Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Dec 7, 1998


Well, this is my first attempt at a story like this. This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at []

Part 2:

My eyes slowly lifted, and things began to come in to focus. I reached towards the arm draped over my side and slowly rubbed it. I then moved my hand to his and held it. I could hear his breathing behind me, as he slept. I smiled at the fact of how lucky I was to be in bed with the one and only Nicholas Carter of the Backstreet Boys. I let a sigh out, and pulled his arm around me a little tighter. I closed my eyes and fell asleep once again.

"Hey...Adam...," Nick said softly as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Wake up sleepyhead, it's already 9 o'clock," he said.

My eyes slowly opened to see him propped up on one elbow looking down at me with the cutest smile. I smiled back and rubbed my eyes.

"Hi," I said.

"How are you," he asked?

"I'm doin' very well," I said with a big grin on my face.

He lowered his head, and gave me a light kiss on the lips. He sat back up as he ran his hand down my cheek.

"Alright, time to get up. I don't know what's planned for today," he said.

He crawled out of bed, still wearin' nothing. 'What a beautiful site,' I thought to myself. He stretched and headed towards the bathroom door.

"Ok, " I said in a rather unemotional tone.

He stopped and turned towards me.

"You're stayin' right," he said with a worried look on his face?

"I never want to leave you, " I told him as I sat up.

"Cool," he said as he got a huge smile on his face.

He headed into the bathroom and began his shower. I sat up and rubbed my eyes once again. I moved and dangled my feet over the side of the bed and stretched my arms. I looked at our clothes sprawled all over the floor. I smiled, remembering last night. I stood up and began to gather my clothes. I put my boxers back on and decided that I should give my mom a call.

"Hi, mom," I asked?

"Where are you? Are you alright," she said worriedly?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Listen I met the Backstreet Boys last night, and they want me to hang with them. So, I don't know when I'll be home. Ok, " I asked?

"Alright, well have a good time, and be careful," she said.

"Ok, thanks. I'll see you whenever. Have a good day," I said.

"Bye," she replied.

"Bye mom," I said as I lowered the receiver to the phone.

Suddenly there was a knocking at the door.

"Nick, you up yet," a voice came yelling from the other side!

I got up and walked towards the door. There was another series of bangs on the door. I grabbed my pants off the floor and quickly pulled them on.

"Nick, wake up call. Come on, get up," the voice yelled again!

I unlocked the door and opened it. There was Brian with as fist ready to pound on the door again.

"Good morning Brian. Nick's in the shower," I said shyly.

"Ohhh, sorry. Didn't expect you to still be here. Well, tell Nick I want to talk to him when he's out, ok," he said quickly.

"Alright, no prob," I said as I smiled at him.

He walked away towards his room, walked in, and closed it with a slam. I shrugged my shoulders, closed the door, and turned around.

"Hey, who was it, " Nick said.

I jumped nearly 30 feet in the air.

"Jeez, you scared the shit out of me, " I said breathing heavily.

"I know," he said with a smile on his face.

He kissed me on the lips and began walking towards his closet. He started shuffling clothes.

"So you gonna shower or what," he asked.

"Yeah," I told him.

"Ok, I'll have some clothes set aside for you," he said as he continued going through his wardrobe.

I headed towards the bathroom and just before I shut the door I yelled, "Brian wants to talk to you."

I started showering and washing up. During which, I overheard Nick yelling. I couldn't make out who he was yelling at or what he was yelling. I hurried myself up, to see if he was ok. I shut the water off, and started drying off.

"Adam," Nick asked from the otherside of the bathroom door?

"Yes, " I said.

"I'll be right back. I gotta go talk to the guys. I left you some clothes on the bed. I shouldn't be too long, ok," he said.

"Is everything ok, " I said worriedly.

"Yeah, I'll be right back, ok," he asked?

"Sure, I'll see you in a few," I said.

"I love you, " he said in his charming voice.

I smiled and said, "I love you too, alot!"

With that, I heard the outside door slam shut. I continued getting cleaned up. I walked out of the bathroom, and found some of Nick's clothes sprawled on the bed; shirt, pants, socks, shoes. boxers, and a matching belt. I smiled, and began dressing. I then sat on the bed and flipped the television on. I started scrowling through the channels. I clicked to the Cartoon Network and watched the Tiny Toons. I sat there thinking what was wrong, and why Nick seemed upset? Did it have something to do with the way Brian acted this morning? Did I do something wrong? A million things were flying through my head. There was then a click on the door, and in walked Nick. I spun around and saw him walking towards me. His face was red, and looked as though hew was fightning back tears.

