Noah the Embarrassed Nudist

By J Forrester

Published on Dec 1, 2022


Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction for entertainment only. The author does not condone anything herein; practice sex safely and legally. Any resemblances to real people, places and events (past, present or future) is unintentional.

Noah, the Embarrassed Nudist Chapter Fifteen: Amateur Erotic's


When the summer had begun Noah had fully expected the impending nude term to be a daily tale of smut and sleaze. While Noah's life had a lot of smut and sleaze, the nude term had just become part of his day.

There were a few exceptions to the rule. The MPC (Maths, Physics and Chemistry) Exchange programme with Barons Edge Comprehensive brought a monthly reminder of how unusual the arrangement was. The boys at Five Dukes Boys School were so accepting that being naked at school felt normalised. It took boys from another school to remind Noah that he was naked! At school!

The other exception was when Noah wore a uniform once a month to attend classes Barons Edge Comprehensive. It felt almost strange wearing a uniform to school and the looks of the boys who had seen him naked held an almost ominous forewarning that something more could happen.

Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But soon and for the rest of his life.

Friday the tenth of December was the last day of the MPC Exchange until the new year. Noah rather enjoyed wearing his uniform all day but he suffered a few oblique comments about nudity from those who knew him. Since most boys at the Comprehensive didn't know about Noah's nudism, they didn't understand why their peers were smiling or sniggering.

Noah blushed and tried to hide his embarrassment.

It wasn't that Noah was embarrassed about being a nudist but his entire school already knew and he'd rather the entire student body of the comprehensive didn't find out too. The idea of another thousand boys knowing about his nudism felt uncontrollable, like an avalanche on a slippery slope...

"Is `like an avalanche on a slippery slope,' a mixed metaphor?" Noah asked.

"All I'm saying is we have no proof that R2D2 and C3PO weren't married," concluded Matty. "Also... what the hell is Noah talking about?"

Noah was about to ask what the hell Matty was talking about but realised such a question usually led to madness.

"I was just thinking..." Noah started to say.

"No," interrupted Samir.

"I wasn't just thinking?" Noah asked facetiously.

<<He's not as funny as he thinks he is.>>

"It's not a metaphor because a metaphor when something is said to be another," Ronan said.

Ronan no longer felt the same frustration with Herman being pass remarkable. The voice still distracted him sometimes and gave him the odd headache but the strategies he'd learned in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy had helped considerably. Ronan accepted Herman's remarks, even the critical commentary, without admonishment which usually caused Herman to be argumentative.

"Exactly," Samir agreed with Ronan. "Simile is when something is as or like another."


"Is mixed simile a thing?" Mateo asked.

<<Don't be ridiculous.>>

"Why?" Ronan asked Noah.

"Never mind," Noah replied.

The boys were just leaving school. Toby and Amos had a date and had rushed off together and Samir was about to head home while Noah, Matty and Ronan went back to Five Dukes Boys School for Drama Club.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Samir.

"No, I'm fine. But thanks. I was just thinking out loud," Noah responded evasively.

Noah wasn't sure how he'd feel if he was outed again as a nudist and yet he still craved attention and adoration. These things did not drive his nudism but it drove his exhibitionism. Perhaps this was what worried Noah – the more people who knew he was a nudist, the more nudism and exhibitionism collided. When worlds collide... something...

The boys were nearly at Five Dukes Boys School when a car passed them and parked on the street outside the school. Morys, Jonah and Kevin stepped out of the car and Morys offered Noah a wave. It was cute and slightly camp for a boy with such a masculine physique. Noah waved back.

"He's cute," Ronan observed.

<<Noah's so lucky. He gets all the best boys.>>

"And did you see him with his shirt off at the last Drama Club? Yummy!" said Mateo.

"I thought you fancied Kevin," Noah said.

It was true, Matty had been distracted by Kevin but Morys was still a captivating sight.

"I have eyes though!" Mateo replied.

Matty had walked with Kevin after the last Drama Club and swapped phone numbers and while Kevin still was not the most loquacious of friends, he was starting to soften to Matty's relentless charm.

"Hey guys. I'd have given you a lift if you'd wanted," Morys said.

Noah noted that his car only had five seats – one for the driver and one for a passenger and three in the back. If Morys (the driver), Jonah, Kevin, Noah, Mateo and Ronan had been in the car, someone would have had to sit on someone else's lap.

"Thanks, we'll remember that next time," Noah replied politely.

Noah liked Morys a lot. When they had first met a few months ago, the boy had a top knot but after the last Drama Club, he had cut his hair. It was now very short and almost a buzzcut. Noah had thought Morys had lost his mind but he had cut it for charity and donated his hair to a local wig maker. It was Amos who quietly told them that Morys's cousin had cancer.

"Hi Kevin," Mateo said – restraining his excitement.

After talking to Kevin last week, he had discovered a boy who was not as sullen as he appeared. Kevin was quiet, reserved and guarded though. Matty was trying to be slightly less himself – i.e., excitable and over the top.

"Hi Mateo," Kevin said – failing to hold Matty's gaze.

He sounded miserable but that was just how he sounded.

"They were talking about wave particle duality?" Morys said with a pained expression.

It had been one of the topics covered during the Physics lecture. Morys however was not studying the Physics A-Level so he'd missed out on all the fun.

"If any of you are struggling with Physics by the way, Kevin might be a genius," Jonah complimented.

Kevin blushed and looked away.

"I'm serious, he helped me understand how waves transfer energy without the transference of matter..." Jonah started.

"Good evening boys," called Mr Cooke.

The group of six boys had reached the main entrance of the school where the teacher greeted them.

"Hello Mr Cooke," Noah replied.

"Good night sir," Morys said flirtatiously – or it sounded flirty to Noah at least.

"It looks like we might be short of some boys tonight," Mr Cooke said.

"Oh no, less boys is never a good thing, is it?" Morys said mildly.

