Nifty News

By Jason Phillip

Published on Jun 1, 2006


Hello everyone,

I would like to start by saying thank you to everyone who voted, and a special thanks to Nifty for allowing the awards to be held.

Lots of people think of writing and for one reason or another they don't. But then someone does and you never know weather the piece your writing might end up being a hit, and many people enjoy it.

Sadly as time goes on with most stories the feedback slows to almost nothing. Please when you read a story and you enjoy it let the author know, it makes all the difference.

And now what you all have been waiting for,

The Winners Of The 2006 Story Awards ARE!

Story of the year: My New life.

Funniest story: My New Life.

Best Couple: Lance/Marc - My New Life.

Best Original Character: Marc Newman - My New Life.

Best use of Boyband member: Lance Bass - My New Life.

Best Straight Couple: JC/Sara - My New Life.

Best Series: My New Life.

Best Villain: Lou Pearlman - My New Life.

Worst Couple: Nick/Jessica - My Everything.

Best Author: James - My New Life.

Best up-and-coming Author: Jason Phillip - Music Of My Heart.

Best Non-Boyband story: Breaking Through.

Best use of Celebrity in non Celebrity setting:

(Justin and Nelly - Justin and Nelly) Unfortunately this story was disqualified due to it being canceled.

Best Crossover Boyband story: My New Life.

We all see the clean sweep by My New Life written by James so a big congratulations goes out to him.

Also congratulations to the other winners as well.

To all of you who haven't written a story yet start writting you might be on the ballot next time.

Until next year this is Jason saying have a good year and be safe.

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