.

Prue blinked her eyes and the demon unfroze.

He looked around confused. "What did you do to me?"

"Nothing compared to what I'm about to do to you if you don't tell me who you are and who you work for," I warned him.

"I can't he'll kill me," the demon said.

Right then Wyatt and Chris came running in. "Demon!" Wyatt shouted. He was about to flick his wrist but I ran over and grabbed him. "What are you doing, there's a demon near our kids."

"I know that Wyatt, what I don't know is why it took you guys so long to get down here, no what made you guys come down here now in the first place," I asked with a little anger in my voice.

"Oh I heard explosions and screaming so I thought I'd come down here and make sure everything was okay," he replied. I finally let go of his wrist.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm glad I didn't depend on you to save our lives or else we'd be dead right now."

"What's that suppose to mean," he asked offended.

"Nothing okay," I said back.

"No I want to know," he persuade.

"Hello, demon's in the cage, could you guys please argue about this later because I really want to get out," the demon interrupted.

"Fine we'll talk about this later," I agreed.

"Since when do we listen to demons," Wyatt questioned.

"Hey!" The demon shouted offended at what Wyatt just asked.

"Since when do we listen to each other," I asked. That got made him silent. "Now," I said turning back to the demon. "Who are you and what do you want with out kids," I asked.

"I can't tell you," the demon repeated.

"Oh really, well we can do this the easy way or the hard way which ever one you like," I offered. "So I'm going to ask you again, who are you and who do you work for?"

"And I'll say it again, I'm not saying anything no matter what," he said. This was one of the most stubborn demons I've ever met. Usually they just crack, but I've got my ways of making demons talk.

"Alright then have it your way," I responded moving closer to the cage. "Wyatt get your wrist ready just in case this demon wants to try anything funny," I said. Wyatt did as he was told, but he didn't even know what my plan was. Quickly I kicked a crystal out of the circle, undoing the cage. Before the demon could make a move I stuck my hand in his chest for a few seconds, causing him to drop to the ground and start panting.

"What did you do to me?" He growled.

"I just drained half of your powers," I taunted. "So you can either talk now or else you are going to die a very slow and painful death. Now what do you want with my kids." He laid there staring at me. "Remember you've got fourteen minutes and trust me, this death will be slower and even more painful than any of your other fellow demons have been through."

"Your kids were said to be the death of all demons," the demon replied. "That's why they have to die now before they grow up and we're all extinct."

"Okay and that's a bad thing because..." I asked rhetorically.

"Mommy can I kill him now," Prue asked. Prue was very anxious to show off her powers, especially since her siblings got to show off theirs. Though I know this is probably making Pyra and Pandora jealous because they haven't developed their powers yet.

"In a minute sweetie, there's just a couple of more things I need to ask Mr. Demon okay," I said and Prue nodded. "Who do you work for?"

The demon could already start to feel the pain of his death. If it was like this at five minutes he knew it was going to be extremely painful after ten more minutes. He'd rather die at anything but this kind of pain. "His name is....Cecilius...and he wants your kids dead and will stop at nothing to do it."

"Not after I get done with him," I said angry.

"Can I do it now mommy," Prue asked again.

"Sure sweetie go ahead," I said.

"Yes!" she cheered. She blew a breath of cold air again and froze the demon like she did before. She then squinted her eyes like Ryan and sent the demon shattering into pieces. "Demon go splat," she said.

Wyatt and I looked at each other and began laughing at what our daughter said.

"Come kids its time to go home anyway, I have to do some cooking since I know Wyatt over here isn't going to do it," I teased him.

"Chris read in between the lines," Wyatt said as he held up his three fingers. I smiled back at him. "Wow the first time I can get my husband to smile today," Wyatt said happily.

"Okay so its time for us to go, oh and Chris we'll talk more about your wedding tomorrow okay," I said and he nodded. "Bye guys, kids say goodbye to your cousins and your uncle Chris."


I was in the kitchen cooking and singing. That was one of my favorite things to do nowadays having all the kids and everything. Wyatt was in the other room watching the football game with the kids, though I don't know why the girls would be interested in football.

I heard sniffing and crying so I looked down and saw Prue walking in the kitchen. She had tears coming down her face. I was wondering why she was so sad, so I picked her up and held her.

