Night at the Jefferson

By moc.loa@ylloCssiM

Published on Feb 10, 2002


A Night at the Jefferson: part 2 Colleen Thomas

When Lauren awoke for the second time, the morning's light had faded. The gentle pattering of a summer shower quietly splashed against the window. The stereo was still playing her Enigma disk and the quiet hum of the air conditioner could barely be heard. Roxanne's gentle breathing was almost inaudible.

Lauren slipped out of the bed and padded quietly to the bathroom. She wet a washrag and wiped her face and then eyed herself critically in the mirror. She looked exactly like she had the day before she decided. A smile played at her lips as she wondered if she had expected any difference.

When she returned to the room she made her way quietly to the kitchenette and started a pot of coffee brewing. Soon the warm and comforting smell of the fresh coffee filled the tiny space. She poured herself a cup and sat quietly in the chair near the bed. Roxanne was still snuggled up under the covers. All Lauren could see of her was her hair and one foot. Lauren took a sip of her coffee and considered her feelings.

The events of last night were still vividly impressed upon her mind. She was not exactly sure where to begin in sorting out how she felt. Her mind was focused on the immediate consequences. She wondered how Roxanne would react when she awoke. As much as she loved her friend she could not yet tell how she would react to situations.

Love? She wondered if that was what she felt. If she did she knew it would be a significant lifestyle change for her. She wondered if Roxanne would leave New York and come to live with her. How would she explain that to her friends and her parents? She shuddered slightly. That was something she didn't want to deal with.

"You're putting the cart before the horse girl," she said out loud. Chuckling to herself as she sipped some more of the coffee.

"Snap out of it, now you're talking to yourself," she whispered, shaking her head. She was surprised to find that one night could do this to her. The feelings she was experiencing were intense to be sure, but more so than other affairs? She wasn't sure. She was sure that if she kept dissecting herself she was going to go nuts.

She finished her coffee and stood up carefully. She walked towards the bed, almost on tiptoe. She smiled at the sleeping figure for a few seconds and then jumped on the bed with a sharp cry, landing across her smaller friend's legs and grabbing the foot that was protruding from the blankets. Before Roxanne could wake up or even assimilate anything Lauren began to tickle her.

Roxanne shrieked and tried to roll away, but she was no match for Lauren and was soon reduced to screaming giggles.

"Wake up!" Lauren said trying to make herself heard about the hysterical shrieks.

"Stoooooopppp," she screamed.

"Awake?" Lauren asked stopping for a moment.

"Yes!" Roxanne said breathlessly.

"Are you sure?" Lauren asked sweetly.

"Yes!" I `m awake! I promise!" Roxanne declared.

Lauren traced her index finger along Roxanne's instep eliciting another shriek. She released Roxanne's foot and stood up quickly. Roxanne curled up into a ball on the bed. Lauren laughed as she went to the kitchenette, picking up her mug on the way. She poured herself another cup and made one for Roxanne. She was pleased that her smaller lover was as ticklish as she had claimed. Lauren made a mental note of it for future use as a devilish grin spread across her features.

When Lauren made it back to the bed, Roxanne was propped up on the pillows. She had to smile at her smaller lover. Roxanne made such a contrast, her eyes were glued to Lauren's body, but at the same time she had the covers demurely pulled up to her neck. Lauren sat on the bed and handed Roxanne her mug.

"That was just mean," she said as she accepted the cup of coffee.

"It was just fun you mean," Lauren said smiling broadly.

"I'll get you for that," she threatened as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Get me back! I still owe you for the teasing you gave me last night!" Lauren exclaimed.

She was gratified to see Roxanne's cheeks turn a beautiful shade of red. She loved the way her friend who could be such a little minx in bed would blush at the drop of a hat. It was just one facet of her personality that Lauren found charming. She had some inklings of what Roxanne was really like from their long conversations, but she found herself really enjoying learning about her first hand.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Roxanne asked trying to change the subject.

"Well, first I am going to take you to breakfast, if I can ever get you out of the bed," she replied with a wink. Roxanne blushed even more and Lauren leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"After that shopping, and then we are going to an Anne Rice book signing, and after that to the ghost light tour," Lauren continued.

"And after that?" Roxanne asked with a mischievous grin.

Lauren sipped her coffee and looked thoughtfully over the rim at Roxanne. She had been afraid that Roxanne would wake up regretting what had passed between them last night. She was a sensitive soul and her reactions were very hard to predict. Lauren looked into her eyes and saw nothing of regret or fear, if anything the penetrating gaze looked hungry.

"And then my dear I am bringing you back to my bed and fucking your brains out," Lauren replied. She said it slowly, enunciating each word with a little extra emphasis on fucking while her eyes intently watched Roxanne for her reaction. The little redhead's eyes got wide and she colored furiously, looking down quickly. Lauren laughed happily and finished her coffee in a quick swallow.

"Come on and finish your coffee, it's almost 10:00 and we don't want to miss breakfast," Lauren said.

"I think you just like making me blush," Roxanne said as she finished her coffee.

"Yep," Lauren giggled.

"Witch," Roxanne smiled back.

"I'm a what?" Lauren asked as she launched herself forward and dug her fingers into Roxanne's ribs.

"No!" Roxanne screeched as she burst out laughing.

"I'm a what?" Lauren inquired as she continued to torture her smaller friend. Roxanne continued to wiggle and squirm trying to escape. Lauren thought quickly of what she was going to make Roxanne say to stop. She found herself rather enjoying being able to exploit her friends weakness when she wanted. So many times the little redhead had frustrated her to no end with her stubbornness. Her friend's constant downplaying of her self and derogatory comments on her own appearance had been particular bones of contention. While she was trying to decide what to make her friend say a wicked idea occurred to her.

Did she dare go through with it? It would be a lot of fun she thought, but she wasn't sure how Roxanne would react. She remembered conversations about sex and Roxanne's veiled references to her submissive nature. Lauren was by no means dominant. She had always been passive with the men she dated. Although she had occasionally wondered what it would be like to be in charge she had never seriously entertained the idea of trying.

She had Roxanne pinned and while she had been thinking she hadn't noticed that her friend had been reduced to tears. She stopped and waited for the smaller woman to regain her breath and composure. The smaller girl panting under her reminded her of the night before. Lauren suddenly and vividly remembered bringing her lover to orgasm simulating intercourse. Remembering how wonderful it had felt to be in charge and be able to make Roxanne feel that good decided to go for it.

"Say you are going to do exactly as I say for the rest of the day," Lauren said, her voice sounded husky and she realized she was getting aroused.

"What?" Roxanne managed.

Lauren didn't repeat herself but simply dug her fingers in again, she could feel the heavy boning of Roxanne's corset.

"All right!" Roxanne squealed trying again to get away.

Lauren stopped immediately. She easily rolled Roxanne over on her back and looked directly into her eyes. She tried to keep her expression blank, but she was sure her eyes would betray how unsure she was.

"You are going to do whatever I say for the rest of the day, agreed?" she said slowly.

"Sure, just stop tickling me before I pee,' Roxanne replied smiling.

"Say it," Lauren said seriously.

"It!' Roxanne said with a laugh and tried to throw Lauren off. Lauren dug her fingers in again. A few more shrieks and screams and Roxanne capitulated.

"I agree, I agree!" she wailed.

Lauren stopped again. She chose her words with great care. "I'm serious Roxy. The only way you are getting out of this bed is to promise to do what I say for the day," she said evenly. She watched her friend's face, ready to pass it off as a joke if she saw the least bit of hesitance. Roxanne smiled shyly and then threw Lauren for a loop.

"I will do exactly as you say for the rest of the day Lauren, but you didn't have to tickle me, all you had to do was ask," she said softly. She lowered her head away from Lauren's intent stare, coloring deeply.

Lauren placed her fingers on Roxanne's chin and gently lifted her face up. She stared into those deep green eyes then lowered her head and gently kissed her. Roxanne's lips parted at the first touch of Lauren's and she gently sucked Lauren's tongue into her mouth. Lauren could taste the sweetness of the coffee and that other taste she was beginning to get used too, the sweet taste of Roxanne's mouth. Their tongues began to duel and Roxanne's hands went to her back.

"None of that! We are going to miss breakfast," Lauren said as she broke the kiss. She stood up and pulled Roxanne to her feet. She looked at her lover, still dressed in her corset and nylons and almost regretted getting up.

"Later," she whispered in Roxanne's ear as she hugged her.

"Now go get dressed and don't take too long," she said as she slapped Roxanne's bare ass. The smaller woman yelped and scurried off to her room throwing Lauren a glace that was both reproachful and playful at the same time. Lauren watched her until the door was closed and then relaxed. She had not realized it but she had been so tense she had almost been holding her breath.

Her tickle attack had not been just for the devilish fun of it, although she would have launched it without any ulterior motive. She did not want her new lover to wake up and immediately have to ponder her feelings. While she cared deeply for Roxanne, she had still not solved many of the riddles of the smaller woman. In particular, Lauren had trouble deciding what her friend would react to and how she would react.

The sex had been good she admitted to herself as she brushed her teeth, but it wasn't worth loosing a friend over. Roxanne had seemed so willing and Lauren was sure she had enjoyed it. She wondered if the small redhead was pondering her feelings while she got dressed just as Lauren was.

Roxanne was a very sensitive soul and Lauren feared the implications of last night's lovemaking would upset her. As much as she cared for her friend she always had the disconcerting feeling that she was walking a very thin line. Incidents that happened online flashed through her mind as she put on her sandals. Always it was a misunderstanding, but Roxanne had a penchant for thinking in worst-case scenarios and reacting accordingly.

Lauren's musings were interrupted when Roxanne came into the room from her own. Lauren looked up and smiled at her friend shaking her head.

"I swear, you're the only one in the world who goes on vacation and dresses up the whole time," she said.

"Hush, I don't get to wear nice things much in my job, you know that," Roxanne replied as she walked over to the kitchenette and poured herself a cup of coffee.

