Nigel and the House of Ill Repute

Published on Aug 15, 2020



Nigel and the House of Ill Repute

Nigel and the house of ill repute.

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Here's another short true story from my decadent past, names have been changed.

Set in Peckham, South London back in the 1970s, I had a basement flat in a big Victorian house, next door was another old house though not Victorian, it had two floors and an attic with two rooms on each floor and just one in the attic. The landlord rented out the whole house to DHSS claimants (the old unemployment payment), they were all young, 18-24 and a good mixture, a couple of white guys, four black and an Indian.

One particularly hot summer, everyone was out in their back gardens, the dividing wall was very low, no more than three feet, one morning four of the guys were out sitting, smoking, drinking and telling stories. I was sat reading a book when one of the black guys called over the fence, "hey honky wana see some real meat?". I looked up and this guy, maybe 19 was standing against the fence with his cock resting on the wall, it took me a second to realise what was happening, I had tried very hard to hide my sexuality for obvious reasons; back then it was still illegal to be gay.

Not wanting to be hostile or appear in any way interested for my own safety, I replied, "sorry, what would I want to do that for? I've got one of my own" and tried to laugh it off, with all my fingers crossed. "Nothing like this though, he sniggered, come over and have a better look." His face told me I had no choice, I got up and gingerly went towards where he was stood. He was right, I had never seen anything like it, I had seen many black cocks in my frequent visits to the cottages but this was something beyond normal.

Trying not to show too much interest I said "wow, that is something special, does it get much bigger when your hard?", my first mistake, he turned to his mates and said, "honky wants to see it hard", he laughed, "who wants to get it hard for him?" The two other black lads both looking about the same age came over to the wall, the first guy turned sideways and in full view of all the surrounding houses, one of the other lads got down on his knees and sank this monster down his throat. The white lad who I had spoken to and knew as Nigel came over to watch the show, by now all could see that the sucker was pulling further and further away from the cocks owner. He stopped, pulled away, looked at his efforts and said "hard enough bro?"

He swung around to face me again and while laughing said: "well honky, that answer yeh question"? What else could I say, "very impressive but what the fuck do you do with it, no girl can take that surely?" and smiled. Without missing a beat he replied, "no, not found one yet but these guys don't do bad" the two black guys started to laugh, Nigel just grinned and looked a bit embarrassed. For a minute I thought they were going to prove it but he gave his monster a good pull, put it away and went back his chair along with the other.

I looked over at Nigel, smiled and said quietly, "lucky you", he went bright red, smiled and went back indoors. As the sun was going behind a large cloud I decided to do the same and went back indoors to finish my book. I had not read a page when there was a knock on the door, it was Nigel, he smiled looking very sheepish, "hi Nigel, can I help"? That depends he replied, can I come in"? "Yeah sure", we went into the lounge, want a beer"? I asked, please and he sat down on the settee.

When I brought in two beers he took his saying "thanks mate". I sat in my chair and asked: "what can I do for you"?

He stood up, undid and dropped his jeans revelling a nice semi, "can you help with this, it won't go down, it was that show this morning, it got me so randy, sorry to ask but I guess your quear (gay was not a word then) and wondered if you'd mind, I dare not ask next door, it gets too painful." His cock was getting harder as he spoke, I stood up, went over and knelt in front of him and sank his now rock hard cock down my throat. He shook and then started to thrust in and out. This gave me no problem, he was not the largest tool in the box. After several minutes he gasped and said he was cumming.

We sat and enjoyed our beers, I asked the obvious question "have you taken that thing"? "God no Dave, not a chance, they did gang up on me once and try to make me but thank God they gave up, it's insane", "it is big I'll grant you that" I replied. We finished our beers and he made to leave, as he got to the door he turned and said: "Thanks for that Dave, please don't tell anyone". "Anytime mate" I replied more in jest than anything, likewise, don't really want to get forced into doing that thing", he smiled and was gone.

