No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Mar 22, 2001


No Strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and it doesn't mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned in it. Also, if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey everyone!

First of all, a little seriousness here: I want you all to remember that the legal disclaimer written up there is not there for nothing. It's true: You have to remember that every story here on nifty is fictionnal and it's not meaning to imply anything about anyone. A guy ICQ-messaged me to tell me I was a freak cause I was implying stuff about N'Sync and dissing them by saying they were gay.

I know all of you here don't think being gay is a serious diss, and I don't either, but it looks like some people still do. And I hope that if anyone is reading this and is still uncomfortable with two guys together, they'll leave. Okay? And anyway, can someone explain why some people think being gay is a diss?! I mean, being an homosexual only means that you love people of the same sex. Nothing else. And that guy was like "When you say someone is gay, it means they won't go anywhere and they're sick people." Come on!! How fucked up was that?!?

The guys also said that the nifty website "popped up" on his screen. Riiiiight. And that he had only read one paragraph of one chapter. But he could tell that the story was about Lance and JC, that they were about to get married, and he managed to find my ICQ number, which is only mentionned in chapter 13. Is there something I'm missing here?!?

Okay, now that this is cleared up, THANK YOU to those of you who's taken time to write me!! I really appreciate it! And to those of you who have NOT e-mailed yet, SHAME ON YOU! ;)

A huge thanks to my best friend Eve cause you're always giving me good advice. You're a saint! ;) I love ya and I miss ya A LOT! hugs

Go read these!

  • My surprise romance, by Gabriella Morrisson (Best story I've ever read! Great action! Great sex! Lots of naked Lance...Woohoo!!! And Gabby's website is AWE-SOME: ->Go and see it!)

  • Brian and me, by DLS (Uh, are you still alive, D?)

  • French kiss me, by Fallen Angel

  • In Synchronicity, by Will

  • Brian and Justin, by JM

  • ...

(lots of them haven't updated in a while, but just re-read the whole things's worth it! Grin)

Okay, okay, I'll stop talkng now... ;)


"Shit." Lance said, getting up. "It's not what it looks like." Justin said, trying to free his hands. "Oh please. You're tied to the bed, and Lance was sucking on your cock. What else could it be?" Christopher said with anger. "It's true...Justin wanted you to come back and find him tied to the bed, as a part of your birthday present. And he asked me to tie him, cause he couldn't do it himself. You can ask JC, he knew about it. I guess we got a little caught up in the moment..." Lance said, looking at the floor. Christopher sighed. "Lance, get out of here. Now." he said. Lance nodded and walked out of the room. He slowly walked to his car, jumped in and sighed, feeling the tears come to his eyes. "God, I've cheated on him again..." Lance whispered. He felt a tear roll on his cheek, but he didn't wipe it away. He felt another one slip from his eye, then another one, then thousand of others. Moments later, he was crying like a baby. He cried for a long time, his forehead pressed to the steering wheel.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang. He tried to compose himself and wiped away his tears. He took a deep breath and pressed the 'Send' button. "Hello?" he said, his voice a little shaky. "Lance? Baby, what's wrong?" JC asked, clearly worried. Lance just started crying again, unable to stop himself. "James? What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?" JC asked, panick showing through his voice. "I...Justin...We..." Lance couldn't bring himself to say it. "James...Calm down. Where are you?" JC asked. "Justin's." Lance managed to say. "Okay, I'll be right there. Don't move. Just wait, okay?" JC said. Lance nodded and whispered a small 'yes', then he hung up, still sobbing. A few minutes later, the door flew open. Lance looked at JC and threw himself in his arms, crying loudly. JC let out a deep sigh. "Thank God, you're not hurt. I thought you had an accident or something." JC said, gently caressing Lance's hair. "What happened baby? What's wrong?" JC asked softly. Hearing no response, he pulled Lance down and sat beside him on the concrete. "Tell me." JC pleaded. Lance took a few deep breaths. "I love you Josh. I mean it. I love you. More than anything in this world." He said softly. JC looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. Then he frowned, and a second later, his features softened a little. "You've cheated on me with Justin again, haven't you?" JC asked softly. Lance's eyes grew wide. "How'd you know?" he asked, his eyes filling with tears again. "I just knew." JC said, then he got up. "Let's go home." He said. He got in his car and drove away. Lance sighed, trying desperatly to hold back his tears, then he got in his car and drove towards his place. As he got out of the car, Stacey and Tyler were exiting the building. "What's up JC's ass? He just threw us out!" Tyler said with anger in his voice. Lance looked at him with daggers in his eyes. "May I remind you that this is our place, and that you two are guests. So do as JC said, period." Lance barked, walking to his appartment. He opened the door and found JC sitting on the couch, perfectly calm. "Sit down." he said coldly. Lance complied and sat on the opposite couch, a huge lump in his throat. "Explain yourself now." JC said. Lance took a deep breath and looked at JC. He didn't see anything on his face, and that was worse than any anger or pain he could have seen. "We...I tied Justin to the bed. I was sitting on his stomach, and when I was done my face was really near his, and we just...leaned in and kissed...and one thing led to another and when Christopher caught us, I was...I was giving him a blowjob." Lance admitted, his gaze dropping to the floor. "Christopher caught you?" JC asked. "Yeah..." Lance said quietly. "I'm sorry..." he added even more quietly, fresh tears filling his eyes once again. "It's okay." JC said. "What?" Lance asked, jerking his head up. "I said 'It's okay'." JC repeated. "You're not mad?" Lance asked. "Yeah, I'm mad as shit right now James because you said you'd never cheat on me again, but it's okay." JC said. Lance sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Jayce... I don't know what came over me. I know sorry isn't enough, but it's all I can give you." Lance said, wiping his tears. "I'm gonna sleep with Tyler tonight." JC announced, then he got up, walked to his brother's room and closed the door quietly. Lance looked at his watch. 8:30 pm. He had been gone for an hour and a half. He grabbed the phone and dialed his sister's cell phone number. "Hello?" Stacey said, clearly annoyed. "Stace? You can come back now." Lance said softly. "Are you sure? Is everything alright?" Stacey asked worriedly. "Yeah. Everything's fine. Uh, there's gonna be a special tonight. You and Tyler can sleep in the same room. Okay?" Lance said. "Cool! Thanks bro!" Stacey sqealed. "No problem. But...Tell Tyler he can't go to his room, okay?" Lance said, hoping his sister would understand. "Okay. We'll be home in a few. See ya." Stacey said, hanging up. Lance hung up too and sighed again. He got up, walked to his room and closed the door, then he collapsed on the bed, sobs overcoming him once again. He cried until he fell asleep, a few hours later.