"Hey baby what's wrong," I asked.

"Nothing," she said sniffing.

"Come on sweetie how am I suppose to help you if you don't tell me what's wrong," I asked. "You know it hurts me to see you crying like this so can you tell me what's the matter?"

"No one loves me," she said.

That hit the big one. I felt like someone had shattered my heart into a thousand pieces hearing my own daughter say that. "Baby I love you," I said.

"No you don't," Prue said back.

"Yes I do, you're apart of me don't you know that," I told her. "Now please tell me what's wrong."

"Daddy hates me," she said.

"What makes you say that," I asked.

"He told me to go away and pushed me away," she told.

"He did?" I asked with a confused look. She nodded. I set her back down on the floor and grabbed her hand. "Lets go see if we can find out what that was about," I told her. We made out way into the room where Wyatt was acting as happy as a clown and hugging all five kids hard.

"Yes, touchdown," he yelled. He then put them all back down and went back to watching the TV.

No wonder why he was so excited. "Hey Wyatt," I called but he ignored me. He was too busy focusing on that football game. "Wyatt," I yelled again. The kids looked at me, but Wyatt still didn't. I could tell he was purposely ignoring me, so I squinted my eyes and hit the off button.

"What?!" He shouted turning around to face me. He really hated being interrupted while watching his favorite football team play on TV. I frowned at him and he could see I was angry so he knew he better fix that attitude. "Sorry," he said.

"That's more like it, now your daughter over here feels like you don't love her," I said acknowledging Prue who was standing behind me.

"Oh hey Pooh bear," Wyatt said to Prue.

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" I asked wanting to hear both sides of the story to be fair about the whole thing.

"Nothing," he shrugged.

"Well your daughter here says that you told her to go away and you pushed her aside while you watched the game," I told him. "Now is that true?"

"No, she didn't even come up to me," Wyatt said.

"Yeah she did," Ryan said drawing Wyatt's eyes to him. "She was trying to show you a drawing and you told her to go away and to come back when the game was over. Then you pushed her aside."

"I guess I did then," Wyatt confessed. I growled at him. "Come here pookie," Wyatt said holding out his arms for her to come but she just hid behind me.

"See what you did, now she's scared to come out," I said.

"Come here pookie," Wyatt repeated, but still Prue wouldn't come out from behind me. Wyatt then got up and picked her up. She tried to run away, but Wyatt was quick enough to catch her. She cried not wanting to be near Wyatt. Wyatt sat on the couch and set her on his lap and tried to bounce her a little to get her to stop crying. "Shh, sweetie don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered in her ear and she stopped crying. "Look at me sweetie," Wyatt said and Prue turned her head. "I'm sorry for saying that, and I'm sorry I pushed you away, but I love you okay."

"kay," Prue responded.

Wyatt then kissed her on the head and then on the cheek. He remembered she was also ticklish so he started tickling her everywhere for awhile until he finally thought she had enough. "Can you forgive your dad," he asked and she happily nodded. "Good."


It was after dinner and Wyatt and I were back in the kitchen washing dishes while the kids were settling down in front of the TV watching their favorite cartoons before bed.

Nothing was being said the whole time we were washing dishes. It was just pure silence. Wyatt was starting to get frustrated. Why wasn't I talking to him. Was it something he said or what. Whatever it was he had to get to the bottom of it before it starts effecting the kids.

"Hey Chris is there anything you want to say," Wyatt asked. I ignored him and continued scrubbing plates. I didn't even look at him. "Fine then," he said as he started loading the dishwasher. There was still another pause of silence. Wyatt was getting even more frustrated. "Will you at least say something to me," he said.

"How about not," I said breaking my silence. "I thought I'd just show you how it feels to be ignored like you did Prue," I said pointing out to him why I was so angry.

"I said I was sorry," Wyatt cried. "What else do you want me to do?"

"Quit ignoring her Wyatt," I exclaimed. "You focus all your attention on our sons but because Prue is a girl you never want to pay any attention to her, I mean I can sore of understand why you do that to Patience, seeing that she is biologically not yours, but that doesn't make it right. But for you to go and do that to your own flesh and blood, how dare you."

"Prue forgave me so why can't you," he asked.

