Night to Remember Series

By Enzed Writer

Published on Jun 4, 2003


The following story contains themes, languages and content that is considered to be adult. If you are not of legal age please be aware of the actions you are taking and the consequences that could occur for reading such material. With that said I hope you enjoy the story. "A night to remember" and "Roam" are both properties of the author and under international law is bound by copyright. If you have any queries regarding distribution or republishing this story please contact me via email

I'd like to dedicate this story to anyone who had a close friend but lost contact with them over time. It's never too late to pick up the phone or send an email.

Roam can be found in the beginnings section of the nifty archive.

A Night To Remember By Enzed Writer

In late 2002 I started writing a story called Roam. It was about three friends whose friendship had carried on from high school to adulthood. It also covers issues that trouble the character Blair Mclean and to a lesser extent Victoria (Tor) and Nick.

A night to remember is a short story giving you an insight to the root of the friendship between Victoria, Nick and Blair and also a glimpse at the relationship of Blair and Andrew. Hopefully it will fill in some gaps that may appear from reading Roam and help you to get to know the charachters a bit better. A night to remember is set in year 12 or Sixth form back in high school in 1999.

Part One


Wellington mornings were nearly always frosty. Even in the summer there was at least some frost. I can't remember a school morning where I hadn't experienced the nippiness while walking to school but by the first interval the frost almost always has melted away. I was walking through the school corridor outside my homeroom heading towards Room 19 in the Social Studies block.

"Blair!" I heard a girl shout from down the hallway. I turned and saw it was my friend Tor.

"Hey girl how's it going?" She was puffing and looked a bit stressed.

"Good, have you seen Nick today?"

"No, he's still feeling a bit sick."

"Oh bummer, did you study for the sociology test? I'm still not sure what a lumpen proletariat is." I looked at her shocked.

"Oh my god the test is today??? MAN! I am so gonna fail!"

Sociology was my favourite subject out of all six I was doing. It was originally supposed to be a padding subject to fill out my sixth form certificate, but the more I learnt about the subject the more I found myself fascinated with it.

"Oh man, don't worry about it. I heard its not part of course completion but it is 2% of your final mark."

That only aided my groaning. My last project was considered passable by the almighty parrot (that was the teacher's nickname, Hey she sounded like a parrot! Her real name was Mrs Coop. You know, like chicken coop!). I needed every mark I could get and even though 2% seemed small, 2 percent was 2 percent.

The truth was I had stopped paying attention to my schoolwork because things were getting complicated. During the last couple of months I had started to get stares and looks from other students. Especially a certain bunch of Seventh formers. Why? Well somehow it's gotten around the school that I was gay. I only told Tor and Nick and I don't believe for a second my two best friends would have blabbed it. But somehow everyone knew. I mean I don't look gay or anything like that.

Plus the end of year school ball was coming up. In fact it was this Saturday! I know, I know! It's very stupid to throw away your education just for one night, but this wasn't just any night, this was THE night. The night where anybody who was anybody got to strut there stuff, dance the night away and dress to the nines. It was a themed night so I was putting extra effort in to my presentation, especially since this was the first ball my friends and I were going to.

I managed to suffer my way through the test and scored 65%, not too bad I say but no doubt my mother was going to chew my ass out for it. She was all pro-sociology because she was a psychologist and both topics went hand in hand. I could just imagine her saying 'I'm so disappointed in you son, blah blah blah'.

The rest of the day was uneventful and at the end of the day I met up with Tor by the science block as per usual. She lived only 5 minutes down the road from me so walking together became a natural thing early on in our friendship. Tor's day was pretty uneventful too by the sounds of it and we headed home.

Andrew Barclay was a second year seventh former. He didn't do too well last year so he repeated the year. He was a totally hot stud and all the girls, and probably some guys were hot for him. Unfortunately the company he kept was less than appealing and not even tolerable. As we were exiting the school grounds, him and his group of buffoons were loitering by the school gate. They were well known for chastising nearly everyone, including teachers. No one really liked them and it disappointed me that someone as fine as Andrew would hang out with them.