"What's wrong Nick," I asked as I stood up.

"Nothing," he said in a quiet and high voice.

He sat on the bed with his back to me. I sat next to him and grabbed a hold of him. I pulled him into my arms, and hugged him as tight as I could.

"What is it, " I said as I kissed the top of his head.

He was now crying very hard and squeezing me tightly.

In between gasps and tears he said, "Brian. He's pissed at me. He yelled at me and told me that you're the biggest mistake of all time. He says I don't care about any of them and I'm only worried about me."

"Do the others agree," I asked?

"They weren't there, to my knowledge none of them know you're still here," he said.

I lifted his chin, so he was starring me in the eyes. I looked into them deeply and kissed him. I wiped the tears from his eyes with my fingers, and kissed him once again. He smiled and started calming down.

"I love you Nick," I said, "but I don't want to interfere with your life or your career. I don't want to be responsible for a conflict between you and any of the other members, so I'll leave."

"NO," he screamed at me!

"I don't want you to leave. He's just jealous and that's why he's doin' this to me," he said.

"Jealous, over me. Why," I asked?

"Because you're caring, beautiful, intelligent, and mine," he said with a smile.

"Well, maybe after a little adjustment time he'll get used to me and us, I hope," I said.

"Hopefully," Nick said.

He sat up, and I let go of him. He stood up and rubbed his eyes. He walked into the bathroom and started the water. When he came out, you couldn't even tell he had been crying in my arms about 3 minutes ago.

He smiled at me, "Ok, let's go," he said.

"Where we goin'," I asked?

"We got rides to go on. Afterall this is an amusement park," he said, "By the way, you look very nice."

"Thanks. I have a good tailor, "I said jokingly.

"Alright lets go," he said.

Being one of the Backstreet Boys, he got V.I.P. passes, so we got front seats on all the rides, with absolutely no waiting time. It was great. We rode the coasters, played games, and had a great time. We headed back to the hotel after about 5 hours in the park. When we reached their floor, A.J. and Howie were getting ready to go back out.

"Adam, you're still here" Howie said confused?

"Yeah, why," I asked?

"Oh no reason, just amazed to still see you around," he said with a smile.

"He'll be around until whenever, "Nick said to them.

"Nick can I talk to you, " AJ said.

"Sure, " Nick said as he followed AJ to his room.

"So, you like Nicky, huh, " Howie asked?

"I love him alot. He's great. I've never felt so happy, " I replied.

"Cool, I'm happy for you guys. The only thing is, what are you gonna do when we have to leave," Howie asked?

"I don't know, we really haven't discussed it, " I said.

"Ok, just warning you, I don't want you to be devistated, " he said.

"Anyhow, where you guys headed, "I asked.

"We were gonna head back out to the park. You," he asked?

"We're taking a break from all the excitement, " I said.

"Cool. So what do you usually do when you're not goin' to concerts or amusement parks, " he asked.

"Well, I usually work, or I go to school, or hang with friends from home. Plus, there's my computer. I spend hours on that thing. I'm a computer science major, and love computers all around, especially the internet," I said happily.

"Cool, I wish I had more time to use them. they look like fun, but bein' on the run all the time you loose out on things like that, " he said.

"You should get a lap-top. They're pretty cool too. If you ever want to learn, I'll be more than happy to teach you it all," I said.

"Hmmm... I might take you up on that, " he said.

Just then AJ and Nick came out.

"Hi guys, " I said.

"Hey, well Howie, ready to head on out, " AJ said.

"Yup, Adam I'll catch you later, ok," Howie said.

"Alright, later. Bye AJ, "I said.

"Have a good one dude, " He said as they entered the elevator.

"So what'd you guys talk about in there, " I asked Nick.

"Ohhh... nothing. I'll tell you later, k, " he said.

"Ok, so now what, " I asked.

"Oh, I don't know," he said mischievously.

Just then I felt his hands grab me. He pulled me towards him and plunged his toungue in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. We began ripping eachother's clothes off in the hallway.

"How 'bout this," he asked?

"Seems like fun," I said laughingly.

"We should probably go in your room first, ya think," I said.

He kissed me again as he fumbled in his pants pocket for his key. He pulled me towards his door and we kissed again. He put the key in the door, unlocked it, and opened it. We moved into the room, without letting our toungues leave eachother's mouths. I closed and locked the door behind us, and continued undoing his shirt.

