Night with Nick

By Tim Hemingway

Published on Apr 26, 2003



I was just going back to the kitchen after saying goodnight to our friends. We graduate students often had a potluck dinner for each other on these warm summer weekend nights. My roommate had gone home to his girlfriend's house, so it was up to me to put away the food before going to sleep. Then a knock came at the door. It was Nick Adams in his tee-shirt, cutoffs and flip-flops, standing tall in the doorway with a sheepish smile on his face. "Hey, uh, Tim," he said. "It looks like I left my headlights on, and now my car won't start. How would it be if I stayed here tonight?" "Sure, man," I replied. "It won't be that comfortable, though. I just have this old double Murphy bed." I swung the Murphy bed down from its wall niche. "Oh, that's fine," said Nick. "I'm a real sound sleeper."

Half an hour later I got into bed. Nick was lying asleep in the warm summer night beside me. I could make out his trim, 22 year-old naked form in the light of the moon and the dim light from the hall. He was lying on his back with one hand stretched out above his head, while the other rested on his hip. I looked up to take in his upper hand. The blunt fingers were curled loosely to show his trim fingernails and masculine knuckles, with a few black hairs between them. A few veins stood out thickly on the back of his hand as it tapered to a trim, sinewy wrist and then expanded out into a powerful forearm. The forearm was backlit by the hall light so that the hairs formed a glowing haze around the firm flesh and the network of pores and fine crisscrossed lines. A ropy vein angled around his forearm and another stood out on his inner arm as it approached his elbow. The edge of his forearm muscles traced a just-visible line up his arm. Parallel to this line ran the border where the tanned and hairy upper arm met the lighter and barer lower arm. Only a light mist of transparent blond hair covered this.

Nick was so beautiful, and I was so horny. I felt that old, familiar little tingling ache of longing deep at the root of my cock. Nick sighed and shifted in his sleep and his upper arm moved down next to my side. The slightly bent arm made a crook in the elbow. There was a slight hollow where the elbow joined his bulging biceps, A thick vein angled across the hollow and disappeared into his upper arm. I could see the back of that arm in profile. The arm showed a defined triceps, with a diagonal ridge of muscle midway up. The triceps tucked neatly into the arm and the flat vee of his deltoid joined down to it from above.

I looked over to Nick's sleeping face and head, eight inches from my eyes. Nick has dark brown, curly hair, curling down over his forehead and half covering his ears. His ears are small, trim and a little pointed, its two ridges spiraling around its central well. His head is dark in the dim light, the result of a deep tan. I can just see the stubble of his beard that has grown since yesterday. It extends down the line of his clear-cut jaw and around his well-defined chin with its slight cleft. It spreads up around his full-lipped mouth, now slightly open. Nick's nose is big and Negroid, its flat nostrils wide enough for the head of my thumb. They open and close just perceptibly with his gentle, audible breathing. The moonlight glints off the broad back of his nose ridge and his right nostril and his smooth forehead, as he shifts position.

I brace my head on my hand to get a look at his torso, as he lies turned a little toward me. I'm on his left side, but now I can look over and see the curve of his right lat muscle wrapping around his side and up behind his shoulder. Three faint rib bulges are visible emerging from the lat muscle. Then coming towards the front is the outer edge of his pec muscle, a thick mesa angling up and out to join his heavy shoulder. Then comes the expanse of pec muscle decorated with a little curly black hair and a trim nipple. In the middle of his chest, the two pecs meet each other in a vertical furrow. At the bottom the two pec borders curve away from the furrow into two strong, horizontal cliffs. His rib cage makes a big downward arc surrounding a concave abdominal valley with trim ab muscles and a tight outie belly button. I can raise up and see the curve of his right buttock surging back from his slim waist.

I look slowly around his side, coming forward from Nick's butt. Very slowly and carefully, I scoot down in the bed until my head is lying level with Nick's pelvis. Head in one hand, I gaze at Nick's crotch at a distance of six inches, as his hips move gently in time with his breathing. I can feel the warmth of his body on my face. Nick shifts position again. He's on his left side facing me with his left leg slightly crooked toward me, his left knee grazing my chest, his right leg angled back and his left hand resting against the back of my head. From here Nick's cock is big enough to fill my vision. It's draped toward me with the head a couple of inches from my face. I can trace each vein and each ridge on his cock as it wells up from his body. Nick shifts a little more and sighs. I can see his cock grow a little and start climbing forward over his leg toward me. Two big veins are now clearly visible coming down the shaft. Then a couple of side veins spread laterally around like gnarled tree roots. The dense, kinky black forest of pubic hair at the base thins as it climbs up the base of Nick's cock. An inch out from his body there are only a dozen hairs kinking in crazy directions. From there on out, his cock is ropy and hairless. A guy's cock and balls have a faint but distinctive smell. It's a musky animal smell, but it's delicate and tangy and pleasant. From where I am I can readily smell Nick's scent. It's like my own, but with more of a loamy hint. I inhale deeply, drinking it in to the full.