"Hey Victoria, what are you doing with that fudge packer?" One of them shouted. I was getting tired with the taunts about my sexuality. I came out to Tor and our other friend Nick earlier this year and somehow it had gotten around the school. I didn't get harassed too much with the exception of THE select few, but there were still hushed whispers. My teacher Mr Davis however thought I should get some guidance counselling just in case. So I was seeing Lana, our counsellor on a regular basis. Tor and Nick didn't care though. We were practically brothers and sisters, except for the fact we weren't blood related.

"Yeah I think you're barking up the wrong tree, He wouldn't know where to put it!" Another yelled while grabbing his crotch. They all seemed to laugh except Andrew who tried to look inconspicuous.

"And how would you know David? With a gut like yours I'm surprised you've even seen your penis" Tor yelled back at the crotch grabber. The cronies all laughed at that and started teasing David. Andrew smiled and nodded as we both walked past.

"You go girl!" I grinned

"Don't worry about it Blair, he's just a dickless dick head Mm Hm" She clicked her fingers back and forth and we both cracked up laughing.

"Hey wait up!" We both turned around and Andrew was running up to us. Man he was FINE. He was a total stud with jet- black hair and light blue eyes. He had a light brown tanned complexion and a brilliant white-toothed smile.

"Sorry about the guys back there" said Andrew.

"Yeah well I didn't see you saying anything" Tor replied with a hint of annoyance.

"Well I thought you handled them quite well" Andrew said trying to sound positive.

"Yeah, no thanks to you" I said. "You can go back to your 'Buds' now Andrew." He looked at both of us with a sad expression and walked away.

"You think I was a bit harsh?" I asked

"Please, you were FAR to easy on him. Besides I heard he's pretty dodgy"

"Oh?" I asked curiously.

"Remember Char, the head girl from last year?" I nodded. "Well apparently Her and Mr Barclay over there were going out. Everything was going fine up until the final term when apparently he was caught masturbating in the toilets"

"You mean that was HIM??" I was surprised. I remembered that the rumours had gone around some guy was found jacking off in the guys toilets but school rumours are about as reliable as the postal system.

"Well apparently it was, which is why Char broke up with him. I definitely don't like him. It's like he's got this whole hidden facade going on and the fact that he knows he's good looking and throws it in your face is a definite turn off"

"Yeah, that's true. But you have to admit Tor, he's pretty cute" I found it hard that he would do such a thing in the school toilets. Tor just gave me a look that read, "Don't even go there". We chatted idly as we walked and walked her to her gate then continued on my way home.

Mum and I lived in a small 3-bedroom house in the middle of lower hutt. It wasn't a large house but it was big enough for the both of us. I was the youngest in the family and the closest person to my age was six years older than I. They all lived away from home and so it was only mum and I at home. Dad lived on another side of town with his 'secretary'.

When I got home mum had gone out and left a note.

Hey B,

Dinner is ready and on the stove, just had a patient crisis but I should be home later

Be good baby,


I went to grab a drink when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey dude, it's Nick"

"Hey man you don't sound too good. Are you still going to be on for the ball this Saturday?"

"Definitely, I'm on the mend man but I've got a sore throat still. I should be at school tomorrow though" Nick had a raspy voice but he still sounded cheerful.

"Sweet, so how can I help you?"

"I just wanted to talk to you man. I've been watching TV all day and I'm bored off of my ass!" Nick whined.

"Aw, poor bubsky!" I said in a mum-sounding voice.

"Shut up! So anything going down at school I need to know about?" Nick asked.

"Not really, just the ball, Tor asked for you maybe you should give her a call?" I replied

"Oh yeah. hold on a sec, someone is on the other line" Nick clicked over for a few seconds then clicked back.

"Sorry man I gotta go. It's mum!" Nick's biological mother lived in Sydney. He was living with his biological father and his wife.

