Nice Warm Pussy in Perth

By ua.moc.tensutpo@3elppader

Published on Jun 25, 2013



This is an encounter I had about 3 weeks ago. It's about two guys enjoying sex with each other so if it is against the laws where ever you are, go away now. This is also about nobody except myself and the guy who got between my legs and nobody else. Safe sex was practised because this is a true encounter so stay safe and wrap up fellas. Any similarities are that and nothing more. Names have been changed but not the places. You can write me with your suggestions and comments at and all will get a response. Also remember that Nifty needs donations to keep this site running so put your hand in your pocket and grab a few dollars donation for Nifty, OK?

I met Dave coming out of a store after buying some sneakers. I had left my old pair inside as they said they'd throw them out for me. He saw my new purchase and commented they looked comfortable and I told him that comfort was my game and that these were a great pair of sneakers, the best I ever had so far. There was a coffee shop on the outside of the Morley Galleria and he invited me for a coffee which is another of my weaknesses apart from comfort so naturally I accepted. Dave was about 50 and just your average guy. He was the kind of person you would see and as soon as he was out of sight, he would be forgotten. Nothing out of the ordinary, a bit like me actually. He was a friendly guy and we enjoyed ourselves as we drank our coffee.

"What have you been up to apart from not giving me your name?" He asked.

"The same thing as you," I responded with a grin. "You haven't given me your name either!"

"Fair enough too," he laughed. "I'm Dave. You?" he said looking at me with eyebrows raised.

"Buddy," I said and reached over and shook hands.

"OK, now we've established identities let's check out each other's character," Dave went on. "What football team do you barrack for mate?"

"You would ask that question wouldn't' you?" I groaned.

"Why mate? Don't you like football?"

"No Dave, my team isn't' doing so well this year," I confessed.

"Nor is mine mate, I barrack for the Eagles," Dave said sadly.

I didn't say a word but lifted my cup and we clinked them and took another sorrowful sip.

"You too huh?" Dave said feigning sadness.

"Yeah, me too," I replied matching his look of sorrow.

"Oh well, there's always next year but if we go at it hard we might just scrape in this year," my new friend commented.

"What else have you been up to apart from grieving for our team?" I laughed.

"Nothing much Buddy, just doing the usual going to work, coming home and attending to whatever else is needed,"

"You mean mowing the lawn and all that mate?" I asked.

"Oh yeah all that. Attending to myself to, seeing I have to," Dave said with a cynical little smile.

"Attending to yourself?" I pressed.

"Yeah, it's a long story mate. Well that's the problem really, it's not long," He said checking to see that nobody was sitting close by.

"I don't understand Dave," I replied.

"I'm not that big between the legs mate or not big enough to attract women and I haven't had a good root for that long I've almost forgotten what it is like," He mumbled.

"You are looking in the wrong places Dave," I grinned.

"I go to dances and I'm a member of a tennis club and stuff like that Buddy but I just don't' seem to attract women sexually. Oh I can go to a whore house and buy pussy but I kinda feel weird doing that. Like I have to buy what others can get for free if you know what I mean?"

"Have you thought about guys Dave?" I asked him.

"Guys? You mean have I thought about having sex with guys?" he looked over at me.

I smiled and nodded.

"Well no. I'd feel weird with one of those kind of guys. They are a little too frilly and attract attention to themselves and that would embarrass me. I mean that's their scene and I haven't got a problem with that but I I'd feel awkward walking along with a guy who swings his hips and that kind of thing," he explained.

"Not all guys who have sex with men are like that Dave," I chided him gently.

"How do you know?" he challenged.

"Well mate you've been having coffee with me for the last 20 minutes and even you didn't have any idea what I do like," I gave a small laugh.

"What? You mean?" he seemed stuck for words.

"I mean I like having sex with guys Dave," I admitted.

"But you look normal!" he looked surprised.

"Thanks very much!" I burst out laughing.

"No, I didn't mean it like that mate. I meant you don't look feminine, that's what I mean," He said defensively.

"That's because I have clothes on Dave," I responded with a smile.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Want to come home with me and find out?" I invited.

He thought about that while looking me in the eye and then a little smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do," he accepted my suggesting and stood up.

We walked to his car and backed out of the parking spot and was held up by a bit of a traffic jam which nearly always happens in shopping car parks. A car had stalled and the driver was trying to get it out of everybody's way as other cars banked up. I reached over and laid my hand gently on Dave's thigh and he gave a little start and then I felt him relax and saw a smile playing over his lips. A gentle squeeze and a rub on the inside of the thigh does the trick with men. He parted his legs a little and I could tell he was starting to enjoy the attention, so was his cock.

"You like that don't you?" I asked.

"Mmmmmm, yes I do," he said and his voice shook with the passion I could feel coming from him.

