No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Dec 12, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal Disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey there! (I'm not saying "Y'all" anymore, there's not enough people...Unless there were actually people reading but they don't take time to write?) Anyways, I don't care, I love writing so I'm not gonna stop just because I have only 2 fans left ;) Here's chapter 22 of NSA, hope you like it! If you've got ideas, suggestions, comments (bad or good) let me know: Please take time to go and read 'My surprise Romance' by Gabriella Morrisson, 'In synchronicity' by Will, 'Brian and me' by DLS, and 'Brian and Justin' by JM. These are my personal favourites but there are many other great stories out there on Nifty! waves Hey Neal! ;) Thanks for being there and sticking by me man, I luvya! Okay, without further ado, on with the show.


The next day was a free day for the N'syncers. They all got up at different hours but they had agreed on getting together for breakfast at 10 in the hotel's restaurant. At 9:30, Lance and Justin were up and Justin was in the shower while Lance shaved his beautiful features, dressed in only his boxers. "Lance?" Justin called softly while soaping up his hands. "What?" Lance asked, carefully sliding his razor on his cheek. "What are we?" Justin asked. "What do you mean?" Lance asked, puzzled. "What are we, a couple, fucking friends, lovers...?" Justin asked. "I don't know...Do you feel ready to make a commitment?" Lance asked softly, grabbing a washcloth and wiping up his face. Justin turned off the shower and stepped out. He dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist. He put his arms around Lance's waist and rested his chin on Lance's bare shoulder, looking at Lance's reflection in the mirror. "If you are, then I am." Justin said softly. Lance smiled, then he spun on his heels and threw his arms around Justin's neck. He leaned in and placed a small kiss on Justin's lips. Justin smiled again and let go of Lance. "Go get dressed, I have to do my hair." Justin said. "And shave. Your cheeks are all rough." Lance said jokingly. Justin stuck his tongue at him and pushed him out of the bathroom. "Hey! I don't even get a kiss goodbye?" Lance pouted. "Are you sure you can handle my rough face?" Justin said seductively. "Your lips aren't rough..." Lance whispered as Justin leaned in and kissed him softly. Lance gently licked Justin's lips, then they parted. "You're a very good kisser Just." Lance said. Justin blushed. "Thanks..." he said, then he pecked Lance's lips one last time and went to shave his face. Lance walked to the closet and searched through his clothes for something to wear. At 10:00 sharp, Justin and Lance entered the empty restaurant, hand in hand. Seeing them, Joey nudged Chris in the ribs. Chris looked up from his newspaper and his eyes grew wide. When JC saw Chris' reaction, he looked behind him and saw Justin and Lance walking towards them, holding hands. He shook his head and looked back at the table. "Hey guys!" Justin said cheerfully, taking a seat beside Joey. The only seat left was beside JC. Lance reluctantly sat beside JC and sighed. Chris cleared his throat. "Hmm, I think we need to talk." he said. Everyone nodded. "Okay. First, we all know that JC and Lance's breakup is going to affect the group for a while. But I think it would be good if you guys were at least in good terms." Chris said, holding his hand to prevent JC from protesting. "Let me finish Jayce. I know that you are deeply hurt. And I'm not taking sides here Lance. I know you are both hurt by this breakup and you probably want to kill each other, but I want you to look past these issues and stay friends. We're a group, not just 5 guys happening to be together, we have to stay tight. Okay?" Chris said. JC and Lance both nodded. "Fine. The other thing is Justin and Lance being together. I have nothing against you guys being together, you're both adults, well almost, and you guys know what you are doing, hopefully. But I want you to consider that everytime you kiss, hold hands, hug or do whatever you guys do, JC is hurt. Again, I'm not taking sides. I'm just stating the facts. So you guys be careful okay? And I hope, Lance, that you're not using Justin to shit with Jayce's heart. It's not like you to use people, but sometimes when you're hurting you do stupid stuff. And JC, I hope that Justin being with Lance is not going to affect your relationship with Just too much. I know I'm asking you