Lauren's eyes followed her movements of their own accord. She had never looked at another woman the way she was now. Roxanne was wearing a powder blue dress that fell to just blow her knee. The skirt was flared at her hips and it had a scoop neck that revealed a good bit of her cleavage. Black stockings and moderate heels accentuated her legs. From her trim waist and the way her breasts stood out Lauren could tell she was wearing a corset underneath. She wondered if it was the same one she had worn last night or a different one.

Roxanne seemed oblivious to Lauren's appraising stare and finished her cup of coffee in a couple of large gulps. Lauren suspected there had been more than cream and sugar in it. When Roxanne turned to face her, Lauren could see her fears about Roxanne's reaction were right. Her face showed a wealth of information for someone with Lauren's intuition and empathy. Her smile was forced and her hands tapped nervously on the counter top.

Lauren considered her options, after a few moments thought she decided that she would have to do something or the day would be ruined. She advanced on Roxanne silently, her face blank. When she stopped she was standing in front of the smaller woman.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly. Their bodies were only inches apart and Lauren became aware of the tension that was building between them. She had never experienced a relationship that provoked such a powerful emotional response. With something akin to dismay she realized she was becoming aroused. Nothing in her experience had prepared her for such overwhelming feelings.

Roxanne seemed incapable of speech. Her mouth worked but no words would come. Lauren could see that she was feeling the same things she was.

"You have been thinking again haven't you?" Lauren said, trying to get a smile from Roxanne to break the ice.

"I guess so," she replied nervously.

"Roxy, I know we are both going to have to make some adjustments. To be honest I am not sure how I am going to deal with all of the implications, but if you withdraw into yourself we are going to waste the time we have. No one in this city knows either of us so why don't we put our concerns aside and try to enjoy the day?"

"Oh Lauren!' Roxanne exclaimed as she threw her arms around Lauren's neck and hugged her fiercely.

"I do not care about what others think! I was just afraid you wouldn't like me anymore," she gushed, the relief evident in her voice.

Lauren chuckled to herself as she pulled Roxanne close and held her tightly. She shook her head as it dawned on her that Roxanne's fears and anxiety had been over her feelings and not her own. She still had a lot to learn about the enigmatic woman who had so recently become her lover.

"You silly thing," was all she could manage to say. She again wondered if what she was feeling was love. Roxanne's body was pressed against hers and she enjoyed the closeness. She gently disengaged herself from the embrace.

"Lets get going or we will miss breakfast," she said.

Roxanne smiled and nodded. Lauren was forced to laugh at the expression on her face. She looked so happy it was infectious and Lauren found herself feeling better than she had since she woke up.

They made their way down the hall to the elevator. The old gentleman was at the controls and smiled as he greeted them.

"Good Morning ladies, lobby?" he asked as he tipped his hat.

"Please," Lauren responded smiling.

The dining room in the Jefferson was in keeping with the elegance of the foyer. White, starched linen tablecloths covered the beautiful antique tables. The chairs were dark wood with red velvet upholstery. Red carpet covered most of the floor and wait staff dressed in the hotel's livery scurried back and forth with trays of food. The walls were beige with beautiful oil paintings of the river and scenes of the antebellum south carefully placed to draw the eye.

When Lauren and Roxanne arrived the dining room was already half full. There was no one manning the hostess station and a small placard on a wooden stand read "Please seat yourself". Lauren quickly looked and saw that the booths were all taken so she lead Roxanne to a small table in the back that was situated under a beautiful oil painting of a riverboat.

Lauren pulled out a chair and then turned to face Roxanne. Roxanne looked at her questioningly. Lauren arched an eyebrow and indicated the chair with an almost imperceptible nod of her head. Roxanne colored and lowered her eyes when she realized that several people were watching them curiously.

"Thank you," she murmured as she sat down.

Lauren seated her self and scanned the menu. She quickly settled on the special and put the menu down. Roxanne was still studying hers and Lauren smiled guessing that her friend was so engrossed in the menu so that she would not have to look up.

"What ya gonna get?" She asked after giving her friend a few minutes.

"Hmm? I think I am going to get the special," Roxanne replied without looking up.

"Me too," Lauren said. She waited a few moments and then grinned.

"What do you see on that menu that's so engrossing?" she asked innocently.

"What? I.. Nothing." Roxanne replied in confusion.

"You're so cute, now put the menu away and talk to me," Lauren said with a giggle.

The waitress came and Lauren ordered for both of them. When Roxanne saw that no one was paying them the least bit of attention she relaxed and soon they were chatting about their plans for the day. Lauren told Roxanne where they were going and what they were doing. Her friend never questioned it; seemingly happy to do whatever she wanted.

"This might be a lot of fun," Lauren thought to herself.

Roxanne's submissive nature intrigued her. Her own nature leaned towards the submissive side, but she had always had a yearning to try the more dominant role. She had been the aggressor with men before, but it was always an occasional thing. A kind of way to change things up and keep it exciting. She realized, looking at Roxanne, that she could try it as the "norm" if she had the wherewithal to do so. She remembered Roxanne cooing and cuming under her and decided she wanted to try.

The next question was how to proceed. She would have to handle it very delicately. She was sure that Roxanne would be easy to push into the submissive role, but she did not want their relationship to degenerate into something like that. She wanted to take a gentler approach, one that would not scare her friend or damage their relationship. She decided she could steer things in the direction she wanted a bit at a time and patience. Her first steps would be small, little things to further bring her lover into the state of mind Lauren wanted her in.

The waitress came and refilled their coffee cups. Lauren sipped hers and watched Roxanne intently. She was chatting happily about the ghost light tour and Anne Rice's signing. Lauren felt feelings she was not sure of but she knew that this person was dear to her on a level that transcended just the physical.

"Ready to go?" Lauren asked glancing at her watch.

"Sure," Roxanne replied as she finished her coffee.

Lauren took the check and paid for the meal. Once they were out of the hotel they walked along the street stopping here and there to window shop. The sun was out now and the humidity rose rapidly. They turned onto the Rue de Bienville and entered the first of the many estate and antique shops located there. The interior was dark and cool compared to the humidity they had just stepped out of. An air conditioner could be heard humming quietly in the background.

The shop was not very wide but it was very deep. The front portion was taken up with display cases. Inside these cases were an incredible assortment of jewelry, watches, silverware and other valuable knick-knacks. Deeper into the shop were antique pieces of furniture and other large items including an old-fashioned jukebox. In the very back were racks of clothes, hats, handbags and shoes.

Lauren and Roxanne browsed a while chatting and showing one another items of interest. Lauren was taken with an antique cat pendant. It was fashioned in jade with garnets for eyes and hung on antique silver chain. She passed by it several times before she just had to know how much it was. When the clerk took it out and placed it on a felt covered board for her to examine she knew she had to have it. She turned it over in her hands noticing how it felt cool to her touch and heavy. On the back was a price sticker and when she read it she nearly choked.

Roxanne was looking at her strangely but said nothing and turned back to the case of pendants she was browsing through. Lauren returned it to the clerk and moved further into the shop getting lost in the beautiful wood furniture. Each had a placard that gave all the information that the shop had. French dining room sets were placed next to British armoires and Shaker bedrooms. Lauren lost track of time as she moved from piece to piece reading and admiring. She was standing next to a big poster bed when she realized she had not seen Roxanne in a while.

She glanced around the shop but didn't see her. Lauren shrugged and turned back to the bed. She had just finished reading the placard that explained it was from the estate of a wealthy family when she felt rather than heard Roxanne standing next to her.

"Where were you?" Lauren said.

"Just browsing," Roxanne replied. She had a guilty look on her face and Lauren looked at her hard.

"O.K., what have you done?" Lauren asked.

"Nothing! I have just been looking around," Roxanne protested.

Lauren continued to stare at her, but she looked earnest now. Together they continued back into the area with the clothes. Roxanne took a green dress off the rack and held it up. Lauren burst out laughing it was a dress from the 60's all beads and sequins and it was just awful. Soon they were giggling like schoolgirls as each tired to show the other an outfit that was more hideous or funnier than the last.

Lauren was going through a rack of old formal gowns when she noticed Roxanne had gotten quiet. She turned to find her smaller friend staring at a mannequin. Lauren moved directly behind Roxanne and peered over her shoulder. On the mannequin was a corset in white satin with pink ribbons and bows. A weathered box was taped to one of the suspenders and Lauren realized it held or had held at one time, real silk stockings. At the base was a hatbox with a pair of button up boots and another box that proclaimed gloves on its cover. Lauren read the hand written placard leaning on the hatbox.

Edwardian lady's necessities Hat, gloves,

corset, stockings and boots Circa 1900. From

the Estate of Mrs. Cardie. See Clerk for


Do not touch.

"Looks uncomfortable," Lauren observed.

"It looks dreamy," Roxanne breathed. She reached out and fingered the delicate lace along the bodice top.

"You and your underwear fetish," Lauren said with mock disgust. Roxanne turned her head and made a face.

"You have no romance in your soul," she said with a giggle.

They were standing near the back of the shop and Lauren could see all the way to the entrance. The clerk's view of them was blocked by the large pieces of furniture along the walls and on the aisles. Lauren made sure no one was in the shop and then smiled. She had always had a bit of the exhibitionist in her. It was something she always found exciting but had never really explored very much.

"If you like it so much, get it," she whispered into Roxanne's ear. As she did so she placed both of her hands gently on Roxanne's waist.

Roxanne jumped slightly at her touch. Lauren gently flexed her hands causing a shiver to run through the redhead's body. She took her lovers earlobe between her teeth and gently nibbled.

"Ohh," Roxanne moaned softly while she pushed herself back against Lauren's body. Lauren let her hands glide up Roxanne's sides and then gently cupped her breasts.

"Lauren!" Roxanne burst out in a barely controlled whisper.


"Stop!" Roxanne hissed trying to disengage herself.

