Nocturnal Encounters or Windows of the World

By Talisman

Published on Dec 12, 2006



This story is based on my first sexual experience which took place in the summer of 1978. It contains graphic descriptions of sexual scenes between consenting adult Males. If material of this nature offends you or you're under 18 or it's not legal where you live, then don't read it.

It was a hot summer's day in early July 1978. I was walking back from the park with my friend David, we'd just finished playing soccer with a group of friends from college. As we walked and talked, we tossed the ball back and forth, laughing and joking as we made our way to my house. David kicked the ball, aiming for my head, I kicked it back, harder than intended, David laughed and ducked and the ball slammed into the large bay window of old man Taylor's house.

For a brief moment, I thought it was gonna bounce off and land on the lawn. But no such luck, the glass shattered in the quiet afternoon sunshine and the silence that followed seemed equally loud. David didn't waste time, he hightailed it out of there fast. I can't say I blame him. Taylor wasn't the kind a man you messed with. He was a spiteful, mean old codger who took few prisoners. He was notorious in our neighbourhood for being a grouchy old bastard. I can't remember a time when he wasn't shaking his stick at some kid or mouthing off at one of the neighbors. He was the bane of many a childhood. No ball or toy was ever returned if it went into his garden and if someone's pet went missing it was usually but down to the evil Mr. Taylor.

As soon as the old man's pasty, beak-like face poked through the jagged gap in the window I knew I was in trouble. My heart sank as I waited to hear his wroth. I wont bore you with the mundane details but I had to mow his lawn every Saturday for six weeks to pay for the damage. It was agreed between myself, old man Taylor and my dad.

I clearly remember the first Saturday I went over to his house to cut the lawn. That first day was the worst. Taylor followed me around, explaining exactly what he wanted me to do, what time I should start etc. all the time muttering about juvenile delinquency and what was the world coming to.

And it took me six fucking hours to mow that damn lawn. Both front and back. The old buzzard only had an antiquated mower that you pushed. I suggested bringing my dad's petrol mower but he wouldn't hear of it. He said that was the trouble with the youth of today, too damn lazy, always looking for the soft option, no backbone, afraid of a little hard work.

On Saturdays I'd get up, shower, dress, eat a light breakfast, then leave the house at 8.55am for the short walk to the old man's place. First I had to rake up any stones, twigs, dead leaves etc. Then get the old dilapidated mower from the musty shed and start cutting. It was back-breaking work, pushing that goddamned thing up and down in the hot summer sun. I'd turned eighteen the previous month, I was 5'11'', athletic, in good shape from martial arts, swimming, soccer and lifting weights. I may have looked in-shape but cutting the lawn with that old mower proved just how unfit I was.

I'd usually finished the front lawn by 11am. Then take a short break before starting the larger one out back. After the first Saturday, I made sure to bring a sandwich and soda or maybe a thermos of coffee. The old miser never gave me so much as a glass of water. And the break between cutting the front and the back lawn wasn't more than 15 minutes. Taylor made sure of that. He'd be looking from behind the curtains, obviously watching the clock. If I was so much as a minute late, he'd hammer on the window or fling it open and tell me to get back to work. That I was a lazy, good for nothing bastard.

On the third Saturday it rained. I offered to go round on Sunday but the old fart thought this was blasphemy. He went on about keeping the Sabbath day holy, the Lords day of rest etc. So we agreed, weather permitting, I'd mow the front lawn Monday and the back lawn Tuesday.

Monday was a scorcher of a day, one of the hottest that summer. I finished work at my parent's surgery and headed over to Taylor's at about 5pm. I was mowing the lawn in shorts and an old pair of hiking boots but that didn't stop me sweating like a pig on a spit. I'd removed my T-shirt in a futile attempt to keep cool but I wasn't comfortable. It wasn't just the heat. I had good upper body definition, sturdy legs and a nice tan but I was always a little self- conscious about exposing my body.

I was pushing the mower over the steep incline, the worst part of the lawn, when the old man poked me on the back with his stick. I turned around expecting to receive a face full of verbal. Some complaint about not being up to standard or something. But instead, I was greeted by the old buzzard, standing with a toothless grin across his wrinkly old face, like he was the personification of happiness itself. There was a young guy standing next to him. He was in his late teens or early twenties, it was difficult to tell. The first thing that struck me were his looks, they were arresting. I'd never encountered such physical beauty. He was black, about 5'9'' with an athletic build, cropped hair and pale hazel eyes. His teeth were obviously on friendly terms with a very expensive orthodontist, they almost dazzled in the bright evening sunshine.

