No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Jan 18, 2001


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey!! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! May 2001 bring you all love, happiness, money, sucess, and much much more.

By the way, sorry for the delay. I was supposed to have the new chapter ready for like January 2nd, but I was too lazy to write anything...Forgive me, pwease? batting eyelashes

Go read these! - My surprise romance - Brian and me - In synchronicity - Hold the pickle - French kiss me - Because I love you - ...


The music was playing at full blast as the five N'Syncers moved their bodies to the beat in the crowded night club. It was their last free night. The next day was the first day of the last leg of the 'No strings attached' tour and the guys had agreed on going to a club together with no 'significant other', which meant no Christopher, Eve and Rachael. So Chris and Joey were gladly grinding their bodies with other girl's, while Justin had a girl litterally glued to him, so much he could barely move. Didn't he wish to have Christopher's arms around his neck instead of this girl's... JC had his arm around Lance's waist as Shaggy's "Boombastic" blared through the speakers. They both had had a few drinks and they were drunk enough to dance rather suggestively together. Lance had his lips near JC's ear and was whispering dirty words, wanting to turn JC on as it was their first and last night together for a long time. Lance's dad living with them was really nice, but it was also really hard, since any of the three were comfortable with any form of displays of affection between the two lovers. That also meant no sex at night. So both Lance and JC were extremely horny, and their pants were starting to be way too tight. JC's left knee was between Lance's legs and rubbing against his crotch area, making Lance's erection grow even bigger everytime he moved. Sweat poured from their foreheads as they looked in each other's eyes, lost in their own world. As soon as the song ended, JC reached for Joey. "Joey!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, trying to be heard over the loud music. "What?" Joey replied with an equally loud voice. "We're leaving!" JC shouted. "Okay! Have fun! See you tomorrow!" Joey said. "Yeah, see ya!" Lance yelled, then he grabbed JC's hand and pulled him towards the exit. Lance kept JC's hand in his, both of them trying to walk properly. They reached JC's mercedes in a few minutes and JC handed Lance his keys. "I'm way too drunk to drive. You go ahead." JC slurred. Lance raised his brows, but grabbed the keys anyways and sat down on the driver's side. He started the engine, fastened his seatbelt and pulled out of the parking lot, JC already asleep on the passenger's seat. He drove in the direction of their appartment, but at some point, he didn't know when or why, he took a wrong turn. After a while, realising he was lost, Lance made a u-turn. He hadn't seen the ten-wheels truck coming on the other way. When he saw it, it was too late. He heard some metal screeching, and glass being broken, then everything was black. The last thing he heard was JC screaming.

Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep... Lance opened his eyes, and closed them back immediately. The lights were way too bright. He felt like shit. Every single part of him ached, even parts he didn't even know he had on his body. The worst was his head. It was like it had been hit on a reinforced concrete wall a thousand times. He felt someone holding his hand. He squeezed it, and the other hand sqeezed back. He heard some whisperings, but he didn't bother to try to understand what they were saying. He was too weak. "James, baby, can you hear me?" he heard a female voice say. "Uh, yeah...where am I?" he asked softly. His mouth was dry and his tongue was coated. "You're at the hospital." the same voice replied. Lance recognised that voice. "Mom?" he called, slowly opening his eyes. His vision was blurry, but he could recognise his mom, Stacey, Joey and a small man with gray hair. "I'm here baby. I'm here." Diane Bass said, smiling through her tears. "I'm glad to see you mom. Why am I at the hospital?" Lance asked, closing his eyes. "You had an accident. Your car was hit by a ten-wheel truck...You were drunk. That's why you don't remember. You've been here for two days." Diane said. Suddenly, Lance remembered. The pain. The noises. The heartbreaking scream. "Where's JC?" He asked, opening his eyes again. He looked at his mom, who was looking at the floor. Joey had tears in his eyes and Stacey had found a sudden interest in her hands. The doctor was reading something that was apparently really interresting on his wooden pad. "What? What happened to him? Where is he?" Lance asked frantically. He feared the worst. "Is he dead?" he asked in a small voice. "No. He's in Intensive Cares. He's had a severe concussion. He's in a coma. We don't know what's gonna happen to him." Joey said softly. "Oh my God! Is he going to be okay?" Lance asked, looking at the doctor. "We don't know yet. He could wake up tomorrow, or he could stay in this coma for years, or he could die. We don't know." the old man said. Lance closed his eyes and let a few tears fall on his cheeks. "Can I see him?" Lance asked. "Obviously not. You have to stay in that bed until at least tonight. You have three broken ribs, and your left arm has been injured ." the doctor said sternly. Lance sighed. The doctor filled a few papers, then he left the room. Stacey yawned. "Stace, how long have you been here?" Lance asked, wiping his eyes. "Uh...we arrived yesterday morning and never left since." Stacey said. "Mom, I'm fine now. You and Stacey should go to my place and rest." Lance suggested. "I'll stay with him Mrs Bass." Joey said. Diane sighed and stood. "I'll come back tonight. Until then, you have some rest, okay?" she said, then she and Stacey walked out of the room. Joey took the chair Diane once sat in and sat down in it. "Is there someone with Jayce?" Lance asked worriedly. "Yeah. His mom, Chris and Justin. Chris...Chris blames you for what happened to JC. He's really mad at you." Joey said softly. "I know it's my fault. I could have killed him Joe! And maybe I will, he's not in a safe state yet. God, I want to see him so bad...I wish I could take that damned night back...I wish I was the one dying..." Lance said, crying freely. Joey grabbed his hand. "Don't ever say that Lance. It's not your fault. You didn't kill him. And he's gonna live through this, I swear." Joey said with tears in his eyes. "I hope you're right Joey. Because if you're not, I don't know what I'm gonna do." Lance said, his voice barely above a whisper.