"Ok man see ya at school, laters" I hung up the phone and headed up to my room. *** Andrew

Dad was Maori and was a rebel at an early age. He came from a place called Kaitaia in the North Island. At the age of 17 he got one of the local girls pregnant and they eloped and moved down to Wellington. That local girl was my mum Eden. Dad said she was the most beautiful European in town and when they first laid eyes on each other they were doomed. She died during my birth due to complications. My father never remarried or had any other relationships that I knew of. He didn't blame me for her death yet I still felt at least a little responsible. He always pushed me to finish my education, to be more than what I was right now. He didn't want me to be stuck in the Labour force like he was. He worked at a local factory that made soaps and shampoo and didn't want me to be stuck in what he considered a dead end job. It was fair to say that after mum died, I became his life. It was because the pedestal that he put me on that it made it hard for me to come to terms with my sexuality. I didn't want to disappoint my dad but I knew having a faggot son was the last thing he would want.

Telling dad was one of the hardest things I had to do in life. But as my counsellor Lana said, it would only be a matter of time till it couldn't be ignored. Don't get me wrong, it was up to me whether to tell dad or not. But she put it in perspective with the story about "the rock in the living room". Basically this family notices that there is this rock in the middle of the living room. They don't pay too much attention to it and just ignore it. Over time the rock began to get bigger and bigger and everyone was still trying to ignore it and talk around it. But it got to the point where they could no longer ignore it. But the rock had gotten so big that basically it isolated everyone. I didn't want to be the rock.

Dad took it okay. He wasn't as disappointed as I thought he would and he didn't react violently, which was a relief. He mulled over it for over a week then sat me down one evening.

"Son, I can't begin to understand why you are the way you are or have these weird things. But you are my son and being a solo dad has been hard these past years. I thought about your mother and how she would think, and what came to mind was that she would never want me to turn away from you". He embraced me and we both cried for a long time. Dad still has trouble getting around the idea, but at least we still have our father/son relationship and he accepts it in his own way.

"Andrew dude, what were you saying to those dicks?" Dave asked shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Just uh. telling them to watch their mouths," I said trying to sound convincing.

"Damn straight! That stupid little fag and his bitch. Someone should teach them a lesson," said John.

"Fuck yeah, fags are disgusting. I don't know how anyone could take it up the ass!" David grunted sounding annoyed. I began to wonder why the hell I hung out with these idiots.

"Maybe we should show that faggot Blair what we do to guys who like it up the ass!" another said.

"Yeah, give him a little one on one on Sex Ed if you know what I mean" John laughed as he made a crude gesture with his hands. The others all high five'd each other and laughed too adding their little bits.

"Andrew dude, what do you think?" someone asked. They all turned around and stared at me waiting for my reply.

"Oh yeah, fucken fairies!" I said pretending to be disgusted.

John put his arm around my shoulder. I really wanted to shrug it off but I had my reputation to protect. It was bad enough that people looked down at me for being a second year seventh former. I was just happy that a group of guys took me in, even if they were a bit retarded in their thinking. I dreaded to think what they would have thought if they found out about me. I said bye to "the crew" and headed on home.

I lived with my dad in a suburb called Moera. It was only a 15-minute walk from school so it didn't take me too long to get there. Our school sits in between of the Western and Eastern hills. Moera is a run down suburb at the foot of the eastern hills. It wasn't exactly a ghetto but it was one of the lower socio-economic areas.

Dad hadn't gotten home yet so I sat down and switched the box on. If you think daytime television is bad, try enduring after- school television. I just didn't get the concept of Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon at all and found that little yellow thing annoying. I started thinking about that Blair kid. He wasn't too bad and pretty cute. Everyone around school thought he was gay, I don't know how though. He didn't act girly and he seemed okay to me. What worried me was what the other guys were saying about him and teaching him a lesson. I wouldn't wish harm on anyone and no one deserves to be beat up for something they can't help. But what do I do? Risk my reputation and go out on a limb to help the guy or be the coward who stands by and does nothing. And what if these guys were only kidding? Maybe they were joking. Who knows?

I was shaken out of my thoughts for the second time this afternoon by the rattling of the door. Dad came in from work and looked very tired. He was wearing his overalls and his face had that wasted expression.

"Hey son how was school?"

"It was ok dad. How was work?" I got up to make him his afternoon coffee.

"Ugh, don't ask" he said sitting down at the table. He started flicking through the mail. This was our daily routine. He'd come home from work and I'd make him a coffee. He'd flick through the mail then go over my homework and make sure I was staying on top of things. Then he'd watch the news then go to bed. Except on Fridays when instead of watching the news, he'd change from his work clothes then go out with his work mates. I sat his coffee in front of him and he thanked me. I got a glass of water and sat down with him. I started looking at the class and drummed it with my finger.