a lot guys, but please try to think about it, for the group's sake. We need to stick by each other til the end, and trust me, the end is far away from here. Any questions?" Chris asked. No one moved. "Great. Now, Jayce I want you to give Justin and Lance a hug." Chris said sternly. JC got up reluctantly, as did Justin and Lance. JC walked to his best friend and hugged him tightly. Justin wrapped his arms around JC and they stayed there for a long time, until JC felt something wet on his neck. Justin was crying. "I'm sorry Jayce. I really am. I didn't do this to hurt you..." Justin said, wiping his tears. "It's okay. I'll get over it someday." JC said, laughing through his own tears. Justin laughed too. "Look at us. Two big queens crying." Justin joked. JC laughed, then he walked to Lance and wrapped his arms around him. Lance did the same and he felt a huge lump in his throat. "You know James, I'm gonna be happy for you and Curly. Anyways, I can't do anything about it, now can I? If you two love each other, all I can do you is give you my blessing." JC said. Inside him, his heart was screaming NO!, but he knew it was the right thing to do. He didn't have enough strenght left to fight. "Thanks babe." Lance whispered without realising it. "What?" JC asked softly, confused. "Sorry, I'm just umm, so used to call you that..." Lance said. "It's okay." JC said simply, not wanting to show that this simple word was like a thousand knives shoved into his heart. He just held Lance tighter, holding back his tears. "I still love you. I always will. I'll always be there if you change your mind. Always. I love you that much." JC said. Lance sighed and remained silent. They parted and sat back. Joey adn Chris looked at them with smiles on their faces. "I'm proud of you guys." Chris said. Joey nodded in approval. Just then, the waitress arrived and they ordered. Later, JC, Chris and Joey went shopping, leaving only Justin and Lance at the hotel. They spent the first part of their afternoon having sex, then they just cuddled and watched a movie. As the credits rolled on the screen, Justin looked at Lance with a frown on his face. "What's wrong Just?" Lance asked, placing a small kiss on top of Justin's head. "When you started dating JC, were you sure about your feelings for him?" Justin asked. "Why do you wanna know that?" Lance asked. "I just wanna know." Justin said, flipping the tv shut. "Honestly? No. I knew I loved him, but how much? It was very hard at first cause he knew what he felt for me and he was ready to steal the moon for me and I...I don't know. It was weird, but it was also very flattering to have someone love me that much. Endlessly..." Lance said. "And now, what do you feel for me?" Justin asked. Lance sighed. "I don't know. I'm all messed up inside. But I feel good with you." Lance said. "Better than with JC?" Justin asked. Lance closed his eyes. "No." he said softly. He waited for Justin to do something, throw him out, yell, cry, SOMETHING. He opened his eyes. Justin had a small smile on his face. "What?!?" Lance asked. "At least you're honest..." Justin laughed. Lance was horrified. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. "I didn't watch the movie. I thought about you and I instead. I saw the way Jayce hugged you, and the way you hugged him back. I saw the way you looked at him, the way you say his name like it was some kind of prayer. You may be confused right now, but ask anyone and they'll tell you. You're in love with Jayce, not me." Justin said. "God, Just, you're saying this as it was nothing!" Lance said. "Am I?" Justin asked. "But what about you?" Lance asked. "I still have this crush on you I told Jayce about. I told him I had feelings for you, but he blew it out of proportion and thought I was like head over heels. But now that I know what it is to be with a guy and that my issues about being gay are straightened out, I know that it's only a crush. I was kinda confused myself, and there was this whole other level of confusion about my sexuality and I think I was blinded by that." Justin admitted. Lance closed his eyes, and unintentionnally let out a huge relief sigh. "So...that's the end of the small 'us' that existed?" Lance asked. "Yeah. We can't go on pretending we love each other, when you obviously are not over JC and he's not over you either." Justin said. "You know what? I wonder why they call you the baby of the group. You're so much wiser than most of us are..." Lance said, placing a kiss on Justin's forehead. "So, where does that leave us