Night in Ottawa

By Jason Lagasse

Published on Jul 7, 2001


A Night In Ottawa Written By: Curlybrok Edited By: Sheldon & Shawn

First off, the usual disclaimer goes here. If you are under the age of 18, if this is illegal where you live, or if you do not like any stories containing gay romance, then leave now. I do not know any of the members of N Sync, nor do I know if they are straight, gay, or bi. This is a fan fiction story I'm writing for some friends of mine. This story is totally fiction and comes from deep with in my imagination.

This story is dedicated to Shawn & Sheldon, two of my best friends. These guys are really cool and are the cutest couple I know. :) (Ok now I'm done kissing butt). To everyone thanks for reading, hope you like the story.

Second, I've only visited Ottawa once so far, and a lot of what this story is based on is what I remember from my weekend there. I hope to be going back this summer, and if I made any mistakes, sorry. I'll make a correction in future updates.

A Night in Ottawa Chapter Four - "Can't Fight This Feeling" Curlybrok

Sheldon stood in Shawn's bedroom doorway, smiling as he gazed upon his best friend sound asleep with Justin Timberlake wrapped tightly in his arms. Lance walked over to Sheldon and looked into the room. A smile appeared upon his face, "They look so adorable," Lance gushed. "Can you two stop making so much noise? We're trying to sleep," Shawn said in a sleepy tone. "Well, we weren't going to disturb you, but since you're awake Lance has this great idea." Sheldon said. "No, we can't have an orgy. I'm too tired," Shawn said with a grin. "Can you stop thinking about sex for five seconds?" Sheldon asked, a little annoyed at being interrupted. "Alright, what's this great idea that you had to wake me up to tell me about?" Shawn asked.

Lance and Sheldon walked into Shawn's room and sat down on the bed, causing Justin to cuddle closer to Shawn. "Well, N Sync has a small problem," Lance said. "Yeah, Lance fired the tour manager," Justin added without opening his eyes. "Okay, and what does that have to do with us?" Shawn asked. "Well, I asked Sheldon if he would take the Job and he agreed, but on one condition," Lance said. "Oh," Shawn said disappointedly. "Wait, this is the good part. Well, at least for you and Justin," Lance said. "What's that?" Shawn mumbled, only half paying attention in his obvious disappointment. "Well, we also have another position that needs to be filled. Mike, our security team leader is leaving next week. His contract is up and he didn't want to renew it. So, Sheldon said he wouldn't take the job unless you came along with us, and since you said last night you have experience in security work, I thought that maybe you'd take the job," Lance responded. "Really?!" Justin exclaimed as he sat up nearly knocking Shawn off the bed.

"So you're offering me a job?" Shawn asked. "Yes, and if you guys do a good job, which I know you will, then you'll still have the jobs for the next tour," Lance responded excitedly. "This is really sudden, we just met you guys yesterday," Shawn stated. "I said the same thing Shawn, but think about it. How many fans get the chance to work for not to mention tour with N Sync? It'll be lots of fun and you'll get to be with Justin!" Sheldon interrupted excitedly. "Yeah, you'll be with me. Please you have to take the job!" Justin pleaded.

"Please," Justin begged, giving Shawn the puppy dog look. "That look is so unfair. How can anyone say no to that?" Shawn whined, not really sounding that upset. "I could," Lance grinned. Justin turned and stuck his tongue out at Lance. "Hey don't stick you tongue out at me unless you intend on using it," Justin turned back to Shawn without giving Lance a reply, "So, does that mean you'll take the job?" Justin asked enthusiastically. Shawn nodded with a big smile. Justin quickly hugged him . Shawn beamed up at him. Slowly Justin leaned forward as Shawn tilted his head upwards. Their lips touched, heat radiating from them as they pressed together. Shawn placed his hand behind Justin's head to help control the kiss as their lips pressed firmly together.

Sheldon motioned for Lance to follow him. The two left the room, shutting the door behind them. "I should get back to the hotel," Lance said unhappily. "It's still early, you could stay if you wanted," Sheldon responded hopefully. "I'd like to, but I really do need to get back. How about you guys come by for breakfast tomorrow morning?" Lance invited. "I suppose we could do that. It won't be an inconvenience, would it?" Sheldon asked. "No, of course not. It'd also give you guys a change to meet the rest of N Sync," Lance said. "Okay, what time should we be there?" Sheldon asked. "Around nine." "Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow at nine," Sheldon said. "Great," Lance said. He smiled, and a silence began to grow around the two young men. Lance broke the silence, "Well I'll get going," Lance said. "Okay," Sheldon said. Lance turned and started to walk for the door. "Lance," Sheldon called out. "Yes?" Lance answered as he turned to face him. "Um... Goodnight." Sheldon said lamely. "Oh, goodnight." Lance said awkwardly. 'Would you just go over there and kiss him,' Sheldon berated himself silently. 'Lance stop thinking about kissing him and kiss him already.' Lance thought.