"Son are you ok?" dad asked while reading some mail.

"Yeah" I sighed.

"You sound worried Son. Tell me what's on your mind." Dad put the letter down and looked at me.

"Well." I hesitated.

"Well?" he asked again looking concerned.

"Well there's this boy at school."

"Oooh." he said as if to say 'boyfriend troubles'.

"No dad you're getting the wrong idea! I mean there's this boy at school. And he's getting picked on for being gay."

"By who? Do they pick on you too?" Dad said looking at me seriously.

"No no its nothing like that, in fact it's my friends that are doing it" I took a sip of my water.

"Oh? I hope you aren't joining in with them Andrew" dad said sounding annoyed.

"No dad not at all! That's why I'm worried. My friends don't know I'm gay otherwise I'd probably bare the brunt of some of it myself" I sighed.

"This boy, how does he react to it? Has he told any of the teachers?"

"Pfft! And what would they do? I'm not sure if he's told anyone in the faculty. He doesn't pay much attention to it. He seems pretty smart and his friends are always sticking up for him," I said honestly.

"Well that's good." Dad paused. "My concern is your hanging around these kids. Think about it son. what if it was you?" dad sounded very serious. I looked at my drink and thought about what he said.

"I'd want some help" I replied. Dad sighed and stood, walking towards the window. He looked out towards the road and spoke.

"Son, I've always tried to teach you to be a good man. I know it would be a risk you going out to help defend this guy. But to know something and not take action on it is cowardly. You still seeing Lana?"

"The guidance counsellor? Yeah I see her now and then."

"Well I think you need to talk to her about it son. It needs to stop. It's not my place to interfere with someone else's son's problems Andrew. But you're a student and could be a great leader. See if you can put an end to it with her help. Things like this can get violent and no one wants to see their son hurt." Dad sighed.

It was then I realised that these were some of the fears dad had for me. I've always been able to look after myself. I was a bit of a jock so I was never bullied but being one, you are guaranteed to be witness to some form of harassment. I walked up and hugged dad from behind.

"Do the right thing son, but know I'll support you anyway I can." Dad had a tremor in his voice that I've never heard before. I don't know if it was fear or pain but I knew my dad was on my side.

"Ok dad, I'll talk to Lana tomorrow." Dad smiled and walked to his room without another word. I heard him shut the door. I thought I heard the sounds of weeping but I wasn't sure. ***


"EXCUSE ME MR MCLEAN!" the parrot squawked.

"Um, yes?" I replied dumbly. The class laughed at me. Tor looked at me and mouthed 'what's wrong?' It was second period Sociology and the parrot had just caught me day dreaming again.

"May I remind you that you are in MY class and that you will NOT dream away your education while you are sitting THIS course under MY instruction, do you understand?" she snarled. God I hated her.

"Yes Mrs Coop." She gave me 'The stare' but was interrupted by one of the third form messengers.

"Well it seems the guidance counsellor has requested you go and see her at once Mr Mclean. Pack your things and go to her NOW!" Man I hated how she screamed bits of her speech to emphasise things. I mean I'm not deaf.

"And Mr Mclean?"

"Yes Mrs Coop?" I replied sweetly.

"If you wish to pass this course I recommend getting some counselling regarding your attention span. Because if I catch you floundering around in the middle of class again I will see to it PERSONALLY, understood?" she gave me a rather snide smile. Man if I were a girl I'd deck you!

"Yes. parrot" I muttered the last bit. BAH! I so wished it was Saturday already. This week was going by FAR too slow for my liking. I mean it was only Wednesday for goodness sake! I wanted Saturday to hurry up and arrive. I was getting nerves just thinking about the ball and my costume. Did I say that the theme was Mother Nature? I was sure my outfit was going to wow everyone! I got to Lana's office and nocked.

"Come in!" I opened the door and she was typing something up at the computer.

"You asked for me?" She turned around and smiled.

"Hey Blair! Take a seat I'll be with you in a sec!" She typed a few things in to her PC then grabbed her pad and sat down.

