Nolans Little Brother

By Tyler Robertson

Published on Jan 20, 2018


I was the last of 10 to arrive at the seaside house that would serve as the site for my best friend Nolan's bachelor party. It was an early summer evening, and I'd travelled much of the day to arrive at the Carolina coast from the Bay Area.

Nolan spotted me as I parked my rental car, and walked down the driveway to greet me.

"I was starting to think maybe you were staying in SF this weekend, dude."

"Yeah, very funny. You know I wouldn't miss this. Shockingly it still takes 6 hours to fly across the country."

He laughed and we hugged it out to say hello. Nolan was shirtless and barefoot, wearing only a pair of red swim trunks cut a few inches above his knee. He grabbed my suitcase and led me inside.

I looked around the interior of the house, peering out through the big windows that faced the ocean. The rest of the guys were out playing volleyball on our private beach.

"This place is sick!"

"Yeah you're not kidding. You remember my frat brother Kyle? His family's summer place. They're loaded. Want a beer?"

"I just sat in a middle seat for 6 hours. Hell yes."

He grabbed me a Coors Light from the fridge and took one for himself. I glimpsed as his shorts as he did, which were just tight enough to outline his package if you knew where to look.

"It's good to see you man, really glad you could make it!"

He smiled at me and we cheers'd each other.

"Come on, I'll take you up to your room."

I followed Nolan up the stairs, stealing a glance at his tight butt through his swim shorts. Nolan, now 24, had always had a nice body. He'd been an athlete throughout high school and was a swimmer in college. He stood about 6'2' and 175 lbs., and kept his chest and belly free of any hair as a remnant of his swimming days. He had styled dark brown hair, and blueish gray eyes.

The house was 4 bedrooms and a den with a pullout couch, so most of the guys were doubled up.

"I figured you could crash with Luke, since he doesn't really know anyone else here."

"Works for me. How is the little bro anyways?"

"He's good. Graduated high school and going to be starting up at Georgia Tech in the fall. Smart little fucker."

"Damn, he's going to college already? Makes me feel old as shit. I remember him being born."

It was true. Nolan and I had been friends since childhood, and I remembered his little brother Luke as a baby.

"Yeah no joke. Glad he could make it out though. I've never drank with him before and he's pretty pumped for the weekend. Already seems to be getting along well with the crew."

Nolan motioned out towards the beach, where Luke was hanging with the rest of the attendees. Apart from a few that sported tanks, most of the guys, including Luke, were shirtless and wore swim trunks or board shorts. I recognized most of the faces out there, as many were Nolan's friends from college who I'd met over the years. He'd been in a frat at his college in Florida, and was known for being a bit of a partier, so he had a big group of guy friends. I knew a couple of his work buddies from DC were also in attendance.

I dropped my bags at the foot of the room's full size bed.

"Just let me throw my trunks on and we can get out there."

"Go for it."

Nolan and I continued chatting as I peeled off my t-shirt and jeans, and finally dropped my sweat dampened boxer briefs. Nolan and I had grown up together, so being naked in front of each other wasn't all that unusual. I rummaged through my suitcase to find my swim shorts.

I had a average sized dick-- maybe 3 or 4 inches soft-- and two medium-sized balls that hung extra low in the summer heat. Part of me still got excited to be naked in front of my best friend Nolan, despite it being a rather common occurrence. Eventually, I found my swim shorts and lazily pulled them on over my exposed body. Grabbing my beer, I slid on some flip flops, and we walked down to say hello to the crew.

The guys stopped their game as I came out of the house into the evening sun. There was a chorus of greetings from the gang and I made the rounds of bro hugs for the guys I knew and handshakes for the guys I was just meeting. I came to Luke last, who was shirtless and wearing knee-length patterned blue board shorts.

"What's up Luke, long time no see!"

We high fived and then hugged it out.

"Yeah good to see you man, it's been too long."

From being so close with Nolan, I knew Luke well, and considered him a buddy despite our 7 year age gap. He'd always been on the shy side, unlike his party boy older brother, but seemed to be at ease with the group.