The other boys smiled or sniggered, as did Noah, but Noah knew how underhanded the comment was. Morys enjoyed commenting on Mr Cooke's obvious interest and a few others had voiced suspicions that the man was a pervert. Noah noticed an almost competitive edge to the look shared between Morys and Mr Cooke and when the eyes slid to him, Noah was certain he was about to be drawn in.

Mr Cooke was right about some of the boys absenting themselves. Perhaps it was because there was only one week left of school? This was the last Drama Club meeting for the year but clearly some people had decided to bow out early.

Toby and Amos were on a date and Eric (the obnoxious boy from Barons Edge Comprehensive) also hadn't shown up. None of the boys from Dukesbank High School or Dukeswell Academy had trekked in for the last meeting but Bill and Ben, the twins from Dukeshead Secondary School, had decided to attend.

Of the usual boys from Five Dukes, Mekonnen, Colt, Dural and Jasper were in attendance; added to the six boys who had met Mr Cooke at the main entrance, that put the club at only twelve members this week.

"It is a shame the other boys couldn't make it today because I thought it would be fun to explore something different this week," Mr Cooke said.

"Like what?" asked Dural.

"Physical performance on a stage can be intimidating. Expressing emotions when you are nervous or feel exposed can be especially difficult," Mr Cooke spoke professionally. "In our last meeting about three weeks ago, we saw Morys and Noah on stage together. What does everyone remember about that meeting?"

"Morys portrayed a character who was insecure about his physical appearance," said Bill.

"But he demonstrated it to the audience like a physical soliloquy by undressing," Ben added.

"And he took inspiration from Noah," Jonah added.

Jonah was Mr Cooke's son and Noah trusted he would help his father get what he wanted. Mr Cooke and his son had an unconventional relationship that excited Noah – but his life was so busy and full of adventure, he had few opportunities to be with them both.

The memory of fucking Jonah while his naked dad watched was one Noah recalled with frequency when he was alone and hard. Mr Cooke had also interrupted an encounter between Noah, Jonas and Jonah and after Jonas left the scene, the teacher had stayed to finish his son off.

"Yes, Noah helped us understand a different facet of performance, didn't he?" Mr Cooke said blandly.

"By stripping naked?" Jonah asked sceptically.

It drew a laugh because seventeen-year-old boys are programmed to find nudity amusing and or sexual.

"Of course, Jonah," Mr Cooke admonished his son. "Nudity exposes an actor not only physically but also emotionally. It is an exemplar of vulnerability and timidity."

"Noah, would you do it again? It might help the rest of us to find a new level of performance if you talked to us about your feelings while you're helpless and exposed," Jonah suggested.

There were a few sniggers and silent jeer between friends as they watched Jonah's performance because there was no doubt it was a contrivance to get Noah's clothes off. The more naïve boys in the Drama Club wondered if Mr Cooke would really allow a naked teenage boy on stage? It was certainly in Mr Cooke's sphere of interest but the man kept his expression bland while Noah decided.

"Yea, I don't mind," Noah conceded – excited to find out what might happen next.

Noah made his way up onto the stage where he started removing his clothes. He was well aware of the imagery of a schoolboy stripping off his innocent and adolescent uniform – if he were watching, he knew he would have sexual thoughts.

Would the straight boys in the audience feel the same way? Did they associate the exposure with sex or was it simple humiliation of a peer to them? Soon Noah was barefoot and shirtless, pushing down his trousers and hopping out of them.

"Perhaps we should pause here," said Mr Cooke. "Noah, how does it feel to be on the school stage? Your uniform is scattered around you. Your peers can see your hairless legs and boyish chest. Classmates can see your underpants. Your most intimate parts are hidden only by briefs from boys you share lessons with," Mr Cooke laid it on thick. "Tell us how you feel to be seen like this."

"It feels ok. I enjoy being nude and don't associate it with being watched or judged," Noah responded honestly.

"Is anyone judging Noah's physical appearance? Do you think he looks inadequate for a seventeen-year-old?" Mr Cooke asked everyone.

"I guess he doesn't look seventeen," Mekonnen said. "But what does seventeen look like? Some boys have stubble by the time their fifteen and some men in their thirties would take months to grow a beard."

Noah had been surprised when the athletic lad had first started speaking – sounding far insightful that he had expected. Mekonnen looked at Noah like he was insane for standing on stage in his undies but was not pejorative of Noah's appearance itself.

"Would you feel different if the assembly hall was full?" Jonah asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Noah could imagine Jonah's excitement if Noah were being watched by hundreds of boys while wearing just his underpants.

"I don't think it would make a difference," Noah replied. "We can't help thinking things about the way people look but we can help how we express those things. We can choose not to say anything."

Noah rather thought this was the root of fat-shaming amongst other things. People felt the need to tell someone they're fat as if that person doesn't already know. What is the true purpose of calling someone fat except to hurt or humiliate them? Is there any positive reason to make such a comment?

"Besides, I have been naked on this stage in front of half the school," Noah reminded everyone.

There was a gasp of scandalised interest from the boys of Barons Edge Comprehensive and Dukeshead Secondary – teens who had not been there on Noah's fateful first day of nude term.

"Not everyone will know about your first day of term Noah," Mr Cooke said unnecessarily. "Why don't you talk about it?"

"When the school let me be a nudist, I thought it would be ok to just strip naked and walk out into the corridor," Noah revealed.

Bill and Ben, Morys, Jonah and even Kevin looked dumbfounded by the idea of Noah revealing himself like that.

"But Mr Cooke and the Head Teacher insisted they announce my lifestyle at assembly. So, I got dressed again and once Year 10 to Year 13 had been told I was a nudist, I stripped naked in front of everyone... I guess that was kind of an embarrassing way to reveal myself," Noah agreed.

There was a flutter of conversation as even those who had been present discussed the salaciousness of a then sixteen-year-old boy getting naked on stage in front of around four hundred fourteen- to eighteen-year-olds.

"You weren't... you know... totally mortified?" asked Morys.