"So Blair, how've you been since we last talked?"

"When was that. a few weeks ago? Yeah I've been okay." Lana looked at me then took her glasses off.

"Ok Blair. You know I'm not good at beating around the bush so here it is straight. It's come to my attention that you are falling behind in class." I looked down at my fingers and started fidgeting.

"It has also come to my attention that you have been experiencing some bullying from some year thirteen students, is this true?" Lana and I had always been close. It was almost to a point where we were good friends and I trusted her.

"Well the bullying is true but nothing I can handle. As for falling behind, well I've been worried about Saturday" From the look she gave me I don't think she bought it.

"Look Blair, how long have we known each other now?"

"I'd say since third form" I replied.

"Exactly so cut the bullshit. Something is going on in that head of yours and I need you to be honest with me like I'm being honest with you." She did look very worried. I sighed.

"I don't think I'm handling being out too well" I said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well somehow everyone seems to know I'm gay" There. I said it.

"Well who did you tell?" Lana's expression was a mixture of concern and sympathy.

"Well I only told Victoria and Nick. And I know them like the back of my hand! They wouldn't blab to anyone or say anything without running it by me. And the taunting from the seventh formers is getting beyond a joke now. I didn't do anything to them and they're flipping horrible to me." I didn't realise it but I had began to cry.

"Not only that but what about my friends? Think about how they feel when these guys are taunting me. Just yesterday Tor had to defend me and it's not that I'm not capable but ugh. its just so frustrating" I pounded my fist on my lap. Lana stood up and handed me some tissue.

"Blair you know you can do something about this right?" she asked.

"Like what? If I say anything it will just make it worse" She lifted my chin and looked me in the eye.

"Blair, this is sexual harassment. Of course your friends feel like crap. But it's the schools role to make you feel safe while you are here. All you need to do is give a statement and the faculty can move on this!" I knew all about sexual harassment. We had the talk with Ms Tight back in fourth form.

"Yeah but what about outside of school?" They could keep me safe inside the walls, but what about outside?

"Blair this isn't just a school rule. It's the law and one that affects everyone. These guys think that school is life but the whole world is different outside of these walls. All they need is a little bit of insight. Come on Blair, think about this." Lana looked at me pleadingly.

"Can I have some time to think about this?" She tapped her pen against her pad thinking.

"Okay, but I'd also like to suggest something else."

"Like what?"

"A peer counsellor."

"What?" I asked. Work with a peer counsellor? NO WAY! I didn't need someone else fuelling the gossip train.

"Trust me on this one please Blair. I wouldn't match you up with anyone I didn't trust or think was compatible."

"What do you mean. compatible?" I was curious. Where was this going?

"Well the counsellor I want you to meet is also a student who is also going through problems with his sexuality. Usually we don't match people up who are so close in year level but this guy is different"

Guy? Sexuality?

"So what your saying is you want to match me up with someone else who's gay?"

"Exactly. You will be able to discuss each other's feelings and bounce off ideas to each other. I mean don't get me wrong but if things get too heavy I'll always be here to help. Though you might find that you'll be able to open up to someone who is much more closer to your age"

I thought over it for a bit. Nick and Tor were great friends, but it would be good to talk to someone who could relate to what I was going through.

"Ok Lana, I'll do it" She clasped her hands together in excitement.

"Great! What do you have next period?"

"Err German I think, why?"

"Well I'll book you in for an appointment then so you two can meet. I'll also give you a special hall pass so that the teachers won't get peeved" She picked up her handset and made a call. She talked for a few moments then hung up.

"Ok Blair, I've sent for him."

"We're going to meet now??"

"Yes well just look at the time" I glanced towards the clock. Sheesh the period was nearly over.

"Ok so what happens in these 'Peer counselling' sessions?"

"Well basically the same things that happens here but instead of it being between an adult and a student it's between two peers."

Someone knocked at the door. Lana got up to open it. My mouth dropped open when I saw who it was.

"Blair, meet your new peer counsellor, Andrew Barclay." He looked a bit sceptical but held his hand out. I shook it but was still in a bit of a shock. THIS GUY was my peer counsellor, wait. that mean's he's.

"Your gay?" I said to him stupidly.