I hadn't seen Luke in several years-- after high school, I'd gone to college out of state, and my family had moved away from our hometown. That meant that trips back were few and far between. I remembered him as a 5 foot nothing little shrimp that was almost too fragile to push around when Nolan and I were in high school.

He had grown up a bit in the time I'd seen him last. He stood about 5'8", a couple of inches shorter than me, and despite a relatively scrawny build, had defined pecs and the outline of six pack abs. He probably weighed about 140lbs, with buzzed dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Unlike big brother Nolan, who shaved his chest, Luke's chest and belly were naturally hairless.

"Nolan tells me you're off to college in the fall, congrats dude! Between that and your big bro getting hitched, I'm feeling old."

"Thanks man. Yeah time does fly. How long you been in Cali now?"

"Three years this fall."

We chatted for a while, and it jarred me how much he'd matured since I'd seen him last. Of course, there were the physical things-- deeper voice, defined chest, the dark tufts of hair under his arms. But he had also developed mentally and emotionally-- we were able to drink a beer and have adult conversation in a way we hadn't ever before, which I appreciated.

"Alright, now that our Cali boy has arrived, we can get this party underway!"

It was Kyle, whose family owned the house, interrupting with a tray of tequila shots.

"Here's to Nolan confining himself to one pussy for all of time!"

The group laughed, and we all downed our shots. Luke's face morphed into a grimace at the taste of tequila, and I patted him on his bare back.

After the shot, I decided to take a quick dip in the ocean to rinse off from my flight, and Luke joined me. I'd never thought of Luke in a sexual way before, but I couldn't resist glancing at his wet board shorts as we splashed around. The fabric left a noticeable bulge where the shorts clung to his legs.

By the time we were back to the house, the volleyball game had morphed into beer pong. It'd been a while since I'd binge drank, but I was looking forward to getting drunk with this crew.

Luke and I partnered up for beer pong, and continued our conversation as we waited. We bonded over engineering-- I worked as a mechanical engineer, which is what Luke was planning to study at Georgia Tech.

"So a successful young engineer must be quite a catch. You dating anybody out there?" Luke asked with an innocent smile.

"Nah, nothing serious."

I wasn't certain if Luke knew that I was gay. I had come out to his brother and most others over a year ago, and I had assumed Nolan had mentioned it to the little bro. Thankfully, Nolan hadn't made a big deal of it, and our relationship hadn't changed significantly since I came out.

We got interrupted by our call to join the beer pong table, and as it turns out, Luke was a pretty good player. We won a few games in a row, getting increasingly buzzed, before being shown the door. People cycled on and off the table for a while, and as the sun started setting Nolan and a couple others were firing up the grill.

We chowed down on burgers and dogs, and then moved the beer pong game inside for better lighting as the sun set. The group was in varying degrees of sobriety at around 9PM when the doorbell rang.

"Shit, who would that be?" Nolan asked. A few of us exchanged glances, wondering if maybe a neighbor called the cops. Luke put away his beer.

Kyle, on the other hand, grinned widely.

"I've got it."

He opened the door, and three scantily clad girls and one beefy dude entered the foyer.

"Gentleman, the entertainment has arrived."

There was a mix of cheers and laughter, and Nolan turned red.

"You assholes! You ordered strippers?"

"Please, Nolan, adult entertainers," Kyle shot back with an even wider shit-eating grin.

The `entertainers' were given a room to get ready in, and we all grabbed a fresh beer and circled up in the living room to anticipate the show. Many of the guys still wore only their swim trunks or board shorts, though some had changed into other shorts or put shirts on. Nolan, never one to be shy, was shirtless and still wearing only his red swim trunks.

The beefy guy, working security, made a quick announcement.

"Okay, have fun fellas, and don't forget these ladies work on tips. I've got singles you can buy if you need them. Don't care if y'all drink but keep it under control. And oh," he said, motioning towards Luke, "I gotta see that one's ID `cause y'all gotta be 18 or older."

Luke blushed, and darted upstairs to grab his wallet. He'd thrown a tank on when he was there, and returned to present his ID.

"Appreciate it."