Noah smiled in reply because he knew Morys liked showing off his body too. Whether he would be brave enough to be totally naked at school in front of all his peers or not, Noah doubted it.

"I was embarrassed but I'm not ashamed of my body," Noah said honestly.

"Let's explore this idea," Mr Cooke said. "If Noah were not a nudist, how might he be exposed that would be embarrassing?"

"Pantsing!" shouted Jonah.

There was general laughter at this and Noah watched Ronan and Matty as they predicted what would happen next. They had seen him naked lots of times but it was still fun to see him naked again – especially on the school stage.

Noah's internal feelings were conflicted.

On one hand, school had been a safe place for him to practice and express his nudism. This wasn't an EMARP – it was his school with his peers. Realising a humiliating and potentially arousing scenario in front of them was not like making an explicit film with fellow erotic actors. In short, this was real life and the exhibition was not fictional but actual...

On the other hand, Noah liked being naked, exposed, humiliated, watched and aroused in front of people. So, it was a bit of a win win.

"Morys, you enjoyed being Noah's co-star last time, why don't you come up here?" Mr Cooke suggested.

Morys complied, almost skipping onto the stage. He was still dressed in his school unform but his tie had been removed and his shirt wasn't tucked in, the top button of his shirt was undone and his sleeves were rolled up past his elbow. It made him look casually unkept in a sexy and disorganised way.

"Where shall we imagine Noah is?" Mr Cooke asked the remaining ten boys in the audience.

"Bus stop?" Mateo suggested.

"Why would Noah be wearing nothing but boxers at a bus stop?" Ben asked derisively.

Mateo chuckled in response, "You clearly don't know him very well."

There was some general laughter at this and once it settled down, more realistic suggestions were offered.

"Swimming pool."

"Changing room in a shop."

"The school locker room."

"His bedroom."

"His bedroom is an interesting idea," Mr Cooke intervened.

Noah didn't see how – being naked in his bedroom sounded boring even if it was with a hot boy like Morys.

"How about instead of just his bedroom, it's a communal bedroom. A dorm room with a dozen beds and you're all there watching as Noah is stood in just his pants," Mr Cooke suggested.

"That does sound embarrassing," Morys agreed.

"Noah, you have just undressed. Perhaps you are going to have a shower or you're getting ready for bed," Mr Cooke suggested. "Either way, everyone is commenting on your silly pants."

"Have you ever heard of boxers?" shouted Jasper, getting the ball rolling.

"Only big boys wear boxers. Noah's just a little boy," Dural added.

They were a handsome couple but Dural was always the cruder and more severe of the pair; in contrast, Jasper was gentle and more measured.

"He doesn't look that little," Ronan offered complimentary.

<<Noah has a big willy! Free willy!>>

Matty would have made a less subtle and more explicit comment but Noah caught him giving Kevin a short glance. Mateo didn't want to come out to Kevin yet. They were developing a friendship and Matty didn't want the boy to think he had a crush. He did... but Matty didn't want Kevin to know that.

"Why don't you show us, Noah?" Bill called.

"Yea, Noah. Show us!" Ben added with a giggle.

Noah didn't know the twins well. He'd only met them at the Drama Club and accidentally exposed himself to them on Halloween. More and more people either knew about or had actively participated in Noah's misadventures.

"No! It's embarrassing," Noah whined in response.

"You think that's embarrassing?" Morys asked with derision.

The lad was swift, aiming low as if tackling Noah in rugby, grabbing Noah around his thighs and then snatching the bottom of his briefs.

"No, wait!" Noah started to say but it was too late.

Morys pulled down the briefs, the fabric sliding off Noah's bare butt and down his smooth thighs and legs. At the front, the ten boys in the Drama Class saw Noah's flaccid penis and dangling testicles flash into view as the briefs dropped to Noah's feet. The patch of pubes above Noah's penis was small for a seventeen-year-old but more or less normal for Noah. Surprising everyone, Morys's grip around Noah's thighs allowed him to lift Noah just long enough for the briefs to slip off Noah's bare feet and onto the floor. Noah's feet dropped with the briefs just in front of them but Morys kicked them and they skittered off the stage and onto the floor.

Noah stood naked and fully exposed in front of his two friends (Mateo and Ronan) and four boys from his school (Dural, Jasper, Mekonnen and Colt) who were used to his nudity. The remaining five boys, Morys (still on stage beside Noah), Jonah, Kevin, Bill and Ben were simultaneously impressed, stunned and scandalised by the sight.

Mr Cooke was not scandalised. He liked seeing naked sixteen- and seventeen-year-old boys. There were few things he liked more than seeing a boys penis. He hid it behind a veneer of professionalism – this was nothing but a dramatic demonstration.

In the audience, Dural pointed and laughed and in a moment, several other boys joined the performance. The teasing and giggling, pointing and jeering was too camp and pantomime to hurt Noah's feelings.

Noah had clamped his hands around his genitals which just made him look even more pathetic.

"Please give me my pants back, Morys," Noah moaned.

"Nah, I like you this way," Morys replied and gave Noah a little swat to his bum.

Noah rather enjoyed the sting and he uncovered himself to expose his genitals again, standing casually as he turned to the teacher.

"Mr Cooke, most actors would be embarrassed to be naked like this so capturing that vulnerability is easy for them but I'm not embarrassed," Noah said.

The boy turned to face his teacher, fully exposed to the man in a way that caused the other boys in the room to feel mortified for him. A teacher could see his penis!

"I guess I have the opposite problem from most boys. How do I emulate embarrassment when I'm not embarrassed? Do you have any suggestions?" Noah asked.

"Learn to feel shame?" Mr Cooke jested.

A few of the boys chuckled but their attention was truly captured by Noah's brazen nudity and the confrontation with a teacher. It was as if they were waiting to see who would blink first.

"Acting Noah, if you really are interested, is about empathy. You place yourself in someone else's position and attempt to feel their feelings," Mr Cooke said.