I imagine standing next to a stallion, with my eyes next to his shoulders, looking across his broad back. From here the broad lateral curve of Nick's cock is just as big and magnificent. My eyes are low enough to see the underside of it, where the broad ropy ridge of his come-tube comes straight up the underside. I take in this under-ridge inch by inch and follow it up from the hairy base with my eyes. Every inch has its own veins and texture. A couple of inches up, in the gentle groove between the under-ridge and the main shaft, there is a little dark freckle. When I first came down to Nick's crotch, his cock head was shrouded in foreskin, puckered over the tip like a full mouth making a loose, rosy O. But now the cock has started to grow and to inch towards me, and the O is opening up as the shaggy skin stretches and thins. I can see the front of his cock head starting to appear through the O. There's the pee slit and a few millimeters of smooth, velvety purple cock head glinting in the dim light. That pee slit is a little puckered, with gentle brown lips of skin on either side.

Nick is still sleeping but he's moving a little restlessly and he's a little turned on. His left foot shifts toward me and meets my own crotch. The caress of his instep feels so peaceful. The lower shaft of my cock is nestled between his big toe and its neighbor. With every few breaths, his foot shifts slightly against my cock and his other toes brush against my balls. I stay like this watching his cock and his gentle breathing for a long time. His left hand unconsciously grasps my curly black hair in back and kneads it gently. Now I'm looking at the clean, curving line where his hip joins his abdomen. The flat bulge of his middle abdomen ends in a boundary line that curves out, and up nearly to vertical, and then turns abruptly to make a little shelf that angles straight back across his side, a little below the height of his tight navel. I look down from the navel and see a line of half-inch long coarse hairs arrowing straight down to the cock below. Raising my head up, I can see between Nick's legs. Looking through, I can see the sensuous bulge of his butt cheeks as they curve away from the central crack. These lines come inward and disappear just under his loose hanging balls. Two parallel grooves mark the boundary between his thighs and his body.

From this viewpoint I can look down Nick's right leg. The swelling thigh shows a rocky quadriceps muscle in front, forking to each side of the knee. It's decorated with strong half-inch hairs that extend down past his knee and past a bulging calf muscle to his sinewy ankle. A long streak of faint moonlight glints off the top of his thigh and extends down his calf, highlighting two or three ridges of muscle running down the flank. The light angles from his trim foot, showing parallel tendons fanning out towards his elegant toes.

Nick is still sleeping soundly, stirring and nestling lightly against me every so often. I long to touch him. I gently rest my left palm against his left thigh. Nick gives a faint "Ohh", and continues his regular breathing. My fingers move up his leg imperceptibly. This is so delicious. I want it last forever. After many minutes, my middle finger is against his leg just below the shaft of his cock. I move the last millimeter and let my finger touch that swelling under-ridge. Nick sighs softly and seems to nestle his cock toward my fingers. I'm engulfing his cock and my caressing fingers with my eyes. My gaze sweeps over that broad, glistening shaft coming out towards me across his leg. I look along it from the base, gazing through the tight skin over each vein and goose bump, over the broad saddle-back that marks the back of his covered cock-head and forward over the cushiony brown foreskin with his swelling cock-head pushing through in front.

Something is glistening on the pee hole. As I watch, my four fingers nestle into the hollow between Nick's cock and his left leg. The cock-lips pucker slightly and a dewy drop of pre-come emerges. It grows into a shiny bead standing out along the pee hole. Soon it will grow big enough to drip down. Slowly I stick my tongue out and bend my head toward Nick's cock until my tongue meets the drop. My lips close over the tip of his cock. I can feel and taste the salty, silky drop of pre-come. My lips brush against the front boundary of Nick's foreskin. With a languid "Ahhh" Nick turns more toward me, pushing his cock forward into my mouth.

Nick's not peacefully sleeping anymore. The feeling of my mouth around his cock has made Nick come alive. His left leg straightens out and pushes against me. His right leg swings over and I feel his foot caress my butt. I feel the fingers of his right hand exploring my left ear. And I hear him say "Ohhh, God, Tim! God, that's so fine!" His cock has come alive, too. The head of it has gotten big and grown out of its foreskin. It's pushing against the roof of my mouth, and kind of vibrating. His pelvis is shaking a little. I guess he's trying not to go wild and lose the moment. Let's see what slow pleasure I can give him. My left hand slides over Tim's hip and around to his right buttock with my forearm resting on his outstretched right thigh. I bury my fingers into his quivering butt crack. But the main action is with my mouth and tongue. I've been longing to engulf this beautiful creature for the last hour. Now I can drink in with my mouth what I've been drinking with my eyes.