The show got underway shortly. Despite being gay, I called a large group of straight males my friends, so this wasn't my first strip show.

Various lap dances were provided to the attendees, myself included. I grinned and acted like I enjoyed it as one of the strippers rubbed her tits in my face. Luke, seated next to me, gladly accepted his lap dance, but soon looked equally uncomfortable.

Extra attention was of course centered on the groom to be, who was provided an extensive dance on the floor of the room. The two dancers sat him on his back and rubbed their tits on him to the beat of dance music. One of the highlights of the shows was the two dancers touching each other's pussies as they made out, all while straddling Nolan.

When the music eventually ended and the girls got off of him, he stood up to reveal an obvious semi tenting out the fabric of his shorts. In typical Nolan form, he made little effort to hide it.

"Nice woody Nolan, maybe if it was bigger she'd take you home!" called out one of his frat buddies, erupting the room with laughter.

Nolan, un-phased, pushed out his waist to further accentuate the tent, and fired back.

"Too bad your mom's already got it reserved!"

More laughter from the crowd. The show was over, so the entertainment was collecting their things as we returned to the previous party mode.

I continued drinking fairly aggressively, as did the rest of the guys. More tequila shots were had, and I for one was happy to return to drinking games with the bros once the strippers left.

"What'd you think of the show?" I asked Luke as we stood around, waiting to get on the beer pong table. I noted his arms, skinny but defined, as we chatted.

"Not bad. They seemed nice, but it was kind of awkward. Nolan seemed to have enjoyed himself."

We both gave a chuckle.

"What about for you," he asked back, "bunch of naked chicks rubbing themselves all over you didn't bother you?"

Luke was very drunk, more so than me, which was obvious from the slight slur in his speech.

"Nah man, women don't bother me. Just don't do much for me either."

"Fair enough."

There was a pause for a minute, and it seemed like something was on Luke's mind.

"Hey, I just wanna say," he began, "Nolan told me about things, you know, your, uh, `preference' and I just wanna say I think that's awesome and I'm really happy for you."

"Aw thanks Luke," I gave a big, genuine smile. "I really appreciate that."

I threw my arm around him in a half hug.

"You're going to make some guy very happy someday."

There was another pause for a bit, and as we stood there, we saw two of Nolan's frat brothers streak by the kitchen window, bare naked. Apparently strict rules were being played on the beer pong table-- not making it to the first re-rack required a naked lap, and this pair had been the first victims. Everyone laughed as they pulled their shorts back on over their circumcised dongs. Like virtually everyone at the party, both guys were fit and reasonably attractive, so I for one wasn't complaining about the rules adjustment.

I mingled around the party, chatting with various others. Nolan, obviously drunk, came up and threw his arm around me.

"Hey if it were up to me, there would've been a male stripper too, man! Equal opportunity."

We both thought about that and laughed, and then he clarified.

"Well, not because that's what I'm into. Dudes aren't my cup of tea. But it would've been something for you to look at!"

I laughed and told him I appreciated it. I decided not to mention that his party attendees, in various stages of nudity, were more than enough for me to look at. Regardless, it made me feel great that we could be open about my sexuality, and it hadn't changed things between us. We chatted for a bit about his fiancee he got pulled back to the table.

A while later, Luke and I made our return to the beer pong table. It was late in the evening-- I was pretty drunk and Luke was hammered, but still coherent enough to play. We were paired against Nolan and Kyle, who had won a couple of games in a row.

"Hope you're not feeling shy ladies," teased Nolan.

Luke shot back, "Yeah, yeah just fill the cups and try not to pop a boner."

I laughed. It was either the beers or the growing up, but Luke wasn't the timid little bro I remembered. He obviously could hang toe to toe with Nolan.

Our team got off to a good start; Luke hit his first cup after the incumbents missed both of their first balls. From there, things went south. After a couple of drained shots, sending the balls back for them, combined with several bad misses on our side, they were before long at their last cup while we had sunk only two.

Nolan drained the winning cup with ease, and then to add insult to injury, Kyle drained his shot as well to deny us even a rebuttal. A naked lap it was.

"Alright ladies, strip!" Nolan laughed.