"Like you said, Noah, most boys would feel embarrassed to be on stage like that," Jonah gestured. "Naked, barefoot, penis exposed to classmates and a teacher. When you covered yourself after getting pantsed, that was a realistic reaction and how most boys would respond."

"Yea, Noah. Don't put down your acting ability. You've got lots of potential," Morys complimented.

Mr Cooke watched as his son and Morys compliment Noah, allowing him to sit back and gaze at high quality boy dick.

"We don't have much time left but why don't we explore another aspect of acting that can make actors uncomfortable? Simulated or implied sex," Mr Cooke said.

The teacher stepped up onto the stage and dragged over a landing mat. PE used them to soften the impact of indoor gymnastics and the Drama Club used it in fight scenes when someone was meant to fall over.

The teacher also found a blanket in the costume box and tossed it on the mat.

"Do you boys mind simulating intimacy?" Mr Cooke asked.

As an out and proud gay, Noah was more than happy to lie down with a boy. Noah had asked Morys if he was gay the day they'd met and he had unhelpfully replied "more or less." Morys hadn't quite settled his sexuality – he placed himself as a five or five and a half on the Kinsey scale. Morys certainly didn't mind lying down with a Noah totally naked. It was a dream come true actually.

"Pretend you're boyfriends..." Mr Cooke suggested.

A wolf whistle and a giggle punctuated the teacher's sentence.

"You can choose to realise that relationship however you choose," Mr Cooke said carefully.

Since Noah was already naked and the man had encouraged Morys to be generous and liberated with his body, they chose to realise the scene thusly...

Morys prepared for the scene by stripping to his boxers while Noah lay down on the mat like it was a bed and tucked himself in under the blanket. Once Morys was dressed only in his boxers, he lay under the blanket with Noah.

Morys could feel Noah's warm body – his nudity was close and warm. Morys had an athletic physique and black chest hair shaped like an eagle. It spread from shoulder to shoulder and then curved over his pecs and narrowed towards his navel. The black hair against Morys's brown skin was delightful. The black hair on Morys's head was closely cropped unlike Noah's which was blonde and messy and in need of a trim.

They lay on the mat and cuddled as if stirring from sleep in the morning. The happy couple woke up together, smiling and gazing longingly. Noah found himself wondering if this was what it was like to be in love. He loved his friends but he had never been in love. Morys found himself feeling something similar – sexual and romantic attraction. He was very happy no-one could see the semi that was popping in his boxers.

Morys was warm and smelled good. He was bigger than Noah and when he held Noah, the naked teenager felt safe and protected. Morys kissed Noah's head, surprising him.

"Morning," Morys said sleepily.

"Good morning," Noah replied.

Morys had sounded drowsy as if he had just woken – he was a good actor. Noah on the other hand was still catching up that he was supposed to be acting rather than being manipulated into a public demonstration that, at any moment, would leave him exposed by a schoolteacher.

Noah was acutely aware that he was naked on stage with ten boys watching him while Morys still had his boxers on. It was ironic that when he was totally exposed, Noah had had no qualms but now covered by a blanket and cuddling a boy, he did feel vulnerable.

"Do you want me to make it an even better morning?" Morys asked.

Morys reached down and touched Noah's dick. Noah gasped with surprise.

"Very good Noah. Exaggerating your response to implied intimacy will help to convince the audience," Mr Cooke said.

The teacher knew quite nicely that Noah was not pretending to be touched under the covers – Morys really was stroking his dick. Noah grew fully hard under the covers and he turned on his side to face Morys before the tent became obvious.

"I hope my brother doesn't walk in on us," Morys said with a chuckle.

"Yea, not again," Noah replied.

There was a rumble of laughter at the reply and Noah felt his reaction become more natural. He reflected that most of his responses during EMARP events were unscripted and improvised – perhaps he was a natural performer?

"That feels good. I like it when you do that," Noah said.

It did feel good, but he exaggerated the words just slightly.

"Excellent Noah. We can really believe your boyfriend is masturbating you," Mr Cooke said in a vulgar tone.

"I think we should tell people about us," Morys said.

Morys spoke so evenly that Noah almost believed he was only simulating activity under the covers.

"Should we tell your brother first? I'll call him in if you like," Noah replied.

"No!" Morys whined and he pouted at being teased.

Morys slowed the tugging on Noah's cock and Noah slid his hand under the cover to cup Morys's genitals. He was not quite soft but his penis had behaved itself so if the blanket were whisked away, he would not be embarrassed.

"I mean we should tell our friends we're dating now," Morys said.

"Are we ready for that?" Noah asked softly.

"Good. That's very good," Mr Cooke genuinely encouraged.

"Are you ready for that?" Morys emphasised. "I know you're nervous that your dad will be disappointed in you."

"Maybe I am," Noah admitted.

Noah drew on his knowledge of his neighbour's relationship with his dad. One that was fractious and fraught. Ryan would not find it easy to come out and Noah found himself empathising strongly as he attempted to imitate those feelings... while being secretly aroused on the school stage.

Morys had stopped stroking and was now squeezing the hot and hard, not to mention messy, shaft of Noah's cock. Mr Cooke may have set these events in motion but it was Morys that was stroking the scenario into life.

"It'll be ok," Morys promised. "I'll always be here for you. No matter how hard it gets."

The ten boys watching the scene laughed and Morys broke the fourth wall to grin at them. Morys sat up and looked at them – his bare torso exposed and the blanket bundling around his navel. Noah was still lying down but most of his upper body was exposed too and he was careful not to roll onto his back or everyone would see his cock tenting the covers.

As much as Noah loved being a nudist and exhibiting himself – he really didn't need boys from three different schools seeing his hard-on. Even Noah had limits. Sometimes. Besides, Noah rather liked having a secret erection. He was so used to being exposed, the fact he was not revealed in all his glory was a nice change of pace.

"What did everyone think of the scene?" Mr Cooke asked.

"If I didn't know better, I could almost believe Morys was actually wanking Noah," Dural said crudely.

