Nick Next Door

By Nifty Ben

Published on May 21, 2024


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I woke up the next morning with another painfully hard erection, which I absentmindedly started to toy with before remembering Nick's instructions and reluctantly letting it drop. I knew, of course, that Nick would have had no way of knowing if I touched my own erection or not, but again, part of me felt compelled to obey him. I fucked around on TikTok until my hardon subsided enough for me to get up and take a piss, and then I went downstairs to join my family.

That day, a Monday, ended up being the first day in a while that I didn't hear from Nick at all, which was weird. I'd gotten used to daily messages from him, mostly comprising pictures and videos of his beautiful dick. In fact, it wasn't until Friday that Nick contacted me--I guess he really did want to make sure I wasn't tempted to cum.

"When do you actually get back to campus, Tay?"

"I was planning on driving back first thing Monday morning. You?"

"Flying back on Sunday, so should be back in my apartment that evening. Can't fucking wait to get out of this house. When does Rob get back?" Rob was my roommate.

"Not until Tuesday night, I think."

"Perfect. That gives us Monday night and Tuesday all to ourselves. Knock on my door at 2 PM Monday."

"Why 2?" I waited, but there was no response from Nick.

I could hardly sleep on Sunday night, I was so keyed up. I tossed and turned for at least two hours after getting in bed, then woke up sweating half an hour before my alarm was set to go off. I was on the road way before I'd originally told my parents I'd intended to leave. I'm sure they thought I was nuts when I told them I was worried about beating traffic. When I got back to my apartment near campus, I parked and hauled my bags up, walking right past Nick's door to do it. I could feel my dick plump up in my jeans, just knowing he was in there.

I wasn't entirely sure what was going to happen at 2:00. I knew Nick wanted to fuck me--he had made that perfectly clear many times over the holiday break--and while I hadn't bottomed in a couple of years, I knew what kind of work went into prepping for getting fucked. Was he expecting me to do that now? I realized I didn't have anything in my apartment I could use to prep. At 1:55, I panicked and decided I'd at least shower again before going over there, and as a result, I didn't knock on Nick's door until almost 2:10.

He opened the door, but rather than step back to let me in, he stared me in the eyes and said, "You're late. Lateness is rude, and normally I'd call the whole thing off for the day. But since this is our first time playing together like this, I'll give you a choice. You can come in and we'll continue like I'd planned, but you'll be punished for being late. Or you can go home and come back tomorrow. I would prefer the former because it's going to give us more time to play together, but the choice is yours."

I just stood there, completely flustered. He hadn't given me any details about what to expect today, and the idea of him punishing me was daunting. But I was also eager to see where all of this was leading, and given how long it had been since I'd cum, I really wasn't interested in delaying my orgasm any further. But again, the idea of punishment was worrying, and . . .

As this internal monologue was going in my head, Nick sighed and then moved to close the door in my face. "Wait!" I stuck my hand out to stop the door. "I'll come in now."

He smirked at me. "Good boy. I figured you would in the end." He stood back and I stepped into his apartment. He pointed to his sofa and said, "Sit." He plopped down on his recliner, and then leaned forward to look at me intently. For about 30 seconds he just stared at me and then said, "Tay, do you know why I get so much ass?"

I chuckled. "Because you look like a fucking Adonis and have a big dick?"

Nick smiled. "I mean, yes, that's certainly part of the appeal for a lot of guys. But that really is only part of it. Tay, I realized I was gay in middle school. Other guys on the soccer team were talking about which girls were getting boobies, and all I could think about was how I could sneak a peek at the cute ones in the showers after games. I had my first gay encounter in ninth grade, when I was 14. One of those same teammates was 'curious' about who was bigger between the two of us. I knew immediately that he was looking for an excuse to do a lot more than compare, so I told him I was curious, too, but that we should make it interesting and make a little bet. The loser would have to jerk off the winner. I won, obviously, and he spent a lot of nights that year sleeping over at my house and 'comparing' again.

"As high school went on, I realized I was a bit of a 'gay whisperer'. I can always tell what a boy wants and how to give it to him. It's like ESP, a sixth sense. It's knowing intuitively if a guy wants a quick pump-and-dump or if he wants a two-hour marathon fuckfest. It's meeting a guy at a bar and knowing if he's the sort who not only will suck my dick in a bathroom stall but in fact is actively craving it. It's knowing if he wants it rough or gentle today, even if he wanted it the other way the day before. It's not just about being a top or being a dom. I know how to read a man and how to please him in ways he may not have even thought about before.