"Wyatt, have you forgotten what happened with Prue in the future or has it all erased in your mind," I asked. "She felt like we ignored her when Patty was born and for you to start that right now, I just don't know what to do anymore, I mean she grew up distant from us because of simple stuff like that, and I thought you'd want to change the future not keep it the way it is."

"I do want to change the future, I wasn't trying to ignore her," Wyatt replied.

"But you did Wyatt," I said back coldly. "That's something that scares me Wyatt. It seems as though we're repeating the same mistakes of the future, Prue and Robert came back to stop and from what they said I don't want to see that future."

"We won't Chris," Wyatt assured me.

"Yes we will if you keep acting this way," I said.

This whole thing kept going back and forward until the kids came in. Though we were arguing pretty loud they weren't paying it any attention. Ryan and Robert had a huge smirk on their face. They were holding a two liter of coke. They started to shake it until the knew it was ready.

"Hey mom, dad," Ryan called trying to get our attention.

"What is it guys," I said as Wyatt and I turned to them.

"Take this," Robert said twisting off the top of the soda and it immediately went squirting my way. Wyatt moved out of the way in time for it only to hit me. Once the whole bottle was empty the kids started laughing.

I wasn't to happy about it though. I was drenched in soda from head to toe. I turned to Wyatt who was trying his hardest not to giggle. He had his hand covered over his mouth trying to hide it.

"So you think this is funny," I shouted. They all nodded and continued laughing. "Ryan, Robert, how many times do I have to tell you," I said as I turned around. "This works a whole lot better," I said pulling out the hose(or whatever that thing is called) that was hooked up to the faucet and started spraying them with it. I was laughing now.

A little bit of water accidentally hit Patience causing her to get a little angry, so she picked up some left over apple sauce that was on the table and threw it at my, but I ducked and it hit Wyatt. His face was now covered in apple sauce.

I then started laughing so hard my stomach started hurting. Wyatt wasn't to happy about it though. He conjured up a cake and threw it my way.

"CAKE" I shouted causing it to appear into orbs and sending it back another way causing it to hit Prue. "Oh Prue I'm so sorry," I pleaded.

Prue stuck her tongue out and like some of the cake off her face and then squinted her eyes causing flour to hit Ryan and Robert. "Oops," she said. The flour was really meant for me but it hit them so now they were covered in flour.

"Grr," Ryan said and next thing food was going everywhere, making it the first food fight. In the end it was me, Patience, and Prue vs. Wyatt, Ryan, and Robert.

One hour later the girls and I were hiding behind the table while Wyatt and the boys where behind the island. We were all just covered in food.

"Alright we give," I said standing up from under the table.

"We do too," Wyatt said.

Wyatt and I both smiled at the kids again. It was obvious they knew how to have fun in the middle of a heated argument. Wyatt and I know that's one thing we can count on them for.

"So Wyatt, you wash the guys and I'll wash the girls alright," I said smiling at him while he smiled back.

"Deal," he said. Wyatt picked up the boys and held one of them on each hip. He made his way upstairs to the bathroom and turned on the bathtub. "So guys, you don't mind bathing with daddy do ya," he asked.

"Yes," they both said in unison.

"Well sorry but, you're gonna have to since I wanna get clean soon," he said as he turned off the water.

Okay yeah I know this was short, but like I said its not always going to be as long as it usually is and sorry its not as dramatic as it usually is, but don't worry. If I decide to continue the story then I can guarantee that the next few chapters will actually be real intense, since next time you might see the family three more years will have passed. Yeah I know skipping around but hey I actually have to get to the part with Patty and yeah you're probably tired of seeing pregnant and moody Chris because I know I am but there's still Patty and well he might be with her for maybe longer than he was with Prue, only because there's a lot of more drama and stuff going on that I want to include, so if you want me to continue and you want to see all the intense stuff that happens you know what to do. Just email me at or and tell me and don't forget to give me feedback on how I'm doing. The more feedback I get the fast the story will be up and yes so you can obviously tell that I didn't get a lot since this chapter took two weeks, but for those of you who did send me feedback thanks. So remember the more feedback I get the faster the story will be up and trust me the next few chapters do get intense if you don't believe me, just email me and see for yourself.

Next: Chapter 26

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