Nice Weekend in Atlanta

By Tara Reid

Published on Apr 9, 2007


Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to have an opportunity for a get away weekend in Atlanta with some other girls. These times away from the job and everyday cares of my rather mundane life are very rare for me and I try to live them to the fullest and this was the nicest one ever. I drove down from Columbia on a Friday afternoon and got settled in the hotel and dressed up for the evening. We girls had just planned on meeting in hotel restaurant for dinner and then to check out the lounge and spend a nice relaxing quite evening there. We really hadn't made any real plans for Friday, as several ladies could not come until Saturday morning so we planned the party for Saturday night at a local club.

I was feeling frisky and choose a Black mini dress that was probably a bit too tight but it made me feel sexy and younger than my years. It only came a few inches below my butt so the four-inch heels I wore showed off my long legs, which are my best feature. Being five feet eleven inches I normally don't wear the heels but like I have already said, I was feeling frisky and in a wonderful mood.

After a nice dinner with the other girls, all of which were dressed similarly to the way I was, we retired to the lounge. There was a Country band in the lounge that night which wasn't all that good but at least they weren't what anyone would call terrible. We girls were enjoying ourselves getting a little bit drunk and telling stories about past affairs and the like when an older gentleman came to the table. I probably shouldn't call him older because he was like sixty or so and that really isn't all that much older than my forty-eight. Anyway, he was more or less average, not a couch potato but certainly not an athlete either. I put him about five feet eight and 180 pounds. He was nearly bald but did have some white hair around the fringes. He looked directly at me and asked, "Would you please have this next dance with me?"

I was somewhat stunned because I hardly ever get asked to dance. And when I am asked, it is usually by someone that I would not even look at if I had the choice. However, he seemed like a really nice gentleman and was dressed nicely enough in a dark blue suit complete with white shirt and pin striped tie and I could tell that he was nervous by the way he was wringing his hands. I gave him my best smile, which is my second best feature, and said, "I would love to dance with you but I am afraid that I am a terrible dancer."

He gave a nervous little laugh and suggested, "Let me be the judge of that."

I smiled again and to the astonishment of my girlfriends and somewhat to myself I got up and took his hand and let him lead me to the dance floor.

Fortunately, the band played a song that we could slow dance to. Slow dancing is the only kind that I can even attempt and somehow we made it through the dance without me tripping him or falling down myself.

After the dance, he held me a little longer than I expected and then laughed a real laugh, "You are right, you are a terrible dancer but I am truly happy that you danced with me."

I blushed and tried to stammer out a reply but just couldn't find any words. He then lead me to a table away from my friends and asked if I wanted something to drink. He ordered the white wine and smiled at me. He had a very sweet smile. He then took my hands and held them in his and waited until the waiter had brought my wine and his martini. I could tell that he was nervous and wanted to say something but didn't know how to get the ball rolling. So, being the big mouth person that I am, I thanked him for the dance and the wine and told him that he was very sweet but that there was one thing that I really should tell him.

He said, "Oh, what is that?"

"Well," I started, "I am not what you would call your typical girl. I am what same people call transgendered but others call a cross dresser." I smiled my sweetest smile again and continued, "You might say I am a boy in girl's clothing."

What he said nest surprised me because I am very passable and rarely does anyone notice my secret. He said, "I know."

My expression must have given me away because he then rather hastily added, "I know all about the little group that comes here from time to time and I have always been fascinated by you girls. I decided that I wanted to get to know one of you better and," he paused and gave my hand a squeeze, "I think you are the prettiest girl here. Not only in your group but including all the other ladies present too."

I couldn't help myself and I gave a laugh. " Sweetie, you have had way too much to drink all ready. I am in no way even close to being the prettiest girl here. No way."

He smiled and said, "Let me be the judge of that."

I blushed and answered, "Well, you did agree that I am a terrible dancer."

He laughed that nice deep honest laugh again.

We sat a few minutes in silence before he said, "I am so sorry but I didn't properly introduce myself. My name is Robert but my friends call me Pete."

I smiled and told him, "I am Tara Reid."

We shook hands and before I could get my hand back he lead me to the dance floor again. This time we didn't move very much. He just held me and we shuffled around a bit. He held me tight and we were cheek to cheek and I could feel him getting hard. This turned me on and I pressed tighter against him. When the dance was over he kissed me lightly before taking me back to the table. We sat and talked and talked and talked and talked. Neither of us was keeping tract of the time when one of my girlfriends stopped by our table and handed me my purse. She said, "You might need this."

I thanked her and glanced at my watch. To my surprise it was 1:00 in the morning and we had come to the lounge around 9:00 the previous evening. I still don't know where the time went. Anyway, the lounge was closing and I asked Pete up to my room. We held hands in the hallway and he kissed me in the elevator. One thing for sure he knew how to kiss. I still don't know why but I handed him the room key and let him open the door for me. He ushered me in the room and followed me in. Once in the room I took his jacket and then undid his tie and pulled it off. I hung then in the closet and we moved to the sitting area. We both sat on the love seat and began kissing. I love to kiss and like I have already said, Pete really knew how to kiss. I still don't know how I managed it but somehow I had his rock hard cock out of his pants and I was kneeling in front of him licking it up and down. I finally took it my mouth and started face fucking him I guess it took all of thirty seconds to give mea really big load of cum in my mouth. It was the best tasting cum I had ever had. I looked up at him smiling and he was smiling back. Then he said, "Honey, that was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have never had anyone suck me before and I really enjoyed."

I smiled back and said, "I loved it too, darling and I promise to do it again."

"I hope you do."

I answered, "I promised and I never ever break a promise, but I need to visit the little girls room for a few minutes and while I am in there why don't you get all undressed and slip in the bed."

He looked surprised. "You want me to stay the night?"

"I certainly do. Now, you get ready for bed and I will be back in just a few minutes."

He didn't argue and began undressing and I went to the restroom. I undressed and put on a red silk nightie. It is my only garment made of silk and fits me really well and feels so nice against my skin. Actually, before I put on the nightie I gave myself an enema. I then got a few things from my overnight bag and joined my lover in the bed. I kissed him lightly on the lips and reached down to touch his cock, which was already hard again. We kissed as I caressed him. I finally pushed the covers back and took a condom that I had brought with me and put it on his cock. Then I added a little extra lube to the condom and lubed my love hole too. I straddled him and took his cock in my hand and guided it to my love hole. I slowly sat down on his cock letting it slide up in me. He gasped and said, "Oh my GOD!" I put my hands on his chest and began riding him. He could feel my hard little clitty bouncing against his tummy. He reached down and began stroking it. Now it was my turn to gasp and moan. I loved the feel of his cock inside me making love to me and his hands on my clitty were going to make me cum. I did. I came right on his tummy and as I was cumming he came in me. God! It felt like heaven. What he did next really surprised me. He wiped my cum off his tummy and licked his finger. When he had wiped it all up I bent over and kissed him.

I was smiling as I lay down beside him and he held me in his arms. He was still holding me when I went to sleep.


Next: Chapter 2

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