Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Jan 4, 1999


Well, I'd like to thank everyone for such positive comments, thus far. This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at [] Enjoy :)

\Happy New Year... less than 365 days 'til 2000!!!/

Part 5:

We starred as far down the loading tunnel as we could, impatiently awaiting the arrival of the guys. The funny thing was I was as much a wreck as Mike was. It seemed like hours before I saw them appear in the hall. I got this huge smile, because as soon as Nick and I made eye contact, he sprinted towards me. Right behind him was Brian, followed by AJ, Kevin, and a few moments later Howie. Howie seemed rather unhappy. He slowly trotted along moping his way through the door, didn't even look up at me.

"Come on, we gotta run," Nick yelled as he grabbed my hand and started dragging me along with him.

I managed to grab hold of Mike's hand so he wouldn't be left behind.

"Come on Mike, we gotta get goin'," I yelled back to him.

"Holy shit!" he said being caught off guard.

There was screaming from all around us as several people began to realize exactly who had just arrived. Girls started screaming and began their hot pursuit of them. As we continued our long jog back to the exit, I felt my hand pulled off of Mike's. I was quite happy to see that Brian was the one who pulled me off of him. I smiled and concentrated on our mission, to get to the limo, before we were ambushed.

Thankfully we made it into the limo. The doors were slammed shut and the driver sped away as fast as traffic permitted.

"Whoa, thank God we made it," AJ sighed as he laid back.

"I know what you mean," Kevin agreed.

"I missed you SOoo much, Nick. You wouldn't believe how depressed I've been since you left," I said as I kissed him.

"You wanna bet, I haven't been able to concentrate on anything since I left you at your house," he told me.

"Don't ever leave me again," I pleaded as I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm not planning on it," he said.

"So, this is Mike?" Nick asked as he lifted my head off of him.

"Yes, this is my best friend Mike. Mike this is Nick, AJ, Kevin, Howie, and well, I think you already met Brian," I smiled, seeing that he and Brian hadn't let go of eachother's hands since the race through the airport.

"Uhhh, yeah. Hi guys, it's a pleasure to meet all of you, wow," he said.

"The feeling's mutual," Kevin replied.

"So are you a little more outspoken then our Adam here," AJ laughed as reached over and messed up my hair.

"Oh yeah, I've been working on that since we met. He's gotten a lot better, as hard as it may be to believe," Mike replied smiling at me.

"You were right, he is cute. I think Brian likes what he sees, hopefully looks aren't all he'll like though," Nick whispered to me.

"I hope so," I replied.

"What are you two talkin' about," Brian asked giving us an evil eye.

"Ohh nothing," Nick said as he smiled.

It took us about a half an hour to get back to the hotel. Brian and Mike started to get to know eachother. They seemed extremely happy, and they never let go of eachother's hands. AJ and Kevin would hop in every so often, and neither of them was unhappy with what they had seen of Mike thus far. Nick and I just sat there (with Nick's arms wrapped around me and my head against his chest) as I closed my eyes. I felt the heat from his body and the lite touch of his lips on my cheek as he kissed me every so often. The only person who I was concerned about was Howie. Something seemed different. He sat starring out into space. He hadn't said a single word to Mike, myself, or any of the guys. None of them seemed to think any different of it, but no matter how hard I tried it still bothered me.

We pulled up to the hotel and Nick let go of me. Brian withdrew his hand from Mike's and the doors opened. We all hopped out of the limo and entered the huge hotel lobby.

"Don't get used to this. Most of our hotels are nice, but not this nice," Nick laughed as he wrapped an arm around my neck.

I smiled back, "All right."

We headed over to the desk.

"Ahh, you've arrived. Here are your keys, gentlemen. You will have the 6th floor to yourselves for the duration of your stay. Enjoy your stay here at the Grande Hotel," the desk clerk said happily.

"Thank you. We are honored," AJ said as he took the keys and began passing them out.

"We will bring your luggage up as soon as it arrives. Don't hesitate to call for anything," he called.

"Thanks. We won't," Kevin called back as he waved.

We took the elevator up to the 6th floor and entered the hall.

"Well here we are. Our home for the next 10 days," Kevin said as we started walkin' down the hall.

We all found our rooms, as they were right next to eachother. We were all laughing and chattin' as we were unlocking our doors, when there was a loud slam. We all looked up, and found that Howie had slammed his door shut. I looked at the others for a reaction. AJ and Kevin both nodded their heads, Brian seemed to ignore it as he and Mike were entering his room, and Nick whispered 'asshole' under his breath as he opened the door.

When we had gotten in, we found a huge king size bed, a fridge, small bar, huge sliding glass doors leading to a balcony, a jacuzzi, everything.

"Holy Jesus! This room has got everything," I exclaimed to Nick.

"Isn't it great? And just think it's all for you and me," he said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey, I have a question?" I said.

He released me and said, "shoot."

"What is up with Howie? Ever since you guys have got here he's seemed very upset," I asked.

