Nick Lachey

By ken ny

Published on Sep 1, 1999


This is a work of fiction. Don't go around thinking the celebrity mentioned is gay or anything. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 2

Nick asked me, "First time in a limo?"

"Yeah," I answered, not really paying attention since I was checking out all the appliances.

He laughed. "I remember my first time. Just as excited as you are now. I tried out everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. There was a sunroof and I just kept on opening and closing it."

"Yeah, that's great."

"OK, I can see you're not really listening to me. I'll just let you enjoy it."

I opened the cabinet holding the wine and was in the middle of taking all of them out when Nick informed me that we were there. I quickly shoved them back in. Then, looking out the tinted window, I could see a beautiful, dazzling hotel and an usher dressed in red, coming to open the door. I got out and Nick followed. He walked in, but I just wandered outside, dazed, checking out the place. I had passed it before of course, but never stopped in since I lived in the town. Plus, with my budget, it was a little out in left field.

"Hey, Kenny, come on. I got us the room. 13th floor," Nick called.

As I walked in, I was blinded with all the luminous chandeliers hanging from a ceiling that looked like the Sistine Chapel. What looked like extremely comfortable, maroon, sofas were in a corner to my right and the cream-colored, marble, check-in desk was to my left. Straight ahead were double doors leading to the restaurant, with elevators next to the doors. Bellhops were rushing all around, pushing luggage carts. I ambled towards an elevator Nick had waiting, savoring what I knew would be my limited time in the place. It truly seemed like heaven. Finally, I reached the elevator. He let go of the "Open" button and pressed 13.

"Wow, you need to get out of the house every once in a while. I'm guessing you've never been in this place?"

"That would be smart," I said, still awe-struck by all I had seen.

He smiled and I could see it reflected in the mirror doors, along with every other mirrored wall. It was a beautiful smile, making my pulse run a little faster, heart beat a little quicker.

"You know, you have a really, really nice smile. Actually, it looks kinda familiar," I said, turning towards him.

Blushing and chuckling nervously, he said, "Thanks."

"No prob," I blushed, realizing how that must've sounded and how idiotic I was. After all, guys didn't tell other guys they had really nice smiles.

"Why you blushing?" he asked me.

"Huh? Me? No, I'm not blushing," I stuttered out, turning even redder.

"Yeah you are. If it's about saying I have a nice smile, don't worry about it. A lot of people say that to me."

"OK, but do a lot of guys?"

"Actually, I'm gonna tell you a little secret. Yes they do. Of course, they're all gay, but that's OK."

"Oh...well, then, surprise surprise, I'm gay too."

"I know. I've already ascertained that."

"Oh. OK then. Is it that obvious? I don't do a hand thing or talk with a lisp, do I? Cus I really hate those feminine guys and how bad would it look if I was feminine, hating fems."

He laughed, saying, "No, you act pretty straight. I don't know what ticked me off, but it was there and I picked it up."

"That's good to know. So how come you know so many gay guys?"

"Besides the fact that I like to go to gay bars sometimes, no reason."

"Oh, so you're gay too?"

"Yeah," he said, smiling the gorgeous smile again.

"Duh, should've seen that one coming. So..."

"Yeeees?" saying it in a manner that meant he knew what I was thinking.

"You think we could, maybe, you know, hook up?"

"Well, I like you. You're a cool guy, so sure, why not."


I was about to say something else, but the elevator bell dinged and we got out.

"It's room 1325. Looks like it's to the...left."

"Great, let's go."

We walked down the hall in silence. It was the only door down this side of the hall.

" this what I think and hope it is?" I asked, as he opened the door.

"Yeap, we've got a suite."

"For real? Damn, I can't pay for this."

"You don't need to. Remember? I'm paying the whole thing."

"Yeah, I know, but I was planning to sneak in the half anyways. Guess not anymore."

"It's OK. I told you, I can afford it."

The thought, 'He has a limo and he can afford to pay for the suite. Who is this guy?' ran through my head.

"I'm gonna go shower and hit the sack. It's been a tiring and straining day. Feel free to do whatever you want."

"No telling me twice. I'm gonna check out the whole place."

"Have fun," he said, laughing and walking up the stairs.