Taylor's chest swelled with pride as he introduced him as his grandson, Simon. And I have to admit, I was a little taken aback by this news. Not that the old man had a black grandson. No, I was thinking. "How could such perfection be related to this crusty old bag of hatred?" This was quickly followed by another thought. "What women in her right mind had let this, this thing climb on top of her without putting up a fight to the death". I hastily pushed these thoughts away with a shudder as I shook hands with Simon. His grip was firm and dry, mine sweaty from my exertions with the mower. I could see he was scoping me, giving me the once over and I felt naked and self-conscious under his appraisal. I mean, it's one thing to be told you're handsome but it's quite another to actually believe it yourself. And compared to this specimen of masculine perfection, I felt hideous, a common weed next to a rare orchid, to use a gardening metaphor, which I think is apt given the circumstances and our location.

Taylor took his grandson's arm and they moved further up the garden, admiring the various plants and flowers. I grabbed the handle of the mower and continued cutting the grass. I noticed Simon looking surreptitiously over his grandfather's shoulder, he winked and grinned, showing those pearly whites. I was thrilled to be noticed, particularly from someone I considered so damned handsome, not to mention drop- dead-fuckable. As I hunkered down to remove a stone from the front of the mower, our eyes locked and he made a funny face behind the old man's back. I smiled, showing my own dental work. He winked again before heading back into the house with the old man.

I finished up just as the sun was hovering above the horizon. I had deliberately taken my time, hoping Simon would come out again but he never did. Though I did have an unshakable feeling he was watching from behind the curtains, and while it made me feel self-conscious, it also gave me a warm glow of expectation inside.

At eighteen, I was still a virgin, I'd fooled around with a number of girls from high school but they did nothing for me. Their curvaceous bodies, their breasts and their wetness did nothing for my libido. I was attracted and fascinated by all things masculine. This realization came to me at the tender age of sixteen, but I'd never acted on it in any meaningful way. I'd fooled around with a couple of cousins and I'd had a fumble with a Mexican exchange student who had stayed at our house for a month the previous year but I didn't count those as sex as there was never any climax.

I awoke Tuesday morning in buoyant mood, this was unusual for me as I'm not really a morning person. But everything looked great that day, the sun shinning, birds singing, the world was filled with a bright, glowing ripeness of anticipation and infinite possibilities. I spent the day filing at my parent's surgery, watching the clock which only made the day drag slowly. At 4.30 I hurried home before making my way to the old man's house at about 5.15. I had a horrible feeling Simon wouldn't be there, that maybe it was a one off visit. But I needn't have worried, he was sitting on the back step drinking coffee, almost like he was expecting me. He gave a huge smile and gestured for me to sit next to him. I could feel my heart beating as we sat talking. I tried to remain unfazed but it was difficult. The fact he only wore a pair of khaki shorts wasn't helping either. He had beautiful caramel toned skin with a nice dusting of black hair on his muscular chest, arms and legs. But it was his face that I found most captivating, the smoothness of the skin, the sexy almond eyes, the nose that sloped gently down towards two slightly flared nostrils, the strong jaw-line, the cleft chin and the full, dark sensual lips.

He went into the house to refill his coffee cup and brought me one too. We moved over to the garden seat and continued to chat until old man Taylor hobbled out on his stick. As soon as he saw me talking and laughing with his grandson he turned on me with all the venom his puny little body could muster. The usual stuff about being a lazy good for nothing bastard. He told Simon he shouldn't associate with the likes of me, that I'd be a bad influence etc. My face burned in humiliation so I retaliated, I lost my temper. My abusive language probably justified everything the old vulture was saying about me but I was beyond caring.

I let rip a profusion of expletives. How he was a fucking poisonous old bastard despised by everyone in the neighborhood. That he should do the world a favour and hurry to his grave. I told him there was a special place ready and waiting for him in the depths of hell. And he could go fuck himself if he thought I was going to continue cutting his god-damn lawn, and lots more besides. He mumbled some vague threat about the police and the window and I told him he could call who the fuck he liked. That I'd sooner serve time than have to look at his sorry ass again.

I went home and told my parents what happened. I told them hell would be an ice rink before I went back to cut his lawn. I'd only broken a window, it was an accident, anyone would think I'd committed murder the way the old man ranted and raved. My dad thought I should go back and apologise as there was only a couple more Saturdays and I'd be done. Luckily my mom backed me up. And once I had her backing I knew there was no way I'd be going back to cut that lawn.

Later that evening, I was sitting on my bed reading when my mom called up the Kitchen stairs in a playful posh voice,

"Richard, my favorite son, (I'm the only son) there's someone here to see you my dear boy, a very handsome stranger."

I assumed she was talking about David so I roared back in the same playful way.

"Why thank you mother dearest, how splendid of you to inform me in such mellifluous tones about my honored guest. Do send the old boy to my room, ta, ta.

A few seconds later there was a soft rap on the door, which I thought strange. David wasn't one for formalities, he usually just barged in. I was about to say something when Simon popped his head round the door grinning. I was surprised, and a little embarrassed, he was the last person I expected to see.