now?" Lance added. "We're still friends, but we just happen to know every detail of each other's umm...anatomy." Justin said, blushing slightly. Lance laughed and got up. "Okay. Now you're not gonna go and tell everyone how good I am in bed now are you?" Lance joked. "Nope." Justin said, grinning. "But if Jayce and I get back together, which I strongly doubt, you'll be available for a threesome?" Lance asked jokingly. Justin broke his smile. "You don't really doubt that JC will take you back into his life?" Justin asked. "Yeah. Despite what he said, I know it's gonna take some time before he just forgives me." Lance said, pulling on some boxers. Justin got up, put on some boxers too and wrapped his arms around Lance. "Everything will be fine Lance." Justin said with confidence. "You think so?" Lance asked. "I know so. Remember, I'm the wise one here. Now I want one last thing before we break up officially." Justin said shyly. "What, oh Wise One?" Lance asked with a smile. "Kiss me one last time." Justin requested. Lance smiled and placed his lips on Justin's. He slipped his tongue between Justin open lips, exploring every millimeter of his mouth, then he licked Justin's lips and closed his mouth, leaving one last small kiss on Justin's lips. "There." Lance said simply. "Thank you." Justin said, then he slapped Lance's ass. "Now, go get ready and call JC's cell. Tell him that he has to meet you in some restaurant in an hour." Justin commended. Lance smiled and complied. First, he dialed JC cell phone number and waited for JC to answer. "Hello?" JC said at the other end of the line. "Hey, it's Lance. Where are you?" Lance asked. "Duh. I can still recognise you, you know. I'm at Abercrombie & Fitch, me and the guys are almost done. Why?" JC asked. "Could you meet me somewhere in like an hour?" Lance asked. "Why?" JC asked again. "I have to talk to you, it's important. We could go and grab something to eat and go to this small park I saw on my way here yesterday, what do you say?" Lance asked. JC sighed. "Fine. I'll meet you in the lobby in at 5:30, there's a chinese restaurant near the hotel." JC said. "Okay. Great, thank you. See ya later." Lance said. "Yeah. Bye." JC said before hanging up. Lance shut his phone, then he smiled at Justin. "He's gonna come." Lance said happily. Justin smiled back. "See?" He said. Then Lance went to the bathroom, grabbed a quick shower, combed his hair, brushed his teeth, then he went back to the room, half an hour later, to get dressed. He chose some casual clothes, since they were going outside; dark blue baggy jeans, a light green dressy shirt and a white wife beater underneath. He stood in front of a still half-naked Justin. "How do I look?" Lance asked. "Stunningly gorgeous." Justin said with a sad sigh. Lance blushed. "You don't regret anything now, do you?" Lance asked. "No...You're just really handsome. That's all." Justin said. It made Lance blush even more, and Justin laughed. "You're fine Lance. Everything will be perfect, trust me." Justin said. "Thanks Just. I better get going now." Lance said. "Why? You still have like twenty minutes!" Justin said. "I know. But I don't wanna stay here doing nothing cause I'll either die from nervousness or fuck your brains out cause you're so sexy wearing only your boxers." Lance said jokingly. Justin blushed and laughed at the same time. "I'm gonna go for a walk around the corner and come back to the lobby to wait for Jayce." Lance said, throwing on his shoes. "Okay. Have a good time!" Justin said. Lance got out and walked towards the small park he told JC about earlier. Fifteen minutes later, he was back at the hotel, waiting for JC. He was sitting on one of the couches, biting his nails like there was no tomorrow. "Nervous James?" He heard a familiar voice ask. He jerked his head in the direction the voice was coming from, and there stood JC in all his glory. He quickly got up and smiled nervously. "Hey. Umm, let's go." He said, even his voice shaking. "Man, what happened, why are you nervous?" JC asked as they walked past the doors of the hotel. Lance decided to be honest. "Because tonight I have to woo you and I have no idea how I'm gonna do that." Lance admitted. JC looked at him, surprised. "What happened with you and Justin?" JC questionned. Lance told him the whole story while they walked to the restaurant and while they ordered their take-outs. Then they walked silently to the park and sat down in the grass. "Say something Jayce." Lance pleaded. "I don't know what to say. Really. As