It was the following weekend that there was another knock at the door, I opened it to see Nigel and one of the young black lads. "Hi Nigel, can I help?" Silly question really, I knew what was coming, "hi Dave, can we come in"? Yeah sure, we went into my lounge, "beer guys"? guess you're staying a while. They looked at each other then at me, Nigel replied, "yes please Dave". The two lads were sat together on the settee when I came back with the beers, "right lads how can I help as if I don't already know"? looking directly at Nigel. He started to go red, "Sorry Dave, Andrea here has been pestering me all week" "and" I replied. "Oh, why's that I asked", he's got the same problem I've got, he dare not go to any of the other in the house as he, like me will become a prime target for Spaz" "Spaz being big boy"? "yeah replied Andrea" smiling. As he finished he looked at Nigel who nodded, he stood up dropped his jeans and out flopped a very nice looking black cock. As he did so Nigel also stood and did the same, I was now looking at two nearly hard cocks both growing as I watched.

Well, guys, better follow me with those, I led them into my bedroom where we all stripped off, I sucked them both then Andrea asked if I would fuck him. I'm was not small in those days, a good 10'' and quite thick, he took it and seemed to enjoy it, then Nigel asked if he could have a go, I duly obliged. All this was too much for me and I came in Nigel's ass, as we were recovering Andrea asked if I wanted to sample black cock?" I did not have the heart to tell him it would not be the first but he was gentle and came with a flourish of lovely long full thrusts.

On leaving they both thanked me, I said "don't tell anyone else for God's sake or I'll end up underneath Spaz," I looked directly at Nigel, "I mean it Nigel" and smiled. All was quiet till the following weekend, it was another bright morning and I was again out in the garden reading. Suddenly I heard a voice I recognised as Spaz,"hey honky, want to watch a show"? I looked up, smiled, "what sort of show man"? "One you gonna enjoy poofter", oh shit I thought, this is it I'm done for, trying to stay cool I replied, "what did you have in mind man"? Thought you'd enjoy seeing me lose my dong up some niggers ass" he replied laughing. I thought quickly, not that it would probably not do me any good, "as long as it's a nigger ass," I replied. He laughed, even more, "well come over here then man I'm not doing it on the fucking wall". I stood up, walked to the wall and rested my elbow on it, looked over at Spaz and smiled, He just laughed and said "Coward honky", where it came from I still don't know, I replied without a pause "yeh but a live honky, I come over and you'll kill me" and smiled, his persona changed, he gently smiled and replied, Yeh man but what a way to go". he turned towards his mates who were all sat on chairs, the eldest looking lad stood up and started to strip as Spaz was doing the same. The lad got down on his knees and waited for Spaz to place his half-hard cock in his mouth.

Michael was the lad's name, he was getting Spaz really worked up, he stopped, stood, turned around and laid across the back of one of the chairs. Spaz came up from behind, got into position, spat on his cock then his hand, lubed the lad's ass, placed his head and pushed, gently at first, it slowly disappeared, the kid let out a muffled yelp as the last of the twelve inches vanished. Sadly I was too far away to get a really good view, it was Andrea who suggested I hopped over the fence. Spaz looked over, smiled and said "Yeh honky, come on over your safe among friends. As jokingly as I could, replied " you sure man, my white pussy could not handly that thing"

I said a quick prayer, hopped over the wall and made my way over to the action, by now all the other lads had their jeans off and were wanking their cocks like crazy. Seeing that monster close up was something very special, it was truly massive, it looked too thick for me to get my fingers around it and there was a good twelve-inch outside at the end of Spaz's stroke.

It was a good job we were in a secluded part of the garden which was not overlooked and before long, I too had stripped off and was also enjoying the show. A couple of the other lads were taking turns to suck and wank mine with me doing likewise then Spaz caught my eye and beckoned me closer, oh God I thought, here we go, I don't stand a chance here if this goes tits up. I stood up and made my way towards Spaz who was still sharfting the lad's ass, as I got close He said "nice cock honky, give us a feel, he reached out and gave me a couple of strokes, "very nice for a honky".

