Nifty News

By Jason Phillip

Published on May 1, 2000


Yes, that's right, I'm hosting another Forum Weekend. Everybody who attended that last time all said that they had a lot of fun, and wanted to do this type of thing more often. So, I've decided to make this a once-a-month event.

However, one small change is that these forums will now be taking place on the Nifty Server, and NOT on my website's private chat room. You are more then welcome to go and chat in my private room, as well email me to set-up chatting events in that room.

Here are the dates and times for the next Boy Bands Forum Weekend:

Friday, May 19, 2000 - 9pm EDT to 12am EDT Saturday, May 20, 2000 - 9pm EDT to 1am EDT Sunday, May 21, 2000 - 6pm EDT to 10pm EDT

For those of you who live outside of the United States, and have no idea what time it the forum is taking place where you are, the Eastern Daylight Time Zone is Grenwich Mean Time of -05:00.

On Forum night simply go to Chat Rooms page listed under the Information for Readers heading on the welcome page at the Nifty Archive. Click on the link for the Boy Bands Forum, which will be held on channel #boybands, which will be being created specifically for the monthly forums. Of course once its created, I'm sure there would be no problems if you want to go chat in the room about Boy-Band directory related things anytime you want, and not just when there is a forum scheduled.

If you are an author, who plans on attending the forum, please email me at, with the following information:

  • Your Name

  • Name of Your Story

  • The Days that you will Attend

  • Times that you will be there

(If you can't be there for all of the scheduled time)

Thanks! I hope to see you at the forum! JCV

Next: Chapter 17: Boy Bands Story Awards Pre Announcement

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