From the door, I could see the entire place and boy, was it sweet. The whole floor was one room, but you could tell where it divided into separate areas. On my right was the living room, with black leather couches, a see-through glass coffeetable, and a big screen TV hooked up to the most complex home theater I had ever seen. Under all this was a colossal Oriental rug. Behind it, under the staircase was a bar, with glasses hanging overhead. From my vantage point, the wall behind it looked pretty stocked with all of the best wines, mostly the same ones in the limo. Turning my head to the left, I saw a shining white kitchen that was outfitted with a stove and two burners. A counter complete with two revolving stools were facing me. The space next to the kitchen was filled with a handsome dining table that seated 8 and a tall cabinet behind that held exquisite, fine china. I was mesmerized. Never had I seen a room so wonderously decorated.

I ran across the room and took the stairs two by two, eager to see the rooms. The first door I came upon led to a guest room. I figured this would be my room. It was plain, but had elegant furniture, so didn't seem that bad. The next door led to a huge bathroom. Then there was the last door, the master bedroom. It had a King bed, ceiling-floor length windows, and two doors that I guessed led to a bathroom and closet (walk-in, no doubt). I could hear Siren-quality singing coming out of one of the doors that sounded so familiar. Suddenly, I gasped and realized who it was that had cried on my shoulder, who it was that I had shared a limo with, who it was I was sharing a suite with, and who it was that I had now hooked up with - Nick Lachey.

Something came over me, panic, fear, any of the above, and I rushed down the stairs and out the door to the elevators. I didn't know where I was going, but at the moment, I couldn't take being there. After a few minutes, the elevator came and I hit the 1 button. All the while, I was thinking how stupid I was for not realizing that I had been associating with one of my all-time favorite groups, or at least the best guy in it. I was slapping my forehead, repeating the word 'stupid' to myself when I reached the first floor. I ran out and looked around. There was nowhere to go. Glancing towards my right, I saw a sign pointing the way to the pool, so I followed it.

Double glass doors, led to a well-lit, Olympic size pool. Scanning the place, I saw a doorway on either side of the pool (leading to lockers I guessed), and another doorway straight ahead. I ran to the door at the end and entered it. It split up, leading to a male sauna, and a female sauna. I ran back out to the pool and strained to see the signs above the doorways on the side. My left one said "Men's Lockerroom" and the right one was marked "Women's Lockkeroom". I went into the men's and searched for towels. Grabbing one off a pile, I tossed two quarters into one of the lockers and threw in my clothes. I wrapped the towel around my waist and went back to the sauna. Finally, since I had left the room, I sat down and relaxed; I sighed. Leaning my head back against the wall, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, letting go after holding it for a while.

'How can this happen?' I thought. 'First, I didn't even realize it was Nick Lachey and now I'm his newest love interest. This can't be happening. We're in Quinton for God's sake! Nothing happens in this cheap town. Especially not anything homosexual and definitely not to me.'

I tried to stop my brain from thinking, but I was just bombarded by more and more thoughts. At last, they slowed down and I was able to just sit there, reflecting on the events of the day; I sighed again. I was so engrossed in my contemplation, I didn't notice when someone came in.

"Hey, you OK?"

"Huh? Oh, it's you," I said. Then I said it again in a more...scared tone.

"Yeah, just me. What happened? I came out of the bathroom and then I couldn't find you. I came down to the Front Desk and the lady told me she had seen someone who seemed like they were having a nervous breakdown rush to the pool area. I checked the locker room, and not finding you, figured this was the only place left, we are."

"Yeah, here we are. Well, I guess I had something close to a nervous breakdown. While you were showering, I heard you singing, and then I finally figured out where I'd seen you - 98 Degrees. I sort of panicked and so I ran down here."

"Why here?"

"I dunno. I just needed somewhere to hide and relax, and this seemed perfect."

"Hide? Are you hiding from me?" His face distorted into the saddest expression I had ever seen.

"I...don't know. I guess. I was just...scared I guess. I wasn't really grasping the concept of actually being with you."

He sighed. "I guess I should understand. This happens a lot. The people don't usually run away, but they freak and scream and all that crap. That's why I got nervous whenever you said I seemed familiar. I didn't want you to freak."

"Well, guess I failed that test."

"It's OK. At least you got to know me first. Still like me?"

"Yeah, definitely. I dunno what came over me."

"Great, then let's go back up, cus it is sweltering in here."

I laughed. "Of course it's hot, it's a sauna."

I went into the lockerroom and changed back. We then walked back to the elevators slowly and silently, just thinking. The ride up seemed very quick, and soon, we were back in the suite.

"You know, I just feel SO damn stupid for not realizing you were part of 98 Degrees earlier. You guys are my favorite group. I guess I was just so stressed about my apartment and everything."

