No Matter How Far

By moc.loa@rehctawehtsanoJ

Published on Sep 16, 2002


Here is chapter three it is a little shorter but a little stronger. Email me at

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No Matter How Far The watchers chronicle Chapter 3 When the cold sets in How far would you go to get noticed?

Little River always had that serene quiet feel in the mornings. If you listened just right you could hear the river at the furthest point away. On this particular morning it was as if something bad was coming to little river. It was almost too quiet. No birds, no cars and no people, and it was a little colder outside. Andrew Marcus noticed this as he pulled up to the house that his parents had bought him while he stayed in Little River.

Andrew I can already smell boredom I thought as I looked around. This town had that ghost town quality in the morning. The area looked nice enough but I already knew the type of people that live here, The ones that I have been living with my whole life. I'm tired of this life.

Four Blocks over Matthew sat looking at Ian sound asleep on his couch. His angelic face seemed so smooth and his lips seemed so soft and delectable. Matthew was at a lost for words when Matthews mother came into the room holding two cups of coffee.

"Honey why don't you come with me and let him sleep." Matthews's mother said motioning Matt to go into the kitchen.

Janet Weir had lost a lot in the past two years. She lost her eldest son, and she almost lost Matthew in a drug overdose. Knowing how close her son was to going down that same path that her eldest son did. She secretly made a bow to her remaining son to be there for him.

"So Matthew tell me what happened between you two." she said trying to put a serious face secretly wishing that Matthew and Ian were friends again.

"His parents kicked him out and he wandered here."

"Ian's parents kicked him out of the house? Matthew why?

"I don't know he wouldn't tell me why."

Ian had heard the conversation and had started to cry. Where was he going to go he thought? He stood up and headed towards the door as he past the fireplace he saw a picture of him and Matthew at an amusement park. They were both smiling. Matthew watched from the kitchen as Matt picked up the picture.

Matthew God he is gorgeous I thought. Even though he was there standing in front of me he seemed unattainable. His gaze was far and he seemed broken. I just wanted to hold him and make him feel better.

I walked over to him and said, "that was taken when we were ten."

"I remember that day," he said still holding the picture.

Tony stood outside of a local convenience store waiting. Last night he had gotten a call from his brother. His father had kicked his brother out of the house after an argument they had. Tony had not heard from him in a couple of years.

Across the street Ricky sat staring at Tony. Tony was always nervous. He thought looking at his younger brother. Ricky had lived in little river a little over a year now. He lived with his wife and baby son in the North part of Little River. His father had kicked him out when his father found out that he had gotten his girlfriend pregnant. Ricky had found out by his aunt that they had moved to his town and he took it as an opportunity to regain his relationship with his family.

Tony had started to get uncomfortable and Ricky noticed and walked across the street.

"Hey Tony" Ricky said timidly.

"Uh hi"

Ricky walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"How you've been. You've gotten bigger bro."

"Uh yeah and you look good too."

"Thanks look um I know you have to get to school so why don't I meet you after we have a lot to catch up on, and I have a couple of people you should meet."

"Ok" Tony said giving his brother another hug and walking over to his car.

Ricky walked back across the street and went into the restaurant to work his shift. Neither of them knowing that there was a reason why their parents had decided to move to Little River.

Margaret sat alone in her room when the doorbell rang. She walked over to the front door and as she opened it a cold breeze hit her. A young man greeted her at the door.

"Can I help you?" Margaret asked shivering.

"I am looking for your mother."

"She isn't home and I need to go to school."

"Cool you can ride with me."

"Um look thanks for your offer but I don't know you."

"Well I am your cousin Andrew."

Margaret looked up at him with her mouth open.

"I don't have a cousin," she said questionably.

"Yes you do. Now do you want to go to school or not?"

Margaret slammed the door kneeling down.

"He did look a lot like me, but on the other hand there is a lot of people that look like each other and aren't related." she said to herself.

Margaret opened the door to a confused Andrew.

"Ok but I can defend myself if you are a pervert."

"Uh sure but that would be kind of sick me being your cousin and all."

Across Town in an exclusive neighborhood Jennifer pulls out of her driveway. On her thoughts were Ian and how she was going to tell him the news. The only thing that was clear was that something interesting was happening in her life and she wasn't going to hide her secret anymore. The only people she had to deal with were her parents.

Three houses down the road Reese opened his door to head for his car. He shivered as the cold hit him. "Today was going to be different," he said to himself. "Maybe I will meet somebody interesting."

Jessica felt accomplished. She helped Jennifer with her hard times and gained a friend from it, but sometimes she feels that she is truly alone because nobody is capable of helping her. The one thing that she never realized was that the person capable of helping her is always a few feet away from her, but maybe it's too late.

Tony walked into school shaken up. Last night the person he last expected to hear from was his brother Ricky. He wandered through the front lobby to homeroom and sat down absentmindedly. His thoughts were on what his brother said. He was going to be introduced to a couple of people. What did that mean? He thought.

Tony Ricky is here, I kept saying this in my head like it was a trance. Why now? Everyday I have something new to deal with. Why can't I just have a normal day?

Ian and Matt arrived to school together. Seeing them together caught the crowd's attention as they walked into the school. Matt had a little smile on his face but Ian didn't like it so he walked in quickly and straight to his homeroom while Matt split trying to find Margaret.

Ian sat down next to Jennifer. He was visibly distraught and she knew something was wrong with him, and it was something big. Her secret had to wait.

"Ian what's wrong?"

Ian was broken from the trance he was currently in and looked up at Jennifer.

"Huh what?"

"What's wrong?"


"Ian I know there is something wrong. Now tell me."

"My father kicked me out last night."

Margaret, Jennifer, Jessica, Ian, Matt, Reese, and Andrew all sat in their Homerooms while Robert walked into his homeroom with an expressionless face and blood dripping from his nose. Putting his hand in his pocket he slammed the door. As the door slammed the whole class looked up at him.

"Oh god." the teacher said walking over to him.

"Step back." he yelled at her while he pulled out a gun.

All the students including the teacher started to scream and make their way to the back of the class.

"Now, now, now do you feel scared? Touch that fucking door and I will shoot." He said at the teacher that was making her way to the back door.

"Robert why are you doing this?" the teacher yelled at him.

"Why not? It seems to be the only way I get noticed."

The homeroom bell rang and the halls were being populated with students. Robert knew this and had planned accordingly. He was going to shoot every person that came into that room. What he didn't plan on was Tony. As he looked at the doors Tony had slipped behind. Just as the first person walked in Tony jumped on him. A shot was fired and it hit through the window. A second shot was fired before Tony had knocked the gun out of his hand.

"Call the police" Tony yelled after he had wrestled Robert to the ground.

Robert got the upper hand on Tony and ran out of the classroom. He headed out the front doors hitting a couple of people and knocking them down. He ran all the way to his car got in and drove away.

Back in the classroom a small trickle of blood was coming from Reese and he began to feel cold.

Copyright The watcher 2002

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