Nice legs

By Lena Twenty

Published on Apr 16, 2019



I'd just popped out for a pint of milk when I saw her, pushing a trolley around. Long legs in tan stockings and high heels, a summer dress, and gorgeous hair. In fact, I couldn't see her face for the thick auburn bob.

Eventually I was able to manoeuver my way round and catch a look. Boy, she wasn't a great looker - strong jawline, dark glasses covering the eyes... I was suspicious, in fact... a look at the low-cut dress with cleavage but no visible breasts told me she was wearing false boobs. I wondered. I was curious. in both senses of the word!

Anyway, i checked out and headed for home and on the deserted road up the hill I heard a click-clack of heels.

"Want to give a lady a hand?"

I turned. It was her. "Sure".

We reached her driveway and I took the grocery bags to her door. "Want to come in for a drink, you must be thirsty after carrying my shopping all that way".

"That's be good".

We'd barely spoken, just eyeing up each other in the short walk to the house. She silently fetched me a drink and sat beside me.

"So, I think you know about me?" she said in what, for a woman would be a huskily deep voice.

You mean..." I nodded vaguely towards her breasts, her parted legs.


"And you don't mind?"

As my answer, I kissed her lightly on the lips - which, I noted, were now brightly glistening red, from being recently touched up.

She responded hungrily - sucking on my tongue, her large hands caressing my back, and her body pressing tightly against mine. I reciprocated, moving my hand up the outside of her leg and raising the hem of her summer dress up her thigh until I came across the tops of her stockings.

"Not yet" she said, kneeling between my legs and undoing my belt. She fished my cock out from my pants and stroked it, giving a surprisingly girlish squeal. "That's a big one!" (I'm fairly average in size but she knew what a guy likes to hear!)

She then engulfed my cock in her mouth, expertly sucking me from bottom to top, deep-throating me and burying her noise in my pubes on every downward stroke. Soon, I was unable to take any more and blasted the back of her throat with strings of my salty cum.

I lay back, drained, and she moved up my body to kiss me. I should have guessed, as she fed me my entire load as our mouths met! It was ok, if unexpected - salty but not unpleasant.

"That should prepare you..." she said, with a knowing look.

I hesitated a fraction, but it'd have certainly been rude to refuse my fate. I got on my knees as she laid back on the couch, and I fondled her legs, from high-heeled pump up to her suspenders, and raised her dress further as she gave little whimpers. I raised her hem further to reveal a pair of french-cut knickers which concealed a very unladylike shape!

I stroked her cock and watched it twitch under the satin, and then went for broke, and drew her panties down. Her cock sprung up, almost fully erect. I'd always had dreams of this, tempered by trepidation. But, oddly, her cock looked pretty much like mine, easing my doubts a little. Everyone dreams of being able to suck their own, but this was a pretty close second.

I licked the tip, kissed the mushroom-shaped head, and finally popped it in my mouth. The taste was ok - but just as I was getting used to it, I felt my head being 'clamped' and pulled downwards. I gagged but she persisted until my face was buried in her pubes. i decided to get her off as quickly as possible - bobbing my head up and down I employed a sucking motion which certainly got her hot fast! Soon she was pumping loads of creamy - and to my surprise, delicious - semen down my gullet. Mmm! I could certainly get a taste for this!

I cleaned her up with my tongue and afterwards we shared a spunky and affectionately tonguey kiss, and writhed around on the couch as I felt myself getting hot again. Our cocks touched and she traced a line between my arsehole and my balls. I clenched my buttocks, encouraging her to instead work at getting off on our cocks rubbing together as she climbed upon me. Soon, with our members sticky from all the previous attention, we came, simultaneously, our juices intermingling as our cocks pumped out bucketloads of come.

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