Sheldon looked into Lance's eyes, and Lance stared back. Lance moved towards Sheldon, both of them leaned forward and their lips touched. Lance's arms wrapped around Sheldon and his lips parted. Sheldon parted his lips and allowed Lance's tongue into his mouth. He hugged Lance tightly, and they walked towards the couch. Lance pulled Sheldon's shirt out of his pants as they reached the couch. Sheldon followed Lance's lead, and in short order Lance's shirt was also un-tucked. Their lips pressed firmly together as their tongues explored each other's mouths. Lance pulled Sheldon's shirt over his head and pushed him down onto the couch. Lance lay on top of Sheldon. Their lips met again, this time kissing more sensually. Lance's hands slowly rubbed over Sheldon's chest. Sheldon wrapped his arms around Lance, rubbing his back as they kissed.

'Sheldon, you just met him. I said kiss him, not have sex with him. Oh, but this feels so good. No, you have to stop,' Sheldon argued quickly with his conscience. Sheldon pulled back from the kiss. "Lance, stop," Sheldon said. Lance looked down at Sheldon. "Is something wrong?" Lance asked with some fear in his voice. "No, nothing is wrong. It's just that we can't do this, not now anyway. It's too soon," Sheldon explained. "You're right, we can't do this yet," Lance said he leaned back down and gave Sheldon a peck on the lips. "I should go," Lance said as he kissed Sheldon's lips again. "Okay." Sheldon said as he kissed Lance again. "I should really go," Lance said standing up as he kissed Sheldon again. "Okay," Sheldon said again, before kissing Lance again. "Ok, I'm going." Lance said, kissing Sheldon again. "Good idea, because if you don't leave soon, I'm taking you to my room and having my way with you." Sheldon said with a huge grin. "I might like that," Lance said as he kissed Sheldon one last time. Lance finally pulled away from Sheldon and walked towards the door. Sheldon followed, "Goodnight Lance," "Goodnight Sheldon," Lance said and kissed Sheldon one last time then walked out the door.

Sheldon finally closed the door after Lance had turned the corner. Sheldon sighed. He picked up his shirt and turned off lights in the living room and kitchen before heading to bed.

Shawn, Sheldon and Justin arrived at the hotel where N Sync was staying, and Justin led the way up to their floor where they were cleared by security. Finally they reached Lance's room. Justin knocked, and waited for Lance to open the door. "I'm coming, one second." Lance said. He opened the door to see Justin, Shawn and Sheldon standing there. "Damn, you have a short fuse," Justin said with a grin. "That is none of your business," Lance retorted. "Can we come in?" Sheldon asked. Lance moved aside and let them in. "Where are the guys?" Justin asked. "They'll be here soon," Lance said. "Good I'm starved," Justin said.

Shortly after Shawn, Sheldon and Justin had arrived, the rest of the N Sync members filed in to Lance's room for breakfast. After everyone had arrived Lance began the introductions. "Shawn and Sheldon, this is JC, Chris and over there is Joey," The guys waved to Shawn and Sheldon. "Guys this is Shawn and Sheldon, they are friends of Justin and I," Lance said. The guys of N Sync all nodded. "Lance can I talk to you for a minute?" JC said, motioning towards the bathroom. Lance nodded and followed JC into the bathroom.

"Lance, what's going on? This is supposed to be a meeting," JC said. "I know and that's why they are here," Lance said. "I've asked Sheldon to be the new tour manager, and Shawn to take over security," Lance said "YOU WHAT?!" JC yelled.

Everyone's attention in Lance's room turned towards the bathroom. "So, guys, what do you too?" Joey asked. "Well, Shawn here works in security, and I just finished college," Sheldon said. "Cool, do you have a lot of experience in security, Shawn?" Chris asked. "A couple of years now," Shawn said. "Great, has Lance told you we need a new team leader for security?" Chris asked. "Yes, he has," Shawn said.

Meanwhile... "Lance I can't believe you'd do something like that without talking to the rest of us," JC said. "I'm doing what I think would be in the best interest of N Sync," Lance said. "Oh really? I think you're doing this for you and Justin. So, have you fucked them yet?" JC said aggressively. "Fuck you, that has nothing to do with them being here, and no one has fucked anybody" Lance said in anger. "And another thing, this discussion is over!" Lance snapped and left the bathroom.