"It's OK. I'm glad you didn't recognize me earlier. You wouldn't act the same way, would you?"

I thought for a while and shook my head.

"Yeah, so it's a good thing."


"So, you gonna shower?"

"Yeah, but I got nothing to change into."

"Don't worry. Look at me, I'm wearing new clothes. They usually load these closets up with stuff to wear. Not exactly my first choice, but good enough."

We went upstairs to the master bedroom and I searched the walk-in closet for something I liked. Finally, I decided on something and went to shower. When I came out, Nick had already gotten into bed and appeared asleep. But as I was about to walk out, he called out.

"Come sleep with me."

"Naw, sorry, I don't do that sorta thing."

"We don't have to do anything. Besides, even if I wanted to do something, I'm too tired to. I just wanna sleep with you next to me."

I stood at the doorway, deliberating it for a while, then took off my shirt and climbed in. He moved closer to me and put his arms around me. I put my head against his shoulder and slowly drifted off to him humming the song, "Still".

I opened my eyes, but immediately closed them due to the sunlight filtering through the half closed blinds. Cautiously, I opened them again and adjusted to the light. Nick still had one arm under my head and was sprawled next to me, breathing softly. The blanket half covered his magnificent body and I admired his chiseled chest and square jaw and soft skin and every other feature I could see. Suddenly, he moved, but he was just repositioning himself. I moved my hand slowly, laying it on the smooth pecs, feeling it going up and down to his rhythmic breathing. It was so tranquil that I fell asleep again.

When I woke up again, Nick was gone. The bed just contained me and the blankets I had tangled myself in. I got up and went to the bathroom, then drowsily walked downstairs.

Rubbing my still half closed eyes, I smelled bacon frying and could hear the stereo playing "(You Drive Me) Crazy" by Britney Spears. I walked towards the kitchen and blinked open my eyes. The world's most beautiful sight greeted me - Nick was facing the stove, cooking, shirtless; a wonderfully sculptured ass faced me. I sneaked up behind him and slipped my arms around his waist. He jumped a mile high and turned around.

"God, you got me good. Don't do that too often."

"Only when I get the chance," I said, tilting my head up and leaning in to kiss him.

When we broke apart, he said, "Mmmm, that was a pleasant surprise. Except for one thing, you need to brush."

I laughed, "Yeah, I know. Don't miss me too much."

As I was walking back up, he called to me to use his toothbrush since there was only one. As soon I was done brushing, I put on the shirt from last night and walked back down. Nick was just setting the bacon down next to the toast at the counter.

"Need any help?" I asked.

"Nah, I got it. By the way, how do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled. If it's not too much trouble," I said, as I sat down at one of the stools.

"No trouble at all sir. We're here to please."

"We? There's someone else?"

"Well...I, OK, you caught me. I'm here to please."

"OOOOOK, that makes more sense. Otherwise, I'd have to wonder where you been hiding this other guy."

"Hey, I don't cheat. At least...not when I first start dating someone new. Cheating would have to wait for the relationship to go a couple weeks."

"That's not funny."

"Oh, sorry. Just going with the flow. Sour spot?"

"No, it's just that I'm really dependent on people and I'm not sure how I'd handle it if my current boyfriend left or cheated or both. Actually, I guess it is a sour spot."

"Well, don't worry, I ain't leaving anytime soon and I sure as hell ain't cheating."

I smiled a small smile, "Good to hear."

"Here you go," Nick said, setting a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me.

"Mmmm, smells great. You cook often at home?"

"Eh, you pick things up when you're a bachelor."

"I know what you mean. 10 years ago, I wouldn't have known how to do laundry. But after turning all my white clothes blue AND red, I've learned that white only goes with white."

He laughed at me and said, "That's common sense. Didn't you know they turn color?"

"Obviously not. But I learned. I'm a quick study."

"I don't think turning your clothes TWO different colors counts as a quick study. Quick studies would learn the first time. And then there are the smart people who know you never mix white with anything else."

"OK, you can shut up now," I said.

He smiled, "Nah, it's fun to annoy you."

"Yeah, a barrel of laughs."

"Hey, how come you're alone anyways? You in college or something?"

The question brought immediate tears to my eyes and I began to cry again at the thought of why I had left home, or more accurately, why I had been thrown out of my house.

"Whoa, hey, you OK? I didn't know it was a touchy subject," Nick said, immediately, putting down the spatula he was holding and coming around to hold me.

"No, it's OK. Not your fault. I shouldn't cry about it anymore. It's old news."

