Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Feb 2, 2017


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 21

"" Chloe asked calmly.

"Not you." He said.

His demeanor towards her was dismissive. He didn't take his eyes off Jimmy or myself.

"He wants us." I said staring right back at him.

"Obviously!" He said.

Steve moved in front of us. "Why don't you leave my friends alone?"

His effort was a kind gesture, but completely ineffective. I grabbed him by the shoulder and shook my head.

I looked at the man. Looked him dead in the eyes. I didn't get it. I knew people like him existed, I just thought they existed in different circles.

The happiest days of my life, destroyed by someone's personal quest for more money.

"What else do you want from us?" I asked.

"An interview." He said without hesitation.

My jaw dropped. All of ours did. The audacity.

"An interview? After everything you've done you have the nerve to ask..."

"I didn't ask."

I shook my head. "Uh no! Never!"

"Come out. Come clean."

"What do you mean...clean?" Jimmy asked, his tone becoming sharp.

"Tell the world." The man said in an almost caring tone.

"What the fuck." I said. "Are we all friends here now or something?"

The man smiled. "If you don't, they'll all just keep making it up."

"You mean you will keep making it up." Chloe said.

I stepped forward. My face burned. I could only see him. My fist clinched. The salt smell from the ocean and the cold weather perfectly framed the moment.

"Nick!" Jimmy said.

I could barely control my breathing. "I just want to hit him!"

"No." Chloe stepped in.

The man looked on. He didn't appear to be afraid at all. Amused. "Why not. Hit me."

I stepped even closer.

Jimmy grabbed my arm. "Nick."

"He wants you to." Chloe said getting through my tunnel vision.

The man smiled.

Chloe stood between us and locked eyes with me. "Imagine that story, how it will look. You can't hit him."

I took a small step back and looked down to the sand. She was right. I wanted to hurt him, so bad, but I couldn't. I bit my tongue out of pure frustration of being so helpless.

It happened so faster than my mind could process. Out of nowhere with a left hook, Steve punched him in the eye. The shock of it all made me momentarily question reality.

The man flew back grabbing at the right side of his face wincing in pain. It was wrong, but the gratification that came from instant justice felt right.

Jimmy's jaw dropped in disbelief. "OH shit!"

Steve cradled and shook his hand, apparently injured from the contact with the assholes face.

Chloe held her hands up. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"What?" Steve said.

"Are you stupid?"

Steve gestured towards me. "He couldn't do it!"

"So you hit him instead?"

"Someone fucking had to."

Chloe was pissed. She looked at me as if she wanted me to do something. "Nick?"

"What Chloe?"

"What do you mean...what? Your friend just hit someone in the face!"

"Hard too." Jimmy said looking at the man bent over still nursing his wound. "Fucking bullseye."

"Jimmy!" All eyes on Chloe as she shook her head. "Seriously guys, this is totally fucked up."

"He's right though." I said. "Somebody had to."

At that moment, a man and a woman ran up.

"Dude are you okay?" The man asked.

The woman looked at us with disgust.

"Do you need help?"

"He just got help."

"Jimmy, shut up!" Chloe said as the woman began to coddle the reporter and help him stand straight.

Our friend still didn't speak. Probably from the shock and pain.

"I'm calling the cops." The man said.

I could see the growing smile on the assholes face.

I held my hands up on top of my head for a few moments before throwing them down at my sides. "Fuck!"

"You kids swear a lot." He was now mocking us.

I walked towards him with a clenched fist, "Dude I swear to god."

"Hey now, enough." The woman held up her hand."

I turned and walked back. Pretty much in shock with what was happening.

"Are we going to be swarmed by reporters now?" Jimmy asked with his hands in his pockets. He was somehow calm.

The man looked at him with his unbruised eye. "Are you kidding?"

None of us answered.

He reached into his pocket, "This is all mine." He pulled out a phone.

Within a few seconds he held it up to us. Steve snatched it right out of his hand.

"You can't do that." The woman said.

"Lady, mind your own damn business." Chloe said.

The woman went to argue but something in Chloe caught her eye.

Steve held back the phone like he was going to throw it in the water.

"You can't do that!" The reporter yelled.

"Steve!" I said.