"the thing is Dave, when a man gets horny he needs a nice warm place to slide his cock into and that makes him feel good. It doesn't matter if that nice warm place is between the legs of a woman or another guy, your cock isn't going to care and I certainly don't and nor will you," I promised.

He looked over at me and nodded.

"You're right Buddy. We're conditioned to have sex with women. I had the stereo type of a gay man as being effeminate and I'm not comfortable with that," Dave said.

"Some of them are effeminate Dave and I can tell you they are gorgeous lovers too. They really know what to do for a man," I replied.

"Do they like to get on top too Buddy?" he asked curiously.

"Oh yes, there are some who go both ways and they are very gentle. I enjoy having one of them make love to me," I murmured because I was getting horny feeling up the inside of this man's thigh.

Eventually the blockage was cleared and we rolled forward to the entrance of the car park and turned into the road and I gave Dave directions to my place.

We didn't' waste time because I could see he was very ready going on how stiff his cock was. It wasn't a large cock at all and even he said it was small but let me tell you guys, when you bend over and a doctor gives you a prostate exam, his finger is long enough to touch your love button which is what he is supposed to be doing and I get turned on. I honestly wish the doctor would finish his exam and when he takes his finger out, slide his cock in and fuck me like a bitch because they always get me in heat and I have to leave feeling all hot and bothered and ready to grab the first cock I see and stuff it in my itchy pussy! So your cock does not have to be 8 inches long and as thick as a beer can. If it is about as long as your middle finger and about as thick, it is perfect to slide into a man pussy and start pumping the bitch to a very lovely orgasm. Trust me, I know! They can be as short as your finger and as thick and do the job very well. I take cocks that size and in fact I look for them but I also take about 6 inches and maybe a bit thicker but not too thick. The finger length cock does just a good a job as the 6 inch cock. So don't believe a word they say about the bigger the better. I'm not going to refuse a small cock, love them!

Dave's cock was cut and I smiled when I saw it dribbling a little precum. I got him to lay on his back on the bed and part his legs and got between them. His cock wasn't quite 6 inches and not thick but it was as hard as steel as I gently took it in my hand. The best way to make a guy enjoy himself is to put a bit of time into preparing him fellas. A nice warm wet tongue slithering over his balls for starters, that is so nice. I lick balls whether they are hairy or shaven. Then you very gently slip his love nuts into your mouth and keep the tongue slithering back and forth and while doing that, gently massage his groin with your warm hands. This increases the production of juice and he really tarts to get in the mood. Slide your tongue back along his scrotum and lick the area between that and his asshole. Sometimes if he is super clean and he would want to be, I lick his asshole too. Some men love a wet tongue gently probing and slurping there. Then you go up and take his cock into your mouth and don't' forget to slide your tongue into his piss slit and gently move it back and forth.

By this time Dave was nearly climbing out of his skin.

"Oh Buddy! OH please don't stop, it feels sooo goood! Yes baby, lick it, suck it, go Buddy, yes, yes, that's it baby, suck it!" he moaned as he began to thrust his hips up.

Then I stopped and he looked up at me bewildered.

"What did you stop for Buddy? Did I do something wrong?" he wanted to know.

"Not at all Dave, but I must get some lube up my pussy so you can slide in and out easily. That will make it feel better for both of us," I told him as I pulled my jeans off and began to cream up my love hole.

""Look at your cock! It's so tiny!" Dave said as he reached out and took hold of the little nub.

"I call it my clit baby," I smiled. "It isn't big enough to please a woman and it is so small it doesn't threaten guys who are going to fuck me. Guys with small cocks feel better when they see just how small my cock is and being the size of a little boy's, it is nice and kinky for them too,"

"Oh yes Buddy, yes. You are one strange and sexy person," he whispered still marvelling at my small dick.

I then took my shirt off and bared my small breasts for his inspection.

"You've got tits like a girl too! Come here, let me feel them," Dave ordered.

I moved closer and bent over and my naturally smooth tits hung down and swayed gently as I lowered them to him. They are a good handful and about the size of a girl just starting to go into puberty. Little nipples on top, soft and smooth and most guys love them. At that moment Dave was sucking on one of my nipples and I had reached back and was slowly stroking his cock. I slipped a condom on him and we were set to rock and roll.

I lay down and he leaned over me and kept sucking on my other nipple as he fondled my tiny boy's dick. I parted my legs and he got between then and lowered his body onto me and we began to rub ourselves against each other. I gently ran my fingers along his side gently tickling him with my nails which he reacted to very strongly.

"\Turn over you sexy bitch, I'm going to fuck you now," he growled.

