No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on May 23, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal, and I'm not implying anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, this story contains homosexual topics, so if you're not 18 or if you're offended by that, please leave now.

Author's note: I'm sorry, again...I really am...What makes me feel worse is that I had all last week free...I was just too damn lazy to write, what else can I say? :) I hope y'all can forgive me! I know I'm repeating myself in every chapter, but right when you finish reading that chapter, PLEASE E-MAIL ME! I'd like to know about how many people are reading this story, and if people don't e-mail me I'll never know. Anyways. I know I was supposed to attend the boy-band forum, but unfortunately my internet connection wasn't working. I didn't work from wednesday night to today (monday)...Sorry...But if you want to reach me, I've got ICQ: 53750542

If you haven't already, go read these:

  • Brian and Justin (the serie is over! waaaaaaaa!!) - Brian and me - Studio in the country - Because I love you - N'sync Lance n JC - His sweet smile - Ryan and Lance (Is that author still alive?!?) - My suprise romance

Now, on with the show! ( Hit it John!! :P )


It was nine o'clock. Lance and JC were still asleep in Lance's bed, fully naked, a thin blanket covering their butts. Suddenly, there was a noise. Lance stirred and half-opened his right eye. He looked around the room, looking for anything that might have made the noise. He saw nothing. The house was silent again. He closed his eye, and there was another noise, much louder. He blinked both his eyes open and listened. It sounded like footsteps in the stairs leading to his room, but Lance wasn't sure, his being still half asleep not helping him. The noise stopped. Lance didn't close his eyes, waiting for another noise. There was another one, which he did recognise: there was a knock at his door. JC stirred in his sleep and the door opened. "James, honey I'm...OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING IN HERE?" Diane Bass yelled. "Mom?" was all Lance could manage to say. At the same moment, Stacey came into the room and JC opened his eyes. "What's happening Lan...Oh shit!" he whispered, seeing Diane and Stacey. "Answer me James Lansten Bass. What the fuck are you doing in bed with JC?" Diane asked. "Mom, we...uh..." he was cut off by JC. "We're a couple Diane." JC said, looking directly into her eyes, which grew wide open. "Oh my God! My son is a damn queer! Please tell me it's not true..." Diane said. Stacey smacked her arm. "Mom, I can't believe it! You can't treat your own son like this!" she said. "Hell yes! JC, get out of this house NOW!" Diane yelled. JC didn't know what to do, so he just got up and grabbed his clothes. "JC, don't, please...Mom, if he leaves, I leave too." Lance threatened his mother. "Okay then. Leave. I don't fucking care, you goddamned faggot." Diane said. Lance's eyes were filled with tears. "You can't do this to me. You just can't! I'm your damn son!" Lance said. "Not anymore. You're a queer. I don't have any homosexuals in my family. So I leave you a choice: you either break up with JC and date girls, or you pack your stuff and leave this family." Diane said, then she left. Stacey came running to his brother and hugged him as he cried on the bed. "It's gonna be okay James. Don't worry. I'll talk to her. And dad and Ford will be okay with it. We'll support you." Stacey said. "No. Dad won't understand. I didn't think mom would have a problem with it, but I KNOW that dad hates homosexuals. How am I supposed to deal with that shit?" Lance said, wiping his eyes. JC sighed. "Stacey, could you leave us alone for a little while? I have to talk to your brother." JC asked the young girl. She got up and kissed Lance on the cheek. "You'll always be my brother, whatever you choose to do." she said. Lance smiled weakly. "Thanks Stacey." Lance said. She closed the door behind her and JC looked in Lance's eyes. "You know I love you right?" JC said. "Yeah." Lance said. "Well that's all that matters." JC said, then he took a deep breath. "It's over." he said with tears in his eyes. "What?" Lance said, stunned. "You heard me. I won't let you leave your whole family because of me. So I'm just gonna leave. Don't try to stop me, please, it's already hard enough to leave you." JC said, tears streaming down his face. Lance just broke down in tears. "You just can't leave me here JC. They can't change me. I'm still gonna be gay even if they make me date girls. Please JC..." Lance begged. JC closed his eyes and turned his back to Lance and threw on his clothes. He was sobbing hard by that time, but he didn't want Lance to see him. When he had everything on, he walked to the door and put his hand on the doorknob. "JC...Please..." Lance pleaded, crying so hard he was almost choking. JC ran to the bed, kissed Lance hard on the lips, then he ran off. Lance collapsed on his bed, sobbing. Diane came in, a smile on her face. "It's okay James. You'll forget him. We'll find you a nice girl to..." she was cut off by Lance. "Shut the fuck up mom! I hate you! I love him...Why are you doing this to me?" Lance asked his mother. "It's for your own good. There must be a therapy or something against homosexuality, don't worry, we'll find something to get these ideas off your head." Diane said, sitting on the bed. "It's not a disease you know. I was born like that. It's not my fault and it's not your fault or dad's. I am gay mom, and I'm in love with JC. You can do whatever you want, it won't change anything. So please get out of here so I can pack my stuff." Lance said. Diane sighed. "One day you'll understand that it's not normal." she said. "No. One day YOU'll understand that you just made the biggest mistake of your life." Lance said. Diane just shrugged and left, closing the door. Lance grabbed his suitcases and threw all his stuff in the four of them. When they were all full, he grabbed some sport bags and filled them. Fifteen minutes later, the only things left in his room were the furnitures. He took a last look at his room and walked to the front door. He opened the door and threw his key on the floor. Then he packed his car and drove away, without saying a word to anyone. His first idea was to go to JC's, but the he thought that JC may not want to see him, so he headed to Justin's place. It took him about an hour to go there. When he arrived he left his stuff in his car and went to knock at the door. Justin himself opened it. "Lance man, wassup? Did someone die or something?" Justin asked with a concerned voice as he let Lance in. "No,I..well...we..." Lance managed to say before breaking down again. Justin led him to the couch and hugged him. "What's wrong Lance?" Justin asked again. "JC dumped me." Lance said. "He what? Why the hell did he do that?" Justin asked. Lance took a deep breath and told him the whole story. When he was done, Justin was speechless and had tears in his eyes. "Say something..." Lance said softly. "I just can't believe your mom is such an asshole! And..." he was cut off by a knock at the door. Justin got up and went to answer it. There was a long silence, then he came back in the living room, followed by JC, whose eyes grew wide open when he saw Lance. Lance just got up and ran to hug him. JC opened his arms and hugged Lance back. They both cried loudly. "Guys...Don't you think you'd be better if you were together?" Justin suggested, then he left them alone. Lance stared in JC's eyes. "I'm sorry Lance...I shouldn't have broken up. You were dealing with so much and I just added to you pain. I'm so sorry...I love you..." JC said with tears all over his face. "I love you too Joshua." Lance said, then he kissed JC on the lips. "I thought I had let go the best thing that had happened to me...I thought I had lost you" JC said, his eyes filling with tears again. Lance shook his head, then he rested it on JC's chest and sighed. "Thank God I have you JC."


There ya go folks. It's another short chapter, but as I said, I've been lazy for the past week. I'll try to write more next time. DON'T FORGET TO E-MAIL ME, and see ya next time!

Next: Chapter 6: No Strings Attached 8 9

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