I turned to Luke and we both shrugged.

"I guess we're doing this," I said.

I acted nonchalant, but of course a big part of me was excited to see Luke drop his shorts. While I'd seen Nolan naked many times, the same wasn't true for Luke. I pulled off my tank and board shorts, and stood nude in the kitchen. It was hot in the house, and my dick hung slightly left atop my low-hanging balls. I had a trimmed patch of dark pubic hair that was dampened with sweat.

Laughs and whistles came from the guys, and though slightly embarrassed, part of me was turned on that I was being checked out by the crowd.

Luke didn't make me wait. He was already shirtless, so he needed only to shed his board shorts, which he untied and dropped without hesitation. A lack of modesty ran in his family.

I couldn't resist a discreet glance towards Luke's midsection-- a skill I'd perfected in locker rooms and dorms throughout my life. Luke revealed an impressive wiener, both longer and thicker than mine, perched atop two heavy, low-hanging balls. He was uncut, like his brother, and his foreskin formed a miniature snout at the end of his dick. I estimated that his penis was similar in size to Nolan's, though Luke's certainly looked more impressive due to his smaller height.

His pubic area and balls were clean shaven, and his scrotum had the faintest shimmer of sweat from the humidity.

"Hey maybe when you're older you'll grow some pubes," Nolan teased his little bro.

"Very funny dickhead."

"Ready?" he asked, turning to me.

We made for the back door, and began a light jog around the house. I glanced over at Luke as we ran, and wondered if he snuck a peek at me. Being naked with him was a thrill, especially on the quiet backside of the house where it felt like just the two of us.

We ran side by side, so I got a view of Luke's thick wiener swaying from left to right as we went, sack flopping along underneath. What a sight! The lap finally ended, and we came back inside to get re-dressed.

"Where are our clothes?" Luke asked, annoyed, when we got back to the table.

"Not until you finish those beers you missed!" Nolan commanded.

It was a reasonable requirement, so neither of us protested. We were fully nude and the center of the party's attention as we divided up the beer and started chugging it down. I took a bit extra, as I knew Luke had already had more than enough to drink.

As we drank, I couldn't help but marvel of the sight of beer dripping down Luke's chin, and continuing its way down his smooth chest and tummy until it eventually arrived at his exposed dick and balls.

Once we finally completed our task, Nolan grabbed our clothes out of a cupboard and tossed them our way. Somewhat regrettably for me, Luke and I pulled our shorts back on to phantom 'boo's from the crowd.

By that point, I'd drank far too much, so that was the end of my beer pong for the evening. Some others continued on the table though, and there was even one more naked lap, which went one more pair of packages to steal glances of.

Before long, many of the guys started calling it a night or passing out. It was nearly 3am, and I was drunk and ready for bed. I went to take one more piss before heading up.

The bathroom door was closed, and I heard someone puking inside. I hadn't seen Luke in a while, so I immediately had a guess.

"That you Luke?" I asked.

"Yeah," came a muffled answer after some retching.

"Can I come in?"


Luke was on his knees hugging the toilet.

"Get it all out?"

"Not quite yet."

He retched again and puked some more into the toilet. I crouched down and rubbed his back. Eventually, he stopped and flushed the toilet.

"Feels better," he mumbled.

He spit in the sink and rinsed his mouth.

"Come on dude, let me help you up to bed."

He stumbled out of the doorway, and I threw my arm around his waist to stabilize him as we walked up to our room. I enjoyed feeling the warmth of his shirtless body as I led him upstairs.

"Thanks for taking care of me," he slurred as we reached the top.

"Of course."

When we entered the room and shut the door, Luke stripped off his board shorts to get ready for bed. He stood there naked and started rummaging through his bag, tossing things everywhere.

"What are you looking for man?"

"Just some undies. To sleep in."

"Those them right there?" I pointed towards a pile of clothes.

"Ah yeah."

He struggled to pull on a pair of tight fitting orange trunks, but finally did and collapsed into bed. He passed out on his back within seconds.

I shook my head, changed into a fresh pair of my own undies, and flicked off the light, passing out by his side.

Next: Chapter 2

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