Of course, he did know better and he knew that's exactly what had happened. On the school stage in an amateur Drama Club, a simulated sex scene had been made realistic by making it not simulated.

"The relationship seemed sincere," Jasper added.

"I liked the humour and the prospect of them being caught... again," said Mateo.

"Do we think the humour undercut the moment?" Mr Cooke asked.

"I felt the humour added to the intimacy," Bill offered.

"For a scene that started with implied masturbation, there was real tension," Ben suggested.

"Their affection was very believable," Ronan agreed.

<<You're just jealous.>>

The comments trailed off after that so Mr Cooke wrapped things up.

"I think we'll call it a day there," Mr Cooke said. "I hope everyone enjoys Christmas and we'll see each other next year."

The boys all got up to go and Morys slipped from under the blanket, standing up with his back to Noah. Noah gazed up at the muscular lad with feathery hair on his legs and thighs and an ass that was beautifully shaped within his boxers.

"Do you want us to wait for you?" Mateo called up to Noah.

"Yea, or do you need a minute?" Ronan said knowingly.


Ronan sniggered at Herman's contribution – it was benign and tongue in cheek.

"I'll see you guys later," Noah said.

He wasn't sure what was going to happen next but he saw Morys was in no hurry to get dressed – he was making a good show of gather his clothes to get dressed but he made no actual moves to put them on.

The room was nearly empty – only Morys, Mr Cooke and Jonah Cooke remained as Noah's friends reached the door.

"Bye," Ronan said with a wave to Noah.

"Bye Noah. Ronan, I was thinking..." Noah heard Matty say as he and Ronan left the hall. "If Herman was your brother, would you let him watch you..."

"I enjoyed that scene, Morys. You really bought a physicality to the role that I hadn't expected," Noah said pompously – as if he were a movie critic rather than making a sly comment about being jerked off under the covers.

"I try to rise to the occasion," Morys punned.

The seventeen-year-old had turned to face Noah and the bulge in his boxers, outlined a three-inch flaccid penis.

"You two should get a room," Jonah said.

Mr Cooke's son remained behind to help tidy up after Drama Club but he was watching the intimate pair with great interest.

"We have a room," Morys replied, gesturing around the stage where the Drama Club had imagined a bedroom.

"Why don't you continue the scene where you left off? I'll be the brother who catches you?" Jonah suggested.

Noah was shameless enough to carry on with two boys but he didn't know Morys well enough to know if he would be up for it. For his part, Morys had actual (not just pretend) interest in Noah and Jonah was very attractive too. He didn't want to pass up an opportunity to be intimate with Noah so he looked to Noah and nodded, then smiled. Noah liked Morys's smile – it was broad and showed off his white teeth, but he had the appearance almost of a shark. Maybe the nice shark from Finding Nemo?

Fish are friends, not food!

Morys was welcome to eat him!

"If you boys are going to play, perhaps I should leave," Mr Cooke said.

Noah could tell it pained him to say it because the man would clearly love to watch the sexual tableau that was about to unfold.

However, a teacher could not watch three teenage boys, one of them his son, getting sexually intimate. Even Mr Cooke knew there were limits and although he had pushed those limits with Morys, he had not yet tested them.

Of course, Morys had also called Mr Cooke a perv and he had no misgivings about it. He liked Mr Cooke and thought the teacher was sexy. He liked that Mr Cooke had encouraged him to be more outgoing and expressive, physically and emotionally. Mr Cooke had truly helped to improve Morys's acting and he didn't mind if a man saw him in his boxers but far things would go with Noah and Jonah?

"You don't need to go, Mr Cooke," Morys offered. "You can watch and direct us if you want."

"If you insist," Mr Cooke said blandly, almost indulgently.

Mr Cooke was a rather good actor – making it seem like Morys's idea that he stay and watch.

"I'll just get back into bed, shall I?" Morys said.

"Are you going to take them off?" Noah asked.

This scenario was no longer the Drama Club or an example of amateur erotic's, it was an opportunity for exciting boy-on-boy action. Even though there weren't ten boys watching anymore, Morys still hesitated about being naked on stage. He wasn't really like Noah – for sure, Morys wanted to be naked with Noah but he didn't want to expose himself.

"I don't think I'm ready for that," Morys said quietly, almost embarrassed.

"That's ok," Noah insisted.

Noah reached out a hand, propping himself up with his other arm, and the blanket fell around his waist. Noah naked chest and hips were visible, his pubic area was barely covered. Morys took Noah's hand.

Jonah was still on the assembly hall floor looking up at the handsome pair. Mr Cooke was off to the side and fantasised about seeing Morys's naked ass. It was wrapped in tight boxers that emphasised the firm, round globes. Mr Cooke wished he could hold Morys down while burying his face in between them.

Noah had the best view. Morys wasn't naked but his boxers outlined big balls and a flaccid penis that was three inches long. The boxers were low enough to reveal a spray of black pubes that rose into the column of his treasure trail. Holding Noah's hand, Morys knelt on the landing mat got under the blanket with Noah where the two cuddled again.

Turning to face each other, Noah and Morys found their chest and groins pressed together and Noah had the excitement of feeling a boy dick against his own. They both started to stiffen. Noah kissed Morys, surprising the boy but he recovered quickly and slid his hand down Noah's back.

"I love waking up like this," Morys said when they parted lips.

"Me too. I love falling asleep like this as well," Noah flirted.

"Falling asleep? Let me know if I'm boring you," Morys said – he reached for Noah's cock and started making it hard.

"You can bore me all night," Noah proffered an innuendo.

"Very good Noah," Mr Cooke laughed. "Where was this energy earlier when the rest of your classmates were watching?"

Noah ignored the comment and locked eyes with Morys. They both understood that the teacher liked watching boys and they both liked attention. It was time to give him something more to look at.

Noah's hand reached under the covers too and found Morys's dick. It wasn't hard yet and it was still wrapped in the fabric of his underwear. The petite button of a penis inside Noah's hand was warm and nice to work with so within minutes they were hard beneath the blanket.

