Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Sep 2, 2019


Noah's New Job Pt 16

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After that night of tribute among the dinning room table. We both start focusing on our goals with a newly lite passion. Caleb diving into school with some help from me but he was still a little lost about which career path he wanted. I told him to focus on the general stuff first then go towards his career.

As for me, I was rummaging through my closet for something. It was folder I put on the back burner. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and Caleb's chin resting on my shoulders. "What are you looking for in this mess?" he asked me

"My folder that I made when I was younger," I told him as my search continued digging through piles of junk.

He unwrapped himself from my waist and went through some of the junk that I already tossed out of closet. I kept digging and soon was at the floor of the closet. There was a wall of junk behind me but I found what I was looking for. I held it up over the mountain of stuff behind me. Caleb reach over and grabbed it from my hand.

"What is it?" he asked as I started shoveling everything back into the closet.

"Plans for me to open a small hole in the wall," I told as I finally got over the mountain and back into the bedroom.

"Ok but first we need to something about that," he said to me.

I turned around and got buried as everything fell on top of me. You could hear everything clank and crashed onto the floor and me. "Guess you're right. Plus, that will give you some room in the closet for stuff," I said as I conceited to the mess that I put off for long time.

I started making piles, clothes that I did not need, wanted to keep. Books and cooking items that have not seen the day of light in years. Caleb looked through some of the clothes and made a pile for himself. I smiled that I noticed that he was doing that and thought at least they will be used. He smiled and I just nodded my head. I grabbed the toss pile and stuff them into a garbage bag.

Then I took my books, mainly cookbooks, I put them up and bookshelf that I had not been used properly. Last was my cooking utensil. I started going through them and split the into already have it or still need it. Yet soon I was getting into other utensils. Ones that had served other purposes.

A couple of them caught Caleb's attention. He grabs some out of my hands and asks me, "What are these for?"

"Of do you really want to know," I said and kissed his delectable lips.

I pushed him down on the bed and pulled his shirt up. They were a pair of tongs with rubber tips. "See these are old school torture devices or sex toys when I was young," I said to him and slowly pinched his nipples with the tongs.

He winched from the instant pain. A moan escaped his mouth. "Do not stop, do you have any other torture devices hiding in those piles?" he asked, and I released his nipple.

I reached back and grabbed a mini whisk. The handle was slick and smooth. My mind went to thinking what else this could be used for. Then I remember that this thing was always cold. I rolled it over his skin, and he squirmed to get any form the coldness. His nipples got even harder from the cold touch of the whisk. Then I was using the whisk in one hand and the other the tongs were teasing his nipples.

"Oh fuck," Caleb said out of his mouth.

"Oh, you like the cold torture," I said back to him.

"Yes, sir. Please give me more," he begged me.

"I think there is one more device in here," I said as I slowly kept teasing him.

I found an old battery powered hand mixer. It was long a slender and the piece that was attached to it was slender cold metal pole. I used to roll things out instead of mixing things. It worked the same if it was floured. I removed my tongs and the cold mini whisk.

He looked up and my hands were removing his shorts that he had on. I noticed he was in a jockstrap and I was happy that he wanted easy access to this last tool. I put his legs on my shoulders and I was greeted with his pink tight hole just begging for more.

I slowly lubed up the hand mixer and inserted into his hole. He groaned from the pressure that it was stretching him out. I lend over his crotch to look at his face. It was about halfway in and I asked him, "Are you ready for your finally punishment?"

He just nodded his head and bite down on his teeth. I pushed the button and it slowly start rolling around. It was slowly stretching his hole.

"Ok my fucking god," was the only thing he kept saying over and over.

I reached down and released his now super hard cock from the jockstrap that he had on. It was oozing with precum. I bent forward which made me push the mixer deeper into him and his eyes started rolling into the back of his head. I knew he probably could not last much longer. I mouth engulfed his cock and just the warmth of my mouth pushed him over the edge.

He cum so quickly and so much. I did not realize that he was so turned on by these tools of cook. After he shoot ten times into my mouth, he became lifeless. I turned the hand mixer off and slowly pulled it out of him. With a pop sound as it came out and his hole slowly going back to its original tightness. I lend over his lifeless body and kissed him.

That brought him back to life. He took a deep breath as he realized what just happened. "That was heavenly. Where did you learn to use tools like that?" he asked me.

"When you are alone for a while, sometimes you need to get creative with what you got," I said with a smile.

He leaned onto his side and noticed that I was smiling. "What you are smiling about?"

"Just happy to pleasure you. Now that we took care of that, I guess I should show you what I was looking for," I told him.

I helped him get dressed and we tossed all the torture devices into the sink to be washed. Then we took a seat at the table. I paced the folder on the table and started to tell him my story.

"When I was a little younger, I wanted to open my own restaurant," I told him.

"I see," he said and was waiting for me to continue.

"Well, this was the business plan and drawings and everything that I was planning on doing at that time," I said to him and started thinking about why I stopped.

"What happened?" he asked as he shuffled through the papers.

"Lack of a lot of things, money, experience and just motivation," I told him.

"Now that I reignited the passion flame within you, you would like to go a second time at this," he said to me as he was holding up the floor plan.

I just nodded my head. He placed the floor plan down on the table and looked it over. A few moments had passed; I felt some nervousness flow over me. Another few moments then he looked over at me and smiled.

"I like the layout of the place, but it seems to be missing something," he said to me. He was watching my face to see my reaction to his suggestion.

"That is what I felt too. I do not know what that could be through," I said back to him.

"I think it could be the flow of the restaurant. How about switching the entrance and moving the bar to the back of the place," he said to me.

I quickly rearranged the floor plan and it did look better. It made me feel better about the plan. I gave him a quick kiss to thank him for his idea.

"Now we need a name to grab people's attention," I said out loud.

"Hmm..." Caleb thought hard and long about this one. "What type of food will you be serving?"

That is when I shuffled through some papers and hand him the menu that I came up with. I await that seem like forever to see what he thought once more.

"Got it. I see what you were trying to make here," he said to me.

"Ok, so what were you thinking then," he said to me.

"Foggy's mist," he said and started to design the name on a piece of paper.

"I like it. That will catch people's eyes and get them curious to come and try it. Just need to make sure the food and the atmosphere matches its all," I told him.

"There you go again. You got this, with me by your side we will make magic happen for everyone that walks through the door," he told me.

"Thanks, I am glad you believe in me more than I believe in myself," I said as I stole a kiss from his lips.

"Just returning what you done for me," he said to me.

I took a seat next to him and the next thing we knew that it was the next morning. We worked all the way through the night one designs, themes and so much more.

Thanks for reading the next chapter of Noah's journey. Let me know what you think by hitting me up at or on my blog site,

Next: Chapter 17

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