He continued smiling as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. I stood up as he approached and before I could say anything he pulled me to him and kissed me full on the mouth. I was totally unprepared for this turn of events. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't complaining but it was so unexpected. I mean, there hadn't been any obvious build up - not one I was aware of anyway. No subtle hints about suspected sexualities, not even a cursory exploration to see if I was receptive to a little man on man action. I know I was an inexperienced eighteen year old but I'd expected some sort of rudimentary chat or some kind of courtship ritual to take place before anything physical happened. Obviously Simon didn't believe in such niceties, preferring to circumvent the explorations or courtship and go straight into the action. I guess my response would informed him of my sexuality or whether I was receptive or not. And boy was I receptive, you bet your ass I was.

He pushed me back and held me at arms length, resting his hands on my shoulders and said in his sexy baritone voice.

"Is it okay, I mean, will your mom come up here?"

" usually, she respects my privacy, but I guess I could lock the door.

"Okay, good, lock it."

I don't know how I made it across the room. My legs had turned to jelly and I was trembling. I'm not sure if it was lust or just nerves. Anyway, I made the short trip on my wobbly legs, twisted the key and turned to find Simon had followed me. He was obviously impatient and horny. He pushed me up against the locked door and kissed me deeply as he hands explored my body. He rubbed one hand roughly across the front of my shorts. "not a lot happening down there," he said, with a mischievous grin. "We'll have to do something about that".

My breath came in short irregular gulps, not just because his mouth covered mine but because the whole situation was so fast, so unexpected. I placed a hand on his chest, feeling the knot of muscles there, and pushed him back gently.

"Uh.wait Simon, wait, give me a second."

But he didn't, he just smiled again and moved back into me, kissing my mouth, my face, my neck, and whispering, "Jesus, you're so damn sexy, you make me fucking hot. I could lick you all over." And as it turned out, he did.

We moved over to the bed and quickly removed our clothes, not that we were wearing must to begin with. I was a bit bashful as I removed my T-shirt and dropped my shorts but he didn't seem to notice or care. Naked he was a sight to behold, he'd a fantastic body. He told me later he didn't work out or play much sport. He was at college but worked part-time in his father's construction business at weekends and during vacations. It gave him an attractive, natural muscular build. One look at that gorgeous body and I was instantly relaxed, not to mention horny. I just forgot everything and surrendered to the lust building between us

He pushed my down on the bed and kissed me hungrily. It felt like he was trying to swallow my tongue, my whole face in fact. He moved down along my body, kissing, licking and biting as he want. He paused at my nipple before taking it into his mouth and biting down gently. I arched my back and squirmed to escape the waves of pleasure stirred up by his tongue as he flicked it back and forth. I lay gasping, trying to catch my breath, surprised at the intensity of this undiscovered pleasure. I had to quickly put a clenched fist against my mouth to stop the deep moans that threatened to escape. I felt his tongue move from my erect nipple, to trail down along my torso to my navel before nuzzling into its shallow crater, licking and kissing. He continued his journey downward, burying his nose in my thatch of pubic hair. My cock swelled in excited anticipation but he only licked the tip, denying me the expected pleasure, before moving down to my ball-sac. He pulled at the small hairs with his lips, each one a trigger of pure pleasure, sending shivers up my spine. He took one ball into his mouth, rolled it around and sucking on it gently. I tensed up, wanting to cry out but could only moan softly instead.

He moved up and in one swift motion enveloped my swollen cock in his hot hungry mouth He bobbed up and down on it, flicking his tongue back and forth across the sensitive head. The sensation was phenomenal, causing my abdominal muscles to quiver and spasm involuntary. But just as I began to float on an ocean of bliss he stopped and moved up to kiss me again. I pushed him over onto his back and we continued kissing. I ran the length of his torso with my mouth, through his chest, muscular abs and back up again, kissing and nibbling him all over. I pushed his arm up over his head, exposing the dense bush of black hair. He giggled as I ran my tongue across his armpit, savoring the small beads of perspiration, the salty-sweet taste and the intoxicating aroma driving me into a higher state of desire. My cock felt like it was going to explode.

He pushed me onto my back again and straddled my upper chest. He grasped his erect cock and aimed it at my mouth. It was cut, short and stumpy, with a fat mushroom head that was a little darker then the shaft. I was totally mesmerized. I never knew a cock could look so good, so appetizing. I quickly engulfed it with my mouth, marveling at the sensation and taste as he began to fuck my face. Much to my disappointment, he didn't last long, a few urgent thrusts and he was spurting hot semen down my throat. It tasted odd, kind of salty and metallic. He reached back, grabbed hold of my swollen cock and started to jerk me off. The sensation almost made me scream with ecstasy. A few jerks is all it took and I was thrusting my hips up and arching my back and yelling loudly as warm streams of semen shot high into the air to pepper my belly, his ass and his lower back. We lay there breathless, I stroked his face and kissed his large dark lips. Suddenly, there was a voice from downstairs.