The next morning, Lance woke up with a pounding headache. He sat in the bed, his eyes still shut, and felt as if his head was about to explode. Sighing, he laid back, carefully placing a pillow over his face. "You're not going back to sleep James." he heard a familliar voice say. He sat again, the pillow falling on his lap, and looked at JC.. He was sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. His eyes were red and swollen, and had big bags under them. His face was pale as a ghost. "What happened to you? You look like shit." Lance said bluntly. "My boyfriend cheated on me again, that's what happened to me." JC said harshly. Lance hung his head in shame. "I talked to Justin this morning." JC said softly. Lance looked up. "He and Christopher broke up. He told me the exact same story than you did, so I guess it's true..." JC said, getting up and looking outside the window, his back to Lance. Lance remained silent. "I'm not gonna break up with you again James. You know how I feel about you. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna give you a week. You are gonna decide if you wanna stay with me. And I'm warning you. If you decide to stay with me, you better be sure about it, cause if you cheat on me again, it'll be over, forever. Is that understood?" he asked, recieving a nod from Lance. "I'm gonna move out my stuff from this room to Tyler's. He and Stacey can room together." JC added. "Okay." Lance said. "So, starting now, you have a whole week to decide if you're gonna stay together with me." JC said, leaving the room. Lance sighed and got up. He walked to the bathroom and closed the door. He took two aspirins, swallowed them with a gulp of water, got the shower running, stripped and jumped in it. "James? You in there?" he heard his sister's voice say through the door. "Yeah, Stace, I'm in the shower." he yelled. He heard the door open, then close. "Spill." Stacey said. Lance peeked outside the curtain and saw his sister sitting on the toilet. "Hey! I'm in the shower!" Lance said, his eyes wide open. "Aw, come on. I've seen you naked before. Now spill." Stacey said, rolling her eyes. "Spill what?" Lance asked, closing back the curtain. "What happened between you and JC?" Stacey asked. "What makes you think something happened?" Lance asked. "Hey, I may be blonde, but I'm not dumb. He slept in Tyler's room yesterday. And this morning he looked like he had been hit by a truck." Stacey said. Lance sighed. "I cheated on him again." Lance admitted in a little voice. "You what? Are you crazy?" Stacey yelled. "Ah, shut up Stace, you don't know what happened." Lance said with anger. "I don't need to know the details! And you said again. What the hell is wrong with you? Do you know how great JC is? He's the perfect guy. And you go and cheat on him after all the shit he went through the past few months? Are you cold-hearted or something?" Stacey asked. "Did you know he cheated on me too?" Lance asked, stopping the shower and getting out. Stacey's eyes grew wide. "What kind of relationship are you two in? Is every gay relationship like that?" Stacey asked, shocked. "No, of course not! What kind of question is that? We just had our rough days." Lance said, wrapping a towel around his waist. "You call that rough days? Geez...I wonder why you guys are about to get married. You definetly are not ready for marriage..." Stacey said, shaking her head. "Right. Like you know everything about that." Lance said. "I don't claim to know everything James. I just know that when two people truly love each other, they don't cheat on each other. Look at Tyler and I. I know I love him. I don't have any desire for other guys! And I know he doesn't have any desire for other girls either." Stacey said. "How do you know that?" Lance asked. "Trust. I trust Ty. He trusts me. And you should trust JC and JC should trust you. That's the base of every relationship. If you don't have trust, you have nothing." Stacey said wisely. Lance frowned. "I used to trust him. But then I found out he had an affair with some random guy in a bar. I stopped trusting him and never trusted him again since." Lance said softly. "That's bad James. Really bad." Stacey said. "And then I cheated on him with Justin, and he stopped trusting me. And I've cheated on him again..." Lance said in disbelief. "It was with Justin? Ugh, how could you sleep with fro boy? Come on." Stacey said, shaking her head in disgust. Lance rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I think you two should see some psychologist or something. To help you rebuilt your relationship, and on stronger bases." Stacey said. "Yeah. Maybe we should." Lance said. "He gave me a week to decide if I wanted to stay with him. He gave me the choice." he added. Stacey looked at him with wonder in her eyes. "Do you want to stay with him?" she asked softly. "Yeah." Lance replied. "Are you sure?" Stacey asked. "Yeah. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him." Lance said with confidence. "Then why in God's name did you cheat on him?" Stacey asked. Lance sighed. "I don't know. I just got caught up in the moment I guess. This time. The other time, I thought I actually had feelings for Just." Lance said sadly. Stacey shook her head. "You really need some counceling. The two of you." Stacey said, then she got up. "I just hope you don't change your mind. You have to follow your heart, and I know it tells you to stay with JC. Don't make the wrong choice." Stacey said, then she left the bathroom.