"Well, this all boils down to why he didn't come with us to your house," Nick started.

"When we returned to Darien Lake, we found him in his room. He was with a girl by the name of Ashley. She was nice and all, and he liked her a lot. He pleaded with management and us to allow her to come with the tour. I really didn't care, after all, you are coming along, and neither did the other guys. The problem came into play that there wasn't room on the plane for her, there wasn't enough time to get her packed and to even get her permission by her parents to go either," Nick continued.

"And, he's really upset. Is he taking it out on me, because he refuses to even look at me?" I asked.

"Well, right before we left he informed me on a few things. He came into my room, through me onto my bed, and started calling me every four-letter word in the book. He said it was my fault Ashley couldn't come. He said some things about you I'd rather not repeat. As of right now, he hates you, hates me, and when he heard about Mike and Brian, well they're both on his shit list too," Nick finished.

"Oh great. I don't want to be the center of a Backstreet battle," I said sadly.

"Don't worry about it. He'll get over it, just stay out of his way and everything will be fine," he said as he kissed me.

"You don't realize how beautiful you look right now," Nick said to me as he ran his fingers through my hair.

I starred deep into his eyes then slowly moved my lips to his. He let my tongue enter and probe his mouth. I reached my hands up underneath his shirt and began to run them all over his chest and back. I then reached down, grabbed his ass, and pressed him into my hard cock.

"I've been waiting for this moment since the instant I saw you leave my house," I whispered into his ear.

"You and me both," he said as he pulled my shirt off of my body.

"Ohhh, Nick. I love you more than life itself," I said as I slowly began lifting his shirt off of his body.

Once it was off he leaned in and kissed me. He then led me over to the bed.

"This bed is very comfortable," I said as I smiled up at him.

"Oh really? Well don't plan on just lying there," Nick said smiling down at me.

He then jumped over top of me and to the other side of me, causing me to be bounced up in the air. Once we stopped laughing we were kissing eachother madly. I moved to his neck, and chest. I twirled my tongue over his nipples causing little squeaks of pleasure to escape his lips. I then kissed my way down his stomach, covering every inch.

I looked up and saw his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation, so I began to massage his chest and arms with my hands as I continued to kiss his body. I then tickled his sides causing him to jump and squirm sparatically. He laughed and screamed for me to stop. After a few moments of torture I let him go.

"Holy shit," he exclaimed as he started calming down.

"What?" I asked sarcastically.

He smiled down at me and said, "I'll get you, don't worry."

He then flipped me on my back and pinned me down.

"But that'll have to wait until later. Right now, I want you," he stated, smiling down at me with an evil grin.

I slowly licked my lips, which put a larger smile on his face, and then he leaned down and started kissing my neck. I couldn't move, because he still had my hands and legs pinned down. He started licking my nipples, and chest, which was driving me wild. I could feel my cock trying to rip it's way out of my pants. He continued his way down my stomach until he hit the button of my jeans.

"Now you're gonna have to let go of one of my hands," I said slyly as I looked down at him.

"You think so?" he said as he quickly placed both his hands in his right hand.

"How's that?" he said.

He then used his left to undo the button on my jeans, and run the zipper down. He reached in and began massaging my cock through my boxers. Once he started this I lost all concentration and was in no position to put up a fight. He saw this as I laid my head back down. He released my other hand, and continued to pull my pants off of my legs. He kissed his way up my right leg, licking my inner thigh, which caused me to breathe very quickly and let out moans of pure pleasure.

He ran both his hands up each thigh and entered my boxers, grabbing a hold of my throbbing cock. My eyes were clenched shut, my hands were squeezing the life out of the bars of the bed frame, and I was breathing very quickly. When Nick looked up and saw what he was doing to me, he smiled and yanked the last remaining article of clothing off of my body.

Before they could even hit the floor, Nick and swallowed my entire cock. His lips glistened from spit; his head was a streak from the speed at which he was going. The pleasure I felt was incredible. It was better than the first orgasm I had ever had. He kept working and working non-stop, making me tremble from the wave of pleasure striking my body.

His hands were roaming up and down the insides of my legs; they ran over top of my chest and stomach too.

"Ohh Nick...Nicky, I love you," I managed to stutter out between my short gasps for air.

I was getting extremely close to cumming, and Nick could tell. He grabbed a hold of my waist and pulled me as far into his mouth as possible. Moments before the first shot of cum left my cock, I wrapped my legs around him, sat up, and held him in down on my cock. My hips then started thrusting with each shot as he kept up his vigorous sucking. I shot loads upon loads, which seemed to last an eternity.

Once they subsided, I lost all muscle control and fell back onto the bed. I was covered in sweat, and completely drained of all energy. Nick, not much more energetic than I, looked up at me as he licked his lips. His hair was soaked with sweat, and his body glistened. He was still in his jeans, which were wet from sweat as well. He managed to crawl himself up to my side, and placed an arm on me. He looked into my eyes and gave me a soft kiss.

"I've been dreaming about that every night in Florida," Nick said.