Lauren's fingers gently lifted her tits thrilling again at their weight and firmness. She could feel the material of Roxanne's dress slide over the silky cups of her bra. She felt the stiffening nipples and let her fingers circle them and then gently squeezed one between her thumb and forefinger. Roxanne's body stiffened and her struggles ceased. Lauren positioned herself so she could keep an eye on the door and aisles.

While she was going to have fun with this she knew that the spice of such an act was the threat of getting caught. That heightened tension brought about an increase in arousal and satisfaction that was unbelievable. She also knew that discovery would be too much for Roxanne. She was simply too shy and unsure of herself to be able to handle that.

From her vantage point the chance of anyone discovering them was minimal, but her smaller lover could not know that. From where she stood they might as well be in the middle of Jackson Square. Lauren did not let her turn, she felt the fear of being caught would be that much more intense for Roxanne.

"Lauren, please!" Roxanne whispered urgently.

"Now who has no romance in her soul? Hmmm?" Lauren teased as her fingers continued to gently squeeze the smaller woman's nipples. She ran her tongue along Roxanne's ear lobe using just the tip to tease the sensitive skin. Roxanne shuddered and whimpered under her lover's touch.

Lauren's hands continued to gently massage and fondle Roxanne's sensitive tits. She took her earlobe between her teeth and gently chewed, breathing soft warm breaths over her ear between nibbles. Roxanne chewed on her lower lip as her body began to respond to the gentle caresses.

After a while Lauren felt Roxanne's body begin to tense and relax rhythmically. She began to work Roxanne's tits harder, increasing the pressure and giving more attention to the sensitive nipples. The smaller woman's breathing had become ragged and her hips began to buck slightly.

Lauren let her right hand trail down Roxanne's tummy and then to her hip. She firmly pulled Roxanne's ass to her own pelvis. She pressed herself firmly against Roxanne's ass, then released and then pulled her back again. After a few times Lauren ceased to have to pull as her lover took up the rhythm on her own.

"You like that don't you?" Lauren whispered.

When Roxanne didn't respond Lauren smiled. The redhead was chewing her lip furiously, trying to keep the flood of noises from escaping as her excitement mounted. Lauren let her hand trail back to the juncture of Roxanne's legs where she began to pull the hem of her dress up.

Roxanne quickly grabbed Lauren's hand and tried to stop her. Lauren growled in her throat and firmly bit Roxanne's neck. A gasp escaped her lips and she released Lauren's hand. One hand ineffectually covered the hand Lauren had on her tit as the other tried to push her mouth away. Lauren lifted her head and took Roxanne's finger into her mouth. She dug her teeth in to keep it there and then swirled her tongue around it, sucking softly.

Roxanne tried to pull her hand away but Lauren refused to let go. Roxanne's hand, which had been trying to disengage Lauren's from her breast shot to her own mouth. She balled it into a fist and pressed it tightly to her lips trying to keep the steady stream of tiny sounds from becoming audible to everyone on the Rue de Bienville.

With both of her hands taken up she could only watch as Lauren slowly pulled the hem of her dress upwards. Lauren took her time letting the anticipation and fear mingle with the constant stimulation to bring Roxanne to a fever pitch. Finally she felt her fingers close on the hem of the dress, she used her wrist to pin the bunched material to Roxanne's stomach.

Lauren let her fingertips trace along the cool nylon of Roxanne's stockings. They crossed the tops and to the incredibly hot, silky skin of her thighs. She followed the garter upwards taking time to massage and caress.

Roxanne's thighs seemed to part involuntarily. Lauren's fingers slipped across her panties and continued towards her most sensitive parts. Roxanne's panties were slick with her juices and Lauren could clearly feel the puffy lips of her pussy. Lauren stiffened her index finger and pressed it firmly into the slick satin. She felt Roxanne's lips part and heard the muffled groan as her stiffened finger pressed the damp satin against her clit.

Lauren began a slow up and down motion varying the amount of pressure she applied. In moments Roxanne's hips began to buck wildly. Lauren could feel that she was about to orgasm and suddenly stopped her ministrations. She released her friend's finger and smiled as Roxanne's hips continued to buck, as if they were searching for her finger.

"Still want me to stop?" She whispered.

"Nooo," Roxanne groaned.

"What do you want then?' Lauren asked letting her hand bump Roxanne's crotch and causing her to jerk like a marionette when the strings are pulled.

"You know," Roxanne breathed.

"The last thing you said is you wanted me to stop," Lauren said. She was determined to make Roxanne say it.

"Lauren please," She moaned.

"Please what?" Lauren whispered.

"Please let me cum," Roxanne hissed between clenched teeth.

It didn't take any more than that for Lauren to return her fingers to the sopping panties and resume her gentle stroking. Roxanne's body stiffened and suddenly began to spasm as her orgasm ripped through her. Even with her hand in her mouth a sharp sound almost like a bark was torn from her. Lauren released her friend's tit and dropped her arm to Roxanne's chest as she found herself supporting the smaller woman's weight.

Lauren held her until the shaking subsided. When Roxanne was able to stand again without support Lauren smiled and whispered "How's that for romance?"

Before Roxanne could answer the bell at the front door rang announcing another customer. Roxanne straightened her dress and tried to steady herself. Lauren watched as an elderly couple came into the shop and began to browse.

"Are you going to get it?" Lauren asked after Roxanne had composed herself somewhat.

"I would dearly love to, but I can't afford it," she replied. Her voice still held a quiver and her legs did not seem to be working right. Lauren smiled; she knew exactly what her smaller friend was feeling.

"I thought you brought plenty of undies money?" Lauren said.

"I.well its already spent," she finished lamely.

Lauren looked closely at her. Her expression was hard to read, she was still flushed and obviously embarrassed, but there was something else there that Lauren could not read.

They left the shop and crossed over to Bourbon Street. Roxanne was still wobbly and Lauren had to smile, she looked like a little drunk. At the corner they decided to take a late lunch at the open-air bistro and let Roxanne sit down. They sat down and ordered, Lauren was feeling experimentive and tried the Cajun red fish. Roxanne went with chicken fried steak. Their drinks came and for a few minutes they just sat and watched the people pass. It was a very comfortable feeling and neither said much.

Lauren noticed Roxanne seemed rather withdrawn and her attempts to draw her out were not getting anywhere. She began to worry that she had gone too far with her friend. The comfortable silence became awkward suddenly and she excused herself to go to the ladies room. She was worried now. Everything had seemed to be going so well and now she was becoming more certain by the moment that she had miscalculated. She felt the tears begin to sting her eyes before she reached the quiet safety of the ladies room.

Lauren relieved herself and then washed her face. She would have to try and repair whatever damage had been done. She did not have any idea where to begin. She steeled herself to go back out and try to draw Roxanne out. Memories of the many time she had pressed too hard online and Roxanne had disappeared for days haunted her.

By the time Lauren returned to the table the food had already arrived. Roxanne was watching her intently as she approached the table. She has barely sat down when she noticed a small yellow paper bag sitting next to her drink. She looked questioningly at Roxanne, but she only displayed a ghost of a smile. Her face was tight and her eyes had the worried look Lauren had come to know so well.

"What's this?" Lauren inquired.

"Open it and see," Roxanne said with a nonchalant shrug. Her attempt to appear at ease was betrayed by her eyes. Lauren was confused now. Was she upset or not? She couldn't tell.

Lauren opened the small bag and took out a black jewelry box. She was pretty sure she knew what was in it. Relief flooded over her, but she tried not to let Roxanne see it. She knew now that her friend's withdrawal had been nothing more than her trying to keep from giving the gift until it could be a surprise.

"This had better not be what I think it is," Lauren said. Roxanne only giggled and took a swallow of her drink.

Lauren's hands were shaking as she opened the box and as she suspected the garnet eyes of the cat pendant twinkled out at her from a white felt bed. Lauren was overcome with emotion for a while. She had made no mention of how much she liked it to her friend. Lauren had not been around anyone in many years that paid such close attention to her and tried so hard to make her happy. She felt the tears well up again and fought to master her emotions.

When she finally did she looked up at Roxanne. Those intent green eyes seemed to be staring into her, past the fa^Çade she kept up, past the many defense mechanisms a lifetime of experience had built up, right to the center of herself.

"This is why you couldn't afford the corset isn't it?" Lauren asked quietly.

Roxanne nodded. Lauren could see the anxiety written across her face now. She was afraid Lauren wouldn't like it and she could not hide that fear. Lauren was forcefully reminded that she was in the presence of someone who was incredibly unsure of herself. Lauren made up her mind then and there that she was going to change that.

"It's beautiful, and I do love it, but I can't accept it. You are going to have to take it back," Lauren said.

"Can't, all sales are final," Roxanne said her face breaking into a relieved smile. She stood up and with a shaking hand took the pendant out of the box and moved behind Lauren.

"Hair up?" she asked. Lauren pulled her hair up on her head and Roxanne fastened the chain behind her neck. Her hands were warm and soft and when they brushed her skin, Lauren was reminded that she was still very excited having gotten no relief in the antique shop. She felt the cool weight of the jade pendant between her breasts.

Lunch was pleasant with the quiet buzz of conversation from the other patrons and the occasionally raucous laughter of the people moving up and down the street. Roxanne was quiet, no longer withdrawn but it seemed to Lauren very content. When they finished eating, Lauren paid the bill and they walked back out onto the street. Roxanne started up Bourbon but Lauren grabbed her shoulder and steered her back towards Bienville Street.

"What?" Roxanne asked.

"We are going back to the shop of course,' Lauren said.

"No! I want you to have it I am not taking it back!" Roxanne protested.

"Shush, you are going to do what I say today, remember?" Lauren said. Roxanne looked at her frustration showing on her face, but Lauren merely smiled and continued to guide her back to the shop.

By the time they had reached the shop Roxanne was sullen and quiet. Lauren thought she so cute when she was being petulant. She wanted to give her a hug right then and there but she resisted the temptation.