Chris and Joey looked over at Lance. "Lance, Shawn was telling us you offered him the team leader job for the security team," Joey said. "Yes, I did and I offered the tour manager job to Sheldon," Lance said. JC returned from the bathroom and sat down, obviously pissed off. "Great, I just have one question," Chris said. "That would be?" Lance asked. "When do they start?" Chris replied. "After you guys approve of them being hired," Lance said. JC was shocked by Chris and Joey's reaction to this situation. "Well, you have our approval," Joey said. Chris nodded in agreement. JC didn't say anything. "Well you know my answer," Justin said.

"Great, I'll get the paperwork faxed from the office," Lance said. "Actually, you can have Jason bring it up with him when he gets in tonight," JC said coldly. "What, why is Jason coming here?" Lance asked. "Johnny thinks we need a babysitter since we obviously are having problems with our staff," JC said in an aggressive tone.

Shawn leaned in towards Justin, "Who is Jason?" "He's the senior manager for N Sync from Wright Entertainment. He handles most of our appearances, tour dates and stuff like that. He's also the PR, oh and he's gay," Justin whispered. Shawn looked at Justin, a little confused. "He was going out with Lance till they had a difference of opinion. It's been a big mess since," Justin whispered. "Oh, I see," Shawn said. "They are still friends, but things are rather uneasy when they are both around," Justin whispered.

"Are you guys hungry?" Chris asked Justin and Shawn. "Yeah. What do you want to eat?" Justin asked Shawn. Chris took down everyone's order and called room service. Lance meanwhile used his cell phone to call the WEG head office in Orlando and spoke to Jason about bringing up the needed paperwork. "Okay, Jason is going to bring up the paperwork when he comes later today. Shawn, You, Mike and JC are going to meet Jason at the airport," Lance said. Shawn nodded.

"Alright, with that done we'll have to get you security passes and ID badges," Chris said. "Lance, have mike come over with the security forms and things he needs to make the badges. He'll need to show Shawn how to make them, and the equipment he needs," Chris stated while looking at Lance. "Anyone else I should call while I'm on the phone?" Lance asked. "Yeah you need to call Allison and have her get them hotel rooms for the rest of the tour," Joey said.

Shawn stood outside the black limo, waiting for Jason to disembark of the private Jet from Wright Entertainment. Jason walked down the steps and headed towards JC. They shook hands and hugged briefly like old friends. Jason shook Mike's hand, "How are you doing, Mike?" Jason asked. "I'm doing great, anxious for my vacation time," Mike said. Jason came up to Shawn, looked him over quickly and extended his hand Shawn took it. "I'm Jason, and you must be Shawn," Jason said. Shawn nodded 'Oh this is going to be so much fun' Shawn thought to himself in a sarcastic way.

Everyone got in the limo, and Jason handed Shawn the paperwork he need to fill out. "I think you'll do fine Shawn, basically security is all set up for the events. You just need to make sure everyone is in their place and that they guys are safe at all times," Shawn nodded, listening to what Jason was telling him. "When Mike leaves later this week, he'll give you the equipment & master keys to all the locked equipment on the tour, and the tour manager will also have a set of master keys," Jason said. Shawn looked up from the paperwork he was reading, "That would be Sheldon" Shawn said. Jason nodded.

The limo ride was over quickly, and everyone was now in Lance's room. Sheldon had been given his paperwork and a set of keys, as well as a laptop.

"Here is an updated Schedule of events. Sheldon, I'll keep you up to date on what is going on and any schedule changes that I receive. The schedule is more or less a guideline of what is going to happen that day, give or take a half hour to 45mins. If it's an interview, try and get them there on time." Jason said. "Should I meet with them in the morning to go over what is on schedule for the day?" Sheldon asked. "You can if you want, makes no difference to me as long as they know what is going on that day, or someone keeps them informed throughout the day ." Jason said.

"Shawn, as the security director/team leader, its your job to make sure that you have adequate security wherever the guys will be. You're in charge of hotel, event and travel security. You have 15 full-time security personnel at your disposal for the guys' immediate security needs. Also, at the hotels you have 5 guys who are on staff that deal with hotel Security whenever the guys are there. Have Mike show you his current duty roster." Jason said, before taking a sip of is water. "Event security is always fun, because we never know how many people we'll have on staff from the Arenas and Stadiums. We usually request 150 to 200 people on staff; some have more, some have less," Jason continued. Just do the best you can. You'll also have help from the local Police."