"Wow, that was the best orgasm ever. Oh my God," I said softly.

My eyes couldn't remain open any longer and I was moments away from falling into a deep sleep. What stopped me was a knocking at the door.

"Ohh no," Nick said as he tried to crawl outta bed.

"Who is it?" he called in a slightly upset tone.

"Room service. Your luggage has arrived," a male voice answered.

"Hold on a sec," Nick said as he gathered our clothes off of the floor.

I tried to sit up but was still too warn out to move much.

"No, you stay there, I'll take care of it. But we do need to get you under the covers," Nick said to me.

"You sure?" I asked as I laid back down and starting falling asleep again.

"Yeah, besides you gotta conserve your energy for later," Nick said as I felt him place his lips on my forehead.

I smiled, "Ok."

I heard Nick walk to the door and open it.

"Thank you," Nick said.

"My pleasure. Is there anything you nee..." the voice continued but I couldn't understand it as I drifted off.

I began to dream. I was running through a maze being chased by several people. Nobody I could see, because they all wore masks. I did notice that they were each carrying a weapon of come sort. I was running for my life away from them. I ended up in a dead-end. I turned and saw them slowly closing in on me. I sat on the floor, and brought my knees up to my chest. I hid my face in my knees. When I looked up I was starring at a gun pointed directly at my head. The figure was dressed like the others in all black and wearing a black facemask. What startled me next was the voice I heard.

"Welcome to the end," the voice echoed.

The voice terrified me greatly. It was the voice of one Howie Dorough. As I continued to look up in shock, I heard the gun go off.

At that moment I flew up to a sitting position in the bed as I screamed at the top of my lungs, as I was covered in sweat. I couldn't focus on anything. I grabbed my knees and clenched them to my chest. I buried my face in them as I had done in the dream and started crying uncontrollably. I heard the doors lock click, and the door bang against the wall as it was flung open.

"Adam! What's wrong?" Nick called as he was running towards me.

Being in the state I was, I flung my body on the floor, opposite of the opening door, to attempt to hide. Once I hit the floor, I rolled myself into a ball and continued to cry. Nick flew overtop the bed, and was by my side in a matter of a second. He placed his hand on my bare back and slowly rubbed trying to calm me down.

"Adam? What's wrong, what happened?" Nick asked confused.

"Is he alright, what's goin' on?" Mike asked as he stood behind Nick looking down at us.

Brian was walking over to Mike, "What's goin' on?" he asked.

"I don't know, he's trembling with fear," Nick replied.

"Adam? It's me. It's Nick," Nick said soothingly.

I was able to focus on that just enough to understand whom it was next to me. As soon as I realized it was Nick, I flung my arms around him and buried my face in his chest and cried. He started running his fingers through my hair.

"Why don't you guys leave us alone for a little while, so I can figure out what happened," Nick asked of Mike and Brian.

"Sure, if you need anything just call alright," Brian told Nick.

"Thanks guys," Nick said as he looked up at them.

They closed the door behind them and Nick looked down at me.

"What happened to you sweaty? Why are you so upset?" Nick asked again.

I continued to cry, but was slowly calming down. He started rocking me back and forth.

"Calm down, everything's fine. I'm here with you now," Nick said soothingly to me.

Once I managed to stop crying, I looked up into his beautiful eyes. He leaned down and kissed me. He started wiping my tears away with his hands.

"So, you gonna tell me why you're so upset?" Nick pleaded.

"I...I don't know," I stuttered.

"It was Howie," I told him.

"Howie? Howie did this to you?" Nick asked.

"Yes," I replied as I nodded.

"What'd he do to you to cause this?" he asked.

"He...he shot," I stuttered again.

"Shot you! Where?" Nick yelled as he started looking for a wound and blood.

"In my head," I said as I leaned against his shoulder and hugged him close to me.

"Adam? You were only dreaming. Everything's fine now, just fine," Nick said as he continued to comfort me.

"I died. I felt the instantaneous pain. I...I just don't know," I said as I lay there in his arms.

"Come on, don't worry about it. You'll feel better after a shower," he said as he lifted me to my feet and led me to the bathroom.

He put me in the shower, since I still was naked and waited in the bathroom as I showered. He helped me out and proceeded to get me dressed and all.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked as he turned my head so I was starring into his eyes.

I smiled, "Yes. Thank you," I replied as I embraced him in a long hug.

"Alright. We got two hours before we have to be to the restaurant tonight. I'm sure Mike and Bri are worried sick about you. I'm surprised they haven't called or come to the door yet," Nick continued.

"Why don't we go over there and chat, you up to it?" he asked.

"Sure," I answered as I kissed him again.

"Ready? Ok, got the key, let's go," he said as we headed for the door.

I looked up into the mirror and ran my hands through my hair and stopped.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Ohh, nothing. I just wanted to get a haircut before tonight. Oh well, let's go," I said as I pulled him with me out the door.

To Be Continued

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Next: Chapter 6

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