'When did she get so wise?' Lance asked himself, making his way to his bedroom. JC was laying on the bed, apparently asleep. The stereo was on, and soft music was playing.

To dream an impossible dream to live the sadness of goodbyes to burn of a mortal fever to go where nobody ever goes

to love until you fall apart to love even too much, even badly to try without any strenght left to reach the inaccessible star

That is my quest to follow the star no matter what my chances are no matter how much time I have left to always fight without questions, without answers to be damned to hear you say you love me

I don't know if I'll be that hero but my heart would be happy and everything would be blue because one madmad is still burning even if everything's been burned he's still burning even too much, even badly to reach the inaccessible star

Lance sighed softly, the words of the song hitting him like a knife in his heart. "Maybe he's better without me...maybe it'd be best if I broke up with him. I'm the one who's been causing him pain for the past few months. And all I want is for him to be happy. Maybe he would be happier without me..." Lance whispered to himself, walking to the window. "I don't want you to think that." He heard. He spun on his heels and looked at JC. He was sitting on the bed, looking at Lance with a sad look on his face. "I told you already. If you think that you are better off without me, then I want you to break up with me. But if you're happy with me, and if you promise to never ever cheat on me again, then we have to stay together. I'm no good without you. Now you have to decide if you are any good without me." JC said. Lance sighed. "I'm the cause of all your pain. And you still wanna be with me? I don't understand you." Lance said softly. "I love you. There's nothing more to understand." JC said softly. "I love you too you know. With all my heart. I don't know why what happened with Justin happened. All I know is that it happened, and now you're hurting and that's the last thing I want. I just want you to be happy Jayce. And you're obviously not happy with me." Lance said with a sigh. JC frowned. "Don't ever say that. I've never been happier in my life. Never. So what if you make mistakes. We all do. You're a man, not a saint...I love you like you are, flaws included." JC said. "It's not fair to you." Lance said. "Life ain't fair." JC replied softly. They both remained silet for a few moments. "Stacey told me we should see a counselor or something. To help us rebuild our relationship on stronger bases." Lance said, sitting on the bed. "Does that mean you told her you wanted to stay with me?" JC asked with hope in his eyes. "Yeah." Lance said. JC didn't smile, but his eyes lightened up. "I think she's right. We should see a psychologist." JC said simply. "Yeah. We need to trust each other completely. And right now, we don't trust each other at all. We have to work on that." Lance said. JC nodded and took Lance's hand in his own, feeling it's warmth and softness. "I'm ready to work Lance. I'm ready to do anything." JC said, his voice a little shakey. Lance looked up at him and saw tears filling his beautiful blue eyes. "I don't wanna loose you..." JC added, a single tear rolling on his cheek. "You won't." Lance said confidently.


Don't forget to e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, anything you'd like to share with me... I'm waiting for your messages :)

See ya, and 'til next time, stay N'sync!

Next: Chapter 27

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