"No, it's OK to cry. You don't have to tell me. You can if you want when you're ready."

"No, I can tell now. I was 15 years old and I had just told my parents that I'm gay. Being the homophobic people they are, they threw me out of the house. I wandered into Quinton about...7 years ago. This all happened 10 years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, still holding me against his beating heart and rocking me back and forth.

"Naw, not your problem. Anyway," I began, wiping the tears from my face, "like I said, it's old stuff. Not worth crying over anymore."

"No, you should cry. Release the pain."

I sniffed, "Thanks. Hey, looks like the tables have turned. Now I'm crying on your shoulder."

"Yeah, how crazy is that? So, are you good now? Can I go back to frying my egg?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks."

He kissed me and said, "No problem. I'm your guy now and nothing is any trouble."

"Hey, you know, I just thought of something. You aren't with that guy at the hospital are you? Mike, I think it was?"

"With? You mean romantically? Naw, those are the old days. Now we just friends. Remeber what I said before about not cheating? That would count as cheating."

"Oh yeah. OK. But you know, you have a song, "The Hardest Thing" where you been cheating."

"Ahhh, but that's a song not written by me and it's to a girl."

"Oh yeah. Got it."

I just finished my delicious breakfast in silence and sat there as he finished his. Soon, he was done and he took the dishes to the sink to wash.

"No, let me do that. You've done enough."

"Nah, it's OK. Nothing big. Just a couple dirty plates."

"You sure? I'm sure you've been up for a while. Just go sit and relax on the couch. Watch some TV or something."

"OK then," he said, walking to the three-seater sofa in front of the big screen.

When I finished washing the dishes, I joined him, putting my head on his lap and lying straight on the couch.

"Hold on," he said, getting up.

I got up and he lied down and then motioned for me to get on him. We lay together on the couch with his arms around me, just surfing the channels; nothing good was on. I checked a clock that was above the TV and it read 9:52.

"Let go. I'm gonna go call the fire department and ask if I can get my stuff from my apartment."

He let go and stayed on the couch while I moved to the recliner as the phone was on a stand next to it. After calling the fire department and then the police and then the fire department again, I finally found out my stuff was stuck. They were afraid the place would collapse. Frustrated, I sighed and put the receiver back.

"So, can you get your stuff?"

"Nope. They're afraid the place might collapse or something. Oh well."

"Did you have anything worth saving?"

"Hmmm...," I thought about it for a while, then said, "not really. Just my stereo and computer and maybe my clothes."

"I can buy those for you."

"Oh no. You've done way past your share. This is beyond repaying me. I can buy that stuff again."

"OK. Meanwhile, since we got nothing to do, let's go check on Mike. I really miss him."

"OK. Call your ride."

"OK. Lemme just go put on a shirt and my jacket. You might wanna change those shorts into pants too. It's cold out."

"Oh yeah. Which also reminds me. I need underwear."

"Oh, me too. We'll go shopping for neccesities as soon as we visit Mike."

We went upstairs and ransacked the closet for something nice to wear. Eventually, we found something decent. He took off the shorts he was wearing and I gasped. His cock was just like his body, perfect. It looked soft and had a perfect curve downwards. The brown bush only embellished it as did the chestnut size balls.


"Huh?" I looked up from my staring. "Oh, yeah. That's divine."

"Divine? Maybe a little too extreme. It IS 7.5 inches hard though," he boasted.

"Wow, that's great. Mine's just 7."

"Hey, that ain't too shabby at all, compared to most."

"Yeah, but you wouldn't be able to tell when it's limp. It's like trying to find a flea on a dog. It's so small, but when it gets hard, it does this big transformation."

"I've seen some like that. A surprise in every one. I'm sure yours will be just as great."

"As yours."

We laughed and quickly put on our pants. I went to the bathroom as Nick made the phone call. I went ahead to get the elevator as Nick went to the bathroom too. The car was already waiting when we reached the front lobby. The Heavens looked even more amazing in the daylight, with the sun's radiance glittering off of every surface.

On the way, I remembered something.

"Hey, where are the other guys? You know, Justin, Drew, Jeff."

"Oh, this is our little time off. I came to spend it with Mike and they went on their own little trips. We're meeting up in a few days."

"Oh," I said, looking down.

"Hey, if you're thinking what'll happen when I leave, don't worry. We'll deal when that time comes."

I looked back up at his smiling face and into the eyes I had fallen into and in love with. At that moment, I realized, Nick Lachey was the one for me.

Next: Chapter 3

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