The sound of my voice stopped him just in time and he turned towards me.

"Don't do it."

"Why not."

The reporter answered, "Because that's the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony you dolt.

Steve curled his lips in. He held the phone so tight that his knuckled turned white. Then he stood normal again. He looked down at the creep's phone and started pressing the screen.

"What are you doing?" For the first time there was panic in our stalkers voice.

"Deleting your last video."

"You can't do that."

Steve held up his phone. "Done."

"I know you from somewhere." The lady said to Chloe.

"Pfft." Was her response as she looked away.

Five minutes later and the cops arrived.

Jimmy and Chloe gave their statements first.

After I gave my statement we stood around a few more minutes. I knew it was coming but everything seemed so surreal. As if it weren't actually happening. We were all cleared except for Steve.

"Mr. Michael McKenna is pressing charges and we are arresting your friend for assault and battery."

The cops had him turn around and actually put handcuffs on his wrists. Real handcuffs. They began to pat him down and empty his pockets as they read him his rights. I never thought something like this was even possible in my life.

"Jesus." Jimmy said under his breath.

They went the whole cliché mile. Holding his head down as they put him in the back of the car and everything.

Steve looked at me.

"We're coming." I said.

I was not sure if he heard me but I know he got my meaning.

The car drove off and Steve was gone.

Chloe pointed towards the parking lot with an annoyed sigh. "Well let's go."

I started the car and the same song that we were listening to when we parked had picked up where it left off. I quickly silenced the radio not wanting to remind us of how good this day was going before everything went down.

I was relieved to get away from there. I began to realize how much I was starting to dislike that beach.

The ride was silent. Each excruciating red light just seemed to makes things even quieter. The city was alive but we heard none of it.

It didn't take long to reach the precinct.

"You two should go home." I said.

"No way Chloe said."

Jimmy looked at me confused. "Why?"

"There might be cameras."

He looked at the front door. "There's not."

"There could be. You know that."

"He's right." Chloe said.

I turned around to look at her. I was kind of surprised that she was willing to go without much push-back.

"I'll take care of this. You two go home."

I shut the car off and gave the keys to Jimmy.

"Really?" Both he and Chloe said at almost the same time.

"You'll do fine." I said with a smile.

Before I realized it I leaned in and kissed Jimmy. The kiss is never a surprise but I didn't look around first. The idea of our affection and the precautions that came with it had become normal.

It's crazy how normal everything becomes when you just learn to let go.

"How are you guys going to get home?" Jimmy asked.

I smiled and bit my lip. "I'm rich. Remember?"

We all got out of the car and they switched seats. I didn't go inside right away as I wanted to watch them drive off. Jimmy took his time adjusting the seat as far up as he needed it to go and putting on his seatbelt before starting the car. He rolled down the window.

"I love you." I said. "But what am I thinking?"

Jimmy raised his eyebrow.

"Alright Nick, go get my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Jimmy said.

"Alright," she patted the dashboard, "let's get this crash test over with."

"I feel so much better now." I said.

"I'll be fine." Jimmy said as he turned the hazards on.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I just meant to hit the turn signal."

Chloe looked at him, "What?" You don't need...just back out of the damn stall and let's go already."

Jimmy lipped the words to me, I love you.

"I love you both." I said.

I could tell it caught Chloe by surprise but it was true. It is not often you get to connect with people on such a great level but I was extremely grateful to have friends as good as mine.

It took over two hours to process Steve. Inside the station it felt like time didn't exist at all. I had a lot to think about during that time. I began to look up lawyers but decided it was best to rely on my agent for this.

As we left the station Michael was there waiting for us. Except for a cameraman and some other person, he was alone without any other reporters.

The camera was on immediately.

"Nick what did your friend get charged with?"

I knew that this would go on the air and people would see this. I had to keep it quick. I had to keep it calm.

I did my best to put on a fake but sorrowful smile. "You know what he got charged with."

"Yeah he hit me."

I sighed, "yeaaaaaaah."

"Are you the one that posted bail?"

"Hey, what are best friends for?"

The whole time he ignored Steve and Steve ignored him.

"Why did he hit me?"

"You know, Michael McKenna, you just have that kind of face."

