No More School

By Toby Simon

Published on Apr 1, 2015


We awoke to the sound of someone opening the tent zip and panicked trying to work out if we should try to put on clothes and not make it obvious we had been sleeping naked together when Chris popped his head in through the opening.

"Shit you gave us a fright!"

"Sorry, I had to come over. Mum noticed me disappear yesterday evening and asked where I had gone."


"You're both invited for dinner tonight."


Chris could see the hesitation on our faces. "But you're not invited unless you train with me in your speedos this afternoon."

We both grinned at this and agreed. We spent the day being domestic. We shopped for some cereal and a few basic groceries. We did laundry including Chris's basketball shorts but not the twin's underwear. We even tidied up around the tent. During our tidying we realised how much cum was covering so many surfaces inside the tent, we were going to have to hose it out before we packed up and went home otherwise the next time Kent's parents went camping there would surely be questions for us to answer.

We were relaxing in our speedos in the chairs outside the tent close to the time when Chris was due to come arrive after school when Kent laughed, "training with him in our speedos huh? Yeh right." And then he pulled his cock out from the side of his speedo and started fisting it. I grinned at him and my own cock began filling and pushing at its lycra confine. My dick swelled more and I didn't have any wish to resist temptation so I fished mine out and fisted it too. We were stroking each other when Chris came around the base of the dune carrying his board.

He dropped it and climbed the dune, paused and then sunk to his knees in front of Kent and sucked him in. After slurping away for a minute or so he moved across to my cock, Kent moved round behind Chris and started stroking and groping his buns and balls. Chris pushed back against Kent's fingers as they stroked down his crevice. Kent pulled Chris's speedos to the side and pushed his tongue into Chris's ring. Chris lifted his mouth off my cock and groaned, "Yessssss! I missed you guys."

Kent stood and pulled Chris with him into the tent. When I got inside Kent was sitting on the mattress and Chris was on his hands and knees before him sucking away like a hungry lamb. I grabbed the lube and then pulled Chris's speedo to the side and slid my cock into him. He groaned and pushed back onto me. I pounded him for a few minutes when Kent pushed him away from his cock and started fisting it before it erupted all over Chris's face. The sight spurred me on and I emptied my load inside Chris.

"Right," said Kent getting to his feet, "time for training then," and marched out of the tent. Chris stood grinning as the cum dripped down off his face and onto his chest. His cock was tenting his speedos out away from his body. I stood to kiss him, licking at Kent's cum and slid my hand in through the waist band and tugged at his cock. Seconds later I was rewarded with a flood of cum, there had to have been days worth stored in his balls as it oozed through the speedo and ran down his legs. Cum from head to toe, Chris was grinning even more as he headed out and down the dune to his board.

Kent was already in the water when we caught up to him. As Chris paddled past him Kent leapt on behind him, grabbed him round the waist and growled in his ear, "You need to be fucked out here on your board don't you?" Chris just laughed and shoved Kent off before paddling away. Kent and I played in the breakers watching Chris as he got back into his serious regime and at his usual point he headed back in before coming back out to swim out beyond the breakers. Finally he joined us. "You've still got my cum in your hair," Kent laughed.

"And he's still got my cum in him," I said. We wrestled in the breakers getting dumped by the waves several times. Finally Chris reminded us that we were expected for dinner and suggested we come back to his place and shower and change there. Chris waited for us at the bottom of the dune as we shot up to our tent and shoved clean clothes into a bag. Back at Chris's place his mother was already home cooking dinner. I felt self conscious standing before her in my speedos as Chris made the introductions.

As we turned to head for their bathroom his mother called after us, "Chris, make sure you wash your hair properly." Even from behind I could tell Chris was flush with embarrassment. The shower in their main bathroom wasn't as big as his parents ensuite and had only the one shower jet but we could all fit in together. We each helped clean each others nooks and crannies and within a short time we were all hard as nails.