"I'll be around for the next three events to help the both of you out. Today, we were supposed to be in Darien Lake to meet with the New York State Police and the Arena officials to prepare to tomorrow's show, but I've pushed everything back one day, which shortens the Vacation days the guys were supposed to have from 4, to 3." Jason said. "Everyone gets on the buses tonight and we'll head down to Darien Lake. Tomorrow we'll have those meetings and the crew will start setting up the stage for the event." Jason said

"Who normally goes to those meetings?" Sheldon asked. "Usually, it'll be you, Shawn and Lance or Chris." Jason said. "I'm getting hungry." Justin interjected. "We can order room service or go out to a restaurant if you guys want," Jason replied. "I know a good Italian place nearby if you want to go there." Sheldon said. "That sounds good." Shawn agreed. "I agree." Jason said.

A short while later Lance, Sheldon, Justin, Shawn and Jason sat at East Side Mario's having dinner and discussing other duties that Shawn and Sheldon would be undertaking. "I think she likes you." Lance joked with Justin as they noticed one of the waitresses staring in their direction. "Yeah, well I don't swing that way." Justin said with a grin. Lance rolled his eyes, "You always have a smart remark, don't you?" "Only when you're around." Justin replied. "Oh before I forget." Jason said, interrupting the battle between Lance and Justin. "I almost forgot to give you guys your cell phones," he continued as he reached into his briefcase and pulled out two cellular phones, looking at them quickly then handing them to Shawn and Sheldon. "The battery chargers are on the bus, and if your battery dies, there are also spares on your bus." Jason informed them. Shawn and Sheldon nodded, taking the phones. "Is everything to your liking?" Came a meek voice. It was the waitress who had been staring at them earlier in the evening. "Everything is fine." Lance answered.

The waitress stood at the end of the table shyly looking at Justin. "Would you like an autograph?" Justin asked with his killer smile. "Umm... oh my God, he talked to me." Lance looked at Sheldon warily. Justin quickly scribbled his name on a piece of paper and handed it to the waitress. "Thank you, thank you so much. My name is Jenny." The waitress said. "Its nice to meet you Jenny." Justin said still smiling. "Excuse me, Could I get my Ginger Ale refilled?" Sheldon asked, attempting to avert a scene. "Sure, be right back." Jenny said, still looking to be slightly in shock.

"Oh, I think she has a think for you Justin." Sheldon said. "Gee, what gave you that idea?" Justin replied sarcastically. "Maybe because there is a puddle of drool on the floor where she was standing." Lance joked. "Not funny." Justin glared at Lance. Jenny returned with Sheldon's Refilled Ginger Ale. "Thank you." Sheldon acknowledged as she placed the drink on the table before him. Jenny nodded, smiled at Justin then left. "Why me?" Justin groaned. "Ah poor Justy, does the cute little waitress scare you?" Jason laughed causing everyone to quickly join in. "You are so lucky you are flying out tonight." Justin said. "Oh please, you don't scare me." Jason laughed. "Bitch." Justin said under his breath. "I heard that, cum wad." Jason replied. "No, that's what Lance has in his pants from staring at Sheldon." Justin laughed. Lance just looked at Justin and gave him a look that could kill.

"Oh, you are so lucky looks don't kill." Jason laughed.

Justin pouted, "Everyone is picking on me." Justin said in a small voice. Shawn looked at Justin with a sad face; "I'll make it all better for you later if you want." Shawn smiled. "Ok, I don't need any details." Lance said. "Are you sure? It might help you know where things go for later tonight." Shawn grinned. "Ok, I think we should get the bill before this turns into a bitch fight." Jason said, and motioned for the waitress to return to the table. "Something I can help you with?" Jenny asked as she approached the table. "Yes, I'd like the bill please." Jason replied. "Will that be cash or charge?" Jenny asked. "Charge." Jason replied. Jenny nodded and left for a moment to retrieve the bill and remote Credit Card machine. Jason pulled out the Company Visa and quickly paid for the meal and left a large tip, along with two tickets to the show in Darien Lake. "You asshole." Justin snapped after Jenny left. "What?" Jason asked with an innocent expression on his face. Justin just shook his head and grabbed his jacket, heading for the door. Jason smiled and followed behind the other guys.

To be continued....

I know it took a while to get this part out but it has been really busy here. I hope you enjoyed this part. The next part will be out in a few weeks, but much faster then this last one. I do wanna hear from my readers and find out what you think of this story and any ideas or suggestions you have. The email address you can reach me at is If you do give any suggestions and I end up using them, I'll give you credit in my end comments. Thanks for reading, please note there is no sex has of yet in this story. Whether or not there will be is yet to be determined.


After note: This part has been done for roughly two or more month, Jason has just been too lazy to post it. So sorry to all the readers about the length of time it took to post this story, I've only really need to confirm the changes Sheldon & Shawn made before posting it, but I was too lazy to do that... LOL. Next part will be out shortly I need to read the past few chapters so I know where I am on the story and can continue on from there.

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