"Hello again," The clerk said when she looked up and recognized them.

"Hi," Lauren replied.

"Can I help you?" she inquired.

"Yes, I wanted to inquire about the display in back," Lauren replied watching Roxanne as she said it. The little redhead's face showed confusion and then she blushed.

"Which one?"

"The Victorian corset and things," Lauren replied.

"Edwardian," the clerk corrected.

"Yes," Lauren replied.

"Of course," she said. She came out from behind the counter and led the way towards the back of the shop.

"You realize of course that corset's are usually sized to fit the wearer," she said delicately. Lauren had to smile to herself. The people here were so courteous and careful. Back home the clerk would have just told her there was no way she could fit into it.

"Yes of course, but I think it will fit her don't you?" Lauren said with a grin as she watched Roxanne go crimson.

The clerk turned and looked at them both and then a smile spread across her face. "I think it will," she said in a voice that was suddenly nicer somehow.

The clerk showed Lauren the hat; it was a little black thing with a lace veil and long silver hatpin. The gloves were white kid leather. Lauren smiled as Roxanne stood there shifting her weight from foot too foot and looking like she wanted to find a hole to crawl into.

"I think she will look good in it," Lauren said.

"She will be adorable," the clerk replied looking Roxanne up and down. Roxanne was red from head to foot.

"I'll take it," Lauren said as the clerk opened the box showing the black silk stockings still wrapped in crepe paper. She smiled and nodded collecting the various boxes.

"I'll be up in a moment if you would like to look around some more," she said as she turned the mannequin and deftly unlaced the corset's strings.

When they reached the front counter the clerk placed the things in boxes and then in a pair of large yellow bags with the shop's logo on them. Lauren tossed her credit card on the counter.

"Before I ring this up might I suggest these?" the clerk said as she reached under the counter and brought out a green felted display board. There were several ornate silver hooks on the board. Many were beautifully decorated.

"What are they?" Lauren asked.

"The ones on the left are corset hooks, the ones with the smaller hooks are for the boots," the clerk replied.

Lauren selected one of each and the clerk added them to the bag. Once the card receipt went through and Lauren had signed it she took the two large bags and handed them to Roxanne.

"Enjoy your purchase," the clerk said to Lauren with a wink. Lauren smiled back and put her arm around Roxanne's shoulders.

"I am sure we will," she said.

The walk back was fun for Lauren. Roxanne was quiet, but the simple smile on her face and adoring looks made Lauren feel like she was on top of the world. When they reached the hotel they hurried upstairs and into Lauren's room. Roxanne immediately went to her room with her bags and Lauren hurriedly dug through her carryon to find her copy of Interview.

Roxanne returned after a while clutching a book in her hand.

"What took you so long?' Lauren asked.

"I umm, I had to change," Roxanne said.

"Change?" Lauren asked.

"Yes," Roxanne said coloring and obviously wanting the subject to change.

"Change what?" Lauren pressed. She really enjoyed teasing Roxanne.

"My panties if you must know!" she blurted out.

Lauren burst out laughing. Roxanne glowered at her a few moments and then joined in. When their giggles subsided Lauren took her book and said, "Come on, we are going to miss the signing"

They took a cab to the book signing and joined the long line of fans. The night was sultry and dark. The buzz of many conversations drowned out the sounds of the city around them. Lauren was pleased that Roxanne stood very near her and didn't seem to notice the glances a few people gave them. Lauren was also pleased when she noticed the book Roxanne had brought to get signed was one of the Claiming of Sleeping Beauty series.

After they had worked their way through the line and gotten their respective books signed they hurried the few blocks to the starting point of the ghost light tour. This was one part of the trip Lauren had really been looking forward to. There was a crowd of people standing outside the small building where the tours originated. These tours were conducted from a horse drawn carriage. It covered the oldest section of the quarter and some of the places where people might not otherwise see.

Each of the open carriages was made to seat four and pulled by a pair of draft horses. As one carriage would come in the riders would get out on the street side and the new passengers would board, much like a taxi line at the airport. One in every three or four that arrived was a carriage that carried only a single couple. These boarded at the first gate only and the line was significantly longer.

"Want to ride by ourselves or share?" Lauren asked Roxanne.

"Lets share, I hate waiting in line," Roxanne replied. Lauren looked at her because her voice sounded different. Her face was relaxed and the pupils of her eyes were very dilated.

"Are you all right?" Lauren asked suddenly concerned.

"I had a headache and took my medicine," she said in a dreamy voice.

"Do we need to go back to the hotel?" Lauren asked. She knew that Roxanne suffered from migraine headaches from time to time. Roxanne looked at her and smiled, it was a soft smile with that same dreamlike quality.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I don't think it was a migraine, just a little headache. I just took the big pain killer so I could make it to the carriage ride with you," she said.

Lauren eyed her carefully, concern was written on her features. Roxanne smiled at her and nodded reassuringly. Lauren turned back as the carriage that would take them arrived. The footman opened the door for the departing customers then came around and opened the door for Lauren. He took her hand and helped her up into the carriage. Lauren quickly took the seat facing towards the back. Roxanne sat next to her.

The seats in the carriage were deep bench seats covered in maroon velvet. Lauren settled back sinking into the soft seat while Roxanne did the same in the opposite corner. An elderly couple joined them, taking the other bench seat. He was a slightly built, dapper man in his late seventies with white hair and a neatly groomed goatee. She was heavy set with a lively smile and a crown of silver hair. She had obviously been quite beautiful in her day.

"It looks as if we will be sharing a ride," the man said in a very cultured voice.

"Yes it does," Lauren replied pleasantly.

"I am Henry Rollins and this enchanting creature is my wife Hetta," he said extending his hand.

"Lauren and the quiet one over in the corner is my. friend Roxanne," she replied extending her hand.

The woman looked at her quizzically as she extended her hand. After the introductions everyone settled in. The carriage started forward with a jolt.

"Is this your first trip to New Orleans?" he asked.

"For me it is," Lauren said.

"We were married here back in 1944. I was home on leave and she came down to meet me from our hometown," he continued. He smiled and his eyes twinkled in the fading light as the two joined hands. Lauren thought it was so cute to see people still in love after so many years together.

"We met right over there," he said indicating a small park they were passing.

"Henry, I am sure the poor dears have something else in mind than listening to you prattle on about ancient history," Hetta said in a voice that was warm and kindly and only mildly chiding.

"Quite right my dove, quite right," he responded.

They were passing a light and Hetta caught Lauren's eye. She smiled and Lauren immediately felt like they were old friends. She winked and then settled back into the bench with her husband.

Once into the old quarter the lights came only intermittently. Lauren and Roxanne were surrounded by the quiet darkness. Only the clip-clop of the horse's hooves and the comforting squeaks of the carriage's springs broke the quiet of the night. Lauren started when she felt something touch her hand. She realized it was Roxanne's hand and immediately took it into her own. She looked into the darkened corner where her friend sat. The shadows grew less dark as her eyes adjusted and she could faintly make out the outline of her smaller friend.

She gently tugged on Roxanne's hand and the redhead yielded, moving over on the seat closer to her. They passed the old convent and soon the streets changed from pavement to stones. Far from taking away from the moment the rattle of the wheels seemed natural and even more romantic. Lauren could easily imagine herself the heroine in any of the many cheap romances she had read in her lifetime.

She felt Roxanne's head rest on her shoulder and she was sure her smaller friend's active imagination was casting her as the heroine in her own little novel. Lauren felt certain she was being cast as the hero. Lauren released Roxanne's hand and then wrapped her arm around her shoulder. Roxanne nestled into the crook of her arm. Her body was warm and soft and Lauren could smell the scent of her. It was like strawberries and cinnamon, wholly intoxicating.

Lauren was totally relaxed, totally at ease. As the tall walls of the old cathedral came into view Lauren became aware that Roxanne's breathing had become deeper. Lauren smiled when she realized that she had fallen asleep. The light of a passing streetlamp revealed the other couple for a few moments. Henry was nestled against his wife, his head resting on her breast, sound asleep. Hetta's eyes sparkled and she was staring at Lauren.

"How long have you been together?" the older woman asked softly as the velvety night blotted her from view again.

"We aren't really, we have known each other for a while but.. this is totally new," Lauren replied, her voice just above a whisper.

"She's very pretty," Hetta said.

"Yes, she is isn't she?" Lauren said quietly. The clip clop of the horse's hooves was the only sound for a while.

"Hold on to her," the older woman said breaking the long silence. This should have been surreal or at least embarrassing, but Lauren found her first impression holding. She felt like she was talking to an old friend.

"I don't know if I am ready for that, and I have no idea if she is," Lauren said. The older woman laughed quietly.

"Of course she is," she said when she mastered herself.

"May I ask why you say that?" Lauren countered. Again the gentle laughter that was in no way mocking but gentle sounded from the dark.

"One does not live to be as old as I am without learning to see the signs," she replied.

"What do you see?" Lauren asked. The carriage hit a bump and Roxanne was jostled, she murmured something unintelligible. Lauren tightened her grip comfortingly and Roxanne sighed softly.

"She looks at you with the same look my Henry has for me," she said.

The lights were getting more frequent and Lauren realized they were nearing the end of the trip.

"It isn't my place, but if you will listen I will give you some advice," the older woman offered.

"Please," Lauren replied.

"I have been married for fifty-seven years. In that time we have gone through fat times and lean, but I have never once regretted my decision when Henry asked me to marry him. Love like ours will sustain you through the years and bring more rewards than you can imagine. In my day a relationship such as yours would have been impossible. If you choose to pursue it I am sure you will face your share of hardships even in these enlightened times," she said pausing to catch her breath.

"She seems a quiet and reserved child, but you may well find that she has strength beyond imagining. Love as deep as the love I see in her eyes is not something you will find often in this life. Don't run away from it," she finished.

The carriage turned onto a well-lighted road and made it's way towards the loading point.

"You had better wake her before I wake him," she said quietly.