Some guys call me mate, Buddy, bitch, darling, sweetheart and it's all good. They call me what they want when they have the sex urge on them and they know I'm a willing partner for them to use sexually. Some swear, some don't. Some fuck me fast and some fuck me slowly and all of them are very much appreciated and I give them the time of their lives. I don't care if they are masculine men or very slight effeminate guys. If they want pussy and are gentle and clean, I'll be their girl for the sex act as long as they want and as often too. I'm no model, just average but my tiny cock and girlie tits and tight man pussy are always ready for men with the right size cock and I like them small to average. I don't' care what age they are either. You see, I should have been born a girl but wasn't. I'm a girl in a man's body. Well I have a man's ass and I look manly when I am dressed but get past the shoulders and you got tit and a boy's dick and I want cock just like any girl. I don't' care what you look like either. I just love being fucked.

I grabbed a pillow and pushed it under me as I rolled over and ended up with my man pussy sticking up ready and waiting and I didn't have to wait long. Dave got behind me and eased himself in very gently and we both moaned with the pleasure his cock was giving us as it slid deeper and deeper into my very warm slippery tight cunt.

"Oh you gorgeous bitch!" he murmured as he got his cock all the way in.

I gave my pussy a little wriggle to make his cock move around slightly inside me and that excited me even more knowing I had a man's cock in me and I was his girl and was about to be fucked. Dave slipped his hands under me and began to fondle my little tits and I rose up so I was on all fours and my man loved it.

"That's the girl, you are not a man, you are a girl, a slut, a whore wanting cock up your cunt. You love it don't' you whore? You love getting fucked like a bitch don't you?" Dave gasped as I was rocking myself back and forth onto his cock.

"Yes Dave, I'm your girl, fuck my cunt you lovely man. Give it to me baby, I need cock!" I began to pant as I thrust back at him.

"Is my cock OK in your pussy baby?" he asked as he pinched gently on my nipples.

"Yes Dave, it is a lovely cock, I love it!" I told him.

"It isn't too small?" he wanted to know.

"No baby, not at all, it is perfect and I love it in my cunt so start fucking me, fuck me like a bitch. Go for it!" I moaned as I felt his hands grip my hips and he began to breed his bitch.

We fucked like that for a while and then he wanted me on my belly as he lay on top and then in the end he wanted me on my back. I wrapped my legs around him and he slid back into my pussy and I was able to reach his ass and fondle it as he got down to some very serious work. I kept on wriggling my pussy as I don't' like laying under a man like a lump of lifeless meat. I like to let him know how much I love his cock and how much I need to be fucked. You move under a man when he is inside you fellas and he loves it and tell him how much you enjoy it and that makes him fuck you harder so you get the benefit of it. You know he is coming close when you start to hear the slap slap slap of his naked body against your naked body and then you start to squeeze his cock with your pussy muscles and when you do that, he goes wild!

"OH fuck! Go you little bitch! Go! Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuck! Bitch! Fucking whore!" Dave had lost control and his body went into rapid fire as he screamed and mouthed noise rather than words because the sexual joy my warm slippery cunt was giving his cock was so intense. That also made me begin to shoot knowing I had a man's cock inside my body and it was spurting out love juice. There is nothing like a man with his dick in you as he's coming. He becomes an animal and you become his bitch, a cunt and that is all. You are not a person, you are a cunt and cunts are there to suck the juice straight out of a man's balls. Do it fast and hard and love the primal animal lust you are giving him and he is giving you. I always try to be a good bitch. Any man that comes to my bed finds a very willing chick with a dick spreading her legs and when he is shooting I reach down and grab my tiny cock and start furiously stroking it. He is grunting on top and I'm moaning underneath and our bodies are joined in the act of breeding. Very primitive, lusty and good dirty fun. I love a man coming to my bed and doing dirty things to me. I'll be his girl every time he needs it.

Dave collapsed on me breathing hard and gasping for breath and I lay under him gently rubbing his ass cheeks as his cock throbbed itself to a finish still inside me.

"Oh man! Buddy, that was awesome!" Dave panted.

"I love it Dave. You see? It doesn't matter if you have a small cock, it definitely satisfied me and you got the root you so badly needed," I laughed softly.

"We could go and have a beer at the pub and then I could take you home and you can switch from my drinking mate to my girl," He chuckled.

"Of course I can," I nodded. "I don't look effeminate when I'm dressed but get my clothes off and you have a body that is more woman than man and I'm always a horny bitch wanting to be fucked," I said as he rolled off me.

"I'd love to come back again if you don't mind Buddy," He said as he was getting dressed to go.

"You can come back any time Dave, just let me know when you need a tight slippery cunt and I'll be waiting on the bed with my legs spread wide ready for it," I reassured him as I reached out and gently fondled his dick.


I had a lovely time then fellas and I hope you had a lovely time of it as you read a bout my experience with a man who didn't' have a large cock but sure knew how to fuck. Any comments can be sent to as I'd love to hear them and will respond to everybody too. Now remember, a donation for Nifty won't go astray either.


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