Then they started kissing. There was no script to follow and Noah wondered what their relationship would be like after this.

"You're so big," Morys said.

Morys was not embarrassed that Noah had a bigger cock. Morys was more popular, athletic and laddish compared to Noah who was petite and boyish. Between the two, stereotyping would have predicted the hunky Morys had the larger cock but his erection was just over six inches compared to the twinky seven inches Noah sported.

"Where would this interaction go next boys? Pretend you're in your own bedroom Morys," Mr Cooke suggested.

Mr Cooke was priming the pair for being caught by Morys's brother played by Jonah. Morys responded to the direction by sliding his hand down Noah's bare back so the blanket descended and exposed Noah's bare ass. With their groins together, the erections of both boys were hidden for now. The blanket continued to cover Morys's buttocks and legs but Mr Cooke admired the muscular bare back and enviably muscular chest.

Noah put his arms behind his head and lay back on the mat – his armpits had a short fuzz of hair back in them. He was completely unfazed by the teacher and his son in the room. Morys, for all his on-stage confidence continued to hold back from completely revealing his butt or his penis to the teacher who had watched him for years.

In the intimacy of `the bedroom', Noah wasn't sure what Morys would do next. They had fooled around once and they liked each other but being watched performing sexual acts was more than just acting.

"You sexy little thing," Morys said but his voice was muffled because he had stuffed his face in Noah's naked groin.

Seven inches of boy cock were exposed and Morys loved it. So did Mr Cook and Jonah – the teacher and his son watched as Morys nuzzled Noah's dick with his nose and sniffed and then kissed the shaft, working his lips up towards the wet and sticky head.

"I'm not that little," Noah boasted.

Morys was glad his front was facing Noah rather than Mr Cooke of Jonah. It was funny the limits some people had – kissing a naked boy's hard cock was ok but he didn't want his own nudity exposed.

"No, you're not little," Morys agreed. "Except here. And here."

Morys proceeded to tickle Noah's sides and then his armpits and it was so unexpected that Noah jiggled and wriggled and laughed out loud. It was a cute and unguarded moment between the pair that could not have been scripted.

"Very nice, boys. Very nice," Mr Cooke said. "You're really capturing an honest moment between two excited new boyfriends."

Mr Cooke seemed to remember he had to provide some actual feedback rather than just perve on two teenage pupils. Morys's cock was out of Noah's reach since the lad was curled near Noah's legs and his mouth returned to Noah's cock. Morys kissed it and then picked it up in a tight grip and pointed it straight up towards the ceiling.

Morys placed his head above the seven inches and then lowed his mouth onto the pole. Noah put his head back as tight lips wrapped around the leaking head; the tight lips pressed against the foreskin and as Morys took more cock into his mouth, the foreskin eased back.

Morys may have been reluctant to get naked on stage but he seemed quite content sucking cock. Mr Cooke had changed his position to watch the brown boy cock gobble the marshmallow skinned Noah. He wanted nothing more than to record the two teens but he didn't dare. What he did dare to do was beckon his son to join the scene.

"Morys, I was looking for my... oh my god!" Jonah said with disgust.

Jonah delivered his line as if he were disgusted, rearing back as he entered his `brother's' bedroom and caught him with a boy.

Morys, jumped back from Noah - cock slapped obscenely against his tummy.

"Jonah! What are you doing in my room?" Morys said, wiping his mouth.

"What are you doing with a boy's dick in your mouth?" Jonah asked.

Noah moved his hands over his dick but it was too big and wet to be covered. Besides, Noah was otherwise totally exposed except for his lower legs. His milky thighs were spread enough for Mr Cooke to see his balls and perineum

"Nothing. Go away," Morys replied.

"It didn't look like nothing," Jonah replied.

"It's not a big deal Jonah. You caught us in bed last week," Noah said – weaving the tenuous scenario.

"Yes but my brother wasn't... doing that last time," Jonah said.

The conversation stalled there and the three boys, unguided, weren't sure where to take the scene now that they had been caught.

"Perhaps your brother is just jealous Morys?" suggested Mr Cooke.

"You're just jealous you're not getting your dick sucked," Morys picked up the idea.

"I'm not jealous," Jonah said unconvincingly.

Noah saw an opportunity and seized it. He got onto his feet and walked towards Jonah who was still in his school uniform.

"Don't be jealous, Jonah. Have you ever had a blow job?" Noah asked.

Noah knew the real answer.

"No," Jonah lied but the blush was real.

"Good. Keep going with this," Mr Cooke directed.

Morys resisted the urge to look at the teacher. Was he really suggesting Jonah – his own son – be brought into the intimate scene? Would Mr Cooke really watch his son... well, there was an exciting idea. Morys stood up, keeping his back to the teacher so he couldn't see the fabric-wrapped boner. Jonah was impressed by Morys's hardness (even though it was covered) as Noah led him to the bed (the mat on the floor).

"Blowjobs feel good," Noah whispered. "I'll show you."

Noah dropped to his knees and opened Jonah's trousers. By the time Morys was working on Jonah's shirt, Noah had pulled down the trousers and boxers and was suckling on a floppy dick. It was fun to feel the flaccid penis come alive in his mouth, expanding and hardening until it was fully erect and Noah could suck it properly.

Once Morys had unbuttoned Jonah's shirt, he walked behind his on-stage brother and pulled the shirt off his back. Morys could see Mr Cooke watching the three boys with concealed interest – but still interest. Morys was the only boy who was not totally exposed to the teacher. His six-inch erection was obvious inside tight boxers but even Mr Cooke's own son was fully exposed to the man.

Morys envied and admired Noah and wanted to impress him, maybe even be more like him but still he could not take the final step and get naked on stage.

The sound of sucking brought Morys back to the matter at hand – pleasuring Mr Cooke's son. Morys was intrigued that Jonah was so calm while being exposed to his dad. Noah continued to suck on Jonah's cock. He was aware of Mr Cooke standing behind him so the teacher must have been able to see his smooth back and the curve of his petite butt.