Lauren nodded and gently shook Roxanne. She murmured and nestled more tightly against Lauren. Lauren caught Roxanne's chin between her fingers and tilted her face up and then gently kissed her. Roxanne's eyes shot open for a confused second and then she just melted into Lauren's arms. When the kiss broke the carriage was rolling to a stop. Roxanne seemed to suddenly remember her surroundings and a blush rose to her cheeks.

She started to pull away but Lauren held her tightly and stared into her eyes. Roxanne's struggles ceased and she closed her eyes. Her lips parted slightly as Lauren's brushed them with her lips. The kiss was soft and lasted only a brief moment.

The coachman was just getting to the side of the carriage to open the door. Hetta gently shook her husband awake. He looked confused and it took a few gentle words from his wife before he seemed to realize where he was. The coachman took Lauren's hand and assisted her to the ground followed by Roxanne and Hetta and lastly the old gentleman.

He offered his arm to his wife and she took it and then he tipped his hat to Lauren and Roxanne.

"A pleasure meeting you ladies," he said.

"Likewise," Lauren said smiling.

Hetta looked at Roxanne, who was standing next to Lauren and then glanced meaningfully at Lauren. Her expression spoke volumes and Lauren felt a sudden warmth rise within her heart.

"Come along Henry," Hetta said as she led him away. Watching the two of them make their way, arm in arm down the sidewalk made Lauren feel happy inside.

She looked down at Roxanne and smiled. With a flourish and a giggle she offered her arm to her friend. Roxanne looked at her with a questioning stare, part fear and part happiness. Lauren nodded slightly to her, never taking her eyes from Roxanne's face.

Roxanne shyly took her arm and they started off towards their hotel. The walk there was strange for Lauren. The soft sounds of the night were pleasant and the few people the passed gave them no more than curious glances. Roxanne rested her head on Lauren's shoulder and her hips and legs brushed Lauren's with every step. The closeness was so nice, so comfortable, so.right. Lauren was almost sad to see the hotel.

By the time they reached the front door Lauren was almost guiding Roxanne. The painkillers were finally hitting her and she was almost out on her feet. In some ways it was easier because she looked like nothing so much as a little drunk. Lauren guided her to the elevators and with difficulty to the door to the room.

She managed to open the door to the room and get Roxanne in. Once the door was closed Lauren picked her up and carried her to the bed. She stared at Lauren with pupils the size of dinner plates. Lauren scolded at her.

"You took more than normal and then you lied to me about how bad it hurt didn't you?" she said.

"It was worth it, I had the most wonderful time," she murmured.

"You silly woman, I would give you a good spanking if I thought you would feel it," Lauren said. She was trying to hide her concern with suggestive comments.

"Promises, promises," she murmured sleepily. Lauren grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard.

"Wait until morning, I am going to show you," Lauren said earnestly.

Roxanne giggled and Lauren shook her head. She rolled her friend over and unzipped her dress. Roxanne managed to sit up and shrug out of it. She was wearing the purple corset underneath it. Lauren sat on the bed and unlaced it while Roxanne fumbled with her garters. Lauren noticed the marks the laces had left in the soft pale skin. She wondered what a good spanking would do to Roxanne's pale behind. It was at that moment that she made up her mind.

She tossed the beautiful corset on the floor and helped Roxanne out of her stockings. Roxanne was very clumsy and uncoordinated. Lauren pulled back the covers and tucked her in.

"Lauren, please don't leave me," Roxanne said in a little girl voice.

Lauren lay down next to her and held her.

"I'm here baby, go to sleep," she whispered.

Roxanne squirmed around until she was pressed against Lauren and fell asleep in seconds. Lauren lay there for a few minutes and then stealthfully got up. She retrieved the brochure she had taken from the folder on the desk earlier and quietly left the room.

Bourbon Street was hopping as Lauren made her way down the crowded streets. She was only partially aware of the crowds and noise. Her mind was on getting to her destination and getting back before Roxanne noticed she was missing. Each step carried her closer to something she was not sure she was ready to do. All of her anxieties and the powerful desires she had felt were concentrated in that one place. Without really being aware of it until she had her hand on the door she found herself there. She took a deep breath, steeled herself and walked in.

The shop was full of people trying on clothes and browsing. Lauren was not really aware of them as people; her eyes were glued to the doorway that lead to the other side of the shop. She paused just outside of it and realized her knees were shaking. Annoyed by her weakening resolve, she forced herself to pass through the doorway and into that other world.

This half of the shop held fewer customers than the other, but there were still more people here than the first time. Lauren walked around looking at the huge selection of leather restraints. She realized with a sinking feeling that she had no idea what most of them were intended to do. She suddenly decided this had been a bad idea. She had convinced herself to do this but standing there surrounded by all of the odd things the shop held her resolve was quickly deteriorating.

"May I help you?" a feminine voice with an exotic accent inquired.

Lauren spun on her heels to face the speaker. She was a short woman with her head almost shaven and rich cream colored skin that reminded Lauren of hot chocolate. She was slightly built, but well muscled and she seemed to exude an aura of confident power. On her left arm she had a tattoo that proclaimed One Bad Bitch in bold lettering, surrounded by thorn vines with a single rose from which a single drop of blood fell. She wore black leather pants, boots, and a white cotton halter-top. Lauren noticed an ID card pinned to her halter that identified her as Angela.

"I don't know," Lauren said. Her resolve to leave was still strong and she felt very vulnerable standing here. Angela laughed quietly and Lauren found herself smiling. The girl seemed to be able to put her at ease.

"You're new to the scene aren't you?" she asked in that softly accented voice.

"Yes," Lauren replied after a moment's hesitation.

"Relax, we were all new once. It's not as bad as you think. Why don't you come with me?" she said as she turned and threaded her way back to a door marked Employee's Only. She went in and motioned for Lauren to follow her. Still filled with trepidation, she walked into the room. Lauren had not been sure what to expect, she half feared a room set up for sex. Instead she found herself in a breakroom. There was a small battered table and a counter with a coffee pot and a small fridge.

"Have a seat and relax, how do you take your coffee?" Angela asked.

"Cream and sugar," Lauren replied automatically.

Angela made them both a cup and sat down opposite Lauren. She was so relaxed and at ease that Lauren felt herself relaxing. Angela seemed to realize how nervous she was and made small talk. She asked about Lauren's trip and her job and how long she had been in town and then suggested places of interest. She deliberately steered the conversation away from anything that had to do with the reason Lauren was here. Once Lauren was obviously less nervous Angela returned to the question at hand.

"First things first, are you a top, a bottom or do you switch?" Angela asked.

Lauren colored slightly and seemed confused. Angela seemed to grasp immediately what was happening and continued.

"A top is the dominant partner also called a Dom or domme depending on gender. A bottom is the submissive partner also called a sub regardless of gender. A switch can be dom or sub depending on partner," she explained.

"I don't know really. I can be the aggressor or submissive in bed so I guess I am a switch, but I have never done anything like this." Lauren replied.

"Tell me about your current partner then. I assume that he... or she is a large part of why you are here?" Angela said.

Lauren colored a bit and looked hard at the woman across the table. She debated what to say and what not to. Angela's frank and open gaze reassured her. Lauren had always been a good judge of character and she felt like Angela was sincerely interested and trying to help.

"My partner is a she. This is the first relationship like this for either of us. She has some experience with this aspect of a relationship but I don't know how much," Lauren said slowly.

"And she is?" Angela asked.

"She says she is a sub. I think she probably is," Lauren said thoughtfully.

"So you are here because you think she wants to bring this into your relationship?" Angela asked.

"No, I am here because I want to try it. I think she will enjoy it also, but over the time we have been together I have discovered I rather enjoy the feelings associated with being the.Dom," Lauren replied.

"Domme," Angela corrected.

"Domme," Lauren said with a smile.

"All right. What are you interested in with her? Is it just restraints? Or do you plan on inflicting pain? Humiliation? Is this just bedroom games or are you considering a life style change?" Angel asked. Lauren considered the questions carefully and then started to answer.

"No pain, I could never hurt her. She is very shy and while it's fun to embarrass her on occasion I wouldn't want to humiliate her. At this point I think it's just bedroom games. Neither of us is sure about the future of our relationship, it's too new,"

"All right, I think we can find the things your looking for. Lets go take a look around the shop," she replied with a smile.

Lauren followed her back into the shop. Angela took her over to a wall filled with restraints. Lauren recognized many as simple restraints cuffs, straps and shackles. Many were unrecognizable to her.

"Lets start simple, you are going to want to restrain her. The level of helplessness can be an integral part of your subs enjoyment depending on her. I think you should probably start simple," she said as she took down a set of leather cuffs joined by a short length of silver chain.

"Probably, I don't even know what a lot of this stuff does," Lauren replied taking the cuffs and examining them.

Angela laughed. "Some people are very much into the bondage aspect. To them total immobilization is vital. I find that a set of cuffs is usually sufficient to enforce the idea I am in charge," she said.

Lauren found herself staring curiously at an item. She could not figure out what it was for.

"What's this?" she finally asked.

"It's called a single glove," Angela said taking it down. "You place your hands in it wrist to wrist and then zip it up. Once the straps are tightened your arms are totally useless. It is one of the better forms of dynamic bondage because your sub can still walk or kneel. I don't like them because I prefer my sub to have the use of her hands most of the time," Angela replied. She put the single glove back on the rack and took down a type of belt. It looked to Lauren like the girdle belts women were often seen wearing in medieval paintings, except this on had metal "D" rings set into it.

"This is much better for mobile restraint. You can attach her cuffs to the rings and keep her arms immobilized but still allow her to use her fingers," Angel said with a smile.

They moved slowly around the store with Angela showing her how many of the items were meant to be used. One wall held whips, paddles, quirts and canes. Lauren studied them with interest.

"Do you plan on CP?" Angela asked. She was standing close and Lauren was aware of a mild tension developing.

"CP?" she asked distractedly.