I curl my tongue back to touch the underside of Nick's pee-hole, then I push a little harder and draw it down into that furrow where the two sides of the head join underneath. My tongue's wide enough to caress the two sides of the head at once. I keep going down and run down the center of Nick's cock-tube. A tongue is sensitive. I can feel each little wrinkle and bump and vein. Nick gives a little shudder and squeezes my hair and pulls his foot tighter against my butt. My tongue comes back up the left side of his cock tube, up to the tip, slowly down the center again, then back up the right side. Next time, the tongue veers off to follow the groove behind his head. I can't reach too far, so I turn my head and get my tongue pretty far up towards the top of the head. Then I lick back and slowly trace the groove around the other side, turning my head the other way to reach as far as possible. Then I draw back so my lips are just kissing the tip. I slowly move forward and let my lips climb over the back of his head and all around that groove. Nick has a big cock now; it has pushed my mouth wide open. I keep climbing along with my lips with my tongue massaging in the vee under the head.

Nick's cock has reached the back of my mouth now. I just wish I could devour it. Let's see how deeply I can take it in. I push it back against my glottis. Can Nick feel that little throat-hanger in my throat against his cock-head? I push further and Nick pushes forward, too. I gag and pull back a half inch, and caress for a second or two with my tongue and lips. Then I push forward again slowly and try not to gag. I delay the reflex a little longer this time before pulling back. A few seconds of caressing and then another try. After a few tries I can hold that big head in my throat. I can even make swallowing motions and feel Nick shiver with delight.

My right arm is getting cramped. I wiggle it out from under my body and snake it up long Nick's left side. I go up past his pelvis, over that ledge marking the bottom of his abdomen, up his side, along his lat muscle. My fingers caress his curly armpit hair, his neck tendons and his bulging throat before reaching his jaw. Nick is passionate now. He flicks his head and grabs my fingers in his wet mouth, licking and nibbling. My little finger and thumb are the only ones free. I stroke his stubbly jaw line. Now I'm moving slowly in and out over Nick's cock. His hands are clutching my hair and my left ear and left cheek. "Oh Tim, Tim!" he says through my fingers. With each stroke my lips are able to reach a little further forward on his shaft, savoring veins and texture as his head reaches a little deeper in my throat and meets a soft contraction. On the way out I suck in strongly, forcing my tongue against Nick's come-tube for its full length and the back of his cock against the roof of my mouth. I can feel the head expand from my suction.

Nick starts shuddering strongly. In a few seconds he'll come. I bring my hands down to the two sides of his pelvis and firmly push him away. I scoot up on the bed until we're face to face, and grab his head between my two hands. "Nick, you're so beautiful." I say. "Let's keep this going awhile." Nick is panting and with each breath comes a little moan. "OK, man. Good. This is so great." Nick drinks me in with his eyes, wraps his arms around my chest and hugs me as hard as he can. His mouth searches for my neck and buries itself there. Then it's back to my lips and he's holding my head and kissing me ardently.

"Are you ready to go again?" I ask. "Oh God, yes!" But instead of going down on him again, I hop out of bed and turn on the lamp. Nick is sitting on the bed now, holding his knees, his lips parted, his head toward me, his eyes hungrily exploring my body. "Hey, Big Guy, where did you get that monster dick, and those shoulders?" he asks. "Com'ere." I beckon. Let's try a little Greek wrestling. Hang your head back over the bed towards me. I'm gonna pick you up." He swivels around so his head is nearly touching the floor. I straddle him, taking in his lithe, outstretched body. I brace my calves against the bed, reach forward to grasp his hips on either side, and lift him up upside down. His knees come forward and I swing them over my right shoulder. Now that his legs are hooked over my shoulder, I can shift my right hand down to the small of his back as my left hand reaches down to hold onto his left shoulder.

"You OK?" I ask. "Yeah! This is cool!" Tim replies "What a cool view! I can see your butt cheeks between your legs. How's this feel?" At that moment I feel the warm wetness of his tongue against my balls and his left arm around my butt. "Hey, you're salty, man! You got any more salty places to lick?" "Well, I got kind of a syrupy place." "Huh? Hmmm. Let me guess." He pushes out from me with his right arm and his left arm swings up and grabs my left shoulder. He flexes his legs so his body scoots upward against mine. "Hey, this does look kind of syrupy," says Nick. I can feel his breath on my cock and then his warm lips around my cock-head. He's just kissing and licking the end, then licking my come-tube, licking up all my pre-come. Now he's holding the base of my cock and my balls in his right fingers and I can feel his lips climbing forward on my cock, a little at a time. I can feel his tongue outlining the back of my head. My breath starts coming in short pants with "Ah, ah, ah" coming out of me at each breath. Nick's cock is hot against my collarbone; his hairy thighs feel good weighing down against my shoulder and ear. I can reach up around his pelvis and grab his right buttock with my right hand. I can reach the crack and dig into it again with my fingers and wrap my hand around that hard gluteus muscle like some meaty football. I hug Nick hard as my mouth comes down to the bottom of his lat muscle to get a mouthful of skin and muscle.