As Chris started to shampoo his hair Kent moved in behind him, "Well if you arent going to wear my cum to dinner you'll have to have it inside you." Chris bent slightly at the waist eager for Kent's intrusion. I turned round and backed myself onto Chris's cock and let Kent's thrusts push Chris into me. Chris came first and struggled to keep his orgasmic grunts quiet and then Kent emptied into him. We huddled for a final kiss and grope before turning off the showers and towelling ourselves dry.

Back in Chris's room I opened our bag and pulled out his basketball shorts, "We washed them for you."

"Well if I am going to sit at the dinner table with both of your cum in me then maybe you should both be wearing my underwear." We grinned our approval and the three of us set about exploring what Chris had to offer. Kent chose a pair of black boxer briefs with white stripes highlighting his package. Chris put on two pairs of blue boxer briefs, "In case I leak." I chose a well worn pair of red Calvin Klein briefs which were decidedly tight. As Kent groped me making me swell until the underwear threatened to burst Chris remarked, "Yes, my favourite pair for a couple of years now. I can't believe you can fit them."

We all put on cut-off jean shorts that hugged our butts and t-shirts. As we emerged his mother cast her eye over us before declaring, "Triplets! Thank god you've only arrived now and I haven't had three of you making mischief all these years."

"Oh I'm sure we've plenty of mischief left in us yet," I said causing Chris to blush again. His mother handed us beers and we headed out onto the balcony. Kent leant over the railing and looked back over his shoulder before waggling his bum suggestively. I sidled up beside Chris and said, "Last time he looked at you like that you fucked him, want to do it again?." Chris groaned and pawed at himself. Suddenly the door behind us opened and there stood his father. Introductions were again made and his father joined us with his beer.

Chris's father raved on about how well Chris had done at the competitions at the weekend and then revealed that in his teenage years he too had won similar competitions. Now he owned a factory making the boards and some surf wear. Chris's eyes suddenly lit up, "Hey! You guys need a job. You could work for dad." His dad looked at us seriously and began firing questions at us, before settling back in his chair with a look of contemplation on his face.

"I could use you boys, but you'd have to move over here. I'm not sure your parents would agree to that."

We were just beginning to excitedly discuss this when his mother stuck her head out the door and summoned us for dinner. The dinner conversation initially focussed on our moving over and working for his dad before returning to talk about Chris and his competitions and what he would do when he left school. Chris wanted to move to somewhere he could get paid to lifeguard, his parents wanted him to go to uni. A short while after dinner Chris suggested we go for another swim so we headed into his room and changed back into our wet speedos, threw our clothes in our bag and headed across the road and down between the dunes.

As we body surfed the talk of us moving and working for his dad and the fact that we could then all see and fuck each other regularly had us boned to the point that we had each without telling the other loosened the drawstring on our speedos and let our cocks poke out. One spectacularly good breaker that we all caught saw us rising to our feet in the shallows, our boners on display. We laughed and drew together for a mutual kiss and stroke.

"I want both of your loads in me again before I go home to sleep," Chris said heading up towards our tent. We hurried after him. He had stopped just inside the door and was just beginning to pull down his speedos when Kent slipped his cock straight in. Chris groaned and grabbed his prick and began stroking it, his speedos left mid thigh. I stood in behind Kent, my cock pressed firmly against his speedo clad buns and wrapped my arms arooud Kent as he fucked into Chris. Kent shuddered and came. As he moved away I slipped quickly in and grabbed Chris's speedos, pulling them up slightly higher I used them to pull Chris back onto me, then thrust bouncing him forward to use the speedos like a lasso to pull him back onto me again over and over. Chris's cock erupted spraying cum everywhere which sent me over the edge and I emptied inside his spasming ring.

We gathered together for a final sloppy kiss. Chris pleaded with us to move here and work for his dad. We all agreed that there could be nothing better. Chris left and we sat outside enjoying the final rays of sun.

Next: Chapter 5

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