"Corporeal punishment, or more commonly called spanking," Angel replied with a laugh.

"I think so, I promised her a good spanking," Lauren said with a smile.

"Get this one then," Angela said taking down a paddle and handing it to Lauren. It was black leather with a wooden handle, plain and unadorned. It seemed lass menacing than those with the spikes and studs. Lauren gave it an experimental swing or two and them smacked it against her palm. It stung.

"Why this one?" Lauren asked.

"It's simple and inexpensive for one thing, for another it is not made to leave marks, other than a well tanned behind," she amended.

When they had made their way around the shop, Angela lead her into an alcove in the back that was covered with a black curtain. The small room was filled with toys. More than she had ever imagined existed. Lauren shopped around a bit still not believing that this was real. One rack held books and Angela pulled one out and handed it to her. The cover showed a blonde bombshell in leather thigh boots and bustier holding a crop. The title was simply The Scene.

"It's a very good book for beginners," Angela said.

Lauren took down a box that said pleasure harness. She looked on the back and realized it was a strap-on dildo set. She remembered Roxanne pressing against her in the shop and immediately felt a rush of excitement.

"Don't get that one," Angela said. She walked over to a wall and brought down a black leather harness.

"Get this one. It's real leather and will last unlike the boxed ones," she said handing it to Lauren.

Lauren examined it curiously. The waist belt was wide and had a silver buckle in back. The leg straps were leather also, but backed by a cotton fabric so they would not chaff. The strap that would go between her legs had two ovals of leather with orange studs. They were not attached but rather threaded through so they could move. The front was a triangle of leather with another of the orange studs on the outside and supple rubber nubs on the other.

"What are these for?" Lauren asked, indicating the studs.

Rather than replying, Angela took one of the dildos off a stand and pressed it against the stud. Lauren heard an audible popping sound and when Angela released it the fake cock stayed on the harness.

"We carry a whole line of toys you can attach to the studs, it makes this harness far more versatile than the comercial ones," she replied smiling.

Lauren saw a second belt on the rack and asked about it to cover her blush.

"It's called a pleasure belt. It's similar to the restraint belt I showed you but it has a strap to keep a vibrator or plug or both in place. Once you lock it whoever is wearing it can't remove them until you unlock it. Having your sub wandering around all day with a vibrator going has certain advantages," she replied with a wry smile.

Lauren nodded imagining how it would feel to be kept in one all day. That would be sweet torture.

"The one you're holding has no D rings. It's meant to be worn under clothing. Some of the vibrators come with a remote control and you can imagine the mental games you could play with a sub. My favorite use of it is to take mine out to a public place and then cut it on. Watching her try to function normally, without letting on what's going on is quite a trip." Angela finished, chuckling at the memory.

Lauren burst out laughing which caused Angela to look at her curiously.

"Sorry," Lauren said still chuckling.

"Going to let me in on it?" Angela asked.

"My girl is very loud when she cums. I was just imagining her trying to keep from drawing attention to herself," Lauren said still smiling.

"Even better," Angela said while laughing herself.

They took a few more minutes looking around and then started back where they had begun. Lauren selected items as they went around the shop. She was careful to not go overboard. Angela was very helpful in this showing her the less expensive items and discouraging her from purchasing the more exotic items that caught her eye. Even then she had far more by the time they reached the counter than she had intended to get. Angela tossed a small box that looked like a jewelry box onto the pile with no explanation.

Angela left her to have her things rung up and bagged but joined her as she was leaving. She reached into her back pocket and produced a laminated card, which she handed to Lauren.

"That's my business card, but it also has my home phone on the back. If you would like to go out sometime I can show you some of the places in town that cater to us. I think you, and your girl would really enjoy it," she said.

Lauren thanked her and hurried back towards the hotel. She was surprised to see that the streets were nearly empty. A glance at her watch showed her that she had been there for over four hours.

When she got back to the room she quietly entered. Roxanne was still sound asleep. Lauren quietly put away her purchases and put the bags outside the room for housekeeping. She hung the do not disturb sign on the door and locked it.

She stripped out of her clothes and crawled into the bed causing Roxanne to stir sleepily.

"Hmmm?" she questioned.

"Shhh, go back to sleep baby. You have a big day ahead of you," Lauren whispered as she wrapped her arms around Roxanne's waist and pulled her close.

"Mmm, Big day?"

Roxanne snuggled up against her and was back to sleep in an instant. Lauren held her tightly but sleep was a long time coming.

Lauren awoke to the smell of bacon and hot coffee. The comfortable sounds of Roxanne padding around the kitchen came drifting into her consciousness. They were just the small sounds of someone making breakfast, but they were very comfortable and made Lauren feel special. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the sounds and smells, she wondered if this was how a husband felt on his honeymoon.

"Wake up, sleepy head," Roxanne called as she made her way from the kitchenette to the bed with a silver tray in her hands. She was wearing a beautiful robe in jade green with black trim.

She looked so happy she almost seemed to glow. Lauren smiled at her and gratefully accepted a cup of coffee. She took a sip and had to admit Roxanne made a good cup of coffee.

"How's your head?" she asked.

"Its fine. Just a little fuzzy from the medicine," Roxanne replied.

Lauren ate her breakfast while Roxanne nibbled on a piece of toast. Lauren had not realized how hungry she had been and ate with rare gusto. Roxanne took away the tray and dishes once she was done and refilled her coffee cup. She sat down and smiled.

"I take it that it was good?" she asked.

"You can sure cook," Lauren replied.

Roxanne smiled and laughed. She drew her legs up under her and sipped her own coffee. Lauren stared at her for a while. Neither said anything, but the silence was warm and friendly, not at all awkward.

"So what's the plan for today?" Roxanne asked.

"Its a secret, but I think you will enjoy it," Lauren replied. Roxanne perked up and looked at her questioningly. Throughout her sleepless night Lauren had played this scenario through her head over and over. Her plan was not formalized but rather a set of ideas loosely held together. She was going to play it by ear.

"You're being mysterious this morning," Roxanne said with a smile.

"Maybe," was Lauren's only reply.

"Well, while you're being mysterious I am going to clean up," Roxanne said as she rose and went to the kitchen. Lauren lay in bed a while longer with her eyes closed, just enjoying having someone nearby. When she rose she padded into the kitchenette. Roxanne had her back to her and Lauren stepped up behind her and put her arms around the smaller woman's waist. She pulled Roxanne tightly against her and kissed her neck gently.

"Mmmmm," Roxanne breathed as she pressed back against Lauren's body.

"Good morning," Lauren said as she nibbled on Roxanne's earlobe.

Roxanne giggled and slipped out of the circle of Lauren's arms. She turned with a smile and was about to say something but Lauren didn't let her. She pressed her up against the counter and wrapped her up in her arms. Her pelvis was pressed against Roxanne's and she forced her leg between Roxanne's. The intimate contact brought a gasp from Roxanne.

"You are in a mood this morning!" she giggled as her own arms went around Lauren's neck.

Their lips met and a long kiss followed. It was passionate but at the same time languid. No sense of urgency pervaded either of them. Their tongues dueled as Lauren's lips pressed tightly against Roxanne's. Lauren forced her tongue into Roxanne's warm mouth and greedily explored.

When the kiss broke, Roxanne was a little flushed and breathless. Lauren pressed her advantage and let her mouth trail to the nape of Roxanne's neck where she licked and sucked tracing her tongue along the hollow she found there.

"What's gotten into you?" she moaned. Lauren lifted her head and looked into Roxanne's eyes.

"Wrong question," she said seriously. Roxanne looked at her in confusion. Lauren held her smaller lover's eyes and slowly untied the sash that held her robe closed.

"The right question is, what's getting into you," she said slowly.

Roxanne colored furiously and looked away from Lauren's intense gaze. Lauren finished with the sash and pushed her hands into the robe pushing it open. She let her hands trace gently over Roxanne's soft belly and up to the domes of her breasts. She held each in her hands and squeezed softly, her thumbs were pressed into the nipples and slowly rotated.

Roxanne's head snapped back around and Lauren captured her eyes again with her own.

"Now go and get the things I got you yesterday, I am wearing my present and I want to see you in yours," Lauren said huskily.

Roxanne could only nod. Lauren released her hold and Roxanne hurried into her room. Lauren smiled and went to her dresser where she took out the paddle and quickly stashed it under the seat cushion.

Roxanne returned with the box that held her corset. Lauren noted with a smile that she had refastened the sash to her robe. Roxanne placed the box on the bed and opened it.

"You are going to have to help me with this one," Roxanne said as she brought the corset out of its box.

"How?" Lauren asked as she approached Roxanne. She removed her robe and held the corset to her body.

"It's easy, just lace it up and then take out the slack, like tying your shoe," Roxanne said. Lauren took the heavy cord and laced it up slowly. She was admiring Roxanne's behind as she did so, imagining the rosy blush that her paddle would bring to the soft, pale skin.

Once it was laced up, Lauren tugged on the strings a few times. It was far from closed.

"Now what?" she asked.

"That depends on how tight you want it. It's fine now, you can just tie it off and push the excess cord up under it," Roxanne replied.

"It isn't closed," Lauren observed.

"This is a wasp waist corset. If you closed it all the way my waist would be down to twenty inches or so," Roxanne laughed.

"How tight can you wear one?" Lauren asked.

"I have no idea,' Roxanne replied.

"How would I get it tighter? I can't pull any more slack out," Lauren said.

"Its fine as it is," Roxanne laughed as she turned around.

"I want it tighter," Lauren said seriously. Roxanne looked at her curiously. She started to say something but the look in Lauren's eyes stopped her. She nodded and took the corset hook out of the box.

"I am going to hold onto the bed post. Put your knee into my back and pull out as much as you can. You can use the hook after that to take out slack," she said as she turned her back and took a firm hold on the post. Lauren put her knee into the small of Roxanne's back and gave the strings a vicious pull. Five minutes of straining and pulling left both women panting. Roxanne was breathing shallowly, taking small sips of air.