appealing you are right now, I don't know if I should jump into your arms right now, let you win me back or just send you to hell and never speak to you again." JC said. Lance was taken aback by JC's harsh words. He hung his head low and sighed. "I probably won't choose the last option cause you're way too important to me." JC said. Lance looked up with hope in his eyes. "But I know I won't choose the first one either. As you said, you have to woo me." JC said. "So you're ready to have me back, even after all I did to you?" Lance asked. JC nodded. "I told you this morning. I love you that much." JC said. Lance smiled broadly. JC looked at him for a long time, then finally gave in and smiled too. "You know what? I've been through hell these past few days. But right now I think I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Joey was right" JC admitted. "What about?" Lance inquired. "He told me that everything would be fine. That everything would work out for the best. I think it did..." JC said. Lance smiled again. They ate the rest of their meals in silence, then JC got up. "Up for a walk?" he asked Lance. "Sure." Lance said, getting up too. They threw their empty boxes in a garbage, and walked side by side in they park's alleys, and as the night began to fall the alleys were getting darker and darker. After a while, Lance dared to take JC's hand in his own. "I know we're in public." Lance said before JC could bring it up. "Are we still going to out ourselves?" JC asked. "Do you want to? I'm still up for it, but I want you to be ready too." Lance said. "I'm still up for it too." JC said. "And do you want to out 'us' too, if there's an us..." Lance asked shyly. JC didn't reply, but he stopped walking and pulled Lance to him, then he wrapped his arms around him. Lance followed his lead and put his arms around JC's waist. Then JC tilted his head a little and pressed his lips on Lance's. They kissed for a while, in the middle of the park, in front of everyone else, and after a few minutes, they parted. "That felt good." Lance pointed out. "Yup." JC said with a smile. "You know, Justin was the first to make me doubt my feelings for you. Nothing had ever made me doubt that you were the one for me. But you know what I realised?" Lance asked. "What?" JC asked. "I love you even more than I thought." Lance said, grinning. JC smiled too and kissed Lance another time. "Let's head back to the hotel. I'm getting cold." JC said. "Okay." Lance said, and he slipped his arm around JC's waist. "Better now?" Lance asked. JC nodded happily. "Everything's always better when you're with me. I don't remeber which of the guys said that, but I'm no good without you." JC said softly. When they got back to their room, there was a note on the door. "We're not letting you in if you're not together, as in a couple. So you better work things out, if it's not already done..." Lance read out loud. JC laughed and grabbed Lance's hand, then he knocked at the door with his free hand. Joey cracked the door open. "Do you know the password?" he asked. "Umm, I love JC?" Lance suggested. Joey smiled and fully opened the door. "I'm glad you two worked things out." he said, lightly squeezing JC's shoulder. "I am too, trust me." JC said. "We're not done with the whole explanation session, but we're back together." Lance said, looking at JC for his approval. JC nodded. "And we decided to go public, as a couple, as soon as possible." JC said as they sat on the couch with the rest of the guys. "Cool. Just make sure you speak with management before, so they don't kill us...I know we don't have to tell them everything as we had to before, but they still manage us." Chris said. JC nodded. "I'll call them first thing in the morning tomorrow, while you guys go wherever you have to go." JC said. He looked at Justin, and was relieved to see he had a smile on his face. "Umm, Lance, are you moving your stuff out of my room tonight?" Justin asked. "Uh, I don't know...Do you want me to?" Lance asked, looking at JC. "Yeah. Besides, it's only eight thirty, so you've got more than enough time. Let's do it, I'm gonna help you." JC said, getting up. "Okay." Lance said, standing too. "Do you guys need me?" Justin asked. "Feel free to keep us company if you want." JC said. "Okay!" Justin said happily. Joey and Chris remained in the living room, sitting side by side. "And everyone lived happily ever after." Joey said.


There ya go folks! Don't forget to e-mail me! ;)

Next: Chapter 19

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