"Richard, is everything okay up there?"

We looked at each other, startled and than giggled as I replied, "er.yes mom .everything's fine, we'll be down in a minute." We both stifled our laughter as he snuggled up to me, resting his head on the pillow, next to my shoulder.

"That was great Richard," he said, running his hand across my chest. I felt myself getting hard again. "I wanted you as soon as I met you, you're so damn sexy." I was a little startled by this. I was never described as sexy before, I liked it. He noticed my renewed excitement and smiled. "I'd like you to fuck me Richard, do you want to?"

"Well yeah, but I've never done it before," I replied, sheepishly.

"That's okay, there's nothing to it, do you have Vaseline or something?"

"'s moisturizer, will that do?"

"Sure, why not, lets give it a go.

I ran into the en suite bathroom and grabbed a bottle of moisturizer, I think it was after-sun. I brought it back, handed it to him and got back onto the bed. He smeared his butt-hole with copious amounts of the stuff. It smelt sweet and fragrant as he pulled me on top of him. I positioned myself comfortably between his legs. I felt like I'd lived my whole life for this moment. Simon grabbed below his knees, spread his legs and pulled them towards his chest. I placed my cock against his dark puckered hole and proceeded to push into him. I was so hard, so damn horny, I thought I was gonna shoot before I even started. I slid into him, tentatively at first, then all the way in, it was like sliding into paradise. I had to stifle another loud moan.

"Feels good eh?" he said, smiling up at me.

"Oh man, I feels fantastic. I think I'm in love" I stifled a laugh and started thrusting with a slow steady rhythm and he moaned softly before asking me to go deeper, faster. I increased the pace and began to fuck him with abandon, reveling in the newly discovered source of pleasure and wondering why I had waited so damn long. I continued to thrust into him, his sphincter squeezing my shaft in a tight embrace. I was breathless, pushed to the limits of my endurance. I began to feel my climax building deep within me as my cock continued its assault. My breathing became labored as my hips went into over-drive, thrusting faster and faster until I felt like I would explode. And that's exactly what I did. I was so startled by the intensity or my orgasm that I began to cry out but luckily Simon covered the sound with his mouth as my whole body turned to liquid and I melted into him.

He broke the kiss and I lay on top of him completely spent but happy.

"Next time it'll be better, we'll go somewhere more private, where we can take our time."

"Oh man, there's gonna be a next time?" I replied, smiling.

"Hell yeah, I mean, you wanna see me again right?"

"Are you kidding Simon, after this, I wanna marry you."

He laughed and kissed me, "I've no problem with that, church or town hall." And we both laughed. C'mon, we better get dressed and go down before your mother comes up to investigate, I'm sure she's wondering who I am."

"Do you think we should shower first, I mean we must smell after our workout."

"Nice metaphor," he said, giggling. "No, I want to carry your aroma with me for awhile."

I don't know if I was pleased or revolted by this, it was all so new to me. I guess I was pleased. We quickly pulled on our clothes and went downstairs. I introduced him to my mom and we sat drinking sodas. Later, as we stood in the hall, he kissed me and promised to call next day. He kept his promise and called the following evening, asking if I wanted to go to a gay bar in the city. I'd never been so I instantly agreed. I lied and told my folks I was spending the evening with David and I'd most probably be home late.

It's funny looking back but I remember being really nervous as we walked towards the bar. I didn't know what to expect. I had all these preconceived ideas that I'd largely absorbed from a misguided and misinformed straight society. I was expecting to see a bunch of limp-wristed, purse swinging, lisping men, hell bent on bending me over and fucking my ass at the first opportunity.. So you can well imagine my surprise when that's exactly what I found. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, it wasn't much different than the straight bars I'd visited. Most of the clientele were just average guys. I don't know if I was disappointed or relieved by this. I'd always been under the impression that gay men were better looking, better dressed, with a better sense of taste and style etc. I think this view is largely fostered on us by the gay media, who like their straight counterparts, want to sell us consumer goods we don't really need. Or maybe I'm just a cynical bastard, but all those buffed up hunks in the latest designer clothes you see in the magazines bore little resemblance to reality of gay bars in 1978. Don't get me wrong, there were a number of good-looking guys there that evening, a few gym bunnies, you're fashion victims and preppy types. There was even the odd construction worker, (the cleanest I'd ever seen), a few bears and the usual collection of cross-dressers and effete boys. But for the most part the majority of people I saw that day, looked, dressed and behaved much like everyone else.

Simon seemed to know his way around the bar and he knew a substantial number of people. He introduced me to several guys as we made our way into the interior. We eventually got to the bar and ordered a couple of beers. We found a seat in the corner and were hardly sitting down when a guy came over and kissed Simon on the cheek.