"Happy?" she said in a voice that was tight. Lauren held up the hook and smiled.

"God, are you trying to cut me in half?" Roxanne giggled. Lauren had realized in the shop the night before that a corset was in and of itself a bondage device. With what she intended to do it would be a plus to have Roxanne a little short of breath.

When she finally finished with the hook Roxanne's waist was down to twenty-two inches. Her bust looked to be at least two sizes larger. The effect was stunning and Lauren decided maybe there was more to lingerie than she had guessed.

"Satisfied?" Roxanne asked archly. She was standing straight up and her chest was thrust forward.

"Not even close, but that's good enough for now," Lauren replied.

"Sadist," Roxanne giggled as she made her way carefully back to her room.

Lauren turned the chair to face the door to Roxanne's room and sat down. She made sure she could reach her paddle and waited impatiently. Eventually Roxanne's door opened and she walked into the room. The sight of her took Lauren's breath away.

The little black hat was pinned on and the veil was pulled over the top half of her face. The black color set off the deep, rich auburn of her hair and the pale white skin. She had on a deep red lipstick that drew attention to her lips. The corset gave her an hourglass figure and the very feminine pink ribbons and bows seemed to accentuate her charms. Black stockings showed off her legs to great advantage and the boots looked sexy keeping her on her toes. The gloves completed the outfit with only the white thong panties being out of place.

"Well?" she asked in that breathless voice Lauren was beginning to find very sexy.

"Take off the panties, they don't look right" Lauren said surprised at the lust she could hear in her own voice.

Roxanne giggled and gingerly removed the thong. Lauren loved the way she moved. Each action was deliberate and careful. When she stood holding the panties Lauren's eyes were drawn to her bush.

"Well?" Roxanne asked.

"You look wonderful baby," she said softly.

Roxanne smiled and primped causing Lauren to laugh. She decided that this was going to work.

"Are you ready for your spanking?" Lauren asked.

Roxanne stood frozen, her mouth slightly open. The look of surprise was priceless to Lauren.

"What?" she finally stammered.

"I promised you a spanking last night and now it's time for you to get it," Lauren said. Her voice sounded unnaturally loud in the quiet room.

"Lauren?" she asked.

"Come here,' Lauren said patting her lap. Roxanne seemed very unsure but hesitantly came closer. Lauren held up her hand and when Roxanne took it she gently but firmly pulled her down across her lap.

Lauren had joked with people about spanking for many years. In the chat room she was constantly giving and getting spankings in jest. Now she found herself with another woman across her knees. She felt her excitement mounting and slowly overcoming her trepidation.

She gently ran her hand over Roxanne's ass cheeks enjoying the feel of the soft, warm skin under her hand. She took her time and after a while Roxanne sighed and wiggled her behind, obviously enjoying her touch.

She raised her hand and brought it down swiftly and without warning. The cracking sound was almost eclipsed by Roxanne's yelp. She tried to wiggle free but Lauren simply hooked her fingers under the strings of the corset and held on. Her eyes never left the soft cheeks as her handprint slowly appeared in red on the pale skin. She raised her hand ad smacked the other cheek.

"Ow! Stop it! That hurts!" Roxanne protested.

"That's what you get for lying to me," Lauren said sweetly.

Roxanne struggled some more, this time with more determination, but Lauren found she could easily control the smaller woman's movements. The corset greatly restricted her ability to twist and Lauren realized she would have had trouble rising even if Lauren wasn't holding her down.

"Stop struggling or you are really going to get it,' Lauren ordered.

Lauren raised her hand and brought it down hard on Roxanne's ass to emphasize her point.

"I am going to get you for this," Roxanne hissed.

"Oh you are?" Lauren asked.

"You bet I am," she said earnestly.

Lauren reached behind her and brought out her paddle. The wood was cool to her touch and it felt heavier than she remembered. She held it down so Roxanne could see it.

"Oh, my God. Don't you dare!" she exclaimed.

"Oh but I have to, your going to get me for this so I have to get all I can out of it," Lauren teased.

Roxanne began to struggle again. This time it was in earnest, but Lauren held her firmly in place. Her struggles ceased quickly and she was panting. The corset simply did not allow her to breath deeply enough to keep it up without getting winded.

Lauren brought the paddle down hard. It made a strange whistling sound as it cut through the air. The crack of it sounded like a shot when it landed on Roxanne's exposed ass. Roxanne screamed. Lauren gently massaged her lover's ass. She had not meant to really hurt her. The paddle was very effective and she would have to be careful if she was going to continue.

"How many licks for telling fibs?" Lauren asked her.

"That was plenty,' Roxanne whimpered.

"I think ten will be sufficient," Lauren said.

"I don't think I can take ten," Roxanne said earnestly.

"I think you can," Lauren replied and brought the paddle down again. Her eyes stayed glued to Roxanne's shapely ass as the paddle landed again and again. By the time she was done her lover's ass was brilliant scarlet. Roxanne was sobbing quietly.

"That was fun wasn't it?" she said after a time.

"No," Roxanne managed.

Lauren put the paddle down and gently ran her hand over Roxanne's ass. The skin was still smooth but now it was hot, a deep fierce heat. She let her fingers trail between Roxanne's legs and slowly forced a finger into her sopping pussy. A second finger slid easily into the hot slick cavern. Lauren slowly began to frig her.

"I think your fibbing again," Lauren said happily.

Roxanne groaned, but her legs parted to give Lauren more access. Lauren's own pussy was becoming hot and itchy. She continued to finger Roxanne, enjoying the tiny noises that were escaping her lover.

"You like that don't you?" she said huskily.

"Yes!" Roxanne blurted out.

Lauren stopped and helped Roxanne to her feet. She was still beautiful, the tear streaked face only added to her appeal. Lauren led her to the bed and gently pushed her onto it. Roxanne winced when her ass hit the bed, but the cool sheets seemed to make her more comfortable.

Lauren opened her dresser and took out a blindfold. It was back satin and looked very much like a night mask. She handed it to Roxanne.

"I am new to this Roxy, I won't lie to you. I have agonized over this all night. I want to do more but I won't risk losing your friendship. So here's the deal. You can hand that back to me and we will get dressed and go out sightseeing." Lauren said.

"Or?" Roxanne asked when Lauren seemed unable to go on.

"Or you can put it on and we will stay here all day making love. But if you put it on we are going to do what I want, I'll be in charge," she finished.

She looked at Lauren seriously and then smiled and put the blindfold on. Lauren felt a rush of excitement that was only slightly less forceful than the relief she felt. Lauren went to the dresser and took out the leather cuffs.

"Put your hands out," she commanded. Roxanne complied and Lauren fastened them around her wrists. Once they were secure she took the blindfold off.

"Come here," she said as she went back to the dresser and took out the heavy leather harness. Roxanne's eyes widened in surprise, but Lauren also saw hunger there.

"You know what this is don't you?" Lauren asked.

"Yes I do," Roxanne replied in a whisper.

Lauren handed it to her. She then took a bag of items from the dresser and went to sit on the bed with Roxanne following her. Lauren looked at her and removed a thick vibe from the bag. She took the vibe and pressed it firmly to the leather oval on the inside of the strap. It connected with a popping sound. She then took a bottle of astroglide and lubed it up. She took the harness from Roxanne's hands and stepped into the leg straps and pulled it up. She aligned the vibe with her aching pussy and slowly inserted it. It was cold, but the astroglide and her own copious juices allowed it to slide all the way in with no discomfort.

"Buckle it," Lauren commanded. Roxanne cinched it up and did the buckle with little difficulty despite her cuffs. Lauren kept her back to her friend and from the bag took a large black dildo. It was ten inches long and very thick with fake balls and heavy veins. Lauren had chosen it because of a story she had told Roxanne about one of her former lovers and because her little friend had confided in her that she had never been with a man who was well endowed.

Lauren turned around and took Roxanne's face in her hands and gently kissed her. Roxanne had always been so soft and yielding, but there was something different now. A quality of helplessness that made her even softer. Lauren loved it.

"You told me yesterday you were going to fuck my brains out, but I never expected this," Roxanne said quietly as she took the black cock in her hand and gently stroked it.

Lauren truly appreciated the design of the harness then. Directly behind the stud the group of supple rubber nubs pressed right on her clitoral area. Every motion of the latex dong brought a reciporative motion against her most sensitive area. With the vibe filling her pussy the level of stimulation was incredible. She could feel the weight of the dildo and Roxanne's curious stroking of it was driving her to distraction quickly.

Roxanne's eyes were glued to it and she seemed fascinated by the appearance. Lauren gently lapped her hand away.

"Stop before I have a premature ejaculation," she giggled.

Roxanne broke out in a fit of the giggles. Lauren quickly undid the cuffs and tossed them on the floor. When Roxanne looked at her questioningly Lauren shrugged.

"We will play with that stuff later. Right now I just want to make love to you," she whispered.

Roxanne nodded and looked at her with that hungry expression Lauren had seen earlier. Lauren hesitantly took her in her arms and pulled her close. The dong pressed against her tummy and Roxanne grasped it and pushed it upwards so that it was sandwiched between them. Even this sent a shock of pleasure through Lauren's system.

She wrapped her arms around the smaller woman and pulled her close. Roxanne's eyes were closed and her face tilted upwards. Lauren pressed her lips against the soft inviting lips of her lover, the parted easily and her tongue invaded Roxanne's mouth. Roxanne kissed back passionately.

Roxanne grasped Lauren's cock and began to stroke it again. Lauren moaned softly into her lover's mouth. When the kiss broke, Roxanne leaned back and continued to stroke it staring with wide eyes. Lauren placed her hands on Roxanne's tits and began to rub the nipples through the satin of her corset.

"Can you feel that?' she asked curiously as she continued to play with it.

"Yes," Lauren replied

Roxanne increased the tempo of her stroking and Lauren's hands went to her smaller friend's shoulders. A quiet moan escaped her lips and her hips began to buck after a short while.