When two people are facing each other, one's left side is next to the other's right side. But when one of the people is upside down, it's left to left and right to right.

"Let me down, Man." Nick pants, "You're too good to be true, but I'm turning purple." So I reach up to Nick's hips again and lift him off my shoulders while he reaches down for the bed with his strong hands. I let him go and he swings down onto the bed. "Too bad we can't both do that at once." says Nick. "Wait," I reply, "I think I know of a way." I step to the other side of the bed, grasp Nick's ankles and pull them until his head is on one side of the bed and his hips are on the other, with his legs going over the side. Then I come back to the side where his head is and sit down on the floor facing his wide black eyes. His head is propped up on one elbow, looking deeply into my eyes. He blinks a couple of times and gives a little sob, and a tear comes out. "Oh God, Tim. How could anything this beautiful happen to me? You're so magnificent and so gentle." I'm moved. I'm looking deep into his eyes as I give a deep sigh. "I feel the same way, Man." I hold his head between my hands and kiss him deeply.

Now I get up on my knees and start licking Nick's chin. I lick down his Adam's apple, down in the little hollow between his throat tendons, down that cleft between his pec muscles, crawling forward on the bed. I soon feel Nick doing the same to me from underneath. I get below his ribs to his belly. I open my mouth wide, turn my head a little sideways and take in a big mouthful of his muscular belly flesh. Nick gets the idea and does the same to me. He's biting just hard enough to hurt a little. He bites on the other side. Now I can feel the hot line of his cock against my forehead. I scoot down further until I'm level with it. Then I shift over on my side beside Nick. I reach up and pull his right thigh down under my head. Nick does the same thing with my right leg. Then he swings his left leg up over my head. My head is nestled between his legs with that big cock sticking out a couple of inches from my mouth. I reach around the back of his left leg and hook his knee under my arm. I'm just drinking that cock in with my eyes and nose and inching my lips towards it. But Nick has a different approach. He's already got me deep in his mouth and is going gently in and out, sucking strongly on the out-stroke. His curly hair brushes back and forth against my inner thigh.

My right hand is into Nick's butt crack again while my left reaches around his lower back and scratches gently. Now is the moment I've been anticipating. My mouth comes in and slides over Nick's cock, over the tip, over the head. The cock is upside down now. I can easily outline the saddle-back groove of his head with my tongue. But I can't reach the vee cleft on the other side to caress the most sensitive place on a guy's cock. I'll have to do it with the roof of my mouth. I go deep with my lips climbing over the shaft and the head plunging into my throat. I feel Nick doing the same to me. I can't believe I can feel his throat contract around my head when I push forward. He's reached up and grabbed the instep my right foot in his right hand with his fingers reaching around to the tender sole. His left hand is crawling on the small of my back. This is bliss. I'm quivering with excitement. My body is shaking; my cock is throbbing. I reach Nick's cheek and push it away a little while I suck hard and deep on his cock. Pretty soon Nick is shaking hard and I push into his mouth again. He sucks with surprising force and my cock head reacts by getting bigger than ever, bigger than is possible. My toes curl against the side of his little finger and my leg tries to straighten, pulling hard against his arm. I feel Nick's cock-head mushrooming and vibrating in my mouth and feel the spasms of coming deep down at the base of his balls. He gives a mighty suck, suck, suck and I start coming too. "Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahhhh!"

Nick has relaxed a bit and has reached around to hug me to him. His soft cock is swimming languidly in my mouth in a pool of his come. I savor the creamy texture and the tart, animal taste. I purse my lips around his cock and give two big swallows, then draw it gradually out of my mouth, licking off the rest of his come. Nick is still holding my relaxed cock in his mouth, making rhythmic sucking motions like a baby.

We lie like this for a few minutes. Then I sit up, and soon Nick follows. We wrap our arms around each other and lay with our heads on each other's shoulders, as our breathing gradually slows down and gets even again. My gaze strays down the back of his arm. "I'll never forget this night, Nick," I murmur. "That lust and passion reached right to the bottom of me. I didn't know it was possible." "It's enough to make a guy religious," says Nick with a last hug and back scratch. We could see the sky getting pink outside the window. "Let's go for a run on the beach."

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