"Hey Simon, he said, smiling. "Whose your handsome friend?"

Simon made the introductions and I have to admit, I found the guy scary and hot in equal measure. He was so handsome, so uniquely beautiful I couldn't speak, I was literally mute. He wasn't just gorgeous, he was genial, affable and self-confident too. And I don't mean in a smug way. He was just direct and spoke his mind, like nothing was taboo. He looked Caucasian but he had the darkest skin I'd ever seen, darker then any black guy. Like I said, I was speechless, I just grinned like an idiot and nodded in agreement to everything he said. His name was Suresh, he was originally from Sri Lanka. He'd come over with his parents when he was twelve. He looked early twenties but was actually closer to thirty. A couple of beers helped loosen my tongue and before long we were getting on like a house on fire. We chatted for over an hour, Suresh lectured in biology at the university and we talked about my plans to study medicine in the fall. I was really getting into the guy, I was in awe of his good looks, his charm and panache. I loved his sense of humor, his comic timing, and the fierce intelligence that burned behind his eyes. Unfortunately he had to go, something about an early start the following morning. I hid my disappointment, looking at Simon and feeling a tad guilty about the lustful thoughts I was having about his friend.

We stayed in the bar for another couple of hours, talking to various guys Simon knew. I chatted with a few drag-queens, they were funny and bitchy, sometimes viciously so, which made me laugh. We eventually bid farewell to this motley crew and headed home, taking a detour by jumping the gate and walking through the park. In my complete innocence, I honestly thought Simon was being romantic and fancied a little stroll with me. I'd no reason to think otherwise, especially as he took my hand as soon as we were over the gate. It wasn't until I saw a few shadowy figures through the foliage that I started to have doubts and feel a little apprehensive. I'd heard about cruising spots but I'd never been to one before. My apprehension increased when we got closer to the centre of the park. The first shadowy figure we encountered stepped from the bushes, onto the edge of the path and started to play with his erection.

Now it was dark but you'd have to be blind or a complete imbecile not to know what he was doing. I didn't like it and wanted to leave but Simon had other ideas. Still holding my hand, he pulled me into the thicket of trees and shrubbery. We waited a moment for our eyes to grow accustomed to the gloom, then gingerly made our way towards the centre. Simon pushed me up against a large tree and began to kiss me. I could barely see him as he rubbed my cock through my jeans. His hands fumbled with my zipper, releasing my semi-hard cock as we continued to kiss. It was only when he put his arms round my neck that I realized the hands at my zipper were not his. Then someone began to suck my cock and I began to panic, to pull away but Simon whispered in my ear to relax and go with the flow. I was nervous but excited too. I decided to follow Simon's suggestion, hoping my excitement would overrule the fear.

Regardless of what I was feeling, it seemed my cock had a will of it's own. It swelled to full size by virtue of the stranger's mouth. Whoever was blowing me was an expert, it was infinitely better then the brief blowjob I'd received that afternoon from Simon. I reached down to get a rough idea of who the guy was by touching his face. I guessed by the texture of his skin, his balding head and beefy build that it was a mature guy. I didn't care, it was way too good to pass up.

As the stranger gave me my first proper Blowjob, I became aware of more shadowy figures moving in around us. I felt another wave of fear and uncertainty as Simon was pulled away and replaced by Mr. Anonymous. Now I gave him that name because I'd absolutely no idea who he was, I'd never met him before in my life. There were no formal introduction, no idle chit-chat about the weather, nothing. The guy just stuck his tongue down my throat in what was quite an impressive kiss. I was still kinda scared, shaking a little but the whole situation was so bizarre, so removed from my everyday life, that I managed to suppress my fear and embrace that shadowy world of impersonal, rampant, unadulterated sex.

I grew confident and courageous, returning the kiss, probing the anonymous mouth with my tongue. My hands grew confident too, slipping under his t-shirt, exploring and caressing his warm, moist skin. He'd a great body, taut and lean and very hairy. I pushed the guy sucking me away so I could gave him my full attention. I unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the ground. I undid his belt and slowly lowered his pants and cotton briefs. It was dark in that thicket but I could tell he was a white guy between 35 and 40. I know when you're eighteen that seems really old but it only heightened my desire to be having sex with a virile, adult male. To my young, lust filled brain, Mr. Anonymous epitomized the masculine, grown-up man. My excitement was palpable as I ran my hands over his smooth back, around to his hairy chest and down to a rather large, semi-tumescent cock hanging heavily between his thighs.