"Well I wouldn't say one hundred percent gay. Let's just say I keep my options open." He smiled and his whole face lit up. Damn. what had I gotten myself in to?


Blair's face had a look of disbelief on him. When I explained to Lana what was happening she wanted to put an action plan in place straight away. I hoped her idea of peer counselling worked. Blair's face changed from a look of disbelief to a very angry look.

"Why the fuck should I believe you?" he shouted. "Your one of them, your just as bad as the others! I'm outta here!" He reached to grab his bag but Lana stopped him.

"Hold on a sec Blair, who do you think came to me with the bullying information? It was Andrew!" Lana's explanation didn't seem to change his stance.

"What's this suppose to be? Help the token fag and sleep better? I don't think so. If he really wanted to help he could have stood up for me yesterday when his fuckwit friends were picking on me!" God, this guy was pissed. Lana seemed to ignore the swearing.

"Yes but he's doing something about it now Blair. Please, give this thing a chance!" Blair looked frustrated. He sat back down in his chair and fumed. I had to do something! I knelt down in front of him. He looked away from me.

"First off Blair, I apologise. Yes I was a coward for not standing up to David and the others and I'm sorry. But I'm not brave like you. You know I'm a second year seventh former. None of my friends are here now. They've all moved on and I've got to be careful what information I let out."

He still wasn't looking at me. A tear of frustration seeped from his eyes.

"I must admit I've never been bullied about my sexuality. But it doesn't mean I don't know what it feels like to be teased, to be bullied or to be looked at differently. Everyone has at some stage. I know I haven't been the greatest help but let me help you now. These guys, David and them. They are just jerks. In ten years time, guys like you and me. We'll be happy with our lives, we'll be successful in what we do and we'll have great friends. All they'll have is their bigot attitudes and a regular relationship with Rosey Palms." Lana tapped my shoulder and gestured she was leaving to give us some time alone.

"I know I haven't stood up to them like I should have, but let me make it right now. I promise you now I will stand up for you, I don't want you or anyone to get hurt by what the others are saying. I'll make a stand for you, I promise."

Blair looked down in to his hands and I could see that his face was wet with tears. He mumbled something I couldn't quite hear.

"What was that?" He sniffled and spoke again.

"I never wanted to be like this," he said softly.

"Dude NO one wants to be different and No one wants to be weird, or even strange. But the reality is that if everyone was the same the world would be a much more boring place. You were born like this. It just happens you're in a different minority to others. The 'This' you are talking about, isn't something that can be helped. And the sooner that people like David realise this, the easier it's going to be on guys like you and I."

Blair looked up at me.

"Your gay?" he asked incredulously. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah I guess I am" I smiled. He took my hand and held it tightly.


"No problem dude, that's what us peer counsellors are for."

I handed him another tissue to wipe his tear stricken face. He seemed so vulnerable and the pain was evident. I felt a pang in my gut. How could I have been such a coward yesterday? Never again! Ever.

"Blair?" I asked


"Would it be too forward if I hugged you?"

He looked at me strangely then nodded. I wrapped my arms around him and he leaned on me. At first he tensed then I felt him relax.

"Feeling better now?" I asked.

"Yeah" he replied quietly while resting his head on my shoulder.

"Good, well since we've got a whole hour together, lets head down to the cafe. We can talk there." I grabbed my bag and Blair grabbed his and we headed out to the cafe across from our school to talk.

Continued in Part 2

Of course that's not the end of the story. This is a 3-part story. I'd like to thank those who have written in regarding Roam. Your support means a lot to me and keeps me going.

Roam by no means is completed yet but this idea had been sitting in my head for a while now and I decided to act on it. If you've read Roam you sort of have an Idea how this story ends but the intention was to give you some insight in to the relationship between Andrew and Blair and show you that it just wasn't a teenage tryst, true emotions were going back and forth.

I'd like to say tho that Roam is definitely continuing and stay tuned because the next chapter will be out shortly. Oh and I don't mean to be a nag, but I love feedback. Tell me what you think please! I'm dieing to know. Catch me at I also have MSN so catch me there too. Take care guys (and gals)!

Next: Chapter 2: Night to Remember 2

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