Noah's pubes were nearly normal again but it was hard to remember what his normal pubes looked like after being totally smooth for four months. The patch above his dick was short and curly but longer than just stubble. His ass and legs remained as naturally smooth as ever.

Noah came up for air and used the opportunity to make things more comfortable.

"Get into bed with us," Noah said – reminding Morys of his part in the scenario.

"Take those off, brother," Morys said.

Morys could think of no narrative reason for him to want to get his own brother naked. What was this scenario – pornography? If only Morys knew the things Noah got up to with his brother or that Jonah had done with his dad – more than just watching as he was now.

Jonah kicked off his shoes and when his ass hit the landing mat (the bed), his trousers were pulled off. Noah climbed between Jonah's legs and delved back onto his cock. Mr Cooke was lost for words as the three boys worked to pleasure each other while he watched.

Watching was one of his favourite things.

"Morys, why don't you get behind Noah and..." Mr Cooke left the instruction hanging.

Morys was hard and horny and Noah was on all fours as he sucked Jonah's dick. The idea of getting behind Noah and... what? He wasn't going to bareback a boy in front of his Drama teacher.

Still, Noah's ass was awfully tempting. Morys got behind Noah and put his hands on Noah's buttocks, squeezing them and parting them to see his hole. Morys put his mouth to Noah's hole and kissed it. It tasted good so he probed it with his tongue.

Mr Cooke was in heaven!

Noah, Morys and Jonah were in heaven.

The sucking, the ass-kissing, the blow job – it was a hot mess.

Morys pulled his face out of Noah's butt and replaced his tongue with a finger, slipping it into the hole with a slow application of pressure.

"So, brother, are you enjoying it?" Morys asked.

"Oh yea. Fuck yea," Jonah replied.

"You don't mind family watching you?" Morys asked because he was curious.

Jonah looked seriously into Morys's eyes and answered honestly.

"I don't mind being seen naked by anyone. I like being watched when I'm getting sucked or fucked," Jonah confessed but evading the explicit question about family. "I have a thing for martymachlia."

Morys was incredibly turned on by the idea that pretty soon Mr Cooke would see his son cum in a boy's mouth. Morys looked at Mr Cooke who smiled and then shrugged. Noah came up for air and tapped Jonah's cock against his lips and tongue.

"This tastes good," Noah confessed. "And I love what you're doing to my ass."

"I'm glad you like it sweetie," Morys replied.

"You should hump my ass with that dick of yours," Noah suggested.

Morys chuckled nervously but it was a good idea and as Noah began to suck Jonah again, Morys pressed his aching erection against Noah's petite cheeks. Inside his boxers, Morys's cock leaked and the shaft glided into the crack of Noah's butt. Morys slid it up and down the crevice and he was so tempted to penetrate the hole but he wasn't ready for that.

Morys' humped and frotted his cock against Noah's arse, thrusting Noah's face into Jonah's groin. Jonah's dick filled Noah's hot mouth, spreading the sweet lips.

"Oh Noah... Oh, I'm going to cum," Jonah warned.

Jonah came in Noah's mouth with a sizzle of warm spunk that Noah swallowed and slurped on. Even once it was done pumping, Noah still licked it all up and squeezed the shaft to expel the dregs.

"Mmm, yummy," Noah said.

Morys meanwhile was getting close too and he could hardly believe a teacher had just watched his son cum in a boy's mouth. Morys went to school with Jonah! He would see that naked and hard boy in classes on Monday. Jonah was now looking up at Morys who realised that there was an element of reciprocity in the day's development.

Morys had seen Jonah naked, hard and cumming. Now Jonah was watching an almost naked Morys who was about to ejaculate. Morys could not help himself – he looked at the Drama teacher as he grinded his cock against Noah's naked buttocks and unloaded his dick all inside his underwear. Noah cold feel wetness seeming though, smothering his smooth cheeks.

Noah loved the feel of hot splash on his skin but the dampness of boxers-filtered jizz was an exciting change of pace. Noah would happily have showered in cum if he could. Morys sat back on his heels – looking that Noah's doggy pose and proffered hole. Would he ever fuck that ass, Morys wondered?

"You should knock before coming into my room next time," Morys told his on-stage brother.

Noah, Jonah and Mr Cooke laughed good naturedly at the spontaneous joke.

"I will... maybe..." Jonah replied.

It sounded flirty which Morys still thought was weird since they were supposed to be brothers.

"You've forgotten about you poor boyfriend, Morys," admonished Mr Cooke.

Morys flushed – it was just a contrivance of the Drama Club but he was interested in Noah in a way he didn't want to admit. He didn't think Noah would be interested. While Jonah and Morys had both cum, neither had attempted to help Noah reach orgasm.

"I'll take care of it," Noah said before the others could reply.

Morys watched as Noah lay on his back and spread his legs. For all Mr Cooke had watched the whole sordid affair, this was still the most open any of the teenagers had been. Morys could feel his soiled boxers, filled with spunk where his cock had unloaded and Jonah had shot his load in Noah's mouth. However, Noah happily lay back and jerked his fully exposed cock in front of the teacher.

Noah had no shame and no-one could take their eyes off him.

"What is going through your head now Noah?" Mr Cooke asked. "Imagine this was a play and it involved a masturbation scene. You're alone in your room but there is an audience out there watching you. How do you feel?"

"Well, I was naked in front of the Drama Club," Noah pointed out as his hand made wet noised on the shaft.

"Yes, but you didn't have an erection at the time. Imagine a big audience is watching... how does it feel?" Mr Cooke asked.

"I... I'd be excited. Being naked and hard and everyone watching me would be exciting. Disgust, excitement, curiosity... I think I'd enjoy the different reactions," Noah reasoned.

Precum was everywhere and when Noah looked at Morys he could tell the boy was amazed he hadn't actually cum yet – it was just his natural lubricating emission.

"Young actors today are rarely so liberated about nudity. You're doing very well," Mr Cooke said. "You all did very well today."