I couldn't hold back for too long. I made sure to say his full name on camera.

"What kind of face is that Nick Robinson?" He said my full name as well.

"The kind only a mother can love."

"Was he defending you?" Michael didn't relent.

We were almost to the car.

"We'll find out on January 30th."

"Is that his court date?"

I didn't say anything else. I walked around the car to let Steve get in on our side.

His car smelled like what I remembered spraying cologne to mask week was like.

"Nick?" The driver asked verifying my name.


"What's all that about?" The driver nodded to the paparazzi. "Are you guys famous or something?"

"Or something." I said.

I didn't know what we would be after the day was over.

Inside my house I began to check all of the shades, the curtains, the doors. My paranoia continued to grow and I no longer felt safe.

In my bedroom I began to check everything a third time.

"Calm down." Jimmy said from behind.

"I just want to make sure."

I checked the window again.

"You're starting to make me nervous."

I checked the other window again.

"Nick, stop!"

I turned around. Those forest greens. From across the room I stared as deep into him as I could. With everything going on and our trip from Fiji we hadn't had much time alone.

He closed the door and took his shirt off. He only meant to put on something more comfortable. He didn't know what I was thinking.

His slight hint of chest hair was out of place on his young looking body.

"Chloe ordered Chinese when you called and said you were on your way home."

I didn't say anything. I took my shirt off too. He did a slow double take. "I'm starving."

I undid my belt and let my tight jeans fall to the floor. My thoughts formed into a physical reaction and the swelling drew my boxer briefs tighter.

Jimmy bit his lip and adjusted himself. He wasn't as good at seduction as I was. At least that's what I thought.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

He laughed. "You know."

I took a few steps toward him.

He held up his hand but didn't remove his eyes from my striped, clothed bulge. "We can't do this now."

"Do what?"

"You know what."

"All I'm doing is walking."


I slightly rubbed my nipple with one finger and ran my other hand down my front. I reached inside my waistband and adjusted myself to allow my hardness a bit more freedom.

His greens still locked on me. "The food should be here soon."

"I don't care."

"But I'm hungry."

I took a few more steps towards him. "You're always hungry."

"Fuck it." He said.

He fumbled with his belt and I completed my walk towards him. I watched him pull his belt off then his fly undone. I ran my hands through his slight chest hair. His hairy legs perfectly framed his own bulge.

Through his underwear I grabbed him tightly. His mouth opened wide as he took in a deep breath.

It had only been a couple of days since we last did this but the anticipation was obvious on both of our faces. An absolute hunger for this wonderful person I love, to whip out his cock and shove it down my throat.

That's how it started, with me on my knees. No matter what he always smelled good. Tasted good. Felt good. In the past weeks I buried my gag reflex and learned to enjoy foreign objects in all parts of me.

Every time I came up, he shuttered. Every time I went down, he pushed the back of my head. His fingers slightly holding my hair.

I loved the roughness of this moment, and went for as long as I could without breathing.

"Oh shit." I said when I came up for air.

It was my turn.

I pushed him down to the floor and right away he tried to swallow as much of me as he could.

Then a knock at the door, and we froze.

"Food's here." Steve said through the door.

Jimmy's mouth still full I said, "We'll be out in a little bit."

"A little bit?"


After a moment, Steve's footsteps went away.

I grabbed ahold of Jimmy's hair the way he did mine but I didn't push him down. It was very easy for me to handle him fucking my mouth but I don't mean to brag when I say that I could cause some real damage if I did the same to him.

That didn't mean his effort didn't make me rock hard. His mouth was still wet, still warm. I could still feel vibrations when he moaned with his mouth full of me.

It felt like it had been so long that it took concentration to do my best to hold on. Watching his full lips and hand work on me was too much to handle. I lost it without any warning outside of my convulsing and slight hip bucking with each spurt.

I curled my lips in and closed my eyes as he took it all and did not come up until I had completely drained. I was still standing but doubled over him in an unflattering pose.

I didn't wait long to catch my breath. I pulled him up by the hands and pushed him towards the bed. I quickly dove down. He began to thrust into my mouth and I encouraged him to go further. Harder.