"I guess so," Roxanne smiled.

Lauren was beginning to fell her orgasm building. She would have never believed it was possible, but the stimulation was incredibly intense. She gripped Roxanne's shoulders tightly and Roxanne sank to her knees.

"What are you doing?" Lauren managed.

"Proving I love you," she said with a wink.

She continued to stroke the fake cock and then looked up at Lauren's face and sucked the head into her mouth. Lauren couldn't feel her lover's tongue or mouth; her rational mind told her that. Nevertheless her imagination could and the visual stimulation was beyond description.

Her little friend on her knees in her sexy underwear, one hand wrapped around the black dong, the other holding onto Lauren's hip for balance and her red lips wrapped around the big cock. Her cheeks were hollowed as she sucked and Lauren felt her hips bucking quickly. Her inner muscles were clenching the vibe tightly and relaxing spasmodically. She felt like a bottle of champagne being shaken and shaken. The pressure was building up fast and she knew the cork was about to pop.

Lauren's hand flew to Roxanne's head to steady herself as the damn burst. Wave after wave of red, raw pleasure swept over her. She felt her legs go weak and was hard pressed not to fall over. When the spasms subsided and her breathing returned to normal she looked down. Roxanne was smiling up at her and still stroking. Lauren collapsed back on the bed.

"Whew," she said fanning herself.

Roxanne giggled and straddled Lauren's hips. She lay forward and kissed Lauren's nose. Lauren' body was still experiencing after shocks and the close contact of Roxanne's body didn't help. Rather than tease her as Lauren had suspected Roxanne just lay there seemingly content to enjoy the feel of her skin. When the aftershocks had finally faded she gently rubbed Roxanne's back.

"Are you ready baby?" Lauren whispered.

"Yes!" Roxanne replied enthusiastically. She sat up and looked down at Lauren. Lauren could only stare for a few moment, Roxanne straddling her thighs, the big black cock nestled between her thighs, and the cute hat all combined to form a most erotic picture.

"Climb on then," Lauren said huskily as she grasped the base of the dildo to steady it. Even as she did so she saw Roxanne's face fall. She recovered quickly, but the disappointment had been there.

"Oh hell,' Lauren said. She kicked up with her legs and forced herself up with one arm. She rolled over forcing Roxanne's body under hers. She put both hands down and rested her weight on her knees and hands. Roxanne was under her with her legs splayed wide.

"You're silly, you know that?" Lauren said half reproachfully.

"Why? Because I like you on top of me?" Roxanne countered smiling brilliantly.

"Yes, why does it mean so much to you?" Lauren asked seriously. She had to smile when her smaller lover's face knit in concentration. She was so damned cute sometimes. Lauren also realized that the fact she was totally unaware of it made it all that much sweeter.

"I have always dated men who were bigger than I am. I have come to enjoy the weight of a lover resting on me. I won't break Lauren. I'm not made of glass. Besides, I like the feeling of helplessness and knowing who is in control," she finished. A slight blush came to her cheeks that Lauren found both erotic and endearing.

Lauren only nodded and let her body settle onto Roxanne's. She gently unpinned the hat and tossed it aside. Their breasts were pressed tightly together and their bellies were touching. Lauren was aware of the soft skin of her lover's thighs and the cool silkiness of her stockings on her hips. She kissed her neck and nibbled along her breastbone, eliciting little coos and sighs.

She was keenly aware of the hard dildo sandwiched between their tummies. Lauren took both of Roxanne's tits in her hands and pressed them together. She hunched her back and began to tongue them. The semi hard nipples became tiny pebbles and her aureoles drew up into tight buttons of flesh.

In no time Roxanne was moaning softly and had her hand wrapped in Lauren's hair. The spanking and the dildo and the cuffs had obviously had the desired effect. She was hotter than a three-dollar pistol, Lauren thought with a smile.

Lauren pressed upwards with her knees and firmly grasped the dildo. She pressed it against Roxanne's wet pussy. Roxanne's eyes shot open in surprise.

Lauren stared into her eyes as she slid the head of the false cock up and down her increasingly wet slit. She glanced down between their bodies to see the head of the dong was coated in Roxanne's juices. Roxanne was moaning softly and her hips were twitching, trying unconsciously to bring the dong into more solid contact.

Lauren continued the slow, languid stroking, keeping her hips far enough away so that the contact was little more than a feathery kiss against her lover's flesh. Roxanne moaned again and her hand went to Lauren's shoulders trying to pull her closer.

Her face was a mix of pleasure and frustration. The hunger in her eyes was like an aphrodisiac to Lauren, she felt herself becoming increasingly excited.

"What do want?" Lauren asked in a hoarse whisper.

"I want you inside me," Roxanne groaned.

"No, tell me what you want," Lauren said as she continued to tease. Roxanne looked at her in confusion. Lauren smiled and pressed the dildo more firmly against her for a fleeting second provoking a frustrated growl.

Roxanne wiggled and squirmed then humping her pelvis up while pulling as hard on Lauren's shoulders as she could. Lauren merely smiled and refused to give her what she wanted.

"Tell me what you want baby, I can do this all day," Lauren said quietly. Roxanne looked up at her and Lauren arched an eyebrow meaningfully. It dawned on Roxanne then what Lauren wanted to hear. Even in her flushed state a deep blush rose to her cheeks.

"I want you to fuck my brains out," she whispered, her eyes closed.

"Say it like you mean it," Lauren said, still keeping up the devilish teasing.

"Lauren, please," she said plaintively.

"No?" Lauren said stopping the dildo with the head at the very entrance to Roxanne's sopping canal.

"Please, fuck my brains out!" Roxanne nearly screamed.

Lauren smiled then and moved her knees up to give her better support. She held the shaft of the dong and slowly pressed forward with her hips. The head slid forward but missed its target and slipped downward. Lauren remembered many times this had happened with her male lovers, she suddenly had some empathy for their frustration.

Lauren pulled back and sat up on her knees. She used her left hand to press the damp bush of Roxanne's pubic hair out of the way; with her right she guided the head of the dildo back to the entrance of Roxanne's slick channel. She pressed forward slowly and watched as the tip of the black cock pressed against the lips of her pussy.

A little more pressure and the pink folds parted and the tip disappeared between them. Lauren slid forward a little more watching fascinated as about half of the bulbous head slipped in. Roxanne's sharp intake of breath told Lauren that she was on target this time. She could feel the tightness of Roxanne's pussy as she pushed ahead more.

A groan brought her eyes to Roxanne's face. Her eyes were closed and a frown of concentration was on her face. This went to a sharp look of pain as her muscles gave and the head forced it's way in.

"Are you all right?" Lauren asked with a trace of concern in her voice.

"Its big," was all Roxanne could say.

"Want me to stop?" Lauren asked.

"Do and I will never speak to you again," Roxanne said with a small smile.

Lauren nodded and returned her eyes to the juncture of Roxanne's legs. She pressed forward again tentatively but found that she wasn't making any progress. Lauren applied more pressure and about two inches of the dildo sank into her lover.

"Ow!" Roxanne ejaculated.

"I have a smaller one, do you want me to change?" Lauren asked, now really concerned.

"No, just be gentle and take it slow,' Roxanne breathed huskily.

Lauren smiled and reset her knees for better purchase on the slippery comforter. This time she pressed forward with her hips and watched as more of the big dildo disappeared between the puffy lips. She glanced up at Roxanne's face. Here eyes were still closed and she was concentrating on relaxing. Lauren continued until a little over half the big dildo was buried in her friend. She drew back a little then and pressed forward again. Working like this she watched fascinated as more and more of the big dildo entered the redhead's tight pussy.

Finally only the wide base and a small portion of the shaft were still visible. Lauren slowly let her weight rest on the dildo, a look of agony swept over Roxanne's face as Lauren felt the last bit of the dildo enter her. This was replaced with a serene smile seconds later as Roxanne wrapped her legs around Lauren's hips and locked her ankles. She wiggled around until she found the most comfortable position.

The next few minutes were as confused and ultimately comical as any teenagers doing it the first time. Lauren experimented, trying to get the hang of it while Roxanne giggled and tried to accommodate her lover. Eventually Lauren got the hang of it and established a slow rhythm. She could feel the resistance when she thrust down and the muscles of Roxanne's pussy holding on to the dong as she withdrew. It was an indescribable if somewhat disconcerting sensation that took her a while to adjust to.

She picked up her tempo a little bit and for a while the room was silent except for the rhythmic sound of their hips meeting. Lauren was concentrating on keeping a steady rhythm while Roxanne was adjusting to the huge dong inside of her.

As Lauren became more confident she picked up the tempo more, withdrawing the dong in long deep thrusts. Roxanne began to moan and sigh. Her fingernails dragged across Lauren's back, spurring her to even more powerful thrusts.

Roxanne began to cry out with each down thrust. She tossed her head from side to side and her hips began to rise to meet Lauren's down thrusts. Lauren was beginning to moan herself, the stimulation was quickly driving her towards another mammoth orgasm.

The sound of the dildo slicing in and out was becoming more liquid and Lauren could smell the heady scent of Roxanne's arousal. She began to slam the dildo into Roxanne with furious strokes.

"oh..Oh..OH.." Roxanne moaned with each down thrust. Lauren wrapped her hands into Roxanne's hair and kissed her deeply while the tension built. The kiss was all it took, Roxanne screamed into her mouth as her body thrashed wildly. Feeling her smaller lover come unglued beneath her was more than Lauren could stand and her own orgasm ripped through her.

When she became aware of her surroundings again Roxanne was gently kissing her neck and stroking her damp hair. The huge dong was still buried inside of her lover. Lauren smiled and lifted herself up on her elbows. Roxanne looked so totally content and satisfied, angelic in her happiness. Her hair was damp and a thin sheen of sweat was on her brow.

"I love you," she mouthed, no sound coming.

Lauren could only nod and they kissed again.

Next: Chapter 3

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