"Which brings us to you, Tay. You remember how you tapped me on Grindr that first night after we moved in? I fibbed a little bit when I said I didn't realize you were gay. I clocked you as a fellow fag immediately. What I actually was surprised by was that your profile said you were a total top, because my ESP was telling me you were a subby little bottom deep down. But I thought to myself that maybe I was wrong and that I just hadn't gotten a good read on you.

"And then you know when I knew, Tay? You know when I absolutely KNEW that you were the kind of boy it was going to be a pleasure to take control of? The first time I saw your apartment. Remember? We'd been living here a couple of weeks, and I came by your place one afternoon to hang out. I saw immediately that your room and my bedroom shared a wall, so I knew you must have heard me in there pounding boys out. And I knew that had to be turning you on because you could have changed rooms at any time and you never did. Rob didn't get here until like August. You had all fucking summer to switch, in fact. You could have easily moved to the other bedroom at any point and left your roommate to deal with my sex show. But the first time I came in and saw that you were still in that room, I fucking knew. I imagined you on the other side of that wall sometimes, jacking off while I was plowing someone else. I bet deep down you fantasized about what it must be like to be with me. You could hear how much those little sluts were loving it. It must've been driving you crazy to be able to hear it and not to see it.

"But you never made a fucking move, even with all the times we hung out together just the two of us, so I figured I'd take matters into my own hands. And God I'm glad I did, because look where we are now." Nick smiled at me, and I realized I was spellbound. I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I'd been holding.

"Come here, Tay," he said firmly. I hesitated, and he sighed exasperatedly. "Jesus, get up and come here. I don't bite."

I walked over to Nick, and he pointed at the floor between his feet. "Get on your knees, and then slide my pants down." He had on a pair of grey sweats, and I could see the outline of his fat cock in them already. I reached up and grabbed the waistband, and he lifted up off the seat as I pulled the sweats down. His meaty dick popped out, maybe three quarters hard and quickly getting harder. "Stroke my dick, Tay. Feel how hard it gets for you." I did, and he moaned softly. "You're not the only one who's been saving it. I haven't cum in four days--I wanted to be able to give you a big load." He grinned sort of sheepishly at me. "I actually was gonna try to save it the whole time after that FaceTime sesh, but I ran into a high school fuckbud at a party one night back home and ended up breeding him in his car afterwards. I couldn't help myself. But I haven't cum since then!"

"It's honestly kind of hot that you saved it for me, Nick." He quickly put one hand on mine on his dick to stop me stroking and put the other under my chin to tilt my head up so I was looking into his eyes.

"Tay, when you're in my apartment hanging out for friend time, you can call me Nick, bud, bro, fuckface, I don't really care. But when you're here for sex, you will call me 'sir' at all times, understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good boy. Stand up and strip."

I quickly complied, shucking my t-shirt, jeans, socks, and boxer briefs. No surprise, I was rock hard. I had expected to feel vulnerable standing naked in front of Nick like this, but his little speech earlier had actually put me strangely at ease. He reached out and gave my dick one good stroke, and my knees buckled. He laughed.

"Turn around for me, let me see your ass. Bend over and pull your cheeks apart." I did, and then felt Nick's finger run along my crack and swirl around my hole a bit. "Good, a little fuzzy, but not too hairy. Turn back around."

Nick reached up and grabbed my balls with one hand, tugging them down a bit and making my boner bob in the air, while he idly stroked his own dick with the other. "You know that old joke, what do you have if you've got two green balls in your hand? Kermit's undivided attention. I always like to make sure I have a boy's undivided attention when I give him instructions because I don't like to repeat myself. Understand?" I nodded. Nick looked at his watch.

"It's 2:28. You will knock on my door tonight at 8 PM. Lateness will be punished, as you'll find out shortly--don't think I've forgotten. I'm going to fuck you and breed you tonight, so do whatever you need to do between now and then to be ready for that. You will show up at my door wearing a jock and nothing else.