There used to be a time where even brushing my tongue would make me gag. This was a whole new thing. But I loved the way it felt. I loved every moment of deep throating his cock.

He began to shiver and convulse out of sync with his thrusting. His hardness filled me even more for just a slight moment before the strength of his shots painted the inside of my mouth and throat. I could feel all of it as it slid down. I could smell him. I could taste him. All of him.

Instances of bonding come at the weirdest moments. I never felt closer to any other human being as I did at that moment. I never felt so in touch with myself and how I related to another as I did just them. The remains of his cum that I didn't swallow and his softening cock in my mouth were a true testament to how close we became in such a short amount of time.

Sometimes it might feel like a whole year has passed since this whole thing started, but it had really only been a few short months since we met.

We fell asleep naked. I was cuddled up to his groin and my legs hung uncomfortably off the end of the bed.

I didn't know how much time had passed and I could barely hear his voice. "Nick wake up."

I sat up and my legs instantly hurt. I stood up and stretched but it didn't make the pain much easier.

"Are you hungry?"

He nodded but I already knew the answer.

Steve and Chloe had already gone to bed and only the hood light over the stove was on. They left a ton of leftovers in the fridge and we quietly made plates to heat up. We stopped the microwave before all of its unnecessary beeping would start.

I chugged some water before I could eat and sat on the stool next to Jimmy at the breakfast bar. We ate only by stove hood light.

We talked at almost a whisper.

"This reminds me of Thanksgiving." I said.

"Chinese food reminds you of Thanksgiving?"

"No. This. Us here, eating in the middle of the night. Remember mac and cheese."

"Oh yeah." Jimmy smiled. "I miss those days. Things were easier."

I chewed my food and thought about what he said. "No they weren't."

"Yes they were."

I shook my head. "I was heartbroken."

A sad smile came over Jimmy's face.

"...but so were you."

He looked back at me. He slowly nodded only once.

We ate for a few more minutes in silence. Nothing really needed to be said for that time. The silence of the late hour was comforting.

"So what do you think about them?" Jimmy asked.

"Honestly, I don't think they're serious."


"I don't think it will last."


"People just don't fall in love like that. It's not possible. It can't happen that fast."

"It did for us."

He was right. Everything did happen very fast.

"Why do you love me anyway?"

He finished chewing. "That's a weird question to ask."

"No it's not."

"I love you for several reasons."

"Tell me just one."

"You're hot."

I tickled his side. "Give me another reason."

"Your smile."

"Really...that's it?"

"It's genuine."

"So is yours."

He put his fork down and turned to me. "Seriously. We live in this really screwed up world where everything is so fake that sometimes it's sickening."


"Don't get me wrong, I mean, it's exciting as hell."

I nodded.

"...but most everyone we work with, our agents, directors, it's all so fake. And you're not. You're genuine."

He turned back and pushed his plate aside to fold his arms across the bar. "Your smile makes me feel safe. Comfortable I guess. At home."

I smiled.

"See!" He laughed.

"Shhhh," I said.

He picked up his fork and took another bite.

"I feel the same, and now that were getting all emotional," I rolled my eyes, "there's something else I have to ask."

He swallowed and looked at me.

"Do you see this lasting?"

He looked down and back up again. "I don't know."

His answer was brutally honest.

"Me either."

He didn't say anything.

"Do you have any doubts?"

Quickly he snapped his head from the floor. "Not at all."

"Me either." I smiled.

I caught his eye for a moment before we both looked away. It was hard to say serious things with full on eye contact. "I don't know where this is going. I don't know if this is forever. But I'm really excited to fucking find out."

"He was right."


"The DB Steve got arrested for."

"What? What do you mean?"

"You do swear a lot."

I smiled. "Asshole."

"I want this to work too." He said.


I picked up our plates then put them in the sink. "That's our status."

I rested my wrists on his shoulders and he held on to my forearms.

"What's that?"

"We're two people, that have no doubts, that want this to grow into something more."

I kissed him on the top of his head.

"We have so much to do tomorrow." He said.

"I know."

"And we don't even have any clean clothes."

I shut the stove light off.

"It's 12:06." Jimmy said. "Merry Christmas Eve Nick." be continued...

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