During the next few hours, Lance kept asking the nurses to see JC, and he was bugging them so much that at about six p.m., one of them sighed and brought him a wheelchair. "There. Ask your friend to bring you over there. If you feel weak, dizzy or if you're hurting, just call me, okay?" she said. Lance nodded and, with Joey and the nurse's help, he sat in the chair. He tried to hide his pain-filled face with a grin. "Are you okay?" the nurse asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Lance lied. Truth was, his ribs hurt like hell, but he wanted to see JC so much that he didn't care. The nurse left and Joey pushed the wheelchair to JC's room. He opened the door and peeked in. Chris, Justin and Karen Chasez were all gone. "All clear!" Joey said lowly. Lance felt his eyes begin to water at the sight of his boyfriend. Joey pushed the chair to the side of the bed and walked out of the room. "If you need anything, I'll be right outside, okay?" Joey said. Lance nodded, not taking his eyes away from JC. He took JC's hand in his own, careful not to move the IVs that were running through his arm. "I'm so sorry Jayce..." He whispered, then he bursted out in tears. "God, don't let him die...Please God, let him be okay." Lance sobbed. He leaned in and pressed his lips against JC's cheek. "Don't leave me baby, I need you. You have to wake up. We're gonna go public, and then we'll get married and have a thousand kids." Lance smiled through his tears. "Now you're gonna tell me that guys can't get pregnant, but it doesn't hurt to try now does it?" Lance said softly, carressing JC's cheek. "Jayce, please, you have to wake up, for my sake. I'll die if you're not with me." Lance said, his voice barely above a whisper. He rested his head besides JC's on the pillow, hissing from the pain in his ribs, and then he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the room was dark. Lance sat in his wheelchair, wincing in pain. His neck, back, shoulders, ribs were hurting like hell. He looked around and saw Joey sleeping in a chair just outside the room, a book on his lap. Lance smiled weakly. "I have to thank him later for staying." He tought. He leaned back in the chair and sighed, a tear rolling on his cheek. He took JC's hand in his own and squeezed it a little. The machine beeping with JC's heartbeat suddently stopped, making only one long, even beep. Lance looked at JC's arm to see if he had moved something while sleeping. Two nurses rushed into the room. One of them grabbed Lance's wheelchair and pushed it aside, while the other franctically massaged JC's chest, trying to make it beat again. Reality finally sunk in and Lance realised JC's heart had stopped beating. He got up, not caring about the pain in his chest and he grabbed JC's hand, yelling like a mad man. "Don't die Josh. Please, you can't leave me alone. We've got tons of stuff to experiment together, you have to wake up, come on Jayce...We have projects. I love you Jayce...Wake up... please...Live Josh, live!" Lance was crying by then. Then the beeping started again. "We got him, he's back!" One of the nurse shouted. Lance sunk back in his chair and cried freely, his body shaking from fear. He kept JC's hand in his own and squeezed it again, but this time the hand squeezed back. Lance opened his eyes, amazed. He looked at the nurse, his eyes wide opened. "He just squeezed my hand." Lance said softly. The nurse nodded and smiled. "I'll go get the doctor." she said, then she left the room. Lance got up again. "Josh? Can you hear me?" Lance asked quietly. JC moaned softly and opened his eyes. Lance felt his eyes begin to water again. JC looked around for a few seconds, trying to collect his thoughts. "Hi Josh...Welcome back." Lance whispered, relieved. JC looked at him and smiled. "I'm thirsty." He said, his voice hoarse. Lance laughed through his tears. "I'll ask the nurse to get you a glass of water." He said softly. "What happened?" JC asked. Lance frowned. "We had an accident. I, umm...I was drunk and I drove anyway, and we were hit by a ten-wheel truck. You had a severe concussion, and you've been in a coma for two days now." Lance said, wiping away his tears. "Don't cry baby. I'm fine." JC said.


E-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, flames, anything, at

Bye bye bye!

Next: Chapter 23

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