Morys smiled at Mr Cooke but the euphoria that had persuaded him to let a sexy teacher watch him was wearing off and Morys wanted to go home. Noah moaned and the three people in the room watched Noah as he shot loads of cum all over himself.

Noah's skin was awash with spermy juices.

"That was well done Noah," Mr Cooke said. "It's not easy to perform solo when people are watching. Well done."

"Thanks Mr Cooke," Noah replied.

Morys and Jonah began to get dressed while Noah used the blanket to mop up his excretions.

"The Drama Club could use more excitement next year... maybe we could talk about some ideas another time?" Mr Cooke suggested.

"I'd love to," Noah agreed. Turning his attention to Morys, Noah added: "You were brilliant."

"Thanks. I really enjoyed you. I mean doing it," Morys said.

"Maybe you can do me another time?" Noah offered.

Morys hoped if there was another time it would not involve an audience.

"Morys? Did you enjoy pushing your comfort zone?" Mr Cooke asked. "Do you think you're ready for on-stage nudity."

Morys was glad he was fully dressed when the question was asked.

"I'm not quite as liberated as Noah. The limited audience was ok," Morys assured the teacher.

"If you want to be an actor, you might want to continue pushing your comfort zone," Mr Cooke added – trying not to sound like a teacher telling a seventeen-year-old pupil to get naked next time.

"You look amazing, Morys. You shouldn't worry about more people seeing you," Jonah complimented.

"Thanks Jonah. You looked great too without your clothes on," Morys flirted.

Noah smiled at Morys and winked – they both knew the teacher was trying to mess with him. Noah knew as well as Morys did that Mr Cooke as a pervy teacher.

"I guess I was surprised a teacher would watch his students undressed and aroused," Morys said casually but pointedly.

"Yes, I was surprised that a man would want to look at naked seventeen-year-old boys," Noah added. "Especially since one of those teenagers was his own son."

"Drama is awash with nudity and sexuality, Noah," Mr Cooke replied smoothly.

"Yea, sure," Noah replied indulgently. "It was just a surprise that you watched us totally naked and pleasuring each other. You watched your own son cum in my mouth and Morys humping my ass and..."

Mr Cooke smiled tightly at his own verbal tactics being turned against him but they were interrupted by Morys's phone ringing.

"I need to go. It's my mum and it's getting late," Morys said. He answered his phone as he moved towards the door, "Hi mum. I'm just headed home now."

Well, Noah guessed it was time to get dressed.

"You and Morys worked well together," Mr Cooke said – hiding his irritation at Noah's commentary. "We should talk about how to include him more."

Noah was nearly home and glad of it. He was hungry and it was cold and dark and he wanted something to eat. He'd eaten an apple that had been in his schoolbag all day but he wanted hot food.

A few minutes and he'd be home but he saw two figures at the corner of the street who caught his attention. It was only when he got closer that he recognised who they were – Scott and his neighbour Ryan.

They both turned to look at him with slightly guilty expressions. Noah didn't know why they looked ashamed – he knew the pair were in a secret relationship. It was secret by necessity – Ryan's dad was a complete tit wank.

They had been huddled close and holding hands but stepped apart when they saw him approach. Realising it was Noah, neither Ryan nor Scott made a move to resume their intimacy. The moment was over.

"Hi guys," Noah said.

"Hi Noah... you're coming home late," Ryan said.

"I was at Drama Club," Noah reported.

"Thus, I clothe my naked villainy with old odd ends, and seem a saint when most I play the devil," Scott recited.

"Very dramatic" Ryan commented.

"Richard III," Noah said. "Hey, I'm no villain!"

"We know," Scott said.

Noah smiled at his friend. They had not been intimate for months and Noah reflected that many of the people with whom he had become sexually entangled had moved on. Noah hadn't moved on – he was the same sexually experimenting bottom-leaning vers he'd always been. Was he jealous that Scott had moved on? Not really. But Noah was sad that he so rarely saw Scott anymore.

"What are you guys doing hanging out in the dark?" Noah asked.

Scott didn't want to answer but Ryan volunteered the truth.

"I'm avoiding my dad. He still doesn't know about us and... he would not approve..." Ryan replied.

"We spend a lot of time at mine but we can't go to my house all the time," Scott elaborated.

"So, you hang out on street corners?" Noah asked.

"Yea. I guess we do," Ryan agreed.

"Well... if you ever want a place to hang out, come by my house," Noah suggested.

"Really? You'd help us out like that?" Scott asked.

"The course of true love never did run smooth," Noah asserted. "Of course I'll help you."

"Thanks Noah. We'll think about it," Ryan said.

The three boys began to walk up the street. Noah and Ryan lived opposite each other but Scott was a short walk away. Noah tried to understand how hard it was for the boys who wanted to be together but couldn't even hold hands in the street or kiss farewell. They could only be intimate in secret – how sad that they could not kiss farewell – and if Noah could offer them safe harbour, he was happy to help.

"So... Drama Club?" Scott asked.

"Yea..." Noah said.

"You know your flies are down and shirt is buttoned up the wrong way?" Scott added.

Noah blushed as he pulled up his zipper and sure enough, the second top button was in the third buttonhole of his shirt. Noah blushed as if caught doing something naughty which in a way he had been.

"The soul of this man is his clothes," Ryan quoted and gestured towards Noah.

"His lack of clothes," Scott joked.

"All's well that ends well," Noah answered with a grin.

This day had ended well, the question was: would Ryan and Scott end well?

Next week will be the last regular chapter until the end of January. However, I do have other stories coming over Christmas and New Year. More details next week.

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My stories so far:

Complete series: School Exhibitionism, The Symposium, The Embarrassment of Riches, Do As You're Told and A Series of Embarrassing Events.

Ongoing (interconnected) short stories: Anthology.

Short stories: Aiden's Accidental Autoerotic Assignment, Jogging Joe's Jaunty Journey and Peter's Past Posing Pictures

Next: Chapter 21

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