I remember a hot surge of excitement coursed through me as I dropped to my knees, and though it was too dark to see clearly, his dick came alive with an immediacy I'd never encountered before. I could feel its moist heat inches from my face and the pungent, manly aroma of sweat, semen and the faint acrid scent of urine. The smell drove me wild and I was overcome with a savage craving for his maleness. I grabbed the thick shaft, brought it to my lips and started sucking like my life depended on it. I was a little disappointed because it was too big to fit properly in my mouth. And it never got really hard, more a spongy firmness. Not that it mattered, because I was just getting into it when he was hauled away and replaced by Mr. Average. Now his cock was more to my liking, a six inch average (hence his name) but thick and stiff as steel. I loved the sleek smoothness of the shaft as it plunged in and out of my mouth. I was on my knees servicing this beauty, when another cock was rubbed across my cheek. Almost by instinct, I quickly turned and took it in my mouth. As I sucked and slurped, more men assembled, forming a crude semi-circle around me. Soon I was servicing five, six, maybe seven different cocks, it was hard to tell in the gloom. It became a kind of rotation, sucking on one and then another as they fought for supremacy over my mouth. The variety of sizes, the textures and smells was completely mind-boggling. It was a wild frenzy of rock-hard cock sucking.

Amidst the soft groaning and moaning of gratified men, I was happily sucking on one firm cock when another would take its place. Sometimes I had two in my mouth at the same time but it was difficult to give them proper attention. As the rotation continued, my jaw began to ache, I made my mouth slack and just let them fuck my face. One enthusiastic guy, began to fuck with enthusiasm, his hips thrusting at an incredible pace, his cock hitting the back of my throat, almost making me gag. Suddenly he stopped thrusting, his whole body went rigid as he pulled me into his pubic hair, he let out a long moan as he fired several jets of hot semen into my mouth. I scarcely had time to acknowledge his climax when a guy on my right let loose his own warm, ropy strings to hit the side of my face. They landed on my cheek and ran down my face to hang off my jaw. I'd hardly time to breath when another guy shoved his fat cock into my already slicked up mouth and released his own hot prize. Then another hit to my left, landing on my hair and forehead, while another shot on my back and neck. The guy in my mouth pulled away and was replaced by another who vigorously jerked off before he too blasted my mouth.

Mr. Average come back and I used my semen filled mouth to give him a sloppy blow-job. I gripped his firm buttocks, pulling him in and out of my mouth as some guy kissed and licked my face, cleaning up the semen with his tongue. Mr. Anonymous was back too, he started sucking my cock as I sucked Mr. Average. It was so damn good I felt I was gonna cum. I didn't want to, not yet, so I gently pushed him away. But instead of leaving, he in turn pushed Mr. Average aside, lifted me to my feet and began to kiss me with vigor, his moist lips firm against my own, and our tongues twisting in a dance to delight the senses. He gripped the hem of my t- shirt and pulled it over my head, dropping it to the ground. He undid my zipper before sliding down my body, pulling my jeans and briefs to my ankles in one swift motion. He grabbed my turgid cock, several times pulling and releasing it to slap against the firm skin of my torso. He stood again and turned around, pressing his back into my chest, gyrating his hairy ass against my now painfully solid cock, the skin almost stretched to breaking point. I wrapped my arms around him, nibbling the hard flesh of his neck and shoulder, running my hands through his hairy chest, squeezing his prominent nipples and he moaned with pleasure. I continued ever downward, across his hard stomach and vast pubic bush, grasping the solid hardness of his pulsating manhood. My own was throbbing against his hairy crevice until the tip found his gaping hole and without pausing I plunged inwards an upwards, burying the entire shaft to the hilt. He'd obviously been fucked several times already because he was wet and slick and my cock slid smoothly all the way home.

As soon as my cock was buried in his slicked up ass, there was an instant frenzy, hands come out of the darkness to squeeze nipples, caress asses and fondle balls-sacks. A mouth met mine as two others sucked my nipples and a hand stroked my ass and tried to finger my hole. It was all too much for me, I was so close to cumming. I tried to hold off but I couldn't, there was just too many hands, too much sensation, it was overwhelming my senses. A few more thrusts and I felt it building, building, building to the point of no return. Like reaching the summit of a mountain to jump off and dive into a warm pool of absolute bliss. My cock exploded, going off like a gun, every cell in my body firing simultaneously as I shuddered and shot copious amounts of hot cum up his ass.

I paused to catch my breath before pulling out of him. My cock was slick and a little messy but it didn't stop some guy from dropping to his knees, taking it in his mouth, and cleaning it up. As he sucked on my slowly softening cock, it became hypersensitive, so I had to push him away. I pulled up my jeans, threw my T-shirt over my shoulder and went looking for Simon.

I found him on the other side of the shrubbery. It was a little brighter there and I could see he was surrounded by several guys in various stages of undress. He was bent over, clutching a tree stump, getting fucked by a big, middle-aged bear of a man, as another guy feed him his cock. Simon was moaning softly as the big guy plowed his ass. My cock twitched as I moved in for a closer look. I was mesmerized as the guy hips went into overdrive. His head flew back and he groaned as he increased the speed. Suddenly he gripped Simon's hips and let out a long `ooooooh man I'm cumming' as he shot his load deep into Simon's ass. He was quickly pulled away and replaced by another. This new guy didn't waste time, he just grabbed the base of his erection and shoved it into Simon's wet slicked up ass.