"Now, the most important rule, and one you're already familiar with. You do not cum without my permission. Not now, not ever. I've fucked too many bottoms who came too early and then wanted to tap out and not let me finish, so my rule now is that my orgasm always comes first. I know you've been a good boy and have been saving that load for a while, but I don't want to see a fucking drop of cum out of you until I say so. If you follow the rules, I will give you the most mindblowing orgasm of your life tonight. Fuck it up, and you'll regret it." He squeezed my balls firmly. "You understand all of that?"

"Yes, sir, I do, but . . ."

"But what?"

"Nic--I mean, sir, I haven't bottomed in like two and a half years. I'm honestly not sure I can do this tonight."

"You've got to trust me, Tay. I told you that I know what boys need. Some guys need me to wreck their hole, but I know that's not you. We'll take our time tonight, and by the time we're done with the foreplay, you'll be begging me to slide my dick into you and you'll be very happy that I did." The hand that had been on his dick reached up and very gently started teasing the underside of my dick. "Of course, if you're truly worried about it, we can stick to oral tonight. I'm happy to feed you my load, but if I do that, you won't get to cum. That's the tradeoff." He traced around the sweet spot just below the head of my cock with his finger and I moaned loudly. "What do you think? You think you can trust me to take good care of your hole, or do you want to swallow my load instead?"

"Oh, fuck, sir. I want to cum so badly."

"So it sounds like you want me to breed you, then?"

"Yes, sir. Breed me tonight, please."

"Okay, it's a deal. I'll breed you, and then you'll get to cum. You good now? You're clear on everything you need to do tonight?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good." Without warning, the hand that had been stroking my cock smacked my balls--still clenched in Nick's other hand--twice, hard. He let go of my sack right as I crumpled to the floor and howled. "That's the punishment for being late. For every five minutes you're late, you'll get one slap. Ten minutes late today, two slaps. You can have a one-minute grace period tonight, but after that, the clock starts. Now, get out of my apartment." He bent over and pulled his sweatpants up.

I crawled over to my clothes and made to start getting dressed. "Tay, you better learn to listen or that won't be the last time you end up with sore nuts tonight. I didn't say get dressed. Get your shit and get out of here."

I scooped my clothes up into my arms and hobbled towards the door. I realized that even through the pain, my dick was still completely rock hard and in fact there was a long strand of precum hanging off the tip. I opened the door to the hallway, prayed there was no one out there this time of day, and darted next door to my own apartment before anyone could spot me in my obscene state.

I gave myself a half-hour to recover in my apartment. My balls were sore, though I realized it was more the shock of being hit than the actual pain that had gotten to me earlier. Again, Nick seemed to understand my limits even as he clearly was interested in pushing them. But once my balls were better and my dick had deflated a bit, I walked to the pharmacy down the street from our apartment building and got a box of Fleets. I knew what Nick was expecting of me tonight and wanted to be ready for him.

I don't feel like anyone needs the details of that process, so suffice to say that by 7:45 that evening, I was in my living room in a jockstrap, a t-shirt, and a pair of gym shorts. I couldn't settle myself down. I'd sit for a few minutes and turn the TV on, but my nervous energy had me bouncing up off the couch to pace, so I'd turn the TV off and try to read instead. But I couldn't focus on that, either. I mostly just stared at the clock and watched as the numbers slowly crept towards 8:00. At 7:58, I shucked the tee and the shorts and stood by my front door. My dick was already starting to get hard, which was going to be a problem in the pouch of this jock. At 7:59, I opened the door to the hallway and peeked out. At the end of the hall, someone--a neighbor I didn't recognize, but given our proximity to campus, almost certainly someone from the university--was standing and waiting for the elevator. She had her back to me, but I didn't want to take any chances. I hopped from foot to foot, hoping the elevator would come in the next 60 seconds. My dick was definitely now fully sticking out the side of the jock pouch. I glanced down at my phone just as the clock turned over to 8:00. I cursed under my breath, then quickly slipped into the hallway as quietly as I could. I gently shut my apartment door behind me, then darted silently down to Nick's door, a few feet away. I glanced down the hall again at my neighbor, who was still waiting on the fucking elevator, before knocking as loudly as I dared on Nick's door. I kept an eye on her while Nick took what seemed like ages to let me in. Thankfully she never turned around.

"Hey." My eyes snapped back around to see Nick standing in his doorway, clad in a pair of black boxer briefs. "You ready?" I nodded, Nick stepped back, and I stepped inside.

Next: Chapter 4

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