Then he surprised me by pulling out of the lad, wiping his glistening cock with a towel he had on hand (they use a very light lube, which gets everywhere)," wanna giveuz a suck honky," smiling. I looked back at Nigel who gestured go for it, smiling, he stood up and like the other came in for a closer look. I knelt down in front of Spaz, he must have been well over six foot tall, maybe 18 – 19 stone and very well put together, I looked up at him and said, "don't push please, I'll do what I can". "Your OK honky" was all he said as I took the end and started to get used to the girth of this thing, it was, too thick for me to get my fingers all the way around.

It took me five minutes to get it into my throat, at which point I heard one of the other lads let out a moan as he came, suddenly it was going in, deeper and deeper, God it was thick, I was starting to gag so pulled off for some air. I looked up at Spaz, he was looking back down with a mixture of pleasure and astonishment. "Well, honky, that the first time that's happened," he smiled and I went back to work. I was suddenly aware of at least two pairs of hands feeling my throbbing cock and balls. By now this monster had slid all the way in, in one smooth action, Spaz shuddered the next thing I could fell the usual spasms as he shot his quite considerable load down my throat.

I pulled off, I had Nigel and Andrea both playing with my cock, I stood up and went to sit down on a chair, Spaz followed me and knelt in front of me and proceeded to suck me off. As he pulled off he just said "your alright honky, smiled and went back indoors. My next encounter was when Nigel knocked on the door and asked if I wanted to try and take Spaz, I told him, `id love, to try but I was worried he might be a bit rough. Nigel told me that Spaz had asked him to ask me and had assured him that he would be gentle as he admired how I'd managed to deep throat him the previous week. So, it was arranged, I went around and knocked on the side door as arranged the following Saturday morning, I had with me a case of beer and was met by A starkers Andrea already with a hard-on, I took hold of it and followed him through into one of the rooms. They had started without me as I walked into an orgy, Spaz was fucking Michael again with Nigel sucking him at the same time, the other black lad was sat on the end of the bed wanking another huge cock while playing with Spaz's ass.

Spaz looked around, "hi honky, you came, you white piece of trash, feeling randy"? he smiled, thank God. "Hi, yeh, with all these big black cocks around," he gestured towards the lad sat on the bed, "Marcus here has a good one, thought you could try that before mine, open your white ass up a bit," " Yeh, give it a go," with that I literally got stood up and stripped, needless to say, I was already rock hard, something Spaz did not miss, "bring that white piece of shit over here honky." I got close and he made a grab for my cock, "get up on the bed you white slut (he obviously likes talking dirty I thought). As I got up onto the bed he bent down and sank my cock all the way down his throat and sucked it for a couple of minutes.

As I got down he pulled out and Michael got off the bed as well, Marcos laid on the bed with a magnificent specimen laying across his stomach, I went around the bed and sat next to him, he smiled and said: "well, like it"? I took hold of it, it throbbed, it was as long as mine but a bit thicker, nowhere near Spaz's. Suddenly we heard Spaz, "go on then you white slut suck it like you love it", I took it in my mouth and it slid right into the hilt, the lad gasped and shuddered. "Fucking hell honky youz is good at cocksucking, aint she Spaz", the first time I've been called she, "yeh, this piece of white shit is OK "he replied.

I got well fucked by Marcus, who was gentle, to be honest, I'd had bigger, then came Spaz, my God that hurt, even as he was being so gentle and giving me time to adjust, by the time he came deep in my ass he had been going full thrust tip to stem with some power thrusts thrown in for good measure, I was sure I would never walk normal again. I then fucked Marcus, Michael and Nigel with Spaz joining in with wanks and sucks of free cocks, I went home exhausted and sore, both ends.

This became almost the normal Saturday when I was home, some weekdays I would get home, there would be a knock at the door and one or sometimes more of the lads had come round for a session. Several weeknights Nigel came and stayed the night, one night he let slip that he had overheard Spaz saying he would like me to fuck him. This did happen, just the once, again in the garden with all the others joining in, think he enjoyed it, don't think he could say, spoil his image.

Then I got the news that my company was moving and that I would have to leave Peckham, a really rough area at the time but my time there was filled with happy memories.

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