As I drew closer, many hands reached out to massage my crotch or pinch my nipples but I slapped them all away. My cock was stiff again as I got under Simon and began to suck him off. Given the amount of movement, it was difficult to get proper purchase but I did the best I could. The actions of the guy fucking Simon was forcing his cock into my mouth with each thrust of his hips. Suddenly, without warning, Simon moaned and blasted my mouth with a large, creamy load. I swallowed it down and got to my feet just as the guy fucking Simon let out a groan as he fired his own hot wad into Simon's bowels. Another guy moved in to take his place but I pushed him aside, and ignoring his protests, I dropped my jeans and slipped my now painfully hard cock into Simon's warm, moist hole. I held is hips and plowed into him, slapping his ass with each thrust of my pelvis, fucking him with abandon. I was filled with an unquenchable desire to cum and keep on cumming. I never felt so horny, so deliciously alive with sensation. It flooded my brain and almost overwhelmed my senses. I reached out for the nearest guy and pulled him to me, and as my hips thrust in and out of Simon, I grasped the guy's solid cock and I kissed him deeply. His stiff cock in my hand, and his raspy, unshaved chin rubbing against my skin, sharpened my hunger and all too soon I felt the tell-tail build up of another imminent climax. I welcomed its arrival, I reveled in it, my whole body screamed for it, every cell and sinewy demanding release.

I came with such force, such intense pleasure that my knees buckled, I fell backwards and warm bodies reached for me. My cock continued to twitch and pulse as I rose into the air, carried on a sea of hands. I was placed on a blanket or maybe it was a coat, the soft fabric warm against my skin. I could smell grass and leaves and foliage, the rich smell of earth and the unmistakable, salty-sweet odor of countless sweating men. Hands caressed me, stroked me, tweaked my nipples and someone sucked on my now flaccid cock. I lay panting, trying to catch my breath. Then someone raised my legs and pushed my knees towards my chest. I felt my butt cheeks pushed apart and shivered as cool liquid was spread on my virgin hole. I began to protest, I'd never been fucked before and I wanted it to be with someone special, not in the dark with an anonymous stranger. I tried to get up but hands held me down, I felt weak and overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness. I'd never felt so vulnerable, so completely at the mercy of another. It was thrilling and scary in equal measure. I closed my eyes and tightened my abdomen in anticipation of the inevitable. I held my breath as the guy pushed into me and I cried out as sharp shards of pain coursed through my body. He continued, very gently, very slowly to push inward until I begged him to stop. But he only paused briefly before continuing, not stopping until he was all the way in. The pain was excruciating and I tried to move but his hands continued to pin me down. I remember thinkin, `I'm being raped' and the thought scared me, it scared me so much I began to struggle violently. The guy slumped down and whispered in my ear and my whole body tingled in relief, it was Simon, Simon was fucking me.

I was so relieved I covered his face in kisses. Our lips met and we lingered over a long, deep kiss. He lay on top of me, completely still, I could feel his loose ballsac resting against my perineum. Then he whispered something as he slowly began to thrust into me again. It was different now, it was Simon so I relaxed and surrendered my defenses, giving myself over to his control. My ass still felt stretched and I'd a slight feeling of discomfort, like I needed to take a dump but gradually the feeling diminished and I began to feel something else entirely, a delicious feeling of fullness. Waves of pleasure begin to flow over me. We kissed passionately before he rose up on his elbows and began to pound my ass with vigor. I felt a profound sense of connection as I brought my legs up and crossed my ankles above his muscular buttocks and I relaxed further into the soft fabric beneath me.

Then he suddenly stopped thrusting and pulled out, the feeling of emptiness was almost as bad as the initial pain. He asked me to turn over and when I got on all fours, he plunged back in. I winced a little but the pleasure soon returned. Someone pressed a large, pungent cock to my lips and I took it in my mouth. His hips began to move back and forth, his cock sliding in and out of my mouth, matching the thrusting of Simon's stiff cock sliding in and out of my ass. I relished the double invasion, the feeling of utter violation. I reached up and tugged on the guys loose ballsac as I slurped on his fat cock.