"I love you SOooo... much, " I said and plunged my toungue back in his mouth.

"Not as much as I love you, " he managed and kissed me some more.

I removed his shirt, and pushed him down onto the bed. He reached up and pulled my shirt up and over my head.

"You're a sight for sore eyes, I hope you know that. You drive me insane," he told me.

I nodded and said, "Then you know exactly how I feel. I still can't believe this is actually happening. My dream is actually comming true."

I then rubbed the back of my hand down the side of his cheek. I grabbed both side of his face and pulled him towards my lips where I kissed him once again. I then felt him start to un-do my belt and pants. He broke off the kiss and started licking my stomach. He continued to pull my pants down to my ankles My cock was fully hard and tenting in his boxers that were on me. He smiled at the sight.

"Well someone is happy to see me," he laughed.

That's when I sat on the bed next to him and began to remove my shoes and socks. I noticed him starting to remove his own pants, so I stopped and removed his hands.

"That's my job, buddy," I smiled at him.

I finished pulling my pants off of me. I then got on my knees infront of my blonde idol. I kissed his stomach and began to remove his pants. I pulled them down over his own tent in his pants.

"I'm not the only one who's happy, I see," I said jokingly.

"Guess not, " he said as he smiled down at me.

I continued to remove his shoes, socks, and pants. I stratled his waist and continued to kiss him passionately. I then pushed him back so he was lying back. I started to lick his neck. I massaged his sides and pressed my cock into his, both of us moaning with pleasure. I worked my way down his chest, stopping at each nipple. He gasped loudly while I swirled my toungue around each one.

I then licked my way down to his boxers. I slid my fingers down the waist band and slowly slid them over his cock, down his legs, and off his body. I came back up to where I had stopped and began to lick his stomach around his cock, avoiding it. This drove him insane, wanting the impending pleasure. I worked down to his inner thigh, where I sucked on him hard, giving him a hicky there. He moaned very loudly with that.

"I want you in me. I want you in me, badly," he pleaded.

"Anything for you darling, " I said.

He sat up, and pulled my boxers off my body quickly. He pulled my waist towards him where he engulfed my whole cock with one quick movement. He sucked and moistened it, getting it ready to enter him.

"Ok, I'm ready, " he said.

"Tell me when you want me to stop, don't hesitate. I don't want to hurt you, " I said.

"Alright, " he said.

"I've done this before, so I'm prepared for what I'm about to get," he said.

He sucked on me some more, lubing it up with his spit. He then spit on his fingers and moistened the outside of his asshole.

"I'm ready," he said smiling up at me.

He propped his feet on my shoulders. I pressed my slickened head on his hole, and slowly pushed forward. I leaned over to kiss him. I pressed my lips against him, and pushed my head into him. He tensed up, and I stopped.

"You ok, " I asked worriedly?

"Yeah, keep goin'," he said between his gritted teeth.

He grabbed my waist and helped pull me into him. So I continued to push into him. After a few minutes of pushing I was all the way in. He no longer was tensed up but now kissing me ravishly. I began to fuck him slowly, as he gasped with pleasure. I sped up until I was moving as fast as light, or so it seemed. I never left his lips. His hands were running through my hair and all over my back. I felt his cock pressing against my stomach as I fucked him.

I stopped kissing him, and concentrated on my motion, speeding up even faster. I through my head back as I blew my load deep inside him with screams of pleasure. During which he was jerkin' his own cock matching the speed I had been fucking him. Seconds after I started orgasming, he was blowing his load all over his body and the bed.

I slowed my fucking, as I began to go soft. He let go of his cock, and laid on the bed out of breath, starring up at me.

"That was GREAT," I said looking deep into his eyes.

"You're telling me," he joked.

I pulled myself out of him and laid down next to him on the bed. He kissed me on the lips, and ran his fingers through my hair again. I closed my eyes as he did this, I love it when he does that. Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door.

"Nick, you in there," Kevin's voice screamed from the otherside.

"Yeah, " Nick screamed back.

"Can I talk to you for a minute," Kevin asked?

"Sure, I'll be out in a second, ok," Nick replied.

"Alright, I'll be in my room, " Kevin said.

"No what," he said as he looked at me and began cleaning himself up.

Nick got dressed with the clothes that were sprawled all over the floor. He walked over to me, gave me a quick kiss, and assured me he'd be back soon. With that, he left. I got up and cleaned up myself, and got dressed. I decided to make another call.