All the time hands were in motion, tweaking, teasing and slapping. Some guy began to suck my cock, using Simon's thrusting to draw into his mouth. Another worked on my nipples, sucking and biting deliciously hard. Again, I was pushed to the limits of endurance, my brain overloading on sensation, all circuits firing at once. I could feel yet another climax building, and once again I didn't fight it, I let it advance, reveling in the luxury of letting go, of dropping all my inhibitions, of completely relaxing for the first time in my life. It was my third time to cum but it was intense, so intense I cried out as waves of pleasure engulfed me and I peppered the guy's mouth with what I thought then, was the last of my jizz. The guy fucking my mouth stopped thrusting, his breathing became labored and suddenly my mouth was filled with the warm, metallic taste of his sperm. I let it drool from my mouth as another cock was shoved in. As I sucked the new meat, Simon stopped thrusting, released a long, drawn-out groan, before collapsing down on top of me. With a grunt, he slipped out and lay next to me, giggling and gasping for breath.

Suddenly, there was a cock at the crack of my ass, seeking access, I began to panic and released the cock I was sucking on. I winced in pain as he found his mark and slid all the way into me. I gritted my teeth but was surprised and pleased when the pain quickly turned to pleasure. Whoever was fucking me was bigger than Simon, a lot bigger, and the exquisite feeling of fullness was far greater. I moaned as I reached between my legs to feel the vast tube of solid cock- flesh thrusting in and out of my ass. I felt strange, still slightly violated but now it was mixed with a sense of achievement and satisfaction to be taking such a monster. I looked over my shoulder to see who was fucking me but it was too dark to see clearly. It could have been anyone, a construction worker, a truck driver, a lawyer or doctor, maybe even someone I'd met before, a teacher, a professor or maybe a friend of my dads. Hell, he could be a dad himself. The possibilities seemed endless, and the idea that he could be just about anyone, added spice and eroticism, heightening the sheer indulgence and depravity of the situation.

I slumped forward and pulled my ass from his cock with an audible plop. He began to move away but I gripped his hand, turned onto my back and pulled him down on top of me. Our lips met as he got into position, the full delicious weight of his physique on top of me as his mammoth masculinity slipped between the wet-lips of my butthole and he began to fuck me again. I wriggled beneath him, delighted and inflamed, my hands exploring the smooth contours of his immense, muscular frame. I could feel his hot breath against my skin and his musky, masculine aroma as I lay prostrate beneath him, all limp and languorous, the dreamlike rocking of his hips making me delirious. All resistance melted away as I gave myself completely to the stranger, spreading my legs further, letting him use me as a sex toy for his pleasure. I rose up, reaching down to cup his smooth firm butt-cheeks, feeling the taut, malleable musculature dancing beneath my fingers. I nibbled his ear, his neck and shoulder, rubbing my lips across his firm, flexed bicep as his hips continued to grind into me. I bit his raspy chin, sucked his lower lip before we locked into a deep, licentious kiss, twisting tongues and sharing hot saliva.

The pitch and tone of his hot breath suddenly altered and his hips went into overdrive, slamming into me with sloppy wetness, filling me with his manhood. He began to moan, almost whimper, taking in huge gulps of air. He rose up on his knees, slipped out of me and jerked on his cock, a few quick jerks and he was shooting wads of hot semen across my abdomen and chest. He slumped down on top of me, his immense weight crushing against me, making it hard to breath. I pushed him onto his back and lay on his muscular torso, slick with sweat, his smooth chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. He whispered something and moved to leave but I pushed him back, reluctant to let him go. He gave a soft chuckle and kissed my forehead before getting up to leave.

I lay in the darkness, listening to the soft rustle of leaves and the faint moaning of miscellaneous men fulfilling their nocturnal desires. I was surprised to find my cock was hard again. It was stiff against my torso as I got on all fours to await my next invasion. I'd never felt so blatantly lustful, so totally possessed and gripped by unrestrained debauchery as I waited in that dark place with my hole exposed to the elements. I recall the waves of anticipation shooting through me, making my skin tingle and my body twitch with excitement at the delicious prospect of being taken by anonymous men.

Hours later, myself and Simon stumbled out of the trees, to the railings on the far side of the park. My knees grazed, my cock raw and my ass leaking and aching from the brutal pounding of countless men. We climbed the gate and walked through the tree lined streets, laughing over the nights events. A few days later Simon returned home. My parents were away so we spent his last night snuggled up in my bed. The next morning, promising to keep in touch and telling me to have fun in the park, he left.

But I never did go back, it just wouldn't have been the same without Simon, or maybe I was simply too shy to go on my own. Besides, it took several days for my ass to return to normal which wasn't exactly conducive for a second visit. I started Medical School in the fall and began a relationship with Suresh, the biology lecturer I'd met in the gay bar with Simon. It lasted almost four years.

I went home that first Christmas and discovered old man Taylor had died. I don't know why, but his death hit me kinda hard and I released a few tears in my room that night. Who'd have guessed I'd cry over that old reprobate. I phoned Simon to see how he was doing, we talked about his grandfather, college and life in general, we agreed to meet early in the new year but we never did. I don't know why. Time ticked by, as it does, and I never saw him again.


I hope you can find the time to email and let me know what you think. I value any comments or suggestions that help improve my writing.

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