"Hi, is Mike there," I asked?

"Sure, hang on Adam, " I was told.

"Hey butthead, where are you," Mike asked.

"I'm still at Darien Lake. I met the Backstreet Boys, and they invited me to stay with them for awhile. Cool huh," I said happily.

"You lucky fuck," he said.

"Well, there's a whole story behind this, but I can't say over the phone. I just wanted to let you know that I don't know when I'll be home. That, and I wanted to just call," I said.

"Alrighty, well I'll see you when you get home then," he said.

"Ok, talk to you later," I said.

"Alright, bye," he said.

"Bye," I replied.

I hung up the phone and laid down on the bed. I stretched out. avoiding the cum stains left over from our previous fun. I decided to strip the bed and send it down to get cleaned for Nick. Halfway through Nick walked in.

"Kevin wants to talk to you, alone," Nick said in a serious tone.

"Did I do something wrong? Why does he want to see me, " I asked kinda frightened.

"Oh, it's nothing bad, he just wants to talk to you," he assured me.

"Ok, which room," I asked.

"Second one on the left, after you turn right," he said.

"I'll be back then. You'll be here, right, " I asked.

"Yup," he smiled.

"k," I said and left the room.

I headed towards his room, and saw that his door was open. I knocked lightly on the door. He waved me in his room, and asked me to shut the door.

"Hi Adam, " he said smiling at me.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you, or yell, I just need to talk to you, " he said.

"Ok," I said confused.

"It's about you and Nick, and Brian too, " he said.

"What's wrong," I asked?

"Nick has fallen in love with you, I'm sure you know that much. That's fine, and he trusts you enough that you won't tell anybody about him or Brian. I hope that's true," he said.

"Of course, I don't want to hurt any of you, especially Nick," I said.

"Good. Now, the only problem is Brian is extremely jealous of you. He and Nick once dated, you know that. He's over that much, finally. What he's having a problem with is how quickly and easily Nick has fallen in love. This is something that has happened in less than 24 hours, and that's odd for anybody. You agree, " he asked.

"I know, but I can't help it. I love him sooo... much, " I said sincerely.

"I get that feeling from you. I will try to convince Brian of that. I just wanted you to try and bare with Brian a while. It'll take him a little while to get used to you. Don't blame him, it's taking a big toll on him right now. He's worried that you're gonna hurt Nick, big time, " he explained.

"Never, all I want is for Nick to be happy, " I said.

"I never wanted to hurt Brian or any of you in the process," I continued.

"This has been a life long dream, and it's actually comming true, I can't believe it," I said

"Ok, I just wanted to let you know, and tell you to give Brian a chance, he's really a sweet guy, " he said.

"That I can see, just by the way he's protecting Nick, " I said smiling at Kevin.

"Well enough of this fatherly talk. Why don't you, me and Nick go out for something to eat," he asked.

"I'd love to, " I said.

"Great, go get Nick, and you guys come back here when you're ready, " he said.

"Cool," I said, as I exited his room.

I walked back towards Nick's room. I opened the door, and there was Nick on the bed asleep. I shut the door, and walked to the side of the bed. I looked down at the beautiful blonds sight in front of me. I ran my fingers through his hair, and how soft it felt to the touch. I then ran my thumb down the side of his face. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

"Nick, hun, let's go get something to eat," I said while I litely shook him.

"Hmmm, what, " he said grogily as he slowly opened his eyes?

"Kevin and I are gonna go get something to eat, you wanna come," I asked?

"Give me a sec, " he said as he turned his head and closed his eyes again.

"Don't worry about it. Just stay and catch up on some sleep," I said as I kissed him once again.

He didn't even stir. He started to breath heavily as he laid there in a heavy sleep. I slipped out of the room, shut, and locked the door behind me. I walked down to Kevin's room, and knocked on his door.

"Ready," he said as he opened his door?

"Where's Nick, " he asked.

"He's out cold on the bed. So I let him sleep," I said.

"Ok, well... Let's get goin'," he said.

"K," I replied.

We headed towards the elevator. We talked about my life, growing up, highschool, my friends, my job, and my interests. He talked about his life too. He explained how they all had met eachother. Went on to tell me about some of there touring experiences in other countries, and the similar. It seemed like me and Kevin were goin' to become rather good friends.

  • To Be Continued*

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Next: Chapter 3

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